Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, March 21, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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I he City
(From Saturday's Dart.)
. is Improving . y
' Mi Clara Holmstrom, who has been
very ill for the past three week, is
still improving, though very slowly. It
is not probable that she will be able
. to continue her work in the university
this year. " .; . :. :.
Bond Accepted
' The bond of W. IT. Qaeenor a s admin
intrator of the estate of Mary IIoag,H
deceased, was filed and approved yester
day. Henry Keen and C Roy were ap
pointed by the eonrt to appraise the
, property of said estate.
., Talks to Hibernians
Governor Chamberlain went to A&tor
'ia yesterday morning to deliver an ad
dress before the Ancient Order of Hi
bernians of that eity last night. Be
fore he returns he will go to La. Grande
here be will 'try an old ease before the
' circuit court on Monday.
Appraisers Report
P. W. Water. P. A. Turner and C.
M. Ionian, -who were appointed to ap
praise the estate of Virgil Parker, a
minor, yesterday filed their report. This
show the value of the estate to be
749.J5, of whieb $149.95 is eash and
the remainder is the value of property
in this eity.
of the Gervala neighborhood, has taken
six or eight weeks to complete, and it
was described in the Statesman of Feb
ruary 28.' But no description eould do
it justice. It is a work of art, and
something most unusual. There is prob
ably; not another artist in all Oregon
who eonld have turned out sueh a piece
of work. The monument will within
a few days be set no in the cemetery
at.Cervais. 'r J
Highway Bobbery .
An immigration party of three fam
ilies arrived in Salem nn Thnradsir and
Issue Circular Letter Calling Attention
to Conditions as They See Them and
Condemn Actioni of Eastern Dealers
Local Market Doll Without restore.
arrived in Salem on Thnnul.iv and
unloaded their household goods and
stock. The ear containing the goods
was Consigned to F. A. Anderson, and
iK-.rWV? J ; H"r date of March 16, Isaae Pine,
passed through SneTwashVtte of Taeoma, dealer, in hops, have
of, household goods ud iulk MM??.d irculr whlh they are
boarded by a e&iinj bT " ?1D to "no still
stock inspector He made Mr. Aekley hops on hand, ia Washington and
believe it was necessary to have an uS'f" ff t?hif firw ifc "
speetion of his hogs on the ear before ,te. bulk Mhe boP b
proceeding further. This was submit- ot Washington and has taken a
ted to. and the "inspector" charged. rm 8taBd on the bull" side of the
$2.50 or bis serviees, whieh was paid, i m.rket believing that the shortage
Of course, Hho Spokane man was a! lea will force the price much
bunco operator. lie had no right toB'ner aiM s urging the growers to
demand the 42.50. Sueh a Droeeedinir 8tnJ pat" and reap the benefit which
is highway robbery, and the Spokane " justly theirs and which, it is urged,
aA!:.. I a. s a . . . . f x a a . sw i .
uiuvuus snooia tajte the inspector" i" iM,UDU lo materialize, xne text ox
in out of the wet, before, be has a
chance to victimize any more Immi
grants. .
the circular letter follows:
"It is reported that some of the larg-
. V A T" It- .
cat wum m ui juk are selling out
and this is being used as an argument
to induce growers to sell. Now it is a
peculiar thing that these houses would
A Sight to Behold
In about another week, the hills
south of Salem, in the Liberty and hold hops for three months on a declia
Rosedale districts, will be a sight worth lag market and sell just when the
crossing the continent to jee. The thon- chance is here. Their answer would
sands of acres of prune trees out there 'probably be that they now see their
are beginning to blooi , and by the end mistake. We would like to ask them
of the week the country for miles will this, if they made a mistake last sum-
WallnaliV Coming
A large part of the copy for the
1903 "Walloah" is now in the hands
of the printer, and Manager Ford says appear robed in pure white blossoms, mer in selling 1904 bops at 20 cents
that Dig annual win do out oy jsiay spotless harbingers of the harvest that delivered for the months or October,
13. The editor and her board of as; will yield fruit enough to fill the nation XoveinDer and December, and then if
sistants have been working hard on! "full of prunes." The prospeet now they made a mistake in November in
the publication, and it will no donbt is for the, most abundant crop. It is buyinsr at 30 cents and 31 eents more
be an honor to the university.. ' jtoo late to fear any damage from the than they needed, expecting hops to go
1 I frost, and the only thing to be dreaded higher, and made a third mistake in
Sad Tidings - jby the prune growers a period of holding these 30-cent and 31-eent hops
W. P. Babeock of the Salem Flouring ! cold and constant rains for two ot until the market dropped to "5 cents,
Mills Co- yesterday received a telegram three weeks, preventing the blossoms does not demonstrate that they are not
from Boston,' Mass., announcing the from pollenizing. Off to the east Table infallible and may be making a mis
death of his aunt, Mrs. Amelia Babeock- Bock was yesterday seen to be white take again in selling out now (if they
Hasting. This lady visited Salem sev- with a new covering of snow, which re selling ut)f The fact of the mat
end years afco, during the life time of accounted for the greater coolness of ter is that a la.e percentage of the
her brother, the late F. J. Babcoek, and the atmosphere. But, this does not
also her sister, the late Mrs. Jno. Gray, " are the prune growers, for a short
ni has many friends here who will be t breath of the warm south wind will
almost immediately dissipate the moun
tain whiteness, and render the daitjer
from frost a nullity.
