SU0 SEL;i-'..ii.'.i 1 ...... r TUESDAY J1IID FTnDAY : lUfcSL'AT LU U nrTY-rouiiTii yeas no. 7. SATiKTVT, OREGON, TOXSDAJ MORNINO, APRIL 11, 1905. rxssT section ekjut pac: INDICT MOTE AND WRIGHT GRAND JURY FINDS TRUE BILLS AGAINST TRACY'S PALLS. MUBDEB IN PIBST DEGREE. Held to . Trial for valuing Death of Prank FerrelL Shop Guard. Accused to Pace Charge on May 22 Wright Will Be Released Prom Walla Walla Monday, but Will Be Arrested Immediately. "Harry Wiight and Charles Monte are accused by the grand f jury of and for the county of Marion, state of Oregon, by this indictment, of the crime of mur der in the first degree, committed as follows: . The said Harry Wright and f Charles Monte, together' with Harry Tracy and David Merrill, the said Harry Tracy and David Merrill being now deceased, on the Oth day of June, 1902, in the county of Marion, state of Oregon, then and there being, did then and there unlawfully, felon iously, purposely, and of deliber ate and premeditated malice, kill Frank Ferrell by then and there unlawfully and feloniously shoot- ingthe said Frank Ferrell with a gun, said gun being then and ' there loaded with powder and leaden balls, contrary to the statutes in such eases made and proviued, and against the peace , and dignity of the state of Ore- zon-" ; j hat Harry Wright and Charles . Monte must face a jury of twelve men" upon the charge of murder in the first degree is now a settled fact. The Marion county grand jury returned an indictment against the suspects yester day based upon the evidence which was produced before that body on Thursday of last week. Wright and Monte are accused by the 1 indictment of hiding Frank Ferrell by snooting, on June 9, 1.02. Although the shot which killed Ferrell was fired by Harry Traey, the notorious outlaw, who in company with Dave Merrill escaped from the Oregon penitentiary on that day, the state pro poses to prove that the eonviets came into possession of the guns used through Wright and Monte, who, it is claimed, smuggled the weapons into the foundry of the prison for the purpose for which they were used. The evi dence in the bands of the prosecution is said to be conclusive and District Attorney J. 11. McNary feels confident he wll be ' able to send the accused men to the gallows since if they are found to have been accessories to the crime even before the fart, in the eyes of the law they will be held equally as guilty of the crime as the parties who actually committed the murderous ueed. During the progress of the grand jury's investigation several important as well as interesting legal points pre sented, themselves for the consideration ot District Attorney McNary. The first was that since Harry Tracy and Pave Merrill were the principals in the crime for which Harry Wright and Charles ou AIL x Should be the first consideration with all buyers . Reliable Merchandise Costs more than merchandise of uncertarn quality, but the best is alwaj-s the more economical in the end. We make it a point to keep such goods as will be up to the standard of quality desired by the best trade. OUR CASH PLAN And our economical business methods enables us to sell the best at a lower price than is usually asked for medium qualities. Let us show you our . j ? Summep Wash Goods The 'assortment is unusually large; The new patterns are very at tractive. An inspection of our j j ; Dry Goods Department Will convince you that we are offering great values in the most desirable novelties of the season, j j - Is the place for cash buyers to trade Shoes j Everything in ladies' and gent's ' Men's Straw Hots Are now ready for you : L , - - Monte most also answer, whether or not it would, be a legal requirement to make the former two defendant In the ease together with the latter, een though both of the former are deceased. It was finally decided that this was not necessary. Another question arose as to whether or not a .confession, made by Mcnte eonld ;be used as evidence against Wright, his partner in crime. - It was found -that it could not as the confer ion- was made after the crime had been committed. U is stated by the district attorney that if .Monte had made his eonf estott' before or .