Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, March 10, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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. i trr 5r czi-i3Cir etah
The .City
blage of music lover",' Da Sunday
afternoon the Land will 'give another
concert, in VWillson avenue, and daring
next wees. an,, evening eoncrt on State
of la
11 T Bacovertoftom X Otlppe- J - .
ef fchool J"Tm , , ' H. J. Ottenbeimer, the , well-known
. TBirtr-two ajpJiation for the loan bop merchant of this eity, who ha
rf 4latateBOol fond were approved teen eofferinir from n attack ' of I
afternoon, ggitmtlng a total of $3,- OQt on the streets for a short '
93. jyesterdar.
Card of Thank ' . H1 Mother Die
frUnds and ne ghbore who so kindly death of u -IBotBer. Mri. Gnf
Mrietedw -" weB"r Chandler, i which ocenrred at Elrin.
Airs, inanoier la well known
will of oar dearsmotber and wife. C
y Anderson and Family. .. jf
in Salem, and her death cornea as a sad
den - shock to her numerous friends in
Marion county. Death was dne to heart
., i wew oaca
2n' Yt llv f! dLa, Deceased was bom in Roehes-
bave opened M office at 492 State , ter. N Tj NoTcmber 25, 1843.
street, near High, for a real estate bus- ( , , - t '
jneM, notary work and examining titles, jy Adjudged Insane 1
Tbejr are both 'ell known rustlers and Lneinda Bottenbery, an aged lady of
U Lu mLUK I djndd insaleby Coun
try can get hold of, either city or vy'Judge Scott yesterday and ordered
wastry. Call and see r them if yon are eommitte to the asylum. THe order was
interested, or write to them. t ..made upon the affidavit of Dr. A. A.
,.M tlHff OfloUi. Leonard, who made the examination.
ITf?wLv hL thV. Mr9' Bottenberg was born in Illinois
K- h 7; and 66 W. of age. She has var-
mm on h HoweU lirie, was in delusions and, according to the
the city yesterday on Winew. He re- testimony offered at the examination
ports a little more improvement there yesterday, does not recognize the men
than usual, especially. a good deal of bers of her own family. This is her
road improvement being under way. grst attack.
He reports a good deal of clearing be- , f "
lag done also. "Crop prospects are Banmgartner Objects to Wiprut
excellent," said he. I never saw a Ex-City Recorder N. J. Judah having
better outlook. Fruit is well ahead, refused to aceept the appointment as
and peach trees axe just aboit in receiver of the J. A. Simpson & Co.
bloom. The recent cold weather did livery barn business, Carson & Cannon,
so damage to speak of in our neigh- Simpson's attorneys, asked the court to
borhood, and I really believe the fu- appoint M. Wiprut, the cigar man, in
jure is very flattering." - stead. To this request Joseph Baum-
gartner, the defendant in the suit for
Indian War Veteran ; the dissolution of the partnership ex-
The funeral-of N'oab Fowler Herren, isting between himself and Simpson,
whose dath occurred Saturday, was recently filed by , the latter, yesterday
hali from h late borne Altmday morn- filed bis objections, setting forth that
iag at 11 o clock. Interment was in M. Wiprut was not at all acquainted
Citv View cemetery. Noah Fowler with the livery barn busmees and there
Herren was born September 7, 1833, fore not a suitable person to act as re-
near Greensburg, Decatur county, Ind., ceiver.
snd moved when a small boy to Platte
eoimtv. HKssourL where r hie father's Two Pioneer Patients Dead
family lived until they started across , T&e dab of W. Bloom, a FoliBh Jew,
the plains to Oregon in 1845, settling and IjC ?fim a Chinaman, which ocf
near the old mission in the north end earred on Tuesday evening, marked the
of Marion, county. His father 's old pang away of two ef the earliest" pir
dimation land cUim of 640 acres lay oneer pa"nts at the insane asylumi
et of Halem. the nouse standing on Death m both cases was due to old
what i now known as the old It. L. anlkTraee at "out -the
u..rt. o TT- litre) hrAnri 1,5- hour. Wolf Bloom was committed to
r.k .LiinJ .nnttrrirr- l.vinr Kn the asylum from Multnomah county, on
united in marriage February 22, 1855, c!f r T22' then aged 35 years,
mHrt, Aakiin . Hall V-nrhn .rhter and ?' J- S. Ciltner was the examining
oC James E. and Cynthia A. HallT He r8ian-. waho" n roUnd and
was well known in Salem, having lived had 7 !" r?n bt four years when
near "here all hi life with the excep- J e.ntl fiUii failed. He was em
, r. ployed as a clerk in a Jewish mercan-
China, and was committed to the asy
lum from Multnomah county also, dur
ing the year 1872, when but 34 years of
OovacU Instructs Healta ; Officer to
CUT Notlco to Thia Effect Without
v Delay Bridge Matter Blado Special
Order for Friday Evening. ; .
