Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, April 21, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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    - ....... , -, j.jn nT..
Presence of Emperor's Boats In Neutral
Waters May Entail Serious
War Conference Lasting Fire Honrs Is
Held in Tokio for Purpose of Consid
. - ering France's Position Toward Bel
: Ijgerents Interest Deepening! ; "
LONDON', April 20 Tie British! pub
lie is just beginning to realize how
much depends on Togo's skillful eon
duct in the approaching naval contest.
Until Bojestvensky had actually arrived
in the straits of Malacca there was a
'disposition to ridicule the efforts of the
. - ... .. !
Russian squauron, but now mat there
is seen to be a growing likelihood of
Nebogatoff joining Bojestvensky before
.the fatal struggle opens, interest is
deepening into anxietr. V
According io the Tokio correspondent
of the News Ageney, a momentous war
'conference lasting t-Te hours was held
there Wednesday. It is not dime ult te
conjecture the nature of their delibera
tions. . " ; . - " ; .. ',.
Tokio correspondents state ' that Ja
pan addessed a protest to Franee on the
Jlussian Pacific squadron's presence in
Kamranh bay, but Franee has not yet
reliel. The Telegraph's correspondent
at Tokio declares that the Japanese fleet
has Railed for Kamranh bay.
The Telegraph's Hong Kong corre
spondent states that two riteamers
wllirh passed 'eJose to Kamranh bay
Bunday reported no Kuasian vessels then
visible. No news, however, has yet
reached London to show that the Rus
sians have left Kamranh bay, and it is
assumed they are still there. The Post,
commenting on the situation, contends
that, the matter is of importance, con
sidering Great Britain's world-wide na
. val interests, and its endeavor to secure
a more definite agreement on the ques
tion of neutrality or the use of neutral
water by. the belligerents.
Excavations by J. S. Crawford Result
In Important Addition to Knowledge
of Primitive Man in Oregon Altar
of Pre-Indian Tribe Disclosed.
iiiAlbany, Or., April IS. While exca
vating last Sunday in a mound on a
farm five miles southwest of AIiany,
near the bank of Oalapoola river, J. O.
Crawford of this city discovered the
remains of several bodies of prehistor
ic men, and also a small altar, un
doubtedly used as a place for sacrifices.-
The remains of five bodies were
found, the skeleton showing that all
the bodies had been mutilated.
Mr. Crawford, who has made a num
ber of excavations in difierent mounds
in this part of the state during the
past few years, and who has acquired
considerable reputation as an areheol
ogist, thinks the people whoso mounds
he is now investigating were undoubt
edly 'cannibals. He has discovered mu
tilated bodies in a numtx-r of mounds,
while parts would he entirely miming.
There is conclusive evidence that An-
- eay was not the cause, as many of the
iinger lonea and other small bones are
in a perfect state of preservation,
while the entire backbone, or one or
more of the limbs may t gone.
Most of the bodies found Hunday
were badly mutilated. In some eases
a part of the face was mis&ing, a cir
cumstance never met with in the other
mounds Mr. Crawford has investigated.
Jn one skull the whole face had Wen
broken out from the top of the head
to the jaw, while, in two others a jaw
ami other small parts of the face were
, missing. . , , ' '
The clay altar found in the mound
Sunday, though small, was a "perfect
one. It was built on a rock founda
tion, !n ovai form, and was constructed
of clay, which had been burned until
it was red as brick, though not hard.
The altar proper was twenty-four
inches long and eighteen inches wide.
