Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, April 14, 1905, Page 1, Image 1

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iiU-U Uo Tuesday .::o n.:::.'
i I
jtfty-fourtii tear-no. 7. ! .- - .- , - . : . . , ; ; . '
' - -- f : . : SAT.TT?. OSEOON. ITXPAY HORNCTO, APRIL 1, 1905. " ' , - ETCOirD rAC -
Says There Should Be no Sectionalism
in Reorganization of the
Democracy. .
Two Principles Most Be Followed: first
There Should Be Principle and Sec
ond, Organization Ought to Begin
With SmaRest Possible Unitsl i
NEW YORK:, April 13. Seven hun
dred Drtnoerats attended the Jefferson
pay banquet of the Democratic Club
f New. York at the Waldorf-Astoria
tonight. There were many men of na
tional reputation in the number, and
chief among these was former J ndge
Parker, the Democratic nominee for
president last November. :
la addition to Parker, others speak
ers were tiienalor Newlands of Nevada,
Mayor MtiClellan of New York City,
t'onnrfwmian Kainey of Illinois and J.
J. WiJiet of Alabama.
Parker was the first sneaker and .he
was enthusiastically received, lie was
, frequently interrupted by the applause.
The speecji was op , the future of the
Democratic party and was replete' with
snggestions of harmony' and urgent ap
peal agaiinst sectionalism. -
"I do not eome here to make exeuse
or explanation about the past, to pro
mote any personal purpose or ambition I
for tne iniure, or to iurtnex tne enos
of any section, faction or interest. I
am moved; solely by a desire to com
mune freely with my countrymen who
believe that the time-honored doctrines
of the Dejmocrate party, as deduced
from the great pot-eies defined by the
man whose birth we here commemor
ate, and festablisbed by the founders,
are still true, still alive, still worthy
of acceptance and devotion, and still
necessary,! if gur -institutions are to be
maintained in their early vigor and
purity. j'
"We meet after a defeat which was
easy to foresee and predict. It was
preceded by division and faction in our
ranks. Itjwns emphasized by the use of
governmental power for partisan pur
poses, by the reckless and unprecedent
ed expenditure of money. We have left
to us only the smallest measure of powj
er in either house or Congress, we nave
lost states whose confidence we had
long Commanded, and the number of
governors and state legislatures undet
our control is surprisingly small.
".Wheni we eome to consider the po
litical condition and times, we find
that, wheta new problems are to be met,
it seems that the fashion is changed.
It is now thought necessary to devise
new wayn. The old are not sufficiently
striking, j They lack in the drastic
finality re uired. In our early days it
was deerried a virtue when the govern
ment, like the individual, minded Its
own business. But this is out of date,
so the proper way for a government to
do things is by interference or med
dling. This take the form of dealing
rigorousljr with foreign- country only
provided j they" are small enough. It is
applied unceasingly to states until it
is now insisted that the general gov
ernment must tax and manage alt eor-
pnratlonSj must ovcTsee insurance and
trust companies, and must either own
the railroads or dictate to their owners
the minuiet details of their business.
It is thought necessary to interfere
with capital on the one hand and with
labor on j the other and to define the
relations ithey must bear to eaeh other.
"One of the most popular of all these
processes jis interference with election.
States" miist otnganize and control the
police of cities and dictate even . the
smallest of their policies; wMlo cities
and towns must enter into the competi
tions of business. As the process goes
down, interference with harless person
al customs and habits seem to do omy
natural and logical.
Dangerous Tendencies.
41 Now Iwe do not resent these things
because they ajre new, but because they
are old las old ss tyranny iirei. "
vn thU a nmnlc. such promises
must lm I redeemed in the currency of
aggression, of centralization, or person
al government, and. finally, in loss of
liberty. ! We can but recall our own
national history and conclude thai af-
ter all, the best way for a people, as
for an individual to keep out ot irouuie
is to avoid the thing sure to bnng;ora
plication.j It can only do this if it
minds itsi own business.
"Muchi is said about the peaceable
fsttlement of differences but, after all,
bv kerpisg out of quarrels we may be
able to afoid arbitration as well as war.
