Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, March 28, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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To Promote initiative Petition Upon All Untaxed
Real Property in state.
Present Movement Is Entirely
: Non-Partisan In Its ,
Endless Chain of Working Organiza
tions to Belt Oregon All to Com--bine
for One Purpose liter a
ture Will Be Distribuated
for Enlightening i Vo
ters on Question.
(From Saturday's Daily.)
1'owerful propagandas for the promo
tion and furtherance of thieepetition for
the initiative upon the bill defeated
in the last legislature, providing for
the assessment and taxation of eertain
real rojrty in this state heretofore
unasscssed, will be established all over
Oregon. i
Tue first steps in this direction were
taken in this eity yesterday.
Meetings of a similar nature will be
-! in towns and cities in every coun
ty in the, state with the same object.
And an end!e3S -chain pf endeavor
will l'lt the state of Oregon, working;
for tiie necessary signatures to the-je-f
it ion in order that the citizens of
state niay given a. eiuauee of ex
; pressing their, opinions upon so weighty
a question, ;i matter thai was lightly
turned aside l.y the -last legislative as
sembly. !
Thi movement is to be entirely non
partisan in its seope,xandj memler8 of
all parties are invited to participate in
the work in hand and. bring the mat
ter before "the taxpayers and voters of
the state.
That the affair is not a partisan
movement to discredit the last legisla
ture, Kepublican in character by rea
son of its majority, is .demonstrated
by the result of yesterday's meeting,
wuieU effected permanent! organization
with J. II. Settlemier of Woodburn" as-presi.Ji-nt
and D. C. Minto of this city
as secretary. ;
Tie meeting organized under the
working title of the taxpayers commit
tee, another evidence of its non-partisan
Much secrecy ha? been: maintained
concerning the meeting, both preceding
and following it. It was hoped to get
the machinery in good working order
Ix'fore anything was given to the pub
lic. And for this reason little could be
secured in the way of information as
to the transactions at the meeting.
Such great secrecy has obtained con
cerning the movement that not even a
lint of the names of those present
could 1k secured.
However, the purposes of the organi
zation which was perfected were un
earthed; also the fact that yesterday's
meeting was but the initial step in
the organization of a num'ber of other
such committees, the work of which
will Ik? the securing of aiame to the
. petition already launched, and of
which The Statesman was the first pa
jmt to make announcement.
Tho land in question, and at which
the original bill in the legislature was
aimed, comprises vast tracts of land
held by steam and wagon road compa
nies, who received numerous grants
from the government as far back as
the early '60s, and on which there has
never been paid otto cent of tax
it is said that there were a goodly
number of representative taxpayers
present, representative both in poll
tics and locality, and that a discussion
of the question of how best to promote
the interests of the proposed bill was"
entered into ocite thoroughly. The
meeting was held in the; law offices of
Messrs. W. II. and .Webster lioimes,
in the Breymari tblock, which firm pre
pared the petitions and pm at toe-request
of the taxpayers who are be
hind the initiative movement. It is
learned, however, that the movement,
which has leen given birth here,, will
broaden in scope until it embraces the
entire state. . Both Marion and Polk
counties were well represented at the
meeting, it is said, and that the gath
ering was . non-partisan in politics.
The next meeting of the committee
has not been arranged for as yet, iut
it will be left subject to the call of
Prseident Settlemier. j
The Statesman's informant states
that the movement has been hi prog
ress for several weeks, and that those
who have been at the head of it have
been working quietly but effectually,
until the membership of the organiza
tion will be added to from day to day
until it reaches into the hundreds. It
is proposed that branch organizations
le formed in each county in the state,
and that all lie in direct communica
tion with the headquarters here. The
work of the committees, as each sepa
rate organization will be called, will
not stop when the petitions hare been
circulated 'and filed in the office of the
secretary of state in sufficient num
bers. They will continue with renewed
energies until the election for the. pur
pose of arousing the necessary inter
est in the measure among the legal vo
ters of the state before they will be
asked to rote upon it. j Another duty
of the central committee will' be to
compile and publish all kinds of liter
ature pertaining to the proposed, bill
and circulate it throughout the stats
ior the benefit and information of the
voters that they may realize the full
importance and effect of its provisions.