Scott's Emulsion -'
Scott's Emtilsidh z - -'.
Scott's! Emulsion V
- ; Scott's Emulsion
' - . Scott's Emulsion
the old story; told times
without number and repeated
over and ' over again for the
(From Wednesday's Dailr.") wai' .out s
The alleys must be cleaned op and?, always, a Welcome Story to
kept in a sanitary ondiUon. 6o ay those in need of strength and
last evening? the committee on health f hCtt ' ThereS, nothing 1
lem, arc
mstrneted to notifv the oronertv
era to make a general clean-up without!
aeiay. .. The committee 's - reconunenda-
tion was adopted by a unanimous vote,
and Health Officer J. W. Lewis will
carry out the instructions of the coun
cil this morning. Upon motion of Al-
Millinir Co. were Jefvudanta, in favor
of plaintiff and against said dcf-nIaats,
by which execution 1 am cfemmaad-! .
Notice Is nereby given "that the nn- that out of the pewonal prgprty
armggea nu peen e-ppomted, oy tbs lae caia ucicoubdu, jn u--u
Counry Court of .Marion county. Ore-! jointly, nd the nef.araie j-rnil prop
gon, administrator of the estate of lty of toe defendant Charles Scott, or
Mary H. Barge, deceased and all ter-'if sufficient cannot tc founo, tuen out
sons ha. v in ir Ulm inintt. said fMtvlof th resl rrotertv belonging to said
are reonired to present the same to tm I defendants " iointlv. and the ttcparete
Ooavieted ct the Murder of Alma "We-! undersigned at the law ' office of John (real property of the defendant (.bancs
trt j n . 11. end C Lk MeNarv. Bush-Bret-m&n. 1 Srott. to Mttisfv the sum ox six tnou-
. . . . . !xioca. oaiein. vregon. uiy vennea as sano six nunarcu sua ninrij-Bi
Appeal xasea on unmaa or.oorpua ?reqaired y law, within six months lars aad ninety-nine cents 6,696.99)
Delicti CircTiTn stanM al Evidence of : from at rr. ........ lis r?nit.i iti old roin. now due on
Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 16th leaid judgment, with interest at tho
dav of Februarv. 1905. i rate of 6 rer cent tcr annum in like
w r - a r m
JTT AKTJv C FISHUE. Isold coin, from the 24th day of Janu
Administrator of the estate of Mary I ary, 1905, and the further sum of
flS.60, costs, and also tne cosis oi ana
fore the Sutreme Court for 12 o'elockt . uPtt 111 14 on iNuur.mj, w.c
on Wednesday, March 15. This is the i4i s jswxx pst iy or April, isfua, at nunr
ease in which th dcBaBt fc tM ' Notice is hereby' riven that the n- 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the west
Heinous Crime,
William, has been aet : K Burgg' d-
police reported that the alleys, es- the WOrid that StODS wasting convicted in the Slate Circuit Court " dersigned has been appointed by the dor of the county court houso in the
in the business district of Sa- diseases as nuicklv a SmftV for Was0 OQDtJ f the murder of Vounty court of Marion county, Ore- city or aicm, n Anon t, yi
in a deplorable condition and aiseases 35 UlCKiy as COtt S ms Alma Neibitt and mother in adminutratrix of the estate of gn, at public auction to the bigh-
that the health officer be JimUlSlOn. t j Wasco county several years ago. Jicnaei wneian, deceased, and all per- t ciuaer ror ca-n urannu, .-n . uj
I .1 It M 11 MWd that William VI 11m. I BOB IIIVIB7 (Ilimi niBK Hill MlllC I Vi ' iuf iikui, .u.v-.
Well scad rwaiuelt, fre"
SCOTT BOWIfE. 40Q Pesrl Street. Kew Votk.
and other poles within the city limits.
