Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, April 28, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Charlea p. Spaulding Logging Com
pany of Newberg Takes Orer J
Property." , i -
Deal Incltidcs Sawmill, With Machin
ery, Eight and Appurtenances nfl
Approximately 4000 Acres of Valua-
muvc mum. OB MKXUUBQve, i
IN IT? -
Stott's Emulsion is a care
ful blend of the purest cod
liver oil, hypophosphites of
lime and soda, glycerine and a
dash of flavoring. The com
bination of these valuable
ingredients emulsified as in
Scott's Emulsion represents
the greatest remedy yet dis
covered for weak lungs, poor
blood, 1 ow vitali t y, child
weakn e s sand all wasting
diseases. v
:' WVUsa4)Ms staple, free
SCOTT & BOW NE, 409 Pari St, Kw Tot
(From Wednesday's Daily.) J :
deal was praetieally consummated
evening; bj which the Capital
T I ! It ' . - - '
au.rng vompany munma all of nBto any ofcer nntlertakinjf. lie would
Jta property and interest! in thiai city I not aay as to whether or not he would
and elsewhere fo the Charles K. Spa old- return to the lumber business wjien he
ing "Logging Con.rsny of A'ewbcrr Ajot ready to get Into the harness
ri. t ": . ! - f x 9, m- mm
doubtless engage in some enterprise in
the remote future.
Or., for consideration approximating
' 1200,000. This includes the' r eawmill
jjm,. ngms anu interests here and
: about 4000 acres of timber land on the
Luekiamute river in Polk county. Al
though the aefaal transfer has ot
leen made, it is quite' probable that
the papers will be drawn up and signed
today, thus completing the deal.' )
The Charles iK. Spaulding Company
already owns and operates a large saw
mill plant at Newberg, with a daily
capacity of 75,000 feet of lumber per
day of ten""hours, and two river steam
ers, the Orey Eagle and City of En
gene. They also own in the neighbor
hood of 12,000 acre of valuable tim
ber land on the Luekiamute, and the
taking over of the Capital Lumbering
Company's interests will increase their
daily output of lumber to 125,000 eet
and their timber acreage to approxi
mately 15,000, making one of the larg
, est lumbering and logging institutions
in the state.
To Be Worked Steadily.
' The Capital Lumbering Company, of
which A. N. and C. B. Moore have
been, the principal parties in interest,
has been in existence here for the past
twenty-five years, during which time
the plant has been (built up from a lit-
. tie one-horse sawmill to one of the
largest and best equipped , plants ; in
the state, and it is capable of turning
put lumber of all sizes, varieties and
grades. The output has been increased
gradually until it is one of the most
profitable institutions of its character
on the coast The Spaulding . Com
pany 's sawmill plant at New berg is
largor and has a greater daily 'capacity
han the local plant, and it is kept in
steady operation the year around,
while the Salem mills have been oper
ated but about four months in the year
of late. It is said that it is the in
tention of the new management, to
keep the mills in steady operation and
employ about seventy-five men every
working day. in the year,- .
The deal has been pending for sev
eral weeks, or. months, but it was. only
brought to a- practical conclusion yes
terday afternoon and last' evening.
President Charles K. Spaulding and
Secretary and Treasurer B. C. Miles of
the Spaulding Logging Company . and
their legal representative, Franklin L.
Griffith, en n,c up from Oregon City
and Newberg, respectively, yesterday
morning and at once entered into ne
gotiations, which were brought' to a
final conclusions last night, with th
exception of the drawing up and sign
ing of the papers, which will take
place today. Attorney George ; O.
Bingham of this city represents the
' Cupital Lumbering Oompany's inter
ests in the transaction.
Other Purchases Contemplated.
It is said that this is only one of
themany moves in contemplation . by
the Spaulding company, which owns
, extensive property in this and other
counties, including water frontage on
the Willamette river here, and the par
ties who are interested in the com
pany own and control extensive water
power rights on Che Santiam river, all
of which will be developed in j due
course of time. The interests behind
' the company are of the most progres-
' sive in the state, and tbey give prom
ise of figuring prominently in the fu-
lure development of the industries ' cf
' the Willamette vallev. all of wmch
will be to the direct benefit of f this
city and immediate vicinity. j
When seen last evening, after j the
' meeting with the representatives ; of
the Spaulding company, Mr. Ai N.
Moores stated that he was not in a po
sition to make a statement at 4 that
time, although he virtually confirmed
the report, but said faat the transfer
had not been made absolute as j yet.
