Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, April 07, 1905, Page 1, Image 1

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fifty-fourth ,teas-ko, , 6.
second section crs rAcra
" :
' ; r
Sold for Two Dollars an Acre When
Leasing of It Would .Yield
Immense Income.) !
. Government Offered $4600 for Lease of
. One. Section of Sand, Island for 3e
. riod of Three-Years, and State Diav
poses of Manj Acres More Valuable,
The records of the office of the state
brad board show 1 7! at an aggregate "of
thousands of acres of tide land and ac
cretions iare been sold to private p&it
ties within the past twepty years for
prices raujTj "from j $2 to . $20 per
Here, but the former is the prevailing
' price , and the latter only in eases of
: rare exceptfons when tbe land was in
stieh demand that a contest developed
fur its possession. If the I state still
had the ownership of alt this land and
leased it out for fishing purposes j ly
the year or term of years,! the state
. treasury would have been the richer by
hundreds of thousands of dollars, and
the legislature would not be ealle,
npon each session to make appropria
tion for the support of the salmon
hatcheries of the state, as there would
be more t nan enough revenue from the
leasing of tide lands to carry on the
hatchery operations. ;
" "In its adopted policy of has Co ia
.u'sposrng of its tide land holdings and
tide lahd accretions fn the past, which
policy is followed out even today, at
the nominal prfce of $2 per acre, the
state has been losing thousands of dob
lars every year, which would be more
than sufficient to support the fish prop
agating iriuustry of foe state and leave
- a healthy balance h the state treasury
beside." i
The above is substantially the re
mark made by -Master Fish Warden
Van Dusen recently during1 an official
visit to this city. After making this
statement Mr. Van Dusen proceeded to
prove the correctness of it by referring
to the recent bids received by Major
IaTigfitt, the government engineer at
1'ortland, for the lease of the south por
tion of Sand, island in the estuary of
the Columbia "river, on Monday. ,
"Just take one of these bids, for in
stance," continued he; "that of . Erick
Lindstrom, who offers the government
. 44600 for the fishing privileges alone
for a period of three years, and this
is only a small section of the south'
part of the island. . The island was di
vided Snto five sections when the bids
were invited ,and the other bids ranged
from $400 to 1920 for t'nis and other
sections, and there were no less than
, twelve bidders, which shows how val
uable the land la for finking- and the
great demand for its possession.
"The state has sold hundreds of
'acres of tide land which is more vain
able for fishing grounds than ; Sand
island -twice over, and the greater por
tion of it for the paltry sum of $2 per
acre anil thought it was getting a good
price for it, too.. There are some cases,
however, where the state secured as
high as $20 per acre, but these were
in cases of. contest, and nothing higher
lias ever been paid. Tf the "tale had
retained possession of all of ta is land
and leased oT out , from yef to year
upon bids, just think what an immense
revenue it would bring. It is too late
now, however, to 'cry over spilled
milk as it were, as the state hss no
tide land for sale or Seep, and nothing
can be g.-iineil by bringing it up. Once
and awhile some small accretions j are
found, but no sooner are they located
nnd surveyed :?Kku an application
comes in for their purchase, and tho
bonrd lets them go npon the order .of
first come, first served. . i ' '.
r fThe rity , of San Francisco owns
pratftically every foot of its Wde land
frontage, and will not dispose of 1 foot
of it at any price, as it yields an enor
mous revenue .by. leasing it out' for
fishing privileges. If the state (land
. Iward had adopted this plan years ago
. it would have lee the richer by many
hundrejls of thousands of dollars' to
dav and still had the land in its pos
ses"tn. The" tide and frontage ex
tends up the Columbia river for a dis
tance of several miles, and up : the
."Willanieltc river on both sides as far
as Oregon City, aggregating thousands
.of acres upon which the state had just
as well been realising a goodly reve
nue all these years." ' .