A bill for an ordinance was introdue-
aerman oteusion tne neaitn officer was' mittee to elose a part of the allev run-i
also instructed to investigate , the nn- ning north and south throngh block 3, j
Ba.nua.ry conainon ox tne nortn muiaDd to establish one run nine east and
raee, from which the running water is. west through the same block.
said to have been shut off for the past
two months.
s .The action taken by the eouncil will
meet with the hearty approval of the
general public. Many of the alleys in
this city are strewn with tin cans and
rubbish, and in some places covered to
a depth of six inches or more with all
kinds - of filth and diseasebreeding' PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure
A bill for an ordinance was also intro
duced defining the material to be used
in and the manner of constructing side
walks within the city.
Itching,' Blind, Bleeding or Protrui?
;rng Piles. Druggists refund money if
troubled with rheumatism lor years,
he had not bem an invalid until the
past four years, his death -being the
result of al complication of diseases.
His had been a very busy life, but he
bore his aAliction with patience. He
waa a loving btraband and father and
(From Friday ' Dally.)
a "kind friend, whose greatese fault was SnIal Services-
ins cenw'ity. The large ewneousse of
The Upring ValTey Prcelrvterlan
frion.U Wh fn11Ad ii mmiLin. r nurca is noiamg special services, xtev.
their last resting place was a fitting W. W. Edmondson, pastor, is being a-
iprewion of the esteem in wnich he J- J- - Knotta, ot Albany,
wm sed by all who knew hhn. Be- Qr- 00 Sunday there. will be morning
sides his widow he is snrvived by five an,i afternoon services at 11 and 2:30
of lis nine children: Horace K., Levi o'clock. There will -be a basket din-
if.f Frank A, and Mrs. Elva B. Estes, ner at non- Everyboly welcome,
of Halcm, and James U., of Monmouth, . , . . . TtTT . '
sll of whom were with him during hii Tlkn Advantage of Bebate-
liwt sicknes. Of his father's family . Tho heriff s oflke still presents a
cJf 13 children there remain one bur r-eiM?' mJ taxpayers calling to
Irother, Levi M. Herren, of Turner, e afjantage of the 3 per cent re-
md three sisters, Mrs. Busanah Wal- f16' The t,me "mit-for allowing ro-
iW of ffenthern Oreffon. Mrs. Ja.nn expires on Wednesday of next
Kewer, of Salem, and Mrs. Ruth Leon- w ' ?'. 8e?cral ru8h " "'
nr.! Af Tvr.n TVnh Tla.i v-. during the last few days. At the clos-
a veteran of the Yakima and Rogue ?n8 hour ,la8t evening Sheriff CXilver
tvt Tnriian tn aaj iued a total number of 3466 re
ceipts, representing a collection of
1 1120,000, considerable over one-third
j of the entire amount of the 1904 roll,
iWtueh is 3Q1,775.
gist hasn't it send 50 cents in stamps
and it will be forwarder .postpaid : by
Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo.
J. W. Anderson Would Not Deny Story
of Salem-Portland Motor Line.
Thie is a most suitable timeiease. BO matter of how Ion standincr.
tjo start the movement for better aani-!in q to '14 days.' First application gives
Lary conaitions, ana tne guoa wo
shcmld be extended throughout the en
tire city. "
j The matter of the eonstrrxtion of a
new bridge across South Mill ereek on
Commercial street was not taken up at
last evening's council meeting but was
made a special order for an adjourned
meeting to be held on Friday evening
ojf this week. At that time the special
committee will file its report covering
the investigations made in regard to
fhe matter according to the instructions
received from the conneil.
The bill for an ordinance, to increase
the salaries of the city marshal and re
corder from $1000 to $12000 per annum
was placed upon its final passage and
defeated by a .vote of 7 to 6. The vote
was as follows:
1 Ayes Aebeson, Baker, Orossan, Fra
zier, Downing, Wallace; nays Bayne,
the two women in. order to esin ?- are hereby notified to iresent the same J estate which said defendants, Charles
session of a homestead wnich was ta- t the undersigned at the law office of j Scott and Robert H. ocott, a co
v.n u . v a. i. Jnhn n. Mi'r mnA o fvr I partners' dointr business under the firm
.VT WV K.:., Bnsh.Brev-man Rlaek ' Klm. Dwimiii I name and style of the oodbum
names to relinquishment blanks and se- duly verified as required by law. within J Milling Co. have jointly, and all per-
cured possession or the property. He ix montns xrom ante nereor. - - I h
took them out from Hood River for Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 3d day to the 24th day of January, 190,-., in, of
the purpose of visiting the claim, . and of March, 1905. v
that is said to have been the last that i MARY A. WHELAN,
waa ever seen of them rn life. Cirenm- ' Administratrix of the estate of
stances, it is said, point to their mur- Michael Whelan, tec eased.' ,
der by Williams, who is charged with - w '';
having killed them and tmried their ' ADMINTSTBATOB'S NOTICE.