Mr. Moores has been . connected j with
the Capital mills for the past twenty
five yea'rs, and the present prosperity
of the plant is due to his personal en
ergy and zeal in the promotion of its
interests. lie figures that he is now
entitled to a brief rest .from hi - ar
duous labors and elose confinement 10
business, and while he will not retire
from - business altogether, it will prob
ably be si months "before he ventures
'I 1. . ' ' ' . . . - - - S .......l , I ...1 .ML. , . 1 " ' - '
I . l :
Hyman Stern Says Be Recognizes
Neither Show Olrl Nor Her K
. atlves as Purchasers, i
Prosecution Closes Case This Noon
Defense Will Open Tomorrow Riot
ous Scenes at Opening " of Trial
Women Fight Police and ralnt.
A. Aired Meets With Painful Acd-
dent. While Slashing Brush on
Claggett Place. - J -
While slashing brush upon the W. D.
"Claggett plaee, four miles north of this
eity Tuesday afternoon, S. A, Aired
slashed his left foot 'so severely that
he will not be able to regain the use
of - it for several . weeks. In fact, ! it
canfe near being so serious as to make
a cripple of him thto balance ef his nat
ural life. ' i - :
He was working in close, quarters
and had encountered an exceptionally,
tough growth of brush. He made a
vicious stroke at it, when his slash
in.hook glanced of f and struck his
left' foot, almost severing his great
toe f rom ,tfie foot. The leader of ra is
great toe was completely -m severed,
making the wound an extremely pain
ful one, and he will probably lose the
use of that member forever. The cut
was so serious as to require fifteen
stitches to draw the flesh together, the
operation being performed by the phy
sician at the Chemawa Indian school.
They Want to Be Consulted Before the
Contract Is Let for Survey Do Not
Like the Commission That1 Has ! the
Matter in Charge.
COBVALLIS, April 26. Five pspmi
nent Corvallis taxpayers retained an at
torney yesterday to apply for an in
junction to prevent a special committee
of the city . counel from contracting
with Engineer Miller of Athena, Or., t-
riTSke a preliminary survey and esti
mate cost of construction of the pro
posed mountain water system for this
city. The impending legal battle is a
result of the peculiar provision made
by the last legislature for the handling
of Corvallis' water affairs. Passage of
an ordinance authorizing the counci
eommittee to contract with Mr. Miller,
was passed Monday night, but only af
ter a heated discussion.
The last session of the legislature au
thorized Corvai.i to issue $75,000
bonds to build and equip the water
system. Nine leading ; citizens were
named in the bill as the water commis
sion. Five of these were - Democrats
and four Republicans, but as the ery of
politics wss immediately raised by the
Republicans of the city, another Repub
lican was added, increasing the com
missioners to ten. May 19 this bill wl
become a law, and these commissioners
will then call an election on the bond
issue. A. majority of the citizens fa
vor the mountain , water svstem and
municipal ownership of it. Some of the
conditions of this act ' are considered
repugnant. It is porovided that this wa
ter commission be- perpetual. Upon the
death or resignation of one pf its mem
bers, the others meet and select his
successor. The commission, In addition
to constructing the water system, is em
powered to appoint four men from
among its own number to manage the
water works-and control its finance,
and should one of , this board of man
agers die or resign, it fills such vaeanev
by appointing one of its number.
s LAHORE, India, April 26. Within a
region of 700,000 square miles, contain
ing 450,000 population, every building
has eollapsea er been rendered' unin
habitable by the recent earthquakes
and the deaths will exceed 15,0O0, ac
cording to the, governor of Tunjab.
'. NEW YORK, April 2C.-i.The, climax
in the prosecution of Nan; Patterson
was reached today when Hyman Stern,
a pawnbroker, - failed to identify J .
Morgan Smith as the man to whom he
sold the pistol with which Young was
killed. This feature bad been looked
forward to with much interest, and it
was expected to make somewhat of a
sensation. On the contrary, however,
it caused but a riDDle of comment and
surprise in the court room, although it
was the dramatic moment of the trial.
Stern also failed to identify. Nan Pat
terson" or Mrs. Smith as the woman who
accompanied the man that purchased
the revolver. Smith had been brought
from the jail to confront Stern, and
after the latter's testimony Smith Was
taken' back to the Tombs. '
Riotous scenes attended the opening
of the court room for the afternoon
PHHion. Women and men fouzht to get
past thepolice. Several women fainted-J
.1 lio.l 4 ti a i . lrnsaafi trim ' V I
.Throughout the entire day Nan Pat
terson followed the - testimony wih
more intense interest than on the previ
ous days, and when adjournment was
announced she caressed her father and
remarked: "I think this has been a
good day for me." i
Only two witnesses for the prosecu
tion, . Caesar Young's "widow and his
racing partner, John Milieu, remained
to be; examined when the trial ad
journed this afternpon.