Mr. Crawford" says there is no dosbt
but that it had been used for sacri
cial purposes, and from what he has
been able to learn about the habits of
-this race from his investigations, 1 he
thinks it must have been the custorriof
. this prehistoric race to offer the hearts
or the dead "on theSe little altars j as
burnt offering to some' deity. "He
found one other altar in his previous
excavation, 'but it was not so perfect
feel the exquisite thrill ef motherhood with indescribable dread an
fear, Evexr woman should know that the danger, pain and horm
ef chUdVbirth can be entirely avoided br the use of Atothers Frteiia,
a scientiSo liniment for external nse enly, which teaghena and rendeta
all the part, and
assists nature in its sublime
work. By Its aid thousands .
ef womta have passed this I, ij
ert eriila la ixi2ii, asierr '
and wiaeut psin. Cold at j io per
trttla t7 dr-jtta, Our book ef priceless
ril3 t all wcasa sent free.' Address
Oycr-Vorfc Vcnlicn
. ;.. ' Your Kidneys,
CanealtlirKlincys Bake Impure KooJ.
the blood in your body passes through
your kidneys once every three minutes.
The kidneys are your
wwi puruiers, uiey in
ter out the waste or
impurities in the blood.
If they are tick or out
of order, they fail to do
their work.
Pains, aches and rheu
matism come from ex
cess of uric acid in the
kidney trouble.
Kidney trouble causes quick or tmsteady
heart beats, and makes one feci as though
they had heart trouble, because the heart is
over-working in pumping: thick, kidney
poisoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced ta ih lM
but now modem science proves that nearly
mM Muwikuuuuu wxuci nave incur ccguv
nlnr In kidney trouble. . i .
If YOU mre Sick vau etn mlr l-.t
hy first doctoring your kidneys. The mild
ana me extraordinary ellect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is
soon realized. It stands th hirkt
wonderful cures of the most distressing cases
ana is soia on lis merits
by all druggists In fifty
cent and one-dollar siz
es. . You may have a
samnle bottle bv mail
Ho t Swip Hnol
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
. m. mt . a a .
out li you nave money or oiaaaer trouoie.
Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
It Co., Binghamton, N. Y. f
Don't make any mistake, but remember
the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Roof, and the address. Bingham ton,
N- Y on every bottle.
as the one found Sunday. The altar
was three and one-half feet belpw the
surfaee. : ' -
.The mound in which these relics of
a prehistoric race were found is simi
lar to a large number of monnds ' in
Iinn county, which are known locally
as "Indian mounds.',- This name is' .a
misnomer, however, as the Indians were
buried in mounds and the monnda were
left by a race which inhabited this
country before the Indians, as has
been shown by Jhe investigation ' of
them. - There are a good many Indian
graves in this county, and in them are
always found weapons, beads and oth
er property of the deceased, but in
these mounds no weapons or any other
materials of any kind have been found.
There is also a marked contrast be
tween the characteristics of the skele
tons found in the mounds and those
found in the Indian graves.
Mr. Crawford has preserved the skel
etons found Sunday and has added
them to his large collection of relics
of the prehistoric races in Oregon.' lie
will continue his investigations ib this
mound and others near it.
The little folks love Dr. Wood's Nor
way Pine Syrup. Pleasant to take;
perfectly harmless; positive cure for
coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma.
Vote to Send Delegates to Congress of
Zemstvos at Moscow.
: WARSAW, April 18.--Representa-tives
of the Russian Zemstvos arrived
hero today to invite the Poles to send
delegates to the eongress of Zemstvos
at Moscow. The Poles accepted the
invitation and elected eight delegates.
This action is regarded as significant
as indicating the co-operation by the
Poles in the reform movements in Rus
sia proper.
Is Result of Exerting and Protracted
Meeting Vice-President Says It Is
- "Impertinent, Extraordinary and In
sulting" Committee Will Meet Him.
NKW YORK. Airil 19. After a pro
tracted session held behind closed doors
yt or more general agents of the
Kquitable Life Assurance Hociety
adopted a resolution calling on Vie?
President Hyde to resign and appoint
ed a eommitteo of five to call on Hyde
and present their demands. '
The agents went into session as i
o'clock' in the morning and it was 3
o'clock in the afternoon before a re
eenn was taken for lunch. . During all
this time loud talking and - occasional
interruptions ot tne speaners muicaieu
a m-nrm iIoIiaIp nvcr ttome ouestion un-
dor consideration. Later it was learned
that the discussion concerned the Hvde
resolution. Concerning tne resoiuiion
Hyde said: V " 1 ?
