City I HE (From Wednesday's Daily.) riiinarB of Honrs-?- , T , The management ,f the local office of tbe Western - Union - Company- has apBOonceti me iouowmg Hours ior sun diji daring whieh messages may be gent: 8 to 10 o'cloek in the morning; 4 to 6 o 'clock in the afternoon, and Q to 10:30 o'clock in the evening. peelared Their Intentions John Wolf and Otto Zesiger appeared fctfore Connty Clerk Roland yesterday aad declared their intention to become citizens of the United States. The for mer is a subject of King Franz Joseph ef Austria and the latter renonnced his allegiance to the republic of Switzer land. Wounded In the Foot Emmet D. Cosper, who is traveling the road for the firm of R. M. Wade $ Co. of Portland, is in the eity for a t.rief visit to friends. Emmet was a member of Company M of the Second Oregon' voloateers, doing Services in tbe Philippines. He was artificer of the company and 'received! a gunshot wound in bis foot during the engage ment at Malabon. , Ii Danger rrom Frosts r Conrad Krebs, of Krebs Bros., returned yesterday . evening from a trip to his Independence hop yard, where he not only attended to some business in con nection witn tnc work jfl progress in tbe yards, but passed a few days very pleasantly in fishing and resting. He report the vines coming up in good shape and that no injury has been re vived up to date, lie stands in fear of late frosts, however, especially so since the mountains and foothills are covered with snow. To Teach the Crows Miss Emily Staiger departed yester day on her way to Montana, where she will again enter the Indian school ser vice of the government. She will leave Portland tomorrow morning, going over the Northern Pacific and Burling ton lines, and reporting to the Crow agency, at the station of that name; iir Kosebud county, whence ' she will be detailed to the reservation school at pryor in Yellowstone county. 'She will have the position of seamstress, teach ing the f'row Indian maidens how to make their, dresses, etc. The Pryor school is a new one, located in a beau tiful part of the-state and with pleas ant surroundings. An Extended Trip Howard I). Trover of the Cronise photo studio will shortly , leave for an extended tour of the Northwestern Mutes. Mr. Trover will make the try in the interest of the Northwest Photo graphers' Association, of which he is the president. He will visit all the large, cities and towns in Oregon Wash ington, Idaho and Montana, for the purpofte of arousing: interest in the coming convention ,of the . Northwest Photographers' Association and the California Photographers' Association, which is to be henl in Portland from September 4 to September 8, inclusive. September 6 has beeu set apart by the exposition management as Photograph ers ' day anl it has been arranged to hohl the joint convention so as to in clude that day within its sessions. While on the trip Mr. Trover will make several landscape pictures of the coun try through which he passes. (From Thursday's Daily.) Clackamas Connty Pays Taxes Clackamas county yesterday remitted $.jS7.50 to the state treasury to apply as part payment of the first half of its state taxes for the year 1905. Thirty-Six Loans Approved The state land board has approved 36 loans of the state school fund, ag gregating $33,860. This is about $5,000 in vseess of the loans granted by the board for any single month "for several months past. After Mineral Exhibit D. IT. Weygaut, general agent fof the Lewis and Hark Imposition in the mines and mining department exhibit, "in lain city Closing up nis worn in cuu nocton with the Cola Creek mining district. He says the Marion county mines exhibit will not be what it hould be. Literary Challenge r The Philodorian Literary society of Willamette University ha issued a defy to the memDers of the Coleman In the fall of 180c I contracted that fear ful disease. Blood Poison. It gained such nesdway that I was forced to resign tny position and seek relief at Hot Springs. After spending all the means I had I went to Memphis. In less than three weeks I was in a hospital, and after nine weeks of tuiferine I was discharged as cured. In less than a month every bone in my body eemed to be affected and felt as if they would break at the least exertion. Again I was compelled to resign, and I returned to the hospital for a seven weeks stay. When I came out I was advised to try farming. When I first went on the farm I prevailed on the only firm who handled drugs to get me one dozen bottles of S. S. S. At that time both of my hands were broken but with blisters and I was covered With boils and sorea In the meantime mv druggist had gotten