W E CULT OREGON STATESMAN.' rEIDAY, MARCH 3,: 1305.. 5 I he City l (From Wednesday's Daily.) Resigned " I Mr. D. A. 'Coovert, who' has Wen taking care of tbe grounds at the Cap itol building, has resigned his position there on account of ill-health. Hies Final Account '. Misv Boe W Chamberlain, as ad ministratrix of the estate ..of the late M. L. Chamberlain, yesterday filed her final account in 'the -county 1 court. Judge Scott, fixed April 30 us th time ' r. bearing same.. Ddrei Letters of Guardianship Philomena; Bolter asks to be cp pointed gjardian of the "person pad estate of her mother, Mrs. '.' Harriett Jfoisarf, who "is over 82 years of, age and no longer able to look after ber business affair The matter will le heard by County Judge Scott on Thurs day, Mah 16. t Another Good Month " February was another good . month for business in the Marioi county clerk's office, .the fees collected' by Clerk J. W. Roland aggregating $338.25. Amounts were crlited to the several accounts as follows: Cir cuit court, $106.50; probate court, $137.50; marriage licenses, $01.75; ws cellaneous fees, $32.50. Authorized to Sell Property Bitting in probate, County Jndge 8ott yesterday made an order author. izing w. .i. vuivr ar guaniun to eu certain rral property belonging to Adoluh and Charles Mathes, minor children, The property to be sold eon- lists of the 'east half of the northwest quarter and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 33, township 5 south, range 1 east, eon1 taining 320 acre. Bestored to Citizenship Upon the recommendation of friends and prominent citizens of Multnomah county, who represent that he has been living an exemplary life since his re lease from custody, Governor Chamber lain yesterday granted a full pardon, to John A, Lonr, who served-a five-year wntence for the crime of larceny In a store. Long has been out of prison several months, having completed -his. term of sentence; and the Governor is informed thol he ha been bard at work and leading a respectable life ever sin"e. The pardon operates simply as a restoration to citizenship in his ease. At Willamette University Mrs. Jessio Kldrieh. Southwiek of Boston, Mass.,' addressed fhe students of Willamette University in the col lege chapel yesterday morning on the "Development of Personality." Hbe handled the subjeet in a most rnterest ing and able manner and the impres sion the made was a deep and lasting one. At the conclusion of her remarks, M(f2y request, she gave the assembled rtudhits and faculty two readings, "The Chambered Nantilia," and t.ife tnd Hong," both delivered in her .wn inimitable style, ana which were re ceived by tboee present with bursts of spplause. Mrs. Southwiek is a, class mate of Professor Savage, instructor in oratory at the. university. ? .(I-'rom Thursday's Daily.) Good Month, for Recorder The office of the Marion county re corder als enjoyed a healthy business during the month of February, the re ceipts aggregating $373.75. The busi ness in this department of the coun ty a government is rapidly increasing. Idathea Estate Appraised The report of the appraisers, "filed in the Marion ecninty ew'urf yesterday, shows that tho estate of the late John Mathes, consisting of real and personal proprty is valued at f 1,400. The ap praisemant was made bv W. II. Bars, Wm. A, Mitchell and John Siegmund. Whelan Estate in Probate Mrs. Mary A. Whelan, widow of the late Michael Whelan, was yesterday appointed administratrix of her hus band's estate, her bond being fixed in the mm of 2,000, which she furnished, Tbe real property of the estate is val ued at -about $3,000 and. the personal at $500. Lewis Crozier, J. D. Alexan der 3nd L. P. Hopkins were appointed I suffered for long time with a bac case of Catarrh, and took a great deal of medicine without any benefit. I had a continual headache, my cheeki bad grown purple, my nose was alwayt stopped up, my breath had a sickening and disgusting odor, and I coughed incessant! I heard of your S. S. & snd wrote you. I commenced to use it, and after taking several bottles I was cured and have never since had the slightest symptom C4 the disease. Miss Mary L. Storm. Cor. 7th & Felix Sts., St. Joseph, Mo. Wheeling, w. Va. May 29, iqoj. X had Nasal Catarrh for vears for which 1 nsed S. S. S. with very gratifying results. ' I tried local applications for tome time, snd getting no permanent relief I camctc vuuciusion mat tne seat or uieirouDic was in the blood. Knowing S. & S. to be a rood blood medicine I Wis its use. snd after using it for some little while i! wa away entirely with the offensive mu cus In the nnctnla .x T .K.l nnl Kara tf nawk and spit, especially in the morning, uuuoage toe catarrhal matter. 