Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, January 24, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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    EftT DA A on
SENATOR KUVK ITNT a t.T. wvrrr r
Introduces Measure to This - E3ect in
the Upper House of the Leg- '
- ' Jslature.
Representative Smith, Secures Passage
'of Resolution in House Providing for
.Payment of Actual Expenses of Spe-
. cial Committees- 'Up to" Senate.
' There were a lot of anxious and wot
Tied Senators; Representatives t and
jiewspaper men on the-Southern Paeifie
. train yesterday morning, which 1jJ not
. arrive in Salem until several minutes
later than the time set for the eonven
; ing of the two Houses of ,tbei Legisla
iivQ Assembly. Their- rninUa were set
- at ase, however, when arriving at the
State House they found that theSen
' ate, immediately upon, convening at
"11:15 o!clok, had adjourned until, in
the afternoon and that the members of
'the House were patiently waiting for
tneir tartly colleague.
The House wan only in sessiim about
20 minotes in the morning but that
was long enough' to allow the aggress
ive little ., Representative from Jose
phine to file a. short verbal, but never,
theless a eauxtic and pointed protest
ncainst the unfavorable report from.
twfe committee on resolutions eoneern
. ing one of his resolutions. : The tfmitb
resolution was to instruct the Oregon
delegation To support President Roose
yelt policy regarding interstate earn
jnerce. Kay, of Marion, stated that
. the committee on - resolutions decided
'unfavorably on SmltlT's resolution, as
another one embodying all the prinei
pies had been approved by the commit
tee. The Smith, resolution was rejected
$ty vote. Smith, on taking the floor, af
ter his measure had bee- defeated, eaid
'that his resolution had been purposely
held up so that a similar resolution
presented by a Republican could be
tshoved ahead. He said thai his being
v Democrat was uhdoubtedly the cause
and for that reason he supposed he
. ahould ' Wave no reason to complain of
;th6 actions of .the Republican -members,
. Th afternoon session in the Senate
resulted la tlte passage and introduc
ing of several very important" bills and
resolutions. Haines, of Washington
' county, introduced a. resolution for the
.purpose of appointing committee to -Jn
v;,vctigate the truth of, the tumotsdu
"the effect that an almost inexhaustible
'eupply of currency , had been put iato
circulation among the "members. of the
Mjegislative Assembly., for. the purpose
Ltof securing the' amen date of the I04.il
'option law. "The proposed amendment
'jef the local option law -is creating J10
'end of interest and'nny move of vitUir
action will rescult in the hurried mob-
t- ligation ' of fBe .foree who- oppose, Sot
.wh.o approve pf the . changing; of ! the
t present statute in foree on this ques-
tion. .
k President Kuykendall introduced ; a
till which, invylvesthe readjustment
fat the present 'organization which inan
fgesanl conducts,' the state instSu
Jftions. The bill is for the purpose of
treating a board of control to be com
; posed of the Oovemor, Treasnrer and
' secretary of 'State, to look after the
'.management of the institutions sup
"'ported ami maintalnel by the state,
nieh as the iK?niteutiary, reformatory,
" insane asyiuni, etc. It the system now
L in force these institutions are con
trolled by the different boards of
. trustees. Tliis is a qeestion of tha
''deepest consideration and one that, is
' being Examined into by the members
of the two Houses.
The Senate, which has taken the ini
"tiaiive in.fbe revision of the game
laws, passed a bill yesterday afternoon
.reducing the limit of fifty wild ducks a
day to twenty-five PTrd. This was
passed in direct and sulmtantial oppos
ition brought against it by the Port
land sportsmen. The Teal fight- to pre
Vent this measure from treeoming a
iaW will be bed in the . House of Rep
'Tesentatives, where influence's of ever
.nature will be brought to bear upon it.
