Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, January 17, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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THE WHAT i Lift.
- PORTLAND, Jan. 16. The follow
Injj' is h weather forecast for the
twentv-four hours ending at midnight
Tuesday, January 17: Western Oregon
and Western ashington, fair. East
frn Oregon and Eastern Washington,
ai or snow, followed by clearing and
cooler w earner.
(From Saturday's Daily.)
Death of Mother ,
At foe home of her son in Albany,
X.Y., on January 1, 1905, Mrs. Rebec
ca Warner breathed her last. She was
in her ninetieth year. Deceased was
the mother of Mrs. R. E. Wands, of
this evty. " ' -
Bagley Will Admitted '
The -will of Ellen Bagley, deceased,
. which was filed in the Marion eonnty
court recently, was yesterday admitted
to probate by Judge Hcott. The bona
of1 Joan Reynolds, the attorney, who is
named in the will as executor, wa
fijced at $3200, and Dr. W. B. Morse, G.
I. Litchfield and A. A. Lee were ap
pointed to appraise 'the estate.
Sold and Will Move- '";
R. E. Wand and wife have sold taeir
fruit farm of fifteen aeres, in Hamp
den fark, a couple of mile east of this
eicy, to L. A. Grant. The purchaser
hascibeen a resident of Oregon about
two years. He came here from one of
the Dakotas. ,Mr. and Mrs. Wands are
going to move to Southern California,
'and they are now packing up for their
trip. They will probably locate at Long
Beach. ' '
The Pipe Organ by Easter
The .First Methodist church of this
city i to have the new pipe," organ in
hialled by Easter. At leasfi that is the
calculation, and the contract aas been
fonf-d. It will be a Kimball organ,
furnished by. the Eilers' Piano House.
The manager of the local branch of Vae
Kilcrs' Piano House, Mr. A. L. Love
lace, says it will be one of the very
best instruments of its 'kind in the
country, and a credit to the city as
well as the congregation which has
jhji'le it iossible to so promptly 'loe
up" tho contract.
Appraisers Tile Report
The inventory and appraisement of
ihc estate of the late. William Perry has
been fileI in the Marion county court,
and the valuw of tae real "estate is fixed
at$3000 and that of the personal prop
erty at 24S. Tbe estate was ap
praised by J. Reynolds, E. Krigbaum
and L. T. Reynolds. The appraisers of
fae estate of Arvilla Conn, a minor
.child; alo filed their report,' having ap
praised the jreHl property belonging to
lhe minor at $.122.51 and 'the personal
at (1061.38. The appraisers of this es
tate were Frank, Willman, T. Barr and
P. J. Larsen. V j ; ' "
Took Tirst Freinluni-st
Mr. R. E. Wands, oSLthi eity aas
received not ie.ey from the officials of the
8f. Louis Exposition that " i sho was
warded first premium on her exhibit
of canned " goods, including fruit,
meats and vegetables. The official no
tice which she received contained these
words: The jury of awards has
placed you in a position to officially and
most effectively make known the fact
that you nave, received the highest
award that the world can give you for
Ithe excellence of your products." Mrs.
Wands has received a handsome ribbon,
in lieu of the gold medal which will
be sent to her later as soon as there
is time to make it with others of the
wfme" character. The official notiee
which she received was signed-by Tres
idont Pranos..
Act of Carelessness
As carXo. 2 of the Salem Street
Railway Company was coming up Com
mercial street on the Fair Grounds line,
a roung man standing on the sidewalk
threw a hard snowball at, the car, break
ing one of the windows. As. soon as
he realized what he had done he turned
and ran away before ais identity could
be discerned. There were several pas
sengeis in the er at the time, and that
thev were not- severely injured by the
flying glass is regarded as miraculous.
It occurred near Marion street. If t'ae
ilentity of the perpetrator of this out
rage is discovered, is highly probable
that he will be prosecuted by the street
railway company. The person who
threw the snowball wa a young man
from all appearances. A certain party
is- under suspicion, wliose name could
not be learned.
? , .
. (From Sunday's Daily.)
Administrator Discharged
Tiv nr.lrr rvf Countv Jlldffe Scbtt, Z.