1627 South St. Fred H. Pressy. The filthy secretions and foul mucus thai fe continually dropping hack into the roat, find their way into the stomach w are absorbed into the blood. Catarrh then becomes con stitutionaLand the only way to get rid ot u is through, tne blood. Write nsil . yon have Catarrh, and our physici ans will ad vise yoc J Swift Speclflo Comptiy, Atltati, Ctv M KJ by -Judgo tx'ott to act as appraisers. The heir to' tue estate are the widow and tea children, James Whelan pf Ida ho;' John WbelarJ,, of Big Bend, Mont.; Mrsv ,J. O. 'Savage, of Tairfield, Or.; Mia Sarah A. Whelan, of Portland; William, Martha,' Michael, Edward, Augustine and Raphael Whelan, of Salem. -v . '' s r . : ; u , To Purchase Tide Lands I While in session yesterday 'the State Land Board received an application from Frank J. Taylor, et aL, for the parr base of 5.12 acres of tide lands on Young's Bay, situated in sections 18 aad 19, township 8 north, range 9 west. It is situated back of Astoria in Clat sop county. Tide land is worth $2 per acre, the legal price. The board will take the matter up and act upon it at the next regular meeting. ' Superintendent Here F. C, Winton, superintendent of the Pacific coast district of the American Sunday School Union, was a Salem vis iror yesterday. He was entertained by Key. VV. , R. Winnans, the missionary for this state of the Union. The two men had long conference concerning the work of the Union in this state, which was found to be prospering under the direction of Mr. "Wmnans. The mat ter of the extension of the work to the Chemawa district was also taken up. Mr. Winton leaves Salem this morning for his home in Berkeley, California. Petition for Guardian JUson F. Doud and O. R Thompson yesferday petit ioned the Marion coun ty; court, asking that O. B. Lawrence t r, w.s. : . A . 1 1 1 - . X f ?"d estate of Herman Van Dusen, who '"'""S " imuaic 01 ine syium. Xhe ward's- estate con- , ,C1, rr.pcny, me- pnuuoie tee appointed ty the council to investi value of which is given in the petition j gate the condition of the present strue as $250, and personal property valued iture, determine whether or not it was at $75. The petitioners state that O. necessary to replace it with a new one, B. . Lawrence is a member of the I. I. (and if so to make inquiries and report Stevens 1'ost Xo. 51, G. A. R., of , their findings at the next meeting of which Van Dusen is also a member. and that he is willflig to accept the trust of guardianship without compen sation. The petition is to be heard on March 13, at 1 o'clock p. m. Another petition, has .been filed asking that Chas. L. Ogle be appointed guardian of the person and estate of Herman Van Dusen. (From Friday 'a Daily.) The Lawn-Mower's Whirring song wad heard in Salem yesterda far the first time this spring. Several SkJemitea were 1usv shaoino-! up the lawns 1 n the front yards and j of the latter plan and will so re rs ouf. trimming off the :rt at lh neat Tuesday even- Lad their mowers long grans inai lias grown unner ine benifieent rays of the sun and the gen tle rains that have fallen recently. .... . i . . . . i . This 1.1 indeed a great country. Mow ing; fawns in ; March! Taxes Coming in Rapidly Up to last evening about $90,000 had been collected upon tbe 1904 tax roll by Sheriff Culver, 1eing almost one third of the entire amount of the roll. A little more than a week remains in which the taxpayers may take advan tage of the 3 per cent rebate and the sheriff will no doubt be called upon to issue a large number of receipts be- tween now and March 15, when the time 'limit expires. Is Certainly a Peach As a result of the mild, balmy weath er anr the bright rays of sunshine with which the Willamette valley has been blexsed during- the past two weeks, a peah tree which stands at the rear of Salem's city hall, is 'literally covered with blossoms and presents a beautiful sight. The tree is in a healthy condi tion and unless nipped by frost, bids fair to produce a heavy erop of the de licious fruit. This tree covered with fragrant blossoms is attracting a great deal of attention. "Good Old Summer Time." a great part ot uiem resteii yester-j day. That is, that portion that doesn't have to work or which is too young toi get busy with the cares of life. Thej warm ras of the suu reminded one of the, "good old summer time," and many took to the shade of the trees in tTTe parks and squares oT the City. The