Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, December 06, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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"y" ' " ' ...... wrssLY oseoon sTATTiAy.-TurrDAY psmasa a 1801. -. - - - "
U , SHoo flA:
Shop -in
iKe N"
ir the
:V J
GreLid Prize for Girls
We have placed in our windows three ears of corn. The girl u
der H years of nge, guessing the nearest t the eiaH numtwrof
kernels on all three ears of corn will receive FREE tbm
Valued at Ten Dollars J
The onljj requirement laeI on com alitor.- f.r this glf - is that
they must come In person and register their name and gut si.
Contest Closes Saturday. December 24th at Noon.
Given Away Christmas Eve at 8:30 p. m.
In eient of two or more.tieif gTrfi the itar.
' tat guess we have a plan to decide the tie.
Tree Orna ments
Never hefore have the people ct this
vicinity had such a' variety uid com
pleteness of ktoctc to select from as
we are showing at the present time.
Newest noveltie in decorations in a
grt at arrav of beauty. Prices are low-
er than ever and u&sortmenU larger.
Chicago, Oct. 23, IDOL
My Daret Sistrr:-
I lmvo lifen .jromiing myself tliat
I -would write to yon, and give you a
long It-tter. of or trip in Kuroje thii
su:nmer. I ara- going to iiregaril the
ortT of our jiiurncy and take it ly the
er ftiiil irag it befero yn as I winh.
I urio to tell' jou in this letter of
our Tay in the i'.Iack Forest or
"Hi-hwarzwaUl" as th Oernians say.
Per HU wars'. wall translatel ratnn
"The Blark Foreit." 1 suspect that
yon, and probably most American,
know of the Ulack 'Forest from bav
iaj; neon some dnrk and frightful pic
ture in your "childhood representing
some ol.l German legend of how some
Iovr'.was lu'red.'to his death by some
sprite of tfe forest. Th legends of
the Sehwarzwald are almost as.numer-
as it trees.. I "suppose that I ani
within tho bon.l of .troth when J
nay that thin region has more myths
than any other one part of Germany
uulens perhaps the so-ealled "Khine
t:ountry. lf-oue wen to count all the
legions of places on the Khine from its
source to its mouth, the'might exceed
th number of those about tht Black
Forest. Hut it is. hardly fair to call
thU a district ai the lihine runs
through many districts. But the
ichwarswald or Black Forest is a re
gion peculiar .to itself. It is the south
western part of Germany and lies im
mediately north of Switzerland. The
Rhine llowing out of Lake Constance
takes a very direct weternly eoHrne
tilt it reaches Bawl where it turns aud.
run north, la this elbow of the
Rhine lies thd Sehwarr.wald. (A map
of southern Germany should be exam
In coming from Switzerland 'we
etonped first at Schaffhauseu famous as
having theh "Fall of the Rhine."
Here the Rhine comvs 'tumbling over
three rather distinct strata of . rock
making a total fall from the top of
the rapids to the bottom of the fall of
bout seven feet. On the left hank
stands "Ichloss Laufi,"'or the Cas
tle of laufen. It i a very old eastlo
dating from about 976 A. D. .' It stantls
en a very high and steep rock point.
From it one gets a very good view of
the falls. One can wind down a path
and eome to the : very edge . of the
water. There : are four distinct land-.
igs at different heights so that yon
e the fall from the top and then a
quarter of the way down, half way
down, three-fourths and finally yoa
tand at the very foot of the fall
'bere the roar is simply deafening and
the spray simply grand. Rainbow
are numerous but I was unable to find
an end of one and so earried away no
: hag Of gold. ; " I ; " ' ' v f -A
few yards below the fall we took
boat "somewhat like unto a gondoH
and crosted to the opposite. side ofthe
: river. RekalThftiiseM is tJie last phice
of ilprtane in Switzerland, gain g
sorta to Germany. From ftehafThausen
went to Singxr where we took the
warzwaldljahn. That looks' to he a
For all a gr :it profusion
of t lirhtinas liaudker
chiefs, henuHtitched, scal
loped, all linen, wnvent
embroidered, all pure Irih
linen liuii;st itched all width
hem; tine French emlsroid
ered handkerchiefs, iu fact
all designs and sizes. You
may feel reasonably sure
that you can find just ex
actly what you want at the
lowest prices.