T. Imus -was vesterdav discharged as
l.im nil! rurnr nr i.n I nir jmui -
Buford. deceased, and "hi bondsmen jex
onerated, the estate having been fill
administered upon. ' f.
licensed to Wed
Marriage licenses woto issued ,by
County Clerk Roland yesterday as fol
lows: -Anton F. Will and Alma M.
Grim; Geo. C. Will, witness. Albrecht
A. Fischer and Emma Schneider; Au
gusta Schneider, witness.
To Hear rinal Account.
' Frank ST. Brown, the administrator
of the estate of James. Brown, deceased,
basjiled his final account in the Mar
ion "county court. February 4, at - p.
m., has been fixed by Judge Scott as
the time for hearing objections to tbo
account, i.. . ; ;:-" -
uone vo vauiornia
Mr. T. Holverson left yesterday for
- California, where e will look the field
over again with a -view to locating
there, he having recentlv disposed of
: his business here. Mr. Holverson came
to Salem in 1880 and has been in bus
iness here since then. He will be
. missed from Salem. It is likely wiil
go to San Diego. ", ' r
' For an Educational Congress
State Superintendnt Ackerroan is at
Portland where he attended the meet
. ing last night in the interest -of the
' International Educational Congress to
be held at, the Lewis and Clark Fair
v next summer. Prof.- Geo. W. Jones',
superintendent of the Blind School, and
lrof. Willis. C. Hawley, dean of .-WU-amette
University, are also in attest
. dance there.
t M - - " "1
Died in Nevada
- A; W. Charlton, of Tonapah, Nevada,
died at that place m Friday, January
13, of pneumonia, aged about 55 years.
Deceased was a brother of C. M. Charl
ton, who is an' officer at the venitentiary
Iim IT a - a . . 1 am
m kiicu ivur mmt a Hrrui
of Lake county," Oregon. He went to
Nevada about-two years ago, and "had
acquired valuable mining property at
Toaapah. V
Boxes Being Painted 7
Several people, have - inquired as to
what has beeome of the package boxes
of j the Postoffiee r Department down
town. The boxes have been taken away
from their " aeeustomed places to be
painted. They will have a eoat of paint
of the satne color as adorns the smaller
letter, boxes. The job, of painting will
be finished within the next few days,
after which, the package boxes will be
put baek in their aeeustomed places.
Feedmen Sue for Money ', ).
An action was commenced- in depart
ment l'o. JX of tae eircuTE r, court last
evening against Claude Harst, D. A.
White ic Son being the plaintiffs. The
suit was brought to .recover the torn
Of 93.5o, being the value of merchan
dise which the plaintiffs allege they
Sold to Hurst between October 11, 1904,
ani January 6, 190.. The complaint was
filed through the plaintiffs' attorney,
tcarifls Cj. jjenon.
Hartley Estate in Court--
Upon nisr own petition. Edear Hart
ley: was yesterday appointed adminis
trator of the estate of the late E. W.
Hartley, his bond being fixed in the
sum of $1500. According to the peti
won filed the testate consists of real
properly valued at about $7000, and
personal property valued at $700 The
appoinfee furnished the required under
taking, which was approved by the
conrt, and George off, E. E. Wilson
fend W. !N. Savage were named to ap
praise the estate.
(From Tuesday's Daily.)
Admitted to Oregon Bar
E. J. Brown, a lawyer of Seattle,
wasli., was yesterday admitted, to the
Oregon bar by the Supreme Court.
To Become as One
Bert G. Seely and Anna B. Town
send secured a marriage permit from
County Clerk Roland yesterday. The
affidavit was issued upon the affidavit
oi j1.. Lt. lowtiwnd.
Executor's Bond Approved-
County Judge Scott yesterday ap
proved the bond of John W. Reynolds
filed as exeeutor of the last will and
testament of Ellen E. Bagley, deceased.
The amount of the undertaking is
Governor's Picture '
' Governor Chamberlain stated to
Statesman representative yesterday
that be was very much pleased with
the picture of himself painted by Rich
Max Meyer of Portland. The Governor
said tho picture mitrht need a little re
touching but. otherwise waa perfectly
satisfactory. Officials at the State
Hoqso. who have an opportunity to see
the picture frequently declare it is a
portrait that grows on a person and that
they like it better every . time they see
: .
