Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, April 25, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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    . : ' rr
FOTLAXD, April 23. A peculiar
1 Llack sand, which is. found so generally
lu western America that it almost has
ceased to interest western people, - is
believed to contain - minerals in such
great quantity and of , such great value
as to make the sand a inarveloQly val
uable mineral source. Geologists and
. mineralogists ox the ' United States
geological survey who have examined
the sands express the opinion that they
contain more valuable mineral products
than are found in any other material
an the world, and the United -States
government has set era foot a movement
for investigating he sands which is
expected to bring out results as aston
ishing as the finding of gold in Cali
fornia in 1849, or its discovery in Al
aska a few years ago.: ' V ; .
For the purpose of acquainting r the
public, and especially the miners of the
western states, with the marvelous
value of the black sands, the govern
ment will carry on' at the Lewis and
Clark Exposition a systematic and
thorough investigation of the sands, to
gether with tests of many devices for
etxr acting valuable materials from
them. The managers of the exposition,
.-which, is - to be held from. Jane 1 to
October 15 next, for the purpose of
telling the world of the resources and
'natural advantages of the great Ore
gon Country which was added to the
domain of the United States by the
Lewis and Clark expedition, have co
operated, with the government by pro
viding for the construction of a GOxDQ
- 'foot addition to the mines and metal
lurgy building at the fair, in , which
the tests will be conducted. The tests
are certain to attract widespread inter
est and prove one of the most attrac
tive features of .the ' western, .world's
fair. !
Dr. David T. , Day, chief .of the
in four-pound samples of sands, in or
der that tests may be made. The ex
hibit, which will be made in the annex
to the mining building, will include
those samples, together wth the, valu
able minerals obtained from them, and
exhibits to show: the uses which are
made of these products in the arts.
There will "be many interesting working
displays at the western world's fair,
where processes will be shown almost
exclusively in place of collections of
manufactured products, but it is uoubt-
Iful if , any of them will attract such
Kcuct iu teres mis mining uispiaj.
Here ?will be shown every step in the
process the. sands from which the min
erals come, the separators that enable
the minerals- to be obtained from the
sands, and the products made from the
minerals. -
The great - advantage of the ; black
sands of the western states over other
mineral, sources lies in the large num
ber of valuable minerals to be obtained
from them. The quantity of any one
mineral contained in a ton of the sand
may be comparatively small, not enough
to make mining for it profitable, but
in the aggregate the minerals obtained
are valuable enough to make black sand
mining a most ' profitable business.
Platinum is known to exist in con
siderable quantities in the sands. The
crude metal is now worth about $21 an
ounce, while gold is worth $20.67; but
when wrought into wire it becomes
twice as valuable as gold, because of
the difficulty of placing it in that form.
The United States at present produces
less than one per cent of . the platinum
used ia this county. Of the balance,
95 per cent comes-from Russia and the
rest from South America. The war
with Japan has resulted in a consider
able falling off of the supply from Bus
sia. as many of the miners are with
the army in Manchuria, and many ofij
burean of mining and mineral resources . these, who worked the mines as Con
or the geological survey, has been de-'victs, will be liberated when tney re
tailed by the United States government
to collect specimens of the black sands
and make the tents at the fair. : Dr.
Day ia enthusiastic in- regard to his
task, and predicts a great future for
"The investigations which we will
conduct at the Lewis and Clark Expo
sion will not only demonstrate the won
derful mineral wealth of the black
sands, but will serve to educate the
miners as to the value of the minerals
found in them," said Dr. Day. ""The
ordinary miner is densely ignorant of
the value of any save tbe best known
- minerals. He can take .his cold to a
1 grocery and trade it for potatoes, but
neither he ! nor the grocer knows how
many potatoes an ounce ox zircon
should buy.
- "In the fennex of tie mines and
taetallnrgy bkxilding at the exposition
. we will carry; on experiments to test
the practicability of a large number
OX macmnes wyuca nave, uern mane xor
the purpose of j removing vaiaablo prod
ucts from the! iands. rhcao machines
, work on. several principles. One of
them is a magnetic separator, and oth
ers work by shakes, separating the mat-
- ter by specific gravity. In the mag
netic separator the sands are passed
under magnets of varying strength.
.The weakest removes iron and nickel
i alloy, and then- successively stronger
currents separate1 ie-chronute, garnet,'
' platinum, quarts and sulphide or iron.
