he City (From - Wednesday 's Daily.) Makiug .Arrangements J. C Stuart, general agent for Norm 4 Rowe's big shows, was in the city yesterday making arrangements for their appearance .here on Monday, May 8- "Bigger and better than ever", la fcis word of toe show this year. ' FOes Final Account J. H., Halverson, v the administra trix of the estate of II. A. Hal- rerson, deceased, yesterday filed her aal account in the Marion county probate court. May 20, at 1 o'clock p. n. was set by County Judge Seott as the time for-hearing objections to the same. -: .. ,- ; , .. - :, - s Appraisers Tile Report The 'real and personal property be longing to the efitate of Lenora A Shnlts. deceased, lias been appraised at 2425. The appraisement was made by Alfred Rowland, John Hntton K and William Fine, who filed their report in the Marion eonnty probate eourt yes terday. - ... Begents for Weston Normal - . Governor Chamberlain yesterday aft ernoon appointed Jerry gltone of Ath ena a member of the board of regents for the Weston normal school to suc ceed J. W. Scriber of La Grande. lie also appointed G. W. Proebstel of Wes ton a member of the same board to succeed himself. . ' Burns Out ruses Last night's electric storm did little if any damage in and about Salem. One of the early shafts of lightning succeeded in burning out fuses is the powes plaiHs at the Citizens' Light and Traction Company, at the printing of fice in tb'e state house and at The Statesman office. Ilollenbeck Estate Appraised Henry Keene, W. II. Hobson and W. Caldwell, the appraisers of the estate f May Ilollenbeck, deceased, -filed their report in the probate court yes terday, having placed the value of the estaie at $500. The Ilollenbeck es tate consists of lots 5, 6 and 7 in Thom as' addition to Stayton. ' wr Wat Soaked John Paul Jones, the genial travel . inz passenger nent of the Southern Pa cific Co., culled at The Statesman office - yesterday and informed u that he had not been soaked in alcohol or with any- thin? else, iirat vne Maiesman baa said there was only one John Paul Jones sou ue was sure mat it mu . mean htm. in justice to John I'aul we . might add that bis appearance was such that we believed that he had not been soaked, recently at least. : Where to Stop Tbis will be an imnortant Question s a 1 for those who are attending the Lewis anj Claffk exposition. To accommodate the masses of neoole who will attend tie exposition and to safeguard them from extortionate rates there has been s company organized known a the Portlan, Service Company, which has the endorsement of the general, passen gt agents of the various railroads ter ninatitkg in Portland. This company sill sell tickets at all Southern Paeific Kill road depots and every Southern Pa cific Agent is an agent for tbis com pany. , f 6a lanta. .- TL'e plaintiff seeks to recov er the sum of $158.85,; an amount whleb he alleges he advanced to H his wife before her death, and the sum of 1016 for services he claims to have rendered in nursing her during her last illness. She left . will in which she appointed Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher executor and executrix but the plaintiff alleges they have refused to pay ' his claim out of the testate fn,l i. though be. , has repeatedly requested them to do so., a T. Biehardson and John A. Carson appear as attorneys for Mr, White. '-" : . r. ' . (From Thursday' Daily.) A Oenerotis Contrilmtora Mr5, George Porter and Breeze Gib son .have succeeded in raising a small sum for the benefit of. J. E. Edgar, who was burned out on the Oak. Grove road in Polk county some time ago, and desire to thank the contributors for their, generosity. Desire to Sell Property . I usie au, JJepey, as guardian of the persona and estates ,f Cecil J"- and Laura I. V. Espey, minor children, yes terday petitioned the Marion county probate court for an order authorizing ber f to sell certain property belonging to the wards. Judge Scott set May 15, at 0 o'clock-' a. m., as the time for hearing objections to the. crrantinc of mefpeuuon. ioe property which the guardian desire to sell consists of a one-seventh part of 26.