Died at Portland
lesterday Mrs. J. G. Graham re
ceived notice of the sitdden death of
her father, David Jay, at Portland, at
the age ef 70 years, and she left on the
earlv train for the Dur nose of attend
irfg the funeral. vHpn. J. 0. Graham,
member of the House from this eoun
tjv granted leave of absence yes
terday and followed his wife on the
afternoon train. He will return here
after the Ciineral. Mr. Jay had been a
resident oT Oregon for twenty-five
No Damage Done
At 7:45 o'clock Sunday evening the
lire department was summoned to the
Westeott residence, next'Hoor west of
the Cottage Hotel, on Court street, to
extinguish a small blaze, which, bow
ever, had been smothered when the de
partment arrived on the- scene. Air un
used fireplace bad been closed up with
a board covering, which was ignited
ly sparks and burning soot falling
down upon the inside. The fire depart-
menfresponded to the call in its usual
prompt manner.
! ' I . ' : ' -
Dedicated the Twenty -Sixth
It is probable that the new Congre
gational church in this city will be
dedicated on February 2Gth the last
Sunday of next month. The principal
cause of delay is the non-arrival of the
pews for the -new building. But the
manufacturers now assure the church
autoi-ities that they will be shipped in
tim so that tbey may be plaeed in
position and be ready. for Sunday, Feb
ruary Ct'th. The new Congregational
building will be one of the handsomest
end most convenient and eomfortiHa
edifice of the kind in Snlem, or for
that matter, in Oregoh.
Administrator" Appointed
" E. P. MeDaniel yesterday petitioned
the Marion county probate court for
tire appointment of W. H. Hobson as
administrator of the estate of Francis
M. t MeDaniel, deceased. Judge Scott
made an order in accordance with the
petition and fixed the amount of the
undertaking at $500, which' Mr. Hob;
eon furnished, and the same was ap
proved by the eonrt The estate con
sists of eal and personal property val
ued at about $1600. The heirs are two
brothers of the deceased, E. P. Me
Daniel. of Baker City. Oregon, and B.
F. . MeDaniel, whose last anown . resi
dence was in Texts.
i ; . A Grim Tragedy.
Is daily enacted in thousands of homes
as death c ms, in each one, anotner
victim of eonsnmption or pneumonia.
But when coughs and eolds are prop
erlr treated the tragedy is arerted. F.
G. Hnntley, of Daklandon, Ind writes:
"My wife had the consumption and
three' doctors gave her up. Finally she
took Dr. King's" New Discovery for
Consumption, coughs and Colds, wbieh
cured her,! and today she is well and
strong." It kills the germs of all dis
eases. , One dose relieves. Guaranteed
at 50e and?$1.00 by Danl J. Fry, drng
rost. : Trial bottles free. . -
. The annual meeting and banquet of
the! Salem Y. XL C. A. will be aeld at
the building on Thursday evening. Mr.
J. IL'ATcCoy, geneial secretary at San
Francisco and one of the ablest men in
the work of the whole country, will be
present and give an illustrated lecture.
lite size pAnrmra or goves-
Handiwork of Rich Meyer and. if
Accepted by. the Legislature, Will
Grace the WaUs of One of the Two
legislative Chambers.
(From Saturday's Daily.)
There arrived at che State House
yesterday afternoon a large life-size
portrait of Governor Chamberlain. Rich
Max Meyer, of Portland, is the artist
of the picture, and its appearance is
for the purpose of its being submitted
to the approval of. the chief executive
of the state and of the Legislative As
sembly. . Tt has been the custom for the Lgis
llture to appropriate-a sum of $60 to
De used rn the jmrehase of a portrait
of the different Governors of tae state.
These pictures are hung on the walls
of the two legislative chambers and tan
election of each new Governor me.ms
the addition of anoth?r portrait. The
portraits! are usually installed a sjort
time after the Governor's inaugurition.
About a jear ago a picture of Governor
ChajmberiaJn was painted bv E. W.