big lawn with its shade trees in front of the state eapitol building gave shelter and comfort to a large number of jeople who "wandered there for rec reation or rest. Marlon square's benches and sprouting lawn attracted as many more, while for the busier ones the shady side of tho Streets bad to be good enough. Mr.' Tord Is Resting Easy Hon. 1 umnn Ford, who a week ago today was removed to St. Vincent's Hospital in Portland, is reported as resting easy, although there is no par ticular ehaikie in his' condition. When Mr, Ford fell in his room in this city a trout three months ago and fractured his leg at a point -mmediately above the knee, it seems he also sustained an injury to his hip which, however, did not appear to be of a serious nature at the time, but has since proved more severe than was thought." The attend ing physicians are attempting to ascer tain the nature of Mr. Ford's injury by means of the X-ray and his many friends in this city will hope for his speedy, permanent recovery. February Breaks the Record Salem broke the record for fire alarms during tbe month of February, the I fire department being called upon to make eleven runs, tne largest num ber for a single month in the history of the;ety. The total loss by fire, how ever, wss but S4 10.75. according to tbe books kept by Chief T. W. Pugh. On tbe (night of Ibruary jo a vacans house owned by J. Vineent of Portland was totally destroyed at the corner of Thirteenth street a'nd Bural avenue, the loss being $370.75, covered by in surance.: On the morning- of February Ia room in theEldredge lodging house on Commercial street was damaged to Rr extent of $40, tbe fire originating bv j a cigar stump being dropped upon a lounge by tbe-occupant of the room. These two fires, the former of incendiary origin, were the only ones that resulted in loss. Of tbe eleven alarms turned in during the; month, three were lor chimney fires and two were false. In each instance, whether Ibe alarms were turned ha during the day or night tain, the fire department responded promptly and the wk of the firemen oa all occasions was w vond criticism, - '. : ' CEMENTORWOOD COMMERCIAL t STREET BRIDGE " QUESTION TO COME UP rORN DECISION SOON. ' 1 Council Committee Has Plans Drawn for Cement Structure and Will Re port at Next Meeting People In clined to Permanent Structure. Will the people of Salem elect to Diuid a permanent bridge over : South Mul ereek, on Commercial street, or will they be satisfied with another wooden structure such . as now graces the stream and street? Certain it is that some kind of a bridge will have to.be constructed over this stream, and that in the very near future, for the present structure is sadly iu need of replacing as it is unsafe for teams to pass over, to say nothing of the street ear traffic, etc The matter has been thoroughly investigated by the city eonncil committee, which has decided to report favorably upon the construc tion of a cement bridge at the next couneil meeting. It is probable that a petition will come into the council upon tne same evening to nave the question referred to a vote of the people, who will re askeu to deeiite whether they are in favor of bonding the city for $20,000 for the building of a permanent bridge or whether they preft-r to have the oil one replaced with another wood eu oue, wiuen win cost more than a iirl Jc " . r"n lr re" aiayor Waters and Councilmen Ces- ner ani Steuslofif eoniiHHe the commit- the council, -together with such recom mendations as they saw fit to make. After making the investigation the members of the committee are con vinced that the present bridge will not stand long of itsdf and that it must I be replaced. Having eome to this con clusion they next turned their atten tion to what sort of a bridge would be for the best interests of the people and the city. Having, made due and dili gent inquiry the committee finds that a new wooden structure could be built for about $4000 and that a more per- ! n,anent one ouii re built for. about $20,008. They are unanimous in the PORTLAND Some of the Reliable Men and Concerns of EYE SPECIALIST. PHOTOGRAPHER. ELLCTRIC AND OAS SUPPLIES. wWssWsgMMMMM VNMMVVMMMWWVMWWMMWVMMMVMWMWeaV WMMWMWMWWVwVWMMWWMMM Snkmw a f) HfinfJlflAR flf Phlnfiflfl E- W. Mocre, photographer. We make Private Telephone Lines are being in- yT u. uuuiiiuuouiuiiiuiW a specialty of enlarging in oil colors, stalled by sU progressive farmers. f f Ey" fc,,,t crayon, or pastel. Onr photograph! The cost is small in comparison with I YlZTi l 7k P?ne4 lnQPoT,t Instruments are tho latest and we the henflts deriyed. Get our estimates. Vvy? yjfojtto boXmi: ,cail have all the requirements for first- Western Electric Works, No. 61 Sixth NX and tee him. class work. Seventh and Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. SBS 120 vntii at. Sta, Portland, Oregon. -- - '" RESTAURANTS.