- While In the eity upon other busi
ness of an official nature Mr. Van Du
sen took it upon , himself to look into
the records in relation to the disposal
of Sand island in the controversy which
has arisen over the ownership between
the jrovernment officials and some of
the fishermen. Sand island was eeded
to the government many years ago; by
the state of Oregon. At that time it
was located nearer the Oregon shore
of the rtver and the main ehannel,
j which marks the boundary line of the
two staffs whirit l alw , in dispute,
was upon the north side of it, arid the
. ships were obliged to pass through this
. channel in order to get into the Port
: land harl'or. The outlines cm f Ue in
the. state laaI office show that Sand
island has shifted more than a mile and
A half in its position, and is now lo
eated north of the main ehanael, pos
r bly in Washington territory, and will
probably become' eonheeted with; the
' mainland in the course of. years.
" MINNEAPOLIS, April 6. Alexan
. der-J! Granville Gordon was sentenced
to one year in Stillwater prison today,
t ile was charged with sending threat
ening letters to President Jtoosevclt. i
Lewlston People Subscribe Generously
m xrojectea juine Trom Tnat City
J' to Grangeville.
LEWISTbX, Ida., April 6. At i
large -meeting of-the eommeroial inter-
ests of the'-LewLrtoa region held here
today? an organization: was effected to
construct ' an electric Railroad from
Lewiston to Grangeville, in Idaho coun
ty, to operate in connection with an in
dependent, line of steamers to ply bes-
"wn lewision ana tne portage road
at Celflo.' 1 :; . -. . '-. . ,
Five hundred thousand dollars is te
re raisea ty the people of this eity and
district, which will constitute the pre
liminary fund to carry ont the plans.
Lewiston' quota of this fund 'was
placed at $75,000, and in a few min
utes voluntary subscriptions amounted
to more than half that sum." The elee
trie line will pas through Waba wheat
belt,' tlie Craig mountain timber coun
try and over tbe Nes .Perees and Camas
prairies, and will be about eighty-five
miles in length. i
; NEW.YOitK, April 6,-In a wrest
ling match , tonight between George
Rothner,' "American lightweight cham
pion, and Katsuguma IligSshL exron-
ent of jin jitsti, IkHhner Won three
straight falls. ,
Body Is That of Italian Now Believed
He Was Killed Wednesday Thile
Eating Supper Bloodhounds Used to
Detect Murderer Are Useless. ', -l'
SAN FRANXISCO, April 6 The po
lice jwere greatly encouraged in their
efforts to solve the mystery surround
ing the headless trunk. of the man by
the discovery late this afternoon of the
head, arms and legs of the body. ; The
missing members iwere found in the
bay and' the head particularly gives
greater hope of establishing the 'iden
tity or the murderer man. A throng
of people passed through the morgue
in a' continuous procession tonight,
most of them coming from the Italian
quarter, but none could recognize the
remains. The body is that Of an Ital
ian about 22 years old. -
The impression of-the police that the
man! was a witness in a local murder
case and that he had' been persistent
in refusing to alter his intended testi
mony, which brought about his death.
The indications are that the man was
murdered last night while at supper.
The autopsy surgeon today found spag
hetti in his throat.
An unusual feature of the case today
was the employment of bloodhounds, a
rare occurrence in eity detective work.
While the dogs assisted in nnaing a
number of blood-stained spots in the
neighborhood, they did not produce any
new clews that led to new develop
ments. The course of the dogs was
followed by an excited throng of sev
eral thousand people, who greatly ham
pered the movements of the intelligent
animals. The police were unable to
cope with the crowd. Tonight the de
tectives are all out on the ease,' hoping
to place the criminals behind the'brs.
On the liead found today were two
lonij gasl'es in the scalp and one of
the eyes was closed from the force of
a blow. . The autopsy showed that the
throat .contained food, demonstrating
that the man had leen cut down while
at supper. The police believe the vic
tim to le Kosario Uomina, a witness in
the Brogardo murder case. In search
ing through the coat tonight the police
found a label which contained the word
"Denver" This was the only word
decipherable. k
Sensational , Writers, . He Says, Have
Prejudiced Many Against Rockefeller
With Their Articles, Accompanied by
Caricatures and Many Illustrations.
