Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, April 14, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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v.T.r'.::i.T czrac:! cTATuziiAir, irmxr, afhil ib ises.
I he City
(FTora Wednesday's Daily.) .
IScecutor Files Final Account ' ' - '
F. E. Shafer yesterday filed, his final
account ia the Marion county probate
court as executor of the estate of John
A. Shafer, deceased. Judge Scott set
May 13, at 1 o'clock p. m., as the time
for bearing Objections to the account.
' . ;? ;
Delegate to National Council -" :
Governor Chamberlain yesterday ap
pointed Dr.'H. E. Cnrrey of Baker City
a delegate to "the council of medical
education of the American Me ileal as
sociation, to be held at Chicago April
20, of this year. The appointment was
roarfe upon the recommendation of Sec
retary Byron E. Miller, of the- state
board of medical examiners, of whom
tie governor inquired for suggestions
aj to whom would be likely to. attend
and the proper parties to designate.-
pesires to Break Contract
Mrs. W. I. Mereer has commenced
4n action in City Recorder Moores '
tanrtagainst Julius Voget to recover the
n'm of $75" paid don on a contract to
purchase two lots. The plaintiff al
leges that through' Voget s agent, S.
B. C'atterlin, she purchased lots 1 and
2, in block 2, of Knight's addition to
Salem, upon the agent's representation
that the lots were convenient and adkl
Harentto a sewer. She claims that A
after paying the sum of $75 upon the
- contract to purchase the lots she foond
that the property was not adjacent to a
sewer and too low to make sewer con
nection. C. W. Corby appears as at
' torney for the plaintiff.
: (From Thursday's Daily.)
Nieft Estate Appraised
August Keil, William Fry and Henry
Vojjht, the appraisers of the estate of
Karl Henry Nieft, deceased, yesterday
filed their report in the county court.
The estate, consisting of real and per-
appraised at
Two Patients From Umatilla
William II. Swan, aged 44, a harness
: maker by occupation, and a resident of
Denver, CoL, and Ham Johnson, ajed
ib, a laborer and a native of Finland,
were brought to the insane asylum from
i.matillii county yesterday by Sheriff
T. D. Taylor and one guard. ,
Authorized to Sell Property
W. If. Queener, as administrator yes
. terilay petitioned the Marion county
pruliute court for authority to sell the
jiersonal property belonging to , the es
tate of the late Mary Haag. Judge
Scott made an order in accordance with
the petition and the administrator is to
sell the property at public sale.
Appraisers File Report
The report of the appraisers died in
the Marion county, court yesterday
dhows that the property belonging to
the estate of Isaiah Weaver, deceased,
is valued at $1673.40, the real estate
having been appraised at $1400 and the
personal property at $273.40. The ap
praisement was made by Li S. Lambert,
tJeorge Weatherill and Samuel Darby.
lamlHl Court Appoints Guardian
Vpou the fetition of W. C. Miller,
Frank Holmes of this city, who la the
attorney for Miller, has been appointed
uv the county court of Yamhill county
guardian of the person and estate of
ftaleigh M. Downe, who is said to be
incompetent and unable to -properly
transact his own business affairs. The
ward is a son of the late Jennie M.
Market Livens Up
There was considerable stir in the
matrimonial market yesterday, County
t'lerk Roland being called upon during
the day to issue three marriage permits.
The documents to which, the clerk af
fixed his signature were as follows:
Harnard N. Lyman and Ida M. Macy;
Jesse Macy, witness. Christian Olson
and Kdna Banta; Jessie Benson, wit
ness. Jacob Seifer and Lizzie Walker:
Carl Walker, witness.
Drug Store Changed Hands
The Red Corner drug store, conducted
bo long under the name of the Steiner
l)rug company, at the corner of State
and Commercial streets, in this city,
changed hands yesterday F. A. Lepg
roM the store to L. E. Hooker, and the
new proprietor will have charge today.
Mr. Legg has been in the drug business
iu Salem for the past sixteen years, and
he retires in order to enter the office
of W. IX Pugh, the architect, as a part
ner. Mr. Legg has been studying along
this line for a. long time, and this is
When a child I had a very severe at
tack of Diphtheria, which came near prov
ing fatal. Upon recovery the glands of th
neck were very much enlarged, and aftei
the free use of iodine, the right one wa
reduced to its normal sise, but the left
one continued to grow1 very slowly at
first, until it was about the size of a goos
egg, which began to press on the wind
pipe, causing difficult breathing, and be
came very painful. An incision was made
and a large quantity of pus discharged.