We have work to do, more far
reaching reforms to promote, more mor
al issne to meet, than we can now real
ire, until Iwe ben to look the situation
fairly in the face. In wp11 ' hV
pocritical claims so freely indulged,
the prostitution of our free civil ser
vice to a degree never before known;
the use of money in elections, whether
presidential r state; the interference
with the duties and powers of the
states; the appeal to the military spir
it; the maintenance of a. Vicious and
unfair taxing svstem; the raising g,n
of the race issue in its worst form, and
from the basest ofpartisan tnotives--all
IhrFe most be understood, aad when
rn.lmtoed. they most be met wit
frmness and perseverance until the
abuses which surround them find pop
ular, recognition and then reformation.
Problems to Be Solved.
'If we are to deareffectively with
thee various isnues, whether m opposi
tion or in power, it will be necessary
to have a real party with real followers
attached to real and recognized prin
ciples. It is not enough that it shall
have a collection of fads many f them
useless and some of them dangerous and
firmed to the historic position of our
organization. We have already had too
many of these because it is safe to as
sert or a polley that if it is raoieal it
is not Democratic;, if it is Democratic
it ia nonradical.'
?" ?'It is necessary for us to remember
mat we nave principles and traditions
of our own and that evei-v denartm-e
from them has landed us in defeat. Nor
ean wa take anybody else's policies,
reaay maae, However strong may be the
ot 0 ward ; clamor. ; They must , square
with our own principles. What may
o ue popular demands are some
times not popular but mere momenta rv
crazes which sweep over the community
w bius. inter -.nan mey rose.
f'We found the same thing true on
a larger scale and with greater and
more permanent loss, when we took up
the silver question. I had the crreat
advantage of being championed by an
honest and- patriotic man, who was and
is perhaps the most persuasive politcal
orator . known in our history. And yet
it 1 swept ; our party out of power ; in
every northern Democratic state, while
tne two border states turned against us
for the first time.
f The lesson to be learned from this
is ; that of honest thrift, the -natural
fruit of industry, must be encouraged
and promoted. If there is to remain
a Democratic partv it must draw its
membership from the representatives of
work and thrift.
Corporations and Trusts. ,
Mr own recent experience in poli
ties does not incline me to favor over
much the management of some great
corporations. But no student or obser
ver of economic conditions can question
either the logical development or the
necessity,of corporations any more than
he can ignore their existence. They are
not the result of some blind, chance
groping about in modern industry; they
are . essential features in : the growth
of that real eo-operation which has
done so much to change conditions. Like
all thine human, they have their evils,
indeed, they have their perils.
"But as we cannot be rid of them
if we would, and would not if we could,
it must pe our part properly to enforce
the laws against them and their repre
sentatives as we have done and must
continue to do against the individual
who does wrong. We have only to look
abont us, in our separate communities,
to see tnat great majority or corpora
tions are . managed with as much hon
esty as. we are aceustomed to see in
mundane affairs and the punishment
for onTenses against law and morals
the punishment inseparable from fail
ure and Joss goes on in these bodies
as it does among the individuals who
constitute them or the others who com
pete with them.
' , The Enforcement of the Xws. .
i'The evils inherent in these bodies
may be reached in two ways. First,
tinder the existing statute and common
I law. Little has been heard since the
decision in the beef trust ease, about
the impotence ef' the law, as it, exists
today,, to deal with illegal combina
tions. And there never was a real
doubt in the mind of any student of
the subject, for the courts of this
country have never shown indulgence
to great wrongs when the executive
branch of the government, either fed
eral or state, has done its duty.
'The plain truth is that there has
been no time during the past eight
years, since the abuses alleged became
flagrant when they could not have oeen
eliminated. Nothing baa been so miyb
needed as a rigid, honest, unyielding
entoreement or tne jaw, pom civil ana
criminal. I But instead of going on with
the enforcement of the law against re
bates by putting the railroad officials
responsible for them behind prison bars
precisely as we do other malefactors,
their misconduct made an excuse for
farther concentration of power in the
xederal government.