two doxen bottles ol S. S. S. for me and I began its use, and wier taking the thirteenth bottle not a ore or boil was visible. R. B- PowxU. Bast oth St, LitUe Rock, Ark. Of all human diseases, Contagions Blood fwson is the most hideous and natexui. The victim is tortured with eating ulcers, res and abscesses, unsightly blotches, eruptions and other svnrotoms of the mis erable disease. S. S. S. has been used uccessfullv for nearlr fiftv ears f ot - Contagious Blood roison. it con tains no mercury, potash, or the mineral. Onr home treatment book gives all the symp toms of this dis ease. Medical ad vice free. ' fta Swift Specific Compasy, Atlasta, Ca literary , aocietv of the fion, challenging them to a public de. bate on toe question" of i Resolved, - -u.juioij arbitration sboum be r.mwiuneu in the United States t settle disputes between capital and la bor.' - The Philodoriana have name. ine nignt-or May 5. It gives the ehal - - a inft.j ' iue cnotce or sioes . on me question at issue. Roast Chickens Thomas Free, who lives on the rural iree delivery route, No. 3, one mile west of Liberty, had a sad experience wiia au meuua tor and brooder recent ly, Mr.) Free recently purchased an ineubator and brooder and hatched out 56 little chicks with jthe former. He put them in the brooder and things were going well until Tuesday night, ruca n. iooa lire irom the beating ap- consuming' tbe machine and setting fire to t'ae shed in which it was. The latter fire was put out with slight uamage. 1 .. She Sues On Note- In order to recover in amornit al leged to be due upon a promissory note Aland .Bncbner yesterday instituted civil proceedings against the Bagby uBinuer company jn department No. J of the circuit court, the complaint be tag lihsd by her attorneys, J. N. PeareyJ oi x oriiana, ana lion. Frank Davey, ox mis eity. Tbe plaintiff alleges that the defendant lompany, by its officers, on Aiaren , jsh4, executed a note in ner iavor for the payment of $800, win interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum. She claims no part of the money has been paid, and therefore asks for judgment for the full amount, witn interest. Taxes Become Delinquent Monday This is the last week in which tax payers may square their accounts with (Sheriff Culver, without being required to pay an additional sum for penalty and interest. All taxes will become de linquent on Monday, April 3, when a penalty of 10 per cent and interest at the rate of 12 per cent per annum will be added. On all property upon which half payments were made, or will be made before Monday, however, the bal ance due may foe made at any time be fore October 2 without penalty or in terest being added. Large numbers of taxpayers continue to visit the sher iff's office daily and the last three days of the present week will uo doubt be unusually busy ones for the sheriff and his deputies. (From Friday' Daily.) A Whopper Charles Calvert of Asylum avenue, breeder of Black Minorca poultry, ex hibited an egg to a Statesman repre sentative yesterday which measured c'ght inches in circumference the long way and six and a half the other. Very Long Vine J. P. Rogers was exhibiting yesterday an unusually long pea vine which he had grown on his place in South Salem. It measures two feet, seven and a half inchest It was only a fair sample, he said, of the other vines in the garden. Mount Angel Exhibit Mount Angel College-is preparing an elaborate exhibit for the Jjewis and Clark exposition. Besides a specimen of the work done at that institution there will be several photographs of the building, inside an out, on exhibi tion. Gubernatorial Appointments Governor Chamberlain has made the following appointments: R. B. Wallace, Astoria, member of barbers board; Dr. S. Bandy, Medford, member of state board of dental examiners; F. II. Carter, Ashland, II. C. Kinney, Grants Pass, regents of the Ashland normal school. Administrator Appointed A. D. Gardner was yesterday appoint ed administrator of the estate of Mary Ilollenback, deceased. According to his petition asking for letters of administra tion, the estate is valued at about $5000 and the administrator will be required to furnish a bond in the sum of $10,000. Merchants Protective Association The merchants of Salem are Xo meet on Monday, night next and organize a merchants' protective association These organizations in other cities, be ing conducted for mutual advantage, ac complish a great deal of good for the towns and for the individual firms and business men making up their member ship. ' Sad Story- Oregon farmers and hop men aro worrying over a "sure sign of cold weather" that appeared in the