The gland was removed, or as much at
could with safety be taken out. For tei
years I wore a little piece of cloth about as
inch long' in my ncckto keep the placs
open. During this time I had to have il
cut open by the doctor every time I took
cold or the opening clogged. In the Spring
or early Summer of 1SS4 I was persuade
by my wife to use S. S. S., which I did,
strictly in accordance with directions. 1 1
took twenty-six large bottles, and was en
tirely cured, for I have not suffered since
that time. B. S. RaCIAKD.
Royal Bag Mfg. Co., Charleston, S. C
Only a constitutional remedy can read
an hereditary disease like Scrofula. Whes
the blood is restored to a normal conditios
and the scrofulous deposits are carried ofi
there is a gradual return to health. S.S.S.
is well known as
blood purifier and
tonic It is th
0 n 1 y guaranteed,
strictly vegetable
remedy sold. If yos
have any signs oi
Scrofula, write tu
and our physician!
will advise you f ztt
Tbe Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, C
the work for which be is adapted and
which pleases him. lite, will add ma
terially to the reputation of Salem in
this line, which, is already good. Mr.
Hooker has been studying medicine. He
will pursue his studies, and will also
leara the .drug business. He will have
a registered pharmacist in his prescrip
tion department. Mr. Hooker is a pop
ular and hustling young, man, ana he
will ; without doubt make a success of
his new business. He was formerly in
the employ of the Electric Light, Power
and Gas company, . and has lately
worked in the same field in Oklahoma
and Colorado. ;
Is Prospering' v ; .
Frank Conover, the well-known print
er who resided in Salem for several
years and is a son of Mrs. B. B. Con
over, on Asylum avenue, is now num
bered among the population of . Butte,
Mont, where he and his family occupy
a, trick residence which they built and
owa. ; Frank: is .a traveling salesman
for a large wholesale house the largest
in that city and is one of the most
trusted men empolyed. His salary Is
$2000 and expenses, annually.
T ' (From Friday's Daily.)
No Damage Done
- E. N.r Branson of Dallas was in the
eity yesterday. Mr. Branson says the
crops look all right there, and reports
no uamage done by the reeent frost.
- .i - -
After Tea Tears
Ten ,years ago Thomas n. B. Kays
i rratam asked Kev. William Short
this city if he would officiate at bis
age, whenever that event should
take Mace. The reverend gentleman
consented and yesterday he fulfilled his
promisfe when Mr. Kays was united in
ge to Miss Mabel Zwk of Pra
turn. The couple will reside at Pra'tum.
ere Mr. Kays is engaged in car
pentry work..
Suffers Loss
The residence of John Edgar, on Oak
Grove road, about four miles west of
Salem, was burned to the ground Wed
nesday at about 1 o'clock. There was
no insurance. The estimated loss of
the contents of the house is $300. Ed
gar is a renter and has three small
children an (ft he fire leaves him in close
circumstances. Breeze Gibson is cir
culating a subscription paper in Mr.
Edgar's interest.
A Busy Place
On last Monday morning, Mr. A. A.
Burton, proprietor of. the Salem brick
yard, started theseason's work in the
manufacture of brick. Home sixteen to
eighteen men are now busy there, and
the force will be increased ai the sea
son advances. Mr. Burton hopes to
pjet a kiln ready for "burning before the
first of jMay. As was said some weeks
ago, 'the output will be increased con
siderably this year over last year.
Returns Home
Mrs. Esther Townsend and daughter,
Miss SopKa Townsend, arrrVed in Sa
lent on yesterday morning's train from
Fossil, Or. Miss Sophia has recovered
and her health seems quite good. She
will rusticate at the home of her
father, Charles Townsend of Rosedale.
Her friends are very glad to hear of
her recovery and return home. Her
friends here would like by this means
to I thank - her friends of Fossil and
Condon for their kindness.
Eastet Art
Some of Salem's window dressers are
artists at their business. This is, plain
ly evidenced by the general beauty of
the many fine show windows of the
city. One of the most successful dis
plays of 'this art, however, is that in
one of the Court street windows of
Jos. Meyers & Sons, the window being
devoted to an Easter display. The en
tire scheme is well worthy the arfist
who planned it, and its execution is not
only very attractive but interesting.
