Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, December 16, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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r-w ft jry---"
Am F
; favob or eoars or exesc
t ''yoEs-'opccnooL.-t -
We know We can save you money on
you r Christmas shopping. ' Oar low prices
marked in, plain figures, and one price to all
methods are meeting. with fa?or.
We are are especially well supplied this year
with boys watches at ,
$10, $2.50, $3.50 and 57.50
Nothing would please the boys better than such
a Christmas present j
Ccr State and
Liberty Sts.
Tcacher Did Not Present Diploma or
r'Certiacate as Inquired by Iaw
:: Ctate Board Has to Decide on Tjran-
scripts Only. "
NEW YORK, Dee. 13, Uaion Pa-
rite,' 10ft j do preferred, 93;, silver,
60e. ' ;.. : y.., ; v.:'
Chicago, De 15. r May wheat, open-JA1.0V-H(u)1.09;
-'closed, $1.10;
barle, 4148e; gax, $1.16; Northwest
, ern, $1.24.
Sao Fraaeisco, Dee. 13. Cash wheat,
Portland, Dee. 15. Wheat, export,
Walla Walla, 81c;,Bluefctem, 85. Mill
ing, Walla Walla, 80e; Blnestem, 885
9Dc; Valley, 87. Eastern markets, Wal
la Walla, 83(a S3e; Bloestem, 90e.
Taeoma, Dec. 13. Wheat, Blnestem,
88e; CJnb, 85c. -
' Local Markets.
Wheat 80 cents.
Oata 45j4C per bushel.
Hay Cheat, 12.50$13; clover $12
$13; timothy, $13$14. '
Flour $4.40 per bbl. retail,
- Floor City retail telling price, $1.15
(11.25 per saca.
Mill Feed Bran,
shorts, $23. -
, Eggs 30 cents. f
Chickens 8 cents.
. Springers 8 cents. '
Docks 9(5; 10 cents. ,
' Turkeys 14 cents.
Pork Fat hogi, (a4 4-5e. v
Beef Fat, steers, 1050 to 1250 H
2V4(ft2ei cows, 22e.
Mutton Choice wethers, 2 2e.
per pound.
Veal-4a(5Vi cents.
Apples 4050e per bushel. -
Potatoes 40(a)45c per busheL
' Hop 8 to 30 etDntaX
' I --- -- - : -
Kxebs Bros. Are Optimistic oa Question
of Prices for Present Season They
Say Shortage In Markets of . World
la Sore to Raise Prices.
$22JS0 per
2022e I (buy-
That there is a movement again in the
hop market was evidenced yesterday
by i the report that Krebs Bros, had
bought a lot of '20,000 pounds of hops
from J. R. Linn of net prime Oregon
hops atr 28& cents for February 1st
j Confirming the report, Conrad Krebs
said: "Yes. we have purchased twenty
tOHt .i.i. a ?- pa aaA
Hop Growers' Supplies
811 AW, SALEM, '
Manafactsren of "Rorsl" riicr.
- - t
207 Commercial Street, Falem
WASHIKOTON. Dec. 14.-At" the
opening of the Senate today the an
nouncement was mad of committee
changes to take effect December 15, and
Senator Mitehell of Oregon, was given
the chairmanship of ' the inter-oceanie
eanal committee to fill the vacancy
caused by the death of Senator H&nna,
the former chairman. . j
Senator Mitchell stated later that he
is much gratified at his assignment a
the chairman pt the committee, and de
nies emphatically that -there as been
any controversy in the matter or fight
hr him to secure it. The committee
is an important one in its relation to
the Pacific coast interests and Panama
eanal affairs. :
The change gives Mithell the eom
mvttee room ot the late Senator Hanna
and the patroaaire of a clerk and assist
ant. Senator ' Alger succeeds him ai
chairman f th committee on eoast de-
;- - m :: ' t
to ctTH3 a coia nr one dat
Tablets. All druggists refund the mon
ey if It fails to cure. ; ,
E. W. Grove's signature is on eh
box. 23 ecnts.
" ';: vr:.
t Will Eurpriae Yon Try It.
. It is the medicine above all others
for catarrh and is worth its weight in
gold. Ely's Cream Balm does all that
is claimed for it. W. B. Sperry, Hart
ford.'Coan. ,:-
My son waj afflicted with catirrh.
lie i.s 1 Ely's Cream- Balm and the dis
aerecable catarrh all left him. J. C
Olmstead, Areola, III. ; i ;
The Balm does not irritate or eause
fTipezin Bold by druggists at 50c,
state, and we will take 50.000 or 100.