'I have not seen the committee and
I have not seen the resolutions, but 1
consider them impertinent, extraordin
ary, insulting and ,most preposterous.
I have no intention of resigning." ;
Late tonight the announcement was
pointe! to wait pn llyde and present
the resolutions asking his resignation
had . arranged to. meet him tomorrow
morning at his home at 9 o'clock. ' '
Is the Joy ef tSie SMyasenoId, for wtt&evt
It no happiness can be complete. How
vreet toe pictore of methcr n3 babe,
enrols tmUa at smd commend the
thoughts and Aspirations of the mother
Bending; over the craeUe. The ordeal thrcmg
which the expectant mother mrostpau, hovr
ver( is so full of danger and tnaering that
she looks forward 'to the hour when she shall
Innocent Visitor, Believed Guilty of
' ' Being Scab, Is Beaten Into
Police Guard Wagons of Company That
Make DeUveflea With Little Trouble
' There Is No Indication That End
of Labor Troubles Is In Sight. .
CHICAGO, April IS. The first shoot
ing and the most serious' assault sinee
the eomdeneement of the Montgomery
Ward k, Company strike occurred to
day at Van Bur en and. Sherman streets.
Charles Ocker, a non-union teamster,
was attacked by a union picket. Oker
drew a revolver and fired twice at his
assailant,' but both bullets went wide
and one struck Walter iKIager, a team
ster, who was unloading a wagon half
a square away. Ocker was arrested.
Klager's wound is not dangerous.
Shortly after this trouble was over,
John O'Beilly of St. Louis, who was
walking on Van Buren. street near. the
scene of the sh'ootingwas attacked by
union teamsters and beaten into insen
sibility. It was believed by the team-
peters that he had been working for
Montgomery : Ward & Company, but
O'Reilly asserted that he was not work
ing for the firmv had bo intention of
doing so, and, until attacked he knew
nothing about the 'strike. ' -
' Montgomery Ward & Company, ex
perienced less difficulty today in de
livering goods than at any time sinee
the commencement of the strike. All
their wagons made trips to the freight
depots under police guard, and were not
The deadlock between the teamsters
and the employers continues, and there
is no indication of an end of the strike.
The officials of the teamsters' union
declared today that they had no inten
tion of spreading the strike to estab
lishments other than Montgomery
Ward & Company.
Claim That Use of Island of Madascar
by Eojestvensky's Squadron Was Di
rect and Prolonged Violation of the
Principle of Neutrality.
TOKIO April 18. Discussing the
presence of vessls of the Russian second
Pacific squadron at Kamranh bay, on
the east coast of French Indo-China,
The Jiji Shirapo declares that the use
of the island of Madagascar by the
Russian squadron was a direct and pro
longed violation of the principle of
neutrality, but on aeeount of the dis-i
tance, Japanese in that'instanee simply
lodged a protest. The paper however,
insists that Russia is now using Kam
ranh bay as a basefor action against
her opponent, and she intends to use
it as the point for effecting a juncture
with the remaining division of the
If the use of Kamranh bay is con
tinued,' the paper adds, " Japan must
regard "its neutrality as completely Ig
nored and Japan will not be obliged to
respect ; its neutrality. Violations of
neutrality in distant ports are not im
portant, but when close to the awme of
war it Is impossible to view them with
the same leniency.".
The Jiji Hhimpo further declares that
Prance Is lending the Russians suffiri
rnt assistance, thus actually joining is
sue With Russia against Japan, and that
it is now necessary for Japan to notify
Great Britain end obtain her co-opeira-tlon
according to the terms of tho Anglo-Japanese
"Protests," the paper asserts, "are
unavailing.; The time for action has
come.' -
The Nichi Nichi today says France
has been a party to keeping the location
o the Runnian squadron a secret end
adds that France does not observe the
24-honr rule, but, the paper adds, the
spirit of neutrality affords no excuse
for extending sn'eh hospitality to a bel
ligerent Squadron, and it expresses the
hopa that : France will take steps , to
abide by her obligations and duties as
a neutral power.