-.while the '. trim war being planned and. carried out, be wouia nave Been permitted by law to use -the confesiion in his effort to se cure the ; conviction of Wright-:;!. f Charles Monte being a convict in the lnjieniiary, nnaer sentence lor com mitting another crime, the question also came up a to whether or jaot the au thorities ox Marion county can get jur isdiction over him at this time, or be fore 19o8, when the term which he is serving expires. Governor Chamberlain would have been willing 7 to pardon Mpnte in order to place him in the jurisdiction of the circut court for this county, bnt under the law the prisoner would , not have been compelled to ac cent the rtardon. However, all the an. thorities bearing upon the point were torney McNary is now positive that he ean take the convict out of the peni tentiary to try him for a crime greater than that for which he is now Serving time. -v The eases against Wright and Monte will probably be brought to trial on May 22, the day when the jurors will report to the court for further duty. Harry Wright will , be released from the Walla Walla penitentiary on -Monday of next week and Sheriff Culver will be on hand to, take him into cus tody and bring him to this city, where he will be confined in the county jail to await his tral upon, the eharge of murder. O SHOOTS HIS SON TO SAVE LIVES OP gis GRAND CHILDREN, FATHER KTLTiS HIS BOY. Frenzied With Excessive Drinking, Jo. seph Starkey Attempts to Extermin ate Brother's Pamlly, When Kis Aged Father Pulls Gun and Shoots to KUL PLACER VILLE, Cal., April 10. Ypntcnkv afternoon at Indian Di seines in TCldnrado iountv. Austin Morgan Starkey, aged 74 years o save the lives of two ox his granaenuaren ana himself, shot and killed with a Win chAitor rlflle. hi son Josesh Starkev. aged 35 years. It seems that the son bad been d rinsing to excess ana as a rnnnlt h.d become frenzied. Yesterdav he attempted to exterminate his broth er John's family with an axe. John's three children were in xront or nis res idence when their uncle Josenh attack ed them and one little girl .aged 10 years, was killed at once The ether two children, with their grandfather, ran into the house and barred the door against Joseph, who pursued them and with his axe began to hew down the door. A call to him to keep back was unheeded, and a h wa forcing his way through the, door, o advance upon them, the old man raised mi rme anu shot him dead. AMERICAN WHEAT DEMANDED. WASHINGTON, April 10. The state department received the follow ing cablegram from American Consul Hirsh at Malaga, Spain: "Wheat was reduced 50 per eenv today on account of the poor crop. Advise sellers that American wheat in in great demand." 'It Clothing 'urnishings. The new shapes in TY S7X ' REPORTS ARE ONLY MEAGRE BUT RUSSIANS, LESS DROWNING -MEN, GBASP AX STRAWS. 1 PLEETS J ALBEADT JOIN BATTLE. So Declare Bnmors That Set Citt zeus In St. Petersburg - ::..: 'Agog- Absence of Adequate Dry dock in Phil ippines Believes United States of Necessity of Deciding Question No ir lace for Basslan Boats to Clean Up ST. PETEBSBURG, April lO.-Rus sia'a information recardintr Boiestven sky's fleet is based soiely on foreign telegrams, wiuen are au too meagre to prevent the quiek ripening .of a crop ox rumors, according to one or which the adverse fleets have alreadv joined in battle. . Others of these dispatches r railing io locate variously tne battleship division of the squadron. . Some naval officers conjecture tht tne lour battlesuips are delaying in or der to effeet a junction with Neboga toff's division, but general credence is given to the report that the battleships are taking a southern route through tne Bunaa straits. Meanwhile, events in Manchuria have come to a pause, and at norae tne : main attention is being given to tne work or tne ttouligan com mission charged with formulating the plan for a representative assembly Eromised by the imperial rescript of arch 3. The commission is meeting twice weekly. Bevolutonaries today contrived an impromptu meeting in front of th pub lie office of the iron works at the hour of beginning work. An immense crowd of workmen was attracted anu revolu tionary speeches were made, redjlags were produced and proclamations dis tributed. : Six policemen, who attempt ed to disperse the crowds, were roughly handled, but the assemblage scattered at the approach of the police reserves. i Washington, April 10. There is no dock in the Philippines big enough to handle any great Russian battleships so that fortunately it will not be neces sary for the state department to decide whether or not the Russian vessels ean dock. in our ports to clean their bot toms. The naval records show that the dry dock at Saigon, which is 500 feet in length, will accommodate the .Rus sian ships, so that the French govern ment is liable to be confronted with the question, j Paris, April 10. The authorities here are satisfied that the Russian second Pacific squadron will not seek