NEW YORK, April 6. S. C. T. Dodd,
chief solicitor of the Standard on
Company, gave out a statement today
with reference to ine rcceni ujwbiops
of the acceptance of the gift of fluu,
000 offered by John D. Rockefeller for
Missionary work. Dodd declares tnat.
the statement "that Rockefeller made hi
money dishonesty, "is false, is vile
nil hi air made bv ministers in pre
tended interests of morality, is doubly
vile." . ' r
With reference to gas and copper
- -j- S TfcS -:. -J TUA
companies, Xoua sayar uouu.
many have been prejuaicea gai
Rockefeller by sensational writers,
whose articles, accompanied, by por
traits and caricatures, were intended- to
create the impression that Rockefeller
was the principal in tne anairs mating
to the organisation of gas and copper
companies, although no faet showing
M,k eoanetion is stated.. The
Standard Oil Company has already de
nied it had any connection or micrwi,
direetly or indirectly, in 'the organiza
tion of these corporations and on the
best authority the same denial now
made for Rockefeller.!'
itr a cniirvnTnv: Anril 6. Avery A.
- s-i - -s -i- ;m m . .
' - . . -..--, u
-fZZToVtr ITelmkin that Wright, whUe in Helm-
appointed "IJni
strict of WasH in gton and
ker of OoldendaleV Wash
the eastern district
George IL Bake
has Wen appointed United" States mar -
nas iweu .j-j-viih ...... , -. 1 1
shal for the game district.
Testimony Taken Against the Alleged
Accessories to Tracy and Mer
rfl. Escape.
Man Who Sold Guns on the Stand Is
Said to Have Testified to Identity of
Monte as .Oner of Purchasers Other
Important Witnesses Examined.
Although the proceeding were held
in strict seereey, - enough information
leaked out to warrant the prediction
that the Marion county grand jury will
indict narry Wright and Charles Monte
for the crime of murder in the first de
gree. , ; .
A1J day yesterday was devoted bv
that boly to the examination of wit
nesses In tbe sensational ease dating
back to tbe bloody affair when the des
perate. convicts Tracy and Merrill made
their escape from the Oregon state pen
itentiary onjihe morning of June 9,
1902. Determined to avenge the death
of Frank Ferrell, B. T. Tiffany and S.
R. T. Jones; the brave guards - who lost
their lives on that eventful day, the
officers-who have been workinor upon
the cas. have succeeded in weaving a
web of evidence around Wright , and
Monte that makes them feel confident
the suspects will be proven to be the
identical parties who, on the night of
June '8,. 1902, smuggled the guns into
the foundry at the penitentiary, that
were used bv Tracy and Merrill to car
ry out- their murderous work on the fol
lowing morning.
The evidence has been gathered by
Sheriff W. J. Culver and his efficient
deputy, Harry P. Minto, and they were
ably assisted in the work by District
Attorney J. H. MeNaary and Warden
Frank H. Curtis of the penitentiary,
Nothing has been left undone, and no
pains or expense spared in securing
every particle of evidence that might
have a bearing upon the case, trace
satisfied in their own minds that Wright
and Monte were 'the ioiltv parties,
these officers set out with a determina
tion to prove their guilt and secure
their conviction on a charge of murder
as accessories before the fact. How
well they, have" succeeded remains to be
seen but the testimony mtrodneea be
fore the grand jury yesterday is said to
- . . s .
nave neen very conclusive.
Among the witnesses examined were
Capt. W. J. Riley, of the Northwest
Gun and Bicvele Co., Portland; A. C.
Dilley, ex-deputy warden of the peni
tentiary; Frank Oirard. a former guaTa,
and Frank IT. Curtis, the present war
den of the same institution; Deputy
Sheriff H. P. Minto and Harry Helm
ken. - Besides these there were several
witnesses ' examined whose names the
officers, for some special reason, refuse'd
to divulge. The grand jury has nmsnea
taking testimony m the case but it is
nrtt r.rnhnhU that a report will be made
before 'the middle of next week, accord
ing to the information given out by the
What State Will Prove.