grieve.1 to hear of her death.
Afternoon Wedding
A very quiet wedding took place at
the home of O. A. Back on North Front
street yesterday afternoon when Mrs.
Ma O. McAllister of Marion county,
ias joined in wedlock to John P. Mc
; Manas of Pilot Rock. There were only
a few friends present during the cere
mony, whieh was celebrated by the Rev.
W. C. Kantner, pastor of the First Con
(From Tuesday's Daily.)
Chilling Bain-
sales being made between dealers now,
both in Orejjon and New York, are
Vwash" sales, that is, fake sales,
simply made to influence the market.
"Wires are being serft out from New
York City that Pacific coast hops are
leing offered there freely at any price.
The truth is that there are not 750
bales of Pacific coast hops in New York.
A month ago the Dears were crying that
. . I n
Deverai larmers or tne surrounoin? u- i s - .
country were in town yeajerday, tak- ket English growers were go-
ing advantage of the relief from their in(5 to pieces and selling their hops,
labors the ram afforded them to make j,-ow when English growers have pooled
necessary purchase. One and all ex- thev say the dangerous feature is the
presnca mr itar inai a eontinuance ot
greational church. After the ceremony j this storm at its present temperature
inr Kursi.-. .rre -rrcritro uy me we i- j m,ffnt work much damage to fruit j
served later. Mr. MeManus is the editor ' tmm
ana proprietor oi ine ltecord, puDiishea i Buried in Lewisburs:
The funeral of Mrs. A. M. Cobalt,
reproduced from the latest itue of the
Kentish Observer: - 3 i;1 . : - i
J The adjourned Meeting1 of the Hop
Planters ,fiyndieate was hebl at tb
Bridge nouse' Hotel, London on Mon
day, and the proceedings were " of a
very enthusiastic character. Mr. Fred
erick Xeame of Mackaade, Faversham,
presided and the attendance numbered
nearly a hundred growers. The princi
pal factors in the borough were also
present. The speakers were Lieutenant
Colonel tloneyball; Mr. ITenry White,
Mr. W. XeMav, Mr. Bertram Noakes,
Mr. Richard West, Mr. Herbert N eame
and others." The scheme received the
warm support of the growers present,
and it was unanimously decided to form
the organization and commence opera
tions immediately. A general commit
tee was appointed, with Mr. F. Xeame
as chairman, and 'included four factors.
The growers forming the syndicate
will deliver into the hands of the man
aging committee all their unsold hops
grown in 1904, the committee to arrange
for the valuing of' the hops aeeordinc
to quality and fixing of minimum prices
which shall be conclusive and binding
on all members. It is not intended to
change the present '"method 'of doing
business through factors, but the latter
are to pay to the yndic&vtbe proceeds
of the sale of all pooled hops instead
of as heretofore settling with their in
dividual growers. This, is an entirely
new departure by British agricultural
interests, and its outcome will be watch
ed with interest by others than those
directly interested in the growing and
using of bops.- The promoters of the
syndicate are well satisfied with the
result of Monday 's meeting, believing
that it foretells fall attainment of
their objeet. The stocks of English
hops of the 1904 erot still in the hands
of growers are estimated at from 40,
000 to 45,000 pockets, and of these 20,
000 pockets were at once turned into
the pool, with indications that within
a short period the bulk, if not the
whole of the balance, would follow suit.