3c to $5.00
$18 5C Tailored Suite.
$22,60 Tailored Suits-..
$25.00 lo
hard word.' But, as many another Ger
man word, if yon will strike it a blow
it will fall I i-cf?s. Hence the above
i three words tacked together:
Kchwarz nifanx blick or dark. Wald
ncrii foro'it; or wood and Babu N rail--r.ih'f.
hen- ' Khwarsiwaldbaha means
Black I-'orost Hajilritail. From Singer
we went mirth on the Hcbwarzwaldhahn
some three or four hours when we rcach
el Tribrg where we were to stop.
Im Schwarzwald.
Or translated, "In the Blaek For
est." Kurope has many attractions to
which American tourists flock Count
it po exaggeration when I ue the word
flock, for it. is true tha 14 Lucerne oae
can't run fat enough to get away from
Americans and EngliHlimen, while I ai
told that in parts. of Berlin one scarce
ly bears, Orrman. "I bnve known of
parties ' having -to threaten to do n
more Nlutijini in the daee unless the
cferks erased speaking Knglish. In
Cologne Knelish in ,x)kn readily in
every second shop. In fact, no one need
be surprised todav if after stumbling
through oine broken German or French
question he receives a reply in English,
as it is an everyday occurrence in al
most every EurOein city. However,
this is not true in the Black Forest. It
is a very well known spot to most tour
ists, but vory few American or Knglish
travelers ftay there. As a rule sueh
are hastening to the larger citie and
well known resorts, or cures or kuhr."
Uenee once in Schwarzwald one is out
of the so-called "beaten path" of tour
ist. This we knew, and hence here we
stopped. AVe left the train at Triberg,
although we were not eertain whether
we world stay here or go into some oi
the neighboring villages.
; :,..' ; Triberg.
This is pronounced as if spelled Tree
berg. It is generally confused with
tbo larger city of Freiburg, which is
to the west and on the very rdge of
the Black Forest. Triberg is in the
heart of the forest. It is not so wild
as many ther villages and does not en
jov tire distinction of being "off the
railroad. 7 It is doubtless the best
known resort in the forest. This is
doubtless due to the water falL
Der Wasserfall.
The glory of Triberg is its waterfall.
A smalt mountain stream called the
Outaeh winds its course through the
forest and courses: tumbling down .the
mountain in seven distinct lesps or
falls. The .entire distance covered by
the seven falls is about 500 feet. Rustic
bridges span the falls in four places,
giving thus a near view. The volume
of water is not great, so that the falls
are-Ret -wrmderfeWw he sense of being
great or; powerf nL ' They are neither,
hut are wonderful only ia that they are
beautiful. ',- It i no sueh a sight as one
has when he step from the train t the
f ..n....... .K -PfitU nd sees a line of sil-
ver. andisprav spatter;, at his feet,-for
it is little orner xran b"-11 JT i
Canada;:where a veritahJe-flver comes
r.lnnging out. or the monmam
.immjr.i(! 9nd roars a moon'
tain tj-rtrras passes your. train ; or
ILL, be the toys. Toys for. everyone! Dolls! Dolls! Goodness gracious,
you never saw so many dolls! Big dolls, little dolls, t pretty ones and
homely; negro dolls, paper dolls, rubber dolls; doll heads, bodies, shoes;
furniture and )ewelry. Wagons, horses, carts, guns, carriages, books,
gimes, blocks, animals, mechanical toys, dishes, musical toys, etc,
etc. Why! we could fill the paper with a list of the different toys here
for the little ones. Nothing
this year than ever before.
For money saving ia
our ladies' ready-to-wear
dep artment.
All garments are of
this, season's show
ings and are right in
every p a r 1 1 o ular.
The season's brl'ht
esv and best styles
madeup of the pop
ular materials.
- $19 5
$35 00 Tailored Suits
A line of b!a k and colored Taffeta and Peau-de-Boie
Kilk WaUts at a great sacrifice.
Prices range from $5 00 to $15 00.
HaJf Price
is it sueh a sight as Raskin could see
any hour of the day from his beautiful
Br&ntwood onConniaton waters, where
he could watch the silver line ofn
mountain stream thread its way over
the rugged Knglish mountains-and pitch
it-elf over a cliff into the pfucid lake.