heavens yesterday. It was nothing more than a flock a large one of ordinary geese and it was wmeing us way soutn east. "Bout this time look out for snow," as the old farmers' almanac used to read. Is 111 of la Grippe- Governor Chamberlain went to Port land nn Wednesdav evening and was expected to return to this city yester dav. Word was received, however. that he has been seized with a slight at tack of the grip and that he would not resume his official duties for a few days until he can have folly recovered. The governor was not iceung wu - he departed for Portland on Wednes day evening. - I ; - ' New Boiler in Place A large new steel tubular boiler hav ing a diameter of -?xty inches and a length of sixte-n feet is being placed in iwitiou in the boiler house of the Capital Lumbering company's sawmill . . . . . : . v : A fct4 time will be nwdstinp the two other boilers, each ef a timilar size, in generating steam for the big engines forming the motive power of that manufacturing in stitution. There has been a laek of steam at the mill whenever it was found necessary to operate all of the machin ery and dry kiln at once, but tbia bat tery of boilers will overcome that trou ble and the mill can rush matters in meeting the unusual demand for build ing material, i Never was there such a call for lumber in and around Salem, and there hi every reason to believe that the building record for 1905 will far exceed that of any previous year. . .- , ::, SSS ' in (IMS it- 3DU wuma ow. . rt m Q n Bsantks ElgsatoM . f : ribs lied Yoi Han AJwzrs eotcnx HOLDING GROWERS GROWING MORE OPTI MISTIO AND REFUSE "DEALr ERS ENTREATIES. Discouraging Reports ; Fall to Make Any Impression Upon Them Still Talk of Forming pool But No One Yet Found to Take. Initiative. Public interest has begun to center in the hop situation which is growing more interesting each day and there sems still to be a" divergence of opin ion as to the ultimate outcome. The growers, however, although the dealers rated as "bears" eontinoe to cast dis couraging allusions upon the situation, are growing more optimistic every day and their outstanding position is be coming stronger with each report re ceived as to conditions of the market both foreign and domestic. Reports indicate a much stronger de mand and considerable more inouirv. Dordering upon tbe anxious, for Pa cifies, and especially Oregon's and tbe price seems to show a gradual upward tendency with vary little, doing in the way of sales between the dealers and absolutely nothing doin? as between grower and dealer. Just how loner this eonumoo win continue to exist is oniy a matter of conjecture, since the bears maintain that the prices will go much lower and will never again reach the mark attained last fall, while the grow ers feel perfectly satisfied with condi tions as they are and assert that they will hold their hops for three months yet in order to realize their price, which is fixed at not less than 30 ceats. There is still some talk ot pool but 'the matter does not seem to materialize very rapidly, although the growers are beginning to show more .interest. So far,-however, they have been holding out strongly without . organization and there is no sign of weakness in any part of the chain as yet. M. B7. Durrt of Alameda, California, is still showing much interest in the project and con tinues to believe that it is the only salvation for the growers under the present circumstances. The growers seem to think thafe his plan, as sug gested, is the only one by which a pool could be made effectual ami bring forth the results sought, yet there is none to take hold and push the proposition through. Mr. Durst has not given the PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY SOME OF THE RELIABLE MEN AND CONCERNS OF OREGON'S METROPOLIS. EYE SPECIALIST. Ey Stllit . a . . I naa opeoea in nm sua, uregon. uenn tn nonowwv. uu and see faim. ISO Svwtii St. pnoTOORAPmc sttpflies. Blnmaner Frank Drag Co., Portland, Oregon, is headquarters for Photo graphic Supplies, Century, Premo, Fo co, Blair and Eastman Cameras. Ev ery requisite for the Professional and Amateur Photographer. Write for complete catalogue. lea of combination up and is now sending out circular letters to all 'the growers in Oregon as well as Califor nia. A copv of htis letter has been received by Mr. James Winstanley, sec retary of the Oregon Hop Growers As sociation. The full text of this letter is reproduced herewith: ' Dear Sir: Are you in favor of ihe holders of Oregon hops pooling them under an arrangement to keep them off the market for ninety days, unless they should in the-meantime bring, say, 30 cents per