.'The movement," said the inform-'
ant of The Statesman, has been pret
ty well organized already, but it was
not intended to make it public until it
had become well launched. Since it
hat leaked out, however, about all that
ean be said at present is that the pros
pects are very bright for the forma
tion ;of a strong organization for the
purpose of promoting the interests of
the initiative upon the assessment bill
proposed. There was quite a number
of prominent business men and taxpay
ers present at the meeting, but, al
though nothing was said as to the keep
ing of their names secret, I am afraid
it would be' a breach of trust on mv
part to give the list, and I prefer yon
get the names from some Sue else who
was present. , Further, than this I uT
not care to make any statement, and
since you are not going to mention any
other names I would prefer that-you
do not mention mine either; not that
I am ashamed of my connection with
the movement, but rather that we are
not ready to make an announcement.
It will all come out in public in the
near; future."
Funds in County Treasury Increased by
$21,014, of Which i0,720 Belongs to
State and County Fund More to Be
Paid Over.
(From Saturday's Daily.)
Sheriff W, J. Culver yesterday made
his fourth turn-over of tax money col
lected upon 'Marion county's 1004 tax
roll, the amount transferred Ico the
hands of County Treasurer W. Y. Rich
ardson being $21,014.10. The total
amount collected on this roll and turned
over to the treasurer is $80,063.87, and
represents the entire collections made
up to March l. Considerable more
money is in the hands of the sheriff
which will be transferred as fast
the cash register ean be written and
footed up, a part of the work that re
quires much time and labor,
From- the- amount paid to the treas
urer j-esterday $10,720.08 was credited
to the state and county fund; $4650.10
to the state school fund; $189.44 to
the Salem city and city road fund and
1.154.12 to school district No. 24, or
The whole amount of the transfer was
apportioned among the different funds
as follows:
State and countr $10,720.08
State school 4,605.10
Indigent soldier . rf
Poll tax
Road tax . . .
Salem city and city road ..
Wortdburn city ............
Jefferson city
Silverton city . . .
Sehool district No. 4. i. . .
School district No. 5
School "district No. 11......
School district No. 14.
School district No. 13. .......
School district No. 20
School district No. 21
School district No. 24. .... .
School district No. 25
School district No. 23.. t
School district No. 33
School district No. 35
School district No. 37......
17,. 00
School district No. 42
School district No. 44
School district No. 50
School district No. 51. .... .
School district No.59
School district No. 61
School district No. 71. .,
School district No. 77
School district No. 79
School district No. 80. .
School district No. 81
Sehool district No. 83. . . ... .
School district No. 87. .
School district No. 88
School district No. 95
School district No. 96. .... .
School district No. 103
School district No. 108
School district No. 109
School district No. 113......
School district No. 116
School district No. 118.....
School district No. 125
Special road tax district 27.
Judge Oalloway Grants Divorce to Mrs.
Lizzie Scrtutz truer www
.T,idrn William Galldwav held an ad
journed session of department No. 2
of the circuit court yesterday during
which he heard testimony the fccnutz
Jir.n cane and rendered a decree
gran-ting legal separation to Mrs. Liz
tiV Sehutz from her husband Adam
Schutz, upon the grounds of desertion.
The following docket entries were
also, made:
Cartiss Lumber Company vs. C. I
Dnrbin; suit to quiet title; settled and
dismissed. r :
John ;.A. Shaw vs.; vianna l iom-
kins, et a!.; defendant's default noteu;
G. -' II. Rudd appointed guardian ad
litem for minor defendants. ' f
nenry F. Smith vs. . John Aianinei
and Augusta Manthei; foreclosure or
mechanic's lien: demurrer to complaint
argued ana iaen uuuer uu it..
v Tt Smith vs. D. W. Smith, et ai.t I
niit in eouitv; decree for defendants; 1
n0' costs taxed to either party,
Nothing But Expressions of Pleasure
i ; to Be Heard Upon Every
Side. i
Excellent Lead Should Be Followed Up,
Pays Prominent Delegate President
Campbell's Address Upon Higher Ed
ucationMayor Waters Address.
(From Saturday's Daily.)
