v.xthly .. onzaou statesman. Tuesday, ixshuahy i j, THE OLD WHITE CORNER Ladies. Neckwear The largest ! ost heutiful pltx k of Ladies Neckwear f how n in the Willamette Vll y is "he!re at your tlsj o-al t r Greatly. Reduced Prices Opening Special ToIitrlufe ir rew uohalr. Hi ci'iun ul novelty Suit i.g we will :offr 2S p!e-8 of the veiy iatt weave., 'which ar worth CO outs and 75 ctnta a yard t 50 cents a yard WEATIIE2 BXCOBD BEOEXII. . - I Climax of Cold Weather Was Beached Yesterday in Kansas City. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Feb. 13. The climax of the severe cold spell which began January I, since wbiii time tie temperature has nevt-r rien above the freezing point, was reached at C oVlotfk this morning-, when 21 degrees below zero was recorded. - The weather forecaster conccfes the low ; record of 22 below, on February 22 1399, has been broken. : Fifteen inches of snow lies on the. ground" and the sky is clear. Tbe statement of conditions in Kans-tr? City may be extended to Western Alis- 1 ' THE fm ticss AND A FEW LOCAL PURCHASERS C. S. Builard, Salem No. 6 J. H. Brokaw, Salem No. 6 Russell & Crowky, . ntf.ninw tdi'g H. Ottenneimer, Salem J. A; Seiwood, Salem i G. D. Dove, Doves Landing 0. L. Butler, Halls Ferry j LL of. the oboye have fvm iirt-seat winter, savei M . jrjn;. , A ; pt ftty g-jk! m-onl t lor " a iuHclim iiMnile,d lyre (or the; firfcl time tfus SHan . Cos's h Uit more than the c m rurtfr sorts,' btit every .mn naineI nbuvesaw the ! flert-no-, ami many of therp haJ previous y , had exjnsiv exptrieco with ther nakea. . J ' v o hav lst ikune s-lea owing to Portland b-irg sohl too farah'Hd to sui'pM we being out of Orubbera a total of six weks th's winUr. ! ' ' Plenty moro sotm. S h3 .f r informal!' n. . Whn joi wnt Impfi raeiit-, Vehicles or M iclnnery tf any eot, it worth your whi ,e t se us, as w- carry only rep resentative lines tjd sell go.ti. vf ql ty. Keystone Woven, Wire Fencing Ts iivatin4j A'dcl f enthusiasm a nmg tht usrs Once triei you won't change. Its in! tho ?oii.j weave it txcel Coiue and see or eetid foe c ta;og-i advi-in uj as" to our needs.' y" 115 o Ao WSggJas IMPLEMENT HOUSE. Form Machinery, Vehicles, Automobiles, picycUs. , . : . Sowing Ma.chln &nl Supplies. -; : 255-257 Liberty Street, i Salom. Orerjon. MEN'S SHIRTS - .... , . i S"Ahew 11 new pattern riis ll -y la our om : meeiIS r-t w in flow ; Evt-ry one is a prize. CHOICE 50 Cents Tb j go like hot aka ltcanse tby are tbe bet in al Halem.- " ' Embroideries Over a h usand very mw pat terns to select frora Our new, Spring embroideries come di-. rec to us f om St. Gall, Swi tier-' lai d. Our own iraj ortatio" . souri, Kansas, Nebraska. Oklahoma and the Indian Territory, all these "points reporting; the coldest weather of the j winter, and most of them 't ho coldest ever known. A dozen persons were re- ported frozen to death in the south west fn the rsaat two davs. The win ter wheat ia covered by snow and is no t affected bv the cold. The stock losses are not heavy, because the own ers Lad ample warning. The trains on all the railroads are do'ayed by. snow drifts, tfce wind carrying the dry 6bow into the cuts. The temperature throughout the southwest moderated today, but zero temperature is general anight. - : ' ' W. J. Steele, Bueca Vista Louis Batimau, ButtevlUe c. E Burrighu Independence r M . H- Murphy, Independence L. K. Page, Salem 1 - hastM th s GrubhT3 the Taye, v!i Lmucht hi lt Grubber INQUIRY: IS ON JOIST- T.r.qrSIiATTVE COinHTTXE opzrss qeabxkq et tttt. iic- ' -MAHAIi CH.hu.aES. Governor A (belts Troth ef Many Etate meats ; 2a4e ;;in Salem .Attorney Charges ia ? the Penitentiary" Case, Bat Says . They.. Exist :fcy 22a Order. The joint committee, consisting of Representative Bailev. Sonneman and Makers and Senator Band and Baker, i.ave heWn i tkeir investigation of the caarges j preierrea agaiiiss oenitentiarv! bv I. II. McMahan. of Sa- le Thr Committee leld a sitring at this laa(l anJ ntin.', He handled the j-"" "i; their the State lion yesterday , afternoon, 'subject without gloves and elaime.1 fus fv I when some of the idence was siAmit- thin-s that nhowe. Tan Appalling condi- to spek. Darin- the