TVrr that wh ich could be gathered
from the witnesses npon the outside,
nothing definite eonl.1 tie learnea as
tt nntnre of the testimony that is
calculated to send Harry Wright and
Charles Monte to the ganows. ii m
said, however, that tne proseemion.
which rests in the nanos oi i"i
Attornev J. IT. McNary, will prove tnat
the 30-10 Winchester repeating xiu
nirea by Tracy and Merrill is masmg
their sensational escape from prison,
and which were furnished them by eon
r.iarnf a nnon the joutside of the prison
walls, were purchased from Capt. W. J.
Riley in the Northwest Onn Sc Bieyele
Company's store at Portland and that
Capt. Rilev will be able to positively
identify Wright and Monte as the par-
ties who purchased, the -runs. In fact,
it is saidr that this witness visited the
penitentiary some time ago and identi
fied Monte as one of the men and that
he hss also Identified the stock of the
rifle tonnd in Trnev's possession at the
: was killed, as that originally
belonging to one of the guns which he
claims were sold to tne suspecis.
is also elsimed a third party aecompan-
s-.t xc,it nd Mont when they pur
chased the firearms and that this person
will be produced when the proper time
comes. It Is further said that the pros
ecution will be able to show every
made bv the suspects from the
time thev were' released from the Ore
gon penitentiary until they were again
convicted or other erimes and sent to
anl Monte? for six years in tne- uregon
txrison. Wrirfat for a term of three
years at WaTla WaUa, for grand larceny
penitent laryior purgiarj.
r Monte somcs ixmxeaaoon.
It is also learned that Charles Mente,
shortly alter the Traey and . Merrill
outbreak, made a confession to a pal
implicating himself and Wrigh't,in
hih he told in detail how they se
cured the guns tml revolvers, and the
means emploved' to scale the prison
walls on tbe Sunday night they hid the
firearms ? in the foundry where Tracy
and Merrill found , them th following
If the prosecution is able to
produce the party to.whora it is claimed
this confession was s made, his testi
mony will seal the fate of iionte at
Front what could be: learned yester-
.liy, it is th intention t the proseen-
tinn to nrovfl dt iriTOimoj w
Ma 'a saloon in this eity, ."short ttae
before the escape .of Tracy and MerrTll,
mnde tLe rtmarktnat tnere womarnni
.. -ii'nonitentiarv and tht
i isss a i - - - :
it was ing to be a good one, or words
to tnat eneet. :- --f-
T r T -Wright Seen la Salem. "
The prosecution will also prove, so
it i3 saia, tnat uarry vv nght was seen
in ? Salenr, on Sunday, the- day preced
ing the eventful Monday when Traiv
and Merrill left , .their bloody trail
through the penitentiary yard east ot
mis city. inatv ne- disappeared tbit
night and avoided the officers nntU
taptured in' TVshington and wasTsen
tinccd for htrglary, under the nam- cf
ii, u. Jiutenarti ; j ; .
5Hirefo'Iyhave the officers handled
this ease, that Jt . is : claimed positively
tne cnam or evidence is complete and
that both -Wright and Monte : will be
convicted. : If Hhe evidence is at band
that the prosecution is said to have in
its possession the suspects will suffer
for the' erime "of which they are ac
cused without the shadow of doubt.