More, of Portland. Unfortunttrly,
when the portrait wa on the edje of
completion, it was destroyed by the fire
which consumed the Goodnough build
ing. Immediately after its destruetion the
Governor gave a sitting to Rich Max
Meyer, who has just finished the por
trait after many months of tedious and
confining effort. "If the portrait fsils to
please the committee from the two
houses, which will be apointed 10 pass
t'neir, judgment on it, the artist will
have had all his labor to ho advantage.
The portrait is a three-quarter like
ness, showing the Governor stai ling in
a Prince Albert. The thumb it his
right hand is inserted in the side poeket
of his tronsers with the fingers clcned
and projecting out. On "iis left side
Some of the Reliable Men and Concerns ot
Billiard and Pool Tables For rent or
sale on easy monthly payments. The
Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 49
Third St Portland, Oregon. 1
If you nave clothes to dean and press,
The Fashion Tailors are the best.
Dyeing, -steam cleaning and repair
ing. Satisfaction guaranteed. 433
Washington ; St between 11th and
12th-, Portland, Oregon.
Dr. Charles w. Barr, Dentist, 817 The
Dekum, Portland, Or. 'Phone Main
Portland General Electric Co. A full
line of electrical supplies carried in
stock. " .
Private Telephone Lines are' being In
stalled by all progressive farmers.
The cost is small In comparison with
the benfits derived. Get our estimates.
Western Electric Works, No. 61 Sixth
Street, Portland, Oregon.
Pronj?t attention given to outside or
ders on choice cut flowers and floral
designs. We also carry a large asi
sortment of rose bushes. Thomas C,
Bodley, 124 5th St, Portland, Or.
is a tame. Jn his left hand he clasps
a book which rests upon te- table.
Tn portrait does the Governor jus
tice as he presents a very scholarly and
diguifieu appearance. Connoisseurs say
the portrait is a magnificent work of
art and speak very highly of the t.tste
and skill displayed by Max Meyer and
consider it his masterpiece. The 'people
who judge a portrait by the resemblance
it bears to its subject are delighted and
say. it would be almost impossible to
procure a better one.
Governor Chamberlain is in Portland
at present and will not return to Sa
lem until Sunday. The Governor has
seen the portrait and has .paid close at
tention to its progress during the many
months it was being painted. That the
picture meets his approval is evidenced
by its appearance at the State House.
Its acceptance is therefore assured, as
the ; Legislature would not go agiiat
the desires and wishes of the Governor
In a matter of this kind.
The majority of the pictures in the
Senate and House chambers are the
work of Painter Cogswell, bnt there are
several from the hand of E. W. ioore,
of Portland. Several weeks ao the
portrait of ex-Governon Lord, by Moore,
was bv his special request removed end
a similar one by Cogswell fe-jbtitutcd.
Effort to Improve Both Being Made by
the City Street Super
. ; intendent.
(From Saturday's Daily.)
The Ferry street sewer work is fin
ally about completed and sooa it will
be doing service again. Yesterday the
laborers were busy filling up the .two
places they had been required to open
np for the purpose of making "the re
pairs, and today the scaffolding and
other rubbish will be cleared away from
there. ' V;,:-- ;t . . ' i
The new superintendent of strtets
seems to have take hold ia a business
like way and is doing a good deal of
work that will count on the streets.
The work performed on State street the
early part of the week had a good re
suit, fillinsr-up the ; holes on the sur
face and emoothiag the street down
generally, and also removing the top
layers of mnd.. This latter piece of
work i ia accordance witi the ' well
established rtreet .improvements prac
tice ia this eity, but one that the gen
eral run of people hope will not be
neeeasary to employ ; Jong: t ,-
The waste mnd of State street is be
ing taken into the low end of Willson
avenue to fill- that quagmire; It is said
that this piece of public ground will
soon be under-drained and that it will
be put ' in good shape. The under
draining, is neeetsary for the fertilizing
and sweetening1 of the soil in the lower
end of the avenne, and thjs has been
reeognizej for a long time, but some
way or other its effective earryipg out
has been made impossible at any time
ia the past. It is said that now the
council will favor doing some work on
this piece of land.
