Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, April 11, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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' ,r - - - : j- .
I Krery one aays ; we have the swellest
lines, of oxfords in the city... Also in-
. - . '.
f ants' shoes in the highest novelties.
A glance at our window will convince
you thai ours is a big, well assorted,
high class shoe store.
New CushionTicks
arid Bed Pillows
i ... , . ...:
Another shipment of thai very popular
make that we have always carried. :,
f' 25c to $1.50 Each
-n f ? - ' '
The name on any of these shoes is
an absolute 'guarantee that you are
getting the best possible ' value for
your money. They are unsurpassed
for style, quality, fit, comfort ; and
sturdincss. That is why they' are
not ashamed to stamp their names
on them. Prices .
$1 .50 to $6
; We don't like the monotony of doing the same thing all the
time. We get restless and want to do something different. Now
keep your eye on us, we are going to do something tliat will sur
prise you iu a few days. Every one will wonder how we did it
ana wuj! ,-5- ; . .i v.. .,.
"upoir noT7LZ3nns or cen- .
sua larrrMTfltATOEs. -
Marion County Has Much at Stale in
Sesolt and X Is Essential That" the
' Mame of Every Man, VWoman aiid
Child Appear Upon Seeorda. . ''.
damaged by a 'heavy ' front that pfe-
' vailed over the alia Walla vailey last
Frost Following Bain Causes Heavy aiSb'
Loss Near Walla' Walla and Following a heavy rain of yesterday
--j, the temperature went down as low as
! " - 28 degrees. This morning the ground
. t was complete covered with frost. Ke-
WALLA WALLA, Wash., April 10.- ports from the Milton fruit section are
It is believed that fully two third. of to the effect that all the early straw
tc strawberry, plants and all the eher- berries were killed, together with . a
ry, f'aeh and aprieot buds were badly great amount of vegetable plants.
Just three ? weeks from yesterday,
May 21, the enumerators will start out
upon the tedious, painstaking and ex
tremely important task - of taking the
census for tfie year 1905 as prescribed
by statute, which provides that a state
census be taken every five years, al
ternating with te fen-year census of
the United States government. . All are
greed that it will be the most impor
tant eensua that has ever been takes
in the state, and "it is to be hoped."
wemarked a prominet citizen yesterday?
"that Assessor Sice has chosen wisely
in the appointment of his enumerators,
wfio will be responsible for 1 Marion
eounty s showing when . the returns
come in." Echoes answer Aroen.".
"It is a very critical 1 period for
Marion county," said Mayor F. W. Wa
ters, in conversation with a Statesman
representative , yesterday afternoon,
' and everything depends ' upon the
results obtained , by this census wheth
er the banner countv of the state main
tains her place as second 'in the staM
in point of population. There is no
question but that she will do it if the
census is carefully and properly taken,
and tbi whole responsibility rests upon
the county assessor and thd ' enumera
tors whom he' selects for the task. Let
us hoDe that he has chosen wisely.
There is no reason, for thinking that
ha has not: for I could not point out
a "sin trie man of .his appointees that . I
. - . . . . 4. P - - 1' I JH. '
WOUla consider lnsompciem. mr nic iui-
nortant duty, r am merely speaking
for the good of the county which tes
been my home ever since- I breatnea tne
air of life,' and it is but natural that I
should take such an interest in the mat-
- - Good Men Already Named.
"There i no question but that Mr.
Bice pondered long "and deeply over
ine situation , vkivio cuwsiu twv u
to -take the census, for he . no doubt
realized Hie situation quite as fully as
I or any other citizen of old Marion,
and it is up to the enumerators "to
prove that the trust which, has been re
posed in them has not been misplaced,
and , that they will perform their du
ties to the very letter of the law. By
this I mean to say that they should
think the matter over seriously and
eome to the understanding not to al
low a single person-to escape bein
enumerated,' and that it is up to fbeia
to secure every -man, wonfan and child
within the limits of their respective
territories. " ., '
"The people, too, must come. to. -real-
ize Chat a 'great deal of responsitlTTly
rests upon their individual shoulders,
and if the enumerators fails ' to find
them ht their abodesthey should take
particular pains to see that they are
Included in the list - of inhabitants.