ted. Kepreseatative Bailey, chairman t ion la the public affairs of this coirti-; -l.v morning hours of yesterday the w 1 , .u ,ami-1, mercury in smne of the thermometers of the committee, was the only memWr tr. , . ' i " . , absent. I No decision was reached as Me ?d, that as Governor of .the throughout the dty droppe.1 dowji . to the committee adjourned early to catch state Oregon, te would never place JO degree above zero -others stood at rrt afternoon train The invest iration hi siffnat lire to any ineasirre that 12 and !, while soine did not go below, V SMh,5? M;.hv e7eBia- to w"rk ft 'Til to any mnn.jH. TKe thermometer at tho asylum X rlttrjrZn ' ' Ad ' 'onsiderinjr the bills pre- red 12 degrees above, whica was nFflnSt mneS TWd-' to him' Bevor thcgtet I erally accepted as the correct figure. StfZFtiTfZvTtelZhJFKd u their sour... . Party lh,.fvth him,in Commercial street one of the old ?"Xl2Lh? 11 kPln gotten and the ;bill. w.tl-.nt trKstv instrnrant3 allowed its mercury : nt wji.ii. j " - t teutiary.ltterment fund for furniture which' 4 noVsed by "the families of Thai the superinteB-Jent's. famUy has ..-.The ideal in public life is. Crstth OregwH C.ty Traafportstion com tar on. time been sumdied with gro- of all and over all. a nubile. opInioa).Pny K at the foot of " Irada street, eerier, meat at s,: etc from the commis- rtment of The penUc-ntiary tdmitted. - The warden' and sary dejartment was a.si a Buperintendeut's families are waited upon Cy convict a was also eoaf eased to. Thef abio admitted that the superifl tendent's famny had usel t'ae state teams in going shopping and making social call and that they used a con vict coachman, It was also admitted that the wifa of Kiinerintendent James had accepted a pair ojf -portieres from the mother of a convict. The convict was afterwards out oii ; double time. Warden Cortiss also accepted a gold stick pia from the mnthrr nt the eonvict. .Superintendent .Tames stared, however, that he had re- turned the portieres to the doaor. Upon I.ein-r Questioned, he said he did pot know whether they were returned be fore or after the caargea were made against! the- penitentiary by McMahan. Governor Chamberlain stated to .the committee that the expenditures made out of the betterment fund and the supplying of the families with provis ions were authorized nv him. Mr. Mc Mahan and the governor tri ii 1 11 fl I I agreed that tliesA admissions were to l a taken as a basis upon which to esti- mare the lesral effect of the charges, The governor claimed the legal right 3 do as had been done, while JlfJla- isn nrcred noon the 'committee the ne- essity oT submitting these questions io the attorney-general for a written jpinion. . The governor said that the attorney general had already decided that such se of the betterment fund was proper. IcMahan in answer stated that the uestion at issue aad never been laid before the attorney-gene-al. He also ald that the attorney-general had told ' -iim (MeMahan) that" he had never giv n an opinion authorizing such expendi tnre of tne betterment fund or had sug- edefi that the families of th?so offi- cials could be legally supported at the xpense or tho state- ooon aiier me statements made by the governor, the committee adjourned. .. tt f A A. I . THE MARKETS LIVERPOOL, Feb. 13. May wheat, . s. Portland, Feb. 13. Wheat Walla Walla, 86; Bluestem, 91; Valley, 87. Tacoma, Feb. 13. Wheat, Uluestem, 91Hc; dab, 86c. Local taaricbtb. .Wheat 80 cents. Oats '4l')43e per bushel. Ilay Cheat. $11.50 to $12; clover, $11.50 to $12.50; timothy, $13 to $14. Flonr $4.4 fer bbi. retHil. Flour-'rity retail selling price. 15 (it'tLiO per sar-k. "Mill Feed Iiran, $22.50 per ton; shorts, 24.5i. Hut ter Country, 23 crus. Fggs 23 ctnts. "hickens 10 cents. Duck 12 ,-: .entA. . Tjrkevs.-15 c?at. Irk Fat nos, 44a3e. TJeef Fat, steers. 1050 to' 1250 lb. $A(ft4; cows, 34 cents. Mntton Choice wethers, 4ViC yer found. VenI4(J6f. cents. r Apple iy to "5c per bu.-h !. ' Potatoes 45 to 50e per bushel. Hops' 29 to 32 cents. BALFODR, GUTHRIE & GO ii'. -f i BUYERS AND SIIIPrEKS OP G R A IN DEALEE3 I3T Hop Growers' Supplies FARM LOANS WA SES AT URNZR, PIIATUM, HAVf, MAC LEA Y, Till OKS, SALEM, SWITZERLAND "' .!