Judge Burnett Holds Session
Judge Burnett Celd a brief adjourned
session of Department No. 1 of the eir
cuit, court yesterday, then took ad
journment until 9 o'clock Monday
morning. There were no decisions ren
dered in any of the eases under advise
ment and but one order was made. In
the case of J. F. Ilughes, executor, vs.
Spore & Robinson et al., an action for
money, the judge made an order al
lowing the plaintiff's motion for judg
ment against all of the defendants for
want of answer. '
W. C. Miller Is Guardian
In an item published in yesterday
morning's issue of the Statesman, the
head line of whieh read ".Yamhill
(.Tourl Appoints Guardian," an error
was made in Statin? that Frank
Holmes, the attorney of this city, had
been appointed guardian of the person
and estate of Raleigh M. Downe, a son
nf tne late Jennie M. Kelloir. who is
said to be an incompetent person. In
stead of Mr. Holmes, W. a Miller was
armointed. the appointment being made
Mr. Miller's own petition. Frank
Holmes acted as attorney for Mr,
Miller. .
Mrs. Alfreds Vinton, a Former Resident
; of Salem, Dies at worm iioweu
; . i Prairie.
Mrs. Alfred Vinton, who died at her
home on North Howell Prairie on April
a f iofis was ai?ed 57 years. 8he was
a natie of Pennsylvania and moved to
Iowa where sne was marriou to uwmr
Lv Vinton in 1864. The same year they
came to Salem, Or, and Boon after
moved to Norfh Howell Prairie, where
thev have sinee resifled-v ne was ne
mother of eight ehUdren. The husband
ami six f the children survive her:
Charles W. of Portland, Walter A. of
Antelope, Mrs. Mina Me II wain of 8a-.
lem, Or, Cora A. Vinton and Mrs. Eva
i 8tevcns, deceased; Mfs- AUry B.
Waltman, George W. and Arthur O.
Vinton of North Howell. Mrs. Vinton
was quiet and unassuming in- her man
ner and disposition, and was univerr
sally loved and esteemed by all who
knew her. The funeral was conducted
by Rev." Mr. Jones of Brooks and inter
ment was in ue Pioneer cemetery, near
Farkersville. ; : : -" - ' , - - '.'
! Tor Infants and Children. "
Thi ttniYca Hata Ah7ajs C::gfet
Bears the T . VlLa-z-
Season Is Much JEarlier Than Usual
Nearly All ' Seed Is jn. and Making
Good Advancement Reports From
5 Several Sections of the 8tate.
The winter was favorable for fall
sown eropn of grain and grasses, ex
cept a few scattered looealities in the
eastern sections, where the cold weather
in February killed some grain that was
not well protected ' by snow. The re
seeding of these areas was soon after
wards completed. .The fall grain which
came through the winter unharmed is
in excellent condition; the , plant is
well rooted and it has stooled luxur
iantly. Forage crops have made ex
cellent growth and pastures and ranges
afford abundant feed for stock. Lamb
ing is well along and the losses have
been slight. Goat shearing is nearly
completed and an average clip has been
The season Is much earlier than usual
and the farmers have their work well
in hand.; Spring plowing has advanced
rapidly and many farmers in the Wil
lamette valley have their spring wheat
all seeded. Early sown spring grain
everywhere has come up to a good
stand, and the grain crop generally is
in a very satisfactory condition. Rapid
progress has. also been made in planting
gardens, and those planted early are
making good : advancement. Hops are
doing well and the cultivation of the
yards is in active progress; some vines
are far enough advanced for training
and twining, and this work now re
quires considerable : attention. Corn
planting has just started in Southern
Oregon. !
Several frosts occurred during the
past few days and fruit, whieh is gen
erally in bloom, has suffered to some
extent; reports, as to the amount of
damage are conflicting, but apparently
peaches have been injured the most.
Peach, plum and pear trees have
bloomed very full, while the apple trees
are not so full of blossoms as usual.
The soil is now in excellent condition
for plowing and germination, but more
rain will be needed before long, as it
is drying out rapidly.
Coast District.
Doraville. Columbia County. f.Toa.
i ounty,
Hackenberg. Weat her
favorable for
Eym slall
Hss opened in Port
land, Orefon. Bett In
the Northwest. Call
and see him.
130 STnth t.
Blumaoer Frank Drag Co Portland,
OTegon, is . headquarters for Photo
graphic Supplies, Century, Premo, Po
co. Blair and Eastman Cameras. Ev
ery requisite for the Professional and
Amateur Photographer. Write for
complete catalogue.
growth of all grain and grasses; or
chards in bloom or beginning to bloom;
fruit outlook good; cattle from fair
to poor, but improving.