Then again it is said that an effort
will be made to get the money which
was left in the treasury of tae Will
son's avenue, improvement . league
when that concern ceased to be.fme
years ago, and also in the hands ot the
treasurer of another organization rlso
organized for the purpose-of beautify
ing "Allison's avenne. It is said that
there wae several hundred, dollars in
these two fnud,'anl if they eoul l be
applied to that work in addition to the
$.00 provided by the , council it would
make possible a good eM of improve
ment m that park for . the . 4.wm!g
Heirs of Henry Ollachlager Estate
Protest Against Report of
(From Saturday 's Daily.)
Margaret M. Widmer, J. M. Widmer,
George C. Widmer and Gertrude D.
Widmer, the alleged heirs at law of
the late Henry Ollsehlagcr, through
their attorneys, Messrs. lionhani & Mar
tin, yesterday filed objections to the
final account of Theo. M. Barr, the'ad
minitrator of the OHsculager estate.
Objections are made to the allowance
of sundry claims, aggregating $942.11,
also to the claim of Theo. M. Barr for
administrator's commissions amounting
to $337.78, and to the claim of P. 11.
Ey tciallt -
lias opened in Port
land, Oregon. Beit in
the Northwest. Call
xtI fee him.
129 8vath t.
Weddins and visiting cards, also mon
ogram stationery. W. G. Smith ft Co,
Washington Building, Portland, Or.
The Imperial Hotel Co, Phil Metschan,
rrrHtirint- c. V. Knowles. manacer:
Seventn and Washington streets. Port-
land, Oregon. European plan only; 9L
First class restaurant in
Dr. Wing Lee, Chinese physician. He
makes a specialty of treating those
who have chronic diseases which oth
er doctors fail to cure, fls skill is
indisputable. 280 Bornslde street,
Portland, Oregon. -
Portland Cancer Institute UiV
First street,- Dr. Veose, Cancer
treated without knife; 15 years' ex
perience. Also catarrh, asthma, con
sumption and all chronic and spinal
diseases permanently . cured. Consul
tation free. Mail orders have imme
diate attention. -
D'Arcy for $250 as attorney's fees inlweek, upon the charge of forgery, but
assisting the administrator in toe ad
ministration of the estate. J
The Widmers, in fat, object to the
account in general and protest against
the allowance of the same on, tae
ground that it is incomplete, and the
objections against the paymvnt' of the
administrator's commissions and the
attorney's fees are made on the ground
and for the alleged reason, that Mr.
Barr was wrongfully appointed as ad
ministrator cgainst the protects and ob-
r . . ' J .
be tue real heirs of the decedent, andi"'" ., """ . ",'., , '
on the assumption tbat May Oilsehlag
er is the widow of the deoed-nt.
Prior to the death of Henry 01b
schlager, when Theo. M. Barrf was ap
pointed as his guardian, the same
parties contested wis appointment .on
the grounds that Mary Oilsehlager, -.vho
had petitioned for the appointment,
was not foe legal w;ife of Henry Oil
sehlager and claimed they were his c-rly
known legal heirs. ' '
The content was fought out in the
county court with the result that Judge
Scott rendered a decision in favor of .
Mary Oilsehlager, in effect "holding thai
she was the wife of Henry Oilsehlager.
The matter was appealed to the circuit
court, where. Judge Boise sustained the
lower court.
""" - Spoiled Her Beauty. -Harriet
Howard, of 209 W. 31th
street, New York,' at one time "had her
beauty spoiled with skin: trouble. She
writes: "I bad salt rheum or eczema
for vesrs, but nothin" would cure it,
until I used BucklenV Arnica Salve."
A quick and sure healer for cuts, burns
and sores. Danl J. Fry's drug store.
ROME. Jan '16. Unusually "cold
weather is preraifiar throughout the
peninsular. Snow is falling- even ill
Rome, where there has been no snow
in the last ten years. - '.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 The Senate
today confirmed: the appointment o
Yespasian Warner of Illinois, as Com
missioner f - Pensions ,and George M.
Richey,- aa postmaster at La Grande,
Oregon. " .