In any case, the formation of the syn
dicate means the present removal of
about 50 per eent of the unsold stock
of English bops from the market at pre
vailing prices.
We are informed that already the
market ha assumed a healthier tone as
the result of the formation of the syn
dicate. There are more inquiries for
bops and rather more business is being
done, the tendency of prices bejdg up
ward. The new departure on the part
of the hop growers has been well re
ceived by the tradt generally, though
not, of course, by the merchants.
Wiegs Deacon Buneomh is fond of
doing good deeds on the sly.
Wages Yes; but he's terribly cut
up if other people don 't find out about
i of the last publication thereof will te
w -vil mmv-mpm wi.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
per ton., P. P. Oonleyr Brooks, Ore.
FOUND. Cn of ; syrup oa Fruitland
road. Owner cam call at W. Fennel's
wagoB shop. Xorta Liberty St.
: buying eggs; call on us for prices
before yon selL Commercial Cream
er pups. Also Magoon and Wilson
-strawberry plants at L50 per 1000.
J. H. Peterson, Shaw, Oregon.
pigs, also ducks, spring chickens, and
hens. I will pay the highest eash
price for same. Quong Hing, 254 Lib
erty street, Salem, Oregon.
have $10 or flOQ or $1009 to invest
' ' ESTY. ,:
Notice is" hereby given, that ly vir
tue of an execution duly issued out of
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the county of Marion and to
me directed on the 16th day of Febru
ary, J905, upon judgment and decree
duly rendered, enteral of record and
docketed in and by said court oa
the ?Sth day of January. 1905, la a
certain, suit numbered 8270 Department
No. 2, then in said court pending,
wherein Charles & Welter was plaiatla'
and Weller Chamberlin and Hollister
Chamberlia, minors, and Rose W.
Chamberlin were . defendants in favor
of plaintiff and against said defend
ants by which execution I am com- j
manded to sell the property in said ex-1
eeutioa and hereinafter described to
pay the sum due the plaintiff of.
five hundred twenty-six and 44 100
($526.44) dollars, with interest thereon'
m tV. vtt t a . it imr mmnt. n r ittitMml
in a dividend pavinff nroDositktn that .l. " iom I
fTK0n- I ..-. ...1 GA.1AA A.larm f1kl1
er ready to meet it, for old acquaiut
aae tutke, but it's simply ioipnSiM'
for me to be chummy wita it. Crn't
jou come again some time ntit wekf
Legal Blancs V Materia an' 3oh Office
Money to Loan
On los proved -farm and city property
at lowest rate.
Over LsoUV & Bush's Har
Salem. Ortn. f
!lfWr'ttllllM' nfrRHMC"
vrm s'sn l lor maree IH eomloir seMn at cor
nwr of Perrv sm IJbeny suveta. Fwr jeilTe
nd psrUcuUrs ca'i a
VeleriBerr Barfson.
Phone JTJ White. Esieta. Or.
FREE LAND IN OREGON UNDER fd C!U "d "g?"1! "id,
AS-mmt r- .. of April, 1903, at the hour of one ( 1)
day. Booklets and map f ree. B. a o'clock p. m. of said day at the west
Cook & Co., 251 Alder Street, Port- d0' of the county courthouse in 8a
land, Oregon. Iem in UnoB ontyr Oregon, sell at
'. . . ' ' public auction to the highest bidder
THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT CO. ' 'or cash in hand on the day of sale, all
do a general transfer bosiness. We the right, title, interest and estate
have wood liber plaster. Also Boebe saiddT,f.'nd"i? Welter CTinm.
Harbor lime for spraying. General brlin ad IIoU8tr. Chamberlin, min-
builders and contractors' supplies. or na ' .w: vnamDerua
Front and Chemeketa streets. persons claiming , under , them
' t or any of Ahem subsequent to the
REPORT CARDS OTTR KOTTOOL RE. I date of the execution or tne mortgage
nort eards r nrinted to. t the in said suit foreclosed ih, of and
tion. I will on Saturday the 1st day
at Pilot Rook.