Hunt the enumerator up if he misses
yoa-, or if yon have any reason to be
lieve that he has overlooked yon. Ton
owe it to the state, the county and the
community in which yon live to have
yonr name .properly inserted upon the
records. One must take into considera
tion in matter of this kind that enum
erators axe not immortal, and that they
cannot spend a whole day in one place
In order to catch a single individual
If yon are not at home when the enum
erator eallabe sure and make it a point
to look him np or notify .him,' and if
yoa cannot find him, send in your name
together with that of every member of
your family, to the county assessor.
Should Onard Against Padding.
"I do net fwisn to fie understood to
mean that the census for Marion coun
ty should be padded. Far from, it. and
every precaution szrooJd m ui to
Citixens Taxpayers' Eeagne Has Adopt
ed Macadam, but Many Contend This
-Material I Not Durable Enongh to
Stand Heavy Trafie.
One of the most serious problems
with which the - publie mind in now
wrestling is that of street improvement.
It is unanimously agreed that if Sa
lem desire to be included in the cate
gory of cities, which her rank as to
size and importance entitles her to,
she must have better streets and thd
when any action is taken along this
Use it must be of a more permanent
character than have been the so-called
improvements (f) of the past. It has
guard against such a mTatake as this..aiso been practically decided that the
It sounds good for the time being to I necessary movemeni lowaru mat coa
have the population padded np several I must be made this season end things
hundreds or thousands, Aut there is are rapidly shaping themselves in that
- , - i ..-.. , .-i '', i. , . l-t .' i s . .,
Same as tliis onlv has neat seat fenders in addition. It is without doubt the best value in bike wagons that ever
came to Salem. " sold a big lot of them last season, and they have turned out remarkably well.
('ushion-tire,. 15-16 .double collar arched axle,-neat steel corners, stick seat, leather trimmed, spring cushions
clipped. Hailev hanfrem, carmine gear and black body. . ? ' ; '
Not a defective wheeu ; , . " 1 ' - '. . .'. ' -
Xot a poor body i , " - ' ' : f - r . '
In our entire season's output last year. " i . i r ?. ' ' "
Come and see this and our many; other up-to-date buggies, spring wagons, .hacks, surries, carts,' etc.
always a reaction, and the reaction ia
more serious taan the original Plunder.
It must be remembered that the .'fed
at that time to the everlasting detri
eral census will bound to be shown up
ment of the community, county or state
in whieh it occurs. Tfie city of Omaha,
Neb., had some experience in this line
whieh it will not forget for a decade,
it is safe to say,' and will not cafe t?
go through "the ordeal again.'
"A good showing in the population
of Marion county, and especially the
eity of Salem, is moiiC essential in more
than one sense.. One most stop to think
of the great , contest: and competition
for supremacy that is going on Be tweed
tne different counties or the state in
point of rank as to population and that
there is much at stake. Up to the
present time Marion county is entitled
to second place in the rank of counties
in tne state in population, and to first
direction, . the first steps s being, taken
by an organization or ciuzens known
as the Taxpayers': league, woo nave i
petition already prepared for presents'
tion to the eity council for laying maca
dam pavement upon, about twenty-four
street blocks in the heart of the eity.
While macadam is conceded tobe a
good and comparatively inexpensive
system or street improvement there is
some question in the minds of many
prominent and practical citizens as to
the ability of this class of pavement
to withstand the heavy traffic of the
city. There is perhaps no better prac
tical system than macadam known for
the building of country roads, where
me iramc is so intermittent ana not
so heavy as in the city, but in the city,
where loads of two tons and over are
being constantly hauled over , the
streets, there is a question as to wheth
er macadam will stand -the wear, and
tear and give satisfactory resulta. With
this doubt uppermost- in their minds
plaee in many other lines. 'It is up. to gome citizens are still of the opinion
the enumerators and the people of this that some kind of paving material
county to sustain tnat reputation ana
keep the county id the place to which
it rightfully belongs. Marion countv
has got the goods, and it only. remains
for them to be shown in- the census re
sults. . ' ;
.iipji !-
Hero is the
famous Pet alums,
mill lv ttiA man who built the first
f 4n!ufcator ia the United States. Tok
s hiEhest awaru ' at St. iouts lair,
where the hatcbisg test proved. re-'
suits. ' - - . ; 5 ' ' J '
Catalogue or rtersonal inspection
will te It you more, i !'