. we i don 't know which" of these ma
chines will prove the most satisfactory,
but we intendby means of careful in
vestigation "to 'find 'out, in order that
the miner may bo sttved the expense of
costly trials. Already fifty-three ma
chines are entered 'in the competition."
- The geological surrey has sent out
Jo miners of the Pacific northwest : a
arge number of circulars, explaining
the purpose of the government to ex
periment with the sands and asking
co-operation. Miners are asked to send
turn from the war, if they do return.
Furthermore, should platinum; enter
into the munitions of war to any exten1
as in electrical machinery, it will be
declared contraband, and the entiro
Russian supply will be shut off. Plat
inum is used most extensively in the
form of wire in electrical apparatus
and the demand" for it for this purpose
is so great that the price invariably
must advance if part , of the supply is
cut off. Platinum is also used exten
sively jn dentistry.
A produet of the black sands which
at present has no known value, owing
to the fact that it has been on the mar
ket only a few months, but which
seems destined to prove extremely val
uable, is known as tantalum, the nam
being derived from tantalize, because
the produet puzzled chemists for many
years. Tantalum, which ior many years
existed as a t.heory rather than a fact,
since chemists could merely discover
its presence, but were unable to obtain
an appreciable quantity of it, is now
readily obtained from any of the sands,
a ton of it having been secured with
little effort by a new process. It is
believed by Dr. Day, and other emi
nent scientists, that tantalum, within
the next ten years, will take the place
of carbon in the manufacture of fila
ment for eleetric lights.
Tantalum offers greater resistance to
the eleetric current and does not melt.
It is thus an ideal substitute for car
bon, since with half the power twice
the light is obtained. .Some scientists
assert that fifteen to twenty thousand
filaments for sixteen-eandle power
lights may be made from one pound
of tantalum, but Dr. Day is of the
opinion that not more than three thou
sand would be possible. Even. at that,
however, .it readily may be seen that
the new produet has immense possi
bilities. Tantalum looks like - volcanic
glass, but is heavier and more brittle.
Osmium, a' product somewhat Bimilar,
ia its qualities to tantalum, has been
used with marked success in lighting,
as a substitute for carbon filaments,
but it is believed that it will have to
give way to tantalum. Osmium is also
obtained from the black sands.
One of the valuable side products of
the black sands is a natural . alloy of
iron and nickel, whieh will be of value
for use in its natural state for electro
plating. -
Besides those' mentioned, , a, number
of : other valuable minerals are found
in quantities which make them useful
products of the black sands. Among
these are magnetite, or magnetic iron;
chromite, whieh.is used for pointing
gold pens; such gems as garnets and
topazes, and the minerals monozite, ru
tile and zircon. Monozite' contains from
5 to 10 per cent of thorium, a substance
whieh glows when heated, andwhieb
is used in conjunction with ' zircon, an
other black sand product in making in
candescent gas lamps. ,
The ' story of how . the black sands
came to exist forms on of the interest
ing romances of present-day science. ?
"If you go to Grass valley, Califor
nia, and visit the placer mines, you
will find in the wash clay, quartz and
gold," said Dr. Day, in explaining the
phenomenon. "If you go to Del Norte
county, - California, yoa will find a
little clay, some quartz and maybe 10
per cent of magnetic iron ore, or load
stone black ' sand which , fill the
sluices, s This means that this black,
heavy sand was washed from a serpen
tine mountain."
A serpentine mountain is so called
from the f aet that it is streaked with
green and white. These mountains rep
resent great upheavals of rock rich in
iron and magnesia, which subsequently
were' changed . by heat and pressure, so
that the substances were separated, and
the mountain streaked with layers,
whieh are responsible for the name ser
pentine. The mountain was originally
like glass, with the various minerals
distributed throueh its mass. After
the metamorphos the minerals became
separated. Strings of quartz now eon-,
tain the gold, iron is now in the form
of magnetite crystals, and the chrom
ium is found in big pockets of lenses,
so. abundantly that ehromie iron ore,
the substance whieh is the source of
bichromate of potash, was mined in
California before gold was discovered.
Wherever we have a big serpentine
mountain,-we canjfind a large percent
age of black sand'in its wash. Nature
haft begun the concentration process
by collecting the Vyaluable minerals,
which originally perd spread through
out the vast maps of the mountain,
into one substance!. While it would not
pay to try to extract minerals so scat
tered as these we're originally, it does
pay to try to reWve them after na
ture has" done her part by gathering
them into one mineral souree. Ant
therein lies the secret of the value of
the black sands.