Trask, Tillamook County, F. J. Gobar.
Weather . favorable for all crops;
grass, grain and early gardens growing
well; cows freshening and increased
supply of milk being delivered to all
creameries; fruit trees beginning to
bad and bloom; strawberries in excel
lent condition.
Point Terrace, juane County, S. J.
Allison. Weather warm and spring
like; farmers busy planting gardens;
carry gardens doing well; cherries,
plums, pears, peaches, currants and
some apples in full bloom; grass grow
ing nicely; all stoe in good condition.
Myrtle Point, (ko County, L. Strong.
Weather rather eool, but suitable for
farming operations; grain and grass at
least one month earlier than usual; con
siderable plowing being done; a greater
number of creameries running now than
usual; stock in good condition; fruit
prospects good; berries in boom.
Corbin, Curry County, W. T. White.
Weather all that could be wished for,
and all crops doing nicely; fruit trees
forward and in good condition; stock
excellent; grass fine.
Willamette Valley.
Sandv. Clackamas County, P. R.
Meinig. Fall grain is extra good and
spring sown is growing nicely; weather
very favorable for spring sowing; po
tato planting progressing rapidly; I run
promising; grass growing fast.
DiHev. Washington County, F. II.
Maury. Weather, favorable; fall grain
looks fine; early, spring sown up and
in-owing: all fruit trees in full bloom;
light frosts, bat so far no damage has
resulted; early, garsens look fine.
MeMinnville, Yamhill County,; D.
Stout! Cold: rains and frost eaused
winter wheat to turn yellow and it
needs sunshine and warmer weather;
does not look so well as it did ten mvs
ago; fruit seems to be plentiful on the
trees, and unless injured by later frost
the crop promises well; spring seeding
being pushed.
Philomath, Benton ijounxy, w. lr.
Boles.Early gardens look well; onion
crop has a good stand; fruit uninjured
and gives indications of a heavy yield;
hop yards being cultivated.
Alonmoutn, i'oik vouniy, w. j. juoran.
Fine growing : weather; some light
frost, but no damage; grain nearly all
' .... 1 ;.r II
sown; ground in gooa ronuiuua, m
grain and grasses growing wdL '
Gervais, Marion County, Scott Jones.
The week has been : a fine one and
powing has been resumed preparatory
to sowinz cats and barley: hop. yards
have been plowed one-' rt
ing to plow a second time; hops grow
ing fast, being - two feet; twining
tbe yards preparatory to training the
vines has begun. . t ' 1
Brownsville, Linn .; county,, xeier
During these Spring wwmth yon need
Hostetter's Stomach. Bitters.. No mat
ter whether you are young or old, rich
or poor you 11 find it the ideal medicine
to sharpen the appetite," rid the system
of winter impurities, or to overcome
that "tired feeling." There's noth
ing : like it for curing Belching, Bloat
ing, Heartburn. Indigestion, Dyspepsia,
Costiveness, Colds, Spring Fever or
Grippe. Try a . bottle today. Avoid
Hume. Weather fine for crops; every
thing growing nicely. ;
Wiklwood, Lane County, J. T.' Hunt.
Grain of all knds looks fine; grass
on range good; potato planting and
gardening in progress; ground ia fine
condition; clover and alfalfa look well;
fine outlook for alt kinds of fruit.
Southern Oregon. '
. Applegate, Jackson County, John W.
PernoLL All crops, looking well; fruit
not damaged by frost - and well ad
vanced : some early potatoes being
Elanted; early gardens growing nicely;
ops doing well; considerable acreage
will be seeded or reseeded to alfalfa.
Dryden, Josephine County, II. S.
Mastin. Weather nice and warm until
Friday, when a change to cooler oc
curred; there was a heavy frost Satur
day morning; early fruit may fc badly
injured; grain and grasses growing
nicely; stock on range doing well; early
gardens up; strawberries blooming.
Columbia Elver Valley.
Simnasho, -Waseo County, J. O. Ash
enhurst. A good shower at the be
ginning of the week and warmer weath
er since have caused grain and pastures
to advance rapidly.
Condon, Gilliam County, F. B. Stev
ens. Weather fine; "fall wheat doin
well; very little injured by freezing;
plowing and sowing for spring crops
well advanced; large quantity of sod
being plowed; early gardens planted;
fruit crop injured by frost; ground in
good condition to work; stock doing
Moro, Sherman County, H. W. Strong.