-.' DENTISTS. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. mmmwwm I Melrose Restaurant and Quick Lunch Dr. Charles W. Barr, Dentist, 817 Tbe Blnmaner Frank Drug Co., Portland, Room. Surpassing coffee. Neatness Dekum, Portland,' Or. 'Phone Main Oregon, Is headquarters ' for Photo- and Dispatch our motto. 270 Alder 1Q09 graphic Supplies, Century, Premo, Po-' street, opposite Hotel Belvedere, ' co, Blair and Eastman Cameras. Ev- Portland, Oregon. ery requisite for the Professional and WEDDING CARDS. Amateur Photographer. Write for When In Portland patronise tbe Perkins mwwiwwwwwwmwm complete catalogue. 4 Restaurant. Our service is second to Wedding and visiting cards and mono- none at popular prices. Give us one gram stationery. W. G. Smith St Co " trial and realize how nice we will Washington Bldg, Portland, Oregon. Legal Blanks at Statesman Job Office treat you. D. M. Watson, Prop. Bg with the recommendation that a cement, double-arch bridge le built, having satisfied themselves that this is the best and cheapest methoil ana ma terial for the construction of a per manent, solid bridge. Acting upon this decision the com mittee has had complete plans and specifications made for the building of such a bridge as will be recommended, and a petition will be started in circu lation either today or tomorow in order that it may be presented to the council at the same meeting. It will require the signature of one-third of the num ber of votes received by the mayor at the last municipal election, or 343, to bring the matter properly before th council and authorize the submission of the question to the people In order to authorize the issuance of the bonds by the city it will require a two-thirds majority of the vote f ast; "Considerable favorable talk his been heard upon the proposition since the publication of She findings of the committee in the Statesman of last! week, while little or no unfavorable comment has lieea heard, which lea Is to the conclusion that the citizen of Salem will recognize the need of a per manent and safe crossing for this stream and will not fail to say so when they east their votes npon the que tion." This is the opinion of one of Salem's most prominent citizens end heaviest taxpayers in conversation w'fh a Statesman reporter last evenirg. When , people get over the nabit of looking at the first cost of such un important improvement, and take into consideration the permanency of it eomi pared to the continual expense which is incurred I in keeping a temporary structure in repair, they Will find that it is much more economical to do things right in the beginning than it' is to save at first and spend forever after." Lively Time Is Promised A school meeting will be held in tbe West Salem school district on Mon .ay evening of next week, which promises to be a lively and ' interesting affedr. The matter to "eome up for discuss'on is the proposed removal of the school house from ! its present location on what is generally called . the flat, to the hill northwest of West Salem prop er. The school was formerly loested on Fairview MIL' south of tbe principal residence portion of tbe city " across the river, but after repeated efforts it was removed to the fiat about three years ago and has, since been taught there.- The change of location now proposed is being strongly objected to by tbe patrons residing on the'flat" and an interesting time is expected at tbe meeting, Monday evening. v Legal Blasts at" Statesman Job Office! DO YOU SUFFER From Bleating, Heartbarnf Nau sea, Belching or Cramps? If o we want jou to try H stutter's Stom ach . Bitters at, nce - A done before meals wilt tone op and strengthen the digestive orean and cause the bowels to relax." Then these ailments : will qoiekly disappear. It has made thoust ande of weak etomach strong daring tne pt ou years, it also cares in digestion, Dyspepsia, - Insomnia, Chills, Colds, Latirlpp nd sla- tana. - HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS MORE INTEREST STUDENT A WILLAMETTE UNI VERSITY SHOWING GREAT ATH LETIC ENTHUSIASM. " Beady Response to Manager Simpson's Call for Candidates for Track Team Athletes Are Indulging in Cross country Euus and Indoor Work. Never before In the history of ath letics at