The Portland sportsmen say if ouch a
. law is enacted that many of them-will
have to relinquish .their leases upon
private hunting preserves. By selling
the birils they kill on their private
lauds they are able to withstand the
Jheavy expenses connected with the
maintenance of such preserves. They
ay the cutting of the revenue derived
from such means in half would put
them in a very embarrassing predica
ment. ,-
The afternoon session of the House
Ieeame noteworthy owing to a remark
Able, but only temporary, victory
achieved by Smith of Josephine. For
two weeks, the time so far consumed
N by the present Legislature ra session,
Smith has been introducing resolution
after resolution and bill after bill. The
majority of them are very' radical in
nature and have been rejected as rapid
ly as they have been submitted. Others
take their .place, however, and so un
tiring has been Smith that at last he
has witnessed the partial realization of
Ji is hopes. It is the first Smith meas
ure of reform that has been attended
fj Ore" slightest particle of sueeess.
. Ilia victory came unexpectedly in
the passage of one of , his resolutions
. to change the precedent established by
f (receding Legislatures. ' The resolution
s to-allow the members of the commit
tees apointed "to investigate the -books
their traveling expenses. At' present
they "receive 15 cents a mile, which;
"JSmitb. insists is extravagant and only
results in Tue needless large expendi
i.ur of the State's money. If his reso
lution should be adopted, the members
of the committees would be required to
' furnish an affidavit showing minutely
and accurately every expense attached
(to their investigation. - If not exaorbix
ent tBey - would . -receive the amount
stpeelfied in their affidavit expsense e
count. 7 Those who are in a position to
Itaow say the joint resolution will be of
lat shoirti duration . If it should . ever
happen to reach the Senate. Jt 1 Said
the House passed the resolution out of
jheir, compassion and respeetful con-
sideration of the JsmaH Bemocraue min-ority.-r-,tr:
iy--vv'. Tl..' '
ITae House again became the scene
or a battle royal in the afternoon
waen II. B. 90, by ITudson, Multnomah,
came up, for .final passage. The piin
eiple feature' of H, B. 90 is that it
wQnld, if it nad not been indefinitely
postponed, have, raised .the, marriage
license feel from $3 to $5. JCay, of
Marion, took the' floor at a, -very op
portune time, ajd in a well-worded, hut
short I speech, gave reasons which he
neiievea i Kaonld be sufficient to secure
the defeat of the bilL Mr. Kay said
that while it was for the purpose of
raising revenue, it was a veiy'Undesir
able form of taxation which would not
be noticed by the. rich', but , which
would proye of some importance, on tb
weuid represent from, three to four
hard days from the ; laborer. Several
others of the Representatives -expressed
their opinipns in - the matter and
when the roll was calkxl it was found
that the bill had failed of passage - by
tile e'ose vote of twenty:nine to twen
ty-eight. .
The auKeaaeement; of the vote was
th sijai for a burst. of applause from
the opponents ofiae . . (
The House passed a. bill of Import
ance in the afternoon, which was in
tVodoced Tast week -by Mayger. It
makes it unlawful for mill owners to
throw sawdust into any of the streams
in toe state. There is a law in force
wTtieh prohibits the iadifwriminate
scattering of sawdust, but it does not
appTy to tlie ta reams during the high
water period. This makes it-unlawful
at all times. A bill was also passed
by the House whieh requires the label
ing of all fertilizers sold by manufac
turers. Newell, tue author of the bill,
stated in a speech that so many worth
less fertilizers were apearing upon the
market that the conditions demanded
remedying. The bill received an unani
mous vote. . ,
-Th first reading of bills produced a
bill which is of trrewt local- importance
to the"-'jhabitants of the upper end of
the Willaniette valley. (Jornett, of
Linn, is the autBor of the bill, which
asks for the appropriation of, $25,000
to be used in dredging th? Willamette
river, the greater part of it to belone
between Salem and Corvalliss. At pres
ent the Willamette is not navigible
in the dry Summer months above -Salem.