COO pounds additional oa -the same
terms if the bears feci that tt?ey . can
sell them to ns and make a profit on
the transaction. ; We would not take
$300 for our purchase today. We have
eonfidence , in . the intelligence of tht
hop growers. ; The growers are thor
oughly conversant with the , existing
etaortage of the world's erop and they
realize the fact that sooner or later
prices must advance. V
. "At the beginning of the season of
1902 the i brewers had hops in their
store-rooihs from the preceding years.
The prie was forced up to 27 cents,
consequently the brewers bought spar
ing'y and used old hops with the ex
pectation of buying cheaper in 1903.
The season of 1903 opened actively at
nigh prices, but the bear element gain
ed control , on account of the poor
quality and put the price down. How
ever, owing to the scarcity of hops the
market advanced rapidly until it
reached 29 ; - cents. - Had it not been
cold throughout the East from March
until July, the market would have prob
ably advanced to 35 cents. All bears
and bulls alike admit that there are
less hops in the, world than there has
been for two years. Notwithstanding
the cold weather' in the spring of 1903
there was an increase in the consump
tion of beer.
"In 1902 England has an enormous
crop ef previous year to fall back on.
tnsequently, our export was high. In
1903 they still bad some old- hops to
nee, so they purchased a few over 44,
000 bales from America. September,
1904. found the warehouses of England
empty and as , a result the export
amounts tosomething over 60,000 bales
and on aeeount of the high price 'ia
Oermanv the imports are smaller than
in previous years. ,
"We feel confident of the ultimate
outcome. The bulls will win. We
growers must exercise patience. 1 We
have the bops and the brewers must
purchase of stop brewing. - The situa
tion is in the grbwers' bands. The
growers can put this market at 40 cents
bv refusing to cell. This is a year
when tb holders of hope can make a
The ease of -the board of directors
of the Cottage Grove school district
against County Superintendent W. B.
Dillard, as . superintendent of ' Lane
county and Nan Shiveley, appealed
from the decision of the superintendent
whieh was heard by the State Board,
of Edneation in the office of Superin
tendent Aekerman early this week, was
decided yeeterdayby the board against
the teacher, and in favor of the board
of directors. The easa was one rnere
the directors had employed Miss Shive-
lev to teaeh ia th Pnttii cm fimvtt ninth"
grade school ? and upon " requiring of
her the stae ' diploma required, it was j
uui ivrtBcoiBiag, ine cisihub oat -it
was lost. She failed to produce any
papers authorizing her to teach and
therefore the board declared the school
vacant, and employed another teacher."
Miss Shively appealed from- the- aetion
of the directors, claiming that she had
not promised to secure a duplicate of
her diploma, that, it was not necessary,
and that she had not had a chance to
respond to the charges, and therefore
had had no . trial before being dis
missed. ' - I- .;. - " v
The board claimed that there was no
contract with her, as she never product
ed the authority to teach, which . the
board held to be pfe-requisite to -. the
contract. : i .,
The county superintendent held that!
the teacher was entitled to a hearing, !
and f forg this . position the ' directors
appealed. "' :
- in " the course of - the decision the
State Board has held as in favor of the
directors and says:
- "The theory upon whieh the county
senoot superintendent based bis aetion
evidently was that the employment of
the teacher, by the board of directors
and her acceptance thereof - without
anything further beinr done constitut
ed a contract between the district and
the teaeher which -entitled her to have
formal charges preferred against her
and a hearing had thereon before she
could be removed by the directors of
the district.
) " In the absence of any statutory
rule or - requirement upon the subject
this Would probably be trne. "but "subdi
vision 7 of section 48 of article-6 of
the school laws of Oregon provides mat
the board of directors ehall hire teaen
ers : and make contracts with such
teachers whieh shall specify the wages,
number of : months to be - taught and
time employment is to begin as agreed
upon by the parties, and 'shall file such
contracts in the office of the district
clerk and a copy thereof in the office
of the eounty superintendent. , This
statute contemplates and it seems to
the board, requires that all contracts
with ' teachers anal be ; in writing, for
it would be impossible to file the con
tract in the office of the district clerk
and a copy thereof in - the office of the
eounty superintendent unless sueh eon
tract were in writing. '
"If this position be the correct one,
Miss Shiveley 's employment and accep
tance taereoi did not ripen into a con
tract for .- the reason that it . was not
evidenced, by-writing"- as required by
law, and therefore not being legally in
the employ of the district she was not
I entitled to ; have . charges preferred
against her aa a condition precedent to
declaring her position vacant.