bodies beneath, an' old building. : Notice is hereby given, to all persons
Su"bsAmintlv. whil mmA rv&rtia iiamiiJ. !.. V rrA
were digging around the premises; they been duly appointed by the County J 0l.tbe 5th mhcT'
unearthed an old gunny sack which Court of Marion county, Oregon, as ad- " " 1 7 . , '
contained "bones, rioth and matte.) Kair .iKinniM M.i. .f Uli. XT. 1 1 west of the ANiUamette Meridian;
nikiA to turn linmin remain il a. -ii ...,: I runnine thence 563.44 feet north 57.
the nair waa later identified as that of claims against said e-tate are hereby j 'fc"t 4 minutes eat to the
th mnrAnT waim. Williim mra . .. . I northeast corner of the said Walker
' and to said premises hereinbefore men
tioned and which are described as fol
lows: ,
Beginning at a point in the middle
of tne main track of tho Oregon and
California railroad at the northwest
corner of a four acre tract of land deed
ed to F. C. Walker bv J. H. Bettlemier
ZZrZKy l Wed with the thenee iionth 13 degrees
gtsi n't U send leJJmlriy-. convicted of of. W. Ml Kaiser and W. T. Slater in j Jonjf be boundary of said
WALLA WALLA, Wash.; March 7.
Isaac W.t Anderson, president of the
Northwestern Gas & Electric Company,
and representative of Cyrus Pierce and
other Philadelphia capitalists in numer
ous (enternrises in the Northwest, has
returned from an extended Eastern
trip,' is now inepeeting the gas and
electric plant in Walla Walla, and in a
few da-s will go to Portland. When
interviewed today regarding the story
mnnler ia th fimt ArraL. An anrwal ,". . c.t ! Walker tract and beyond 467.bS feet
was taken from the decision of the Tnnth fm .. At e ihl. t.v to the north boundary of the donation
It rial court, the defendant ' eounsel, AU persons indebted to said estate will Und rUim oC J- R Ducharme; then.e
f Henry McGinn, raisin? the uoint of m.v. imm.i.t. U,m.nt w n,w. I outh 77 decrees east on said north
corpus delicti; that is, that no evi- signed. " boundary 34 feet; thence north 13 de-
dence had been produced to show that Dated this 3d day of March, 1905. If nt , 632.6.1 feet more or less;
a murder. had been committed or that w M. BUSnEY thence north 57 degrees and 4 minutes
tho hair and othey material evidence Administrator of the estate of John west'-rar? th n,rtB boundary,
was that of a human being. Williams Math. dead . of said Walker tract to ihe, middle ef
has been sentenced to hang, but was
granted a stay of execution upon a
writ of probable cause.
the main track of the "said Oregon and
California railroad; thenee aouth 41 de-
"Notice ef Tntentlon to:Wlthdraw Tnnrrr.
anee "Demoslt bv the Manchester As. I STrces snd 15 minutes west of the mid
roranco Co., of Manchester, England, die -of M- railroad rs4-k to the place
: To Wnom It May Concern: In ae. of beginning containing two and one-
fri. t 4 ri rrmr-wa oprtifA ntuwiMw j .-.. .v.. i -m ...i nail crei oi isuu. uiwrr 'r nnn. i uu
iviw. in a 4 i .. e I county of Marion and state of Oregon
ev if it falls to cure. th IninrJne . emt.nie.' otiee . la Together with the WcMHlburn. Roller
" ' z. - . . . i i rr r;ii ii ..) n, a n. i
E. W. Grovo 'a signature is on each hereby given that the Manchester As- t "v y
box. 25 cents.
surance Company, of Manchester, , Eng-
fixtures therein and thereunto Ix-loux-
Some of the Reliable Men and Concerns of Oregon's Metropolis.
l. I me, ana situate ou mr umivr u-m ni. w
witkfn T .a f nmmn iwnA a I tract oi lanu.