The expenditure of $25,000 to be used in
the removal of certain sand bars would
remedv the present condition of affairs
and give CorvaJTis9 a line of water
communication the year round. This
would result in a, material decreashof
freight rates. Tnere is a similar bin
now before CToneress, but it. is . not
probable that it will b passed during
the present session .of the national
body. Iu case the Government should
nass the bill, the money appropriated
by the staTe would be paid back into
the state treasury.
A bill was introduced by Bailey of
Multnoniah, making H unlawful for any
child under 14 years of age to be em
ployed in any fatitory, .work Bhop, tele-
zraph or mW' messenger service. 'It
also provide for the compulsory educa
tion of children under n years pi age
(ann.n. of Multnomah, introduced a
bill wTiich materially raises the - food
standard now in existence. Restau
rants that serve processed butter, imi
tation fruit jellies, etc-, -would be re
quired to. placard the fact.
Taken as a whole, the" House con
tracted more business and settled
more important questions yesterday
than iu anr session it has. held since it
convened two weeks ago.
Morning Sessibn.
Rev. St. Pierre chaplain of the State
Penitentiary opened 'tue Ilouse this
morning by prayer. ,
If. U. 20, Ha i ley. To appoint a
special committee to revise theiules of
the House. Kules suspended and reso
lution adopted. As resolution speci
fied that the Speaker be one of the
committee, the Speaker appointed Bail
ey. Multnemaa; Smith, Josephine, and
himself as the members of the commit
tee. ..
H. J. R. II, Graham. yTo appeal
section of t!onstkution relating to
amendments. Referred .to committee
on resolutions.
II. J..R. lo Graham. To appoint a
joint committee to investigate sanitary
conditions existing at state institu
tions. Kef erred to committee on resolu
tions. -
H. .I. R. 3, Smith (Josephine). Re
jected by vote following an unfavor
able report upon it from epmniittee on
II. B. Ill Hermann. Pavorable re
port adopted.
H. B. 06, Kawki Favorable report
fcThe House then adjounred until 2
o'clock in the afternoon.
. Afternoon . Session.
H. B. 148. Concerning amendment of
Astoria, was referred to Clatsop county
II. J R. 13, Smith. Providing for
expenses of Legislative committees.
The resolution was adopted by a vote
of 55 to 3. ;
H. B. 228, Capron. To regulate
sale of food and drinks. Pure food
H. B.- 229, Graham. For publication
of general law.
II. B. 230, Bailey. To regulate em
ployment of child labor.
II B. 231, Vawter. To amend eodo
relating to salaries of officers in Doug
las county. .
H. B. 232, Jayne. To provide for
the propagation of salmon. ; "
U. B. 233, Maygen Providing for
sale of aw amp land. .i . .
H. B. 234, Mayger. To amend code
relating to organization of ' cities- and
towns. " V '- i:-
VL. B. 233, Griffith. Fixing salary
of eonnty officers of .Lane eounty. i
' H. B. 236. Laws to protect fishing
industry in Columbia river.
Hi B. 237 .Dobbin. To provide for
assessment of taxation of livestock, s
-H. B. 238, Coe (by request). To
incorporate city of Heppner. , ... ,-:
Jt. B. 239, Mnnkers (by request). To
incorporate city of Albany.
,-H. B. 240, Cornet t. Relating to ex
tension of judgment debtors. - :
II. B. 241, Cornett. To create board
of internal commerce commission. :
H. B. 232, Cornett. Relating to col
Ieerion of taxes. ' - -i
- H. B, 43, 5teiaer. -To provide fori
driving of livestock, from one range to
another -r-i" -,.r.- .
tH. B. 245, Burns. , For collection
Of poll taxes. ! ' , ' .
; ' seconct . ueaitug - or uis. - . '
H. B. 21 7, Caldwell. To repeal sec
tions 3501, 502, 3503, 3505, and
3o06 or Kellmger and Cotton's uoae,
relating to certain 1 personal property.