"Subdivision 8 of section 43 of ar
ticle 6 of the school laws of Oregon
provides that if any district school
board shall draw a warrant on the
School fund ; for the -wages of any
teacher who ' does not hold a valid
teacher's permit, certificate or diploma
and lay the same before the board for
inspection, sneb district shall forfeit its
proportion of the school fund for the
current year. The records of the school
board show that they were demanding
from Miss Shively this evidence of her
right to teach and that she failed to
produce it in compliance with sueh de
mand, and therefore the: board eonld
not . enter into a written contract or
any contract with her until she had pre
sented for inspection the evidence of
her right to teaeh. To have entered
into a written contract with her would
have incurred the risk for tb district
of a forfeiture of its proportion of the
In 1897 Hon Jno R. Kemeir of Seattle bought $25 worth of stock in
the company whose property - adjoin the property of the Alaska Pe
troleum & Coal Ck. In 1902 be sold his interests for 51.G50.
That block of stock is today worth $5,000.
Controllers Bay in Southern Alaska; twenty miles east of the mouth of
.Copper River and three hundred miles west and north of Sitka.
Our first oil well is 800 yards from tide-water and
2640 feet from th
fThe Alaska Petroleum & Coal Co.
Is a corporattonorganized under the Laws of
the State of Washington, Stock fully paid and
non-assessable, with head office in the New
YorkjBlock, Seattle, Washington.
7 PPJ vr"V President
v u o u m&n ".Secretary
W M. . VVVIC1 Ctl
We have an open harbor; the year round. The
coldest the thermometer" registered last winter
was.two degrees below zero.
! Oil Lands - - : 11,600 Acres
j Coal Lands - - - 1,920 Acres
Town Site of Catalla - 80 Acres
"Two complete drilling outfits on the ground; tug, small boats and light
er; office building and 15 other buildings on various properties. The
Company owns SIX miles of water front. The coal lies just back of the
oil field. The folldwing is the analysis of the oil:
Gasoline and Benzine
Yellow Oil
Cylinder Oil -
Specif ic Gravity
45 B
The oil is paraffine base and superior tb any other oils produced In LL S.
Mr. Davis, Vice President of the company, and
Mr.Vlbomawf Special Agent for the company, can
ifrom9 a. m. ito 6 p. m. Appointments can be
madefor evenings.
TheyjwiU be glad to f urnisri information in regard to Alaska Petroleum
& Coal Co, and its properties. Certificates of stocks furnished on receipt
of money. Send all money by P. O. Money Order or , Registered Letter.
R. J. Mahonev.,
i. li Saater.
.Consulting Enelueer
These men are all successful business men
eyeZ man Pn th lrd I Prsonallv
interested In the rapid development of
these great properties. Their names are
a guarantee that every dollar entrusted to
them will be honestly expended and the
interests of every stockholder carefully
guarded. '
The best bank references furnished.
We can show you the reports of Dr. G. C
Martiu. expert t U. H. Geological eurveV
Our Coal and OU are placed at the head 1 of
the lists of coal and oil produced iu the
United States.
IscreCble Story sf fabulous Csal Depstlt,
Over 40 veins of coal show on our proper,
ty, 12 of which are over 10 ft. thick. The
largest is 88 ft. One 25 ft vein has been
uncovered for a distance of 1) milea. We
can mine a million tons a year for 100
years and not go below the level of the
creek. No such coal outside of Penasyl.
vanls. '
THEIB HOLDINGS FOR $10. $15. $20
8om of the most inccewful bus-.
iness men in Seattle and San Prancisoo.
have taken large block of this Btock,
ine of them 100,000 shares.
Our propertres will stand the test
of a mont careful serutiny, which we
invite. The oil companiea of Califor
nia are hampered by prohibitive. freight
rates. Our lands are right on tide
water. We own the townit and many
miies of water front. We have the a-.
eurpr.ee of a line of Meam colliers to
ply between Son Francisco and f'atalla '
as won an we have our prodnrtft ready
for tiarket. Mild climate. iarbr op
en entire year. 3
'"' ' - ri-IV.-' " " : .