(34 acres of land. Death of William J. Richardson Alderman George B. Jacob was in Portland on Monday night, where he attended the 'funeral of his uncle, Wil liam J. Rieffardson, who 3ied in thaf eity; on Saturday evening of a compli cation 6T diseases. Mr. Richardson who, at ' the time of his death, was aged 59 years, was a native of Iowa, but came to the Pacific coast with bis parents in 1847, when less than 2 years old. He was formerly a resident of the Willamette valley, but for some time prTor'fo his death bad made his home in Spokane, Wash. He was unmarried, and came to : Port land to receive medical treatment. The remains were interred at Lone, Fir eem1' tetery in East Portland oh Monday aft ernoon. PUSH IT ALONG OREGON BTiODrNUfO TO BE EEC OGNZZED AS GREAT STATE ET ' EASTEEN PEOPLE. I KTCfr Little Helps and Everybody Should Do His Part in Helping to Advertise State and Valley Meet ing of Commercial Club Tonight. lTtuji?fvil,;t,i - vS-i fe,ou, - you' l I 4UOiCe. It Hev ' - -tl I OtMnl tUbttHy Impmr Bl. tosstlsa. ?" Dyspcpata. Cestiveaess er MslsrW Fsvsr. : j " lor restoring tomacn to normal coo- on or to overmtne that tint feellat so revalent ix BE 8PKINO The Bridgeport White Bronze Monument Co. was the original White Bronze Monument plant in the United States. The monuments were made formerly in ! Germany f or several hundred years. They are made of pure refined zinc. No other plant can formulate as fine a finish as the Bridgeport Co., which uses nothing but imi re renneu zinc. x. i. nnn nas uern selling Bridgeport monuments for over ten years in many of the country and all of the Salem cemeteries and they are all clean and will remain so. 'Pure zinc, in my opinion, will fast for ages." I'irof. B. F. Craig, analytical chemist for the Government of the United States, Wnehington, D. C. T. B. Wait. Mora Estate Troubles A new suit was filed in department No. 1 of the circuit court yesterday in which M. M. White is plaintiff and II. 0. and Zella Fletcher as executor and executrix, of the estate of Caroline E. RIoper White deceased, are made , de- ill 01 Automobile Insurance Paid Yesterday Mr. George Pearce receiv ed from F. A. Wiggins, agent for, one of the special automobile insurance com panies,: settlement in full for all. dam ages sustained to his car in the gaso line explosion at McMinnville last fall, It will be remembered that Mr. Pearce spilled a quantity of gasoline on a plank runway, not noticing that considerable of it ran through and accumulated sufficient quantity of gas to cause heavy explosion underneath. The plat form and the car were raised eix or eight feet and when they fell the axles. springs and sills of the car were dam aged. Mr. Pearce has had everything put in good order and recently filed his claim, which was promptly acknowledg ed and paid, the eompany stating that their only regret was that he had not made his elaira earlier and had more prompt settlement. Mr. Pearce natur ally, feels very mneh gratified, as . had his ear been covered by ordinary h surasce he would have been protected against fire only, and not explosion or damage from without the ear. His policy covex-g his auto while stored or in use anywhere. The car is now in firs class condition, the engine and other mechanism having been entirely unin jured. Columbus, Ohio, May 19, 1003. borne four years ago I was sunennj from impure blood and t general run down condition of the system. I had n appetite, was losing flesh, and had an all tone tired f eeiine that made me miser- Me. I began the use of S. S. S., and iter taking seven pr eight bottles or skin ww ucarea ox ail eruptions ua wok on ruddy, healthy glow that assured me that y blood had been restored to its nor tial, healthy condition. My appetite wai restored, as I could eat anything put be fore me, and as I regained my appetits Hncreased in weight, and that "tired feel, big" which worried me so much disap peared, and I was once again my old self. fl heartily recommend S. S. S. as the best blood purifier and tonic made, and Wrongly advise its use to all those In need J ch medicine. ViCTon Stcbbims. w. Barthman and Washington Ave. . Wheeling, W. V., May aS. ryt ly SVStem vil ran town mttA trtw irvfnti ehed and pained me considerably. I had o. 0. o. Dei ore and knew wnat it o I purchased a bottle of it and have uken several bottles and the aches and Pna are gone, my blood has been cleas- oj ind my general, health built up. lean w 11 as a tiooa purifier and tonic 5M Market St. John C, Stxik. If you have any symptom