to put in at Saigon, in French Cochin China, as the shallow haroor win not permit the entrance of deep draught warships. Manila," April 10. The German steamer Strove, which arrived here from Saigon, has reported that on sun day she sighted two Japanese cruisers in the Chinese sea, headed for oinga pore. TREAT AGAIN POSTPONED. Famous Kan Patterson Trial Goes Over for Another week rending . Smith Extradition. VKW YORK. AdHI 10. The trial of Nan; Patterson on the eharge of killing Caesar Young, which was to have be min hofni-A Recorder Goff in the court of general sessions today, was postpon ed for one week upon request of the prosecution. The postponement was granted on ac count of the fight against extradition being made by J. Morgan omuu ami hi wife, who are now under arrest in rsnoinnatl charged with . eonsoiracv with Nan Patterson in connection with the Young ease. The Smiths are want ed here particularly to be witnesses at the murder trial. The motion for a de lay was strongly opposed by Abraham Levy, chief counsel lor the defendant. In granting the postponement. Recorder Goff said he did not think, the interests of the defendant or of public justice would be interfered with because of a week's delay.. Miss Patterson was , not taken to court today. ; - ; ' INVENTOR IS BLOWN UP. Dr. Freiberg of New York College, Dis- covers Hew Expioatrt xnat , . Injures Him Severely. TtfKW. YORK. Anril 10. It is bc- Vte-vmA bv scientists that a high explos ive of even greater strerigth than nitro glycerine or nitro-chloride has been dis- rtj ytrrcti vj jlsi . - w. the cbemutry department of the Col lege or the caty or xew xora. tt. iii.rv im th resnTt of an "ex plosion which, occurred Saturday while Dr. Freiberg was experimenting in the laboratory of the college with a sub iltl ti chemists nitro-einna- mie acid, which is nsed in the msnofac ture of indigo, and heretofore consider ed bv "the scientifle world as a harmless liquid. Dr. Freiberg was injured by the psrticles of flying glsss. Nitro-cinnamie acta is extraciea i rum .; mnA rianamie. acid. Dr. Freibere is positive that : be is on the track of a ntgn explosive ia mmj ut- ers, because the explosion took every direction, and did not confine itself to one path. . y ... r WlUi EIT1LL& BREAK OP MAKE. Factions of Unionist- ?arty in England , Will make an Ezort to uex Together fivnnV. Anril 11. A new more is on foot as a result of the Brighton re K.,e? tt the reerntlv srmointed union - a junior lord of the treasury, to effect a i.- Ko wmr th Balfourite m.anKarlail:t MftlOM f the L B ionist party. I aX pnate Oinner x tne uu w." - - tariff ,'ref ormers last . night,." Joseph caamDeriain la a short speech dwelt on the urgency of effecting unity in the party. He called a meeting of his party for Thursday to discuss relations with the colonies 5 and ' the , possibility of reaching an agreement on the fiscal question. No secret is made ; of the fact that it will be a momentous meet ing, upon which will hang the fate of the Unionist party and further, that if : no compromise eaa be arranged, Chamberlain will . make., an . open split from Balfour, which would result in a speedy fall of the government. LOSES ONE FOOT.. Knight of Road Gets Badly Mashed Up in Freight Tarda at Albany. . ALBANY, Afril 10. Bodolph Olsen, a Swede hobo, about twenty years old, had . one foot so badly crushed in the freight yards here tonight that it bad to be amputated, while the. heel of the other, was badly mangled., lie' arrived in the city via the bumpers and while trying to bit terra firma his right foot got mixed up with the wheel and rail, with the result that it was crushed so badly that it had to be amputated at the hospital to which he waa taken. lie , was going . through to , Astoria, where he said he expected to procure work. ' : ' - ANOTHER OUM-fOE INQUIRY. Conunssioner Garfield Will Draw Cur . ; tain of Secrecy About Invest- lgation of Oil Trust. TOPEKA, April 10. Commissioner of Corporations Garfield announced to night that the investigation of the Standard Oil Companvin Kansas will be started, at once.. The hearings will all be secret, and no intimation of the commissioner's work will be made pub lic until the report Is given to Presi dent Boose velt. f IT IS ACCEPTED JOHN D. BOCKEFELLEB FINDS NO DIFFICULTY THIS TIME IN PLACING DONATION. American Baptist Missionary Union Solicits Funds From Standard Oil Magnate, All Of Which Is to Be Spent Outside of Country. nnsrnv a in a iff e onn , WV A p g v A A V Vsvv 000 irom John Rockefeller to the American. Baptist Missionary Union was announced