That the Willamette Valley Develop
ment League convention which , was
held in this city yesterday, was sue
cess there is none to gainsay. And
that it has left an everlasting influ
ence ior. good in its wake is evidenced
by the unanimous expressions of undis-
guished satisfaction that are to be
heard in. the commentary upon the oe
casion upon every side. Before taking
their; departures for their several homes
the delegates who attended the meet
ing and became thoroughly imbued with
the spirit of progress, were a unit in
the Reeling that they had been royally
entertained at the hands of the Greater
Salem Commercial Club and the public
in general during their visit to this
city and they ; freely and enthusiasti
cally predict that the fruits of the con
vention will be manifold and the sue
eesg of the convention reflects . great
credit upon the Capital City and its
people. 1
"In my mind," saiu an enthusiastic
delegate to a Statesman representative
at the banquet Thursday evening, "this
convention has done more toward bring
ing the people of western Oregon to
gether in the interest of one common
cause, the development of this vastly
rich and resourceful region of the state.
than anything ejse which has transpired
in the past. It is but a beginning, but
it was' a gooT one and there will be
many more to follow in its wake. It
cannoc be conceived how it could have
been more successful and it will cer
tainty go down in history as one of the
most brilliant epochs in the annals of
the future growth of the state.
Development ' .auu 'Harmony'
were the predominating features of the
occasion and I have never attended
gathering of similar nature, before in
my 'life in which everything went on so
smoothly and satisfactorily, and in
which every man vied with the other
toward making it a success and pro
moting the friendly relations of the
people of the valley, as in this conven
tion; TUe spirll OI enterprise nas ucru
thoroughly aroused and the interest
should not be permitted to lapse for a
single day. United, efforts and persis
tence will' accomplish almost any ob-
iect and since we have struck a respon-
- !. . . . L -111 . A 1 .1
sive chord we snouiu not auow tue -vantage
we have gained to slip away
from ns. Keen hammering away until
we not only make our determined efforts
heard, but felt all over tue state ana
the country. I trust tue start wnicn
we have gained in the right direction
will be followed up with more conven
tions such as this and there is nothing
good that wc cannot get."
The Value of Education.
During the evening session of the
convention interesting addresses were;
delivered, the most important of which j
were:' 4 4 Higher Education as a 1 actor j
in the Development of Oregon," by
President P. L. Campbell of the Uni
vprsitv of Ofeeon: "Good Roads as De
velopers," by County Judge Scott, of
this eopnty; "Necessity of irouey
TJneS in the Willamette Valley," by
G. A. Hurley of Independence; "uevei
onment of Our Cities," by Mayor Wa
ters of Salem; "Beautifying Our Homes
in the Cities," by C. B. Moores of Sa
lem. The most salient points touched
upon by President Campbell, on higher
Education, were:
"The wealth of toe state is the pro
luct of its natural resources and the
brains of the people. Here where we
have 'the natural resources we need
training that will cive us intellect and
character, the other factors, une ae
mand in everv business is fof men who
ean think. Thinking is the ability to
adapt means to the ends and overcome
difficulties by, originality. J
'The common school training is con-
ined mainly to the .development of ob
servation while the higher education
trains to reasoning. The value or ntgn
ir education is shown by the , larger
earning abilitv of the well trained man.
Statistics show that unskilled labor
produces value as measured by wages
to the average ot ouu per year, a no
technically trained man produces value
tr th average of about $2000, or a
difference of $1500 per year,' in favor
of trained men. A college graduates
fiftv men in a year which will add $,-
000 oer vear to the earning ability of
those fifty men. Or a graduating clas
of fifty eacn year ior imnj wm
add about $25,000,000 or 30,000,000 to
the wealth of the state. The cost to the
state at $100,000 a year for main
tenance will be about $3,000,000 for
this period. ?
' "Higher values in the way of safety
o life and property, good government,
higher ideals, etc, are beyond money
values. Under our present form of
government, which is pretty nearly pare
democracy, it will be dangerous to leave
anv class of people uneducated. No
class may oe eonsiaerea. eauKw
quantity. Instead of bng an aristo
cratic luxury edneation is plainly a
democratic, necessity." .