If, Wright and Monte are-convicted
the officers who have labored loner and
faithfully to gather up the evidence,
will be deserving- of the highest praise
end no reward will; be too good for
them. That some one paved the. way
for Tracy and Merrill's bloody work,
there is n doubt, and the eonvietioa
s.nd proper punishment of he guilty
parties will be gratifying beyond ex
pression to an outraged public
Bur dick ft Doe Nonsufted in Sheep
Case Appealed from Justice Court by
Citizens : Light ft, Traction Company
Two Actions for Money Tried. ;
When Lou . Wah Lee. the Chinese
charged with .', the crime of larceny in
Eekerlen's wholesale liquor store, took
the witness staud in his own behalf
yesterday he furnished a great deal of
amusement to the jurors as well as all
others present in the circuit court room
during tne trial. The chink" was
caught in the act of stealing liquor on
the morning of January 30, by Paul
Marnack, the day bartender in JScker
len'a saloon. He took the Chinaman
into custody and marched bim to the
city jail at the point of a revolver. In
giving his testimony before a' jury yes
terday tiou Wah Liee told a detailed
story . of hov he went to Eekerlen s
saloon on the morning in question to
get a Cup of coffee and how he was
held up by Marnack, when he reached
the dark entrance to the buildine. who,
he . said, went through his pockets in
search of valuables. He stated that
fortunately uis pockets contained noth
ing but an old watch, which Ma roach
did not molest, as - be considered the
timepiece of no value.
The Celestial's story was not taken
seriously by the jury, but rather as a
good joke on Mr. Marnach, who is still
busy "squarine" matters with his
Tbe Chinaman was defended by At
torney .1. R. Dimiek, out the jury after
brief deliberation returned a verdict
of "guilty as charged." The defend
ant waived time and was sentenced to
serre one year in the penitentiary; He
rwas nine li plessed over tne' ngnt sen
tence imposed upon him anil seemed to
be particularly pleased with the rul
ings of Judge liurnett during the w-
jrress of the trial. In conversation with
Sheriff Culver, while being conveyed to
the penitent iarv. he remarked that
Judge Burnett was a gentleman and if
the jury bad been a gentleman" he
would not have lecn convicted.
The damage suit of Hurdick Sc Doe
vs. the Citizens Light t Traction Com
pany, wmcn was commenced in ine cir
cuit court on Wednesday afternoon, was
resumed when court convened at 0
Vlek yesterday morning. After the
plaintiffs -haI introduced their lesti-
monv the ease came to an abrupt end
wltoii Jndge Burnett sustained a mjotion
for nonsuit. ? The case was brought to
recover for sheep killed by an electric
car, Tbe sheep were being driven along
the fair grounds road by Mr. Burdiek,
one of the plaintiffs in the-' case, when
eight were struck by a care and killed.
The testimony showed that he made
no effort to keen the sheep off the rail
way track and therefore the court held
that he was guilty of contributory
negligence aiu. upon that ground sus
tained the motion for nonsuit. W.
and Webster Holmes appeared in the
ease as attorneys for the plaintiffs and
J. IT. and C. L. r?Xary for the de
fendant company. . "
In the case of Krik 1 .arson vs.
Marsh, an action for money, the jury
rendered a verdict in favor of the de
Fails to Prevent Himself for Vote on
Sustaining Alleged Polygamous
'Apostles Mormon Church in' Annual
Conveatloa beclarei tor Smltli.;
SALT LAKE, April 6 Joseph F.
Smith was sustained a prophet, seer
and revelator by a unanimous vote of
tbe members of the Mormon c'jnrch at
tbe opening of its seventy-fifth annual
conference today. , r " '"
Among the apostles sustained were
Apostles Taylor and Cowley. In tbe
testimony before the. senate investigat
ing committee at Washington, tsenator
saoot.svatca taat an mvewigauwn w
being made by the church into the
charges' that these" two apostles ial
taken polygamous ' wives since t he ;
manifesto, end If the charges were
proven he woold not vote to sustain
Taylor and Cowley. f -
. Bmoot was not present today, nor
were Apostles Taylor sad Cowley. '
City One Mas of Color In Honor of
Teddy'n Visit.
Trip Pleasant, and Party Everywhere
Received , With. Enthusiastic . Cheers
One Town, passes Ordinance That
Compels Train to Stop.
WX AXTOMO, Tex., April 6.
After an eventful trip across a large
portion of Texas, President Roosevelt
arrived at San Antonio tonight. When
the special train bearing the president
reached the station he was greeted
with cheers from thousands of throats
and lusty "hurrahs" of bis 'old com
rades in arms, the famous Rough Ki
llers of the -8pamsb-American war,
holding thtTT annual reunion near the
crumbling walls of historic Alamo,
could plainly be heard above tbe. din.