.Oh,.. .iL 1 Baid sale being mado "ublrt to re-
of said state, and will, Mf no claim demptiOn m the mauner provided by
n rrandt aat1 Mmnaira afiail "h HA wild I law.
. Eye slillat
Has opened In Port
land, Oregon. Beat in
the Korthwest. Call
and tee htm.
139 eveatb St.
(From Thursday's Daily.)
Petition for Letters
, ' Petition was filed in the county court
by W. U. Queeaer, of Stayton, yeater- InternAtlonal Secretaxy Comes
day asking that he be appointed ad- r. H. Goodman, of New York Citv,
snaistrator of the estate of Mary Haag, one of the international secretaries of
neeasea. i ne estate is vaiuea at aoout the Young Men's Christian Associa
120o I.--;- j tion, will visit Salem Tuesday. Mr.
. , Z 7 Z . j Goodman is at the head of the relig-
na tteoaers rwwiag jnogitn i iou, work department of the assoeia
' A large crowd gathered on Commer- tion, and is visiting fhe associations of
cial street last evening to listen to the : the Northwest holding conferences
sweet strains of inusie discoursed by with, the workers and giving address
the Balom Military "Rand, tinder the es for the purpose of increasing the
leadership of Prof." W, .E. MeElroy. A efficiency in this line of work. While
program of favorite selections was m the city Mr. Goodman will share
rendered, many of which were loudly his time between the university and
encored by the appreciative assem- eity" associations. In the afternoon he
'" will a4ldress.the students at Willam
,ette University on the subject, "The
I IT 11 fTN S I 4m I Association and Religious Life - of
fUI B if II B P I 1 1 1 Men. ' ' In the evening the workers of
III lT II I! 0 M I both city and college associations will
J! HlllL'-' rT3 r- ake supper together at the Y. M. C.
r as --"rl If - "A. building and hold a conference, dis
t ; . .... T;;vi cj..
Principle. and Problems."" At 8:15
o'clock Mr. Goodman will deliver an
address on "Religious Work in the
Wheelinff. W. Va.. May 8. loot, i Concrete, " to bo Ulustrated by 75 ster
Some years ago while, at work I fell eopticon views. The local associations
vera truck and severely injured both expect these conferences and address
of my shins. My blood became poisoned m iQ 10g exceedingly interesting and
a a result, aad the doctor told me I. that Mr. Goodman's visit will mean a
wouia nave rnantog seres for Me, ana deal to iheir worit
that if they were healed up the result " i .
WJ&Z lS Busy Meeting-4
Qrtedto the tise of S. S. S. IU effects The Anti-Cigarette Iagi e of Salem
were prompt n4 crHttfying. It took 'met last evening at; the x. M. t . A.
onlv a nSrrt wbtu Vr tk mlrixn tr tn. ' rooiux. The schools were well repre-
tirtly cure up tbe sores, and I am not seated, and a marked enthusiasm, was
dead as the doctors intimated, tior have manifest, Balem's boys and girls pro-
the sores ever broke out again. Some I a pose doing something in the line oi
years have elspped since what X have de-j eradicating the cigarette and its influ
scribed occurred. Having been so aignally ehce. Thev are iroiDg to make the
"caeuuec oy its use 1 can nearaiy recom- iaa yne amount to somcthintr. mo
i rx ft
niend it as the one great blood purifier.
johx w . fuxojs.
Care Schnmlbaek Brewing Co.
leae.in lias not started in sooner to
do practice work becsuso it has been
waiting for examination to be over.
The sol rlt 'of the members ia rising.
and they are taking hold off the work
Chronic HHH t r4 ftM tnri m ntm.
Jives, washes and powders are beneficial, ! tlaHtnUon td
the unhealthy matter in the blood must appointed to ntli."MJ
U driven out or the sere wiU continue the league and report at. the next
to eat and spread. S S. S., reacbee. meeting, Tuesday night. It was also
ete old sores throngh the blood, re-jsnggesied that permanent quarters be
mores all impurities and poisons, builds secure! for the league, and for this
flP the entire system and strengthens: purpose a committee was appointed to
w uircuistjo.- . s. s. is a biooti, invest inte and report at tno bph
pnrifier and tonic combined. ; Containt
bo mineral whst-
V V I. f w
ever but is guaran
teed purely veget
able. If you have
an old sore write
us and crar phvsi
dans will advise
without - charge.
