DESCRIBE SALEM AREA Department of Agriculture 10 this treats Expensively Upon Meteorologi cal Conditions, Character of Soil and Mechanical Analyses of Same Also Supplemented With Maps and Tabu lated Data of Interest to All Valu zble to This Section as Advertising. A pamphlet has recently been issued by the United States department of ag riculture, which is of great interest and vast importance to the people of Salem and surrounding country, embracing an area covering 2S4 square miles. This pamphlet is issued in accordance with a joint resolution adopted by the Fifty sixth congress and approved March 14, 1904, which provides for the making pf a survey of the United States by sec tions and the publication of reports covering each section surveyed. The work is carried on under the auspices of the- department of agriculture, and is performed by the most competent en gineers. The survey of the Salem area, which I is treated in the pamphlet referred to.a population of but little more than - . . '.11 iiAA I tcr. . j. t . . was made by Charles A, Jensen late ia tue year vv , uuu we report nas but recently been issued. The work- is done by t7ie bureau of soils, and this pamphlet, which is illustrated with maps, showing the position- of the Sa km area and character of the soil, is well supplied with tables showing the temperature and precipitation and also the mechanical analyses of the differ ent soils. . m . fill I 1 t - .4 i About a uopen copies oi these re ports have been received by Secretary of Slate Dunbar. Mr. Dunbar volun teered to turn them over to The states man, where anybody who is interested enough in fhem to desire a copy 'may . pnx-ure one for, the asking. They are subject to distribution by the members of 'congress from this state, and any one eau secure as many copies as he stay wish, within reason, by either writing fit any of the Oregon senators or eongrcsHinen, or writing directly to the department of agriculture at Wash ington, I. C. . These reports show the true conditions, both as to climate and character of soil, of the country imme diately contiguous to Salem, and would prove excellent advertising material for distribution abroad. The; full text of th report is printed , herewith : Location and Boundaries of the Area. Tie Willamette valley i: located in the northwestern part of the state, ex tending from Portland on the north to some distance beyond Eugene on the (tonth, a distance of between 130 and 110 miles. It is traversed by the Vil lapfe rivcr The valley is bounded on the east by the Cascade mountains nt on the west by the Coast range. The area surveyed comprises a rectan gle, of riyht townships, two north and Houth and four east and west, contain ing 21 square miles, or lSl,.H2t acres, and includes a part of Marion and Polk counties. The center of the area is about north latitude It degrees 50 min utes and west longitude 123. degrees. Kalcm, the capital of the state, is in cluded . within the area. History and Agricultural Development. The first settlement in Oregon was made at -Astoria, at the mouth of the Columbia river, in 1811. The first set tlers supported themselves "by fishing and fur trading, meanwhile fighting tho CO 71 ZT A By Caution 2:25 IY1A Sunxhlne (?.) 2:lfi. Caution ' rtre was Electioneer, fire of 1(52 In the list and 93 dams of 131 latnelitt. Iliii sous have sired 1231 In tbelUt. FirKtdam Ouvi K , by Prism 17js fire of Frank M. 2:17'4. noaesty 22... Second dam bv Hawthorne KWtt. sire of Little Thorre (P) 27$. Backihorne 2:'SK, Frank b. (p) 2:U,'Matiiroon2:17!4. Tempest 2:19. Thorn wood 2:1V it, Capt. Thorns (p) 2;11J and fifteen other, and eifht damn of ten In the list. ; CO M4l hand tome blood bay with black points, IS 1 nsnds high, six yeaniold and trace to the very bent famtlte. Ha la a cloae, compactly built horae: a trotter w tb natural ftpeeil. lie reu a very uniform lot of colts, all pore gal ted, which may be seen at the fairgrouuds to will make the seaaon of 1W5 at the osaoow nm nut osorsos at S0. With VsmI Ktm PrJvllaft ; FPAl mares bred toco ma wilt be nominated la li $SUK Otmnn Fntnrity. which In rltilea veal's ubrltption to tha Kural Boirt. HOLMES FARM, Owser. kobt. stktson. Keeper, f air urounas, uregon. , - bcj.uiuw A War Map Free: We will give you a finely colored map of tho Orient, showing where the present -war is being fought, with all the names of tho towns of which we are reading every day, and also a complete map of Asia, free to each of our subscribers who will get us one now subscriber for three months, remitting us 25 cents. Hero is; a chance for tho children to get this map with little effort. The map Is 12x18 inches. Do this at once as we have only a limited number of them. TO (DILUD MdDMIIEi If you are going home-to 'your childhood's born this year, remember that the NORTHERN TACIFIO leads to ev erybody's home. , ' .... (.'