Willamette University has there been manifested the general in terest that is now evidenced there. The entire student -body has caught the fever and great things -may surely be expected from the track team this sea son. Coach Keller is enthusiastic over the manner rn which the students co operate with him, and hopes 'to place in. the field a team that will cover it self with glory at the big intercollegi ate meet -that will be held at the State Fair Grounds in June. To the call issued by Manager SimrA son for candidates for the.Ctraek tara there was an unusually ready response. But the number now at work will be, augmented considerably with the' close of the basketball seasen. This will be over within two weeks ,aud the men now engaged in that , game will give their entire time to training for the track and field events. Probably some of the best timfoer at the universitv is now engaged in basketball, and with their addition to the string of candi dates now out, things will look much brighter. Already outdoor work for the.eandi-. FSUSWESS dates has een levun. Coach Keller is putting the men through a, eross-eoun try run "altout three times each week. The first run over the country was for only a mile, but this distance is being increased with eacb succeeding jaunt, and will be continued until the men are properly possessed of their wind. It is possible, too, that considerable of this line of work will be . done be cause of the condition of the track: The work on the new oval has not vet begun and it will take several days to put it in shape, "so that for purposes of running the candidates will have to confine" tnemselves to the erons-coantry stunt. Coach Keller has been trying to get a line on tbe men for some of tjie field events. Four men have been put to work on the pole vault and high jump. More have been doing a turn with the weights and the hammers. ' Lonsbcrry has shown remarkable abilit in the high jump. He has already topped th-r timber at . tbe five-foot mark without training and wTTTi apparently no exer tion. This look awful good and be ought to be aide to increase that ' by several inches before the closo of the season. Just now. he is sid up with the grip and will .be out of he gym for a week, possibly. James is, a most promising candidate in the weights. He was star performer bst season snd will receve much attention from Coach Keller. Lonsberry is also good rn this line and will give it much of bis attea tion when be gets to work again. Coach Keller feels that the fact tht the boys have taken up -baseball may interfere with the be results in tbe track line. He hasteen leneooraged, however, Co 'believe that the .baseball players will wot devote .their exclusive attention To the game, but 1 will come out for positions on the track team HALF-BREED SHOOTS. Trys to Kill But Shots Go Wild and xnteaoed vtcnm sarea. KLAMATH FALLS, Or- March, 1.- At a dance out . near Yaiaax,' oa Kla math Indian Reservation, there was too much booze, and as a result two In diana were shot, though neither of them was fatally; wounded. William Berkley, a half-breed, did the shooting. Homer Hutchinson,, a. full-blood, was shot in $ be foot, and. 'George Riddle, a half-breed, was wounded in the hip. It will be some time before the latter will attend another dasce.. No arrests have yet been made. As the shooting oc curred on the reservation, the matter will eome up before 'the UnUed States courts, if srrests ate made.; , , New Today MP RiiPntT rn "run XT tiv ALCBALBD IdlGAT II A, first class.. Dan Catlow, Tnrner, Ore gon, Route 2. .- o 77 f i- Sunnyside. $600 payment. . J. L Knight, Rosedale.' Tnrm 124. EGGS WANTED. WE ARE NOW Com pan ny. I WANT TO BUY LIVE HOGS AND pigs, also ducks, spring chickens, and has filed her final account of the part hens. I will pay the highest essh nership estate of Martin L. Chamber price for same, Quong Hing, 54 Lib- liu and Cbarlea B. Moores (Martin L. ertr street, Salem. Oregon. Chamberlin deceased), and that the FREE LAND IN OREGON. UNDER HER - LAND. IN OREGON. UNDER the -Carey Irrigation Act.