Annual Conference
The anneal Oregon conference of the
United Evangelical ehurch will meet in
Salem Apr'A 6 and continue for four ! held
who died at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Sophia Weber, who lives on the
river road about a mile north of Salem,
Sunday afternoon at J:30 o'clock, was
at 7:30 o'clock this morning.
days. On the evening preceding the i The obsequies were conducted at Mrs,
opening of the conference Bishop W. F.
IMI of Highland Park, ft suburb of
Chicago, HU, will preach the annual
sermon before that society. He is also
to preach on Sunday, April 9, at the
church on Cottage street, at both morn
ing and evening services. The day con.
ferences will be given up wholly to busi-r.-
routine, while in the evening re
ligious serviees will be held throughout
the conference. At the conference the
Weber's home, Rev. J. L. Greene 'offi
ciating. Interment was in Lewisburg.
Deceased was about " 65 years of age
and her death was due to a complica
tion of diseases. She was a resident-of
Silver Creek Falls, where she had lived
for the past twenty years.
I l m
DR. C.GEE 1700
senof register. The prices are:
v Twelve cards for 19 cents;' twenty
five for 20 eents; one hundred for 75
ents. (Statesman Publishing Co, Sa
lem, Oreffos.
FARM FOE SALE. A farm of 1 167
acres, , three miles southwest of Stay
ton in Linn county, Oregon, Ninety
five acres in cultivation; balance open
pasture land. - Good improvements.
Price $3700. Inquire of F. E. Gallo
way, Stay ton, Oregon.
said premises hereinbefore mentioned
are described ia said execution as fol
lows, to-wit: I
Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11 in block num
bered 8 in Capital Park Addition to
the city of Salem, Oregon, according
to the plat thereof of record in the of
fice of th recorder of the aforesaid
eounty and state ugetber with the
This ' wonderful
Chineae doctof is
callcm great be
cause be cures peo
ple without opera
tion that are given
op to die. lit cures
with those wonder
ful cm ii aertM. rootsw buds, bark
and vegetable, that are entirely un
known to mcieral science In this coun
try. Throoaii the use of these harm
leas remedies, thin famous doctor
knows the action of over (00 different
remedies whlcsi he snoeessfullr uses In
different disease, lie guarantees to
euro catarrh, asthma, lung, throat
rheumatism, nervousness, stomach,
kidney, bladder, female - trouble, lost
manhood, all private diseases; has
hundreds ot testimonials. Charge
moderate. .
Call and see him. Consul tat Ion free.
Patients) out of the city write for
blank and circular.' . Enclose stamp.
Address) The C Oee Wo Cblneoe Medl-
UnemJents7aerediUmenT. and appurt- 13 lder 8t ' tl"J,
of Salem, Marion
nances thereunto belonging or in any
wise SDDertainine thereto, and now
situate in the city
county. Oreoon.
Said sale being mad subject to re
demption in the manner provided by
Dated this l&rh dsy-of February,
Oregon. Mention this paner
chickens, geese, ducks and all kinds
of farm produce at Capital Commis- W. J. CULVER,
ion Co., 259-257 Commercial St., Sa-1 r Sheriff of Marion County, Oregoi
lem, Oregon. Phone 2231. i ' '
Returned From Extended Visit
- The Misses Lena and Mary Payne
(have returned from an extended visit!
uju ;r.u,i .miuicut i ouii 10 irieniis ana relatives, iney nave
Eye Bp MM
Has opened in Poit
lnl, Oregon. Bert ia
ihe fionhwest. Cli
and see him.
130 ftovowth at.
will be made. Bishop Ileil will preside
over the conference. Rev. C T. Hunt
will be the host for the association.
(Frnra Sunday' Daily.)
Attend Good Roads Meeting
Judge J. II. Scott leaves tonight for
Grants Pass to attend the Southern
been absent from the city for about
one month, during whieh time tbey vis
ited at the home of Sylvester Patterson
at Ashland, and friends and relatives in
Eugene and Albany. They , report the
season ss well advanced in southern
Oregon as in the valley and that some
species of fruit are in bloom. The or-
Blanianer Frank Drug Co, Portland,
Oregon, is headquarters 'or Photo
graphic Supplies, Century, Premo, Po
co, Blair and Eastman Cameras. Ev
ery requisite for the Professional and
Amateur Photographer. Write for
complete catalogue.
Melrose Restaurant and Quick Lunch
soom. surpaseing coxxee. Keatness
and Dispatch. - our motto. 270 Alder
street, opposite Hotel Belvedere,
Portland, Oregon.
