Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, December 27, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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ThD Old While corner
i . ' ' . '
L ; ;
Absolutely E2viry thing Reduced -
Salem' "Quality Shop" UrU thia morning with the greatest Clear
ance sale ever c inducted in BaJeru. DrH good will be red art 1 from, 10 to
' TiO per cent. .Iadits' ready to wear good, til k waists etc Hall price.
Beautiful shirt waist will be slaughtered and general upheaval of oar gains
will tske plaa. ' ." V : . -
POSITIVIPROOF'Wewill posiUvely prov that we are showing
new gTods in everyd.partmenr, and that we positively undersell all oppo
sition merchants, we will positively prove that this Monater Clear
ance Sato will te the great t money saving tale you ever attended. -
5e6 the Beautiful New Embroideries in our corner window. Imported
frooSwltzerland especially for our January sale.
' ' ' 25c Corset Cover Embroiderl&s Just In
Thousands of RcmnantsHalf Price
The library Is - Becoming More and
More "Popular and Its Number of 'Vol
umes Is Increasing Rapidly What Is
.Needed. '" - - -
Hop Growers' Supplies
Manafactexert, ef "Royal" floor.
; :r-A J: AGENT-:w-..y-:
207 Commercial Street, Falera
Wheat 80 cents.
) Oats 4540e per bushel.
Hay Cheat, 12.C0$iarelover $12
S13; timothy, S13g$ 14. ,
I Flour-14.40 pebbl. retail.
.Hour city retail soiling priee, si.io
$1.25 per sack.
Mill Feed Bran, 122J50 per ton;
aborts. 25.
Butter Country, 22 to 5e.
Eggs-29 cents...
' Chicken. M cents..
Bpriwgvrx H e?nt.
Ducks 10 cents. -
Turkey 14 to 15 cents.
Pork Fat hogs, 4&4 4-5c.
Beef Fat, steers, 1050 to 1250 16
3 U c: cows, 2(c?24e.
Mutton Choice wethers, 21j2e.
1 per pound. - ' '
Veal 4fe;o cents.
Aprdes 40?;50c per. bushel.
Potatoes 43. to 50e per bushel.
rbps 29 to 32 cents.
of Holiday Goods In the city.
Call aatd inspect thorn b-
foro bviylng olaowhoro.
O ufik 3 T O jTZ. 3C a
BmuvuW !! liflii Vsq Haw Atwajs Bocgii
ilm etr- Vi tte e-.il i VnMfciM.
KCYII lHrS Trf f All. Stnl S1l SMto-
vkrltrMd. jrr'xM- If; mm ru4it ala bat
mtro Mtoici (.,! r. unuw i, pm.
Sold m Salem by 8. C. Stone.
be faultless Grubber
Without question, tbe most perfect grubber jet placed on the
market, and; while the above may seem like a strong cla'm, nine then '
out of every ten who look over the machine admit that this lsa fact.
Cable always winds at bottom of drum.
Cable winds la one layer only, cannot pile over Itself and thus cut -
ouf . - .1- . . .
. Drum fitted with running bearings too 11 works very freely. ,
Drm thrown out of gear -Instantly, so It can" be unbound by
hand, or slack cin be taken ud without starting horstf.
SDrum holds 100 feet cable at one winding. : i ;
Owing to Its convenience and many exclusive features, will work'
from 50 to 100 per cent, faster than other machlies. .
Call and soe the machines or tend for catalogs and names of many
users.- - :v....-':"v-.;--- , I - '
K 7 1 fTZ I TVT S Implement
v y ii-a-afii ia House
Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Automobiles, Bicycle3, Bewing
-uuuw; ouppius. .o d -zot i-i Deny cstreet, Daiem.
The Salem Public Ubrarv which was
conceived and started- bat a few short
months ago baa developed and grown
ia a wonderful manner. It waa begun
by the. gift of a couple of hundred used
volumes, at a social meeting; this was
followed by the permission f the city
government to use a portion oi toe cny
council chamber for the library and now
the room has shelves along two sides
and the number of volumes exceeds two
: It. ia new time to call the attention
1 . . . . . . 1 . ' & . V. Am.
or unete abut, ne oi rm'i'ui); jwiu,
also yclept and dubbed the steeljking,
the Keotfh Yankee, the laird of Skibo,
etc., to the fat that there is a nucleus
here of an Institution which can be use
ful to him in making him poorer inMhis
world's goods and richer in the things
that tertain to the world to come. It
might be jssible that he would Kelp
the Oregon Legislature out in tbe main
tenance of Salem, as capital of Oregon,
bv erecting a library .building here.