'. Heavy frost first of week; weather
very dry; fall sown wheat badly dam
aged by freezing, necessitating reseed-j
mg; tnere will De a large acreage or
spring wheat sown; fruit of all kinds
in. good condition. .
Adams, Umatilla County, Cj S. Fer
guson. Crops in fine condition; so far
wheat never looked better for the time
of year; ground in fine condition; pas-
Melrose Restaurant snd Quick Lunch
Room. Surpassing coffee. Neatness
and Dispatch our motto. 270 Alder
street, opposite , Hotel' Belvedere,
Portland, Oregon.
When in Portland patronise the Perkins
Restaurant. Our service is second to
none at popular prices.- Give us one
trial and realize how nice we will
treat you. D. M. Watson, Prop.
Wedding and -visiting cards and mono
gram stationery. W. G. Smith & Co
Washington Bldg, Portland, Oregon.
Legal Blanks at Statesman Job Otfiee
tures doing well; stock of all kinds ex
cellent; fruit trees are beginning - to
bloom, except peaches, which were
killed; some gardens are up.
Pateau Region. ,
Snmmerville, Union County, C. T.
Colt. Weather warm and all vegeta
tion making rapid growth; wheat being
seeded; all work being pushed along
rapidly; range, looks nne and stock im
proving. Ashwood, Crook Connty, James
Wood. Crops look well; nights a trifle
frosty; days warm; rain needed; fruit
trees are very backward; early gardens
good; stock of all kinds doing well;
grass on ranges better than usuaL -
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas
County, as.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing, business hi the
city, of Toledo, county and state afore
said, and that said firm will pay the
for each and every case of catarrh that
cannot be cured by the use of Hall's
Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY,
8 worn to before me and subscribed
in my presence this 6th day of De
cember, A. D., 1886.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, and acts directly on the blood
and mueous. surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY k CO, Toledo, O.
. Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family, Pills for con
George Miller, Early Pioneer of Oregon,
, Dies at His Home in
, Marlon. - .
To the large number of empire build
ers that, have already joined the great
majority has been added George Miller,
whose defeth occurred, at his home in
Marion Monday. He was 73 years, 11
months and 15 days'old at the time of
his death. A large arid sympathizing
number of his old friends' gathered to
assist at the last sad rites of interment,
whieh was pear' ' Shelborn - yesterday.
The funeral serrices were conducted
by Rev, B. F. Hinshaw of Marion.
: Deceased was born in Glasgow, Scot
land, April 24, 1831, and came to this
country in 1849. He crossed the plains
to Oregon the next year and later moved
to California. He remained in. that
state but a short time, returning to
Oreeon. where he married Miss Eliza
beth Harris on Msy 16, 1867. To this
marriage - were born nine children,
Hirry II, Malvin Hell, Huisie, ueorge
A, Irene, John M-, Lizzie F. and Chris
teaa, four of whom are living.
installing new telephone
system; on lines.
Throngh Agency of Railroad Telephone
' Trainmen Are Able to Get Communi
cation With Any Telegraph Office on
Line and Report Accidents. ---1
Through the agency of a new emer
gency telephone system, which has just
been adopted by the Southern Pacifie
company, and which is now being in
stalled, the operators in every station
on the line as well as the train dis
patcher's office, will have direct com
munication with every train, on the
road at all times - not matter whether
they be between stations, side-tracked,
wrecked or otherwise. This, system is
a recent invention and is used upon
only two or three of the eastern rail
roads but one. ox the first instruments
of the latest event in railroad innova
tions was installed in the scent's of
fice of the Southern Pacifie company's
passenger depot of this city yesterday,
The Southern Pacific company is tb
first on the coast to adopt this syst
n--tit:!p!v--9 Tlir.tht'w
tern up to the standard of the best pail-
roads pf the east. It-is a very simple
ilevice yet it may be the means of sar
ing many lives and the company thou
sands of dollars ia expenses by redue
ing the danger of wrecks and other ae
cidents to the minimum. Besides, by
simply booking a jointed pole over tne
telegraph wire at any point upon the
line wherever they may be, the crews
of the trains may speak to any of the
telecrapb operators on tbe system, or
the head office and receive running or
ders, in case there is no telegraph sta
tion near.
First System Adopted in West.