Come and see or send reqtiest by
mail. .' . ,y !
All sizes on ;' hand, as well as
. .l-.'t
Combine easy, quiet running
manv conveniences that' are
found on other mftcblnes. .
: Automatic tension release.
I Tension injieator.
Thrible' fjeed ' '
Non-clogging shuttle. '
Shuttle instantly removed without
crew driver. r '
Lever stitch regulator, always set,
instantly changed; no screw. '
And many other exclusive fea
tures, all combined in a fine gobies
oak, automatic lift, drop head stand.
Come and see. . ,- . ;: " ; :. .?-
This is the famous Sharpies Tubu
lar ereanr separator. f - ,
The supply caa'is low.
Tne gears are enclosed and run
ping in 'oil,: with absolutely no dan
ger to operator.-ic 't'v- :;'
- The bowl is suspended,' ons on'
ball bearing and ha no Inside discs
to eanse endless bother' Snd worry
in Washing. y
Its record for skiromin? is 'unsur
passed. ; " '.
ixva ior catalogue or call and in
spect. ! '-ii- . y - --; :-
, Sco us for vrhattver you need in implement; machindry, vehicles, bicycles or sewirie ma
chines, we can do you gO'M. .Unly reputable lines handled.' 'f i
Fa 'A CVII(S(BIINSn nr.3PiLEr.iENTr -hoiu'ge
r Political Phase of Situation.
. "One of" the important things to be
taken into consideration and it is far
from being the least, although t is
only one among a hunderd, is the polit
ical phase of the situation. It must be
remembered that the legislative repre
sentation for the different districts rof
the state will be governed largely by
the result of the coming' census, and
Marion eounty should look well to her
laurels in this particular, as she is not
properly represented in ' the legislature
at the present time by any manner of
means. Everybody k'nows that 1 . the
population of this county has been
steadily on the increase 'for tne past
five years, a jrreat deal more than any
other previous like record, and it onlv
remains for the enumerators to get
them all in order to make a grand
showing. Politics, yon understand.
figures very insignificantly compared to
other features of the ease, but it is
only, cited as an example to show the
importance of care, energy and . ac
curacy hi the taking of the state cen
sus for 1905.','
Mayor Waters to Appoint.
It is understood that the appoint
ment of the enumerators for the seven
Salem wards has been TTelcgated to
Mayor' Waters, both, by . Assessor Bice
and the eounty eourt, and it is needless
to say that Ee will exereiss the greatest
of precaution and care .in fhs choice of
men to take the census, and he will
give the matter: his personal supervis
ion at all times. He will employ none
but the most wide awake and energetis
of those who will apply for the post
ttons, and unless one makes up nis
mind that he is going to 3o.his best To
secure every man, woman and child
within bis distfTc?""anI devote his, most
faithful attention to his work, he will,
save himself a great deal of trouble
more substantial than macadam should
be decided upon, even if it does cost
a trine more at first cost, as it would
more than make up the increased cost
in durability and consequent saving in
repair expenses. 1
Some weeks ago there was an agita
tion on for the adoption of the new
process of paving known as the bitu
litbie process, which is a combination
of asphaltum with a concrete macadam
foundation and a patent top dressing.
ture of which bitter being that it gave
the street a rough surface and the
horses a better foothold, with less lia
bility of slipping. The agitation, how
ever, has been allowed to die down of
late, but a prominent citizen and large
property owner v of tnis eity yesterday
revived the subject and called atten
tion to an item which appeared In a
Portland paper recently in regard to
the merits of this particular class of
pavement, as viewed by a l'ortland tax
payer who made an especial study and
investigation of the pavement, where
it has been in use for several years,
with a view of deciding upon the best
system for adoption for Portland. The
item alluded to follows:
L. J. Goldsmith, secretary of the
Taxpayers League, who left Portland
March 7 for a trip through the East
to investigate bituuthie pavements un
der all conditions of climate and loea
tion has returned firmly converted to
the beiiet that it is tne pest pavement
for Portland. lie visited St. Louis, St.
Paul, Boston, New York, Bedfod, Ash
ville. Washington and otbe cities where
bitulithic and other sorts of pavement
are in use.