Who knowaf No one ever received
much without asking for it. ! Suppose
some one ask .Uncle Andy.
The librarvitias, by purehase,, received
the following books: ; '
Adventures in 'i'hibet, Cary; Fulton's
lafe, Knox; Famous Orators of tbe
World: Sm Successful Women, Bol
ton; Chinese Boy and flirl. Headland;
arcenhouse Management, Taft; Daddy
Gabe, .the Bunawav. Harris; Master of
Millions. Lorimer; France in the Nine
teenth Century, Latimer; Abraham Lin
coins Speeches,-- Chittenden; Ionian's
Old Santa Fe Trail; Boy Traveler ip
Southern Europe, and Bay Traveler in
Mexico, Knox; Going's Forest, Fild
and Wayside Flowers; With the Wild
Flowers; Indian Boyhood, Eastman;
Andeton's Cvclooedia of American Bi
ography. 7 vol.;. Mitchell, History of
Sculpture, 2 vol; Harper's Antiquities;
Hudson's Shakespeare, 12 vol.. The
Masouersder,, Thurston Cruise of Caeb
elot. Bullen: Dorothy South, Fggleeton;
Oraustark, McOutcheon ; Lily of France,
Maon; Little Minister, Barne; Senti
mental Tommy, Barie; Saricenesca,
Crawford; Leopard's Spots, Dixon; Dri
and I, Baeheller; The Master Christian,
and Bay. Corelli; Li?ht of a Star, Ham
lin Garland; Luck of Roaring Camp,
Bret Harte: Last Hope. Merriman; Bar-
lasche of Guard, Merriman; Bed Rock,
Thos. Nelson Page; Captain January,
LvH Richards; Treasure Island, Stev
enson; Alice of Umi vincennes, momp-
son; sonny. Kutn M. tuart; innocents
Abroad, Mark Twain: Connecticut Yan
kee at King 'Arthur's1 Court, Twain;
Kalr God, Lew Wallace; Poems, virgii;
Schiller; Holmes; Fleming, How to
Study. Shakespeare, 4 vol.; - How the
Other Half Lives, Riisr The Spenders,
Wilson; Spenser's Poems; Boston Cook
ing School Cook Book, I wraer; Story
of New; Zealand, Parsons; How to Get
Strong and How to Stay So, Blaikie;
Court of Bovville, Wm. Allen White;
Rulfinch's Mythology; Tim Rise of the
Puth Republic, - oMtley; Hermann and
Dorothea," Ooethe; Minna von Barn
helm and Nothan the Wise, Ijessing;
Maid of Orleans and Mary Stuart, Schil
ler; Masters of Musie, Cbapin; Seen i
in Germanv, Baker; Library of Useful!
Stories, 25 vol.; Harold and Rienzi,
Bulwer Lytton ; Little Journeys to tho I
Homes of American Authors Heart of
Rome, Craword; The Choir Invisible,
Jas. Iane Allen; Andry, Marv K. John
son; Blix, Frank Norris; Wagner's Par
sifal. Oliver Ilnrkerg translation; Ca
noe and Saddle, Winthrop; Complete set
of Itnskin:s works, 15 vol; Emerson's
works, 9 vol.; Homej Circle Library,
Eaton,15 vol; Gadfly, by Vovnich. -
Tbe library would be thankful . for
files of Harper's, Seribner's and the
Century magazines for any vear, as the
association wishes to bind them. Num
bers of standard magazines for tbe cur
rent year are alo thankfully received.
There is no room for odd numbers of
cheap magazines that are several years
old. i . :
Monday, holiday, hours at the library
will be from 2 to H p. m.
Mastr of Pomona ilas Traveled Wil
lamette Siyer for a Great Many
Tears, and Is Well ; Satisfied of the
Value of an Open Waterway at Palls.
There is noTuing that will help the
entire valley moTe 'than - the purchase
of the Oregon City locks by the Govern
ment, ia the feeling and opinion of Captain-
A. B. Graham, of the ateamer
Pomona. 'Captain Graham has been a
steamboatman of . thei Willamette river
for a number of years and is welt able
to discuss the matter ' from the stand
point of an ' economist.
Capt. Graham says that the purchase
of the locks by the government would
reduuce the freight rates from the up
per to fEe lower river at least fifty
eents and passengers by boat would
save 10 centson each passage. He says
that every person living in the valley is
interested im this matter and that it is
worthy their careful : attenioa. There
seems td"be a move on foot looking to
this sort of a deal,-but it will require
all the aid of every influence In the
western part of the state to accomplish
tne matter. ' ;
Eerolntien Imminent.