... ' - You can go by way of St rani to Chicgy or St Iouis. and thence reach the entire East and South. Or, you can go to Duluth, and from there use either the rail linv or one of th, enperb Lake Stcaiacrd down the Jakes to Detroit, Cleveland Erie, and Buffalo tho Pan-American City. ? ? ( 1 Start right and you wiil prolwably arrl vo at your de?U- ia tion all right, and, to start right, use the Northern Pacific, and preferably the 'NORTH COAST LIMITED'? train, in service after MAY 5th. ! Any local agent will name rates. ; A. D. CHARLTON "ut",t Issues Pamphlet Valuable Section Anajans. Astoria was foan.M bj Inr companies, and fur trading was the principal industry for a number of years,. ami wa .-confiaed to the region along the Colombia river' and the coast. Not until many years' after the t first settlement waa the interior sufficiently explored to encourage agricultural set tiers to make their homes there. - " Originally the territory of Oregon was considerably larger than the pres ent boundaries of the state, including all the- country north of latitude 42 de-grees--the present southern boundary of the state and 'west of the Rockies, comprising the present states of Ore gon," Washington and Idaho, and parts of Wyoming and Montana. The popu lation of all this territory was but 13, 294 in 1830. Territorial government was granted in Oregon in 1843, and in 1859 the state was admitted into the Union. ' A Methodist mission was established on the present site of Salem in 1839, and the town of Salem was incorporat ed in 1843, and was shortly thereafter selected as the eapital. ,- . j. ' WitE but thirteen settlements in the territory in 1838. which included the large area above mentioned, and with 13,000 in 1850. it must be seen that the building up of the state went on very rapidly, after a start had been made, the population in 1900 being about 413, 000. - The mild winters and the luxuriant growth of grass in the hills were early incentives to stock raising, which was the pursuit mostly followed by the first settlers. This was supplemented to a small eitent by farming. As usual in the pioneer life of the west the search for mineral treasures was one of he motives for eiploration of the state. Oregon Is not, however, important as a mineral producing state. Climate. The climate of that part of the Wil lamette valley surveyed is humid, though the summer months are compar atively dry. The annual normal precip itation at Salem is 45.18 inches. Of this, only 4.31 inches fall during the months of June, July, August and Sep tember. As the heavier rainfall occurs during winter and early spring, crops during their growing season arc well supplied vvifii moisture. This, together with the moisture-retaining capacity of the soils especially the "prairie" soil insures sufficient moisture for plant growth. Great variation is shown in the date of the last killing frost in spring. At Salem it has varied irom March 2i to June 6, since 1893. - The climate is greatly influenced by the Cascade mountains, which often receive consid erable snow during the winter, thus causing late and cold spring seasons in the valley. This probably accounts for monthly killing frosts at Silverton for a number of years. This town is located about two miles north of the northeast corner of the area surveyed, being - considerably nearer ' the moun tains than Salem. These late frosts have sometimes done considerable dam age to fruit. The winds are light in the valley, very seldom causing and trouble. Tho hills andthe large amount of growing timber on these and on. the prairie lands furnish admirable natural wind breaks for orchards. The following table shows the nor mal monthly and annual temperature and precipitation at Salem. The first column denotes the number of degrees Aire of Francisco 2:t2, 2 Oveta 2:l.V. John Edison 2:1. Kitty Caution 2:Z.H. Juniper 2:22. 8nHm 2:2I$. Lady Careful 2:26, felteM 2:25, Baby Ruth 2:2, .Electrophone 2:29. and the dams c-f OlUa M.3:m' Helen Norte 2:li, Belladt 2:19. Oregon THE? Fahrenheit - and the second column the number of inches: , Tempera- Precipi ' ' ' : ' , :' : ' ; ture, tat ion. January 40.7 6.15 February ... 