John WadUns Proprietor of Turner
"Blind Pig. to Pay Handsomely
for Violating Lawn Criminal Docket
' Cleared anA Jury Discharged.
' ' - i. t -"-'''."'"
(From Saturday Daily.)
""The jury before1 which was tried the
suit for damages hi which M. M. High
was the plaintiff and the'Southern Pa
cific Company' defendant., returned into
court yesterday morning having found
a verdict for the plaintiff for the sum
of $728, or $7 less than the amount
asked for. fc
The ease was given to the jury at
midnight Thursday and the delibera
tions lasted until 3:30 o'clock yesterday
mornincr, when the twelve men brought
ia a sealed verdict which was opened
by Judge Burnett as soon as eonrt con
vened. Mr. High sued for $S23, the alleged
value of four horses killed by a South
ern Pacific train -on September 9, 1904,'
at a point near Chemawa.
Carl Long, who a few days ago was
eonvieted by a jury of the crime of as
sault and bat pry committed upon Hen
ry Cameron, at Buttieville, was yester-
fday sentenced to serve four months in
tht Marion county jail.
John Wadkins, who on Thursday en
tered a plea of not guilty to the charge
of selling liquor without a license ' in
Turner precinct, appeared in court yes
terday and withdrew his former, plea
and pleaded guilty to the charge. He
was also arraigned upon the second
charge, that of selling liquor to a
minor, to which he also rleaded guilty.
He waived time and was sentenced to
pay a fine of $300 for the first, named
offense and was given eix months in the
county jail for the second.
William Martin, the youny man from
Woodburn, was by order of Judge Bur-,
nett, committed to the Oregon State
Insane Asylum. v Martin was tried by
a iury during the first part of the
Oregon's Metropolis.
E. W. Mocre, photographer. We make
a specialty of enlarging in oil colors,
crayon, or pasteL. Our photo graphic
instruments are thb latest and we
have all the requirements for first-
class work. Seventh and Washington
Sts., Portland, Oregon.
Blnmauer Frank Drug Co Portland,
Oregon, is headquarters for Photo
graphic Supplies, Century, Fremo, To
co, Blair and Eastman Cameras. Ev
ery requisite for the Professional and
Amateur Photographer. Write for
complete catalogue.
Melrose Restaurant and Quick Lunch
i iwom. surpassing conee. neawness
and Dispatch our motto. 270 Alder
street, opposite Hotel Belvedere,
Portland, Oregon.
When in Portland patronize the Perkins
Restaurant. Our service is second to
none at popular prices. Give us one
trial and realize how nice we will
treat yon. D. M. Watson, Prop.
P. O. SUmp Works, 249 Alder St
Portland. Oregon, 'Phone. Main 710,
Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Brass
Signs, and Box Printing Plates. Send
for catalogue.
was acquitted upon the grounds of in
The case of R. W. Carey vs. H. 8.
Gile & Co. was, on motion of the defen
dants,! continued to the next regnjar
Ail jurymen were discharged from
further attendance in court by Judge
Burnett yesterdav, and court was ad
journed until 9: o'clock Monday 'morn-Je-
During the present , term of - court
eleven criminal cases have been dispos-
o.l nf una man waa enmtteri; in tWO
rars uhji nu iui i riiru. vit. nna .-
tiniied and one is still pendinir. The
number of conviction secured speaks
well for the efforts of District Attorney
John H. Mc Nary, who is fast gaining
an unfavorable ' reputation mon the
criminal element. The cases disposed
of were asvfollows:
Fred Neihold alias John Heine, bur
glary; sentenced to serve two years in
the penitentiary.
John James White, lareeny from a
dwelling; two years in penitentiary.'
pam Zurcher, larceny; one month in
county jaiL- f s
Ben Jarrett (neero), larceny; six
months in county jail.
Henry Carmody, selling liquor with
out license; "fined $50. - .
, F. P. Talkittgton, selling liqqor on
election day; fined $25.
John Wadkins, selling liquor without
license; fined 1300. , . '
John Wadkins, selling liqnor to a mi
nor; six months in county jai:.
Carl Lone, assault and battery; four
months in county jaiL
Arthur Farrow, obtaining money by
false pretence; acquitted.