Prosecutor Rand announced that by
noon tomorrow the state will elose its
case. Abraham Levy, senior counsel
for th defense, will then ask for an
adjournment for a day, and if his re
quest is granted, the openine speech
for the defense will be made Friday.
T.-p.WTmTTlf:: A nril 2fl. Warm
l. .1 v a n a n n.illl. mdxm 1
There wiH be no" memorial service
in the W. O. W. hall at Lewisburg
next Sunday owing to the inability of
the committee to secure a speaker.
Mrs. J. Whiteside is quite sick. Dr.
Brooks is in attendance.
Mrs. 3. H. Patton is still very low.
A picnic will toe given By the camp
and circle of this place in the grove
at the Victor Point school house on
the last Friday in May. cf forts will
be made to secure a good" speaker,' arJT
no pains will be 'spared lo furnish en
tertainment for the crowd. Drills, rec
itations, -dialogues, Ice cream and
'nigger babies" will be the order of
the day. All neighboring camps and
circles are invited to assist in the pro
gram. . ; , - . '
' Colnmbns, Ohio, May ao, 1903.
Six years ago I bad a severe attack cs
Inflammatory Rheumatism. I was laid nt
in bed for six months, and the doctors 1
had did me no good. They changed med
icines every week and nothing they pre
scribed seemed to help me. Finally I be
gan the use of S. S. S. My knee and elbow
joints were swollen terribly, and at one
time my joints were so swollen and pain
ful that I could not close them when
opened. : I was so bad that I could not
move knee or foot. I was-getting discour
aged, you may be sure, when I began S. S.
S-, but as I saw it was helping me I contin
ued it, and to-day I am a sound well man
and have never had a return of the disease.
S.S. S. purified my blood and cured me
of this severe case of Rheumatism after
everything else had failed. I have rec
commended it to others with good, re
sults. R. H. CHAncjiX.
1355 MU Vernon Ave.. ' ? 1 '
The poisonous acids that produce the In
flammation and pain are absorbed into the
blood and Rheumatism can never be ton
quered till these are neutralized and fil
tered out of the blood and system. S.S.S.
goes directly into the circulation and at
tacks the disease itself.. Jt purifies and re
store the blood to ' a-' healthy, vigorotu
condition. It contains no potash, alkali 01
otner strong min
erals, but is guar
anteed entirely
vegetable. Write
its and our physi
cians will advise
without any
charge whatever.
Our book on Rheu
matism sent free.
The Swift Specif o Cosapasy, Atlanta, 6
$500,000 in m
Confidence in Milwaukee Institution Is
Again Restored and BusiQess '
Besomed I
Occasion Made Memorable by Presence
of Aged James Walton, Who Deliv
ered an Address Hon, T. C. Devlin,
Past Grand, Principal Sneaker.
i nntTriTrrvin'r
' whlci. all
(Jrj womon - approswJi with
imuwmiumms iosr, - tor
nothing com paras with
a pair sma Horror or
chikd-birtk. ThisthooTiit
f tKorafferinj dtngn in stores for her, -ob tho earpectant mothfn'
; of all plea ant smticipationa of tho coming orent, and casta orer her
aaaoow of gloom wnica cannot bo, shaken off. Thoosanda of weoea
hare fooad that tha nao of mother's Priend daring pregnoacy robs
confinement of all pais and danger, and Insures safety to Ufa of mother
and child. This acaentifio liniment ia a god-send to all women at the
time f their most critical trial. - Not only doe Hotter Friend
carry women safely through the perils of chUd-birth, but its : use
renU prepares the system for the coming event, prereaU mecnins
skVnett, and other dis- ; - , . .
eomforU c this period, flT?) T7VV7 r
contaiaing Taiaahla.iafermatiesi free. rT "S rfr H rT"
tet," which had been secured for the
evening, a s duet was rendered by Miss
Johnson and Prof. Parvin. The chief
speaker of the evening, Mr. Devlin,. 01
Portland, a past grand of the state
lodge, then addressed the audience. II is
speech was largely along the historic
line, end of the early days of the order
in this country, and the effeet of -t
on the citizens of a country. His re
marks were Wcll received and of a high
ly interesting character.