toiay. by Treasurer U, W.; Perkins, member of the. executive committee. One-half of the amount was received last Friday and the re ceint of the donation was made public at that time. At a meeting today Treasurer Perkins said an additional sklfai'l fsTVfi fim ttiA aacaenjBi smiMa ra m its disposal to be used exclusively for the construction of mission buildings in foreign countries. Ths money has net been received, but will be available whenever the demands of the work con templated require it. Neither gift, the treasurer stated, was voluntarily con tributed by Rockefeller, both having been solicited by officers or the union. FAYS PENALTY FOR CRIME. Martin Ebelt, Who Strangled Young Wife in New York, Dies in Electric Chair. OHSINO; N. Y., April 10. Martin Kbelt, w ho murdered his wife at Mount crhon, paid the penalty of bis crime in the electric chair in Sing Sing pris on today. , Ebelt killed his wife June 24, 1903. The young woman was 19 years old and Ebelt was '12. , Jealousy was the motive for the murder. , Ebelt induced his wife to accompany him on the evening of the murder by telling her that he wanted to introduce' her to a person who would give her work at $6 a week, and that she could have the wages . for spending money. At a lonely spot near their home he strangled her to death,, afterwards throwing the body into a, sewer, where it was found a few. days later.. When discovered a shoestring was tied tight ly around the woman s neck. i NO SETTLEMENT AS YET. Coatmakers' Strike In Chicago Still on . Deliveries Are Made to Freight Offices. CHICAGO, April 10. Nothing in to day's developments indicate a peace able settlement of the strike inaugurat ed by the teamsters - against the mail order house of Montgomery Ward ft Company. The wagons and vans of the big store, manned br non-union men. made sev eral turbutoit trips today delivering goods to the railroad freight bouses. Although big sad noisy crowds followed the caravans and the noliee were foreed to break a number-of blockades, the deliveries to the railroads were declar ed by the officials at the viore to have been a great deal more successful than last week's efforts. - AND HER NAME WAS MAUD. Tacoma Girl Takes Carbolic Add In i Attempt to Commit Suicide. ' TACOMA, April 10. In the presence of her sweetheart, Mand T. Brook of 1115 South Eleventh street, attempted suicide this afternoon while standing on a public street. . She draak nearly a teaspoon fol of carbolic acid from a bottle which she' carried in her band, waving the bottle containing the acid in the man's face, fell swooning lata his arms. She was taken to a hospital and will probably recover -t ENGAGE IN FIST FIGHT. Conrad Krebs f the firm of Krebi Bros and Sam Jones of Books, became involved lira quarrel in front of Ecker- len's 'saloon on Commercial street yes terday and finally , engaged in, a fist fight, daring which several hard blows were delivered. The result was that Mr. Kreba paid a $5 fine in the police court, ft being shown that he was the aggressor. - .,.:Ur : SHOULD HAVE REPAID CASH MULTNOMAH ERRED IN EFFORT TO EXSCIND JLGREEMENT. COMPROMISED TAX CERTEFICATB After pie Court Attempted to Annul , Its Action on the Ground ; of Inralidlty. Supreme Court Denies Motion to Dts : miss Appeal In Marion County Suit to Recover Possession of op Land Opinions Handed Down Yesterday.'; In reversing the decree of the lower court in the ease of Multnomah coun ty, respondent, vs. Title, Guarantee and Trust Coimpany et al, appellants, yes- terdaylhe supreme court, in an opin ion rendered by Justice Bean, holds that while the board of county commis sioners has authority to adjust or com promise pending controversies as to the validity of a fax certificate, the court of Multnomah county erred in ita attempt to rescind a compromise en tered into with the. trustee of the de fendants property in Tailed to refund the money which had been paid and accepted as full satisfaction of the rights of the plaintiff, and the action was dismissed. ' - ' ; This action was brought to set aside a compromise v concerning the ; validity of certain tax certificates aggregating $25,000, against fcloek 178 of Portland, and eigh'v acres of land in the Qu inn donation land claim, In or near Cue eity. - Tae property was assessed to P. A; Mirquam for fho year 1S94 and to his successor in interest, the defend antitrust company,-for the years 1895 and 1897, inclusive: In in'e passing of title to the' property from the plaintiff to the trustee the latter proposed -a compromise of the delinquent taxes due upon the property for $15,774.53, which was accepted by the county com missioners. Two years later the coun ty commissioners brought this action to rescind the compromise oh the ground that it was without jurisdiction and that it was illegal and voidT Remanded for New TrlaL , Justice Bean also Handed down ah opinion in which he reverse's the de cree of Judge Alfred F .Sears, Jr., in the ease" or the Pacific Mill Company of Honolulu, appellant, vs. Inraan, Poulsen & Co. -al Portland, respond ent, and remanded the cause for a new triaL :y- ;.i ,;,i'.:t;,;:!.""'