'(" We should never forget that the
safety of our institutions is involved
in every such movement, and instead
of submitting to it should insist that
when a trust or a railroad has violated
the criminal law the place for- the
guilty official is in jail or the peniten
tiary, not in the cabinet or in the
board rooms of great railroads. We do
not defend or exeuse any wrongs, bat
we must insist upon the truth of the
maxim that two wrongs do not make a
right. .
'.4A second effective way of dealing
with the trust proper is to take away
all tariff duties on articles made by
any great combination so long as it
violates the law or while it discrimin
ates in price aganat the Americas cus
tomer in favor of the foreigner. The
tariff is the fertil and nursing mother
of all the abuses to be found in these
truats, and yet the .very moment the
sacred subject is mentioned, the pres
ident of the United States draws a red
herring across the trail, all others in
Republican authority raise their-hands
ia holy horror, the order to stand pat
is passed along the whole line of
beneficiaries, and the time-honored pro
cesa of throwing dust in the eyes of
the people is revived.
! Yor more than forty years we have
been raising up and training class
of favorites and beneficiaries of the
law. During all this time we 1iave ben
so using the taxing power as toallow
certain men to collect tribute from
every consumer of their goods. We
have known that they used some po
t ion of the, money thus obtained - to
pollute every approach to the ballot
box. Is it surprising with such traia
ing'that they shouia sock in addition
to foreclose a mortgsge upon a legis
latore or an official wno can wne
their endsf Bometimee tne iae,ij
these contributions have wen m
been accounted an act ot painoiism
nd virtue. What -wonoer, men, v
other men should use tbe same memou
to command the same power i
ruture Policy of Party.
. i'WK.n analrzed. the Democratic
party, in all its past history, has been
true to a few general ideas and policies.
They may be enumerated as follows: i
1 A strict interpretation of the
constitution whi-rh implies resistance
to centralieation by the federal govern
ment. . . -, .t 1
2 The levy of import
other taxes with strict regm w .
industrial interests or an our
nd alwars at rates which, while jest
. it .k.u ia PtouMitiallr. revenne pro-
ducing, thus eliminating monopoly aa-J.
favoritism. ; . k.
: 3'ontant, unremitting attention
to honest, . economical exyenilturs of,
- -.- - t ,f w
(BoceiVed at 3:30 a. m.)
' MANIXA, P. I, April 14.
; Bear-AdzQlral Train, In command
- of tho American fleet at ICanfla,
received . cablegram from Sai
; gon, French China, stating that
" the Xtussian hospital snip Orel
arrived here at 8 o'clock on the
mornlnf of April ;1S, lurrlng
. many wounded men on board. ' '
This seems to be conclusive
evidence - that the ships of the
: contending navies hare at last
; clashed and the battle " is now
".in progress. -
The fight is evidently on fit
the China sea to the northeast
of Port Laut and is raging
fiercely, j
the taxes collected from the people:
"4 Non-interference in the political
affairs of other nations, thus making
entangling alliances as impossible -as
they are undesirable and un-American.
Talk of Reorganization.
"rYom:tirae to time much idle talk
is indulged in about the organization or
tne reorganization of the Democratic
party. This is to forget two things.
Ihe first is, that, when a party has an
idea and a policy which makes appeal
to half the . people, they will not be
long in getting together to promote this
wea ana mis policy. :
"The second, thine to be borne in
mind about organization is that it be
gins down in the smallest political units
that compose our political life. A na
tonal committee cannot create itself;
it cannot even perpetuate its own ex
istence. Each member is dependent
upon his own state tor election or re
election. In order, therefore,, to have
an organization worthy the name we
must arouse or rearouse, down in every
community, that attachment to and in
terest in our hicber polities which
since the days of Jefferson, have bees
the vivifying jorce or the party.