The Asahi, Mhimbun assorts that
Franc has . kept the presence, of the
Russian squadron a secret. The paper
expresses rogret at the fact and hopes
the vtovernment of Japan" will act de
cisively. , i i . . .
Tablets. All druggists refund the mon
ey if it fails to cure.
E. W. Grove's signature is on each
box. i 25 cents. - - - ,
Victim of Elks Excursion Is Given
"- $10,000 After Two Tears' i ;
' ; ;t ;! Legal Battle. ?
PORTLAND April 19.chartes
Oberg, injured in tb wreck of the
Elks', special, Augusf, 1903, was today
awarded $10,000 damages by Judge 11
liager. The Northern Pacific Bail road
Company was the defendant in the suit
brought by Oberg, who'was a Portland
plasterer at the time of the accident.
He soed for $30,(XK) dan.aires.
Judge Bellinger announced that the;
. ! a i a . 1 ... A XI M.
testimony on the trial as to the nature
of the plaintiff's injuries was confined . soldiers immediately declared that they
to that of medical witnesses, and was J would accept the terms of the govern
so conflicting that the court subse- ment." '.. - , V 1 J ' 7
quently, with the ' consent of both . , , ,. . f -
sides, appointed six disinterested phy- Legal Blanks at Statesman Job Ofiee
There's something the mat
ter with the child that" fails
. . . ..... . ..,.. i
to grow up. A child that
grows up too much, however,
without proper filling out of
i flesh", Is almost as. badly off.
Nothing will help these. pale,
thin 44 weedy " children like
Scott's. Emulsion, . It supplies
the rounding out of flesh and
the rich inward -nourishment
of blood and vital organs
which insures rapid growth a
healthy and uniform develop
ment. , . .
sieians of high professional standing to
investigate the ease,' and it was upon
their, report of the matter that the
measure of damages-Is tased five out
of six physicians having given it as
their opinion that Oberg was (iuflering
from traumatic neurasthenia, for hys
teria,' superinduced by the accident in
' . " rvr ".' ' . "
Assassin ot Crrand Duke Serglus Be
. fuses to Plead, Denying He ,
Was a Criminal. , ;
MOSCOW, April 18. Kalieff, assas
ain of Grand Duke Sergius, was tTied
here today. He was condemned to
death; ,!-- m '.'.-.: ; ' '
'The public was not. admitted to the
trial. The prisoner refused to plead,
declaring ho was not in the position of
a criminal, before judges, but was a
prisoner taken in a civil war.
- Many More Like It ... Salem.
The following ease is but one of
many similar occurring daily tn Salem.
It is an easy matter to verify its cor
rectness. 8urely you cannot ask for
better proof than such a conclusive ev
idence, r
Olof Johnson, who is a gardner by
occupation, living at the corner ot J5th
and B streets, North Salem, says:
''Kidney complaint is bo new thing for
me. I have been bothered off and on
from a disordered condition of the kid
neys for , ten or twelve years. I did
not suffer so much from backache as
most people do who have kidney com
plaint, but the principal annoyance was
a weakening of "the kidney secretions,
which was both- distressing and ag
gravating. f Thergwsa "A;, scalding sen
sation "in passing and a heavy, brick
dust like sediment . appeared after
standing in the vessel over night. I
had .attacks of dizziness in my head
and ofttimes a blnrriag would appear
before my eyes flhd I could scarcely
see. -"I tried numerous remedies, but all
in vain, until I saw Doan's Kidney
Pills highly recommended for just such
troubles, -and' procured them at Dr.
Stone's drug store. I will say that in
all mv experience with-doctors pre
scriptions and different kidney reme
dies nothing has given me the -amount
of relief that I --have received from
Doan's Kidney PSHs."
For salo by all dealers. Price 50 cts.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. sole
agents, for the 'United States.
Remember the name, Doan's, and
take no substitute. ;
Diplomatic Correspondence Made Pub
lic Testerdajr Shows How American
Consul Took in Isthmian Troubles,
Quashing the Bevolution.