Read first time Jan nary 20, 1905. To
education. - ; : ' I '" '
SH. B. 218, ColweH. ! Tomendsee:
tion 3060 of " Bellinger and Cotton
Code relating to assessors. Read first
tinW January 0 1905. To reviaioa ;of
laws.. -'"c
H. B. 219, Tawter. To amend the lo
cal option law. Bead first tune Janu
ary 20 1905. To judiciary. ,
f H. B. 2 Blakely (by request),: To
create Hot Lake eounty. . Bead .first
time January 20, 1905. To counties. , :
1 n. ' B. 221 Mears. To protect the
property of certain manufacturer.
Read first time January 20, 1905. To
manufacturers. , ! !
II. B- 222, Muir. To amend the laif
regarding corporations. Read first time
January 20, 1905. To revision, of laws,
H. B'. 223, Smith (of Josephine), To
protect hotel keepers. Read first time
January 20, 1905. To labor and indus
try. !
i HI B. 224, Smith fof Josephine), To
prohibit the corrupt use "of money at
elections. ' Read first time January 20,
1905. To eleetion.
J H. B. 225, Smith (of Josephine), lo
regulate appeals in. criminal -aetivns.
Read first time January 20, 1905, To
IH..H. 226, Smith (of Josephine), To
prohibit the removal of fire hydrants.
Read first time January 20, 1905. To
cities and towns. '
i II. B. 203, NewelL To provide for
'the time of holding agricultural insti
tutes. Read first time January 19,
1905. To agriculture.
n."B- 204, Linthieum. To amend
seetion 3133, relating to sales of lain Is.
Read first time January 19, 1905. To
committee. ' "
CII. B. 205, Kay. To amend sections
3081 and 308J of Bellinger anu Cotton's
first time January 19, 1905. To assess
ment and taxation.
II. B. 208, Bailey.' To punish a
husband to eonnive at the prostitution
of his wife, etc. Read first time Jan
uary 19, 1905. Health and public. mor
als. ,
II. B. 209, Bailey To regulate the
payment of wages. Read first , time
January 19, 1905. To judiciary. i
II. B. 210, West. To authorize Till
amook county to levy a special tax to
build a court house. Read first "time
January 19, 1905. To cities and towns.
II. B. 212, Cavender. To fix the
salaries of the eounty officers of Ben
ton eounty. Read first time January
19 1905. To salary of state and eoun
ty oflicers. -
H. li. 215, Laws. , To provide for
the erection of Lewis and (Hark memor
ial tablets.' Read firsc tinie January
20, 1905.; To ways and means.
1.11. B. 216, Laws. To authorize
Clatsop county to erect a eourt house.
Read first time January 20, 1905. 'To
delegation. "Irom .Clatsop county.
' II. Bj.188 Welch.- To provide for
we projection t. lite antl property
against-. Mijury; Jjy stationary .: engines
and boilers. -Read, .first, time "January
IVV"9! 10 laoor and mdustry..
II. B. '389, Oriffyi-' To amend. sec
tion 3911 of Bellinger and Cotton's
Code, relating to health officers. Read
first time January 18, 1903, To health
and public morals. ,
' H ' B. 190, Smith (of Josephine. To
prohibit railroads from mining. Read
first, time January 18, 1905. To mines
ahd mining.
'. 11. Ji. 191, Smith (of Josephine). To
prohibit railroads from mining. .Read
first time January 18, 1905. To rail
ways and transportation.
H. B. 192, Smith (of Josephine). To
fix salaries of officers of Josephine
county. Read first time January 18,
190j. To Special committee.
H. B. 193, Smith (of Josephine). To
empower juries to fix punishment.
Read first time January 18, 1905. To
II . B. 194, Muir. To anfrnd section
112 of Bellinger and (Cotton's Code,
relating to sales of real property of de-
eedents. Read first time January IS,
90o. To judiciary.
ii. xi. I'Jo, Jviiungsworth (br re
quest). To cure defects in judicial
sales. Read first time January 18,
190o. Tii jodiciary.