The eity is a maze of color n honor
of the president's ' visif. Business
houses and residences ' are decorated
with flags and bunting, and tae exer
cises promise to bo the most patriotic
demonstratum ever held in tbe State.
The president's train will remain
here, until tomorrow night, when 1 the
visitors will leave for Fort Worth. The
train left Dallas thi morning before
daylight, the first stop of the day be
ing at Ilillsboro, where practically tae
entire population turned out.
A,t the brief speech at Waco a mul
titude of humanity filled-the area about
the stand to greet the president. At
the park wEere the address was deliv
ered, it was several minutes before the
president was allowed to speak.
The next stop was not on the srhed
ule. When the""" citizens of Temple
learned , that the president's train was
not scheduled to stop there, a meeting
, i -
or tne town t council was nurrieaiy
held,, and an ordinance passed requir
ing all trains to stop at the station
three minutes. When this news was
made known j to the president he
laughed heartily and immediately or
dered the stop to be made. Nearly the
whole population of, the little city ws
on hand, and the president was greeted
heartily. J -
Austin, the' capital city, was reaehed
at 2 o'clock. Ths president was" met
at the depot by the state officials and
tbe legislature. The party was driv
en to the state house, where the presi
dent made twor speeches. The dav was
ideal, and" the throngs were so great
that it was a bard matter for the mill
tia to keep them in control. After the
president left Che capital several stops
were made, the same enhusiastw re
ception meeting the president: every
where. TT long ride . was finally
bronght to an end when San Antonio
was reached tonight. '
Business Sessions of the United Evan
gelical Church, Oregon Conference,
Begun Decides Upon Date and place
of Next Annual Convention. '
With an attendance of nearly thirty
clengymen and almost twice that num
ber of .lay delegates, the annual sessions
of the Oregon conference of tbe United
Evangelical church opened in the Uni
ted' Evangelical church in this city yes
terday morning at 9 o clock, The early
moments of the session were fraught
with much solemnity and impressive
ness as the assembled delegates made
acknowledgement of their faith and the
teaching they, espoused in the reception
of tbe communion service with which
tbe work of the convention was opened.
Besides the accredited- delegates to
the sessions there were present yester
day several spectators from this' and
pther cities who manifested much in
terest in the proceedings of tbe day's
business. ; !
Rt. Rev. W. F. lleil of Chicago, pre
sided over the day's work and delivered
two addresses during the day. The ses
sions we're crowded with business and
there is great probability that the con
ference will last Until Monday and per
haps Tuesday, owing to' the ' great lot
of work" that must be attended 'to for
this year. -r ' , " .
- The, conference decided early ia the
day that the next annual sessions of
tbe Oregon conference would be held at
St. Johns, on th first Thursday before
the second Sunday in April.
The morning session of - tne confer
ence opened at 9 o'clock. Tbs i com
munion service was observed, by the
conference after which Bishop Hell ad
dressed the assemblage on the general
condition of the ehnreh. He said ia
parti "Tbe past year was one of tbe
beet in the history of tbe chnrch. The
number of conversions reported for last
year was 815& which is the largest num
ber for some years; nearly 1300 : more
than the previous year. The indications
are that this year will reveal the larg-
test Bum Lie r in tne nisiory oi me uncu
Evangelical chnrch, reaching perhaps
9000 -or 10,000. The net ria for last
year was 1910, the largest in the his
tory of the church. The missionary
contribution has risen from $18,000 In
1903, to S5,0.J in 1904." .1 - -
Following this 'address the - business J
of the conference was taken up and the
committees reponeo.
The devotional committee gave out
the following announcement for devo
tional services: Thursday night at 7
o'clock, song service, led by Bev. W. P.
riowman. followed by preaching. Rev.
M. B. Young filling the pulpit, Friday
night, Bv. C A. Burris will have
charge of; the services. Saturday night,
Rev. C P. Gates wiU have iargeof
the devotional service and' the sermon
will be preached by Kev. G. F. Phelps.