There is a great range of serpentine
mountains, extending from southwest
ern Oregon to northwestern California,
on both sides of which large quan
tities of black sand are found. On the
west side of the range are found the
coarse black sands, of which those in
Josephine county, Oregon, are typical,
and on the west the ocean has washed
away the coarse particles and left only
the fine black sands. The panning ac
tion of the ocean is going on all, the
time and at certain places on the coast
men with horses patrol the beach, wait
ing for an opportunity to haul away
the sands which tbe sea throws up.
These sands are particularly valuable,
because the concentration which nature
has begun has been continued by the
ocean and there is consequently less
work for the miner to do. Where an
elevation of the earth's surface has
carried an old beach inland, some-of
tbe richest Black sands are found.
rorty Men in Stripes to Begin, ?Work
- Upon Han's Terry and. , Jef f erson
. Boads 'This Morning Competent
Men to Act as Guards. - ' ' - '
The following statistics, compiled from the monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States
up t the close of December, 1901, shows the comparative amount of imports and exports of hop from and tt
the different countries of the world for the. twelve months ending December of the years 1902-03-04, and alst
shows the groat and steady increase in the consumption of hoj during those years. They are compiled by th
United States department of agriculture and may be relied upon as correct.
Pounds dutiable
Hops (pounds). Exported to
United Kingdom
Other Europe .................
British North America..
Central America and Brit. Hond
Mexico .....
Cuba ..
Other West Indies and Bermuda
South America
British East Indies
British Australasia ........ 1...
Philippine Islands .............
Other Asia and Oceania ........
Other countries
Imports of Merchandise.
of Domestic
: i,86i
6,083 1
: 9,776 j
) 15;337
v " 50,036
1903. .
Quantities. Value.
4,736,488 . $2,192,360
f Totals . .9,156,244 $1,992,224 9,199,448
1,813,266 17,777,008 $1,891,934
Pounds dutiable
! 19u:l
Quantities. Value.
47,875 $10,731
, 1904.
Quantities Value
18,714 $6,9W
Eem . Bolt and Mica
These two fine Imported stallions will make the season of 1905 begin
ning April 1, as follows:
- Mondays, St. Paul; Tuesdays', Woodbum; . Wednesdays, Gervais;
Thursdays and Fridays, Club Stables, Salem; Saturdays and Sun
. days at home on Aral farm, at juucllon of Fairfield and Champoeg
roads, four miles west of Gervais.
BEN DOLT is a shire stallion, black, imported from England in Aug
ust, 1904. Ilia registry number Is 7709 (17700). Weight 2110.
MICA U a black Pcrcheron, pure bred, registry number 63315. lie
stands 19 hands high. Weight, a ton.
TERMS: f25 to Insure; $15 season; $10 single leap. .
The farmers of this section are Invited to see. these fine stalliona.
Owners end In .. Charge of the Horses-
The black sands, with the machines
for extracting their minerals, displays
or me minerals, ana exhibits ox . pro
duets which are made from them, all
arranged methodically in a building
erected for them, will compose a dis
play unique in the history of world's
fairs. Other expositions have shown
the methods of goiu reduction, and
have demonstrated many interesting
manufacturing methods, but no world's
fair has taken an entirely new sub
stance,' removed from it new products,
and made from these products articles
which, within a few years, will be
feund in every household.
The visitor to the Lewis and Clark
Exposition may enter the black sand
annex to the mines and metallurgy
building and see the black sands, watch
the workings of the different machines
which are in operation there. He may
see among the products of tbe black
sands tbe monozite and zircon and read
a paper by the light of an incandescent
gas lamp, ia manufacturing which these
minerals are used. CooM anything be
more complete f Again, be may watch
tantelum being- extracted from the
black sands and see by contrast -the
superiority , of tantalum over carbons
in the manufacture of electric light
filaments. Or he may see garnets,
which were discovered in the sands.
being used as jewels iu watch move
ment. .
At a conference' with Governor
Chamberlain yesterday, County J ndge
Scott made', final "arrangement for the
employment ct fa number of convicts
upon ,the, eoonfy roads near this city.
Forty convicts will be worked at first,
and if ..it Ue found ;- practicable this
number t will . be increased to sixty or
perhaps more. The men will be divided
into two gangs, one to work on the
Haft's ferry road southof this city,
and the other fo work on jhe Jeffer
son road., -4: ' . ,'. i. .