of dis ordered blooa write us and our physicians will . advise you iree. Our book on blood and kln 9 Swift SpecISo Compaay, Atlaata, Ca. (From Friday ' Daily.) Two Patients From Wasco Sheriff S. C Sexton and Deputies E. C. Haight and Mrs. S. J. Driver last evening brought Isadore Kapruea, an Austrian laborer, 32 years of age,, and Mrs. i Bella Acres, 45 years of age, lo the insane asylum from Wasco, county, The latter is a resident of The Dalles, and her insanity is said to have been brought about by domestic troubles. Hurrah for Polk Walter Lyon, secretary of the Wil Iamette Valley Development League, was in the city yesterday, and was per haps the most enthusiastic man in all T,1 V ...ill. TTa ws rt!rwd" nn with M. """ f . -1 r the brilliant chances fori a trolley line into Enterprise and says the first road in there will do a fine busmen He says a special car win re cnarxerea or the Independence delegates to the big convention at Portland next Week. New Books ' ' The following new books hsve been received. by the Odd Fellows Library Association: Labrary 01 Congress A. L. A. Catalogue,' " A'he Clansman, by Thomas Dixon, Jr.; "The President," bv Alfred Henry Lewis: "Susanne of Kerbwille," by Dennis H. Stowan: 'Maaassas." by Upton Sinclair; "Stu dies in Shakespeare,'1 by Bichard Grant White; '.'With Kuroki in Manchuria," by Frederick Palmer; letters XTom an Oregon itancn," oy jvamarina; "Stories From Old Oregon," by George A, Waoroner: "From the West to the West," by Abigail; Seott Duniway; "Appreciations and Addresses,", by Iord Boseburg; MCnstUian Days," by John Hay; "Financial History of the United States, by Davis Bich Dewey; "William Shakespeare, Poet, Dramatist and Man by Hamilton Wright Mabie. k3 Stories of SUTerton. 6ILVEBTtF,i April 19l Tie Wal lace brothers, who went from here to Oklahoma about two years ago, , have returned to Silverton. They have pur chased the livery stock'of John Young k, Co.; also the livery stock of J. Z. Eidson, and a large barn lately erected. Charles nartman' fine young team took a lively spin down First street Wednesday morninz. He succeeded in I stopping them before any damage was , James Hunter has purchased taree ore. nf land in Dr.' DeGuire's addi tion to "Silverton, and will build a fine residence thereon. Tb'at part of the town is being improved rapidly. ; ' Daddy?' Steelhamer's , blacksmith .Knn la about Ihe busiest place in town. S. A. Sanderson expects to move; his house furth'er north on Second sireei and erect another one where the pres ent one stands on Oak street. (From Thursday's Daily.) -The Greater Salem Commercial Club will iold a meeting la the police court room at 8 o 'cloek this evening. .J The object of the 'meeting will be to take p and discuss several matters of im portance which have accumulated since the,, last meeting, aad, incidentally, to appoint a list of delegates to attend the State Development League conven tion to fee held in Portland next week. As-evidenee of the widespread man ner in which the state is being adver tised and the attention which is being attracted from all parts of the United States i by the great inducements of fered to prospective home and fortune builders, is cited the great amount of . correspondence being received by the j oineiais or the Commercial (JSub nnd the iiature of the interested inquiries contained m the letters. There is scarcely a mail comes but that several letters are received from all directions, and the writer of each one desires to know more about this wonderful coun try, especially of the Willamette val ley, and particularly of Salem and the broad and fertile country contiguous "It behooves every citizen, not only of this eity, but of the entire state. who is alive to the interest and futnre development of the state and to this community in particular,' said George E. Waters, a prominent, insurance l.ian and public-spirited citizen, yesterday; "to (take it upon himself to advertise the state and the community in which he resides in the manner which carries with it the greatest weight. They should take it , upon themselves to pnt in whatever spare time they have to good advantage by writing letters to their friends in the east, south and north and tell them about this coun try and the opportunities which are lying idle here and only waiting for some