A, sure sign of approaching revolt and
serious trouble in your system is ner-
vcTinf9S. slevpless-aeeK,-Mr etomseh xip
sets. Electric Bitters wil quickly dis
member - the . - troublesome causes. It
aever fails to tone the stomach, regu
late the kidneys and bowels, stimulate
the liver and clarify the blood. Bun
1 down systems benefit particularly and
. ail the usual attending aches vanish un
dvr its searehiag and thorough effect
j iveness. Elmrie Bitters is only 50c,
ana that is returned tz it don't give per.
feet satisfaction. , Guaranteed by D. J.
I try, arugjut. -
Prisoners In Marion County Jail Re
membered by Sheriff Colyer on
. Chrlstmasc Day.
The inmates of the Marion county
jail, ten in number, spent a - quiet
Christmas. To rough fbe kindness of
Sheriff W. J. Culver, however, they
were served with many aide dishes,
fruits, etc, in addition to tne regular
bill of fare, and it is needles to say the
treat was greatly enjoyed by the prisoners.-?.
.- - - y- ,
Of the ten inmates in jail three are
serving shorty ntences, six are await
ing the action of tho circuit court and
one Is held for a. preliminary 'bearing',
as follows: '- --
William Wesley ATartin,- from Wood
burn; bound over on eharge of forgery.
Roy Conktin, Salem; - serving six
months for larceny from the person
Lee Mann, Salem; serving twenty
three days for lareeny by "bailee.
John Cortes, alias Fred Nefhold, Mt.
Angel; bound ored on 'charge of burg
lary. - r : i
William Henry, Salem; serving , two
months for lareeny. . .-
John. W. White, Salem; bound over
on eharge of larceny.
Benjamin Janrett (colored), Salem;
bound over on eharge of larceny. 1
Sam Zureher, Turner; bound over on
eharge of burglary.
!L. W. Davis, Salem; held on charge
of assault with intent to kill.
, Charles P. King, Salem; bound over
on charge of larceny.
; Tight WiU Be Bitter. , ;
Those who will persist Jh closing their
ears against the continual recommenda
tion of Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption,- will have a Ion and bit
ter fight with their troubles, if not end
ed earlier by fatal termination. Read
what T. R. Beall, of Beall, Mis., has to
say: 'Last fall my wife had every symp
tom of consumption. She took Dr.
King's New Discovery after everything
else had failed. Improvement came at
one- and four bottles entirely enred her.
Guaranteed by D. J. Fry, druggist.
Price 50c, and iljOO. Trial bottles free.
Many Western States .Will Compete in
' Displays at the Lewis and Clark Cen
tennial MIchiganders and New
Yorkers to Be Surprised at Exhibit.
PORTLAND, Dec 23 Western states
wii show Eastern visitors to the Lewis
and Clark Centennial that the Oregon
country and California ean produce ap
ples equal to any grown elsewhere.
The people of Michigan and new York
who come to the Western World's Fair
are likely to be' especially surprised
when they see the wonderful display
of apples on exhibition.
The Oregon State Commission has for
some months been preparing an apple
display, and a large assortment of the
fruit has already been, gathered and
placed in ; cold storage, where it will be
kept until tbe Exposition opens June
1, next. Alore recently California has
seen the advantage of advertising the
state at the xaix by an apple display,
and the State Board of Trade has sent
communications 'to every large apple
growing eounty in the state, addressing
growers and local organizations that
are in a position to help to exploit the
resources of California in this way.
While the season' has been bad for ap
ples in some sections, the general out
look is good for a splendid showing at
Portland in 1905.
Washington apple growers are like
wise taking a keen interest in the Fair
and Governor MeBride has been ap
proached with a proposition to have
the state nay for the collection and
storage of an apple exhibit. If the
state funds should not provWfor
meeting ths expense, there ino ques
tion that Individual growjra and local
organizations will take op the task.
In Idaho, also, apple growers, incited
bv reports of activity in other states,
have begun to agitate the subject of a
state display of this frnit, and. pros
pects are bright for an exhibit that
will rival those of 'the states better
known for their, resources along this
line. :
. - ' PRESENT.
Miss Witzeli Gets the Bnggy. Mlsa Wil
son tbe SewingMachine, Miss Durbin
. the Bicycle Names ' of Those Wbo
Will Aents bwi f 9wm
A Frightened Ilorse .