42.9 L 4.17 March . 45.8 ' 4.61 April 49.8 4. 07 May S5.9 3.42 June ................ 61.3 1.47 July 65.7 - .28 August .............. 65.9 .65 September 60.1 ' . 1.94 October ......,."..;... 52.3 3.62 November ............ 47.4 8.18 December 42.5 6.62 For the year.....V 52.5 45.18 The following gives the dates of the latest and earliest lulling frosts in Sa lem, the first date mentioned designat ing the last frost in the aprinz and the second one the first frost in the fall: 1893 April 17, October 13. 1894 May 9, October 11. 1896 April 15, November 20. 1897 March -30,Octdber 15. 1898 April 19, November 12. . 1899 June 6, Oetober 13. 1900 April 15, October 13. 1901 March 24, December 12. Physiography and Geology. The Cascade and Coast ranges are geologically recent, and the valley it self more recent than either. The Cas cade mountains appeared at the close of the Cretaceous period, and, together with the Sierra Nevada, formed a sea dike, which shut in an enormous lake on the east with the Blue mountains as an' island. Siskivon mountains in South. ern Oregon were formed at the same f time as the Rlne monntains. and the time as the Blue mountains, and these mountains, then islands, were the first land areas in the west. At the begin ning of Tertiary time Eocene the Coast range was elevated above the sea, forming an immense bay between this and the Cascade, range to the east, which extended from the Siskiyou mountains on the south to considerably beyoffd the present mouth of the Co lumbia river on the north. This bay formed, geologically, the outline of the Willamette valley, and remained in this state through the middle. Tertiary pe riod. Jn the Pliocene period the valley was freed of its water and became ex posed land, but. was again submerged during the Cbamplain period, when John iay la:o and its sister lakes were formed in the "northwest. The Eocene and Miocene beds are very tossiliferous, containing loth land and water species, which indisputably attest the ages of the rocks. The rocks from whieh the soils were formed- the weathering of whieh pre sumably took place during the Miocene period consist of sandstone, argilla ceous and schistose rocks, and a close grained, heavy bluish basalt, the lat ter having been intruded during the. extensive northwest lava flows and vol canic, eruptions. These lava flows are more recent than the rocks, which are often found capped by basalt. A com paratively large proportion of iron is contained in the basalt, and there is also considerable iron in the sandstone, which causes the characteristic red color of the soils on the hills. Willie geologically the Willamette valley extends from the Cascades on the cast to the Coast range on the West, physiographically this is hardly so. The valley proper is comparatively, narrow, consisting of a level area which varies in width from a few rods to thir teen miles in tha area surveyed. Be yond this level area, which extends along the Willamette river, is a series of hills, varying in Itfight from about fifty feet to probably 400 or 500 feet. The extreme altitude in the area, sur veyed does not exceed 800 or 1000 feet. The altitude at Salem is about 200 feet. These hills occasionally reach to the river, cutting off entirely the level eountry along the stream. -Willamette river and Mill creek un doubtedly occupied the entire level areas along their respective courses in earlier times, and these areas have! since been filled up to their present level with soil transported from the hills. The slopes of the hills are generally not to great for cultivation, excepting the front slopes facing the level vai lev and those along the creek channels. Outcrops of basalt, and, more rarely, sandstone often occur on the slopes of the creek channels, but generally speak ing the hills themselves are quite free from rocks. Soils. But four types of soil were recog nized in the area, viz., Salem loam, Salem claj. Salem gravelly loam and Salem sandy loam. The following ta ble snows the absolute and relative ex tent of these soils: Acreage of Different Soils. Acres. Salem clay 86.400 Salem liam 78,656 Salem gravelly loam .... . 