Songs were rendered by Miss Vera
Byars and .Miss Johnson and the exer
cises in the theatre closed with the
chanting of the -ode '.and benediction.
';"'" ' NEAR" LORELLA. .
Transition From Slaughtering Animals
to Shooting Men Fight Between the
-Clashing Interests Tempers Are at
Danger Pin
Th eiehtv-sixth anniversary of the
institution of Odd Fellowship into this
country observed at the Grand opera
house by the members of that society
iu this city,' assisted by visitors from
Portland and nearby towns and cities.
The auditorium of the big play-house
comfortably seated the largo numbers
who assembled to help mase memoraoie
the occasion. . '
' The observances were in two parts,
the general celebration in the theatre
and the oanquet in the rooms of the Odd
Fellow building later in the night. Dur
intr th earlier exercises a regular set
program was given, at which speeches
were delivered, songs sung and readings
given. At the "sit-in'.' after the pro
gram of the evening was .over every
thing was of an informal character.
The main a3dress of the evening was
delivered by non.' Thomas C. Devlin of
Portland, past grand master of the state
lodge. It was delivered during tne ex
ercises in the opera house and was of
highly Interesting character and hela
the attention of the crowd present
The exercises began at 8 o'clock with
the chanting fof the lodge ode by the
members. Following this Rev. F. A.
Powell, pastor of the Unitarian ehureh,
offered prayer. MeFJrby 's ; orchestra
then furnished a selection which re
ceived a warm reception from the auai
ene. Miss ; Harriet Slade rendered a
song and responded t a well-merited
applause. , 'v'l'--"
J. A. Mills, grand master of the lodjfe,
then made the opening remarks of the
evening. He referred to the occasion of
the gathering and recited in a brief
manner the main points o Odd Fellow
ship, what it i. what it Eas done and
what its purposes are. He was follow
ed, by Miss Ethel Harris in a well-rendered
reading, which was eordiany re
ceived by those present.
Following this came the irtost Impres
sive event of the evening. Unable to
use his legs Judge James Walton, one
of the oldest Odd Fellows in the state
or country, was borne onto the stage
by four of his brother Odd Fellows.
a Supported oy tSDie, tne igea a-
dressed tne garnering upon nis exper
iences as a member of- the society and
the influence a irood Odd Fellow has in
a community. His sddress was largely
reminiscent and highly entertaining.
In the absenee of the Stalwart qoar-
Defanlter Bigelow Will Not Be Ar
raigned at Once ne Must, According
to Federal Law, Await the Action of
- the Grand Jury. i
KLAMATH FALLS, On, April 26.
A report reached here List night from
the Lorella'diitrict, about thirty-five
miles in a soufaeasterly direction
from Klamath Falls, that two men had
been killed in , the range war existing
in the eastern part of the county. The
men are supposed to ha ye 'been herd
ers, but no names could be learned, and
people here are anxiously waiting de
tails of the '.killing from the 'remote
stockcountry, , with which there Is no
means of communication except by
courier. - . .
The trouble is suppbsedto-bave ta
ken place at David ITbler's camp, not
far from Lorella. r Ebler's" camp was
burned on the night of April 13, fol
lowing the - slaughter of ninety sheep
belonging - to Creed MoKendree, "a
sheepman ranging in the same district.
While the actual marauders were un
known, the sheepmen shrewdly suspect
ed ' the men really back Of the shoot
ing. ' " -
After his camp was burned Eblcr
armed his employes thoroughly and
pat a elose guard over his hands, the
announcement being made that further
attempt, to drive him 'out' would mean
trouble. The sheriff. anuV deputy sher
iff of Klamath county left for the
eastern border several days ago. Neith
er has been heard Trom since.
Bad blood. between sheen and cattle
owners fn Southeastern , jlalheur was
carried over from last season. No se
rious outbreak occurred in 1904,
though, sheep have been killed in the
past in the.Bly district. This spring
it soon became evident, however, that
the long-pent-up feeling would mani
fest itself in violence.
TRUESDHLL At the home of Dr. J.
Reynolds, April 25, 1905, at 3:43 p.
m, of debility, resulting from old
age, John Mcintosh Truesdell, aged
88 years, . 11 months and 13 days.
Deceased, was born May 12, 1816, at
Albany, N. Y, but was taken to Ohio
when he was three years of age. ITe
resided in Morgan and Washington
counties, Ohio, until in April, 1891,
when . he came -te Snlem to make his
heme with;his daughter, Mrs. J. Rey
nolds.. . r. '";V. ' '
: For forty years he conducted a gen
eral sic re ait Ba7ily, Oj and for Voir-ty-six
years continuously " served as
justice of the peace there.