Rev. TJ M. Booyn of Piedmont, was
granted his credentials and withdrew
from the conference.
The following ministers expressed
themselves as willing to travel: A. A.
Winter. G. F. Lavell, E. E. MeVieker,
O. F. Phelps, F. Ai Phelps. J. L. Burns,
A. J. nlsapfel. "'ill. I a. Pratt. C. A.
Bnrris, M. B. Young, A. W. Brickley,
S. M. Wood, F. R.i Ijacke, J. Bowerstix,
M. J. Ballentyne,; C. T. Hard, D. M.
Metzer, F. E. Fisher, C. P. Gates.
B'W, Harris was granted license to
preach by a unanimous vote of the eon-
The time and. place of the next Con
ference was fixed as the first Thursday
before the second 8ondav of April.
1906, and to be held at Ht. Johns, Ore
gon. . ; j '. .':
At 3 o'clock Bishop Heil addressed
the conference on the topic. "Why
Preachers Fail." He said : The" pas
tor is successful Inasmuch as he gains
and exerts an influence for good in bis
community. Pastoral success is not
based on the multii.licitv of visits, but
on the decrree of influence, trained. He
must love his work, bar most tie enthu
siastic, lie mnstj be filled with the
spirit." iThe addressed closed the ses
sion for the day. j
The-public is most cordially invited
to attend all the sessions and services
of the conference. j
LYNN Mass., April 6. The body of
David Phillips was found today on the
beach near his house in Swampscott,
and an autopsy will be held to octet
mine . whether death resulted from
drowning! Phillips is believed to have
had several thousand dollars on his per
son and this, with his wateh, coat, Vest,
hat, etc., lis missing.
Dalles-Celilo Canal Will Now Be Hur
ried to Completion Work to Be Be
gun as; Soon as High Water Subsides
Langntt in Charge.
PORTLAND, April . In fulfill
ment of its pledge the state of Ore
gon yesterday delivered to Major W.
C. Langfitt a deed conveyrnir absolute
title to the government of the entire
right of way for the Dalles-Ckdilo ca
nal. This action removes the last ob
stacle to ! the construction of the canal
and insures the early beginning of the
work. :" ''"." "
The delivery of the deed was made
neveasary by the condition imiMised by
congress before tbe Canal should be
constructed by the government, that
the state should deed to it free - of
cost all- binds contained ' wit bin the
right of way."
Major Langfitt said today: "Affairs
are in such shape now in regard to the
eanal that we should be able to begin
construction - immediately after the
high water subsides, and work will un-
Joubtedly be started rn July. In ac
cordance ! With the department orders,
we have forwarded U Washington the
project for this improvement, based on
the money available for' that iHirjtose,
and as intyn as that is returned with
the approvaT of the state engineer we
shall prepare and forward bim detailed
plans and specifications for the work.
When these are approved we will then
be in shaK to begin work."'
Congress of Doctors Asserts Policy of
War and Conquest Has Thrown Coun
try Into - Terrible Poverty in Which
Cholera Will Flourish.
MOSCOW, April 5. Tbe Cvncrress of
doctors summoned to meet in Moscow
under the auspices of the Pirogoen
Medical Society to devise means of com
batting the expected visitation of the
cholera and which eongrea was at first
prohibited, but later granted the per
mission to meet under the condition
that it discuss only the scientific ques
tions, has justified the apprehensions
of the authorities by adopting as ilA
nrst step an anti-cholera crusade, sot
of resolutions calling for tbe execu
tion of the whole of tbe radical politi
cal program. , The proposals culminate
in a demand for the immediate convoca
tion of a constituent assembly, on the
basis if a universal ballot without dis
tinction to sex, nationality or religion.
Tbe congress also demanded the imme
diate stoppage of the war, declarioa
that the policy of conquest and adven
ture had thrown the country into a
terrible and extensive poverty In'wbieh
cholera woold flourish.