13,120 Salem sandy loam...... 3,048 P.C 47.5 43.3 7.2 2.0 Total .1S1,H21 .... Salem Loam. The surface soil of the Salem loam consists of from eighteen to twenty four inches of brown to black loam, the color at the surface being darker on account of the presence of consid eiable organic ; matter. The surface foot is often very silty. From a depth of eighteen to twenty-four inches down to three feet the soil is a. .yellowish or red clay loam or clay, the texture becoming heavier with the depth. Th third foot is often mottled gray and yellow. his fype occupies the level areas of the valley and generally ex tends some distance up the slopes of the hills. Its topography is level or gently rolling. The native forest growth is 'mainly oak and Douglas spruce, with ash. birch and alder. The soil is formed almost entirely from the trans ported material brought down f ronv the hills by rains and flood streams. The original materials from which the soil is formed are a close-grained basalt, and to some extend "sandstone and schist. The soil is easily tilled, but if cultivated while too wet it forms a hard crust. : . f "A ' , '' ' 'A; few : areas occur as lowlands or badly drained areas, in which ithe sub soil is invariably yellow or gray and usually clayey ia texture. These areas occur usually in swales or along natur al'depressions which receive the under drairiage from the higher or lying lands. The . soil in snea places is only a phase of the type proper, there be ing not 'sufScient difference , to warrant its classification as a. new type. , As. would natuiy Jbsexpectedthe dissolved, organic matter sinks into, the ground more readily " in these low places, causing deoxidation of the large amounts of ferrie oxides in the type proper and giving rise to the yel low or gray color of the subsoil. Where some of these areas have been drained the color of the subsoil is the typical red. These areas need .artificial drainage, ano in most eases this can be supplied with comparative ease. Ik .their pres ent state they have but little agricul tural value and are generally used for pasturage. ' . The Salem loam is well adapted to hops, grain and small fruits. Fifteen hundred pounds of hops per acre is con sidered fair yield, while wheat pro duces from twenty-five to thirty bush els, and oats from thirty-five to sixty bushels per acre. It would also seem to be a good celery sojL . ' Salem Clay. The Salem clay consists of from twelve to fifteen inches of reddish yel low loam, underlain to three feet by a clay loam or clay of the same color. The reddish' yellow color even extends into the ' partially ' decomposed Underly ing rocks from .which the soil is de rived. ;' The type is located on both sides of the "prairie" or level valley soil (Salem loam) and consists of a series of rolling hills, which vary ia height irom about fifty feet to 400 or 500 feet. The front slopes of these: hills that is, the slopes facing the level lands, are often too steep for cultivation, as are also the creek channel slopes, but in the hill area itself .the slopes are rare ly too steep lor 'agricultural purposes, Very rarely is a level area found in this type. Bock outcrops often occur on the steeper slopes' and those along the creek channels, but jelsewhere they are not common, and such as do occur are hot of sufficient extent seriously to interfere with cultivation. These roll ing hills arc intersected by many creeks, both perennial' and intermit tent. .With the exception of a few low-lying areas . along creek channels this type is wellJ drained. It has been formed in sitn from the decomposition and weathering of the underlying sand stone, argillaceous and schistose rocks, and a dense, close-grained basalt. All the exposed rocks on which the weath ering effect could be noticed were found to contain a large amount of iron, and a magnet could bo - quickly covered with soil particles any place along the road. Often beds sf iron, oxides were noticed in wheel ruts after rains," and the universal red cojor of these soils is due to the presence of this mineral. It nearly always shows itself iu crev ices and joints, where weathering first begins. . Mp'N , 'Washing and gullying3, of the soil andi the leachipg away of plant food are very- 'effectively -pwjeente! - by: the na tive forest growth .oJC, Douglas spruce, oak, maple and alder, and the dense growth of un.rb rush, grass and fern. The Dousglas spruce is the predomi nating tree in the forests, The crops grown pn this soil type are wheat, oats, tree fruits such as apples, prunes andpVach'es--arid hops. The latter are grown to a limited ex tent, and the crop is not so common on this soil as on the 'prairie" and river bottom lands. The quality, however,, is usually superior to that of the hops grown on the lower lying soils. Hop? grown on these red "hills are not sub