pound 1 - "Would yon be; in favo of such a pool, anr would eo-operatQ with other growers in forming such a pool of Ore gon hopsf .."Are you willing to go into such a pooling arrangement in good faith and with the determination to make it win outf "The time has come when growers of hops must combine for their own protection. "Ii they do not, prices of 1904 's will be hammered still lower, and the new eron ralues will be still further seriaaslv reduced. , "Tn their present dis-united state growers are at the mercy of the bear interests. The mem ner s of which seem only to make money by robbing hop owners or tneir jnsi u. "A pool to oe effective must be thor ough. "A committee of growers should be irmd with a eood administrative "The hops should be pooled and de posited with some bank, as trustee, m the name ot each lnaiviuum ""c 1 1 nv grower should have tbe priv C withdrawing his hops on sell Vhm at a minimum price of say. 30 cents per pound. But no hops should be withdrawn until they were actually Sold. i :!'... TTorts should be pooled ior, say, ninety days. Each grower should give some substantial guarantee that he would faithfully abide by the condi tions of the pool. . "It might be arranged ior? .ua" acting as ttrnstee- to maae inuiviiu rnwr neeoinf mom-y against their bops until such time as they may te soia. 'Actual expenses ox rnftjrinff the pool and the seUing of the hops to be provided from an ex pense fund levied m accordance to tne ... .... t SM 4kM VlAAl number or oaies hi " . it vnn are in favor of formation of a pool on some such lines as above, please fill out and sign the enclosed card and send it at once to me in Ala meda, California, or to Mr. James Win stanley, Salem, Oregon. . - - "This matter requires Immediate at tention jind it is Xo the interest 'of all v v. - ho other REf.BY;;Cv Today Cau take the pLtee of lie "celebrated - . ' TT xiotftetter'B : tstotnaeh . Bitters le tbe thousands of bomea in which it has ouc been used. , Tbey 'know its valueas a ; remedy for all family Uktand consequently are never without- it. It positively restores the appetite, builds up the run-down system and cures Dyspepsia, ladiges tioa. Constipation, Biliousness, Head ache, Spriag Fever. CoMs. La Grippe, Malaria or Female Disorders, . We urge a trial HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS growers to make some sort of a 'deter mined move at once. ' "M. ii. Durst, Alameda, California. March 25, 1905. vu:rrJi:r. Z bovine Pacific coast bona at 28 cents. - - -AfVI..V " - " England will have to have 20,000 bales more of 1904 Pacifies at any price." Aeeompanyinguhis letter is a return postal eard which the rower is sup poseu to fill out sad return, either to Mr. Durst or Mr. Winstanley, specify ing bow many bales be lias to put into the pool; how long he is wi Ling to re main in the pool and bis minimum price. When these cards come back the plan is to appoint a place of meet ing for the purpose of arriving at an agreement as to price, period of pool and eonuitions, Among the sales reported recently is the purchase of the balance of the Walter Tooze, of Wopdburn, holdings by Charles Werner from the firm of Catlin & Linn, at Mo cents. BROOKS PARAGRAPHS. BROOKS,. March 28.While return ing from .church Sunday evening I Springer and family narrowly eseaped meeting with disaster. They were driv ing along the. road leading to their home when the horses 'became xrignt- ened at some object on the side of, the road. One of the animals kicked, over the buggy tongue and broke loose from the tugs and pole straps, dragging Mr, Springer from his seatnd hurling him to the ground with great force. Mr, Springer clung to the lines, thus pre venting the horse from running away, As a result of his sudden fall to the ground Mr. Springer sustained a severe miury to bis back. The Brooks Telephone Company has let the contract . for s furnishing the poles for a line to Chemawa, where it RESTAURANTS. Melrose Rests or ant and Quick Lunch Room. Surpassing coffee. Neatness and Dispatch oar motto. 270 Alder street; opposite Hotel Belvedere, Portland, Oregon. When in Portland patronize the Perkins Restaurant. Onr service is second to none at popular prices. Give as one trial and realize how nice we will treat you. D. M. Watson, Prop. WEDDING CARDS. Wedding and visiting cards and mono gram stationery. W. G. Smith tt Co Washington Bldg Portland, Oregon. Legal Blanks t Statesman Job Otflea will be continued on the Chemawa line to the fair grounds and be connected with Sah-rii. The Brooks school closes Tuesday evening with a social and entertain ment. The spring term will commence Wednesday morning with j loyd Kamp as teacher. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR FILES Itching, Blind, Bleeding or. Protrud ing Piles. Druggists refund monev if PAZO OINTME.NT fails to cure " an case, no matter of how long standing, in 6 to 14 days. First application givee ease and rest. 50 cents. If your drug gist hasn't it send 50 cents in stamps and it will be forwarded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. WASHINGTON'S GIANT SPRUCE. Tree Believed to Be Largest in Great Lumber State .May Be Sent to Exposition. PORTLAND, March 28. X. C. Christensen of Seattle, Wash., has seen a large spruce tree in Clallam county, which he avers is the most enormous one in the state of Washington. The tree is thirty feet -in diameter and it is 100 feet to the first limb. The attention of Commissioner John son is to be called to the giant spruce, ami he will be-urged to have. it. ex hibited at the Lewis and Clark Exposi tion. It is planned to have a log cut from tbe tree 100 feet long and placed on exhibition here. It will be utterly impossible for the railroads to handle the log, and it is necessary that it be towed here via Puget sound, the Pa cific ocean and the Columbia and' Wil lamette rivers. A log was sent to the Chicago ex position in 1893 by the state of Wash ington, 'but in comparison with this one discovered by, Mr. Christensen it was a mere pigmy. Aft -old timber cruiser who has tramped Washington forests for over twenty years, on see ing the giant spruce tree, stated that it was tbe largest inr tbe state and could be compared favorably with the sequoia of California ' Strikes Hidden Rocks. When your ship of health strikes the hidden rocks of consumption, pneumon ia, etc, yon are lost, if you don't get help from Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. J. W. McKinnon, of Talledega Springs, Ala, writes: "I hsd been very ill with pneumonia, un der the care of two -doctors, bat was getting no better when I began to take Dr. King's New Discovery. The lirst dose gave relief, and. one bottle, eared me," Sure cure for sore throat, bron chitis, coughs and colds.' Guaranteed at Dan'l J; Fry's drug store, priee 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle' free. - ' fnership estate of Martin ! Chamber- EGGS WANTED. WE ARE NOWlia Und Charles B. Moores (Martin U before you selL Commercial Cream Companny. A BARGAIN IN ENGLISH POINT er pups. Also Magoon and Wilson strawberry plants at $1.50 per 1000. J. B. Peterson,. Shaw, Oregon. ' WANT TO BUY LIVE HOGS AND Eigs, also ducks, spring chickens, and ens. I. will pay the highest cash price for same. Qnong Hing, 254 Lib erty street, Salem, Ore con. - A PAYING PROPOSITION. IF YOU have $10 ox $100 or $1000 to invest in a dividend paying proposition that will grow fast in value, send 6c post age for prospectus to Box 309, Salem, y Oregon; " : - JTHE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT CO. 1 do a general transfer business.- We vw- Z.i k n -d.v. HaVta Ih for-nrlvinT oT"T builders ' an d coat factors ' supplies. Front and Chemeketa streets. REPORT CARDS OUR SCIIOOL R Im port eards are printed to lit tbe school register. The prices are: Twerve eards for 19 cents; twenty five for 20 cents; one hundred for 75 ents. States man Publishing Co., Sa lem, Oregon. FARM FOR SALE A farm of 167 acres, three miles southwest of Stay ton in Linn county, Oregon, Ninety five acres in cultivation, balance open pasture land. Good improvements. Price $3700. Inquire of 1 E. Gallo way, Stay ton, Oregon. ? MOHAIR. we the undersigned - will reeeive bils for the sale of the mohair pool (about 6000 pounds) at Sublimity, Ore gon, on Monday, April .3, 1903. Bids to be in by 4 p. m. - The committee reserves the right t rt;ret any or all bids if not satisfae- Adam Burns, W. II. King, -' . E. C. Denny, Sale Committee. Sublimity, Oregon, March 25, 1905 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR chickens, geese, ducks and all kinds of farm produce at Capital Commis sion Co., 259-257 Commercial St Sa lem, Oregon. Phone 2231. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. C. J. KORINEK, VETERINARY Surgeon and Dentist. Graduate of of Ontario Veterinary College. Hon orable Member Ontario Medical So ciety. Office at Lowe 'a Capital Sta ble. Phone Main lboi. Calls atten ded to promptly.- ' LEGAL NOTICES. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. - Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Couri of Marion county, Ore gon, administratrix of the estate of Michael Whelan deceased, and all per sons having elaims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned at tbe law office of John 11 McNary ' and C. L. MeJfary, Bush-Breyman Block, Salem, Oregon, duly verified as required by law, within six months from date hereof. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 3d day of March, 1905. MA BY A. WHELAN, Administratrix of the estate of Michael Whelan, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that tbe un dersigned has this day hied in the County Court of tbe State of Oregon for the County of Marion his final ac count as tbe executor of the last will and testament of. Elizabeth T. Boise, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Saturday, the 15th day of April, 1905, at the hour of 1 o clock p. im as tbe time, and the County Court room in tbe C-ounty Court House in Salem, in Mar ion county, Oregon, as 'the place for hearing said final account and all ob jections thereto. .Dated at Salem, Oregon, this loth day of March, 190a. A. O. tiondit. Executor of tbe last will and testament of Elizabeth T. Boise, deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is. hereby given Xo all persons concerned, that the. undersigned has been duly appointed ly tbe County Court of Marion county, Oregon, as ad ministrator of the estate of John .Ma tties, deceased, and all persons- having claims, against said e-tate are hereby required to present tbe same duly vert fied to the undersigned at tbe law office of W. M. Kaiser and W. T. Slater in the city of Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to the under signed. . Dated this 3d day of March, 1905. W. M. BUS HEY, Administrator of' the estate of John Matbea, deeeased. , Notice of Intention to Withdraw Insur ance Deposit by the Manchester As ranuice Co., of Manchester, England. To .Whom It Msy Concern: In ac cordance with the requirements of the lawe of tbe State of Oregon, relative to the insurance Companies, notiee is hereby given that the Manchester As surance Company, of Manchester, Eng land,'. desiring to cease doing business within tbe taU of Oregon, intends to withdraw its deposit wUh, tee treasurer of said state, and will, if no claim aganet said company shall be filed with the-Insurance Commissioner within six; (6) months from tbe 23d day of Decem ber, 1904, the same being the date of tbe first publication of this notiee ' to withdraw its deposit from the said treasurer, ' Dated at Salem, Or., this 20th day of December, 1904.. - MANCHESTER ASSURANCE CO. By FRANK J. DEVLIN, ! . Attorney in "Fact. " : v ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE . OF - FINAL SETTXEMENT4 Notice is hereby given to all whom it -may concern, that the undersigned : has filed her final aeeoont of tbe part- "f PF,Chamberlin deceased), and that the court has set the same for hearing oa the 1st day of April, 1905, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day at Yhe county court room in the county court house in tbe eity of Salem, in Marion county, Ore gon, and that the said final account will be heard and passed upon by the said court at said time and place. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this the 2Sth day of February, 905. ROSE W. CHAMBERUN, -Administratrix of tbe said partner ship estate. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE OF , I FINAX SETTLEMENT. - Notice Is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that the undersigned ha filed her final account of tbe estate of Martin L. Chamberlin late of Ma rw'l situated mT.7KK.3w, of the !TJt k!0 !Sr iT" .Willamette Meridian in Marion county, t "U XVSSl tl. I that the court has set the 'ig n the 1 day of April, 1905, at 2 o 'clock p. m. of said day at the county court room in tbe county court house- at tbe eity of Salem in Marion county, Oregon, and that tbe said ac count and any objections thereto will be heard and. passed upon by the court at said time and place. Dated at ' Salem, Oregon, this the 28th day of February, 1905. ROSE W. CHaMBERUN, Administratrix of the estate of Mar tin Ij. ChamberTTn. deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that tbe un dersigned administrator of the estate o John Ash mead, deceased, under anf by virtue of an order of the (bounty Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marionf duly made and en tered of record, will at the office of A. O. Condit in the Gray Block in Salem, Oregon, on Saturdav, the 29th dav of April. 1905, at the 'hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, .sell at private sale the following described real property situated in Marion county, state of Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at a point 17.68 chains S. 0 degrees 15 minutes W. from the X. W. corner of the D. L. C of John Baum ami wife, in T. 8 S., R. 2 W. of the W. M. in Marion county, Oregon, and running thence N. 62 degrees 30 minutes K. 7.99 chains to the middle of the county road leading from Halem to Turner; thence S. 34 degrees, E. 3 chains to an angle in said road; thence S. 42 degrees, K. 9.27 chains to an angle; thence 8. 