Book on diseases
8Pec,1!8 Comptny, Atlasta, 6a.
meeting.- The Iigue will now an en
trrtainment in the near fntnre, and the
city presidents were instructed to ar
range a program. The tpieslion as to
whether the boys and girls should meet
ei together was decided in the ; a(Brmati-e.
era Ho make; wxekly Tcturts of funds
to the eft treasurer. City ttesidents
Miss Carniel Hollo and H. H. 8kes
took turns in presiding. Mcetiags
will be held nveryj, other .Tuesdsy.
Private Telephone Lines axe being in
stalled by all progressive farmers.
The cost is small in comparison with
the benfits derived. Get our estimates
Western Electric Works, No. 61 Sixth
Street, Portland, Oregon.
E. W. Mocre, photographer. We make
a specialty of enlarging in oil colors,
crayon,' or pasteL Our photographic
Instruments are the latest and we
have all the requirements for first
class work. Seventh and Washington
Sts, Portland, Oregon.
Blnmaoer Prank Drug Co., Portland,
Oregon, Is . headquarters , for Photo
graphic Supplies, Century, Premo, Po
co, Blair and Eastman Cameras. Ev
ery requisite for the Professdonal and
Amateur - Photographer. Writ for
complete catalogue.
the Insurance Commissioner, within six
(G) months from the 23d day of Decern
iber, 1904, the fame being the date of
the first publication of this notice to
withdraw . its deposit from- the said
treasurer- .. ..
Dated tils 2d dav of March, H0..
Sherltf of Marion county, Oregon.
Melrose Restaurant and Quick Lunch
Boom. Surpassing coffee. Neatness
and Dispatch our motto. 270 Alder
street, opposite Hotel ; Belvedere,
Portland, Oregon.
Deafness Cannot Be Cored
Br local a dicat ions, as they cannot
latcti at ftaiem, ur., this join day of I reach the diseased portion oi the ear
December, 1304
Attorney in Fact. ' '
When in Portland patronize the Perkins
Restaurant. Our service is second to
none at popular prices. Give us one i may concern, that the undersigned
trial and realize how nice we will has niod her final account of the part
Notice is hereby given to all whom I unless Ihe inflammation can bo taken
out and this tube restored to its nor
There is only on way to cure dee.fne!i
and that, is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused Dy an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lint v of the Kui-(
tac'hian Tube. .When this tube is in-
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
Imperfect hearinir, and when it is en
tirely closed, deafness is the result, and
treat yon. D. M. Watson, Prop.
Wedding and visiting cards and mono
gram stationery. W. O. Smith tt Cxv
Washington Bldg, Portland, Oregon.
Churchill, Gesner, Hughes, Jacobs,
Skaife, Steusloff.
City Recorder Moores submitted his
report for the month of February which
was referred to the ways and means com
mittee. The report shows that the re
ceipts of the office during the month
were as follows: From fines $40; from
licenses, $452.85 miscellaneous fees,
$7.50; total, $300.33.
Chairman Wallace of the committee
on streets reported favorably npon the
matter of closin t.e alley through
block No. 3.
The committee, on fire and water rec-1
. .a a
that be was about to make arrange
ments for the construction of an elec
tric line from Salem to Portland, Mr.
Anderson said that he was not in a po
sition to verify the statement. "The
publication of the story was pre ma
ture," he declared. "Further "than that
I have nothing to say.
'There is absolutely no truth in the
statement that the capitalists that I
represent are back of the reported
scheme of building the electric railway
from Lewiston through Dayton and
Walla Walla to Pendleton.
''Tt a inwlcd that some monev will
ommended that a fire hydrant be placed j be expended on the Baker City plant,
at the intersection oi aimer ana oag- DUt to what extent 1 am not in a posi
inaw streets and one at the" intersec- tion at this time to definitely state. I
tion oi Commercial and Myers streets
The street committee -was instructed
to ascertain the cost of a gravel screen
plant for use of the city.
The application of a L. Hamilton
for renewal of his saloon license was
referred to the license committee.
J. C. Thompson was granted permis
sion to make certain changes to his
shall remain in Walla Walla several
days, and then go to Portland on a
short business trip."
Turner News Notes.
TURNER, ' March 8 Lester , Smith
accompanied bis psrents, Mr. and Mrs.
Art Smith, to their now home near
frame buildin- on the northwest corner Grass V alley.. Miss Bertha Knight
of High and Conrt streets.
The matter of securing the planking
of the railroad crossings at the inter
section of Commercial and Trade streets
was referred to the street committee.
