Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, February 24, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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Old Eyes Cannot
Grow Young. . ..
- ' - . ' ' : ; " j , : : ' " : -! - : ' " j:': 1 .". .- :
OJ.1 eyes eaaaot grow yoong again. That ia too nah t hope for.
Bat the right glaenits can baaisia a- great deal of tkeir dimness, restore,
net .little, of iheir waning ssefslaes. Observe that we said EIGHT
CLA&$FV There are a rqe.iriag- mm are is fitting than to
of people well aloe,; is year. :T ior gfasees front the inexperienced
seaside is therefore the sheerest f l!y. Cesne to n and see bow mack
(greater U U satisfaction in pics famished and fitted by experi
enced La ads. Onr optical department has oae of the finest optLalmia
equipments is the eity. i . .
LIcerty Sts.
hattezs roa ' costdeea- ,
r- ... .... i : : ,
Derelopraest, Leaga Cotxrestioa aadf
Eaee Kset at tin State Fair Oram:
Among utaexn o uctuM j ancoooa
of Member.
ywmm f
, tssiasssarskia- r
' Mjpty Xna p
V , O.WL Fuwrv A Oo
t BCTMTT. KCH. . ,,,
Two meet important matters will be
considered at temerrew Bight's meeting. . -
of the Commercial CI ah, at City HalL I lf KIIIKM I
These are the matter ef.tae proposed AJU Ul 1 iWaJX Llll
a esse raee meettag at the mate fair f . - - -
Does Ket Beliere Iejialatere Is Capa
tle of Soaetizis- La to Gotctb These
Orgaixlxatiens Soceeasfully When
Leaiaed Experts Disagree.
BOB3T- . , J. J
WWNlX(---To Mr. aa.1 Mrt K. C
DowaiBf, 4at their home twi miUm
north of Sahlimity, on TaeIay, Feb
mary 21, 1&0S, a ob; weight
ALIBN At h'tn home a 1'akm street,
fcetweeo liberty aol Ifih, ! Hatem,
Orejfoa, February TZ, J 905, Charlen J.
Aflea, axcl 49 years, of heart failure.
1eeajieJ wa the mail earner a
rural 'free delivery route No. 3, leadisg
oat from thi eity and oa Toenday
na'if his roand a utaL la the ere
ninjf," howe-rer, be beearoe qaite ill, but
an irfurtieeiar alarm was felt over his
condition oatil yester.lay raotag when
he grew worse and passed away. lie
had been nnlltring from heart trouble
fbt ntttne time.
Charles Ji. Allen was born near Am
ity, Yamhill eotra'ty whre in he
was married to Miss Moil ie Harlow,
who "arrives him. Abot four years
ago he eame to Halem aad daring the
past three years has tarried mail oa
the mrl routes. .
JieiW wife he l-ares two sifters
and two brothers, Mrs. Co" bran, i of
Moscow, Idaho; Mrs. Jlen Smith of
Airlie, 1'olk eonfity; Fi-ld aod Allert
Allea, both of lallas 1 o. e-)unty. H
also vps many friads who are griev
ed over his untimely and sudden death.
K54CH At the Halem Hospital, Wednes
day. February 1'.., at 6:)
' 'elo"k a. m., s.ira the little
of Mr. aod ilrs. William Kh,
agl 4-years, monthi and 2 !r
f ki'lny tronble.
For the past two aod a half ears
this oafortnnate ehild had lee a a pa
tint sufferer and two jtars ao nnier
went a severe rargieal operation whih
however, brought ol temporary relief.
Within the past few days his eooditioa
grew worse and on Tuesday he was
atraia plaeed apoo the operating tabi. !
where be was kept for two and a kaif !
severe an It he little fellow finally
awed away to hi lat long slep at
th hoof ssmed above.
The family ha the deepest aympathy
f.f a hoat of frien) intheif sad t-
Mrs. K. O. Thomas, who has bees
qaite siek for a week, : ia reported
Iavttatioas were oat for a surprise
birth-lay -party for Mrs. J. IL. 0bora
the 20th. - .