- - - - . " - . j" - Manaf actcreri of J" Royal" Hear. i --' '- !? " : ; , .. '2 ."' L. AGENT s207 Commercial Street, Falero' PUBLIC IDEALS SUBJECT- OF GOVXEN0E CHAM BE2LAI2TS ADDEES3 t BEFORE -. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. Asserts That State's tNonnaT Schools Have Been Most Influential ia' Ore gon's Legislative Halls Dariag Pres ent SesJon of Lefislatture. In an address delivered before the students of Willamette University yes- terday morning, GoTeraor Chamfcerlain I dis?ussel 'Ideals in Public lafe," anaj ' 1 1 . I It T ,1 1 I t.,Ki; T ifA " Unit u . ..aMu h t rimnli 1(1 ine (roOKCU worn that is being carried On thronghout merit was alwavs returne.i waaout nis pjtn.- ; , -Ju0 Governor, iu opor.Jng liis ' ad- rom'pellintf t W " wnw. luot-al .obligation in public'-as iii private life, ef a public opinion ablo to disiinguinh Letneen the Rpunous nua the real; in suorr, a trained intelligence sufficiently dif fused among the people to protect them at lc.ift against the grosser forms of deception.' "According to this, the faithfiil pub lic servant is only sucn to tne extent tr.at faia ehar.ief-r i monifed and hisi opinion inspired by a h!thy pr.blie sentiment which drive turn to Le faith ful aud . honV-st iii the . j.'i f-rp.!H)ee of whatever is given lus hand to do.' i cannot saythat I agree to tbe -full with! such a doctrine, though we ii'-ust all it is "that a eoucede its force. True healthy public opinion will eo'upel even a dishonest man to tbe oLservp.ntV of moral obligations in public as v.eil as in private life. Hut it does not fol low alwavs that ia those com muni tics mere are not to ne lonnn mose wa are deflected from the correct path of official dnty, and fad in carrying out pnbhc obligations. One thing i ctr-j tain, however, that where the"" publie'J conscience is seared, and where ili--rej t . if & - i i .. ofiicial prevail irreguiarify and dishonesty; io an alftrmintc extenf. D.iv after da v. week after week. 'month! alter mouth and year after year, comes the same story of oi5t-ial dishonesty from all over the eouttry. We tire of We lcok in vain for a 'public, opinion compelling .the same moral obligation in public as in private affairs; for a pucne opinion tween the spurious and t.he real; in short, a trained iuLelligenc saffiieuily diffused among the people to protect them at least aainft the grosser form of deception.' J The Governor referred to the investi gations of erooT-ieduess in the several I-.ig titica of the country; to the pnrt oCIce scandal at Washington and to the land fraud investigations now in progress in this stale. The Governor claimed that there was no politics in the national nastiness in j public, otfice. lie. said thoy eouid not 1 properly fce laid at the door of any particular party. One party could not j be Llamcd and the .other go scott-free, I be said. "There is uo politics among' tuicves. There is unanimity aiiiong scoundrels. In a, Democratic p-trong- hold, the scoundrels are Dcuioer&ts. in a itepublican stronghold, the criminals are of that partv :iiliation. In nation- al affairs, te it said to our shame of citizenship, that, the criminal are of both parties." And the people.are them selves to Mame for it all." . "'Where corruption is found in the halls of .Congress, back of the ofliclolj who prostitutes his pLee and betrays? his trusty -is thi'. injuenti;:! IniHinoKf man who seels to see ore an unfair ad vantage at the expense of the mafses., In our state .legislatures n Josii s-rut.- iny of many of the measures inl rodiu cl , each BOn.Hj.ri witl disclose the f."lh-h interest of some one who Ii.ts an, ax .to grind and wluioc. not !ieR:t;ite in I'.e i.ittne- to iulhtcuoo legislation. Who j has nt watched the scores of lulls iu "troduced solely for the purpose of col .lccting Idackmail from mont yed iutiir. ests, and proud nctit dti.i'n who ar- compelled to. come forward with influ-i ;enee that speakrj in order to encom-j pass their defeat f . It the Hellish! 