II.' B. l96j(Kuney. To prevent stotfk
from running at large in Sherman eoun
ty. Read first time January 19, 1905.
To agriculture.'
n. B. 197, Kunev. To amend sec
tion 2654 of Bellinger and Cotton's
Code, relating to the poor. Read first
time January 19, 1905. To health and
public morals.
H. B. 198, Cornett. To protect up
land game birds. Read first time Jan
uary 19, 1905. To game.
II. B. -199, Bingham. To exempt
certain mining corporations from an
nual license fees. Read first time Jan
uary 19, 1905. To mines and mining.
II . B. 200, Edwards. Making it nn-
lawtul to hunt upland game birds with
dogs. Read first time January 19,
190o. To game.
n. B. 201, Jayne. To punish injury
to water pitches. Read first time Jan
uary 19, 1905. To irrigation.
II. B. 202, Jayne. To abolish the use
5f private seals. Read first time Jan
uary 19, 1905. 1T0 revision-of laws.
H. B. 177, Settlemier. To regulate
the tare on baled hops. Read first
time January 18, 1905. To agriculture.
II. B.- 178 Sonneman. To -regulate
the use and sale of explosives. Read
first time January IS, 1905. To man
ufactures. ' : i . 'f
II. B. 179, Sitx. To protect the
raisers of horses and cattle. Read
first time "January 18 1905. To assess
ment and taxation. . '
II. B, ISO, Carter. To amend sec
tions 3462, 3463, 3464, 3465, 3466, 3467,
346S and 3469 of Bellinger and Cot
ton's Code relating "to district school
libraries. Read first time January 18,
190.1. To education. -
II. B. 181, Von der Hellen. To
amend' section 4064 of .Bellinger and
Cotton's Code, amending the fishisg
laws. Read first time January - 18,
1905. To revision of laws. ' .
n.' B.. 182, Settlemier. To amend
section 2S64 of Bellinger and Cotton's
Code, relating to registration of voters.
Read first time January IS, 1905. To
revision of laws.
JI. B.1S3, Capron." To amend Bee-
. '
v?: ooju f Bellrneer t and Cotton's
Co3; relatiug" l&l feea --f citiinshipV
Read first time, January 18, 1905 To
revision of laws- -' ' ; j '- -. i - '
' Tli B.4 184, Smith f (of Eater); ; To
provide for posting of notice; of annual
wort: on mining claims. ! Read ""first
time January 18, 1905. To mines and
mining. , '
f H. B. 185, Sitz. To reUeve the Mal
heur Water Users Association, i Read
first time January 18,-1905. To irriga
tioh.', .."- -'-5 :: 7"'. ; ' ' J. f '
H. B.T186, Blakery. .- To incorporate
Adams. ' Bead first time January 18,
1905. ; To eities and towns.
Hi B. 187, Welch. To regulate the
hours of female employees. Read .first
time January "18, 1903. To labor and
industry; -.:-',V". . -tiV. . . .'
H. B; 145, Blakely; A.biU for an act
to provide for compensating the Indian
War veterans. Read first time Jan
narr 17, 1905. i To wsvs and means.
H. B.. 147 Von der Helleni A bill for
an act to proteet salmon. Read first
time January 17, 1905. To special. com
mittees . " ""'' '
H. -B. 149, Smith (of Josephine). To
establish a railroad commission. Read
first Time January 17, 1905. To; rail
way and transportation.
I H. B. 150, Smith (of. Josephine). To
regulate admission of attorneys. Read
first time January 17, 1905. To judic
iary .
H. B. 152, Hnntley. To amend the
direct primary, law. ReAd first time
January 17, 1905. Read second time
January 19. Referred to committee on
revision of laws. To' revision of laws.
; II. B. 153, Capron. To reimburse L.
nVMenaell for injuries received at
American Lake encampment. Read
first time January 17, 1905. To mili
tary affairs,
-i II. B. 159, Muir. To amend ser!on
2292 of Bellinger and Cotton's CodeTe
lating to appeals in criminal aetions in
jurtiee courfs. Read first time Janu
ary 17, 1905. To judiciary.