. -': This is an action wBich was brought by the plaintiff to reeover damages for a breach of contract, wEich was non. suited by. the lower court upon mo tion of the defendant company. The contract alluded to was between the plaintiff and defendant for the estab lishment of a lumber yard in Honolulu, and the complaint avers full perform anee by the plaintiff and readiness and willingness to perform, and a breach by defendant. Tne only question taken up by the appellate court was whether the plaintiff company had collected on the new subscriptions to the' capital stock ,as represented, which the court holds it did, and if the officer of the company have misapplied, wasted or dissipated the capital stock, the de fendant is not without remedy, but has no excuse for refusal to abide by the covenant.' Court Has .Jurisdiction. The motion of respondent to dismiss the appeal was denied bv. Justice Moore in the case of George Wolfcr, respond ept, vs. W. . Hurst and H. A. Hrakle, appellants, an appeal from this 'county. This is an action of forcible entry and detainer to reeover possession of about eiguTV acres of hop lanl situated near Hubbard. The plaintiff secured a judg n tost cf i&mtfoa alem Woolerf ;Cv3IDD; : 8fc ment in the lower eourt and the de fendants appealed. The motion to .dis miss the appeal was made . upon the ground that the supreme eourt had no jurisdiction of the cause for the rca son that no undertaking for the pay meat of the rent of the premises was given-within the time prescribed and that no appeal exists from the judg ment rendered in aetidns of this kind. , Some Other Opinions. J. B. Brown, respondent, vs. Theresa Feldwert, appellant, from Lane coun ty, J. ,W. Hamilton, judge; affirmed. Opinion by Chief Justice Wo I vert on. This Was a suit upon a. note for $215 in favor of Dr. Meyers Co. The plaintiff alleged that the note was en dorsed to him for value before ma turity. This the defendant did not deny, but set up as a defense that the note was procured by fraud and that plaintiff was not an innocent purchaser. The supreme eourt holds, as dd the lower court, that by failure to deny the allegation of the . endorsement for the valne before maturity, tie defend ant had maTle admissions which pre eluded her introducing evidence in sup port of her defense, and the judgment against her must stand. . Alfred Lewis et aL appellants, vs. Joaeph T. Beeroan, respondent, 'front Jackson county, II. K. Hanna, judge; reversed. Opinion by Justice Moore. This was a suit to foreclose a me chanic ' lien. Only part of the de fendants sued, for which reason the suit was dismissed. : The supreme eourt holds this was an error, and finds for the appellants. The Moore-Sehafer fsboe Company, appellants, vs. M. Billings, Charles An drew and Goddard-Kelly rhoe Com pany, respondents, from Multnomah county, M. C George, judge; affirmed. Opinion by Chief Justice Wolverton. IT WAS A FIZZLE PROMISED WOLF HUNT FOR PRES IDENT DEVELOPED INTO FUN . rOB THE HOUNDS ONLY. Roosevelt and Party Have Sport of Wit nessing Dogs Do all the Killing However, He Enjoyed Good Old Faabioned Oklahoma Drenching. OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., April 10. The president and his psrty began their, return' this morning after exper- iencine a westen ram storm during the night. ' A special from Frederick says: The Wolf ehsse, to which the presi dent was so eagerly looking forward, began early this morning. There were about forty dogs in the pack, and those which had not been tied had been hos ing all around this portion of the reser vation since tbey arrived la camp and every now and then a cheery yelp told their masters that they had scented game. A party or about a dozen, including resident Roosevelt and his doctor, bad not traveled far until the dogs were leading them on to what turned out to be a fresh seent. Soon the leaders were rewarded by seeing in a neighbor- ng ravine a lank irrey Wolf deliberate ly loping as if unmindful of its pur suers. The- dogs all seemed to catch sight of the prey