William Martin, forgery; acquitted
on grounds ef insanity, and committed
to asylum. . v , .
Ansel' Crisler and Reas Hill, who are
changed wh the crime of larceny from
a store, jumped their cash bail of $150
each, and consequently were not present
to answer "rpll call."
The ease against C. P. King, who is
charged with lareeny from-a building
is rtill pending and on Monday District
Attorney MeNary will ask the eourt for
a continuance of the same until the next
regular term. ', Kiecr is the man who a
few weeks ago- stole an overcoat from
the office of the Oregon Nursery Com
pany, on Twelfth street."
s English walnut trees write for infor
mation to Brooks t Sons, Carlton,
Oregon, Walnnt Xorsery.
' P'ff also dneks, spring ehiekens and
hens. I will pay the highest cash
priee for same. Quong Hin& 2 Lib
erty street, Salem, Oregon. '
Do: a general transfer -business.
Deal in lath, wood, posts, sand' grav
el, cement, fire brick, fire clay, wood
ber plater and cntractors supplies.
port cards are printed to fit the
school register. The' prices are:
Twe.ro cards for 19 cents; twenty
five for 20 cents; ona kundred for 75
eats, Ctatesman Publishing Co, Sa
lem, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of Marion eonnty.
Oregon, administrator of the estate of
James M. Morris, deceased, and. has
duly qualified as suca as by law re
quired. All persons having claims
against said estate will present them
to me at Dalian, in JPolk county, Kti
gon, duly verified as by law required'
within six months from the date of the
first publication of the notice.
This notiee is published first time
this ldtit dav of January, ltK)..
a H. 'MOHB1S,
Administrator of the estate of James
MJcMorris, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that'th un
dersigned, has, y an order of tie
County Court of Marion county, 'Ore
gon, been duly appointed administrator
of the estate- of Sands Brownell, de
eeaaed, and has duly qualified as such,
and all persons, having claims against
said estate are' hereby notified to 'pre
sent, the same, duly verified to me
at my residenr on Salem, Oregon, 'ru
ral mall route '. 4, or to my attorneys,
Bonbam it Arartin,- L'l0 Commercial
street, Salem, Oregon, within eix
months from the date of to is notices
Dated Dec 16, 1904.
Administrator of the vtate of Sands
Brownell. deceased,
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Marion county. In the mat
ter of tho estate of Henry Nicholas
Thielsen, deceased.
I Notice is hereby given that the Coun
ty" Court of the State, of Oregon! for
Marion county, on this) day, duly ap
pointed Henry B. Thiebten s executor
of the above entitled esta:? and he has
duly qualified as such exec tit or, and all
persons having or claiming to have any
accounts, claims, or demands against
the above entitled estate are liereby
required to present the same to the said
executor at bis office in the McCornaek
block, on Court street, in th citv of
Salem, in Marion county, Oregon, "with
in six (6) months from this date.
Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 17th
dav of December, 1904.
Attorneys for t bv Exeontor.
N'otice ia hereby given to all whom
it may-cOncern: That the undersigned
have filed, their "final account of . said
estate in the County Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Marion
and that the said court has set the
same for hearing on Saturday the 11th
day of February, 190.", at 10 o'clock a.
m. of said day at the County Court
room in the Coiruty Court House, at the
City of Salem in Marion county, Ore
gon, and that, said final account and
any objections thereto will be heard
and passed upon by the court at said
time and place. , .
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this the 6th
day of Januarv, 1905.
Co-executors of the last will and
testament and estate of Johanna
O'Brien late of Marion ecunry, Ore
gon, deceased.
fyoney to Loan
On improved farm and city propert
at lowest rates, r
Over Ladd A Bush's Ban
Salem. Oregon. .
No. 2V(3t
Will a'and for ma,rei tha ootnlnr aMaon at am.
ner of Ferr sna Liberty a.reeta. Fm uiitmi
and paxticuUrs Call on
Vetcrinarr 8nmm. .
Phone 271 White. ' Salem. Or.