But the GutaehWaseerfall is won
derfnlly picturesque as it ereeps noise
lessly through the high plateau some
7f0 feet above Triberg. and, without
warning, begins; to pitch and whirl as
ifc-' 'suddenly strike; the down slope of
ihe Sstorenberg' range. The eonrw is
very steep and rocky. The falls are
merely a series of great rocky strps
over which the little stream 'wounds its
way; Yet one doe not et the idea of
irresistibleness here as one does while
standing at the Rheinfall. Here one
run clamber down - on the stones and
with enre pick his way over parts of it.
One gets rather the feeling of eom
paniondip. I have noted that there
are two very distinct impressions given
by so-ealled "mountains." Take one
who is acenstomed to the Rocky moun
tains, the Canadian Bel kirks, one who
has always been impressed with awe be
cause of the p-ratness and grandeur of
the scenes. Here the precipices are
measured by the hundreds of fret, while
the tops, of many of the inomtaios are
simply beyond human efforts. It is awe
awfnlness which impresses one. Take
that same person and let him travel in
the English lake region, where he can
tra.-e. with his eye, aa he drives along,
path leading to the very summit of the
mountains and at once he has a very
different impression. ; A mountain is no
longer a thing simply Insurmountable
sad beyond man, but it is a conquorable
thing, a thing over5 which man has
dominion. You know yon ean climb it
at your will, and at onee it is a com
panion. This is the; feeling one has in
the Black Forest and in its waterfall.
It is a thing with a heart to which yonr
heart goes ont and tou are friends. It
is not the roar of destruction, but the
cheerful call of water at play. And so
one sits on a bench or stands on a rustic
bridge and watches as with human in
terest the waters of the Gntach as they
come tumbling over the seven falls, cov
ering about 500 feet. The ravine is so
situated that one ean stand at its foot
and see the entire course -of the fails.
Every night, a large eleetrie search
light plays on the water and gives a
wonderfuly beautiful effect. I have but
to shut my eyes to see it on either side
the blackness of the forest, while in
the great streak of light which- verit-
ihlv floods noon the : ravine eomes
tumbling and. '.whirling', the silvery
waters, now red, now, green, as the
lenses are changed on the searchlight.
" I . Enrcomite. . .. ; - -
Too most nqjjbe surprised to hear of
an electric searchlight , even- in -the
Blaek Forest.; I found the Germans the
most advanced of any of the Euroaa
nations T visited. Throughout Ger
many one eonstantly meets the "kur-
eomite." with its "knrtax."- ?ow, tne
"knreomite' is nothing other than a
enre-eommittee and the "kurtax" is a
nfA.ft. When a Germaa wants to tell
yon that he is "doing the resorts," as
but new toys In the store, and our prices ore lower
V V V V V V V .4 V V
Wonderftil Toys
The hoys will want to see the trains of cars
and tracks, with the wonderful switches, the
new novelty Looping the Loop wondetful
and no end of fun for ambitious boys. Here
are all sorts of mechanical toys such as
Steam Engines
Magic Lanterns
Automobiles ;
Walking Dogs, Rabbits.
Monkeys, Etc.
Besid s such -a variety of other mechanical
toys. The girl w otion is well represented by
a giand display of the newtfst and best
Dells, Big, Small
and Medium,
Dressed and
Doll Furniture, Shoes,
Jewelry, Headsi
Bodies, Wigs '
Carts, BooksrGames,
. -"Etc., Etc. -
11 ring' the children and let them enjoy the
sights. Their suggestions are always to be
remembered. .
wewHild say, ho tells you that he is
"laking the cures." It.eame about in
way that many of the present resorts
were once famous ' for some peculiar
spring or some other healing feature.
The sick of the various ailments went
to the various places reputed to be
"cures' for different diseases. In this
way certain of thes place Wame fam
ous. Baden-Baden today is one of the
greatest cures in Germany; everywhere
are seen the halt and maimed who bavo
come to dip in and drink the famous hot
waters of Baden. A very large and m
ensive building now covers the springs
which supply the bath-houses in differ
ent parts of the city. Thus by people
Koing from one eity to another, boast
ing of certain curative springs, the
Germans came to say they were "tak
ing the cures" when they go from city
to eity which have now eom to be
recognized resorts. Hence the knv
eomite or committee which fixes a tax
for your cure, no donbt originally this
was a tax imposed by the eity on those
who came to bathe in the springs of
that city.- But today it stands as a. tax
which every visitor must pay before
he leaves the erTy. At Triberg if a
person remains over night the tax is
30 pfeniage, or about 74 eents; if one
remains a week or longer it is at the
rate of 1 mark or about 23 eents a
week per person. This tax in Triberg
is collected by the hotel keeper, who
merely adds the amount to your bill.