'intercut that esjloines a bill on the cnel j nan!, or oppose it on the other. The .prominent business man tho bribe ; j giver-to bnv , legislation or7to def. ut j j The Governor said there was little . crookelneHS in the affairs of a smail ,niunicipality for the reasoa that thij JjoiSfials were c!os?r to the people. Pi.t j if scoundrels were to be found in e 4 - of larger sizes ana thy were as black' as could bp painted.. ! At this jwint iu his speech t0vernor! Chamterlain becatj lfupnhive aod i spofce in the most emjihitic rannner. I Ho charged that the four normal schools in the state of flregon were t more influential in politics than most! perpl of the etate ; realized. He as ! sertnl that combinations have been ef-j fected in this Legislature,' through aof. 4 raal school, influence, by which certain"! bills were threatened to be held up m-' less the schools received, the ap'propria- tions they demandet. It was a dis1 grace - that institutioas of learmnj? Rhoul stoop so low, to bedrajrgh their skirts with such mire , Passivity 6f public opinion ia' mat ters of public irregularity," he said, "was another element contributing to the laxity of pnblic , morals. So long as the rogue in a successful one, so long its he can keep within the law, or rather out of the naehlight of public opiaian, he does not fare so badly with the respectable men in the commun ity. " - ... -. . . , The remed tes the .Governor snggsf ei for, all this comtptioa were a culti vatiaa of a healthy public opinioa, aa the "laerease of independence amen the electors of the eouatry, forgetting party lines and roting for 'those men aai measures aly. that meet with their conscientious approvaL is a pociet edition of says John Burns. . the .Fnlia labor agitator. .That, will surrrise a let of persons who nave been .looltint o I Chicago as the unabridged edition. -. MERCURY DROPS CAPITAL CITY IS Hf GEASP GEJrUTNE DAKOTA -WTNTEB. . OP Many Thermometers Throughout City Eefgister as Zj-jt as 10 Degrees Above Zero At 2 O 'Clock This Morning Salem is experiencing the coldest spell of ' weather since tae year 1S99- i, U 3 CI liil O 13 D! Will-1 v and as vet mcnt. - The cold stiff breeze from the: 1 rtl. ir'r.Uk. tin. Wn MtpiaiT nortK which has been liiuaj toxiuwK uaa iinuo pnee euy r..; fo .descetiu to tli tenth p)int aixve Etro, but the lowest point registered by the official thermometer stationed at and whuh is In charM,- ot H. P. Bald win, tbo company's agent was IS de grees above. At any rate the- temperature ' was loner than at any time stnee February 4, On the "morning of that date tne thermomerers in this city registered all the Way from 3 to 9 degree below zero. That was probably, the coldest fl' . ever experienced in this section, at least in the memor? of tne oldest inhabitants. At 2 o'clock this morning a number of tie -thermometers throtiebont the business portion of the, City again reg istered as low aa 11 above and the ton- doney was still downward. Many complaints' were heard from the diiferent sections of the city yes terday relative to frozen water pipes, etc,, and it is believed considerable damage. wi result tro:ri t.iLs source. uav u:l3 req.jested its paxronh to cover Meters to keep them from fc . Hamaged b, freezing, " " - "r" ... v i . i - v.t ' "111 ALLEGED SOBBK..S CAUUiiX. i--eoanon ijans urcascrs isaia zo tizys . Been Arrested in Portland. PORTLAND, Feb. 13. Darling.. J "'heney ' cmith. George Culver and ! "Tom" Dunn were arrested by Sheriff the charge of 'being, the Lebanon bank ' robbers. Owing to the fact that Word j 'persistently denied anv knowledge of the arrest, .news was suppressed till to- jay. two other members of tho alleged JiiiJ't; c a ncn aii'i sre linifvcu n v& iii Seattle.