Standing Oonunittees
A committee composed of Frank Da-
vey f Salem, J. C. nayter of Dallas,
Fred Nutting of Albany, E. W. Haines
nf Forest Greve. and G. A. Harley of
Independence.was appointed to draft
bvlaws and constitution for the league,
and another committee, I. H. Bingham
of Cottage Grove. J. C Cooper of Me
Minnville, B.t F. Jones of Toledo, Fred
Veal of Albany, and J. G. Graham of
Salem, was named to arrange with the
railroad eompny for rates to western
and southern Oregon points during the
Lewis and ti rair.
'state at $100,000la year for the raain-J
Another -t. interesting- .address which
was delivered during the" evening ses
sion and which was crowded out of print
oa account or the lack of space in yes
terday issue, was that of Mayor F. W.
Waters, upon " Development ; of : Our
Cities. The. following i a condensed
summary of Mayor .Waters' address:"
. : t-, Develop Our Cities, ip.v; " - V;;t
"I consider sound finance one of the
best means of 'municipal development.
When we are. inviting immigration and
offering inducements for the investment
of capital in oar midst, we should be
able to guarantee that the public rev
enues will be intelligently administered
and honestly accounted for. We ean
justly claim for the city of Salem, not
only a ' first - class municipal system,
bnt a sound financial condition. The
eity has a total debt of $220,181. De
ducting $6181 of street bonds that have
been paid off there would be left a net
city debt of $214,000. We must add to
this, $2,C50 of school district bonds.
the first of which are not due until 1911.
This makes a total indebtedness resting
upon this community of $241,650. 1
timating our poulation at 13,000, which
I believe is eonservatiee, it would give
u a per capita indebtedness of less
than $19.
"Allowing the city of Portland to
have 150,000 population, and counting
up toe various iorms or inueuieunes
resting upon that community, we find
. . - . . . -i . .
a per eapita indebtedness f or hat eity
of about $49. Cutting out the debt Of
the school district, which is not oper-
ly changeable to the city, we ave
cross citv debt o- $214,000. . The items
which comprise this debt include an is
sue of $30,000 for the construction of
a bridge across the Willamette in 18S6.
That bridge was washed away and that
item is properly chargeable" to an enter
gency due to casualty, caused by the
"Another item of the eity debt is
$19,000 for sewer bonds issued in. 1889,
and for which the city of Salem has
had the use cf three sewers ever since.
Another item of the debt was a second
issue of bridge bonds in 1890, of $20,
0O0, which was' our share in "the cost
of constructing a 'magnificent steel
bridge across ; the , Willamette river,
which stands at presents The remaining
$145,000 of debt against this, city is
accounted for by a city hall, ihe sub
stantial structure in which this devel
opment convention is now assembled,
costing $76,41)3. This would leave a
net city oebt against the capital of
Oregon of $68,600. I ta-e the position
that this $68,60O is city debt which
should not be in existence because the
only true theory of conducting a city
government is to Jteep the current ex
pense within the revenue o the city.
"I claim there are few cities of the
size of Salem that can make a better
showing in this respect. For the past
eight years' this 'city has liv d "directly
within its means. No new debt has
been created. In fact some, indebted
ness has been wipe4 out; I believe that
the condition in- .which we should
keen our. eitv .Under the charter we
arc limited to the10 mill levy for cur
rent expense and in my last message I
recommended that a. sinking- fund be
created to make provision for meeting
all outstanding- obligations. The sound
development jof'OHJpe rues .depends upon
not only living within our means, but
making provisionfor the payment of
every honest debt.'
Pius Tenth Delivers Allocution .and Pre-
conlzes Number of Bishops.
ROME, March 27. The pope held a
secret consistory this morning without
renting cardmvls, merely precon-
izing bit Lop3w The only American was
he Eight Kev. Thomas ilickey, wn 3
was confirmed as coadjutor bishop of
Rochester, N. Y. Mar. Zobieo Raceiot
was confirmed as auxiliary bishop of
Montreal, Quebec. All the cardinals
met in the hall of the consistory pf
the Vatican, where they received the
pontiff. The pontiff then delivered an
allocution and immediately afterward
proceeded to the preconization of bish
ops. The allocution in moderate terms
deplored the persecution from which
the church suffered In some countries,
and complained of recent events in
France, where, besides the diplomatic,
rupture between 'the republic and the
papacy, the statesmen were preparing
for the separation of church and state,
for which, the pontiff asserted again,,
the Vatican was not responsible, 'is
hail been alleged
The rupture was to
be deplored.