WAHHINGTO.V, April- 19.IHPlo
matic eorresjondenee made puldic at
the state department today contains
a dispatch from Minister Barrett at
Panama, giving an account of the as
sistance rendered by him in averting
trouble there at the time of the at
tempted revolution, led by General
Hnertas, last NovCmlier. After it iad
been arranged that General Hoertas
should resign and the Panama army
be disbanded, a hitch occurred. About
fifty soldiers marched unarmed to the
government' house, folio-wed by a great
crowd, and informed the president of
the republic that "they , would not ac
cept the government terms of .being
paid oil in two payments, but demand
ed the waole pay al that time. Minis
ter Barrett, who was present at the
time, advjsed the president to be ab
solutely Arm, 'but , the soldiers jer
sisted and , muttered their threats
against the president. The . minister
in informing, the state department of
the incident said : ; , ,
When this word came up from the
street I saw that ' tnere must, be no
further delay an bringing matters to
an end, and taking General Goardia,
the minister of foreiirn affairs and
war with me, I -went down stairs and
out upon the sidewalk in front of the
soldiers who were. there . assembled.
In brief words I told General Gnardia
to say to them that' the "United States,
with ita forces, stood back of the gov
ernment In to is crisis, and that they
must aeeept the. terms of the govern
ment or accept the consequences. They
were warned that if they did not ac
cept these terms and engaged in any
acts of , insurrection, -riot or , mutiny,
they , would be dealt with in a most
summary-way, and that if necessary
the naval forces in the tay and .the
maHaes at Ancon' and Empire would
be , used t'o' maintain, , order, .with the
severest . punishment for those who
were responsible - for , disorder. This
. warning bad the desired effect, and the
, fl it i . T"ir i i ) -.
Evident lie Purposes Thrusting Fores
Between These Two Bnssian . .
Chinese Bandits Attack Slav Forces
Near Imyanpo in an Attempt to De-
- efsoj Ballroad Lines Desperate Bat
tle Follows. -
. IJAKBIN, April 19; A tlcterminel
attempt was made on the night of April
17 to cut the railroad between Harbin
and Vladivostok, a formidable body pt
Chinese bandits making the attack near
Imyanpo, 100 miles cast of Harbin.
After a desperate i fight, whieb lasted
several hours, the bauuits were driven
off and dispersed.
There are various reports " of wide
turning movements . at , Tsitsikar or
eastward from that point, but as yet
the rumors are apparently unfounded.
The vigorous skirmishes taking place
against the eastern flank of the Rus
sian army, however, seem to indicate
that the Japanese are planning a thrust
northeastward, and to interpose a force
between Harbin and Vladivistok.
Pitchers Work Batsmen for Limit and
'. Keep Hits Way . Down Communters
Isefeat Seals and Tacoma Wins from
Siwashes, Going Into Second Place.
Testerday's, Scores, y
Tacoma, 6; Seattle, 0."
Portland, 2; Los Angeles 1.
Oakland, 3; Sau Francisco, 1
Standing of the Teams,
Won. Lost. P. C.:
Oakland . . . . .
Tacoma . . . . .
San Francisco
Tjoa Angeles
Portland ... .
Seattle .... ..
Portland, April 20. Portland won
today, but it had io go some to do so.
The Angels were oiit to rub it into the
Webfoots, but they failed to' get the
necessary1 number of ("tallies oyer fhO
pan.. It was a battery 'conflict' all fthc
listance. . Both pitehers were in fine
fettle, and had the batters buffaloed
from the start, j Both men received
splendid support in the field from their
running mates.'
id the Police Court - "
John McDowell is once more lchind
the bars, having been run in by the
police while In a state of . intoxication.