When in Portland patronize the Perkins
Restaurant. Our service is second to
none at popular prices. Give us one
trial and realize how nice we will
treat you. D. M. Watson. Prop
Wedding and visiting cards and mono
gram stationery. W. O. Smith ft Co.,
Washington Bldg, Portland, Oregon.
Legal Blanks at Statesman Job Office
;. . . .u. , .ui ! Iarjre quantity pooler, wnicn is a men- j
.rregon aistrici convention xo nf,a -- . ; ace to the market. The true situation)
bv the Oregon Good Roads Association
fn Mondav and Tuesday. The conven
tion will be under the auspices of the
(rants Puss Miners' Association.
Sues on Promissory Note
K. Bntterfield vs.: John Christie is the
title of a suit filed in department No.
1 of the circuit court yesterday. This
is a suit to collect payment on a prom
issory note for $994.50, given on De
cember S, 1904. The plaintiff prays
far the amount of note with interest to
date and asks for $2.fM) for attorney
fees. -
making preparations for spraying
apple and pear trees t
codling moth, scale, etc.
v . . . . . . i . I - . t
annle nn 1 -.f t- rt Haiti-T aJnst tooay 1 tnai tne j-.nmn
Returned from Indiana
No Immediate Danger
Miss Sophia Townsend, daughter of
tlias. Townsend of Kosedaie, is very
Rick with pneumohia at Fossil, Wheeler
county, where she is teaching in the
public school. Word was received yes
terday from Fossil that Miss Town
sand's mother had reached that point.
Dr. Mary Bowerman of Condon had
been called into consultation, and the
relatives here were informed that there
was no immediate danger.
firm and advancing and the continental!
markets are the same. Almost every ;
bale of hops that was held by weak
n.tils'tAM in tli. .Anntrv lia been
W., D. Wheeler returned on j Saturday boTight up. and the only hope for the
, Sr . . J.uu "a' i bears is to break the market before
Ind. He was in that region for sev- tn? W4?ather ia the lst eets warm and
eral weeks and encountered a good deal brf,werg demand deliveries. They aro
of cold weather. When he passed now making their last desperate effort,
through Chicago on his way home last the. suoees of which depends upon the
week there was snow on the ground grower. The growers are the onlv hold
eight inches deep, and tae streets fera 0f hpsnow excepting three firms
were futl of sleighs, the sleigh bells ; Oregon and Washington, who will
filling the air with their sound. Mr. j noia until July regardless of what
Wheeler did not 8ee anything green growers may do.
until the train arrived this snde of the! .iwiwiJ th nnr teli van in one
.. . j - - -- j -- -
reet to be readv for Decoration 'a v.
Patronize home inaustry. Wm. Stai
ger, Salem Marble had Granite Works
Liberty street.
ERTY. Notice is hereby given, that by vir-
HUBET.YOUB ORDERS IF YOU EX- tue of an execution duly issued out of
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the eounty of Marion and to
me directed on the 16tb day of Febru
ary, 1905, upon a judgment and decree
duly rendered, entered of record and
docketed in and by said court on
the 28th day of January, 1905, ia a
certain suit numbered S271 Department
No. 2, then in said court penaitsg,
wherein Charles S. Weller was plaintiff
and Weller Chamberlin aud Hollister
Chamberlin, minors, and iBose W.
Chamberlin were defendants in favor
of plaintiff and against said . defend
ants by which execution I am com
manded to sell the property in said ex
ecution and hereinafter described to
pay the sums due the plaintiff of
seventeen hundred and eight ($1708)
snd 17-100 dollars with Interest thereon
at the rate of 6 per cent per annum
Surgeon and Dentist. Graduate of
of Ontario Veterinary College. Hon
orable Member Ontario Medical So
ciety. Office at Lowe's Capital Sta
ble. Phone Main 1661. Calls atten
ded to promptly.
' Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned by an order of the County frnm the 2t d naf Januarv. 1905. na
Court of Marion county, Oregon, has ti pad together with the costs and
been appointed administrator of the disbursements of said suit taxed at
estate of Englebert Sehott, deceased. seventeen and 80-100 dollars $17.80)
Law of Special Legislative Session of
1903 Regulates Assessment of Prop
erty This Year Present Levy Will
Leave Comfortable Surplus.