: Two guards, will be employed to take
charge of each gang of men, and the
road supervisors of the respective dis
tricts will direct the. work. A -general
overseer will be employed to take gen
eral charge of the work o? both gangs
of men. The-principafwori on the
, Hall's ferry road will be the widening
of the grade where it passes along the
hillside. As everyone knows, this road
is built into the hillside in many places
and is therefore narrow. . The. plan is
to- cut away the ground on the upper
side of the road and throw the dirt
across so as to fill in on the lower
side. Tie distance he 'dirt is to be
moved is too short tb make it worth
while to loafd' it into wagons or scra
pers, and, in fact, most of it lies in
such a position that it is not practica
ble to handle it with scrapers. The
men will therefore work with picks and
shovels. . '
' On the Jefferson road the men will
be employed shoveling dirt into wa-
igpns for the purpose of cutting down
some of the high hills that make haul
ing difficult on that road. As the men
will work close: together, two guards
will be sufficient for each gang.
The principal purp6se in working the
eonviets on the roITTIs In this manner
is to ascertain whether the amount of
work the men will do, as compared with
the expense of guarding and transpos
ing them, will make i? profitable to
work' them on the roads of the state.
If the experiment works well here, the
governor will probably recommend that
the next legislature make arrange
ments Tor more extensive employment
of eonvfet labor on the highways.
As stated in SatufJay morning's isr
sue of The Statesman, the Citizens'
Liight. and Traction Company. . has
agreed to . ear.ryvke convicts to and
from their work" .for a- consideration of
$3 per day. Arrangements, have ' been
made to have cars at the penitentiary
at 0:45 this morning, to take the road
Igjang out for the firsf time. The pris
oners will be In charge of James L.
Skipton, Prine-s Byrne, A. W. Trager
and Roseoe SHelton, wlio nave been ap
pointed special guards. The former
two will take charge of the twenty
Men wicr will "bfe put" to work bn the
Hall's "feri'y'ro'ai, and the latter two
will stand guard over the Jefferson
road crew. Midday lunch will be pre
pared for the " convicts at the peniten
tiary, and the iSen will be , provided
with coffee pots. to enable Hiem to pre- (
pare hot coffee at their working camp.
Cars will be' la waiting at the I. O. O.
F.cemetery terminus at o'clock
this evening to bring t'ae eonviets
baeklo prison in time to be locked op
at 6. - "
WOODBURX, April 22. Mrsi Frank
Hall is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ed
Tyler, near Salem. . 7
Cottage prayer meetings r6 being
held in the different homes throughout
the eity this week preparatory to. the
evangelistic services under the leader
ship of Dr. Toj; of Chicago; that will
begin next week. ; - ' 4
. Kaster servieee will be observed m
the different churches on Sunday mora
ine and in the evening a union service
will be held in the First Presbyterian
church. .
Mrs. A.' Jj. Prevost and son have gone
to Tacoma to visit Mrs. Prevost 'a
mother, who is seriously ill.
v Miss Mollie Vorhees is in Tacoma at
tend the missionary society of the First
Presbyterian church which convened in
that city on the 17th inst. .
J. J. Hess, a lanndryman of wide ex
perience, has taken charge of the Wood
burn steam laundry.
- Miss Ethel Tooze Is home from the
St. jdary 's Academy, Portland, for the
Easter holidays. 1 f
Verne Tomlinson of the state univer
sity, Eugene, is home for a few days.
Mrs..E J. Coioy-is Tisiting her son,
Hon?C. WV Corby, oC Salein- for a few
All of tha machinerv for the iron
I . . " . . T ... i
i foundry has arrivea ana wm soon ve in
Ipiace. - - . . ". j
;- John "Cook has commencea worx in
dead earnest on bis new brick block on
Front street.
A number of new residences are being
put up and everything speaks of a very
prosperous year for VjOodburn. Even
the air seems permeated with new life
and energy and all nature is rejoicing.
I - 1 '
for Infants and Children.
Castoria Is a Iiarmlcss substitute for Catr Oil, Parw
gorie, Drops and Soothing Syriips, It I IMoiwwmt. It
coutuins neither Opium, Morphine nor other. 'arotio .
uubstance. It destroys Worms and allays Feverish ms.