Jlo is responsible to the eity for it, be
cause the very first thing yon do after
deciding to remain at a hotel is to sign
your name, occupation and borne ad
dress on a slip of paper and give it to
the maid, who takes it to the office,
where it is sent to th chief of police.
In this way a record is kept of every
visitor and the hotel keeper is held re
sponsible for the tax of his guests. The
nionev collected in this way is used in
making the eity more attractive to
guests. At Triberg the money is used
for taring ont and building new trails
or walks through the forest, repairing
the old ones, providing benches and
seats along these walks, holding "wald
fests," or wood feast, whieh is an en
tertaining gathering of the country folk
for the amusement of the guests of the
eity.' At " Baden-Baden this kureomite
keeps social tennis courts and provides
a eoneert each afternoon and evening.
These are very- fine, only- the beet of
musicians are employed, and the music
is always high class. Thus throughout
Germany one is everywhere meeting
this committee and its works. On the
backs of benches, seals and chair you
will find its name, while all over the
country are signs indicating directions
to various nhiees near "you . and the
length of time it will take an average
walker to go the. distance.. ail pnt up
by the various committees of the neigh
boring towns.
' Every path is marked fa the Schwarz
wald. At every cross path will be
found signs with rrrow pointing the
direction to the various places, of in
terest or indicating different beautiful
walks. Thus one never goes far in any
direction wttneut com in g-to a sirn in-
! d'eating the path which leads to. the
' . . . . i l : tv...
aeares. town. .a a grnrri tuiu irre
m-i.. ' - y-
One of the chief char
acteristics of oar
clothing is the artis
tic way in which the
colors of ; f a b r 1 e s,
trimmings, etc., are
combined. You
1 .- . i'k' t I -
should see the real art in our clothing. Come
in any try on a suit or overcoat, 'twont cost
you anything, -but if you wish to buy it
won't cost much.
$10.00 to $25.00
There's nothing about a man's drees tbat
catches the eye of the observing woman as
quickly las the tie. Our holiday neckwear is
the swellest line we have ever shown. AVe
can please any taste. "
, 50c to $2;50
signs also indicate the length of lime
it will require to walk to the place
designated It is a noticeable thing
that people seldom direct you in terms
of distance, but rather in terms of
time. For "example, a man would never
say that a place is six meters (they
never say miles, of course) distant, but
rather would say it is an boar histant,
meaning yon could walk It In an hour.
Such , directions are raost useful, since
one generally asks the distance in order
to estimate! how long it would take him
to walk it.! No doubt the cuHtom of ho
directing one has grown np ltecauc of
the fact that people are constantly
walking from place to plane and always
wanting to know how long it would
take to walk the distance. One- err
encouraginp feature about it it that the
time given is alwys long enough for
almost anyone. Many times I found I
could cover the distance in nbout one
half the time-indicated, l'robablv the
reason for this lies in the fact that the
country is: very hilly and a liberal al
lowance is made on account of this.
Customs and Costumes.
There are few places In Europe, per
haps, where the old customs and cos
tumes are to be found more plentifully.
Any Sunday one can see numberless
women with a big bow of 'broad ribbon
for a hat. I have seen these bows ful'y
eighteen inches from tip to lip mide
of ribbon about four inches vf hie. The
bow is made on a Wire franre and st
on the bead so that the ends project 1
OJt over 1 he ears. Then on the- r.re
often fringe of some variety., Another
headgear often seen is a round straw
hat, with large red balls of sot ma
terial resembling yarn. One often sera
sevfsral of these orr one hat. ; But of H
the headwear I saw
"Die Krone'
Was the most interesting. Tt is "the
crown," and is a mark of engagement.
"The crown" stands about . twelve
inches high and is about six 'inches
across. It is made of tinsel. Xaney
twisted wire and a great . nnmbe of
variously colored balls, such as nst
to decorate our Christmas trees with.