- Deed direct from state. Write or call to- f" " iaj. rMWKieis ana map iree. o. ss. Cook & Co., 231 Alder Street, Pdrt, land, Oregon. ' i - day. THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMeInT CO. do a general transfer business. We have' wood fiber plaster. , Also Roche Harbor lime for spraying. General builders' and contractors' supplies.. rront and Chemeketa streets. REPOET CARDS OUR SCHOOL BE port cards are printed to fit tbe school register. Tbe prices '.are; Twelve cards for 19 cents; twenty five for 20 cents; on hundred for 75 ents. Btatesman Publishing Co Sa- lent, Oregon COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HIGHEST CASH I PRICE PAID FOR 'chickens, geese, ducks snd all kinds of farm produce at Capital Commis sion Co., 259-257 Commercial St., Sa lem, Oregon. Phone 2231. VETERINARY SURGEONS. MMMAMWIMMIMyMM DR. C. J. KORINEK. VETERINARY Surgeon and Dentist. Graduate of of Ontario Veterinary College. Hon orable Member Ontario Medical So ciety. Office at Lowe's Capital Sta ble. Phone Main 1661. Calls atten ded to promptly. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO PRESENT CLAIMS " i Notice is hereby given 'that the tin- Fiji RECTORY Oregon's Metropolis. dersigned has been -appointed, by th county ;ourt or Clarion county, crre- , : '. - gon, administrator of the tae of Mary I. Burge, deceased, and air per- sons havtng claims aga nst said estate are required to present the same to the . . -. . un.iersignea at tne iaw jomce 01 jonn li. ami el MC?.ary, jjnsn-rreyman, biock, raiem, vrgon, umy yri.uw " required by. law, withm six montns from- date, nereor. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this ICth day of February, 1905. CHARLES C. FISHER. Administrator! of the estate of Mary j K. Burge, deeeaseiL I ; ; " "rr"- I ADMINISTBATRX&. S NOTICE. . I Notice is hereby eiven that the un- dersigned has been appointed by the f , n... I onn ..m.n;.trari ..f the tate of If!-fc-.i m...,, ,w.i a,t .11 rwr. ... .v . . . .. . , . . I I Bush-Breyman Block, Salem, Oregon, " , . -7 , J.t. Tbe southwest quarter of section 3 in sons having claims agaiast said estate w g -f are hereby notified to present the same wijte Meridian, In Marion county, to the-nndersigned st the law office of 0ret(0n be sold in the msnner pre- John H. MeNary and C. L. McNary, ,rihlt.t v. i,w bv referee nnnlniA ouiy vermes as require oy law, """'"igaid sale be applied first, to tbe pay six months from date thereof. . I Dated at Salem, Orogon, this 3d day of March, 1905. ff MARV A. WHELAN, Administratrix I of the estate of Michael Whelan, deceased. i. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. .Notice is hereby given o sU persons concemeL that tbe .undersigned has leen doly appointed by the County Court of Marion county, Oregon, as ad ' - k A 1 I ""uuu ,,wl ' ,7 " " inca, oeecawa, a ji pcrnon. "F"K I Claims giM taw e-uw an, requires to present tne same ooiy yen- fied to tbe undersigned at the law office of W. M. Kaiser and W. T. Slater ia the city of Salem, Oregon, within six montns irom tne uate 01 ims nonrc 1 All persons indebted to said estate will J 1905, and tbe date of the first publica make. immediate payment to tbe under-j tion hereof ia the 20th dsy of January, signed.'. 1 Date.1 this 3d dsy of March, 1903. 1 W. M--BUSHET. I Administrator of the estate of John Mathes. deceased, Notice of Intention to Withdraw Insxtr-1 ance Deposit by the Manchester As- tne of sn execution duly Issued out jf rurance Co of Manchester, England. tb circuit Court of the Stste of Ore To Whom .lt I May 'Concern: Jnac- gon, for the county of Marion, and to eordance with tire requirements of the Laws of tbe State of Oregon, rela'iive to j the insuTanc- companies, notice is hereby given, that the Manchester As-1 suranee Conrpany," of Manchester, Eng- land, ; desiring to cease doing basincsj within the state of Oregon, intenl to withdraw, its deposit with toe trensorer lof said state, sad wilL if no claim aganttt said company shall be filed with the Insurance Commissioner, within six (0) months from tbe "3d day of Deeeov !r 1904 tb an" thjp d4t ef j k tint publication of this notice to withdraw its deposit from the said treasurer. TtiAt a jotm r - v r. inth v l December, 1904. MANCHESTER ASSURANCE CO. FRAiK J. DEVLIN, T Attorney in Fact. FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is. hereby given to all whom lit msy concern, thst the nndersigned I, K.tef ., J x 1 1st day of April 03 s t lJZu & Mnrt hia Mt ihn (Am fnr htrinir nil county court I : v i it.. , oi : r i , . , ., ' ff Lf i 1 gon and that the said final wuat will be beard and passed upon bv the ourt at said time and place Dated a't Salem, Oregon, this the 2Stb dav of February, i9n."S. 'ROSE W. CHAMBERLIN, Administratrix of the said partner ship estate. . ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is .hereby given to all whom it may1 Concern, that the undersignea has filed her final sceount at the estate J 0f Martin L.. Chamberlin late of Ms noa county, uregon, ieceasei, ana that tha court has set the same for bearing on tbe 1st day of April, 1903, at '3 o'cioeu. p. m. oi sai.i iay at tne county court room in the county court house at the city of Salem in , Marion county, Oregon, and that the , said nc count and any objections thereto will be beard and passeJ upon by the conrt at said time and place. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this" the 28th dav of February, 1905. ; 'ROSE W. CHaMBERLIN. Administratrix of the estate of Mar I tin L. Chamberlin, deceased NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT BY ADMINISTRATOR. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the t;ountv- or Marion. In the Matter of the Estate of William T. Logan, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned admistrator has filed his final account in the above entitled court and that the judge of said court has appointed Saturday, the 11th day of March, 190(5, at ten o'clock in the fore noon, as the time for th hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. All heirs, creditors or other" persons interested In the estate are hereby required to file their ob jections thereto on or before said date. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 9th day of February, 1905. WM. B. SIMPSON, Administrator of the above Estate. H. A. JOHNSON, JR., Attorney for the Administrator. " SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of iregon for Marion county. J. M. Hol- E linesworth and Myrtle L. Hollings- Worth, his wife, Plaintiffs, vs. David N. Darling and Elizabeth Darling, bis wife, Robert Wilson and Melissa J. viUon, .his wife, Harvey Ketcbesou nd Susan Ketcheson, his wife, James ollinesworth, Annie Jyooise Holines- ward Hollinfswortb, Robert- Hollinss- wortn, uaven t-ragg, tiertna cragg, t.m- Craffir. Morlev Craec. Jennie Craee. 1 To David N. Darling, Elizabeth Dar ling, Robert Wilson, Melissa J. Wilson Harvey Ketcheson, Susan Ketcheson I James Hollingsworth, Annie Louise Hoi .iB8?h,- James. Walter llollings. WUIID. f 1 Li II I ri I I IIUIIIUVIHI IIU. Till ,. , ,1 ... .1. t 1. t ham Edward Hollingsworth, Robert HolliDg9worth cf Cra?R, Bertha c Emm; Cragg. Morley Cragc, j ( Mrs. W. H. Darling! Georee 1T- Dariinjr Ani Sarah L. Dar- ,. tbe above namc1 defendants: ln tbe Bllim, 6f the tate of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby re qu;rd to apoear and answer tbe comolaint of the above named plaintiffs in the above entitled Sltit now on file with the elerk of tbe above entitled court within six weeks from the date of the first publi cation of this summons, and you are hereby notified that if you fail to ap- pear and answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiffs will ap- Ply be curt for the relier demand ed 10 their said eomplsmt. to-wit: A I? ot the coortad judging that the following described premises, to-wit: TnA AnnilWAa i.iarla. C J. onrt. kBd that the nroceed. f ment of the cosU and disbursements of the said suit snd the expenses of tbe said sale; second, to the payment to the plaintiff J.- .M. Hollingsworth of the snm ef $3110, to reimhnrse him for the expenses incurred in making final proor npon nam premises it poa behalf of tne heirs of Robert T. Dar Iinrg, deceased; third, tbe balance to be distributed . among the plaintiffs and IVJ' ""7". VI defendants according to their respective IBICICIVI iu mo said premises as de other relief sSTnsy meet in eqnity. - This summons ts published see f six successive weeks in the Weekly Oregon Statesman, by order Of tbe Hon. John II. Seott, Connty Jude ef said connty, made at Chambers, in the city of Salem, in Marion county, ureeon. on tne.iita nay of January. 190.. . . - . - - v UKWITT & SOX, - " Attornevs for Plaintiff. IKILUUIIT'8 SALE OF REAL PROP- xvriee is berebv eiven: that h Fr me directed, on He 1st dsy of March, 19a, upon a," jument duly rendered, entered and docketed of record tand docketed ja seJ by said' court oa the 4th day of JatuaryV 1905, in a certain action then ii said court pending, tercla Jac HeOoire'was pUintiff and Cbark s fVott sal lloKtt IF. t"it, co-pa rincrs, doing business under the firm name and style of the Woodburn Milling Co. were .defendants, in favor Of plaintiff and againt said defendants, by which execution I am commanded that out of the personal property of the said defendants, owned by them jointly, and the separate jrjnal prop erty it tne defendant Charles Scott, or if sufficient cannot he founU then out of the real property belontiug to said defendants jointly, and the separate real property of the defendant Charles Scott, to satisfy the snm of six thou