It cures Diarrhoea aud Wind Colie. It relieves Teeth,
ing" Troubles aud eures Const! pntion. It rjruLitH tho
8tomaelt and Bowels, Rivintr healthy and natural zdecn.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Tricud.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Superintendent Tr aver Beceives Tlat
tering Propositions From Pendle
ton and Monmouth. '
Superintendent I'. It. Traver of the
Salem High school has received two
very flattering offers to assume charge
of schools in other cities, but ho has
not yet decided what action he will
take upon either. He receive'd
information last evening to the effect
that'he had been elected superintenuent
of the Pendleton schools, through -the
medium of John llailey, Jr., clerk of
the school board of that city, with a
salary of $1,600 per year attached. ;He
also received an offer f rpms President
Bessler of- the Monmouth normal school
to aecept the vice-presidency of that
educational institution at an annual
salary of $1,500.
Superintendent Traver has served as
superintendent of the Salem scltools
for two seasons now and has given the
best of satisfaction in If is services and
no doubt,the Salem board will regret
to lose him if he elects to accept one
of the two offers made him.: .
CHICAGO, April 21. The teamsters'
unions, iave informed' air the jbnsiness
houses ' which have . bei?n delivering
goodsto Montgdmery .Ward & Co. that
they must stop or . a genera strike-'of
all the union teamsters in Chicago will
De caueo. it is expeetea tnat ine ae
mands of lUe uniohs willr without' ex
ception, be refused' by the .employers.
Legal Blanks at Statesman Job Office
Body of Well Dressed Man Pound Tied
to Tree Wita Knife Thrust Through
Heart and Throat Cut From Ear
. to Ear. ;
HUXTIXGTO.V, W. Va April 2.
Hound hand aud f uot ami to a
tree,the lody ot a will dressed man
was found, near Uig I'glv with si knife
blade thrust through his heart. Tim
throat was cut from ear to ear, and
it is believed by the authorities that
he 'was murdered before he was tied to
the tree.'' .'.Pinned -'to the coat was a
piece of paper bearing the following in
scription; ; "You will bother us no
more.". The identity of the body and
murderer is a profound mystery. -
The Past Tense.
A Portland teacher was hearing a
recitation in grammar. "Now, James,"
she asked," in what tense am I speak
ing when'I say, I ara beautifult"
"In the past tense," was tbo quick
f Wi, r3
DR.G. m DO
This wonderfu)
Cslnese doctor u
callt great b
cause he cures po
pie without opera,
tlon toat are glTei
up to die. lie cum
ful Chinese berba. roots, buds, bark
and vegetables, that are entirely cq.
known to mescal science in this conn,
try. Through the use of these harm
less remedies, tnle ' famous doctor
knows tbe action of over 600 different
remedies which be successfully uses ia
different diseases, lie guarantees to
cure catarrh, asthma, lung, throat,
rheumatism. nervousness, stomach,
kidney bladder, female trouble, kt
manhood, all private diseases; hu
hundreds of testimonials. Charm
moderate. '
Call and see him. Consultation fre.
Patients out of the city write for
blank and circular. Enclose stamp.
Address The C Gee Wo Chinese Medi
cine 'Co., 251-233 Alder St., Portland,
Oregon, Mention this pacer.
uirscours flour1 iviill,
To the Patrons of tbe Lincoln Flour Mill:
As some seem to think lieenuso this mill is not running
here is no flour on hand, I wish to tate tliat since the null
started last fall there has been Hour on baud at ail .time, and
that we will alwaj-sfmake it a poini to beep Hour on hand m
long as we are In the business, lo that Mr. C'has. Muth, of ,
Lincoln, has charge of the mill iu the aUenee of 0car l idge.
Oscar Doldge, Manager,
Moose IF
. . i .. . Frt- V. X' Jv" " ' L "
We are showing many pretty, new and correct things in lace
curtains. Motifeny, Bonne Femme, and Arabian curtains
will put you up to date.
wmmm "1
The famous ' tlurney." the very .
Ladies' desks, with drawers, M? ot refrigerator. lu iu-r
' ' decide on a pkk1 refi iterator before
in golden oak, ?G to f S warm weather forces you to do so
Ever remember thai we make the
best couches and lounges, we turn
them out on short notice in any
shape, size "or complexion you may
want f" '
- A Urge Hnejof extra values
in China closets in both wea
thered and golden oak from'
13 to 137.50 l
(1 . .
What will you do with your winter dies
tea? Let us furnUh you with a cedar
lined box-couch'
Have you eeen the latt
est and prettiest thing
in roie rortiers? J f you
haven't seen ours, you
' . - r" 7' ITT- t
Book Cases', like cut,
with adjuitablesbelvets
while they last, at f X50