Running like mad down tbe street
dumping the occupnts, or a hundred
other, accidents, are every-day occur
rences. It behooves everybody to have
a reliable salve handy, snd theie's none
ss good as Buefien's Arnica Salve.
Burns, cuts, sores, eczema and piles dis
appear quickly under Its soothing ef
fect. 25c. at D. J. Fry's drug store.
Proprietor of Stronf ' Bestaorant Par.
nishes Music with Christmas
' Dinner.
The Statesman's ; 1904 Subscrption
contest was cioeea last evening ai v
o'clock, and the . Christmas presents
have either been delivered or are ready
for the ten fortunate ones receiving the
highest number of votes.
The contest was started on January
6th last. It has been running for al
most a year. While it has been quite
a dull contest, the last week was aJ
good one. Miss Witzel received yester-j
day 10,383 votes. Miss Remington 4T2.V1
Miss Durbin 3100, Cleavie Shields 90gj
Miss Wilson sou, ana Miss iioiuiaeu
100; ,r-4 "V J '
.The total number of votes cast dur?
ing the whole contest was 68,720, ren!j
reaentiag cash payments for new sub-,
seribers to tbe Statesman snd other pa-
pers published from the Statesman
building, of $682.70. It . was mostly
( Statesman business, aad . represents,
f probably, 500 new subscribers all told
There -should have neen more new
subscribers from such a contest, with
such valuable presents to be given
away; but the results were not entirely!
disappointing. -The
Btatesmah will have more Induce
ments to offer for the securing of new
subscribers, but they will not take the
same form as the hist contest.
: The Ten Highest.
The following are the ten highest
contestants, wkoyill receive the Christ
mas present . ' "-.
Miss Pauline E. "Remington ... 23850
Miss Ilean Witzel . . , 128g5
Mss Edna Wilson '7 9310
Miss Thelraa Durbin 7825
Miss Mary E. Daviuson ........ 3463
Master Cleavie. Shields ....... 2575
Miss Beatrice Shelton ........ - 1370
Miss Opal Helmken .......... 1000
Miss Jessie Reed . . . . ... ....... ' 950
Miss Nettie. Beekner .......... ,840
The Distribution. '
The following is the distribution of
Christmas presents:; ' , ' -
Miss Remington, 435 Smith ft Barnes
piano, at Salem -branch of -the Allen A,
Gilbert-Ramaker Co. . . r
Miss Witzel, a Mitchell Bee Line
buggy, at the Salem b'abch of the
Mitchell, Lewis ft Stayer fo I
' Miss Wilson, a White Rotary sewing
machine, at the store of F. A. Wiggins.
Miss Durbin, a Tribune beyele, same
Miss Davidson, $25 cash; Master
Cleavie Shields,410; Miss Beatrice
Shelton, $5; Miss Opal Helmken, $5;
Miss Jessie Reed, $2.50; Miss Nettie
Beekner, $2.50. .
The following are the final totals,
closing the contest: ' .
Miss Pauline E. Remington .. . 23850
Miss Dean Witzel 12885
Miss Edna Wilson 9310
Miss Thelma Durbin. . 7825
i Miss Mary E. Davidson 3465
Master Cleavie Shields ... 2375
Miss Beatrice Shelton ........ 1370
Miss Opal Helmken .......... 1000
Miss Jessie Reed , . 930
Miss Nettie Beekner .......... 840
Miss Clara Jones . 750
Frances K rem is 650
Miss Margaret Mulkey ....... . 500
Mrs Cal Patton . . ; 375
Miss Willow Pugh . . . . 325
Miss Orletta Kraus 225
Mrs. John Batt 200
Miss Minnie Ireton 200
Miss Opal Hatch 175
Miss Grace N. Babcack 100
Miss Eva McAllister 100
Robert Whitney 100
Exposure to Wet,
dampness and cold, invariably results
in a sodden chill, which if not attended
to' immediately will cause a cold. By
mixing a tcaspoonful of Perry Davis'
Painkiller In balf a glass' of warm wa
ter or milk, the whole system will be
heated and the danger of cold avoided.
Avoid substitutes, there Is but one
Painkiller, Perry Davis V Price 25
cents and 50 cents.
That is the way the Conklin Self
Filling Fountain Pen writes.
- No trouble to fill, no filler to lose,
no. soiled fingers, no soiled paper
Trom dripping ink, no leaking-in the
pocket. Always ready, as soon as
the point touches the paper.
These are a few of the points in
which the Conklin leads.
i$3 to $5 according: to size
Cor. State and
Liberty Sts.