The pope also
referred to the perse
cution of the .church in some of tLe
South and Central American republics,
especially in Nicaragua and Bcudo'r,
citing the laws passed by the last
named republic against the church pro
viding for the confiscation of the prop-
t-rtv of the reli
gions orders, in inter
fericg with the
liberty of the religions
associations and
putting obstacles in
the way of the appointment of new
To offset thisJ the pontiff mentioned
the fact that the arbitration between
Chile and Peru
had been entrusted to
the papal representative, which had
caused the holy
see much satisfaction.
Legal Blanks jat Statesman Job Office
Jacksonville, HL, , Sept. 25, 1902.
Nearly three year ago, with a serious
attack of illness, I was surprised to
!earn that 1 had ibetes. Providen
tially, 1 was kfd to procure a botUe
of Dr. E. W. Hill's specific for kidney
and bladder troubles, known as a Texas
Wonder. - Less than half the $1.00 bot
tle effected a eomnlete and permanent
cure. Consequently, I believe it to be
a medicine of very great valoe. '
. L. B. Kent, Evangelist
One small bottle of the Texas Won
der,. Hall's Great Diseoveryr eures all
kidney and bladder troubles, removes
gravel, eurcs diabetes, seminal emis
sions, weak an lame backs, rheums-,
tistn and all irregularities of the kid
neys ia both men and women, regulates
bladdtr troubles ' in children. . If not
sold by your druggist, will be sent by
mail on receipt of $L One- small bot
tle is two months' treatment and sel
dom frls to perfect a cure. Dr. E. W.
Hall, sole manufacturer, P. O. Box
629, St. Louis, If a. Send for testimon
ials. &oid by Fp dm gists sad stone's
drug store.
Growing Bigger and Better all the Time. That is our history
in brief. Not a mushroom growthover night for it is twenty
five years ago since we opened our f irst store in this city. Every
year shows an increase in quality, with a corresponding de-r
crease in prices. Our growth is the best proof of our reliability.
Trecde at tKe Secf e Store
Our Dress Goods stock has never been more care
fully selected, nor have we ever had a better assort
ment and variety of the different fabrics in both for
eign and domestic goods' than we are how showing.
This dress goods business has grown, week after
week, 'until today we consider this the most popular
department one offering the newest goods at modest
prices.' AiS week we offer several lines of silks at
exceptional bargains.'
PLAID SILKS, such as Others are ad
vertising as regular $10 values in all
the newest and best shades, we sell
regularly at ....... . . . . ..........
TAFFETA guaranteed, Black Taffeta
silk, and a regular . $1.00 value.
Special ..
TAFFETA, 26 inch guarantee.!,
Taffeta silk, regular 1 $1.50
"Other . special attractions foV you
And inspect them. ' '
TKe New Outfits are the
Talk Topic
Such beautiful silk suits and
vent of women's ready-to-wear tailoring. Creations beyond the dreams if
the best designers of seasons past. Tailored suits, too, that vie with' the
choicest application of artistic talent in in highclass productions. They're here
' .11 . 1. . I. A. 1 A . 1 . A , . . I 1
u aii lur kcbi j:iiierus uou styles
Silk Shirt Waist Suits, the same qual
ity as othersask $15.00 for, all to be
foun.1 here for ....
Of an equal grade of those that others
hre showing at $42.50 are here reg'
ularly at ....... ..1
Boards of School Directors Have Ex
elusive Jurisdiction in Such Casesr
Superirrtendent Ackerman Decides
Dnportant Question, i
(From Saturday''s Daily.)
Superintendent J. H. j Ackerman yes
terday afternoon relered an opinion
in an appeal -case from. Wasco county,
in which he holds in substance that a
board of school directors has the pow
er to compel a teacher to take a forced
leave of absence with pay, and to turn
her school over to the charge, of anoth
er teacher in aggravated cases where it
becomes apparent that tho teacher has
lost control over her pupils, or other
wise, lie also holds toat the board's
action is final in such cases, and that
the teacher has no appeal theretrom.