. No Boom for Sectionalism. :
'There is' altogether too much talk
about an Eastern, a Western, a -South
ern, or some , other Democracy, when
the essence of the party is its national
character and the entire absence of
sectional features. ; The control of the
party machine in one city or another
in this or that state or even in the
countrv is not a matter either import
ant or interesting to the great body of
"Tbs question whether the party, ir.
all these freoirraphical 'divisions, ic
both willinc and able to ilo effective
work for the maintenance of the in
stitutions whleh, founded by our fath
ers, have shown . their adaptability to
every crisis of our national life, is of
the highest importance to the success
of its principles, and to the promotion
of its return to power. Somewhere in
the world there mar oe a people wno
believe that they can divide and still
cononer. but Democrats have never
been able to adopt this as one of the r
guiding ideas. -''
Kind of Organization weeded.
' I would not for a moment convey
M impression that organization is not
important: It is even more it is vital,
if we are to give .eneci 10 me pnnci
nles and policies ' which buttress our
party faith. . With us organization, to
be effective, must lie in tne state, the
county and the district. When we can
control once again these training
schools for the higher polities, we shall
have little ,need to troufble ourselves
overmuch about candidates , for presi
dent, because fwe shall have laid deep
H ; strong i in the . people a will, me
necessary foundations. Then, and only
then, may we look with hopefulness
and confidence to Jtfae country at large.
Then we may go north, or south, or
east or west, for candidates, certain of
their fitness for the work ia hand, and
of their aeeeptablenesS to our country-
men.'1; . i-.:-r .J ' W; - i'.
J. J. Willett of Alabama also spoke.
Commander of That Boat Said to Have
Received Information as to Contem
plated Course of Opposing War Ves
selsSails to Port of Cuyo.
WASHINGTON; April 13. -The navy
ilepartment was advised of the depar
ture today of the cruiser Raleigh from
LAbuan. on the north coast of British
Borneo, where she was dispatched by
Rear Admiral Train, to - observe r the
movements of the . hostile fleets, for
Cuyo, In Ihe Philippines, a pon tlt
401 miles to the northeast, between
Palawan and "Panay islands.' It is in
dicated that the Raleigh 'a commander
obtained information as to waat he be
lieved to.--.be the contemplated course
of the opposing war vessels, and has
shaped bis course accordingly. .It , is
aboat. two days ' sail to Cuyor
ADS sm.NO fiUlCS RE3UIiT3 -
Adopn. Weber . Sentenced to Be Hanged
i or jo. uxa.er ox ms iiother on
June 30.
AUBURN, Cal, April 13. Adolph
Weber was tooav , sentenced to be
hanged on June 30, at Folsom prison;
ior toe muraer or bis mother A mo
tion for a new trial was denied. He
turned pale when ordered to stand up
for his sentence. He refused, saying:
"What fori" He said.' he wanted
the lock produced," alluding to the
lock of the bathroom, jsaid to be evi
dence that the elder Weber was locked
in the room. Weber was finally in
duced to arise and was sentenced. ?
NEW YORK, April 12. The German
crown prince, while, touring in a four-in-hand
coach, drove . the coach into a
wall by the roadside near Potsdam, ea-
pies me iieraia s correspondent at ier
lin. The coach was eompletelv wrecked
but fortonately the prince escaped
wuuuui injury. :
Japanese - Government Informed This
Government That It Would Declare
, War Before Beginning; Hostilities
and It Does So Other State Notes.
WASHINGTON, AprU 13. Official
correspondence mado public at the state
department today discloses the fact
that the Japanese government in an
nouncing to the American minister at
Tokio on February 6 of last year, the
breakng of diplomatic relations with
Russia, assured him , that . hostilities
would not begin until after a. declara
tion had been made. The correspond
eneo comprises so much of the diplo
matic exchanges between Washington
and Tokio as the department thinks it
expedient to publish, and among the
first ia the following official .paraphrase
of a cablegram from Minister Griscom,
dated American legation, Tokio, Feb
ruary 6, 1904:
"Air. Griscom reports that the min
ister of foreign affairs stated that a
declaration of war will not 'be made
until after ihe withdrawal of their le
gation, which will probably take two
or three .days, and hostilities will not
begin until after the declaration of
war."; -
"In an Interview, the minister of
foreign affairs went, over the whole
eourse of the negotiations, directed spe
cial attention to the extreme patience
and moderation of the attitude of Ja
pan, and stated that after having asked
the Russian government five times to
expedite a reply, and having waited
three weeks without result, no alterna
tive remained but to act."