Those who took dinner at Strong's
Restaurant - Christmas were sumptuous
ly dined and well pleased,' MeEJroy's
Orchestra having been engaged to fur
nish music during the : dinner hours,
from 4 to 8 p. m. ' i
: A splendid menu had been prepared
and while the dinner was in progress
the orchestra rendered a most pleasing
program. . " -
Mr. A. C. Hopf, the proprietor, was
congratulated on all sides for the good
dinner and wis , enterprise in having
musie and hoped be would repeat it
often.'."' : . .-. ,
Mr. Hopf has only had eharge of the
restaurant two months but has made
many improvements, and today it is
one of the best conducted hostelries
in the state. He has made, it strictly
first class in , every particular and ex
pects to keep it so. In all probabilities
ae will have musie again New Year 'a.
" Zeno Rives, the 'new Republican
Congressman of this district, sas Con
gretsman Caldwell, - secured ' complete
rural delivery service for Sangamon,
Macoupin and . Christian, and that the
first thing he intends to do ia to secure
the same service for Montgomery conn
ty. " . , " Mr- Rives will probably know
more after be ia. In -Washington a few
months. CarlinsvIUe (IU.) .Inquirer,
Injured Man Is Taken to Salem Hos
pital Where Examination Reveals the
Pact That Wound Is Not of - Serious
Natutre Wood Davis of Sola Arres
ted for Crime.
These filings are made easy if you really
. want to quit. If you have no desire to
. quit and abstain afterward, don't waste
your money. ' V
the great liquor and tobacco remedy, will
take away fro:n you 'all desire for the use
of intoxicants or tobacco. You need not
go away from ' home to use it. No ex
. pensive board bills to pay. The cure . is
quick and permanent! 7
Reerriberl TRIB will J
' . cure you if you are sincere in a desire to .
be cured. , It is only $12,50 for a com
plete treatment. For sale bT
C. Perry's Drug . Store
'Salem, Oregon
In a row, the exact origin of which
could not be learned, Paul Johns of
North Balem, was yesterday afternoon
stabbed in the left aide, and Wood Da
vis Of Eola, occupies a eell in tbe Mar
ion county jail accused of the erime.
The trouble occurred In an alleyway in
the rear of the building occupied as a
saloon by Wm. R. Anderson, and the
men involved in the fracas were both
somewhat under the influence of liquor.
There were several witnesses to the
murderous assault, but when the police
arrived upon the scene it at once be
came evident . that the knowing ones
were determined . to shield the guilty
party, and it required much effort on
the tart of the officers to gain informa
tion which might give them a clew to
work on. Finally, however, the officers
were given a tip and late last evening
Chief of Police Gibson and i Deputy
Sheriff II. P. Minto went to Eola where
they placed under arrest Wood Davis.
who was brought to this city and locked
np in tbe county jail. : ,
Davis admits having been in Salem
yesterday afternoon hut denies bis guilt
of the assault upon Johns. When search
ed a pocket knife war found in faU pos
session with a blade three inches long,
upon which were found blood stains.
While Chief of Police Gibsonras ia the
act of examining the knife Vne prisoner
volunteered the stateMent that blood !
- : a, m . -
mignt do zouna upon tne Diaae, as nis
wife had used the knife to kill chickens
for Christmas dinner. - .
The injured nan was taken to the' Sa
lem Hospital where an examination re
vealed the fact that his wound eras not
of a serious nature,
iM M last -Ca
Must Be Entirely Closed Out. Only Five
Weeks More. No Reasonable Ofler
Will Be Refused
for any. article in the store. Former
prices- will not be consider, d. NTow
is your chance to buy nny article in
this large stock of
lidles' Salts, Skirls, Coats, WalsU,
PctHcoars, inderwear, , Hosiery,
Gloves, Corslts, for Scarfs, Wrappers,
, Dressing Sacqaes, Bath Robes &c at
You will not have such an oppor
tunity again very soon, if ever, to lay
tin a supply of staple articles for such
a small amount of money as the rWs-
eut time, Mrs. Fraser will be -with
ns until February 1st, as you will see
by the following letter she expected
to go to Portland, January 1st.
' Portland, Oregon, December 23, 1904.
Mrs, M. E, Fraser; .
Dear Madam: . i -
Yours to hand this morning. In reply will say I don t
think front will be in the stores for fully a month." We changed
our building from a rooming house to an up-to-date office build
ing; so that delaed us quite a little, but everything is going on
nice now. Will let you know just aa soon as fronts are in.
Yours Respectfully,
: - - By E.J. Blazier