27 degrees 30 minutes, K. 57.26 chains along said county road; thence N. 89 degrees 15 minutes W. 16.82 chains to the strip of laml con veyed to the O. Ic C. B. R. Co. by C.'ll. Lewis and wife by dee I recorded at ; page 256 of book 40 of the deed records of Marion county, Oregon; thence northwesterly along tbe east iKiundary of said R. It. Co. 'a said strip of land to the W. line of the D. U C. of John Baum and wife; thence N. O degrees 15 minutes K. 15.54 chains to tbe place of beginning and containing 91.83 acres of land, more or less. . 'That sealed bids for said above de scribed real property will be received by me up to the time above' indicated. Terms of sale, cash. in hand on dajr of sale. , W. T. Riches, Administrator of the Estate of . John Ash mead. Decease!. CITATION. In the County Court of tbe State of Oregon for Marion County. In the Matter of the Estate of Edna French, a Minor. To Edna French, the above named minor, and to all other persons in terested in the estate of tbe said Edna French: You and each of you . are hereby re quired to appear in the county court room in tbe county court bouse in Sa lem, Oregon, on April "1st, 1905, at i the hour of 2 o'clock p. ui p. m. ot said! day to show cause, if any you bave, Why license should not be granted for the sale of said minor's undivided one sixth interest in and to the following described premises, to-wit: Beginning at the corner of section 3, 4, 9 and 10, and running thence east along tbe sec tion line about thirty-five chains to a point which is five chains west of the north and south legal subdivision lino dividing section ten; thence south par allel with the legal subdivision line about twenty-nine chains to a point eleven ebains north of the legal sub division line dividing section ten into north and south halves; thence west eighteen chains and 'twenty-five links in a line parallel with the legal subdivision line; thence south eleven chains; thence west on legal subdivision line about six teen chains and seventy-five links to tbe quarter section corner; thence north along section line forty chains to the beginning containing one hundred and twenty acres, more or less, all of which is situated in T. 7 S. R. 1 Wn Marion connty, Oregon; save and except there is reserved to L. F. Mascber, bis heirs and assigns a right of way forty feet wide. L Yon -will further take notice that this fiublication is made by an order of the lonorable John H. Scott, judge of the County Court of Marion county, Ore gon, ordering and directing that it be published at least three, successive and consecutive weeks in the Weekly Ore gon Statesman, a newspaper of general circulation, published in Marion county, Oregon, and that the first publication of this notiee is Friday, March 17th, 1905. . . . - -v.: - , : F. P. French, As Guardian of the Person and Estate of Edna French, a Minor. SHERIFF'S SALE OF SEAL FROFERTr. Notice is hereby given that .by virtue of an execution duly issued, out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Marion, and to me directed on the 14th day of March, 1905, upon "a judgment and decree duly rendered, entered of record and docketed in and by. said court on the 6th dav of March. 1905. in a cer tain suit then in said court pending. wherein Christopher A. IL Fisher was plaintiff and Jdav D. Smith and A. C. Smith were defendants in favor of plaintiff and against said defendants by which execution I - am commanded to sell the property in said execution and hereinafter described to pay the sum due the plaintiff of fifteen hundred nineteen and 90-100 ($1519.90) dollars, with interest thereon at tbe rate of six per cent per "annum from the 6th day of March, 1905, an til paid," together with tbe costs and disbursements of said suit taxed at twenty-two and Cu 100 ( 22. CO) dollars and Costs and ex penses of said execution. I ' will on Saturday, the 15th day of April, 1905, at tbe hoer of 11 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the west door of the county court house in Salem in Marion county, Oregon, sell at public "auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the dav of sale, all the right, title, interest and estate which said defendants May D. Smith and A. C. Smith and. all per sons claiming under them subsequent to tbe Cth day of March, 1905, in, of and to said premises hereinbefore men tioned are