"Boston is going to lay a great deal
of bitulithic pavemen," he said. "The
city engineer ,at Cambridge told me he
would have nothing else if he could get
bitulithic. At rtew Bedford, Mass.,
found the finest streets seen any where.
That is a great cotton factory town,
and and the streets have the heaviest
sort of wear, by transportation of great
bales of cotton and loads of manufac
tured goods.
" At St. Louis there are fifteen miles
of bitulithic pavement," he said. "The
fective portion of it is about naif.
anda whole lot more of disappointment I mile that was laid in a rush," during
.-,-iJ"..'.! 3ft i ' i l'f . ' ; ' ' i I. . ... -
- I3therfrom natural causes or from overwork, accurately fitted
glasses will strengthen them.
If -you have any trouble with your eyes, no matter how slight, don 'f
put off having them attended to.
'' Ton may save a lot of annoyance an3 discomfort by laving tbem
"examined and fitted wita the 'proper, glasses now.
; We make no charge for testing the eyes, anil we furnish te bent
glasses, accurately ground and scientifically 'fitted, as low as consifctTiTT
with good quality. , '
Barr's Jeivolry Storo sLi'
These things are made easy if you really
want to quit. If you have no desire to
quit and abstain afterward, don't waste
your money.
the great liquor and tobacco remedy, will
take away from you all desire for tho use
of intoxicants or tobacco. You need not
go away from home to use it No ex
pnsiveboard bills to pay. The cure is
quick and permanent.
Remember TRIB wJIl
cure you if you are sincere in a deeiro to
be cured. -It is only $12 50 ! for a com
plete treatment For sale by
C. Perry's
'Salem, Oregon
by not applying. In otEer words, if
one.is looking for an "easy graft" he
had better seek "some' other situation
than the census enumerator for the 8a
lem field. s
rainy weather, immediately preceding
the opening of the exposition."
lie says in every state be visited the
laws provide that after property own
ers once dedicate and pave a street the
? . . t . . . i .
cny inereazver .maintains io pavement
out or 'tne general xunn. Jn 1'ortland
property owners are required to pave a
street reneatedlv. if it wears out snd
The following real estate transfers, I most of the pavements wear out with
aggregating the consideration of $12,-1 amarang rapidity,
451, have ' been filed . for record in the
office of the Marion county recorder
Frank Chappelle to Nels W. Nel
son, 62 acres in t 5 s, r 2 w;
wd ....;.$ 3200
F. McKinnie to C. . Brop' y, und
, Vt int. in lot 11, block 10,
Yew Park addition to Salem;
w d ..
3. D. and Z. Bohannon to Henry
Fa wk," 11.6 acres in Marion
eounty; w d ;. . 1750
J. F. and M. Fishwood to Benj.
Mcomnis, land in Silvertosf
w d ... ...... r. ... 1300
B. afcd L. A. Irvine to M. II. Ut
ters, lot 6, block 8, Tew Park
addition to Salem; w d ...V,. 1000
F. Keil et al, to F. I Miller,
"- land in block A. Aurora; w d 975
B. and J. W. Cook to J.. P. Ander
son, land in addition "B" to
Whatever is done in the matter of
street improvement for Salem must be
decided upon prettv soon, if anything
is to be aeeomplMtbei tnis year, is tne
consensus or opinion, and no doubt
some steps will be taken to arrive at a
definite understanding in the matter
in the near future. ,
2400 1 Legal Blankest Statesman Job Office
Woodborns w d
John fiesly to D. W,,Eyer,' land
in block 9, Ralem; w d
J. H. and M. C. Settlemier to
John McKisaey, 2.12 acres in
" Marios eouaty; w d...
C. A. snd, J. IL Barr to D. O.
- Murray, lot 9, block 15, Par
ish' addition to Salem; w d..
John P. Guild to E. 8. snd M. A.
Ingere, lot 29, Phelp's addi-
tion to Silverton ;d
C. li. and Br E. Moores to Con
rad Falk, lots 63 and 694 6. 8.
F. F. No. 3; q e d
LIVERPOOL, April 10. May wheat,
bs t 'An. ' 1 ;
Chieaco: ! April 10. May wheat-
Opened, $1.14(oil.lS; closed, 1.14
Haricr, AZViWXic flax, f 13: North
western. tUi. '.- . - .