H. S. Raddiffc and others petitioned
the council for the installation of fire
hvdrsnts at the intersections of Thir
teenth and Howard and Thirteenth and ;
Oxford streets. The matter, was reier
red to the eommitteo on fire and water
The matter of allowing the owners of
the Club Stables to ocild a cement ap
proach to.thcbarn from Liberty street
was referred to the street committee.
The report of City Recorder Moores
for the month of January was reported
npon favorably by the ways and means
committee. ; ; '
A bill for an ordinance to establish
a grade on Second street, in North Sa
lem was passed. '-, '.; '".
, George Ia Rose and' others presented
a petition to the council asking that the
aller. ia block 74 be vacated. The
street eommitteo was instructed to look
into the matter, f. "' V f
The matter , of r building a concrete
culvert across Ybe railroad ditch "on
Mission street was referred to the com
mittee on bridges- :; ' -
The committee on health and police
recommended Ithat the windows in the
city jail-be made more secure by f add
ing four addhfonal cross bars to the
iron gnards on each window and then
placing a strong wire netting npon the
outside. . The committee also recom
mended rcrtaid improvements in the
sanitsry i condil ion of the jail, all of
which were, referred to the committee
on public buildings. -
Instructions were given to tbe treet
committee to prepare an ordinance reg
ulating the matter of eel 1105 telegraph
also joined the party, going for a. few
weeks' visit. '
E. A. Childs gave a Very , interest
ing talk bh the , temperance quostion
in Oregon at the' Presbyterian church.
He represents the Anti-haloon League
iHew Today,
first class. Dan Catlow, Turner, Ore
gon. Route 2. ' . -
ner ship est ate of . Martin L. Cbamber-
lin and vbarles B. Moores (Martin L.
Chamberlin deceased), and that the
court, has set the same for hearing on
the 1st day of April, 1905, at 2 o'clock
p. m. of said day at the county court
room in tne county court nouse in tue
eity of Salem, in Marion county, Ore
gon, and that the said final account
will be heard and passed upon by the
said court at said time and place.
Dated; at Salem, Oregon, this the
28th dav of February, i03.
"rose w; chamtjeiilin.
Administratrix of the 1 said part nor
mal condition, hearing will be destroy
ed forever; nine eases out of ten are
caused by catarrh, which is nothing but
an inflamed condition of the mucous
We will ffive One Hundred Dollars
for any case of deafness (caused by ca
tarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Hend for circulars, free.
F. J. Cheney &. Co., Toledo, O.
Sold bv druggists, 7.x.
Take Hall's Family IilU for consti-
EGOS WANTED-we ARE ivow Notice is hereby given to all whom
Buying eggs, can on u m prices it my concern, that the undersigned
oerore yon seu. vommerciat ream v ai.1 k-. 4.i .. m,.
of Martin -L. Chamberlin late of Ma
rion county, Oregon, deceased, and
that the court has set the same for
bearing on the 1st day of April, 1905,
at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day : at the
county court room in the county court
' Companny.
er pups. Also Ma goon and Wilson
strawberry plants at $1.50 per 1000.
J. B. Peterson, Shaw, Oregon.
I WANT TO BUYLTVE HOG AND bouse at the city of Salem in Marion
pigs, also dueks, spring chickens, and eoonty, Oregon, and that the said ac
hens. I will pay the highest cash eount and any objections thereto will
price ror same, iuoc lung, 25 UD-i .aru.mnu Parocu UPU VJ uv wurv
vtat tr"ryev ovicm. vrrKuo, I w sf.
Dated at . Salem, Oregon, this the
A PAYING PROPOSITION. IF YOU 28th-day of Febfusry, 1903.
have $10 or $100 or $1000 to invest
in a dividend paying proposition that
will grow, fast in value, send fie post
age for prospectus to Box 309, Salem,
Oregon. '."'-
Lester. Morris, who has been .suffer-1
ing with rang trouble for some time,
the "Carey Irrigation Act." Deed
direct from, state, write or cell to-
j - V 1 a . n m W
ir s.;- . nay.1 JMWueii ana mp irw u.
that climate would benefit him. C 2l Strct Port
The Turner Farmers' Telephone 1 lai1' tf"'gtn-
Company held their annual meeting THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT CO.
iionaay. xne ouicvia were nrcieu
and new members vetol in. Tho mem-
Administratrix of the estate of Mar
tin u Chamberlin, deceased.
bership now reaches nearly 50. It is
expected' that the Marion and Stayton
lines will connect' with Turner's line,
Three members were, selected, to at
tend the Commercial Club convention
to be held' in 'Salem March '' 23. .