Coming Home
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Aschenbrenner,
who have been teaching at Pototan, on
the' Island of P&nav. Philippine islands.
tart for home on the 2d of next moth.-s country aad settled in Ohio,
(Frdin Saturday's Daily.)
As a result of a ,Jaw passed by the
Rocky mountains. He is glad to fT' breath that bops are going down and special session of the legislature in
back home, where ho can nee the ; in tnp nmlt tries to buy your hops, tell 1903, approximately $70,000 which was
him that you do not want to see turn pai in juarion county taxes ror iU4,
lose money and von think you will ear- will be lacking this year by exemp-
ry.tuem a nine iuin(rr yuurwu. J
nn attention to nnv reoorts vou raav I Last vear there was no exemption
fhear, as anything Is liable to be said at law in force whatever, and an' entirely
ground and the green grass and flow
era 'all tho year through
Aged Woman Dies
Mrs. Anna M. Zahn. an oM pioneer
of Marion eounty, died at the home of this time to demoralize the grower. The different one is in force this year from"
her 'daughter, Mrs. llenrv Scnmitt, or bears realize that they roust win soon, any that has teen in force before.
Whittaker, Friday night and was buried . or not at all, and will let nothing The old law stated in general terms
stand in their road -fa tneir endeavors
Sunday at Sublimity. Mrs. Zahn was
a native of Germany, born in Bavaria,
August 14, 1S14, aud lacked but a few
months of Wing 91 years of age. After
hrr husband's death in the old country.
she, with her children emigrated to this
j a Join
r. and Mrs. Aschenbrenner are both to this eounty. Mrs. Zahn
well known, in this jjity, where they Ue4T?9 a daughter and two sons in Ohio,
both attended the Willamette univer- gfas one brother aged 88 living in
suy, of which institution Mr. Aachen- J ."nother brother aged 82 liv-
brenner is a graduate. They were" uwv r. w, ... . -rr- a rc.
among the first to respond to the call f " ? .bXr ,th,f "tt- Sl.
tor teachers issued by the government, arnica or "Vvrs Enrfe Scbott
and he has been principal of the schools J?"d "iffl e
tn his province ever since be has been
f K,.t.iimitv. are crranddaugnters oi
w a. v - as) "
of Mrs. Zahn.
Calendars Out -The
house and senate calendars of
he twenty-third legislative session are
ow printed, bound and ready for dis
tribution. ;The house calendar contains
117 pages of printed matter and the
Senate calendar 107. They show tbo
status of all bills snd resolutions at
the close of the sersion and also the
final disposition of all bills passed. They
slso contain a list of the standing com
mittees of both houses. The state print
er's now at work upon the sesion promise
wws and when that is finished he will
print the house and senate journals.
It will be about three weeks before the
work is all completed.
Will Be on Exhibition
The beautiful monument that has
keen made by Drew E. Earner, em
ployed by Wm. Staiger, will be -cm ex
hibition, for-a -few days at the Salem
marble works on Liberty street. The
otk on this monument, in memeorv
or Miss M. N. Alice Benjamin, deceased,
Beached Amicable Agreement '
Attornev General Crawford re
turned from his trip to The Dalles
vesterdav afternoon. He reports that
an amiiole and satisfactory agree
ment was reached between himself, on
the psrt ot the state and the board of
canal commissioners, and I. H. Taffe,
by which the latter deeded the state a
right-of-way oyer his land for the gov
ernment canal for a consideration of
$17,500, as per the terms of the corn-
Mr. Crawrord says ine mat
ter was all settled up. money paid
over and deed signed to the state,
and all that; now remains to perfect
title to the canal right-of-way is for
ho stale 'to 'make a complete abstract
of title '.and -turn it over tov the government.
' f . , ;
Xtt ltd Ym Hitt Km BkjM
to do so. Let us fight the Tattle to
a finish, lours trulrt
"Isaac Pincus.ss Son."
Local Market Featureless.
There is little doing in the local mar
ket and no sales are reported, with the
exception of a few transactions Wtween
the dealers. A sale was reported ,to
have been made by a valley grower last
week but his name eould not be learned
nor could the sale be confirmed. The
growers are holding out firmly for bet
ter prices and the fight ha boiled down
to a point where, it would seem, that
one or the other if the report be true
'that the brewers are, crimping upon
their needs in their efforts to break the
market must give in : sooner or later.