The system is just being installed and
has not been put in , general working
order as yet. 'When it is finished every
ticket office on the road will be equip
ped with a telephone and every caboose
and passenger train will be equipped
likewise. The instruments are connec
ted with the main telegraph wire of
the line and is cut in on the switch
board. Whenever a train becomes laid
out on a sidetrack between " stations.
where there is no telegraphic communi
cation all that is necessary is for some
member of the crew to take a specially
devised, jointed and insulated pole and
hook it over tbe telegraph wire and at
tach the other end to the instrument on
the train and the trick is done. All
they have to do is ring and they have
connection with the whole line of tele
graph offices.
. The nearest office, of course, will an
swer and through this office the train
will procure orders to proceed upon its
journey. The orders may either be
transmitted from the office of the train
dispatcher direct, by telephone to the
tram conductor, or sent to the nearest
station by wire and then relayed, by J
telephone to the train. . j-'or tms pur
pose specially designed order blanks
have been printed and there is no pos
sibility of a mistake being made as
every word of the orders must be re
peated back to the operator Derore an
o. k. can be obtained. This system of
telephoning will not onlv .be invaluable
in case 01 a iTain oeing sirauueu w
tween stations, which, at the present
time often causes delays of two-or
three hours because of a belated regular
train, but it will do excellent service
in case of wreck or other accidents be
tween stations when immediate assis-
l&nce is needed.
No Enemy of the Operator.
When the railroad, telephone first put J
opetntors, however, has been entirely
overcome and the telephone is being
looked upon merely as tbe railroad
man's friend and an urgent necessity
and pleasant convenience to the system
of uD-to-date manaeemeni. The tele
phone, as a transmitter of orders has
been giyen a thorough test by the large
eastern railroads and it has been round
to be not so satisfactory or successful
as the telecrrph system and the teie
, ! vV". .
,,on .r, p7 77 7" "J,"
fl".7 "ETiie"LlI,we W6t f tb
limu rri five kcucichi t 1
No Signal System Tet. i
M. " 1 . 1 4 A l. I
inere is no uen inarumruv 10 ir 1
office telephones and the operators srj I
called bv the Hotter of the telegraph I
instrument, which is civen by a turn I
of the crank the same as any other tele- j
in its appearance it was thought that 'K agamsi nam esiaie are re
it would operate to transplant teleg- quested to present the same to the un
raphy as a means of transmitting train "'S? tthe If- ofRe of John 11.
order and place the telegraph operator L. MeNary, Bush-Breyman bloek,
on ihe lit of has-beens. This appre- Dregon, j duly verified as re
hension on the psft of the telegraph r h7 law, within six months from
phone. me teiepnone may De usea 1 ion county, vn-egon, as iue piace ior 1 xry. Throusjli. the use of these harm
while the teleirraph instrument is In I hearing said final account and all ob- 1... MmiiM vi.
use and the only interruption is that
caused oy ine nner wnen vB t.k
given, iuub uiuj ii uuwiuio i wv
ihe wire for telephoning snd telegrpn
.nsr.st 'the same time. The Salem of
fice phene is connected up in worklrg
otrer and yesterday tn local agent,
Mr. Commegys, held a brier eon versa
tion with the train dispatcher in Port
land. It is not expected that th sys
tem will be completed and ready for
general operation for a couple of weeks
but the company .is working hard Xo
lve the new addition to the alraJv
excellent service installed at the ei'If
1 st poHLle date. At present the roraiiee Company, of Maaehester, Eng
tem of rirging is very erode ss er y boad, desiring to cease doing business
iper-ior i.
fpre it is known who is wanted bat a
V V i liT. IV? fw
whieh w11 be not altogether unlike that
Kidney trouble often ends fatally,!
uh uj fuwwre i iikii nttiHB. ".lwiLuuiiw us aeposit - iron xne saiu 1
11. woize or near u rove, Ja-, eneatea 1
death. He says: "Two years sgo II
baa riidney lronDie, wnica cansea me 1
great pain, suffering and anxiety, but I
I took Electric Bitters, whieh effected I
a complete cure. 1 nave, aiso zouna 1
them of great benefit in general debil
ity and nerve trouble, and keep them I
eonstnally on hand sinee, as I find they
have no egnal." Daniel J. Fry, drug
gist, guarantees mem st oue.
ry" " x"" w. enre . -. SO.
E. W. Grove's signature is on eaeh
b. 25 eeatS. I
Legal Blanij at Statesman Job Office
per ton. P. l. Uouley, Brooks, or.
buying eggs; call on us for prices
before you sell. ' Commercial Cream
Companny. " '
. for sale of trade- for good brood
mares. Will pay difference. L J.