A Wilson is away en a trip to Eastern
Oregon. ' : t
The Epwortb Leagne held a very en
joyable orange soeiaJ at O. A. O.
Moore's Friday evening.
Rev. fraadall is among the many
who have the la grippe. ;
Fred Moore is carrying mail for Fred
Gasaiag, who is siek. i
Miss I Hi r fee, primary teaeher at Ale,
visited ia Tamer Wednesday, the 22d.
Poisons la Food.
Pexhape yoa don't realize that maay
pain poitona origiaata la your food, bat
some day you may feel twinge of
dyspepsia tlat will eonviaee yoo. Dr.
Kiss'i Km Uf Pills are guaraateed
to en re all sickness doe to poisons of
pBdigesUd food or money tack. 22
pent at Dan. J. Fry's drag store. Try
White Pine aad Tar with
Menthol for Courtis and!
Croup.-F. tX HASS, 96
State St., Salem, Or.
Aetaated by the belief that when
airoig bodies of men who have made a
life stady of qnestio aad are saaUe
J to arrive at a aatiafaeory eeaelasioa
groonds ia Beptember aad the Develop-t 1 S "? , r Tat
meat Leagoe eonveatioa which is olEEKJETS YEOM VABIOUS PABTSf f1"; w1 f'r ,f JJI
latter is eeevpyiag the atteatioa of the j
etab more than, tke former, aad quite j
reasoaably. I
Tse Commercial Clab of ileilianTiUe
maioritv of whom have acver gie th
matter a siBgle thought, sonld not take
it npoa themselves to adjust the matter
within forty dara aad eaaet a law
which wonll cover all phases of the
reasoa the proper place for sack a con
ventiom as is contemplate!, say tne
tosiaess men here who are interested.';
The scope of the convention's work will .
embrace the entire Willamette valley .
ialem v is tae logical
Las railed for tke Develoomeat Iin r -l m-nA rriirV Wsr "PnmriiM to Be ' same oaestioa with an T drerce of jns-
eocventioa aad wants to hold it ia that Tta for Oregon Harvesters- I & te'all eoaceraed. Governor Chaat-i
tewa. Salem is by every right and I ongm jiaryewers t o'clock last evening, af-
jieena xed fcU . Teto w Senate bill e.
and Froit Generally, It Is ThongM. ; waiea provides for the regulation of !
' " (fraternal aad beaefieiary oryaniiatwns-
, . ! irithla thiJ state. This is the bill which ;
J. E. Shepard of Zena was a visitor ; was intrwlneea by Senator KaykeBlalIi
Wy point. :ia the city yesterday and called at the eo w "? -'"LrTii V
The-eo.ve.tioa will consider sneh; mat-; gUtesma. olfiee, as is his wont when ' J" "'f a t lUj
ters as irrigation, branch baes of rail-; . . . ' . , , jiegiiiauoa P l " unuj
roao, troiiev uaes aaa mntnai xeie- - w , , , , '
phoaes. These are matters of the most i Mr. Shepard Ls one of the most ad--only to be eas with tue list of als-
vital interest to Salem people ia par-.Vaaee.l airieultBralists in Polk county, rans." " ' j
tienUr and the valley a general, and ; . . . . v,i " The pnnripal reason given h? the
taey are eaciting profound interest ad wbe talk-he "'y 'Govertor for attaching his sign of dis
throcsrhont the vallv. '. whereof he steaks. This paper has .,r.r4vl to th?k bill is outlined ia tiie
Jnst what set ion "the Commercial t ieea very desiroo of securing valuable , 0pe.ni0g sentence of this arti!', but he!
tlob will take ia relation to the pro-j data covering the crop prosjcts over t ; 0gcrST principal among which is!
posea raee mees is aaaaewa. iflai ine tbe valley a a vest er. ray asae.j r. ttat etioa o of the act seeks to ex
majority of the members favor the ( Shepard rejawm conditions ia Polk emfkt .jj of the property of these fra.-
v.yy.r.wm v ' " eoBntr. torn il and benrfieiarv orsranizations
LI V EE POOL, Feb. 23. May wheat,
7s Vid.