; . Oa the following day the correspond
nce showed that Minister Griscom re
ported that the departure of the Rus
sian -minister would take place on Feb
ruary 12. On February ll, subsequent
to the receipt of the news of the tor
pedo attack upon the. Russian fleet, at
Port Arthur of February 9, Minister
Griscom sent a brief telegram to t'je
department, of which this is the effi
cial paraphrase: .
- "Mr Griscom reports that the decla
ration of war was issued on the 10th
; No - other correspondence shedding
light on . this incident is contained in
the notes published. '
Of interest is a note, of Secretary
tlay, dated May 5 last, to flie Japanese
minister at Washington, calling. his at
tention to the circulation in the Amer
ican navy of a note from the consul
general of Japan at New York, ad
dressed to "the Japanese serving in
the -United States r navy,! ' soliciting
subscriptions to Japanese bonds; con
tributions to the relief fund for Jap
anese soldiers and sailors, and in aid
of - the i Re'd Cxoim . society,, of 'Japan.
While admitting the right of Japanese
in this country to subscribe or con
tribute to the, objects mentioned, the
secretary says ia as note to Mr. Taka-
hira: ' .s'n, : - - -f
".Yet it is undesirable that such con
tributions should .be sought through
the naval official, channels of this gov
ernment," and he therefore "brings
the matter to' your attention; with the
request Vaat yon will inform the con
sular officers of Japan in the Unilel
States of the "attitude of this govern
ment in tliis matter. The' Japanese
minister gave the accessary instruc
tions to the Japanese consul-general in
New' York - ,- - '' . ' '
The correspondence includes a copy
of a' note from the Japanese. minister
at Washington, calling the attention-of
this government to the presence of the
Russian ship Lena at Saa Franeivo,
and saying 1' fee imperial government
expects that appropriate measures re
garding the matter wiu.be tasen uy
the United States government without
delay." - f :- ' ' . ? ' : -y ''
Several days s later, another note
reached the state department from the
Japanese minister, expressing - the , de
sire of his government that tne omeers
and crew of the Lena be detained in
the territory of the United States until
the end of hostilities. The acting sec
retary of state, Mr. Adee promptly re
plied, acknowledging- the note and say-ing:-
-.V - J . ; :
"In reply, I have the honor to sta
that the president, exercising his pre-
roiraiive in carrying out the neutrality
proclaimed by him, had already, before
the receipt of your rompiunication,
taken the appropriate steps to detain
the officers and crew of the Len ia
this country until peace shall have been
concluded, unless in the meantime the
belligerents shall, have concurred ia
proposing to him other arrangements in
- .. . ......... - ,, , .. . ..
William Jennings Bryan DiseusBes Jef-
fersonian Principles at Chicago
. ' Clnb Bana.net,
Nebraskan Says Jefferson Opposed Ter
ritorlal Conquest, High Tarff, ravor-
ed BlrMetallsm and Had He Lived
He Would Have Fought Other Evils.
r r
CHICAGO AprU 13. Subject ;-; of
national significance to tne' democratic
party , were discussed by , the foremost
orators, of the party at the Jefferson
day banquet held at the Sherman bouse
tonight in commemoration of the birth
day of Thomas Jefferson. The dinner,
however, in a measure, resolved itself
into a jollification over the election of
Mayor Dunne,, who is a director of the
club and among the speakers who re
sponded to toasts. All the speakers ia
the discourses referred, 'to municipal
ownership aad to Dunne's recent elec
tion on that platform. .
William J. Bryan and George Fred
Williams were the principal speakers.
Bryan's subject waa "Thomas Jeffer
son." His remarks were greeted with
unstinted applause. .