' He was an active member of the In
dependent Order, of Odd Fellows for
more than fifty-five years, and was
always interested In the affairs of Che
order. . He; was a devout , Chrlslian,
and had been a member of the Meth
olist Episcopal church for seventy-two
years ire was twice married, and ad
f oxir children, of whom three survive
him:' - Mrs. J Reynolds of this city.
and William S. , Tmesdell and Joseph
F. " Truesdell. both of - Muskingum
county, Ov John W. Truesdell, , his
second son, having 4ied a, few years
ago at -Beverly, O. " .
Tablets.. All druggists reruna toe mom
:t If it fails to-enre. ' - "
1 E. W. O wire's signature Is on each
I bx. 25 cents.'-'."
MILWAUKEE, April 23.--Confidenee
is. again restored in the banking insti
tutions of Milwaukee, and the ran on
the First National bank and the Mil
waukee Trust Company, caused by the
defalcation of Frank C. Bigelow, until
'Monday president of the bank, of over
x,00i,UOO, is a thing of the past anu
banking affairs of Milwaukee have re
sumed their normal condition. While
the two banks affected are entirely sep
arate institutions, 'the fact that they
occupy adjoining buildings and that
some of the First National's officers
direct the affairs of the Trust company
has caused many depositors to believe
that one was part of the other.
Before the hour for "opening the
banks liad arrived, a .meeting of .the
Milwaukee Clearing House Association
was held and "a committee of that in
stitution, .after examining the assets
and collateral of tbe First National
bank, issued a re-assuring report..
The report was printed in large type
on placards and pasted in the windows
of the First National bank and also dis
played in the store windows! on Wiscon
sin and tast Vater streets.; Following
this was a statement issued 'by the
board of directors of the First National
bank, announcing with absolute posi
tiveness that the bank was perfectly
On top of this came, word from the
board of directors of the Milwaukee
Chamber o'f Commerce announcing its
decision not to withdraw its current ex
pense fund from the First National. All
these statements , had a reassuring ef
fect on the depositors as to the stabil
ity of the banks. .
Mayor Carries Gold.
One f the most spectacular happen
ings of the day was the action of ila
yor Ifose in walking-. down Wisconsin
street, in full view of depositors wait
ine to withdraw their money with $500,r
000 in currency and gold in canvas
bags. He was surrounded by policemen
and detectives as he 'walked intothe
bank with the treasure. This money
was part of a shipment frpm Chicago
banks and some from other Milwaukee
banks. .
At noon the street assumed its normal
appearance -and the xun was over
According to the federal, provision
the prisoner cannot ptead guilty until
indicted by the grand, jury. Bigelow
will therefore not appear. in court ntil
the grand jury has considered the case.
Assistant United States Listrict At
torney nennings says that, in all prob
ability only one indictment, can be re
turned, but there may.be a number of
counts in separate instances. It is un
derstood that the grand jury will meet
about the middle of May.
Bigelow spent the day at his home
and declined to be interviewed.
"Up 'to a late hour no trace had been
found of Henry Goll. the deposed assis
tant cashier of the First National bank.
H l r
for Infants and Children, .
Castorla Is a liamIcs KtiMtltut lor Caitor Oil, Pare.
iroric, rop and Soothing-Syrups.-.- It in IMeassint. It
- contains neither Opiums Alfrphltio nor other Nart-otlrt
Fiibstanc. It destroys AV'nn ami allayM 1 everi)liiiev;.
It cures'Diarrluwi and Wind lie. it relievt- rl t-tli-in"
Tmubleii and cures "Constipation. It rerulate tlia
Stomach and ISoweLv giving healtliy and naturul Mcrn,
Tlio Clilulren'ii l'anacea TUo 3IoUierH i rleud. y
The Kind You' Have Always Bought
.' ; - ' ' '. if . rrn i
iicars ino Dignatuxo 01
In Use For Over 30 Years.
mntw erattua it, Tt .wumwrr. twom r 'mm
Jim Witzell Has Several Bibs Broken
by Kicking Horse.
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrul
mg Piles. Druggist refund money if
PAZO OINTMKJsT fails to core snv
ease, no matter of how long standing,
in 6 to 14 days. First application gives
ease and rest. 50 eents. If your, drug
gist hasn't it send 50 cents in stamfis
md it will be forwardeJ pestpaid Vf
Pans Medicine Co., St. Louis, iMo.
tie life."