HEW YOItK, Feb. 23. Hilver, 60 1,;
IA r,1i pf l. &ie.
WIICAOO, Fe,. 2.1. May wh-at
penI !.Sil.19; -. si.H;
barley 4Mi,M; &x, 1.2'; Nortba-est-ern,
KA.V FKAXf JWO. Fb. . 23-CUsh
wheat, tUjOlJi.".
ITKTLAM, Feb. 23. Whwit. Wal
la Walla, 7r; 'Bluestem, 94e; VaOey,
87ei ,
Taeoma, Feb. 23. Wheat filuestm,
03c; 1 lob, 88
Local la ark eta.
Wheat SO eeaU.
Oais 42(a42e per bnhel.
flsv Cheat, 11.50 f .12; clover,
I'lLVi to 12; timothy, 12 to $14.
nonr M.40 tr bbL retaiL
Flour City retail selling prlee, $1.13
3sL30 per sack.
Mill Fecl-llrari, TZ'y) per too;
shorts, 124.50.
Hens 9 to 10 eent. ,
Chtektns (yoong.) 1' to 11 r nts.
ButterCoontry, 25 coots.
DTieks 12'i eents.
- Tarkes 15 tents.
Pork Fat g, 4 '".
Beef Fat, steers. 1050 to 1250 lb.
8(S4e; row,' 31s cents. ,
Mottoa-Caoiee wtbr, Ait per
ponad. ,
Vesl-4H enls.
Apple 40 to 73e per lmhe.L
Potato 40 rents per bushel.
Ifof 29 t 82 eents.; i
. ' ' 1 ':
nop Growers SapoIIes
WARKItorsi AT j
M3n3factcrer ! 'Riyar flssr.
207 CTnnirrcial Hlrerf, FaUm
QeeJttv Talks Wkea Fries Is regstai
Tbe A merican aod Page Wovm
Wir. Fences are koawn to be tfte
best Arid feuo made. --
Sales larger than ever before.
Call or setid for cataheue and
60 Coart St.
whetber tke elab will sd" vote or taker 4I Ufre a warm rains and the ,t tajatioB, which 'ae eoniders an
aay deeidl stand o the matter re-',..-,.-. - mt. ik. roLJ sun I , , .. T. , ,
mafias to be seen. The elob is out for ' ff!!1' fc" 1" .of. ros.ty. - Lader the
Salem's interests ami to boom the eity. ; Tr:: .j:; ' " . PTnl w lDe 'ro '" "
This looks like aa opportaaitv, say r ,w " " '"' w'1 IB cBnWtrti au Ira'
those of the citizens about tb'e cite! remarkably Jarge crop this ae. terBar-an1 beBciary organixatwns is
who want to see the meet polled off, course, &a.u he, it is difficult toejtempt from'. taxation, yet, if this bill
for there will eome to Salem thousands Ml what the fntore may have ia store ; wcre allowei to. become, a law a eiety
to witness the ponies go who would not for us in the way of weather, bat if0f those described in Ibe a-t would 1
Otherwise be drawn here. And that's, there should be no recurrence of e : permit ted to own 'the largest" and hand
advertisifig, say they. (freeze. ! feei, safe ia'-progaostieatia somest block in aaV eitv of the state
The Commercial club is receiving a: one of the banner crops I. Uregoa s ajJtl no tnx( D?n-it whstever.
larre vols me of eorresronience these ' Listorv. ' i .-,.r.; n. i.:ti .k. r:...
of literature through its correspondence in mv. estimtiyH, and in fact I think
club. Home of the letters reeetved dur- it reiur has b- n of great benefit. It
ing the week are published blow, and ; u, eaasPll tUc gruBni to tako on a
it has been suggested that eaeh citizen ; wn&w .g, .Bj to ,,rrak np
ia. .iv; cur j V7J w uiiuncit ss uriiwii ... . - , v . - .at
into a committee of the wkol .it in t plIHlld Condition for growtb
in part:
"I return herwitf S-nte li.II Xo.