ject to mold or to attacks from insect enemies to sucn an extern as tney are on the soils aTT lower elevations. On the other hand, the reddish yellow loam does not produce as large yields nor quite so large a hop as does the. sandy loam along the river. When, however, it is considered that sometimes an en tire crop on the river soils is destroyed by mold, and that -in any event they have to be picked while yet green, there does not appear to be much ad vantage In hop' growing on the sandy loam. A better quality of grain, especially of wheat, it is claimed, can be produced on the Salem clay than on the'"prai- rie" soil. Prunes, the special fruit crop in the valley, do better on this type than on the Salem loam. A very fair price has hitherto been ' obtained for this fruit, and many orchards have been stt out. The average yields of wheat and oats arc said to be from twenty-five to thirty bushels and from thirty to sixty bushels per acre, respectively, when the soil is in good condition. Hops average about 1200 pounTTs per acre. The net profit for fruit is stated to be from $50 to $70 an acre. Salem Gravelly Loam. The soil of the Salem gravelly loam consists of black or brown loam of the same character as the Salem loam, in termixeH with gravel varying in' size from fine gravel to stones two or three inches in diameter. The gravelly loa'nt varies, in depth from a few .inches to several feet, the gravel content in creasing in the lower depths and the whole resting on a bed of waterworn gravel. The type is located on Mill creek, forming a strip a little more than a mile wide along that stream. Occasional small areas adjoining the creek consist entirely of gravel, being merely a river wash, but with these exceptions the soil is of considerable value. The area is level and is intersected by an occasional water channel. Some portions of the type, near the ereek and small channels, are poorly drained, but as a ''general thing the natural drain age is goodl The origin of the loam of , this type is the same as that jof the Salem loam transportation of soil from the high er lying lands by rain and flood streams while the gravel has been carried in by the creek, which formerly occupied a much larger area than it does now." The natural growth is scrub oak, birch, alder and underbrush. ,'; Where not too gravelly the soil is adapted to grain and fruit, and large areas are used as pasture. ...,) .,' : ' Wr '. Salem Sandy Xioam, ' . y The Salem sandy loam consists of about twelve inches of medium tex: tared brown sandy loam, underlain to a depth of three feet ITy a coarse sandy loam, whieh "Usually grades into sand and gravel. The surface foot generally contains "considerable 1 organie matters This soil type occupies the lower, over flowed areas along the liver, .The areas are level, and are intersected by a few shallow channels,, which - generally ex pose the . upnderlying graveu : Gravel rarely , reaches the surface in other , MILLER . Owing to pie great demand, for cutting and fitting of garments and the unprecedented sales in our wash goods, silk and dress goods departments we have prevailed upon these artists to remain with us dur ing this week. As an extra inducement we offer their services f ree of charge to every one buying their, ma terial here at 50 cents per yard or more. ; MeiVs GlotKes Oour stock presents! satisfying vari ety in both fabrics and price . ranges. Every suit: is made over a'carcfully de signed model. Each Coat has the most handwork that its price can afford; and the better grades leave little that the best tailors could improve, even when paid double the price. . See these new things; yon 11 be satisfied.) , S10 to $25 Jewels ; Necklaces and neck pendants in all wanted stones. All sizes and ew shades are represeted in this collection. 25c to $1.50 tm fzzfm t&xzizn' Kxn, liters places. This type is well drained when the river is down to. its normal stage, but 'during nigh water the areas are sometimes flooded to a depth of several feet. This is also the case with the Salem loam, which occupies : much 6f the river bottom land. Owing to the porous nature ox the sandy loam, to gether with the underlying gravel bed, the flooded areas soon drain off. and dry. The type owes its origin to river ueposit uunng nign water, lne na tive growth consists of Douglas spruce, subsoil which has been formed by eon oak, heavy underbrush and grass. ) tinued shallow plowing. A clover This type forms the best truck soil j Mammoth would probaSTy be