BARTER CITY. Or.. . Jan. 13Miss
Florence Smith, an employe in the mine
Hoarding house at the western Union
mine, on Bock Creek, has received word
from Ohio that by the will of an old
uncle, who died at the' age of 00, she
is heir to one third of an est ate, worth
$150,000. Miss Smith never saw ber
uncle, but often heard ber father speak
of an elder brother who lived in Ohio.
Miss. Smith's father left Ohio.' when
quite a young man and came West.
Since leaving his old home he has not
communicated with his relatives, ex
cept on rare occasions..
According to the terms of the will
Miss Smith and two other nieces inherit i
all the property. ,
; Tor Infant and Children.
Tta Iti Yci H3T3 Absjj E::$t
, Bears tha
A gay and handsome traveling man
Lay on a bed of-pain' ,
AH hope was )ati bis life ebbed fat,
lie ne'er would rie again.
"Have yoo no sweetheart, fair and
They whimpered o'cr ui bed,
Whom you would tell a last fare
" The young ma ti, softly said:
"There's Daisy Kick ia Burlington,
And Millie lip at Blair;
There s Kate down in Watcrtf.wn,
. And Mary at Han Claire:
And at Green flay there Esther, dear,
Whom 1 must ann-ly see;
And Annie, too, t Waterloo;,
Ilease bring them all to me."
The watchers stared in wild fturpiUr,.
And then thev said once more
And tell b, pvay, without delay.
The girl whom you adore;
The girl whom von have sworn t love
.And hrit'Z both wealth and fa rue!
our promised wife, and v-ie and life,
' Cjr.irk, let ns know her name."
. V
"There's Susie at Berlin." he ssid.
'And Mavme at Antit(6;
There's Vioiet at Martinette.
And May at Old St.J Joe;
There's Hat fie, toi, in Baralfo,
And Mabel at .Whitehall.'
The young man sighed: "It's time I
died, : -
I've sworn to love them all."
Milwaukee Sentinel.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store
Docs a strictly cash business; owes
no one, and no cne owes it; carries a
large stock; it shelves, counters and
show cases are loaded with drags, siedi
clnei, notions, toilet articles. Wines and'
liquors' of all' kinds for medical pur.
poses. Dr. Stooe is a regular graluate
in meuicioc and ha Lad many years of
experience in Cue practiced Consulta
tions ore free. Prescriptions are free,
and only regular prices for medicine.
Drr Stone . can"1 be ' found at his drug
store, Salem, Oregon, from six in the
morning until nine1 at night.
fa an important state aud 61.9
,per cent of Its population
is located oil
Chloas.'o, tae greaut M-oin-mercial
"emer of the West, is
best rrachel from, the North
west by this famous railroad
The Northwesters
Daily ; hetweeu Mluneapolis.
HU Paul und Chicago Is the
peer o' all flue trains
For lowest rates, tlmso I trains tad
full Information "tit to-
TrvIlnf Act., tp bvo Arenu
m ahlerSL, rorUsed. Or. .
Do You Want Fruit,
Hep. Grain, timber
or Grazing Land ?
We have all kinds and all
46 acres -of ood . river
bottom land, all in cultiva
tion, 8 milts from Salem,
price $10 per acre.
40 1 acrt-s, 7 miles , from
I Sdlenr, house, barn, . eta,
4 price $50 per a c e.
40Mcres of limber, 7 miles
from Salem, price $35 per
acre. , !
1 48 acres, 1 00 acres in
.cultivation, house, barn, etc
price $370 per acre. ,
320 acres, 90 acres in cul
tivatun,good nnprorements,
fine fruit, runnine water. 8
Itmiles from railroad, near
Bcuwi ana postomce, price
$15 per -acre, :ncfuding CO
ton? of hay, 1C good dairy ,
cows and cream separator. A
big bargain
' 1,100 acres of good stock
land, near railroad, fino im
provements, all or any ."'part
at only $12X0 per acre.
: 12 acres, all in fine bearing
fruit, prico $000. . -
. We have small tracts of all
kind-, city property of any
kind and in all locations.
If you want real estate of j
.mi oco us uciuro you
. buy Tell me your wants:
Bourn Ut trver Red Front
Drug Btore.
Cowier of Cotnmeral and fcitate