H. B. 160,'Hermann. To amend sec
tion 228. of Bellineer and Cotton's
Code. . relating to exemption of judg
ment debtors Read first time January
17, 1905. Read second, time January 20.
Referred. to committee on revision, of
laws. 4 -To cities and towns.
H.B. 165, Huntley. To regulate
pharmacy, Read first time January 17,
1905. 'To medicine and pharmacy.
TT- B. 166. Richie. To amend sefi-
tiona 286 and 2864 of Bellinger and
Cotton 'a'Code relating o the registra
tion f voters Read first time January
17, 1905. To revision of laws.
H . B.. 167, Jayne. To tamwnd the lo
cal ootion law. Bead first time Janu
ary 17, 1905. To revision of laws, j
II. B. 169. Kuney. Relating to ped
dlers. Read first time January, 18,
1905. To eonvmerce.
' H. B. 171, Crfuper.. To authorise
the appointment of a.-4epwty county
Clerk in Ldnn county. tteau nrs time
January 18,"'1905y To salary of 'state
and county omeers. ."..
H. B. 172, Jewell. Tp. provide for
transportation' of insane patients; Read
first time January 18, 1905. Tb special
committee. t r r- r .- ' -
...Afternoou Sessioiu
-The -Senate was called to
a'eloek-and le4- in-prayer
order at
by . Rev.
Hoffman of $alen.? . v
.Bw55, Pier.- To. amend section
2014 of the code, protecting wild fowh
Read third time- as a epeeial order and
passed by a unanimous vote of all pres
ent.. : . ' -
UJ R. 3, Pieree. To appoint com
mitteekfo investigation of installing a
new heating syUm for the Capitol
building. Adopted.
8. J. R. 4, Rand. Transferring $150
from the Trans-Mississippkfund to,, the
general fund. Referred. " '
8. J. R. 5, Haines. To investigata
rumors in regard to money being used
to get local option amended. Referred.
S. R. 157Ho.dson. To amend rules by
having a new committee appointed.
S. J. R. 6, Prce. To amend con
stitution of Oregon m-,r?gard to the lo
cation of state institutions. Referred.
S. R. 14, Malarkey. Amendment to
Senate rules When "a bill is adversely
reported by any committee to which it
has been referred the question, "Shall
the bill bo indefinitely postponed t"
shall, without motion being maijf, be
submitted to and decided by the Sen
ate. The judiciary committee made a
majority and a minority, report and the
adoption, of the reports brought forth a
war discussion. The minority report
was adopted 17 to 11 on a standing
vote. The resolution to amend the
rules was lost.
First Reading of Senate Bills.
S. -B. 144, Brownell, by request," To
provide for the publication of general
and special laws.
S. B. 145, Brownell, by request. To
establish a laboratory for the study of
criminals and defective classes with
a director at $1500 a year salary.
. 8. B. 146, Tuttle. To amend law of
fire commission at Astoria. - Read sec
ond and third time and passed.
8. B. 147, Nottingham. To incorpor
ate Gresham. Read first, second and
third time and passed.
S. B. 148, Carter. To amend the char
ter of Ashland. Read three times and
S.B. 149, Haines. For, the relief of
Lewis' Verhaag for taxes paid to Doug
las tjounty.
S. 1 B. 150, Coshow, by request. To
provide for medical- treatment of . mi
nors. 1 , ..
S. B. 151, Malarkey. To amend code,
relating to coroner's in quest si
S. B. 152, SicheL To parole prisoners
and provide for their supervision while-
unaer parole. -r
8. B. J.53, Bowerman. To transfer
certain school funds of Wheeler eounty
to Gilliam eounty. ,
8. B. 154, Avery. To amend charter
of Corvallis. Read . first - and seconds
time and referred to judieiary.