191, rrtitlml "An, a't defining fra-t-roal
f'uVfieiary associations and pro
viding for the manner of their orgam-
These tliiugs are made easy if yoa really
want to quit If you hare no lesire to
quit and abstain-afterward, don't waste
.your money.
the great liquor and tobacco remeIy, will
take away from you all desire for the use
of intoxicants or tobacco. You need not
go away from liome to use it. ro ex
pensive board bills to fay. Tbe cure is
quick and permanent.
Remember TRIB will
cure you if you are sincere in a desire to
, be cured. It is only $1250 for a com
plete treatment For sale by
J. C. Perry's Drug Store
.executive session, consider the matter II J10 ater Bear the surface tL?
land then help bring these jople here aiJ'1 JTb,lT fche rmt, wf ?eT5re' u il'1ii-ti
who are writing for information. IIeren, " t4" y4 luc
are the letters: ! Again when the break
zatim and regulating aad eontroiling? t) tn) an.j aether rule far th
satne, and ricaling all acts an.j ; ir(.,i slB9 si-cies of .-U-s
from taxation under tae geaeral tax r
revenue taws of the -itafe. The bi.l
a originally prepared by the aiLnsl
Fraternal Cngres only exempted a-a
properly as wss held anl ovd for 1-le
purjose, and the fund of a---ciati-n.
It miy'it happ-n, tbrefr
that if this bill beeaau-ja law all of t
funds of ?ny a-'.soelatiou faikt " in
veted ha a insifnifieenit lnniness L-l;k
in the city of Prtlii4 and -nlriy
exempt from taxation.': Thi-i ouht not
to he permitted. j
"Another objection, to it it the fart
that -e-ti-n 31 p-ro'vi-b-s. rule-: of
conduct for afoiatioms ornie-l prior
i i
of 3Cts in coafliet herewith." It ion with r frnce to t ? acistionS
Jt is irfsiflde tLat a "uniformj law j , ,,nt nf to 1- ,l..r.t-.l nd in
on T?i obit of fraternal Un( fiiuarr ; : .l..t ik.
Lewis C. Lawsoa. Kl Paso, Texas .there was no severe rainfaU to wash M-rt,tatiAn 4..bl rM.lf it. m,.eh .wwl !. : . -.:.i
Would you please send me such liters- the soil, but a gentle rain sncb as one t- ,lirH.r!tv in tfc- ,,rf-irtia r,T! "ra'
r " ...7 " . . ... . tui lar uimcuny in ise preraraiin or .nn. n.cran eoim-sijners
executive committee f tj a-
FraternT .Congress differed
tore as yoo may have respeetisg your might have prayed for, and the young;
ty aaa eouniy.
I am a lawyer of tea years' expen- now one may well say that prospect
ane ann simi m ineara in .si w araia
foa same narijfabl stream. Ifocr eitjr
affoH extra indceemeaU, as it is th?
i kawA AAAAsm 4 rA 1 1 V.a
.jsaaw a ts "ss hav; aiaa it inu ai t. AU'a u
'also yoa have the saivergitv. it wfll ' w' aiiwm reauv iar.wi sou . TentioB of tBe insurance commissioner
i . ...... 1. . . . writilwl hat'A lAAn Ien. in tilfMfu nltl Tm m ..... . . . .
te a .,utia inducement, liat J ito . 0I lB initea states in conjunction
a proer meajjure for the regulation of an,j tbe
these associations is to be found in tLejanil j
3 .fact that there is such a eontrarity of;.,, r
ion amongst tbose who ought to be ; ,,r.-,i
r advised as to what is necessary. tcrr, (f frey.a, however, Botwithtjnd- nothing to do with th- na.Ifn.