There is a difference of opinion, as to
the "market situation as those who are
classed upon the bear side of the mar
ket maintain that there is no earthly
show for a raise in priees, while the
bulls hold o strongly in the conten
tion that the Eastern deslers, who, they
claim, have formed ' combination to
defeat the growers, and. the brewers
cannot hold out much longerand that
the prices are bound to go soaring whea
the break eomes. Some think this break
wu take place within a few weeks,
wh;u others have prepared themselves
to tand out firmly until the first ofl
July, if necessary.". , L .'"' .
ract About English PooL
' As an evidence of the-iruth of the
report to the effect that a syndicate
(pool) had been formed oy the English
growers, and that the Ecglish market
had assumed a firmer tone with an up
ward tendency, the. following article is
tnat personal property to the amount
of $300 should be exempt. The new
law states tnat tnni amount or per
sonal property shall be exempt, but it
also stipulate tnat this personal prop
ert shall consist of the following
items, and these alone:
Household good., furniture and
utensils, two cows, ten sheep, five
swine, team, harness and vehicle, tools,
implements, apparatus and library.
From this it. will be seen that taere
will fe a large number of persons who
will nave no property sutnevt to ex
emption; still the taxea will be -nearly
$70,000 short of last year. The total
amount of taxes for last year was $10,
500,000. It will not only be necessary
this year to make , up this deficit, but
also to increase the total amount to
$11,000,000. This increase is made
necessary by the 'many improvements
which have been made in the eounty,
and also by toe appropriations for the
Lewis aad Clark' fair, etc
Ia an interview, yesterday, however.
Assessor Rice Stated that be- thought
the present levy would bring in more
than the required ' amount and thus
leave a nest balance in the treasury.
This balance, together with the fact
that taere will be no call for so many
special appropriations next year, leads
Mr. Biee to believe that the taxes in
1906 witt be much lower than in 1905.
'-'.;' ; ' m?m '; ,
, Tatkley rMv 'eyes bother me; a great
deal, doctor. Do you think ' I ,eed
stronger glasses! '
Dr. Aasdor No, I think . yon need
weaker glasses and fewer Chicago
Journal. " 's . -
All persons ' having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent 'the same to the undersigned at
his residence in - Sublimity, Marion
county, Oregon, duly verified withia
six months; from the date of the first
publication of this notice.
Dated thia 27th dav et TVhrnarr A. "t v. .
t iM- ' " closed in
Administrator of the estate of Engle
bert Sehott, deceased.
Notice is hereby give that the
County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Marion county, did on the 24th day
of February, 1905, duly appoint - Mrs.
Carrie Rineman as administrator of
the estate of Martin-T. Rineman, de
ceased, and she bag duly qualified as
such, and all creditors and other per
sons having or claiming to have any
account or demand whatsoever ftgainst
the said estate of Martin T. Eiaeman,
deceased, are hereby required to pre
sent the same,, duly verified in the man
ner required by law, to the said ad
ministratrix at i the office of Carson sV
Cannon, her aitornevs. in the citv of
Kalem. in Marion eAontv. Ore iron. with, being a part of the Donation Land
in six months from this date. t - I Claim 'of A. F. Waller and wife and '
Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 25th' bounded by beginning at a point in
and costs and expenses of ssid execu
tion, and the further sum of two thou
sand and eighty-nine ($2080.00) dollars
and interest thereon at the rate of 6 per
cent per annum from and after the 28th
day of January, 105, being the amount
of the second note and mortgage fore-
id suit, and decreed in fa
vor of plaintiff and against said de
fendants on said date in said suit. !
I will on Saturday the 1st day of
April, 1905, at the hour of one (1
o'clock p. m. of said day at the west
door of the eounty court house in the
city of Salem in Marion eounty, Ore
gon, sell at publie auction to the
highest bidder for cash in hand on the
day of sale, all the right, title, interest)
and estate wnicn saia aerenaants wei
ler Chamberlin and Hollister Cham
berlin, minors, and Rose W. Chamber
lin, snd all persons claiming under j
them or any of them subsequent to J
April 27, 1901, the date of the exeea-j
tiou of said mortgages, in ssid suit
foreclosed, in, of and to said premises
hereinbefore mentioned, are described
in said execution as follows, to-wit:
Situated in Marion county, Oregon,
la an Important state and &1.Q
per oeut of its population
is located on
- - ''' ; '-'I' '
ChlcagOj the greatest com
mercial center of thv West, is
be)t readied from the North
west by this famous railroad
The Northwesters
Daily between Minneapolia
HU Paul and Chicago Is the
peer o all fine trains
For lowest rates, time of fains sad
. full tidormaUoo vrtte to
a J URA V, R. L. S1SLKK -TrTHnr
Aft., i-tenAgesi.