suited to in the area, to which use it is put to the climate could be sown With spring a small extent, but the principal crop 'grain, thereby avoiding a year's loss grown on it is hops. Some grain is j of the land. As clover will not do well also raised. By tar the heaviest yields j without the presence of the nutrifying of hops are obtained on this type, but ' bacteria, it would pay even to Inocu unfortunately the hops and vines are late small portions of a field with soil more subject to AliscaHC on this type," from a clover field on the 'prairie" than on any other in the area. The fre- land, where clover does well, provided quent fogs, along the river cause con- these bacteria are" not' present in the siderable trouble by -producing a mold, i red hill soils. xIied clover, Mammoth which seriously affects the "quality r' of, clover, Alsike clover, vetch ana field the crop, and sometimes even complete- j peas are all excellent for such a soil, ly destroys it. L'sually, too, the crop The clovers are especially jood for im- must be picked before the hops are en tirely ripe. Insect enemies are more numerous here than 'elsewhere.' .' The latest to become plentiful enough to endanger the industry is a Worm which lwres Into the roots about ' six inches below the surface, causing either the entire loss ot the vine, or at best the crop for that year. As high as 3000 pounds of hops per acre arc claimed for the sandy loam, : but the average yield is considerably less. On account of the good prices obtained during the last five . years, and especially. In 1902-3 a large numlkr of hop yards have been set out in the area surveyed. Agricultural Methods. The original growth on much of the soil types in the area surveyed con sisted of. Douglas spruce, oak, alder and heavy underbrush, Die, clearing of which necessitated considerable work, The timber areas 'are "Usually pastured, and while this is not relied upon for clearing away the underbrush prepare tory to clearing. It reduces the labor considerably. , The timber after being felled is cut info post, cord wood or poles, according to kind and use. On many of these areas the stumps - are lrf t standing for a number of years, awaiting the slow process of decay, and the land is pastured in the mean time. This requires six to eight years for Douglas spruce from eight to twelve inches in diameter. For larger stumps dynamite Is used. This method of clearing is slow, and.wTTen the land is to be cropped as soon as possible the stumps are grubbed and pulled. Lit tle or no stump pullinjr machinery Is used. The land thus cleared, both in the case of the hill soils and of the prairie soils, is in a very good condi tion, both mechanically and chemical ly, and yields excellent crops.: The practice of planting one crop on the same piece of laad year after yeal is much too common in the Salem area. The writer was shown many fields which had been sown to wheat or oats for from ten to twenty years, with no alternation of erojs and no rest except an occasional summer fallowing. This conitnued growing of one' crop tends to deteriorate the soils and to decrease the yields. ." The soils of the area, especially the Salem clay and Salem loam, are well adapted to the' pro'duction of the ce reals. When the yields show consider able decrease the Usual practice is . to let the land lie fallow for a season. In faet. it seems that about half of the land under cultivation is in this condi tion. The land Ta then planted - td grain crops. It is admitted that sum- mcr fallowing brings belter yields in mediately, afterwards. The gain, how ever, is more than the offset by the losses ia having the land entirely idle during the whole year, bringing no re turn on the investment, in the washing of hilTy areas, which is necessarily "con siderable on the steep. slopes of the hill soils in a region where Che normal annuar rainfall is forty-five inches, and in the depleting of organie matter and humus.' ' -1 A good "system of. rotation would greatly Tmprove fhese conditions. Dif ferent plants have different feeding depths and exert different influences on the soil constituents, flotation "pro duce the destruction of weeds ad checks the' increase of insect enemies, and is the means of greatly improving the physical condition of heavy or poorly cultivated soils. The soils ' in the area, especially the red hill soils, are in need of such .improvement, Ce- reals, cultivated crops, humus-producing & MILLER I ilOBH To encourage and promote morning , buying, to equalize the rush of afternoon shopping which at times is almost more than our large force can handle we institute - in the morning, and every morning this' week, a three-hour" sale which in scope and effect covers every aiticle in the establishment, ex cept contract and special sale goods, at sweeping reductions, bale begins at 9 a m and closes at 12 noon. Anticipate your needs and supply them in the uiornin: so alternated that summer fallowing and humus-consuming crops could be could be done away with. Clover would be an excellent crop for the red hill soils, though it is claimed that the crop cannot be grown on fftese soils. As the crop has not been given a fair trial, this conclusion is prema ture. In the first place the soil should 1k given a deep plowing; in fact, sub soiled, in onlfr to break up and bring to the surface the heavy, close-textured proving tho physical condition of the soil, and all of the leguminous crops are well known lor their assimilation ' of atmospheric nitrogen, through' which process they greatly enrich tho soil with tkik valuable constituent. As these soils are well drained-f-a requi site for good, stands of : clover there ought to be little difficulty In keeping leguminous . crops in good condition, ;ucc they are well started. What has been said about summer fallowing and the consequent condition of the soil applies, though to a less ex tent, to the well cultivated orchards. These are aosolutely bear during the whole year, j and are subject to exten sive washing during the fall and win ter. . There f can be little doubt that winter cover crops would be beneficial to the orchards if sown during the late summer or early fall. They would check the Jate growth ot the trees in the fall, causing them to mature ear lier and to be in better condition for the winter, while the loss of organie matter by rain wash would be greatly checkedr They would also improve the moisture-holding capacity of the soil by the incorporation of additional or ganic matter. If the crop proved large in old apple orchards it could be pas tured during late fall and winter, In which case little would be taken from the soil, but In plum or peach orchards or young orchards of any I kind pastur ing is impracticable. Cover crops would need to be plowed under in the spring, and this should be done at such a time aa to keep the 'growth of the trees checked until dan ire r of frosts' is past. Clover, vetch, wrinter rye, field peas, buckwheat, etc, arc all good crops for this purpose. Of course, the prac tice of covcr,cropping orchards in win ter should be carried on with sufficient moderation to prevent excessive accu mulation of organie matter in the soil, which has a tendency to unduly devel op the woody portion of the tree at the expense of the fruiti ' It is not the purpose of the writer to detract from the importance of .keep- inz the orchards well cultivated dur ing spring and summer, which is abso lutely necessary in order to keep ids trees in the best condition for fruiting. Especially is this important 'during the first few years oi the lire oi me tree, in order to encourage deep rooting. Durinsr this early period of growth tu ber and root crops Can well be grown as secondary crops. ,.':.. Agricultural Conditions. Generally speaking, the farmers of the area are energetic, thrifty and prosperous. They have a good idea of the value ot things, and it is seldom one sees farm implements standing about exposed to the weather. Fairly good houses and, farmyard buildings are seen, and the community in gen eral appears to be prosperous. . ! The create r number of the farms are operated by their owners, a f ew are' run by managers, and a few are rented. 2So statistics by counties were available, but 82.2 per cent of the farms of the state are operated by the owners. A few Chinese carry on truck growing, and some also own and , successfully operate hop and fruit jarms. A few Indians and negroes, also are engaged in agriculture ia the area surveyed. The average size of farms i a Ma rion county, in which most of the area surveyed is located, is It acres, while the average size in Polk county is 216 acres. This, however, includes twith im proved ahT) unimproved, land. For im proved land the average is seventy-two acres for Marion county and 108 acres V71& Stirrlnii l Specials in Dress Goods Beginning ia the morninr; we make price concessions in wanted anil de pendable dress goods such as will speedily clear our sh .Ives. These for this week ITTTEX i tttc 1.00, $1.23 and $1.50 values in.' BIACK DRESS GOODS 78c yd. 1.25 Fancy Knob and ftripe Voiles ia light shades. Newest au. I best effects. - - 98c yd. 50c and Coc Fancy Liiren; " lUamine suiting 35c 30e and . 