This question arose in a case which
transpired rn Hood River, Wasco conn
ty, in whieh Mrs. Nora M. Sanborn, a
teacher, was compelled to take iin in
definite lea vof absence on account of
some trouble which she had experienced
with her pupils, upon full pay, and her
school was torned over to the charge
of. Superintendent Wylie of the city
schools pending the further action of
the board. Prof. Ackerman also makes
some other important holdings in his
On January 9 of this year it appears
that Mrs. Sanborn had some difficulty
in exercising discipline over some of
her pupils with the result that she sus
pended four of them for misconduct.
When these pupils left the room elev
en others arose and went also.; The
ease was investigated by the board of
directors, resulting in the children be
ing,' reinstated, and the teacher put on
leave of absence and full pay for an
indefinite period. County Superintend
ent J. T. Neff of Wasco county was
present at the investigation, and gave
the board advice in the matter of dis
posing of the ease. Mrs. Sanborn, as
a matter of correct procedure, appealed
the action of the board to. the county
superintendent, who upheld, the decis
ion of the board,, and then she carried
the appeal to Superintendents lAeker-
man, who also confirms the action ojT
the board and the county superintend
ent, y- y
- Mrs. Sanborn, who represented ly
her husband, Roger 8. Sanborn, an at
torney, sets up many points rn her ap
peal, principal among which were:
That the board had ho authority for
suspending her without - preferring
charges and giving her a. hearing;
that the action of reinstating the chil
dren 'was illegal; that the board erred
in striking aut many of aer questions
asked the children in cross-examination,
and that the county superintend
ent had no authority to attend the in
vestigation and advise the board and
that by doing so he was disqualified
from' rendering a decision upon the
question ' vpon appeal. In deciding
- c
Pretty- Spring
tractive and
real Foulard
Navy, Black,
and figured
grades, Special
68 c
JAPANESE CREPE, Large-assortment
of stylish stripes and solid colors, 29
inches wide. Great values V; . .... ...
FANCY OROANDIE, white ground,
floral designs, 28 inches wide, extra
value . . . ,Y . . ; ... . . . . ........... . .
this week.
i its
of the Hour
costumes yon, have not seen since the af-
in ail wanira voiors..
S3 7.50
these questions Superintendent Acker
man holds: .
Tbat the proceeding was an inves
tigation reganl,ng tne discipline and
conduct of the pupils of that room;
that it was not a trial of the teacher;'
that the oounty superintendent has an
thority to advise in such matters; that
no appeal is provided from the action
of the board in reinstating pupils; that
no appeal is given for a teacher being
granted a leave or absence with pay,
and that if a teacner is discharged Bbe
has the right to appeal."
It. is understood that Mra. Sanborn
has been suspended by the board
since the present ease, started throueh
thej process of adjudication, and that
that case is also coming up on appeal
in t ne near future.
South Salem Lady Construes the Term
Literally and Notifies the
Pretty nearly everybody has heard
the word "Muice" as applied to f
electric current, but, it is safe to say,
few have construed it literallv. Not
so, however, in the case of a lady who
resides m iv;uta Salem, as is evidenced
by an incident which transpired last
week. It was raining unrually hard
one morning last week when a tele
phone message came into the office of
the Citizens' Light & "Yaction Com
pany to the effect that the juice"
was 'leaking in a certain household in
South Salem and it was nrped that
some -one be sent immediately to at
tend to the defect. Thinking the wires
had crossed and that some damasre
might accrue a lineman was dispatched
at once to the ? 'scene of action."
When he arrived at his destination he
was received very courteously and
shown into the" parlor, where, to his
astonishment, the lady pointed to a
pan upon the floor which was placed
there to receive the drips from a leak
in the roof which were coursinz down
the electric fixture. He took in the sit
uation imnredaitelv, audi not wishing to
offend the lady, he politely informed
her that the leak of "juice" was prob
ably due to some disorder with the ma
chinery in the plant and that he would
go down and try to locate and repair it.