ITTi aas b-cn prepared by the tn-U0fS this disflgTeement, Lire 'embvliej j era tor. even goin s. far. ..fl tie A if
al' committee vf the national con-ht in the !aw which ha been enacted I left Albans (ir Salcnt, to trlognak
airir ssvi sntiaf w ! ? . . I '. . i I I a.. -
" -. . . grain imoietjiaieiv ur io icn.c, these Assoeiatloas is to le found in the 1 .s --i r. . J- .,.-... .i;e-.,..l ,1
. . . l i . . T i t f I ft 1 r IAI'.Ji. ' ".lirri -iiii-i-..a.
s&w one mav wrii saw mat urosinrcis . . t .... . - . ..
tiu) .Uti to It in v,.r .t.i. l ' ' . u'l imi mwe wren owirariij. oi l.v the latter, rt ft
r.imriVt min rw luMia ar Ikk ui rv rv rfc Ia . r . 1 - r "S
T1, frt - frnitfal At V,fcl ali.. . .".T." " agree. X l,y ir- irsrr.
..... . . . " . iuuy
capital and for this reasoa I would- .... i' " U3-e
d if . - - - - tenu
Came to This City to Effect Excise;
of MoneyTTansaction Took PUc
in Law h Bosh Bank Conidcace
Operator nippy and Albany Man LL
1VI;TUX1. F.i. ul. -Tii. nun
swindled of il .' r- th,? " jj .1 1
brick" trick la w .t k i WiLi im
Vance, a m.ini of wihii, situ r
dee in Allmny. ... t- the i-al km
rinijranu?f in .-iti,t. V-i', now- i
this c it v, is vtrv.,J at tje h !i- of one
of his daubt'rs. . Is .;. v-I ."d t-l.ty
thai the daughter of Va-icc uld i-vprr
ciTrt to reru4 st father t.i b?
la sll its stajte.
Ely's Cream Bala
clsaases, oothea and heals
th- tiiwsscd BHabrsse.
It ceres catarrh sad drives
ss-tj a cold In ths b4
Cream Balm Is placed Into Uis oostHU. prd
evar tt atembnae and ia srsorbed. Kdief is lav
aiediste an4 s care failows. It H sot i.-jinj ios
sot produce Hicsxia. laryc Hii, M ccnta at liriig
g:t or tr mail ; Triai Slat, IS cent.
EtT BROTHELS, ss Wsrtsa Street. Sew Tork
ia real estate., It t t yonr in
terest to see what we havs be
fore you bny. Let us show you
3'i') acres adjoiiing the st.tte
laals. House, Lam; 270 acres ra
tultivaiionj balance good Um
ber; ruanisg water. This plaee
divided rn small tracts would
sH for 4100 per acre.-It is of-s
fered for a short time ai $00 icr
acre. ,- . ;. .
acres of good prairie Jaad,
sll in cultivation; 6-room Louse,
lara 32x3d; good well water; CO
acres of grata; located near
school and rsilrond. Prie, $40,
per 'Sere.
34 acres, 11 acres ia cultiva
tion, 4 acres W fine apJe or
chard, io seres of good timber,
house, larn; 3 miles from rail'
reed. Priee, 100. . ;
; IW acres, 100 acres i a cult 1 va
yatioa ; 25 acres of gras gUxl
timber; 6-room house, two good
barns and. other outbuilding;
ruaainf water; one-asjf mile
from wchoel, sevea miles from
Kalem. Price, Z0 per ar.
This Is suAp: 11-roota hmiv,
good barw, two acres of good
rieb land en ear line' and ia
good residence part of the eity;
should be divided and sold ia
lots; wonhj bring $3,500. It is
now offered for 1'art
cash, balance to suit.
7-room cottage, madern, largo
l.t,. on ear line. , Price, 1 1,1 00..
7-room cottage, irrodero, brrga
location. . Price histall
ment s. , . - X , - . , -.
5 room ftlag," oaehalf , block
lota, near school and car line.
Price, 1,400; installments.