This action of the congress was not
unexpected, as the- medical profession
of Russia is largely composed Of Jews
and Poles and had been subjected to
tbe radical influence of the univer
sities. k' ."'!-:.
A song In the heart is worth two in
the choir.
Believed Linievitch Will Be Compello!
to Withdraw From His
"Position. 1
Mikado's ' Forces Come on 475.000
Strong In Crescent Formation, Oku
on Left, Nodzn In Center and Kurokl
and Kawamura on Right.
LONDON, April O.A correspondent
at St. Petersburg of the Times tele,
graphs: "The latest of Information
leads to the belief that the Japanese
are advanncing In a crescent format ion,
Okn on the left. Nodzu in the center
and Kuroki and Kawamura on the
right, and with a total strength of 47.1.
0od. It is feared that Linievitch will
be compiled to withdraw."
Remains But Saort Time But His Hours
Freighted With Good Results, Declare
Reports Engaged in Long Private
Conference With President Loubet. .
PARIS, April 4!. The arrival of
King Edward in Paris today was the
occasion for a notable manifestation of
Anglo-French cordiality, which is beicy
interpreted tonight as a conspicuous to
sjMinse to Germany's attitude regarding
Morocco, although th king remained
but a short time. - He was met outside
the city by President Loubet, who held
a private conversation with his majesty
lasting nearly an houK The details of
tbe conversation excite a wide range of
speculation, but its actual purport has
not been disclosed. - However, a semi
official communication recites that the
meeting had far less reserve than that
between Kinf. Edward and President
Loubet last year, and was marked by;
the freedom of confidence , exchanged.
Beyond this private conversation. King
Edward confined himself to the usual
public expressions of good will. Ho
spoke at the station )of the pleasure a
visit to France always gaveTilm; but
there was not the slightest public utter
ince having any significance upon pend
ing political affairs. In this respect
the king's reserve is bein compared
wun ine freedom or J-.mjtcror William's
recent utterances.
Announce That Eaultable Assurance
Society's Management Will Be
Thoroughly Investigated.
NEW YORK. April L-0.it of flffv
members of the board of directors o"f
the Equitable Life Assurance Hurirtv
thirty-eight assembled at the com
pany's bonrd room this afternoon and
after an hour and thirty minutes' di
rusMi'on, in the course of which it is
understood the whole of the Ediiitabl
controversy was gone over, an an
nouncement was .made that those i.res-
ent had unanimously decided to adoj.t
the two years' mutitaliKation i.lnn it ii -
nou nerd several days ngi.
The rumors of resignations' did pot
bear fruit and it Is authoritatively s.ti.l
tonight that none were tendered.
Everything is harmonious." was tho
tenor of the official statement ismied
ifter the meeting by Henator Dcpew
and Cornelius N. liliss. This announce
ment also said that tbe committee ,f
oi rectors would thoroughly invcfttigntn
the eompanv management. l'rpii.lnnt
Alexander of the company and Jnnn
II. Hyde were uremwit and it vras not-
able that many of the directors enmo
from a distance in order to attend tho
session. .
Traffic Managers of tbe Ttirrimi
Northern Pacific and Great Northern
Lines .Refuse to Grant Petition cf
Big Coast City Jobbers.
PORTLAND. April fl.-Th
tinental railroads will not, at tbe pr -ent
time, make any readjustment of tl i
existing freight tariffs between co.i
points and the interior. This js in e ' -stance
the decision made known to tl.
representatives of th lohl
of Portland, Seattle and Taeoma tod, v.
by the traffie managers of the linrri.
man lines, the Northern Pacific end t! i
Great Northern railroads.
Three months ago the jobbers of tl
three coast cities arrnns,l . 4 : -
with the traffic managers for
pose of protesting against the r xi
freight rates between the conn i
ine interior, which, contended tLo
jo orders, prevented their enterin:
roiupeimon wun the trade of J .
Washington, Northeastern Ore -
Northern Idabow .
At that meeting thev crpucntf l f
arguments and tbe tralHc man n
nounced that they would take t i
ter - under advisement and r 1 -
three months and
lecision. 1