8. B, 155, Carter. To tx salary of
prosecuting attorney iu the first and
second districts. ' . ,
- S. B. 156, KnykendalL To provide
for the control and management of the
insane I asylum, jpenitentiary, reform
school, institute for the blind and deaf
mute school, and -to make Governor,
Secretary of State and . Treasurer a
State Board of Control.
Second Reading of Senate BlOsl
8. B. 90, Miller, br request. To reir-
niate tne employment or convicts.
. I
penal institutions.
S. a 91, Tuttle. To provide for the'rtst. ' Trial bottles free. -
navment of fees to recorders of eonvey
SJJcesV --Tb: judiciarj...- --.-i . ,
S. B, Loughary. To aid in the
support, and maintenance of the Stat
Normal School at Monmouth, To ways
and means. ' t
.1 Si B. 93. Lonehary. To amend char
ter of Dallas. To municipal corpora
tions. , , 1 -
S. Bi. 94, Croisan. To make a death
penalty apply to holdups. To judiciary.
8. B. 95, Bowercan. To amend see
tion 233 of the code, rebating to exe
cutions. - To revision of laws.
S. B. 97, Rand. To amend section
4344 ojf the codey relatimg to the tres
pass ejf cattle and regulating fences.
To agriculture.
IS. B. 38, Malarkey. To amend sec
tion .1176 of the code, Telating to sale
of real property by courts.- To revision
of laws. f ? Y ' . ..' .
aB. 99, Malarkey. To abolish pri
vate seals and to amend section 5 of
the code. To judiciary.
, .S4B- 10O Malarkey. To -amend see
tionr 206 of the code and to repeal sec
tion 241) of the code, relating to liens
of judgments. To revision of laws.
8. B. 101. Croisan. To establish the
amount of tare per bale on sale of hops. I
To agriculture f , -
a B. 102, Miller. To authorize coun
ty: courts to permit experimental roads
to be built upon public highways. To
judieiary. - I
8. B. 103, qroisan. To amend section
3666 of the cpde, relating to salary of
assistant warden. To penal ; institu
tions. -.''.-.' v
8. B. 104, Wright. To amend the
eharter of McMinnville.
8. B. 105, Co'show. To prohibit shoot
ing upon or from the public highway.
To judiciary.
8. B. 106, Layeoek. To provide for
the re-location and" removal of county
seats. To judiciary. j.. .
S." B- 107, Coke, by request. To es
tablish hunters license." To game.
8. B. 109, Mararkey, by request. To
prevent the using of pigeons as targets.
To game. . I
S. B. 110, Malarkey, by request. To
prevent the . wanton destruction of
crabs. To fishing industry. . '
Sw' B. "ill, Rand. -To fix the salary
of the county school superintendent of
Harney county. To "judieiary.
8. B. 112, Rand. To fix the salary of
the assessor of Baker county. To ju
diciary. S. B. 113, Hodsota, by request. ' To
define the rights of riparian owners
along the Columbia river. To judieiary.
: S. B. . 114, Ooe. To exempt mining
corporations from . paying' annual li
cense. To mining. ; i ;
S. B. 115, Wright, by request. To
provide for; the forming of diking dis
tricts. To judiciary. .
a B. 116, Coke. To amend sections
2014, 2021, 2024, 2027 and 2029 of the
code, protecting water fowls and upland
game birds. To game .... ; .
8. B.' 117, Hobson. To license ped
dlers and canvassers. .To revision of
laws. - - -
S. B. 118. Tattle. Fixinc salaries of
ofileers for Clatsop county. To fishing
industry. .. . . . .
' Ja B. 120, Brownell, by request. , To
regulate the practice of osteopathy.. To
medicine and pharmacy. '
. S. B. 122, Nottingham.' iTo amend
sections 3628 and 3629 ' of the code,
changing the name -of- the .State Re
form School to State School for
Boya" To education.