"Thomas Jefferson, although not
reared a the environment ot royalty.
was born and educated among the peo
ple who least sympathized with . the
rights and interests of the common
man. 11 is heart, too, was toucneo py
the struggles -of his countrymen, and
he early' became their champion, . al
though in so doing ne alienated the
landed aristocracy , and the educated
classes.- In wealth , he was the, equal
of the wealthy and his learning brought
him into association with scholars, but
his heart kept him in touch with plain
people, and he earned the rig-t to be
eaiieo: tne nrst great jjemocrat ,
. "It was not that he ,was the first
to conceive of democratic principles or
to preach the doctrine set forth in the
declaration of independence. The doe-
trine wa not a new one; but he gavs
fitting expression to the doctrine at
the time of its greatest triumph.
"Jefferson not only promulgated the
principles of free government, but in
bis writings he consistently applied
those principles to every problem with
which the government had to deal. And
the principles which he applied were so
fundamental that we find them nseiui
today in the discussion of questions
whieh have arisen since his death.
On the subject of acquiring terri
tory by conquest, now favored by an
influential portion of our countrymen,
be said: v.
" 'If there be one "rinelple more
deeply rooted than another in the mind
of every American, it is that we should
have nothing to do with conquest,' and
at another time he said: 'Conquest is
not in our principles; it is inconsistent
with our government.'
"On the subject of taxation he ever
insisted upon its limitation to the ac
tual needs of government and upon its
eouitable distribution. He is on record
in favor of the arbitration f disputes
between nations, and no one who is fa
miliar with hi writings can doubt that
he would favor arbitration today of dis-
Eutos between labor and capital, and
ig views upon the encroachment of
the indieiarv and the value of trial by
jury make it certain that he would, if
living,, oppose wnat we anow as gov
ernment by injunction.
All his arguments in, favor of mak
ing the government responsive to the
will of the people ean be adduced In
support of the movement that has, for
its object the election of senators by
direct vote of the people. On the sub
ject of finance he not only favored bl
metalism .but he expressed his opposi
tion to bank currency and to the con
trol of the national treasury by the fi
nanciers. '
"ne Mved before the investuratipn
of the railroad and before the country
had witnessed the colossal centraliza
tion of wealth, but viewing as be did
every attempt to divert the profits or
industry from the producers to the ile
holders of idle capital,, we have a right
to assume that he would ttxiay stand
with the --eoi1e for the regulation of
railroad end the extermination of pri
vate monopoly.
"No one -ean' Imagine Jefferson as
tolerating the impudent . -elaam of the
ralroad magnates that they have a right
to determine arbitrarily anfl without
appeal the rate to be charged for the
transportation oi passeneers or freight.
What an opportunity the present con
test-would give him ior me arraign
ment of human greed and for the de
fense of boman rights.
"That Jefferson's utterances support
legislation necessary for the 'complete
regulation and control of transport at ion
lines is certain and; be expressly de
clares against national incorporation,
thing now desired by the great eorpor-
tioss , Whether his arguments could oe
quoteI in favor of the pobhe ownership
of railroads would depend somewhat no
on the extent tov which competition inJ
possible under private ownership, and
experience seems to show that effective
competition between railroad line is
scarcely to be expected. While I have
l-n quick to endorse the president's
n-rt to secure railroad rate legislation
I bc4ieve thst regalaton will ultimately
lead to poblie ownership,' and In order
to avoid the dapper of centralization, I
would refr to e lb trunk lines only
owned by the federal roven meat and
the local lines owned by the several
State. '- - : '.
"On the subject of private monopoly
Jefferson has nokn with no uncertain
sound. Ro detestable to him was the
thought of monopoly that it was with
reluctance that he consented to a patent
for, while he recognized the justice of
Slowing a temporary monopoly of the
product as a reward for invention, he
so feared the evil effects of the estab
lishment of the principle that he in
sisted upon the strictest limitations.
His iears have" been justified, and we
are beginning to understand the dan
gers that he so dearly foresaw.