sand six hundred and ninety-six .dol lars and ninety-nine cents ($6,fi96.99) in United States gold coin, now due on said judgment, with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum in like gold coin, front the 24th day of Janu ary, 95, ami tne runner sum 01 $IS.60, costs, a'tod also the costs of and upon this writ, I will, uu Saturday, the, 1st day of . April, 1P5, at. the hour or 1 10 o'clock a. ui. of said day, at the we.tt I door of the county court hue in Ihe city of Salem, in Marion county, Ore- . gon, sell at public auction tk the high- j est bidder for cash in hand, on the lay of sale, all the right, title, interest ahd estate, which said defendants, Charles Scott and Robert H, Scott, as co partners didng business uuder the pursuance and style of the Woodburn Milling Co. have jmtlv, and all pir- Sins claiming; under them, subsequent to the 24th day of January. 1905, in, of and to said premises hereinbefore men tioned and which are descriled a fol lows: ' Beginning at a point in the mid. lie of the main track of the Oregon and California railroad at the northwest corner of a four acre tract of land deed ed to y. C Walker by J. II. Settletnier and wife on the 5th day of November, A. D. 1883, in township 5 south, range 1 west of the Willamette Meridian; running thence 563.4.1 feet north 57 degrees and 4 minutes eSst to the northeast corner of ,the said Walker tract of land; th'cnce south 13 degrees west along the east boundary of said Walker tract and leyond 4G7.65 feet to the north boundary of the. donation laud claim of ,J. H. Ducbarme; thence south 77 drrees ' east on said north boundary 34 feet; thence north 13 de grees east 632.65 feet more or lesjs; thence north 57 degrees and 4 minutes west, parallel 'with the north boundary of-said Walker tract to the middle of the. main track of the said Oregon and California railroad; thence south 41 de grees and "15 minutes west of the mid dle of said. railroad track to the place 0 beginning, containing two and one- half acres of land, more or less, in the county of Marion and state of Oregon. Together with the Wooobtirn Koller Flouring. Mills, with all machinery and fixtures therein and thereunto belong ing, anil situate on the above described tract ot land. - Said sale being made subject to re demption in the manner provided by law. Dated this 2d dav of March, 1905. W. J. t lUA KK, Sheriff of Marion county, Oregon. A GUARANTEED CURB FOR PILES Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Irotru.1- Ing Piles. Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure an ease, no matter of bow long standing, in 6 to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 50 cents. If your drug gist hasn't it send 50 cents In s t a ru j i and it will be forwards 1 postpaid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mu. Welcome as Sunshine after a lung storm is a feeling of relief " ......... , driven away i,y Alien j.ung Hal sam. tMily people who have been cureii of throat-ache and sore lungs by this remedy can quite realize what the feel ing is. -There is no opium in the Bal sam; its good effect is radical and lusting. Take a bottle home today. Estate Do you want real estatet Let us show you some of the best bargains now offered in farm and c7ty property. 140 acres, 90 acres ia eultiva 1 tion; gooil 9-room house, large barn, orchardman fenced; run ning water; land almost .level; one mile from good railroad sta tion; F. Ik D. Price $25 per acre; part time. . 35 ecres, bouse snd barn, six miles from Salem; about 1,000' cords of wood, Tliis place is lo cated in one of tho best farming districts and is offered for 1,700, including1 4 head of et tie, 1 horse, etc. This opportunity is not offered ever day: Seven seres of fine garden adjoining the city limits; 8-room bouse almost pew, barn, etc; fruit of all kinds; 4 acres In grain. TIT? place is in the best location to tie found and is a snap, at $2,200. Terms to suit. ,- 7-room .cottagp, modern, large lot, on car line. Price, $1,100. 7-room cottage, modem,. Jarge lot .Price 850; rnstallments. ! 5-room cottage, one-half block lots, near school and car line, rrice, $1,400; installments. We have a number of good farms; also small tract that can be bought very cheap and on easy terms. : For Rent 5-room cottage in Yew Park; tS.50 per (month. 5-room cottage, - mo.lern, near East school.- 12;o ' per month. 9-room bouse, Summer, -street, 10 per month. . .. Have you anything to sellf Ust It with 'us. , II. S. RlDGLfFF .- r . I&oom 11, over Had Front . Drug Etore, -'Corner of CommercJal aud i:txte