S. B. 123, Coahow.' To amnd section
5611 of .the code, relating jto, states
sold by guardians. To revision of laws.
S. B.!l24, Pierce. To allow traveling
expenses 01 county school euperinten
dents for attending ittate annual con
vention. To elucation.
S. B. 125, Pierce. Relating to com
pulsory education. To education.
. S. B 126, Nottingham. Requiring all
entrances to saloons to be in front. To
8, B. 127, Booth, by request To pro
tect tootet keepers, 'lo assessment and
S. B. 128, Whcal.lon. To provide the
manner in which official undertaking
or eounty omeers may be iven. To
S. B. 129, Wright, by request. To
amend sections 4243, 4244. 4245, 4246
and 4247 pi the code, relating to vot
ing upon the questions of stock running
at large io public .buildings.
S. B. 130, Malarkey." To prevent and
punisn iraua upon travelers.' .To rail
S. B. 131, Tuttle. To appropriate
f suuu ior a memorial monument at Fort
Clatsop. To ways and means,
a. B.132, Malarkey. To appropriate
funds for the support, reclamation and
maintenance of- wayward girls in and
of this state. To judiciary.
8. B. 133, Loughary; by request. To
authorize county superintendents of
schools to dispense with annual county
institutes for Jthe yesr,1905. To edu
8. B. 134, Miller. To provide for one
fetate formal School, abolishing all oth
era. To ways and means.
a B. 135, Coshow. To amend section
1002 of the code relating to district at
tornets. To revision of laws. .
' a B. 136, Brownell, by request.; To
provide for the establishment of a Bu
reau of Mines. To mines and mining.
a B., 140, KuykeadalL To provide
ror tne use or .the proceeds of convict
labor on the public highways. To pen
al institutions. '
a B. 14,1, Smith, by request. To pro
tect oees asa Dee culture To horti
culture, . '
- 8. B. 142, Booth. To amend seetion
4260 of the eode, relating to taking np
revision or laws,
a B. 143 Pierce. To t appropriate
money for operating portage railway.
io commerce ana navigation.
' A Grim TrageOy.
Is daily enacted in thousaads of homes
as death eums, in each one, another
vietim of consumption I or pneiomonia.
But when coughs and colds aire prop
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u. Hnntley. of Uaklandon. Ind.Jwritei:
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three doctors gave her up. Finally she
took Dr.-Kine's New Discovers for
vonaomption, eougns and Colds, which
eurea ner, and today she
is well and
mrrvmtr 1 Villa .V. , ... ..
eases. One. dose relieves. - Guaranteed
ftt KO mmii i nn tv. n t-
Bdotrio Sexre Three Tear In Prison
V - iut Gives Notice of Appeaf ..
- . - i-: : - , -:
Jadire Bnrnett ' vesterdar oterruled
the motion for a nevftrial in the case
of the State of Oregon vs. J. C. Ryan,
and sentenced the derenoanr to serve a
term of three v-ears in the Orgon State.
Penitentiary. " Ryan's attorneys, how
ever, gave notice or appeal o tncoo
reme Court, whereupon Judge Burnett
issued a WTiti of probable cause and
raised the amount 01 tne prisoner
bond from $1,200 ; to $2,000. Rart
Cnrnili.l ih reoulred bond, with F. P.
Talkinoton and George Patterson ' as
sureties, and tnereoy secured nis noer
ty pending the appeal. Tne attorneys
f or Tie defendant were granted until
February 10 to file their bill of excep
tions.'. ; . -' " ''- '..
Knn w fonnd pniltv bv a iurv on
January 18, of the crime of larceny by
bailee, and district aiiorney 9nl1 11
McXary feels confident the" . Hupreme
Court will sustain the verdict. The ev
idence against, the defendant upon
which; conviction wasseured was con
clusive, and the jury, composed of some
of the most reputable citizens of Mar
lon county, deliberated but a few mo
ments before bringing in a verdict of
; ' -I . or? thc ;
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Oregon. '