OAKVILLE. Wash- March 27
Charles Balch of Oakville was drowned
while engaged in running logs for Wil
liam Lemmons and Henry Balch in Gar
rard creek. Young Balch fell from the
ogs and his bodv was later found
about 100 yards from where he fell into
the creek. Batch's father-was drowned
in the Chehalis river, together with a
younger brother.' dlis mother is a
wealthy widow, the daughter of the
late U. E. Hicks, the veteran news
paper man, who was killed at Orting
snort time since.
Por Infants and Children. :
Tti .fcj Yea KaT3 AIjs E::ghf
Bears the
Signature of
js a; " 1
Stvles in newest wash goo:s dainty
styles you'll appreciate; many exclusive .ideas in the
fashionable effects ur spring and summer of 1903. The
best markets have contributed t this magnificent,
stock and we confidently assure you that never have
assortments been so complete.' It's our wish to please
on that prompted this generous, showing and to
make this store more folly recognized as the safe
'and economical buying place prompt the reasonable
prices which prevail here. .
ED FOULARD, a most at- ! -1
successful imitation of a I
1 silk,-is shown in Royal, I
t, Brown, with white dots IN II
effects.. Regular 20 cent L
FOULARD, a most at
18 c
Wrist Bacgs
A Swell line of new wrist bags in
an assortment' of leathers in
Black, Brown and Tan. Also the
two-toned ones in red and black,
brown and tan, blue and black,
gray and tan, and shaded greens
50c to $6.50
Newest designs in new lace and
embroidered rolvs for afternoon
jtud evening wear. , liady to
be fitted. A "full assortment to
select from in white and black.
The swellest garments you can
gt. Molest pru-es prevail on
the entire line. .
$112.50 to
Corporations Doing Business in State
Have Completed all Preliminaries
for Laying Nearly Three Hundred
Miles of Ralls During 1905.
Only eight miles of new railroad
track was laid in Orwon last vear.
This'W bv three railroads. Track-
laying is already in progress on three
roads aggregating more' than eighty
miles, the Great Southern, extending
south from 'the Columbia river to Du
fur, a branch of the O. R. & N. from
Arlington to t'ondon, and the portingo
railroad, and contractors are pitchin?
their cnmj.s to begin grading on the
iiood jtiver rauroao, which will ex
tend from the town of Hood River for
a distance of seventeen miles 'to a point
near the junction of the West and Mid
dle forks of the Hood river. In con
nection with these the projected roads
that it is expected will be built this
year, and part of which it is decided
will be rushed to completion, eompriso
a total of 267 miles that will be in
cluded in the record of the year.
While it is confidently anticipated
that this will constitute but a -small
proportion of the bniiumg of the year,
these are lines for which the necessary
capital for construction is already In
sight, and m several of the companies
named being paid out for tho labor em
ployed in building, !
There is a revival of railroad con
struction throughout the United Slates,
as well as extraordinary boyirug of rail
road equipment that can only suggest
that Yhe big companies are on the verge,
of extensive betterments, and will
strengthen themselves by means of
feeders from present main lines to tan
new tributary country- That the north
west is going to have its share in this
renewed activity is apparent, from the
plans being made. None of the pro
jected lines that, have not completed
surveys are included as, for instance,
the extension of the Washington tc Co-
lntnbia River from Pendleton, to le
about twenty-five miles in length: of
the Rumptef Vallev toward John Day,
or of the O. R. tc, N. into the-Wallowa
country, all of which are probable, but
not fully confirmed as to be construc
tion of the present year. , .
Two electric roads are included in
the above the Oregon Water Power &
Railway line from Grrsfaam. to Trou't-
laJe, and the Ore con Traction Com
panyboth - to connect. Portland with
additional suburban Territory. . Both of
these are premised for the present year.
In a statement contained in the cur
rent number of the Railway Age, 're
viewing the situation nf last vear and
outlook for the present, it is shown
that California was in Hi looH An
Paeifl ccoast last year, with L03 miles
of road, snd that state will again haNj
considerable mileageby reason of the
Western Pacific - constructing its l;ne
building-in prospect. Oregon in more
to San Francisco. , However, with the
than likely to take front rank anion"
western states. "