We have a anmler of , &A
farms; also small traet thai can
! booght very cheap- & oa
easy terms.
lvai II. over P-ed Front
Cofuer of Cotnm-rdal sod R(ala
not know where your "university is lo-;
that weather come to cheek thpir for-
with the executive wmmittee of the
"1 feel tbe less reluctance in w tti
holding. uiy. approval from th" r.ct '-because
of tb.e difTererjces .md l-e- au
of the fact that 'thf legislature w..s al
mot evetily ii iitd r.m t!ie subject;
aad ia:n,2. a it di-l. near the close
eated. Would ya please inform me : waruncsa. .National Fraternal fongress, . ami :oac
as t this matter and the population of? ilmy L. Taylor of Maeleay was also ha, l,n r,j bv the. executive
your City! JintervicweA on thi subject-and be gave cnmm;,tee of the Aviated Fraterni-
. - 1 aBa:?irowll :" "J -:'.": -tic of America. The.prent measure'., tbe .n. thre was not that op
am anxious to get -uca .niormauoa as r. iayior ssia xnar a na.i-aesr.i re- folw, largelv tbe former bill, though!. it,- f,,f full and free .li-Wn
I am able SO as to form some ilea of .xorts of no damage at all near Ma!av . ' . ?. ,ponunn ir i.i
tr jLr r--- -- ----- , . . qiaermg irom ii in some essential ie- , th act
What to do. i-evceot it miirht bave Vn in verv low. T ?,. .r1 ar-
t ' . " . " .. ' tails. . airrwBiiivn fa lac .ofverl
n t.h its importance tfe-
John McOrabb, Rt 3 Knnis, Texas ? marshy pla
F wish to get a description of yonr Breitenbush
tVdtitrnfil tfV.ncrtv.fl fWnfrtalH f n V rf r f li
dnrirtfc t he .... .'. . .
I wish to know something ;;,r. "'V. J.s.f meMB,e wl,a,,, has Jf enarie.i
y - - - i , -
aces. lie was up on tne
and Klkborn
country, i wisn to snow sometni
1. . . : . . ' i - . - i r
inoui lis iirmin? n us 1 1 1 im . wnere I . . ... ;
" . t .r . . . . i .... ...i.i ii r n'a.'inr. - - . - .
can and land to farm that don't have'"" 7 . "K ' i ii -V.J- w rtf .-td fraternities ot
to 1 irrigated, and not get in what m,t, ?" moont,n '' America it, and the statements
. . nr i r rm.i asr r j v i r nr ;4 s- r ins wk i ii i ri( . j.. . . . .
of representatives or to(th are entitiei
to full and fair consideration in con
nection with this bill, for tbe reason
is known as the rain belt, where that of e col i wcta where the wind had.
mist falls so many months. falr nd Wg nearly clull.-d
O. M. Pudor, 2J Commercial Bank! t death. He remembered, however.
rwag jtoustof, texas Air. i uiot asxs - " r" ' 'that, numcriesllv si-aking, both bodies
for a great deal of information regard- jam one summer s day .some w-asons f T are of praetiral'lv tne same power. Tf
iag jute sacks, for wheat shipments, with a companion, hunting, wh.a y i r9uiativ c'f ,h.j two Kreat bod
rates, ete. and asks the following: "Isjhad to giYe it up and seek ibdeiml 1- f month,.of attention, are un
Hufflclent flax produced m Oregon to a pool or creek. He -Mid toe onlyj. l,f - j b' uniform bill re-
furnish 4 ber enough to warrant oen- j ferencc wss that the (uinmer daAthe, ,; , 1 , ibLs,.- ..Jl,
0 Ing a factory there f What is tbe price ! thermometer registered lf4 d gres, j "mmm" V' .:
t-. i,m ,1,. - j. i,.i-.nH .1,1, , . , ''tions, it tbes not seem possible that tne
or the fiber, laid down in lortlandf while the other lav that no e-as the.e . - th. . ;, ....