35e values In Figured Fancy Sateen 15c $125 Embroidered - dot Brllliantincs. All wanted colors 95c 60c New spring and summer Suitings 45c Boxbay' Nevcrfear Guarantee Silk 68c $l.(X and 1. 25 Newest effects in spring fci'lks 78c I for Folk county, the balance leing mostly : timber land, including a little waste or worthless land.. There are in ntv o;-.l farma and in Folk" county 11H2," practically all of which have buildings on them. There has Keen a heavy immigration to North west Oregon during the last year or two. and this will ouicklv iuereasc the area of improved land, a tho immi grants consist chiefly of the farming class. I There is a good demand for timber, mainly spruce, ia the form of", cord wood,(ss that is practically the only fuel used in Northwestern Oregon. It is used by all the public institutions as well as by private families, and tho Southern Pacific uses it altogether on its engines in Oregon. The price of second growth spruce cut into cord wood four feet long is-from 3 to .t.50 a cortl; original growth, from-3.25 to $4.50, and oak about 50 cents a cord more than spruce. Souio lumber is cut in the area surveyed. These timber areas are of valuo not onTy for the wood, but also for pastur age, and most of the farmers havo small flocks of sheep or goats. The raising of mohair is quite a local in dustry, and considerableWapital is in vested In St. .Small herds of dairy cat tle are also common. The price of land depends, of course; on whether it js improved ior uot that is. whether it is cleared of timber. The "prairie" soil, as the Salem loam is locally called, brings from 25 to 50 an acre if improved, while the hill soils are held practically at tho same price7 if the land Ts'nof very rough, although owing to steep slopes, rock outcrops, etc., the average price for the latter is less. than for the Salem loam. Ruhy and uncleared land brings from $10 to $1 an acre. The. vallev, is well known for the ex cellent quality . of its farm products, especfslry wheat, apples and prunes. The hops are of -fairly good quality, and those grown on the higher lying lands, away, from the direct influence of the river, are oi exceptional quality. The adaptation of soils to crops is quite well recognized, as much or. per haps more than is the esse in most ag ricultural communities, though it seems probable that hops could le more gcn e rally grown on tho red hills than at present. Transportation facilities are good (hat is, there are many railroad sta tions convenient for the farmers. The wagon roads are, however, by no means good, and especially is this true of tho roads in the hill-country. Practically no. gravel is used, and the soil in tho "prairie" country soon cuts up badly, while in the hills poor grades and rock outcrops cause Trouble. Three lines of che Southern Pacific railroad syitteni traverse the , area surveyed, running north and south, the main ovcrlsndline passing through Salam and one running east and another west of that place. These lines all run directly to Portland, fifty miles north of Salem, and as it is a central market and large distributing point both by water and rail, the far mers get gooo nei ffriees ior meir pro ducts. The Willamette river, on the ank of which Salem is situated, t is navigable as far south as Corvallis, fur nishing good local transportation facil ities. Daily steamcrji run between Portland and Corvallis. DR. G. GEE 1700 This wonderfui Chines doc t of ia esJMa great . be h cures peo ple without opera. tlon that axe given to to die. lie cure 1 WjritdjL.w' With tho wonder- ftti Chines toerto, roots, buds, bark and, ve-tablea, that ax entirely un known" to mcfl science in this coun try. Tbrougax the us of these harm lees remedies, this famous doctor knows the auction of over tOO different remedle w4ilcSj he snsooaesfully uaes In different dlseaaea. H am ar an tees to cur catarrh, asthma, " lung;, throat, rtieumatlsTn. "nervousness, stomach. kidney, bladder, female- trouble, lost manhood, all private diseases; has hundreds' . of testimonials. Chsjrg moderate. , - - Call axsd see blm. Consultation fre. Patient out of the dty write for lank and. circular. ' Enelc mt sm p. Address) The C. Gee T7o Chinese lie !!- tins Co., 'Z'V'.-Z'A A! W ft., Forthc ! Oregon, HenUcn t-!s raj?, .' rv