11 Alfltfu, Poniard. Or.
day of February, 1903.
Carson & Cannon
Attornev for Administratrix.
the north boundary line of said Dona
tion Land Claim where the west line
of a road or street intersects the same,
whieh road or street was dedicated in
a deed from C. C HI rat ton and wife to.
Horace Leach dated July 28, 1884, and
recorded ia Marion county records.
In the Circuit Court of the State of ! deeds Volume numbered 32, page 204;
Oregon for the county of Marion, De
partment .No. S. Nancy Beeves,. Plain
tiff, vs. Abraham Reeves. Defendant.
To Abraham Beeves, the above nam
ed defendaat:
Ia the name of the State of Oregon,
yon are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against yon
in tne above entitled court and suit. On
or before the 4th day of April, 1905,
snd if you fail to so appear and answer
the said complaint, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for in the said com
plaint to-wit: for a decree dissolving
the bands of ' matrimony now existing
between the plaintiff and the 'e fends nt,
snd restoring to the plaintiff her maid
en name, ana giving the plaintiff her
costs and disbursements, and sueh other
relief as may be meet and equitable;
snd you will take notice that this sum
mons is served upon you by publication
thereof in the Weekly Oregon States
man, a newspaper published at Salem,
Marion eounty, Oregon, for the period
of once a week for six weeks pursuant
to an order of the lion. Wm. Gallowav,
judge of the saud court, made at Sa
lem, Oregon," on the 17th day of Feb
ruary, 1905: and that the date of the
first publication of this summons is the
21st day of February, 1905, and the date
thence run niter north 59 degrees 53
minutes west along the north boundary
line 06 feet ; thence south 19 de
grees' 30 minutes west 1741V& feet to the
north line of said county road (or
State street extended ft Thence south
70 degrees east along the north line
of said county road 400 feet; thence
north 19 degrees 30 minutes east 1669
feet to the - place of beginning; save
and exeept however a tract of 400 by
200 feet eonveyed to D. C Sherman of
date June 3, 1880, and recorded fa said
Marion eounty, records book of deeds
number 32, page 218, leaving in the
tract described 13.82 acres more or
less together with the tenements, he-!
reditaments and appurtenances there
unto belonging or in anywise apper
taining thereto,' situate' in 'Marion
county, Oregon. -
Saidsale being made subject to re
demption ( in the . manner provided by
law. .
- Dated this ISth ' day of February,
1803. . :
v ' Sheriff Marion County, Oregon.
Callr-Mr. Ardap, you said last
month if I would come oa the 15th
you'd be ready to meet this note, and
I've brought it.
Mr. Ardup Wby, thejfact is, I'm
' Large and small in all parts
of tbo county. See us before
you buy. We aro offering bar
gains. -.'. . ;
Wir ersuchen Deutsche Kunds-
duft. '. " m '
140 acres, 90 in cultivation,
-room house, good barn,' run
ning water, all fenced, 1 mile
from railroad. Price $25 per
aere. .
320. acres, 00 ia cultivation,
running water, four - barns, one
6-room house, one 4 room house
and outbuildings, orchard, good
outrange, 60 tons of hay, 12
dairy cows, cream' separator and
other implements all go with the
place at $15 per acre.
130 acres 2 miles from Sa
lem, 60 acres in cultivation, 5
acres orchard, good house and
barn, all feueed, running water,
fine location. Price $60 per acre.
. 10-Toom house, locaf ed near
Stale House, fine fruit, very de
sirable. Price $3300.
New 5-room cottage, lot 75x '
150, near ear line and school. A
snap at $350.
We have vacant lots in almost
every addition to the city of
Salem at prices from $40 up.
We have a large exchange list.
Come in and aee us whether you
want to buy r sell. For full
particulars concerning any - of .
the properties advertised in this
list call on or sdJreas '-
Moores Block, Salem, Or.
Reference: Any bank or buy
ress bouse in the city of Salcn