'Curc the cough and save
Dr. Wood's. Norway Pine Syrup cures
coughs and colus, down to tae very
verge of consumption.
TURNER,. ' April 2G. Mr. Jim Wit
zell bad the. misfortune to be'-kickel
Im a horse a few days.-ago, resulting
in a few broken ribs. v
The Kebmitky farm, aonthwest of
Turner, has just Wen sold.. The farms
in that locality seem to be in demand,
as several have, changed hands this
M. W. Kolerts went to ralem lues
day. . 1 . .
The son of J". JSheffer, who has hal
typhoid fever for several' weekn, still
is in a very critical eoiiilition.
Dan 'atlow and family moved to
Portland Wetineiiday. They - have pur
ehasvl profx-rty in South Portland,
whieh will be their future home.
I'rofessor'. liaker, who? taught school
in : Turner two years ngo,, lias recently
tnken charge of the livery !arn that
is - connected with the liaker hoteL
Sfieeial meetings continue -at the M.'l
1' .1 l, ii.:.. 1. 11:... 1 r 11,..'
evangelist," is conducting the services
and much good . in being, done. 1
Mrs. M. Duncan of near t'olfax,
Wash., has been visiting.-her brothers.
Tom and Jack Miller. SSh hft Xf,m.
day morning to visit relatives at Htav
fon before returning home.
Mists Inez Itollier, who is taking a
course at the business college in 8a
lem, was confined at home fin Turner
with sifkneas last week.
The Turner Cranio was well rppr
H'Mited "at the county Grange meeting
at Macleay Saturday. Win. Hill.arv
and wife and at least seven others were
Mr. C A. Hear and wife were in Sa
lem Wednesday afternoon on biiMinmn.
Cheated Death.
Kidney trouble often rnds fatallv,
but by choosing the right medicine, E.
H. Wolfe of Hear Grove, la., rhcatel
death. He says: "Two years ago I
had Kidney Trouble, which cnusci mo
preat pain,, suffering and anxipty, but
I took Electric Hitters, which effected
a. 'Complete cure. I have also founl
them of great benefit in general MH
ity and nerve trouble, and keep them
constnatly on hand since, as I find thr
have no equal." Daniel J. Fry, drug
gist, guarantees them at 5c
liCgal Blanks at Statesman Job Oflif
. These things are made easy if you rcnlly
to quit. If you hayo no desire tc.
and abstain afterward, don't waste
your money.
fsjpy f .'T mmmmmtf mi. i ifl' ',rii8ni'lr'l'JI''1
... .:- ,, : -"":'"'.'
, , tho -great liquor'and tobacco remedy, will
I take away froai you all desire for the use
; of intoxicants or tobacco. You need not
j go away ' from homo to use it. No ex- j
pensive'board bills to jay. jfho cure is
quick and permanent. . ' j ;
Remember TRIB will
cure you if you are sincere in a desire U
Ikj cured. It is only $1250 for a com
plete irealment. For sale by j f
J, 1 C. Perry's Drug: Store
V Salem, Oregon
HIMlllE-riO T1lis imported Percheron StalUon will make the season of lg
I Hull if r K - the Club Stables at Salem, Wednesday, inursuay, r nuay anu
day; at Stayton, Monday and Tuesday.
v mi ..
mi T,
' 'V r- f
- "
T h 1 1 famon
IVrcLcron stallion
is 'a bpautiful
f j
Mack, and i ve
year old 'the 2?'k
of" J Juno, 19d
,uxi'yKiJ.c w
approved by'
French Covers
men to gland
pubjic service fl
is the necon.1 i
horie in the r't'
cd j States,
.perfect a"' l''
acjion cxtraArti
naiy. Weig"1
2-30 jioaml.
seen at Oiu
Stables, Salens.
TCnnO INSURANCE Money 'or service becomes due when mare Is known 'to be in; foal, clftDJ')
I tlli In ' SJO.OO owners or Is removed from -the ' county where owned. - All .ersons ' J0''
1 sWlll4lW I ! . ing mares to this horse shall attend the season . regularly until jdischargc
keefHr. Marcs coming from a distance, to be ored to this horse, will be proierly eared fr at reasonable r
Care will be taken . to prevent accidents bnt will not bo. responsible should .any occur. t '" "j
B..6.' E3EDI3KE!l!EH,:Ke'2;2r.V ' - -l-. v'i '-;v ; E0EDI3HEIL!En a YA'EE, C:-