Shippy, Marion, Or,
' . ...I at pace 250 of book 40 of the deed
REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES. I M l,, ;f Mmrion eounty, Oregon;
prepared to nuy gooa purcnase money
mortgages on any class of real estate.
H.'E. Noble, Commercial Block, Port -
land, Or,:.-..-;
Eigs, also docks, spring enieaena, anaipi.sa acres of land more or ies.
ens. I will car the highest cash! That sealed bids for said above do-
price for same, Quong Iling, 254 Lib -
erly street, Salem, Oregon.
have $10 or $100 or $1000 to invest
a dividend paying proposition that
rill-grow fast ia value, send 6e post-1
for prospectus to Hot. 3UU, isaiew.
TnE capital improvement co.
do a general transfer business. We
hava wood fiber nlaster. Also Boche
Harbor lime for snravinir. General
builders' and contractors' supplies.
Front and Chemeketa streets.
port cards are printed to fit the
school register. The prices are:
Twelve cards for 10 cents; twenty-
five for 20 cents: one hundred for 75
ents. Statesman Publishing Co, Sa
lem, Oregon."
Bureau can supply good teachers on
short notice. School boards in need
of teachers should write to us for
further information. Teachers furn
ished without; cost to the district.
Address Chas. II. x Jones, Salem, Or.
FARM FOR SALE. A farm of 167
acres, three miles southwest of Stay-
ton in Linn eounty, Oregon, Ninety-
five acres in cultivation, balance open
pasture land. Good improvements.
Price 370O. Inquire of F. E. Gallo
way, Staytom, Oregon.
given th!at 1 will deposit on the 1st
day of May, 1H05, the sum ox fifteen i
hundred! dollars ($1500.1)0) in the
Bank of the New York Kecuritv &
Trust (Company in the city of New
lork, !JN. 1, for tbe puriuse of re-
deeming and -paying bonds One, Two
and Three of School District No. 9 of
Coos county, Oregon. No- Interest
will be allowed after 1st day of May.
1605. J. H. Dulley, Treasurer Co
flounty, Oregon. Dated April 1st,
1 ehickeos, geese, ducks and all kinds!
' of farm produce at Capital Commis-
! sion Co, 259-257 Commercial St., Sa
! lem, Oregon. Phone 2231.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have been appointed by the
county court of Marion county, Oregon,
co-executors of the estate of Isaac M. I
Wagner, deceased, and all persons bav-
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this '14th 1
dav or April, jtnis.
1'JllLiU AI. WAGNER, '
j Executor.
Executrix ' of tbe estate' of Isaac M.
Wagner, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the nn-
driiened has this day hied in the
Coanty Court of the State, of Oregon
for the Coftnty of Marion hi. final ae-
4. m a L , m - . -
.1 j 1 - a . . . I I
ueceaseu, ana mat saiu uion nai nxeu 1
Saturday, the 15th day of April. 1905.
ac the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. as the I
time, and the County Court room in the!
County Court House in Salem, in Mar-
jeetions thereto
, -"T f 'uu lu'" f
A. O. Condit.
Executor of the last will and testament
of Elizabeth T. Hoise, deceased.
Notice of Intention to Withdraw Insur
ance Deposit by the Manchester As
rnrance Co., of Manchester, England.
To Whom It May Concern: In ae-
cordanee with the requirements of the
law of the State of Oregon, relative to
td. i
herebv riven that the Manchester As.
withrn the state of Oregon, inrende to
withdraw its deposit with me treasurer
ot W Bd will, if no claim
.:,, ' .v.iiV- i.v
the Insurance Commissioner, within six
fnl months from th Amw tf Itenin.
the first publication of this notice to
Dated at Salem. Or., this 20th dav of I
ueeemDer, 190.
Attorney in art.
Notice is hereby given that the an-
dersigned administrator of tbe estate!
o John Ashmead, deceased, under and
Court of the 'state ot Oregon fr the
7? A" . , . 5 r
Condit in the Grav Block in Raiem.
nr.. sutor,ia h ok
AnrJ 1mS h l.n.,r nf Ifl n'.ln-k
a. m. of said day, sell at private sale
the following described real property
situated in Marion "county, state of
Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning at a point chains H.
0 degrees 15 minutes W. from the N.