Th9 company Is capitalized for 5.000,000 shares, par Value oce dollar,
shares are treasury stock. 50,000 shares' are set aside for this market.
The price of these shares for thi? week
i JsJS cents.
$15.00 Buys 100 Pliant .
$30 Buys 200 Shares
!75 Buys 500 Bhares
u $150 Buys 1000 Hhareg
Shares of stock carry an Interest In everything the company own.
Coal (C
MeCornack Bldgl, 112 Court St.
a,w. UATON'a office Telephone 2656. SALEM, OREGON,
A Blow in the Back. j school fond for the current year. Miss
Aa overeoat is a necessary nuisance ' f.h,lvT ' haVBfr file'1 to comply with
and the tendency ; to take it on! on thf "nd otA th board of directors
Warmisn (lavs III Iat antnmn ami mrin. I " " ' " cu.uM,lanco who a
teria as strong as it is nnwise. A
treacherous wind hits yon in the back
and the next morn rag. you have lumba
go. Rnb .well and often with Perry
leans' i'aiaslller and yon will be as
tonished to find how .quickly all sore
ness im banishetL There Is but one
Painkiller, Perry Davis'.
f ,
BOSTON, DecTl4.--Although the. aa'
nteipai election yesterday resulted in a
swveping ictorv for , the Democratic
party, the Republicans gsined two mem
bers of the board of aldermen and two
members la the common couneil. The
eity, as usual, declared for lieense by
a large majority. ? v5-
r The only contest , whereby a party
vote eonld be tested was in the ballot
ing for street commissioner. Salem D.
C'harlee, the present eommissioaer, was
retained to offiee by the Democrats, de
feating Ony W.-Kmerson, hi Republi
can opponent, by a vote ef 42,630 to
1,861. i ;- : ": : -
t No mayor was elected this year. ' Of
the thirteen aldermen erected, tea were
Alderman J." H.yCurley, who is serv
ing a two months' sentence In jail, was
reelected. Cnrley waa ; convicted of
impersonating another man at a civil
service examination.
" The next eomon eooneil will consist
of twenty-six Bcpoblicans and forty
aise Democrats.
'BeQalelc.' --
Not minute shourd be lost when a
ehUd shows symptoms of crocp. Cfcanv
berla'a's CongV Renredy iiten as tooa
ss the child becomes hoarse, or even
after the eroupy eourb anoeara. win
a w " -
prevent the attack. It never falL. anl
or mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren M pleasant Vnd safe to take. For sale
street, acw York.
jby all drosjixU.
statutory requirement, they could ' not
lawfully eater into a contract with her,
ana inereiore not saving been legally
employed the board of directors had
th tight to declare her nlae vaeant.
"The pnrpoae of the statute of this
state was for the protection of the
school, districts against misunderstand-
trnm throngn the faulty memory of
teachers, boards of directors and clerks
or the district, and the case under con
sideration ihows the necessity as well
as the .wisdom of sueh laws.
J'ln thia, aa in other laws, members
ef the State Board of Kducatloa have
received letters from nersons in the
school . district who felt an interest in
tbeeeision ef tire eon treversy between
the teaeher and the district, and the
board j t elt it Incumbent upon them
selves to say that in view of the law
governing the decision ef sneh contro
versies thev are prohibited from giv
ing these letters consideration on this
appeal. ; The board is required to de
eids this and other eases of a similar
nature wholl- and entirely sport the
transcript of th proceedings and the
eideaee taken befori -the board of
school directors as it has been certified
sp to them through the county school
snnerintendent. In arriving at a con
closion they are governed entirely bv
the law of this state, the rules fixed
by the State Board of Education and
the decisions of th courts bearing up
on the. questions involved. Whatever
may be the moral obligation upon a
school district to pay a teacher whose
services have bee- --ptcd without
anv warrant or authority of law, the
board is precluded by the statute front
considering the; qpti-r involved
rrom any but a regal standpoint.
vThe SUte Board of Education is.
therefore, of the opinion that Miss
Shively not having entered into any
valid contract whh the board of direc
tor; was sot entitled to demand a
matter of tight, that chatgea be prefer
red against her, and that therefore the
setion of the iwuaty school stiperinten-
u-a in no noiaing waa erroneous, and
It Has Ron a Long Time and Has Been
Devoid of Bustle, Bat the Leaders
Would Better Look to Their Laurels
'.and Avoid Surprises.