"There are three arguments made
by him which are now being used by
the, advocates of monopoly to defeat
the application ..to modern problems of
the principles enunciated by him. Leg
islate as little as possible and leave
the rest to the energies of s free peo
ple,' said Jefferson, and the benefieiar-
ics or monopoly now inrou mis senti
ment against restraining legislation. It
is a mockery of Jefferson to first vio
late his injunction by the granting of
special rights and privileges to a fa
vored few, and then attempt to use his
words in opposition to restraining leg
islation. '
"It is true that Jefferson was oppos
ed to legislation which would hamper
the individual in the development of
his powers, but no roan pointed out
more clearly than .Jefferson that' one
man's rights and where the rights ot
another begin.
"Another Jenersonlan doctrine which
ia being misinterpreted today is his
protest against paternalism. He favor
ed the encouragement Of individual ef
fort and o posed the undertaking by the
government of work which the individ
ual could do better. His words hare
been invoked (against what ia described
as public ownership. In applying any
man's language to conditions arising
after bis death, it is necessary to know,
not only what he said, but the reasons
for what be said. Nothing is more on
fair than to employ words in such a
way as to defeat the reasons which He
back of the words. Jefferson's ami
was to nroteet the rights of the indi
vidual and to give him the maxim of
stimulus. A private monopoly, such as
public ownership is , intended to prevent
does not enlarge the sphere of the in
dividual or Inspire him to high endea
vor. The actual effect f a private mo
nopoly is just the reverse and wherever
the principle of private monopoly en
ters the government must operate the
monopoly, or violate all of the princi
ples taught by Jefferson
."The third Jeffersonian doctrine that
is now being misinterpreted and misap
plied is his argument against long time
debts. He took the position that the
earth belongs in succession to each gen
eration and that a preceding genera
tion nad no right to mortgage the earth
beyond its occupancy of it. If his doe
trine had been adopted it would be
much easier to deal with the problems
of today, but it is manifestly unfair
to permit railroads and municipal cor
porations to mortgage the public for
generations and then to quote Jefferson
against the issue of bonds when a city
attempts to rid itself of private mo
nopoly. "Jefferson's love for 'mankind was
his controlling passion, and it extended
to generations unborn. As we celebrate
his memory on the anniversary of his
birth, we ean say as those could say
who lived when he did, 'We love him
because he first loved us.' "
Williams' theme was "Equal Rights
to All and Special Privileges to None."
, Williams predicted a national upris
ing in . favor of government ownership
similar to thaf which bad elected
Mayor Dunne. . He suggested "public
ownership and direct legislation" for a
motlo and advocated the abandoning of
evasive platforms and elusive candi
dates. Dunne spoke on "Municipal Owner
ship." After sv lengthy discussion of
the subject the mayor ended his re
marks by .appealing to the democratic
party to incorporate the municipal own
ership plank in its platform at the next
national convention.
Others who spoke during the evening
were J. HamiinTa Lewis and Clarence
8. Darrow. Lewis spoke on "A Con
stitution to Fight Institutions." .
Conference Between Leaders of Oppos
ing Forces Leaves Situation. Un
changed' Employers Threaten, to
to Form Teaming Company.
CHICAGO, April 13.-Mayor Dunne
today ajfaia endeavored to effect peace
between the contending sides ia the
present labor trouble in Chicago but at
the end oJf tbdsy, after "several con
ferences with the labor leaders ''and
representatives' f the employers, the
situation is unchanged. Mayor Dunne
tonight, Aowcver, is more hopeful of
peace as a result of his efforts, and the
peace negotiations wiu be continued
tomorrow. ' - '
Montgomery, Ward Co. have con
tinued to make deliveries with son-
union teamsters. The service was In
terrupted today, however, by the strik
ers and their smpataizers, who blocked
the streets, making it almost impossible
for the earavans to pass through the
streets. In several instances the crowds
were demonstrative aad it was neces
sary for the police to use their clubs
and several disturbers were hurt in the
clashes with the biuecoais.
Should the efforts of Mayor Dunne
fail, it is stated tonight that the em
ployers witl form a comprehensive
teaming company In order to carry, on
the business sbonld the strike spreai.
Us Insists That They Must First Ee
Subjected to Signatories of
' Convention.
LONDON, April ' 13,-Tbe Tele
graph's correspondent at Tangier re
port that the saltan of Morocco baa
definitely rejected the French reforms,
declaring that tbey most be referred
to the signatories of the Madrid con
vention. .