J. it. Heisterman, BrookSvilie, Ohio- the de fla,l lisa .mared thn-izh J,2iIat,re tt,s tate '",he
I! I have been Informed that your eity SoTof the S fiSl ,'ee -y .lays, Pohl i-sibly
would le a good place for my business. rhiM tB tal- " r',.,,te", frame one which Would meet existing
!! I. was referred to 3'ou for reference in ' ' , , , . . 1 conditions. I feel less reluctance,
, regard to cement work. I also ma nu- ".wv ' ,7tT J- a,'.,Mt hjj ttherefore, in withholding my approval
. f ....... ..,Ji,; t nothing to do with the coming crops, j ... .
i i lid v ihiiiuiuk fvvm, an ia a -
'a . . . . s ... a .j . i i
construction of buildings. Inclosed yon iimi pe expecte.i to see , goo., y,..-,-,
will find a catalogue of tbe stone and iiu-wen gram isi-y ..,
diffen-at designs of buildings which aidermg that it was bewrs anl ( urs
have been built from two to five years, year, be was giat oi tne reeling.
I have nderstool that yott have noi Jepfua T. Hunt of tSlitw was also
practical cerscBtcr in your plaee. What I doing the cits- on Wednesday and re-
w me. prupjirrw wi nuuiriniog ui -, jonet everyising in prime smpe m me
hin-l- IWaMa hill, a It b ouch peibst some of
E. K. Dale, Kssex, 111.. Kankakee Co. jte more tender shoots of the fall s.iwn
Tom Richardson, of Portland, gave;oat, woui(j ayfTer same from the recent
ne veur name and stated that you '
would 'give me the desired information, 4.K,k lo,k tmod " s-i l he "a'uil
ami I , would like to know if there f IZtl f ?n ''ii , .. '1' ".
of everything in the hills this year."
"Tuis failure to agree is one reason
way I feel that the bill weight not t Is
approved.- Another is that section) 1
thereof goes to the extent of cxerrjpt
ing 'all pro-rty and funds of suchjas
eoeiations held or nsed to fnrtberj or
carry out their authorized purphe.
"I have ivon this measnre ry vcr
narejul and painstaking eoasiderntin,
and feel that fairness to thoe f r.it r
na associations which have com irto
the stste ine H and fairness to the
taxpayers of tbe state requires ine to
return this measure under considera
tion with mv veto.
Grave Troubis roreseen
It needs but little foresight to tell
that when your stomach and liver are
badly affected grave trouble is ahead,
unless you take the proper medicine
for yoar I disease, as Mrs. John A.
Vouna?. of day, X. Y., did. Fhe bsj-j.
"I had neuralgia of tbe liver and stom
ach, my heart was weakened, and I
could not eat. I was very bad for a
long time, but in Elctrie Bitters I
fe-und just what I aeeded, for the
quickly relieved anl cured me." lst
medicine fr weak women. Sold nader
guarantee by Dan. J. Fir, drtiggist, DO
cents a bottle.
Salem-attorney to hare Ltm all ti-
fiuence to hers. Vance tiH.ru!;r r
fuel to lien to tbe lawyer aai jcf
sisted in goinj to- the Ii.M a Hcd
oank. .. wjere the' money -caEjp
bauds. 1 4
of Mrs.'Msggie Mitcb.ll firiSin w
taken to.av to New York f.r f na! i
terment. The Uely .f Mr. OriSia I
liftn held in a vault in ICv-k ( rck
eemetetT nce',her death lit Mrrk '
Francis H. Griffin and IIbart '. Uzir
soi-in-law and grandson of &our
Mitchell, have charge of. the turiaL
Panama Canal Zone Government Bill
Temporary Arrangement.
WASHINGTON', Feb. 23.-Th bill
for the ; government tf tbe luwiiu
csnal rone, which tiss-d the Senate
totlay, is tbe House bill. It. was smcsH--l
in several important respect! '?
tbe S-nate, not -i My in -lin;intmg til''
provision fr aUdisbing the canal run
inissitui.. TI.e measure Wnl rew (ft t4
conference if the smetidint-rits are ''
accept eI by. the House. The bill
temKrary in 'character, its . provisions
expiring at tbe cud of the first -regnbir
session of the next Congress.
Legal blanks at Statesman Jub 0c
any good goat tana in your country
that may be boraesteaded. Also could
one get work in your city. I will have
about HOW, but would like employment
for a time to pay expenses ami also
that I might get acquainted with ieo
4 and the country, and thereby en
able me to select a good location.