This wees; and next, and then the
Christmas gifts in the Statesman's
1904 Subscription Contest will be ready
for the fortunate ones standing at or
towards the head of the list. It has
been along contest, but not an exeit
ing one at any time. Perhaps it would
have been more exciting had it been
shorter. : . .
Bnt there is time yet for some ex
citement, and it is predicted that it
will . not eioee as smoothly as it has
who are today filling responsible and
influential positions in the world. Many
a man looks back to x his preparatory
work in Willamette University and re
members that it was there his ambition
was, lired, his thirst kindled, that was
never to be satisfied short of the high
est and best education obtainable. Ore
gon ians may be a bit prejudiced in fsv
or of 01.I Willamette," yet neverthe
less it is true that it has a surprising
number of names among its alumni of
which it may well be proud.
From material at haful there Is given
the names of a few Salem boys who
are now or have, recently been at Har
vard, one of. thte highest educational in
stitutions ia land, all but one of whom
hail from Willamette. Stanford, Berk
eley and other great institutions can
furnish similar lists.
Ambrie Field, a son of the well known
townsman. Dexter Field, i a graduate
of Boston University, (A. B. and Baeh
elor of Systematic Theology), also of
Harvard, (A. It). By profession he is
a school man. He first taught in a
proceeded from the" time of its ooeninar' iB2"J,OM ' Wgoa.in 1883; f ;r
up to the present time. Those standin ?7l TBr?.re.wa B nietor Bo.T-
- C I fl Tl
ia:a a n - -
k- La. j it. i t i-... i " xsovaion. vs.. tne last
ter not "sleep on their rights." There j ZmJv
is time vet for thin (A.h. I h W.M president of the East Greenwich
is time yet for thin mi to hahnn
' It is, a vote for every cent psid on
subscription for new subscribers, and
there is room for tens of thousands of
votes yet. If they are not east, the
Christmas presents will go very eheap
ly'to the foTfanate ones. ' ,
Following is the condition of the
contest at the present time:
Miss Pauline E. Remington .... 18823
Miss Edna Wilson, Macleay ..... 810
Miss Thelma Durbin. Tangent.. 4723
Miss Mary E. Davidson, Liberty
Dean Witsel, Salem ......
Clear! Shields, Cervaia .......
Miss Beatrice SLeltcn, Salem...
Miss Opal Helmken 8alem ....
Miss Jessie Reed, AumsviUn ...
Miss Nettie Beekner, Salem ...
Miss Clsra Jones, Brooks ......
Frances Kremis, Folk eounty ..
Miss Margaret Mulkey, Salem..
Mrs. Cal Fat ton ....
alias Willow Pugk .......
Miss Orletta Krans, Aurora ....
Mrs. Joh$ Bntt, Salem ....
Miss Minnie I re ton, Liberty
Miss Opal Hatch
Oraee N. Babeoek, Salem..
Miss Eva McAllister 7!..
J2bert Whitney, nnbbard ....
Orejoa rays 7h Ar Sesitoi Kljier
, Education in Leading University ;
" cf United States. . ' -
Ra1aA leisi tk .
reversed.'' 4" "u .' r'B! ' .roni opmrs ana its . graduating from Harvard in .1903 with
reversed. - ;ja8UtntioM ieelung a UgUt dacatioflan A. B. "degree. The year following
Academy, East Greenwood, B. I. At
present he is pursuing hs studies in ed
ucation and psychology ia Harvard.
Burt Brown Barker tautrht a vear in
the MeMinnville, Oregon. College, after
graduating in 'vi rrom Willamette Uni
versity. From there he entered Har
vard, graduating in 1901. He also has
an A. B. degree from the Chleago Uni
versity. lie toured Europe on his
wneei in the summer of 1901 with otnr
Harvard men, and again after his mar
riage in Jane, 1904, he visited England,
France, Switzerland, Germany, Holland
ana neigium. Jte is now in the law,
having formed a partnership with an
old practitioner of thirty years standing
at the Chicago bar a cousin of Field
Msranai lord Wolseley. ,
Floyd Field also a son of Dexter Field
graduated from Willamette University
in 1897. with the decree of A. B. Tn
900 he graduated from Harvard with
the degree of A. B. He taught one year
in the Allan 8chool at West Newton,
Mass. He was married in June, 1301,
in Cambridge, to Xiliau Boblin, of Sa
lem. In 1902 he took the degree of A.