described in said execution as follows, to-wit: i Beginning at a point on the east line of tbe Donation Land Claim of J. L. Parrish and wife at a stake set for the N. E. Vomer of , a tract of land conveyed by S. B. Parrish to tieo. P. llolman by deed of date the 28th day of March, 1 877, recorded In Marion county record book of deeds 22 on page 160, thence North 0 dcg. 45 min., west 10 chains; thence west 5 chains; thejnee south 0 deg. 43 min. east 10 chains; thence east 5 chains to the place of beifinainsr and containing 5 acres of Oregon. Maid sale being made Subject to re demption in the manner provided by law. Dated this 15th day of March, 1905. W. J. Culver, Sher.iff of Marion County, Oregon. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROP ERTY. I . . Notice is hereby given,! that by vir tue of ah execution duly Issued out of the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore gon, for the county of Marion, and to me directed, on the 1st day of March, 1905, upon a judgment duly rendered, entered and docketed of record and docketed in and by said court on the 24th day of January, l!5 in a certain action then in said court pending, wherein Jane Mctluire was! plaintiff and Charles Scott and Robert II. Scott, as co-partners, doing business under, the firm name and style cf the Wood burn Milling Co. were defendants, in favor of plaintiff and against said defendants, bywhieh execution 1 am commanded that out of the personal property of. the said defendants, owned by them jointly, und the separate ersonal prop erty of the-defendant t bancs Scott, or if sufficient cannot bo found, then out of the real property belonging to sai-J defendants jointly, and the separate real property of the defendant Charles Scott, to-satisfy the sum of ix thou sand six hundred and ninety -six dol lars and ninety-nine cents (,!. !! ) in United States gold coin, now due on said judgment, with inten-wt at the rate of 6 jter cent per annum in like gold coin, from the 24th day of Janu ary, 1905; and the' further sum of $IH.60, costs, and also the costs of and upon ibis writ, 1 will, oh Saturday, the 1st day of April, 1905, at the hour or 10 o'clock a. nt. of said day, at the west door of the county court bous in the city of Salem, in Marion county, Ore gon, sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash in hand, on the day of sale, all the right, title, interest and estate which said - defendants, "Charles Scott and Kolert 11. rcott, as co partners doing business under the firm name and - styte- of the 'Wood burn Milling. Co. have jointly, and al 4 per sons 'claiming '.under, ' subsequent to the 24th day of January, 1905, In, of and to said premises hereinbefore men tioned and which are desrrilted as fol lows: ' ' Beginning at. a point in the middle of the main track of the Oregon and California railroad at the northwest corner of a four acre tract of land deed ed to F. C. Walker by J. 11. Settlemier and wife on the 5th day of November, ' A. D. 1MS3, in township 5 south, range 1 west of. the Willamette Meridian; running thence 563.44 feet north 57 ' degrees and 4 minutes east to the northeast corner of the said Walker tract of land; thence south 13 degrees west along the east Iniundary of said Walker tract and bejond 4f7.5 f-?t to tbe north boundary of the donation land claim of J. B. Ducharme; thence south 7? decrees east on said north boundary 34 feet; thence north 13 de grees east . 632.65 feet more or less; thence north 57 degrees and 4 minutes West, parallel with the north boundary of said Walker tract to the middle of the main track of the said Oregon and California railroad; thence south 41 de grees and 15 minutes west' of the mid dle of said railroad track to the place of 1eginning, containing two and one half acres of land, more or ), in the county of Marion and state of Oregon. Together with the Wood burn Boiler Flouring Mills, with all .machinery nnd fixtures therein and thereunto belong ing, and situate on the above described tract of land. - j Said sale being made subject to re demption in the manner provided by law. .Dated this 2d dav of March, 1905. W. J. CULVER, Sheriff of Marion county, Oregon. Ten thousand demons gnawing away at one's vitals couldn't be much worse than the tortures of itching piles. Yet there's, a cure. Doan's Ointment never fails. " WE HAVE RIGHT PRICES ' ON BUILDING MATERIAL. Yon should also see our novelty rustic It Is the ' ; nicest and best to put on your house : ; : WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL r IMMEDIATELY. THE VOQET LUMBER & : F UE L COMPANY - ' Office 97 State Stre-tM. Yard Fourteenth and Oak St, l'bone Main 2I5L