W. corner of the IX L. C. of John
Baum and wife, in T. 8 8., K. 2 W. of
the W. M. in Marion county, Oregon,
and running thence N. 2 degrees :'.J
minutes E. 7.M chains to the middle
of the county road leading from S:ilem
to Turner; thence S, 31 decrees, K. 3
chains to an angle ia said road; thence
S. 42 degrees, E. 9.7 chains to an
angle; thence S. 27 degrees SO minutes,
E. 57.26 chains along said county road;
thence N. SS degrees 13 minutes W.
16.82 chains to the strip of land con
veved to the O. k C. R. R. Co. by
C"ll. Lewis and wife, by deed recorded
I th-eBl.e north wetcr!v along the east
1 1-Mi0tary. of K." R !o.'a said strip
1 lb - iin of t, 1). I C.
I of John! Baum and wife; thnce .V. o
decrees 05 minutes K. 15..H chains to
I the place of beginning and containing
1 scribed real property will be received
by me up, to the time alwive indicated.
Terms of sale, cash in hand on day
of sale.
IV. T. Riehes, .
Administrator of the Estate of
John Asbtnead, Deceased.
Notice is herebv given that by
virtue of an execution duly isfiied out
of the Circuit Curt of the Klate of
"regon, for tne county or Marion, ana
1 to me directed on the 14th day of
Mar.h im,, upon a judgment and
urrrro iiuir reniereu, rnirrrti ui rn wru
and docketed in ami by said court on
the 6th dav of March. 19U3, iu a cer-
tain suit then in said court enuing,
wherein Christopher A: II. Kinhor was
plaintiff and May I. Smith and A.
Hmith were defendants in favor of
plaintiff and against said defendants by
which execution I am commanded to
sell the property in said execution and
hereinafter described to pay the sum
doe the plaintiff of fifteen hundred
nineteen and 90-100 (151M0) dollars,
with interest thereon at the rate of
six per cent per annum from the f.th
day of March, 190.1, until paid, together
with the costs and disbursements of
said suit taxed at twenty-two and C0
100 ($22.G0) dollars and costs and ex
penses of said execution. I .will on
(Saturday, the 15th day of April, 190.1,
at the hour of 11 o'clock ii. 111.' of said
day, at the west door of the county
court house in Salem in Marion eounty,
Oregon, sell lit pidli auction to the
highest bidder for cash in hand on the
day of sale, all the-right, title, interest
and estate which said defendants May
D. Smith and A. C Smith und all per
sons claiming under them suhseqiieut to
the Cth day of March, 1 '.)", in, of and
to said premises hereinl-rfore men
tioned aro described in said execution
as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the east line
of the Donation- Jjund Claim of J. tu
Iarrish and wife nt a stake set for
the N. E. corner of a tract of laud
conveyed by S. B. Iarrih to Geo.l.
Holman by deed of date the th day
of March, 1S77, recorded in Marion
county record book of deeds "'2 on page
160K thence North 0 deg. 45 niin., west
10 chains; thence west 5 chains; thence
south 0 deg. 45 in in. east 10 chains;
thence east 5 chains to the place of
beginning and containing
5 ncres ot
land situated in T. 7 H. Jt. 3 W. of the
Willamette Meridian in Marion county,
Said sale being made subject to re
demption in the manner provided by
Dated this 15th dav of March, 100.1.
W. J. Culver,
Sheriff of Marlon County. Oregon.
White Pine and Tar with
Menthol for Coughs and
Croup. F. O. H ASS, 96
State St., Salem, Or.
This wonderful
Chines doctor is
oallea great be
eauae he cures peo
ple without opera,
tlon that are given
up to die. He cures
with thos wonder-
r,Tj , 1
fnl CnlncM' nrbsu
roots, buds, bark
ud verstalkleA. t.t mrm .n,iMiv nn.
known to rrrT"!! science In this coun-,
knowS the action ot over 600 different
ramedlee which he successfully uses In
different diseases. II guarantees to
curs catarrh, asthma, lunar, throat.
rheumatism, nervousness, stomach,
kldnar bladder, remala trouble, lost
manhood, all private diseases; has
hundreds of tesUmonlala. .Charge
Can and see hint. Consultation free.
Patients out of the city write for
blank and circular. Enclose stamp.
Address The C O Wo Chines Medi
cine Co., 251-253 Alder St., Portland,
Oregon. Mention this padss.
IThie carefully. We liave all the
building material necessary for
your house. VOUr Orders will be
?l(1 VVUy and Care thUn ill
toe selection 01 your lumber. .
Office 97 State 8trrt
Tard Fourteenth and Oak Et '
Phone Main 2131.