- Darlim; attected to be intense ly religious and marie a practice of at tendiug Sunday school with the chil dren in South Portland, where he had .lodgings. Ducn was,' formerly a house mover contractor. Smith and ' Culver are said to be gamble rs. ci..s'iFir:D. Ars IN' STATFKXfAV KRIKH RF.RTM.TS LAND SCF.IP FOR SALE. Unrestricted forcft rcorve" sip for sab at lwrst market ' prices." M scrip secures title to timbered, farming, graziug or desert land, in any quantity, witliout residence, or improvement. Ad dress JI. Jl. llamiltcn, The Portland,. Portland, Oregon. Painless Dentistry Wlit-n Lvinjr dett;il ,work 1 hy tut go where you are 'cast liabl to be hurt Itis awtH known Jact that Dr. JB. H. Wright performs all operation inVn painless piiuintr, gives du the highest grails work in Salem and at u savin of from i 30 to S0 per cent CROMN3 ' 3 Plate $3 Fillings SO cents EXAMINAf lON FREE Dr.B.E.Wrirtht THE PAINLESS DENTIST Fttssloff Boilding Court Street "i Phone Slaili 5531, ' 5 j riours: 8 a. ra. t- 3 p. to., 7 p. m. to 1 8 p. tu , Sunday, 10a. m to 15 m i ; 'iVlli Tills Ring I Tlioo Ucd." . Ylmt shall the ring be, Sir "; Prideroomf Shall it be one that will remiin bright and good a whole life long or one that will grow dim and chabbv in a few short years! We know you would not knowingly buy the hitter sort, yet as the market hasmany of such rings to of fer, let us tell yun of the sort the Barr Store recommends. At $3.00 to $7.50.' according to weight, we will sell you a splendid seamless gold wedding ring uo alloy or cheaper metal nothing about them that can ever wear otf will r'ub up" as brightly1 twenty years from now at thev do today beautiful rings in every possible respect and worthy io be worn by the finest lady in the land. . We have sold these rings" for years and" know their quality. We have no hesitation in most highly recommending them. ti THE ACME HARROW, i CLOD AND - - TV. . - -k' K?m. n bv fi 'i Ui . We have already sold a baker's dozen of jhese harrows to hop men. V ; 1 ; They are the best hop cultivator on the market, especially for young hops. l They will will work summer fallow and kill fern. They will rid the ground of fern. Krebs Bros; have bought seven of these har rows, Al. G. Jerman two, Jeff Pooler one. . MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVERCO., V L. 131 Al BRANCH, ! F. F. CAREY, Manager,219, 229 and 237 State St. a is Make your "Wants" known . .. OPTHE 66 Daily Oregon Staesrran,, ! MM 'egjij3 iLUtaus taau&Er Fhis Week's Fine Silks, Dress Goods, Silk Shirt Waist Suits, Muslin Underwear, Fine Hosiery, Silk Waists, New Polka Dot Ribbons, New Domes tics, Fine Table Linens, Corset Cover Embroideries, White Hair Combs with Rhynestone settings, New b hopping Bags, New Belts. The always Busy Store will give you Rock Bottom Prices; read on , Just arrived from New York 25 Silk Shirt Waist Suits; f 15.00 is the regular price; they are swell garments, just from the Hub of Fashion; eolors navy, brown and black; introduc- . tion sale price........... .f 9 95 tl 33 Black Silk Pean de Soie, oar famous quality, thick aad heavy, with a beautiful, rich ' satin finish, price yd. ...... .85 75e Colored Lace Striped Silk Grenadines, beautiful goods, the latest for shirt waists, yd 39e 23c Imported Danish Cloth, all the new colors, price yd.. ...15c '500 yards Taacy Press Goods, . . all kinds, makes and weaves, sale price, vardv. . 25o 500 yards of 'Imported Scotch Zephyr Dress Ginghams a beautiful assortment, yd....lO 3oc Imported Voile Dress Goods . in all the new shades, browns, modes and tans, yd.... ,19o 20 pieces Xonsdale aad Fruit of "-"-the Loom Muslins, yd.. .... .SVae 500 yards Montrose unbleached Rheetiag, sale price, yd.....0Vie Vslc for tho Gooda Advortlaod McEVOY: !i Ccr. Commercial -.1 Cor. State and Liberty Sts. MASHER LEVELER A.AiA v: :ic -, ... . t through the classified columns j jpecials 45c Bleached Table Damask, of .fine quality, with beautiful floral designs, price, yd t9o 75c Table Padding, extra heavy, extra wide width, yd... 45 $300 worth of Beautiful Snow White Ladies' Muslin Under , wear now on sale, prices from ....10c, 15c, 25c, S5c and Up 100 Twisted Handle Ladiel' Shopping Itags, in all colors, (special), sale price. . ...... .SS Cemember we are sole s gents for tbe famous BLACK OAT Hosiery for ladies, misses aad children (special) sale: prices per pair lOe, lSe, 23 55 Silk 'Dot .'New Ribbons, the ' latest, yd ...15 73c French Lace Hosiery with silk rosebuds'.... 48e M Yard Wide Corset Cover Embroidery, yd $1.00 Extra Large White Bed 8preads, special ............ 5 S9e Imported Extra Large - Fringed Linen Towels, with Fancy Borders, sale price....5 Clearance Prices oar Blankets ana Oomforts. and Court Sts., Salem BROS. 4 $ 9 9 9 9-i