enterprising person to take hold of and develop. "It is not necessary to exaggerate NO AUTHORITY CITY COUNCIL HAS NO POWES, TXST- , ; DUE CHABTES TO LICENSE SLOT MACHINES i jivvvv 1 uuu y City Attorney Inman Benders Opinion to City Council to That Effect Issu- ' ance of License try City Does Not Protect From Prosecution by State. for information about climate, soil and agricultural possibilities ef Ore gin. -A capitalist from Charlotte, Mieb asks for full information - about the resources and climate f Oregjn. A letter from Buffalo, N. , asks for information about climate ad ele vation, saying a party of fifteen peo ple wants to, come. out. - i r An inquirer from Fort Wayne, led- writes that a party of twelve cr fif teen families wishes Lto come to Ore gon fo engage in general farming. - Charles O.. Bonning of , Chkaco writes for ' particulars about the flax industry that. has -been organized and is . under way at Salem. . D. M. Herman writes from Assini- boia, Canada, for descriptive matter in teresting' to prospective settlers. - W. D. Smith of Guthrie county, Ia writing for information ahoot Salem' and vicinity, says: "We have some money to invest, and would " like to know the price of land in Marion 'county and of lots in Salem; also priee of building as compared with Iowa." Mrs. M. A. Edge!! of California says she wants to come here to locate in August. She docs not like irrigation. W. L. Colt, ail Iowa man, asks about fifty questions about Oregon. He wants to know the price of a ten to forty-acre lot, with house on it, about a mile from the eity, and elevation 800 to 1000 feet. . Miss Alice Ilass of Murray county, .Minn., would like to come to Oregon, and wants to know what waves a dry igoods cierx. receives. , J. Ii. Couch of Polk county, Iowa, writes for information. He says: "I want to go, to Ore eon and make that my home." Lem L. uagaagen of Iowa writes: " What is hop land worth per acre, both improved and unimproved, and what is an approximate estimate of pounds per acre it produces annually f PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY SOME OF THE RELIABLE MEN AND CONCERNS OF OREGON'S METROPOLIS. EYE SPECIALIST. D. CHAMBERS , Wholesale and . Mfg. Optician. Optical Parlors lao sTsth st. Sr-tl aAtOralea PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. Bltunauer Frank Drug Co., Portland, Oregon, is headquarters for Photo graphic Supplies, Century, Premo, Po eo, Blair and Eastman Cameras. Ev ery requisite for the Professional and Amateur Photographer. Write for complete catalogue. RESTAURANTS. Melrose Restaurant and Quick Lunch Boom. Surpassing coffee. Neatness and Dispatch . our motto. 270 Alder street, opposite JJotel Belvedere, Portland, , Oregon. When in Portland patronise the Perkins Restaurant. Our service Is second to none at popular prices. Olve us one trial and realize how nice we will treat yon. D. M. Watson, Prop. WEDDING CARDS. Wedding and visiting cards and mono gram stationery. W. O. Smith ft Cox, Washington Bldg, Portland, Oregon. Legal Blanks at Statesman Job OTfies lbi Kind ycj Kan uwars ec upon the Conditions here; all that is necessary is to tell the truth, which cannot be improved upon by embellish ments There is scarcely a day parses but 'somebody is writing to friends and relatives in the east, and how easy it is for them to incorttorate in that per sonal. letter something about the glo ries of the Oregon climate, wonderful productiveness of the soil, the unlim ited undeveloped resources of the state and the glittering opportunities offered for the establishment of com mercial and industrial institutions in the Willamette (valley. If every per son would think to make some men tion of their personal experiences and impressions of this country, can you imagine what a great help it would be to induce people to come out here and investigate, if not to locate f And to investigate now means to come out here and locate some time, in the future." "It frequently occurs to me," said a bystander, "that 1 wonil write something about the country, when I pause to think of something interest ing to say in my letters to friends in the east, if I could only think of some thing that would interest them." "There is hanlly a day passes," re sponded MY. Waters, "fcut that the newspapers of this city contain some news item setting