Charged With Having Interfered With
Deputy - In Service of
Allegations Declare Clerk- Wanted as
Witness by Jury Was Assisted and
Urged to Go to Canada to Escape
Service of Writ on Him.
. '
CHICAGO. April 13. Four . men.
three of whom are employes of tha
Schwarzschild ft Sulzberger Company
and the other an attorney for that cor
poration, were named in an Indictment
returned this afternoon by the grand
jury, investigating the beef trust. It
is rnargeu mat me tour mm ounuunt i
and impeded Deputy Marshal Bach in
his effort to serve a subpoena upon Ed
win B. Fish, a dark employed by the
company, who recently returned from
The men Indicted are: Joseph Wcisse-
bach, attorney for Hchwarschild Si
Sulzberger Company; It. H. Cusey, traf
fic manager for the company, and l-.eo
H. Joseph, employed in the provision
department of the concern.
The .indictment alleges thst a sub
poena was issued for Fish on March .
31, and was given to Bach for service; ,
that the four men assisted rish to go
to Canada.
Weissenbach, for several years assint-
ant to Governor Dcncen when the lat-"
ter was state's -attorney at Chicago,
declares it was at his instance that Fish .
returned from Canada ami s greed to
go before the grand jury. The men
were taken Into custody shortly after
the return of the indictments and were
released on bonds of $1,000 in each
Founder of True Life Church Bays She
Ss Able to Heal the Affe 1 and
Raise Dead to Life Through God
Given Attribute. "
SAN JOKE, Cal., April 11. Mrs.
Haves Chenoweth, pastor nrl founder
of the True Life church in this city,
Htti head of the staie famous Hayrs
family staitled her congregation yenter
dav bv declaring herself possessed of
all the divine attributes of the Savior
of Mankind in working miracles and
raising the dying. Hhe said mat when
Christ fought the satan of his flesh un
til be triumphed, he wjs filled with tho-
power of God and was able to do uod's
"I had a el Imp we of this, and deter.
mined to prayuntil I should eome Into
that state," she went on. "When I got
to that state of growth, Ybe power of
God came upon me, and soon after that
the works thst are told of him in "ihe
Bible were done though me as easily as
I could turn my hand over. I could
touch the person that the doctors said
was dyrng and maae him open bis eyes
and begin to breathe, and in a few dars
he would be up and around the bouse.
"Many, many such things have been
done through me, not because I was
bom any better, not because I was
possessed qf sny more or tne gouy lira
in the beginning, perhaps, but because
I made more use of it. I did not de
pend upon myself."
Mrs. Hayes is the mother of J. O.
Hayes and Congressman E.- A. Hayes,
millionaire owners of the San Joe
Morning Mercury and Evening Herald.
Her remarkable declaration has caused
a great wondering among San Jose
people. . '
Itching pilesf Never mind If physi-
cians have failed to cure you. Try
Doan's Ointment. No failure there. CO
cents at sny drug store. -
Rumored That Von Meyer Had C:z.l
, dential Communication for Czar Front
Roosevelt Upon 'latter of, Ccs&ai03
of Hostilities. v
ST. PETETZSntntG, April J2.-Am
bassador Meyer this afternoon preient
ed his letters of credence to 'Kmj erof
Nicholas at the Tsartkoe Sdo. ,
In diplomatic circles much intfrr-t
is manifested at the' first Interview with
the emperor and the new American am
tassador, owing to the widespread be
lief that President .Roosevelt has al
ready allowed the information to I t
Conveyed to both belligerents that h
stands ready, upon mutual request, i
undertake the promotion; of j -. n. jE
is supposed that Meyer this afterr " n,
delivered a confidential corniriunlf , f i s
to the emperor front President K
vclt, but so far as ean be asTrU :-.-
the emperor did not discus 1, ? 4
tion of peace with the new atr.T, - ' ,
Meyer's reception followed tM t- -tional
old world pomp and eeremor. ;
the eourt of the Eomanr.fra. i: ' "
received literally ja "great anl t '