Frank Lebmann, Hanta Monica, Cal.
As.1 intend to come to Oregon I
would like to get a price lit of farms.
How is tbe climate at this time? Could
I cotno up and look at land? I woubl
like to invest about $1000 to ."sK) in
land, as I am a leeman. I won Id like
to keep from to hives of IwresJ
Mrs. johi i'emiMrtn, Mom falls.
South Dakota Caa yoa 4ease send ns
some printed matter in regard to Ore
gon and the Willamette valley in par
t teals r. We have letter from different
parties aakiag for statistics of differ
ent kinds aad reading matter retard
ing the climate and conditions of the
state in generaL Now if yoa can send
as something in this line it will aid
us very much in tilling op our car for
the Arst of i March.
Joseph i Papiaean, Marinette, Wis.
Have yosi any looks or .maps of any
kind of advertising of th. s.ate of Ore
gon. If you have will you please send
me some, of them, some that contain
lists' of vacant government lands.
W. H. Keyuol.jM. Mend, ()k!a. I am
calculating, to coi.ie.o.it 'that way in
the near future and I want le knew
what kind of a country 1 am going to.
Having read a tittle about the Willam
ette velley, I didn't know ef Buy bet
ter thing to do than write to you for
information. I want to know what
kind of soil yet have and your re
sotirces. How aut f mit. thepriees
of la nd, in f sctr I want : ageneral de
scription of yoor eooBtry, its product,
etcv ete. . . .,..-,-.,.-,
M. lit ttriffia, West Alexandria, Ohio,
Preble Cs. I am ia . search . for some
Hterntnre en - Oregon and would .like
Said to Mean That There Are
Doings" to Manchuria.
s '.. . .. - , i;
ST. PETKRKBn Feb. 3. i ne f
second day has jassed without slispatcb-i
es havin ljeen given out f com Kuropat-1
kin, which is interpreted as supjiort- j
iwg the nimnrs that great events are in j
progress in Msnehnria. The war office,
however, ' ateadf aet ty maintains that,
there is no impfrtaat news sad bo de-
velopmeots since the last dispatehes
were made public, in which. the com
mander in chief rcttorted all was eniet
with the exception of minor operations!
towsrd the eastward. J
laud or coiumiion agent who will in
ferm me is t:-neral of such, as I am
thinking of loeling.
J. 'KilesL-Yopeka. Kansas. 716 West
Hixth avenue nease send me vonr '
"iVscrintive Ilnstrated Pamphlet" ofj
Oreye or' any literature that yon arcs
sending out tping information about :
your state to those desiring lo make:
their home ia Oregon. i
Chas. A. Combw. Han Francisco,
We are aftee ffcts aal want to know
where there is goeltland lo be had ia
yonr grand and glorious state. Also
price of land where frnit can t raise. I, j
and also where chickens ess le rase,I
to best advantage and cattle and sheep.
Quite a number of friends want to lo
cate near ns. .
George Stock ton, . Prairie Iu Cbieti,
Wis. , please send me literature tf Sa
lem and Willamette, vallev.
aWstha Vu fcci Zr IJwra !
1 . Sure you do. Every one uses tcetlb If not the teeth nature gives you, hen
you use "etorc teeth", or at least you should if you haven't the e nature gave you.
If you are thinking of having tltn'al wcrk jut in your month come in
, and talk it over with me. I do all work absolutely without pain and charge you
, less than other dentists. .-, .-. .-. ...
CKS nkiis
$5 JO . V jSM
sects vy toor! im.
MJf. ss 4. VV 1 I
I'b.oe Maiu 2',oi.
Rulnletja Dentist
.HleUfoff UtilltlloK, Court itr-ct, iSalem, Orpgon.
Hours: Sa. ui. b,f, p. u, j p. m. laS p. in.; Hutnlsy, 10 a in lo 12 t.
ti . .. :. . , - ' .- i -s
Cj.S Mf-MMt l44t4t-t4Q
lr have ytt haal tth letter tv sotasj