I lie ease will be looked into by , City
Recorder Moores this I morning. Kd
Fane was 3sq run ia while drunk on
Wednesday evening but was released
and rdaeed in harir of members nf his
t : 1 K. . 1 1. . t. i
iqiiiii. iw mm iff un iionir in .orni
Hal em where he gathered op some pa
pers,' .then left, telling bis wife she
would never again see him alive. Al
though he had not put in an appearance
up to a late hour last night,' no fears
were entertained for his safety as Fane
is' said to lie in the habit of making
such threats. ,
Bears tk
lbs Kind taa Han Alwan Brojfi
' . -
lliMlllsTFlO This imported rercheron Stallion will
1 1 fell Iff If rlN the Club Stables at Salem, Wednesday,
VIVII U Gaelic
day; at
'i. ' ,i,r 41
-. " X
t-'. -
TTIinO INSURANCE -Money, fos service becomes due when mare is known to be in -foal, cbaES
I III IlSS' i $30 00 owners or is removed from the countv wbere owned. Allpcrsons hrec' '
I asslllll V I . T ing mares to this borse shall attend the season regularly until -discharged K
keeper. Mares coming from a distance, to be brel to this .horse, will be properly cared for at reasonable ra
Cars will be taken to prevent accidents but vwill no( be responsible shoe Id. any occur.
e. o. EOEc::::Ei:.:Efl, Kc:;:r. : . - , E0Ec::::Ei:.:a & y.'ee, c;:-
AS(Q)l.nj IJA
for Infants
The Kind Tou Have Always Ilouht lias borno tho slgna
. tnro of Clias. II. Fletcher, nnd lias been made unlcr hi
personal supcrrlsloh for over 30 years. Allow no oho
, to deceive you. in. this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
, Just-w-grood are but Experiment, and endanger tho
health of Chlldxen -Experlenco against llaperiment.
The. Kind Yon Have Always Bought
Bears tho
In Use For
Effort to Be Made to Form a Pool at
Portland Meeting Next Tuesday and
-Ultimatum1 May Bo Sent to Brewers
Several Offers Reported. '
IndJcatious ioiut strongly to . an
early revival in the local hop niarketj
as the situation secius to be growing
firmer each succeeding day 'and the
growers sire holding out stronger imd
Ixn'oiuing correspondingly more hope
ful of winni'og, the fight for niftier
prices in the end. Offers are becoming
more numerous and several local deal
ers are said to be in the market for
prices ranging from 24 to better than
2J cents, with little or no selling..
Catlin & Linn of this city are relat
ed to have purchased 100 bales of med
iums, of a grower named Smith of
Tualatin. Wash., and Mr. Muecke .of
Aurora is also reported to have sotd all
of his bo, 100. bales, to Seavey ii
Metzler of Portland. The price could
not bo learned. Charles Werner of this
city, who quite recently offered his
hollings at -3 cents, has withdrawn ais
hoja from' the market now. ( onraa
KrcLs of Krebs Bros, is authority for
the statement that his firm refused
an offer of 25 cents for COO bales last '
evening, and another offer of the same;
price for 100 bales.
The growers anl dealers ol Oregon
ami Washington, who still have hops
on hand, will hold a' meeting in Port
land on Tuesday evening, April 25, at
the Portland hotel, for the purpose of
discussing the situation and outlining
some mode of action for ..the future.
This meeting will be held in roionse
to a call by inane PineuS Si Hons of Ta
cumo, who announce that they have an
important proposition to make to the
growers. It is said that this proposi
tion is the formation of a gigantic noo)
or combination of all hops on hand rn
the two states, with an agreement to
hold out for a period of at least sixty
days or until not less than 30 cents
can be realized for the-hops. - It is
also said that the growers will take
occasion to inform the brewers of their
position in the form of a resolution,
which is calculated to have some effect
ujou tho situation.
The following excerpts from a special
rejort of the Western Brewer, a publi
cation foj the information an'l lenefit
of the brewers of the United states
and the world, gives an idea of the
condition of the market in foreign conn
tries, showing, as it does, that a short
age exists in every country where hops
are consumed. They are taken from, a
letter from Adolf jiucr of, '.- Prague,
Austria, under date of March 30:
, "March showed a decided Improve
ment on all European markets. In
Xuremlurg the demand for,lrOa was
unusual for the time of the season and
as snpidirs in growers hand's are al
most exhansted, the storks in Nurem-
bufg decreased daily and prices could
advance 15 to 0 marks, which advance
is fully maintained with a further bard.