forth crop erndi lions. TrosoectS and stories ot crop r , yields, building, improvement or de velopment, ana all one needs to do when he gets through with reading his local paper, and it will only eost tim a penny, is to wrap it up and mail it to some friend outside the state. It would surprise you to see how esger lr every page of the paper is scanned by the people or the east who want to learn all they can about this state, of WUlCn Jbucu IS uviuj( vuiu tut, vis- ent time." V:r- ; r.'" ;v ' l- To eive something of an idea, of what people want to know, about the state, excerpts are taken from some of the large grist or letters being received by the i Greater ' Salem Commercial Club, setting forth the nature of ques tions asked. They follow: The Idaho State Press Association writes: "We will start on uur annual excursion about June S3. .Our itiner ary! will include your beantiful eity, about which we have heard so muea favorable comment.'; 5 The Commer cial Club hopes to provide a suitable entertainment at the Capital City for the, representatives of the Idaho press, i Thomas Phillips of New York writes for! information to bring a party of settlers to Oregon. A number of letters from people is California ask or information about Wertern Oregon; , Walter Smith writes from Arizona, I would like to have all the informa tion you can conveniently give me re garding hop land and hop culture." Following is a quotation from a let ter of Mr. C. D. Lindermaa of Cort land, Neb.: "I want some Information about government homestead land land that can be farmed, with grto.l soil' on it, and also some good timber land. I In response to the request of the city eouneil City Attorney Inman has passed upon the question of f he power of the city to license or tax slot machines; The charter of the eity provides that the city has the power to enact ordinances to license and regulate all "niekle-in-the-slot machines," says Mr. Inman, but the power to license slot machines of other denominations seems not, to be expressly granted in the charter. He holds, furthermore, that the granting of a license to operate these machines by the council does not exempt the op erators from prosecution under the stat utes of the state which prohibit ther existence. The text of the opinion as rendered by Attorney Inman and sub mitted to the council at the meeting last evening, follows: "At the request of your honorable body I desire to submit the following in relation to the matter of the authority ' .. . i , ? or tne city 10 license sioc macnines iiu nirkel-in-the-slot machine. . ''Subdivision 6 of section 6 of the city charter, as amended in 1902 (Spe. Laws of Or. of ,1903, page 264) , sives to the eommon council, among other things, exclusive power to' enset ordi nances to license, tax and regulate ''siekel-in-the-slot machines" but the power to license slot machines of other denominations seems not to be express ly granted in said charter. As to whether or not the term "nickel-in-the-slot machine" should be construed as including all slot machines of every description semes not to have been ju dieially decided. But alV scions involv ing prosecutions for the keeping or maintaining of alot machines of other denominations seem to be based upon statutes expressly enumerating slot ma chines or language clearly including- similar machines of all tlenommatlons. The latest anthorty upon the subject of English definitions defines niekel-in-the-slot machines as including only slot machines of the denomination indicated and the general use of the terms seem to indicate that the term 'slot machine' is a generic term including slot ma chines of all denominaions and that nickel-ia-the-slot machine includes only the machines of that denomination. Under State's Jurisdiction. "Said subdivision of section $ of the charter as amended in 1903 also gives to the common eouneil power "to li cense, tax and regulate all such busi nesses, callings, trades and employ- menta as the eommon council may . re quire to be licensed and as are not pro hibited by the laws of the state. The criminal statutes upon the subject or traminsr. as well as the seeton of the codes expressly relating to this subject. bring the business of maintaining or conducting such machines within the class of those prohibited by the laws of the state, ard