M. at Harvard. He taoght mathemat
ics the following year in the State Col
lege at State College, Pa. At present
he is at the head of the department of
mathematics in the aeademy of the
Northwesem University, Evans ton. HL
Walter J. Bhepard graduated from
Willamette .University ia 1000 with the
degree of A. B. He was one of the Har.
yard students who cycled through Eng
land, Seotlsnd and France, in 1901,
he was at the head of the department of
histosy in the Missouri State Normal
School, at Kirksvilte. He is now in
Harvard holding- an Austin Teaching
Fellowship, and Prof, Hart's assistant
in history. He was married in 1903 to
Miss Alice Adams, of Kirksville, Mo.
Arthur P. McKinley graduated from
the University of Oregon in 1 90.1 .and
taught one year in Holmes' business
college in Portland, and for six years in
th Portland high school, (Latin). He
did graduate work in Harvard in 1901
02, spending the summer of 1902 in
Oermanv In 1902-03 he was professor
of Latin in U. of O In 1903 be returned
to Harvard ?and took lis A. M. degree.
At the present time he is doing gradu
ate work in that institution. Prof. Mc
Kinley is a very enthusiastic and suc
cessful mountain climber and has made
many ascents of the great peaks of the
Cascades, in both Washington and Ore
gon. Wm. A. Morris graduated from Stan
ford in 1901 with aa A. B- degree, bav
in" done his preparatory woTk in Wil
lamette. In the spring of 1901 he Won
the Carnot debating medal, one of the
highest honors obtainable in Stanford
or Berkeley. In 1901-04 he taught in
the Portland high school, (Latin and
history.) In 1903 he published a schol
arly article in the. Oregon Historical
Review on "The Authorship of the Hu
bert Howe Bancroft Histories." He is
now holding a s)250 Austin Scholarship
ior xeaeners, ana will doubtless take
his A. M. degree this year, nis msr-
nare last Jnne to Miss Mina nnelat, of
this city, is well and pleasantlyj-emem-bered.
E. R. Shepard did bis preparatory
work in Willamette and at thw Oregon
Agricultural College, taking his A. B.
degree from the latter in 1901. This
was- followed by a year's work in the
electrical engineering course in the Uni
versity of Oregon. In 1903-04 he did
e-raduate work in Berkeley, receiving
the degree of A. B. from that institu
tion, and winning a membership in the
Sigma Xsi society, a very honorable rec
ognition. He is at present pursuing his
studies ia electrical engineering in Harvard.,-
- - . ,
The old, original GROVE'S Tatelf
Chill Tonic. jYou know what you tr
taking. It is iron and quinine in I
tasteless form. No core, no pay. 50e.
7 Fight ma s Bluer.
Those who will persist In dosing their
ears against the continual recommenda
tion of Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, will have a lon and bit
ter fight with their troubles, if not end
ed arlier r.v fatal termination. Read
wnat T. TL. Beall. Of BeslL Mlss has to
say: 'Last fall my wife had every symp
tom! or eonsTimntlon. gne took Dr.
King's New Discovery ftfter etervthina
elso had failed. Improvement 'came at
one- nnd four bottle, entirely cored her.
Guaranteed bv D. .T. Fry, druggist.
Price 50ef and $1.00. Trial bottles free.
r- i
1 1 y
Would please many a woman more
than any other one thing she eonld
have for a Chilettnas gift.
The latest style woodwork com
bined with what U truly the most
up to date rotary shuttle machine
on the market-and that means the
best for once a woman baa osed a
rotary shuttle machine she wants
no other tort
Shuttle instantly removeable.
- Bhultlo will not clog.
Tension Indicator.
Automatic tension release.
Lock and chain stitch.
And many other fecturef.
and see the machine, Mr. hatband.
A good winter buggy robe.
A good storm apron.
A good buggy whip.
A good bike lamp.
An electrio band lamp, or even s
Tribune bicycle or a buggy top.
Call any time and look about.
r. A. wiaaiNS
Implement Houo
Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Au tomo
bilea, Bicycle-, Sewing Machine,
and BuppHes. 25-257 LIUr.y
": Street