Then often one sees small - round mir
rors about one iaeh in "diameter rt in
in various places; often there is a row
of these at the top. It mienis o nu
that the best deeription I eld g?c of
this material is to sav that-it is just
sueh as we use for Christ urns decora
tions. Fancy colored bails, tinsel,
twisted wire and mirrors seem' to be the
materials of which' these crowns are
made. There seems to bo sitv uncer
tainty about the custom of wearing
these hats, if they may be ao Vsilled. As
nearlyas we could learn a young wom
an han to wear it foarteea dart before
she is married. If she is a bride for
the first time she wears it on 3er head
when married. If not, i the Jiangs it
about her neck. We have son friends
who saw a marriage in the BLeek For
est where the bride was a mother, and
so was married with the "krone" hang
ing about her ,nrek. I attended a
:4waldfest" or' forest festival, where
I saw a half dozen young wo wen 'Wear
ing these head decorations. Tlsetr danced
about with them and were vei free and
Grend Prize for Boys
We h a ve pi acod i ri on r w I ndn w t h ree es,r. of mrji. T he boy u n
dr 14 y- ars of see, gussi-ing the nearest "to the exact number of
ketnels on all three ears of corn will receive fR.EE this
" Valued .t Fifteen Pol lev r.
The ruly miuirrnieut plaeel on competitors for Uds git is that
they mxist come in person and register their name and guess.
Contest Closes S&iturday, December 24th at Noon.
Given Away Christmas Eve at 8:30 p.m.
I:t event of two or
Mt guess we bare
The prettiest good from'
whk'U to make your new
opera party cape or
wrap i t h v I a s t e 1
Cloih. . Yu will find it
here in jiwt the shade
you want. Greater -soitments
than' ever
fr.m which to select.
When in doubt give a
picture.. Here you will
liud a complete assort
ment in the new style
frames including wo-k
of such famous artists
as Glbs-n. Christy.
Underwood. &mi th.
and others and at prices
much les than you'd
expect to pay. Pictures
intended jor holiday
gifts will be held and
delivered when desired,
without extra charge.
Fhop whil th assort
ments are at their best.
.... . . -
Instructive Letter from
Traveled Extensively in
easy; the poor fellow who was the
partner had to not only discard his own
hat, but also submit to a continuous
jabbing and punching in the face with!
almost every step. a iouni u is a
splendid test to put to a young aspir
ant. They generally stick to the girl,
Fishing and Forest.
There is no doubt In my mind but
that Germany has adopted a veYy wise
course in regard to her forests and
streams. Their laws touching In it h aro
very strict. One is wry interested to
not the success of their operations. At
once on going info the Black Forest
one is' impressed with the care which ia
in such evidenre. There is not a dead
or fallen tree to be seen. All such are
at once cut for wood and a young tree
planted in its ptace. Whole tracts are
as perfectly kept us a park not a fal
len limb to be seen, white in many
plaeea the fallen Jieedles make a per
fectly clean covering all over the
ground. There is little nnderbrushlo
be fonnd anywhere. There are forest
ers, whose duty it is to go into the for
est nnd designate tlt tres which may
be cut. Tbn in othrr places whole
tracts are cut clear. But for every
tree whieh is rnt oh im:t be planted
not planted and left to die, but planted
and made to grow. r Where whole tracts
are cut, other whole tracts are started
in place of those cut. One cannot walk
very far in any direction without eom
injf'to open nurseries in the clearings.
These clearings are worked and seeds
planted. Here one will see trees of
every stage from the first temier sj.rout
to the three f r four-year old tree. These
are thinned out and transplanted till -
they are strong ranngn to ne set out
jerinanently. Tw- lessons are very
noticeable; first, the trees aro started
in the very soil in which they are to
tow, so that they nre acenstomed and
adapted to the region. fWond, the trees
are tended from the eel and kept
sturdy and slot-Ay, "so that when it is
set out to be permsuent it Is a hardy
tree and not so'ne shade crown sapling
tfrom another soil grown.under vrry dif
ferent conditions. I have seen acres of
such set f OKKt where one would not
see for yards in anv direction a tree
which was dead. The system is "un
doubtedly tb trae one. .