The Turner school is smaller .than
usual this spring, and it 'was thought
best to dispense with one teacher. Mis
L. Hkks returns to-; her home at Hil
vcrton. . -
E. Roberts and. wife" visited- over
Sunday with tho- former's parents at
Marion. ; .'. . . ' '
do a general 'transfer v business. Wo
have wood fiber plaster. Also Roche
Harbor lime for spraying. General
builders' and contractors' supplies.
Front and Cbemeketa streets.
Tho Colonel a Waterloo.
" Colonel John M. rnller,. of -Honey
Grove, Texas, nearly met his "Waterloo
from liver and kidney trouble,; Jn a
recent .letter be says: "I was nearly
dead, of these complaints, and although
I tried ray family doctor, he did ins no
good; so I-got , a-50e bottle of your
CTeat- Electric Bitters, which enred me.
I consider them the best medicine on
earth, and thank God- who -gave you
the knowledge to mate the m." Sold
and guaranteed to eure djfpepsis, "bil
iousness and kidsey, disease, by Dan 1
X Fry, druejist at Sim a bottle.
port cards are printed .to lit ths
- school register. Tho prices are:
Twelve cards for Is) cents' twenty
five for 20 cents; on "Hundred for 75
ents. Statesman Publishing Co Sa
lem, Oregon. '
chickens, geese, ducks and all kinds
of yarns produce "at Capital- Contra is
- sion Co4 259-257 Commercial, St., Sa
lem, Oregon. Phone 2231. '
v Surseoa and Dentist. Gradnate of
. of Ontario Veterinary College. Hon
orable Member. Ontario Medical So
. eiety. ,OSce at Lowe's Capital Sta
ble. Phone Main 1661. Calls atten
',. ded to promptly. , . r ,
In the Countv Court of the State ofl
-Oregon for the County-of Marion.
In the Matter of the Estate of William
1 T. Logan.- Deceased. :
i Notice is hereby eiven that the un
dersigned admistrator has filed bis final
account in the above entitled court
and that tne judge ; of said - court has
appointed Saturday, the 11th day of
March, 190.J, at ten o'clock in the fore
soon, as the time for the hearing of
Objections to said final account and the
settlement thereof. All heirs, creditors
er other persons interested in the estate
are hereby required to file- their ob
jections thereto oa or before said date.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 0th day!
Administrator of the above Estate.
IT A TnTIVBflV ID -, .
a-v mm . m 9W -S"
, . Attorney for, the Administrator.
2H(TY. . .-.
Notice is "hereby given, that ly vir
tue of an execution duly issued out of
the Circuit Court of the tState of. Ore
gon, for the couoty of Marion.- and to
me directed, on the 1st dsy of March,
1905, npon -ia. judgment duly reojlered,
entered and docketed- of record - and
docketed in and by said court on the
2ith day of January. '-1 0o, inrcertain
action then in saidVeourt , pending.
wherein Jane McGuire was plaintiff and
Charles Scott and Robert XL Scott, ai
co-partners, doing business under the
firm 'name and style of the Woodburn q..
Meal :
These arc big bargains. .We
have other Don't buy until
you see ns.
320 acres of good Isnd, well
improved, pert in growing crop,
running water. Let us tell you
more about it. Priee $14 per
Sere. - .
160 seres, 80 acres in cultiva
tion, bouse, Aarn, running water,
near railroad land' level, very
fine, timber. Price only $33 per
acre, including a largo number
of .live stock and . farm imple
ments. A map.
We hare a number., of ' fine
farms in different parts of the
county. It will bo to your in
- terest to see ns.
City property, in different lo
cations and all prices. A few:
S room cottage, new, large lot,.
, on car line. Price $'i.'0; Jess
than contractor priee for the
house. . ,
10 room house, molcrn, loiat
ed a few blocks from the court
house. Price $2800. Part time. .
5 room house, lot 110x110, good "
welL Priced for a few days at
$100. half cash, 4lain-e to suit.
Vacant lots in all psrts of the
ty, $ps and up. -
Have yon Eastern property to
exchange! Call. W o have a
number of liouaos for rent.
Boom 11, over "Red Front
Drag Store.
Corner of CommerdAl and CUta