Kan r rancisco, April 10 Cash wheat,
Portland, April 10. Wheat Club,
tne; muestem, ooc; Vailer. sse. ,
Tacoma. April 1 10. Wheat Blue-
stem, 93 c, Club, 86;
i 1 1 i t i
A D&reasTll Elds
often ends in a sad accident. To heal
accidental (injuries use Bueklen's Ar
nica, Salve.; fA deep wound .in ray
foot from an aeciderft," writes Tieo
dore Schuele of Columbus, O "caused
me great paia. "'. Physicians were help
less, but Bueklen's Aiiea Salve quick
ly healed it." Soothes and heals burns
like : magic. - 25e at - Daniel J. Fry,
. Local Uarkets.
Wheat SO cents. -' " -Oats
iQ0Al cents. .
liar Chest. S10 to tlOZO: clever.
9 to f900; timothy, f 13 to S14.
Flour S4.40 per bbL retail.
Jlour City retail selling prie
MU1 Feed Bran, fZZO per
aborts, sz5. :;-... , , :,;vr
Egga 13 cents." .:.. " ;r
JTJutter Country, 13 cents, j
Iueks-12H cents. "
Ji Pork Eat hogs, 55 ents.
. Beef No. 1 steers,, 1100 to 1200 lbs.
Vic; lighter, 3!4J 900-ib. steers,
0Wi heirers, 3 Vie; cows, 2,e. ,
cows, 2 Vi3. cents. ; ! .'
I Mntton Choice wethers, 4,e. .
; Veal-57. ' r - - ';; n . ' ''
Wool 22 cents.
; Mohair 31 cents. - -1
Apples-740 to 75e per busheb
j Potatoes 40 cents per bushel.'
ITops 27e ehoiee is offered. Growers
refuse below 30c, - - -
TK . nTYmTu) TX
Business Booming
. " . . . 1
Chicago Store
We are how doing a greater volume of busi
ness than we ever expected to do in Salem. It
is going up week after week with "leaps and
bounds, thanks to the generous public that has
taken such a great interest' in this jiew enter
prise. In return we work day and night buyingl
goods and arranging for sales, always trying
to' please you better that is our greatest ambi
tion. ' . - '
- '; ' ' ' ; -i ; "
v Wonderful Bargains for
75c Black Silk Taffeta, yd... ...45c
$1 Black Silk. Pean de Sole, yd.. 69c
95c Fancy Dress Silks, yd...... 65c
30e Wash India Silks, yd...... 23c
45c Kal Eai Crystal Cord SUk. .19c
50c Faney Check Plaid Brillisniine
and. Mohair Dress Goods, yd.. 33c
75c Mohair Dress Goos, all the new
shades. and blaek,' yd. ...... ,48c
Danish Cloth, all colors and black
; .yard . . . . - ................. 14c
500 yards Pest Standard Calicoes,
Jight and dark colors, yd. . . .3c
25c Cotton Voiles ia all the new
' styles, yd ....... ...19o
I2e Best tHsndard Dress Ginghams
i, .yard ... ........ .. .. 8 l-3c
lOOflTyards NeW jChallies, dainty
patterns, yd ......., Vtc
Special; prices on Towels, Table
Linen. and Muslins. ' - ,
New a Wg display of Muslin Un
: derwear. .
Corset Covers 9c, 15c, 25c and 35c,
'Bargains. .
White Skirts 45c, 75c snd $1 T11
Muslin Gowns 39c, 65c, 75c and $1
Come and visit the prettiest millis
" : ery department in Salem. Trim
' med Hats J08c, $1.45, $1.98, $W.
and $4-50, Money Sarers.
Mohair Dress Skirts from $2.95 n
$15 Silkfbirt Waist Bulls for U-W
$10 Black Bustle Taffeta "eHilk W1'
coats ..$5.90 and XI &
$4JW mite Inda Silk Sblrt Waists,
beauties, sale price....... .'f2-95
1000 Ball Sao Bilk, all eolors, cscb W
Best darning cotton) ball lc
Best Hooks and Ky cs, 2 dox tor .M
Best Shoe. Laces, 2 for.... lc
Best Wire Hair Tins, 2 pack tor lc
8e White Pearl Buttons, do. .
Best sewing silk, siool..
Corner Commercial and Court Streets, Salem
jv druggist. -,