The government is"epa!Iy earefid of
its streams. Onv ejtn seircly find a
mountain strc-m 1 rt thst it i Veil
stocked with fish. It is ninsged in
this way:
All the stresms are nnder the control
of the government. 1 These are-divided
I into parts or sectioTts, and sold at see
! tion.ffOne person ma buv as msnv see-
lions or parts as he pleases. Often th
; various clnbs of 1he netirbborin cities!
f will buy irf an entire stream. This al-
fways carries with it the tight to fih
I ill'
en euner nbi. iuen.ine povernmem; atr.nrin:CTit with both hands in the
eives the privilege of unlimited fishing air and lw.Vs1 at ns. Had we dropped
to the pnrehseT, which right be may rout of tbe. heavens she would not have
as toy himself or sell to others. jJut,fes wore surprised. vYotir lovin
the government also rco'iires the pur-l brother, BUET "
chaser to tnt into his utresm rat see t inn) ' - "' 1
n eertain nnmlier of mlnnowa each vear.l -
,Th government oreseribes the nnml?ri
;and variety, and these must be' supplied
more tieing on the near.
a plan to decide the tie.
7 "
Our Vednesday Bpecial No. 205. For
this day's selling we are offering an ex
ceptlonal bargain in the newest
Cushion Cases
In Oriental shadings and stripes. They
are finished with tassels and are ready
for. the cushions. ,
: 25c
Come early in order to secure - your
supplf as the amount is none too large.
A Similar lot was offered not long go
and were sold out before noon.
t ... . .
One Who Has
Germany. V
from the government hatcheries. In
this way good and strong varieties are
always provided, and so one can -go
almost anywhere and enjoy good sport.
Bat the stranger is just a bit surprised
when, he first begins to inquire for hi
stream. If he is a Westerner be thinks
his only duty is to himself and he wants
.u KAKUVl III. MflllO UUiUL H II U V Lift T I.
Itut he .very soon learns this will not
do. He must first find who purchased
and controls the stream where he would
fish and go to such owner and get his
permit. He finis he ean fish all dsy for
one marx or j rents, jmsgtne nis Joy
to think be can have all he ean catch in
a day for 2"cent. But no! Again bo
is fated to disappointment.. On return-
ing in tbr evening with a well filled
string he is qnietly told that he may
buy his fish which he has caught and
if ha will allow them to bo weighed he
may ray for them at the regnlar mar
ket price a ad go on his w rejoicing.
Then it is be learns for thn first time
that he paid his mark' or 23 eents for
the "privilege" -of fishing, and not for
the fish he might catch. His sport is
one thing Jii ganre-another. He may
have either or both, but he must pay
for what he gets; if he; Wan Is the sport
he pays for it at the rate of a mark a
lay; if he wants the fish he pays for
thvm at the market prie.
-In many instances the streams are
j)urcua-ei iy ine cixy or vne "jtur
eouiite," so that you must go to the
mayor orvebairman for the privilege and
then tS him your fish and he will sell
them to you. - . -
However we mav appreciate the cus-
ja ef
': - .
sw'-sis viniim a la t If J II naji UUI7 U il
certain and thnt is tbat the system
streams with fine Csh. There
sav li ii i" i fir sti m Kin tw w rttm
is no-
couie to some tteh system in the United
Htate, boSh for our ffirests and fishing
and other game if we are ever to pre-
serve them. We are taking steps to pre
serve our oam and fore4s, but there,
is a good chance . for some canablo;
yoiirisr mnir tr devise ami advocate sorac
such system for protecting the fish of
our streams. It would be-a pleasure to
me if Oregon might take the Jrad in this,
matter. 1 am tired, and no doubt you
are. I -wanted to - tell you at out tbo'
elok in-lustry of the forest and how I"
grt yonr clock in a most queer and"
ruriuus rdd bouse wLich wr stumbled'
on to in one of our rambles. Rtraoga
to say, I found a paper publishe-i in
Oregon ia this little old house-in the
evrt of t be BlacV Forest in Germans ..
1 f Von r'Jni.l hav -v tl.n l.w
cnie.e over Ire faces of the man and his!
wir w!?ot;' thev learnfwt- w-e im tr.n
AieM-a, an-l I from Oreson '
- ' " JL A 'ill
Gort :tl.l liirrtnAH
V.n Abierieaf .f:n r.n .: , ..;
was the" ex lametion wki. h parsed the
lips of the old Udv ns she. stood in mute-