at the same time, for pursuers and dogs now set forward with renewed energy." The wolf 'tried to eludn its pursuers by dodging but this only hurried matters as it enabled the foremost dog to catch up with its rey. As the wolf turned to beat off its assailants other dogs sprang upon he bristling animal and bore it to the ground, where it was quickly dispatch ed without the aid of the hunters. Two other wolves were killed in much the same manner. ' t ; Mexico having gone to the gold etan- dard, Mr. Bryan will have to find an entirely new issue. t And It is pretty generally understood that be is hunting for one. lie stuck to the old one after most every one else Lad abandoned' it. Suit Megaphones . KveryJHpring Suit we fell will be a Megaphone for us, calling attention to our superior garments. Spring styles are diflerent Coats Jonger, Trousers wider collars and lapels wider, with many new kinks In the cut and make up. . lick out youi favorite; you'll find the right ahspe. the right shade, the right weight at jost the rightyrice. Look or buy you'll be welcome here at any time. VcVe a Heaping IVIeasurc of Value In store for you, regardless of whether you buy a suit at f 10,' $15, f 18 or 20. . We'll 1 satisfied when you are, bat not until then Is your money ours Trousers Extra Trousers are the salvation of many a passable suit. The Spring styles are very neat, while the tailoring Is simply perfection in t rouse r making. Trouser Cassimerea, Worsteds and Flannels. New Spring patterns. We've Trousers for $3.00, Trousers at $7.00, or at any prices in between. MUCH SECRECY IS MAINTAINED NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN EEUT TRUST INVESTIGATIONS. EIGHT MYSTERIOUS THUNE3 Unearthed by Secret Service Men Soli to Belong to Packers of Chicago. Secretary of Safe Deposit Company in Whose Vaults the Boxes Are Found . Ordered Into Court He Brings the Goods W.w Him. CHICAGO, Aprl 10. The contents of eight mysterious trunks, unearthed by government secret service men in tlte vaults of the National Safe Deposit Company, occupied the attention today of the federal -fraud jury Invent f gating the business affairs of the so-called beef trust. A subpoena duces tecum for Daniel Peckhsm, secretary of the safe deposit company, was issued by Judge Landis to fore the company to pro duce the trunks in the jury room. Thev trunks were taken to the office of Ii- trict Attorney Morrison, where, it is said, they were opened and the contents examined. What the trunks contained and what connection thev have in the ease is not known, as the government officials re fuse to discuss the matter, declining either to deny or confirm the: explana tion current that the trunks might be long to the packers. CAPTAIN ASSUMES ALL BLAME Pierce Insists He Waa Responsible for Beaching 8t earns hip Centennial. PORT TOWXSKND, April loi-Tlie steamship centennial, which grcundd at'Marrowstone at high tide last nignt, bound from San Francisco to Hk-attle, is still held a prisoner on the sands, but is in no .danger. Low waber to day showed the vessel resting even on its keel, removing of fesrs of her bark breaking, while absence of water in. the welt shows she is not leaking. Lightering the cargo will begin tomor. row, and it expected the vessel will be chtened enough to slide off on txie high tide. A large fleet of tugs will bo on hand to make a supreme effort when the tide is at its fullest. Captain Pierce insists upon assuming all blame for the mishap, and assumes all re sponsibility without offering an escuse of any sort. JOBBERS ARE DISSATISFIED. Wholesale Interests Don't Like Bail- road Bates and Will Say So This Week. PORTLAND. April 10. The North Pacifle Coast Jobbers' Association, rep resenting the wholesale jobbing inter ests of Portland, Seattle and Tacoma, is dissatisfied with the compromise proposition offered by the transcontin ental railroads at a meeting between the association and the railroad men ast week, regarding the readjustment of the freight tariffs , between coast points and the interior. it is stated that the jobbers will, at a meeting with the railroad men whim is expected to occur on Wednesday or Thursday, decline to accept the projosl- tion and renew the request that con cessions asked for at the meeting be tween jobbers and the traffic men hell in January be granted. REPORT SHOWS BIG INCREASE. WASHINGTON, April 10. The monthly report of the department oC agriculture will show the average con dition of winter wheat on April 1 has been 01.6 against 76J5 on April 1, 1904, and 83.1 the mean average of the last ten years.