. . ...
Staytori, Monday and Tuesday.
V r
1; SK7
and Children
Signature of
Oyer 30 Years.
ening tendency.' Stocks in Nuremlmrg
are rather under 4,000 cwt, and in
Gennany, incluling Nureinburg, sro e
timatel at 10,KM to 12,0(M cwt.
i IMiCinia stocks are reduced to cura
an "extent that Austrian brewers aro
forced to rover their requirement,
mostly in Germany. - There remain
scarcely .1.000 cwt. of Saaz hops, an.t
1500 to 2,(H0 cwt. hops produced in
other Bohemian and Austrian uistrieti
The HM.d formel by Knglish brew
ers had beneficial influence on the
markets in London, and prices ad
vanced about 15s to 0s per ewt. Tho
ool has now withdrawn its holdings
from the market. Belgian markets are
rising, and, as Belgian hops were rnthcr
oversold, Belgians are trying to rdmy
Home f their exiHirtel hops iu Kug
land." ' '
' The following table shows the yearly
increase in the total brew of lurr in
the Unite.1 States from the yeir !!!
to and including tho year l'.OI, just
cloMcd, as taken from the govern H'.'ttt
reiMrts: ' '
''- Barrels.
..... .-'i.nsi.iif
...... -V.i,;;:wi,.sk
...... 40, 175,07
...... 4 4,4 7:iS
. . . . . 44,50.73il
...... 4 V-S,,,133i
"This shows a total increase if 11,
CD'J.OIO barrels during the iat nix
years, or au average annual incre.-is uf
I, fl4!,S30 barrels.
Kcports from all localities iu tins sec
tion indicate that the HH)5 crtip in emu
iug on nicely and that, barring fiiturs
adverse conditions, ihe yield . will he
letter than an average und in the val
ley. It is riortetl, however, that tinro
are a nnmlx-r of missing hill ia the
older yards and that, unless the hein
tosho'w signs of life soon, it wilJ Lavo
a tendency to decrease the propcttivi
yield to a considerable degree..
V 8
Today is Good Friday,ycsterday
was Holy Thurstlay an'l tomorrow will
lo Holy fcsiturday, accurdug to llie
calenlarof toe, liturgical year. The,
are the three days immediately pre
ceding the 1'east of Kaster, commem
orating the resurrection of lirist. The
Christian world is plunKcl into deep
est, monrning through these dy in
memory of the passion, crucifiixioti and
death of the buried Christ.
Tue ceremonies of yesterday were
most impressive at Ht. Joseph's ehurc!u
At 8 oclock Itcv. Domiuic Fnher, Ihe
pastor, celebrate! the aaerifi.c iMh.
mass, consecrating two ho'ts, the or""
of whiv'h was consumed and the other
carried in sdcmn prfcesin t the
repository, where it will rfmain oiitd
the mass of the "pre-Sanetifled tin
morning at 8 o'clock, when it will 1
carried back to the main altar of th
church, where the solemn cc re momea
of the dav will take place. In t!'
evening at 7:30 o'clock the Adoration
of the 'rnn wdl also be hel l, followed
br tiie Way of the frost.' H-'len.n ser
vices will als.i be held in the Kj'in
pal church. this evening.
Tomorrow morning at "St. Jonej.h
church at 7 o'clock, th" reremoDi-s
blowing the water, oils and psw-sl
candle and the lighting of the new m
will s held. fi
... " e 1 nn' of
make tne season 01
Thursday, Friday and bat-
This fani'iui
Pcrcheron tl!''"
is a bcautiul
black and ii fiv
years old ibo 28tk
of June, WOi
approved bj tbe
French Govern
ment to stand tot
.. public service. H
is the second best
borso in the U"'1'
ed Btatcs. His
conformation l
perfect and t'
ac'iion extraordi
nary. Weigh
- 2230 pouB'
cecn at uu
Stables, "Solcm.