I am, therefore, of the opinion that !the council can derive no authorityroirt the latter clause of the charter to enact an ordinance to license or tax or regulate slot machines of any other denomination than that of a nickel. , "The clause of the charter first above referred to, gives to the council plain and express power, . to , license nickel-in-the-slot machines and such li cense by the city under a properly en acted ordinance will,-in my opinion, roteet, from liability under the state aws persons who conduct slot machines of that denomination only. "The present ordinance upon the subject entitled an erdinanee 'to li cense, tax and regulate the nickel-in-the-slot machines within the city of Salem, Oregon,' and repealing a certain ordinance upon the subject, being or dinance No. 408, approved by the may or May 5, 1903, is therefore, insofar as EGGS WANTED. WE ARE NOW buying eggs; call on .us for prices before you sell. Commercial Cream Companny. . , - FRESH COWS AND SOME HEIFERS for sale or trade for goo. I brood mares. Will' pay difference. : L J. Shi ppy, Marion, Or. LUMBER, ROUGH AND DRESSED, yew posts, shakes and wood for sale at Veget Uros Salem, .Route 9; mill two and one-half miles east of Brooks. I WANT TO BUYLIVE HOGS AND , pigs, also ducks, spring chickens, aad hens. I will pay the highest cash pries for same. Quong Uiog, 4 Lib- erty street, Salem, Oregon. A PAYING PROPOSITION. IF YOU have $10 or $100 or $1000 to Invest , in a dividend paying proposition that will grow fast in value, send 6e post age for prospectus to Box 309, Salem, 'Oregon. - FOR SALE-285 AOREo, eight miles south of Salem, 90 acres in grain and -op patch;- well watered and timbered, and mineral resources. Will sell cheap. Inquire at corner Nineteenth and Bellevue streets, Salem. ' Baum snd wife, in T. S S, K. 2 W. of the W. M. in Marian county. Of :;, and running thenco S. - :!; rt-- ". minutes E. 7JW chains to the middle of the county road leading from S-ilem to- Turner; thence H. S-t degree, K. 3 chains to an angle in said rad; thenco S. 42 degrees, K. V.27 chains to an angle; thence S. 27 degree 30 minutes, E.-576 chains along said rouulv road; thence N. Uegres 13 miurttei V. 1CX2 chains to the strip of land con veyed to the O. 4t V. R. It. Co. by C II. Lewi and wife by deed recorded at page. 256 of look 40 of the deed records of Marion county, Oregon; thence northwesterly along the east tMHindary of said R. R. t'o.'s saiil strip of land to the W. line of the !. I . of John Baum and wife; thenco N. 0 degrees 15 minutes .K. 15.54 chains to the place of beginning and containing 91.R3 arret of land more or Ies. That sealed bids for said alxve de scrilcl real irojerty will lo receiv.! by me up to the time above indicated. Terms of sale"; cash in hanl ou day of sale. W. T. Riches, -Administrator of the Estate. of : John Ashmead, Deceased. THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT CXX do a. general transferbusiness. We have wood fiber plaster. Also Roche Harbor lime for spraying. General builders and contractors' supplies. iTWt and Chemeketa streets. REPORT CARDS OUR SCHOOL BE port cards ara printed to. fit the school register. The prices are: Twerve cards for 10 cents " twenty ' five for 20 cents; ons hundred for 75 ents. Statesman Publishing Co.,' 8a lem, Oregoa. THE PACIFIC . COAST TEACHERS' . Bureau can supply good teachers on short notice. School boards in need of teachers should write to us for further information, j Teachers furn ished without cost to the district. ""Address CTha. M. Jones, Salem. Or. FARM FOR SALE. A farm of 167 acres, three miles southwest of Stay ton in Linn county, Oregon, Ninety five acres in cultivation, balance open pasture land. Good improvements. Price $3700. Inquire of F. E. Uallo way, Stayton, Oregon. WHITE BR0.NZB 'MONUMENTS. Never chin, crack, tarulab. mo or Co rnd. ThtMlli kind llwt . ii t nerd cU-aiitnt. frr th trslti tf tb above lli tu In nan oTl he con it try and all o Hie Salcaa orinlerlwi. hotrv of the in hav been llicrn year. ifjrMi want Ilia very bet at living pHcea, call 011 m ailrea T. B. WAIT, Salem or. ,144 Mill fboo White 1M. k COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Tint carefully. t We have all Iho building niatfrial 'necessary fir your house, your or-.lt rs will l?e CASH PRICE PAID FOR filial mnmnllv n.wl ..r laL-n i kinds I ' 1 . HiallEST chicaens, geese, ducks and all of fann aion Co, lem, Oregon." Phone 2231. produce at Capital Conrmis- the selection of your lumber. , , i- t t traftr?r-k & FUEL COMPANY MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. HURRY YOUR ORDERS IF YOU EX- peet to be ready for Decoration uay. Patronize home industry. , Wm. Stai- ger, Salem Marble and Granite Works Liberty street. Olllee 97 State Street Yard Fourteenth and Oak St. ' Phone Main 24."1. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby eiven that the un t.erigned has filed in the county court 01 the state of Oregon, for the county ot Marion, her final account as admin istratrix of the estate of H. A. Hal- vorson, deceased, and that said court has fixed Saturday, the 20tb day of May, at the hour or 1 o'clock p. m ful Chin DR.C. GEFV00 This wonderfu" Chinese ' doctor is caJl4t treat be cause he cures peo ple without opers tion that are given up to die. He cures with those wonder herbs," roots, buds, bark of said fay," the time, and the eoun- tablea, that ars enUrely un VL JZl- " -U" tTr known to mcSftcal science In this coun- Jegon, as the place for hearing said nnal account and all objections thereto, DaJed at Salem, Oregon, this 17th day or April, J905. v .t. IL Halvorson, Administratrix of the Estate of H. A. Halvorson, Deceased. want this information for a number nf people who want to come, to your state 1 relates to the licensing, of the nickel- . . . .. .. 1.1t.. .1 l . t. ! 1. ; 1 l . if you have something that is. all right, and please state where and what part of the counties tfiis, land la-s, snd what counties it is in. If possible send me maps., so I can give these peo ple some idea .of the country. The more, the better for your people out there. What I want is the best infor mation of. the farming country for farm land, and the best soil and good rains during toe season when it is re quired. Give me all the points you can, as it will enable me . to send a good many people to your country, and please remember maps, if possible." Ladies, if you want a re fined and brilliant com plexion, free from blem ishes, use Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Brings red lips, bright eyes and a cream-like complexion. 35 . cents. Tea . or Ta b 1 e t s . D r . Stone's Drug Store. in-the-lot machines Within the charter powers of the city and in force, but in sofar as it relates to machines of other denominations it exceeds the charter powers and is Toid." Great Source of Revenue. The opinion was referred to the com mittee on licenses. Before it was dis posed of finally Alderman Bayne asked City Recorder Ifoores if the eity was licensing any other knd of machine ex cept what are known as the nickel-in-the-slot machines, -and Mr. Moore re plied in tne affirmative,. informing him that all of the machines in operatidn were under license by the city. It was also learned that the total revenue to the city from licenses upon slot ma chines, Sside from those known as nicS' el-in-tbe-slot machines, was about $600 per year. . STATESMAN CLASSIFIED AD3 BRING QUICK RESULTS. NOTICE TO PRESENT CLAIMS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have been appointed by the county court or Marion county, Oregon, co-executors of the estate of Isaac M. Wagner, deceased, and all persons hav- j blank and circular. ICncloe stamp, ing claims. against said estate are re-1 Address Tne C Gee Wo Chinese Medl- quested to present the same to the wn-1 eine, Co., 25114-233 Alder St- Portland. try Tnrouatk ha use of these harm less remedies, this famous doctor knows the action of over COO different remedies) which ho successfully uses In different diseases. He guarantees , to euro catarrh, asthma, lunar, throat, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, kidney, bladder, female trouble, lost manhood, all private diseases; has hundreds of testimonials. Cbararet moderate. Call and see him. Consultation free. Patient out of the city write for dersigned at the law office of John H. k. C L. McNary, Ihish-Breyman block, Salem, Oregon, duly verified as re quired by law, within six months from date hereof. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 14th day or April, JWKi. PHILIP M. WAGNER, - ' - Executor. ESTHER Ai NEAL, " Executrix of the estate of Isaae M. - Wagner, deeeascd. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, as, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm ot F. J. Caeney & Co., doing bu sines in the city of Toledo, county and state afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for esch and every case of eatarrh that cannot be cured by the use of. nail's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. , Sworn- to before me and subscribed ia my presence this 6th 'd'ay - of De cember,. A. D 18 S6. ? f -;-; A. W. GL.EASON, (Seal.) V Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter. nally, and acts directly on the blood aad mucous surfaces of the - system.' Send for testimonials free. v . ' F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75e. Take Hall s Family Pills' for cos- stipation. . s READ THIS Jacksonville. IU Sept. 25, 1902. Nearly three years ago, with a serious attack of illness, " I was surprised to arn that I had ibetes. ProvJdfn- tially. 1 was led to procure a bottle of Dr. E. W. -Halt's speeifie for kidney and bladder troubles, known as a Texas Wonder. Less than half the $1.00 hot tie effected 4 eomnlete and permanent cure. Consequently, I believe it. to be a medieiae of very great value. L. B. Kent, Evaagelist TEXAS WONDER One small bottle of the Texas Won der, HaS's Great Discovery, cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes fraveL cures diabetes, seminal emis sions, weak: and lame backs, rheuma tism and all irregularities of the kid neys In both men and women, regulates bladdtr troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist, win.be sent by mail on receipt of $L One small bot tle is two months' treatment aad sel dom fi ts to perfect a euro. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole manufacturer, F. O. Box 629, St. Louis, Mo. Send for testimon ials. . Bold by CI dm gists and 8 tone's drug store. 1 Oresjon. Mention this panes. A- firm I Sacrificed Notice of Intention to Withdraw Insur ance Deposit by the Manchester As-1 nuance Co., of Manchester, Enjl&nd. To Whom' It Msy Concern: In sc- cordance with the requirements of lawn of the State of Oregon, rclath the insurane companies, notice hereby given that, the Manchester suranee 'Company, of Manchester, Eng land, desiring to cease doing business withm the state of Oregon, intends to A fine farm of 67 acres 1 mile from wivnaraw us ueposu witu tne treasurer railroad. A new 7-room house, largo. M a, S .1 t Aa - a.. 3 1 1 1ST StI ' n nMt a,ia emn-, ah a 11 K .lit, barB tf1 olhr 0 tuiIdmgSJ young the Insurance Commissioner, within si I or"har bearing, consisting of apples, (6) months rrom the 23 d day of Decern-1 Prs, prunes, cherry, peaches, quinces, Der, iw4, the same herng the late of strawberries in.l other .mail u, n t. . vi : -m . i. ; . r . . I . - ' withdraw its deposit front the said '"?' ,? .water; 1 mile from treasurer - v ; t ' "oooi and church; jand almost level Dated at Salem, Or- this 20th day of I d pa good road Is offered for a short Deeember, 1904. time for 750. includinir 10 acres of MANCHESTER ASRIHtANCE CO. 1 tn tu i , Z ... -- . . , 1 ..... rn .v. 1 m Attnmev in net. I -"" " 1 .... r rlr.. jn improvements on tois place would al- ADMTNISTRATOR'S SALE OP REAL most cost the price asked for the place: A. , T part time. a w.v mm Miirr-y KifCB ftuaa, 1UC II O' I , dersigned administrator of the estate w? nmV9 several goo.i I nys in large o John Ashmead, deceased, under and-rermB from 100 acres up. Small tracts or virtue ot an order of the County I near citr. . T!Af 79111 aft A 4Afl n 1 1 tn M'r Court of the State of Oregon for the tn, ' .J. " -' . ,. Cosaty of Marion, duly made and en- t Mr fho01 nl far 1,ne; aDr term tered. of record, will at the office of A. I to n,t Vacant lots, easy payments. O. Condit in the Gray Block i a Salem, If you want real estate of any kind see Opstsnn A Gne.taa a TL . mfi t- .1 af I " V 1" J. ?J i us before von bn clock ApriL 1905, at the hour of 10 o' a. nu-of said day, sell at private sale tne - xotiowtag aescriueU real property situated in Marion county, state of Wregon, Itcginning O degrees W. corner Wir erruehen deutsche kundschaft. in Marion county, state of fTtv fi ' rtV Jf aing at a ioint 17.6S chains S. 11 l If 15 minutes- W. from the N. f L If ler of the D. L. C. of John j U i Li' Ij " f". 1 """ :lly"u"