Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 29, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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PobUahed mrtrj TueiT mm rrHr by tbe
ft.. PFTXDRJ'-Kfl. MasacM.
T. T. frfcli. Editor.
Oisyaar aalv4. ....................... sinp
J x Bwmui. la advance. .......... ......... X)
t unm vieviba !a sdeaite. ... ............. .28
jajra r. llso ...... ....... 1.36
ftfHwoyraatru0,m.ribeSwhi 7 e matter of , . . .... '.--tea: with
bs received H nerir tbat k a4 many eost. Saleui seem to be pleading for! V " ' beaulirui system, wita
&hrr n4 It (or a reimrattnn, ome n an edition de luxe ia the State Fair in monthly does, to regulate human births
Itt ui, ""f KJF financial way, and has .lone a little according to the eonstitntion and by
rr tba benefit of Uuse, ti tor other naaoa as possible in return. Beading the ' s ..t, - - . t,rnvt,ie.A
ahaTeotilo4e1 tofoBdntMaa-enpOoB : Statesman's article tt I Knt . UCB eases made and provided,
n ly when n.,ufll iooom. a rwraeoB Mmi oiaieaman s article, U la bat fair to re- -4. . tt, 4tRf-i.,v
bin ruterihTix, or pari ... adfToUTwia ' member that the editor of that paper, About three yeara ago Senator Clark, or
nU lTVnf hi tue'rah. Jtu to 3 1 GoYerwr di1 more for th Mmt offered a parse of $1,000,000
a year. H area tar we wiuVnJ the paper taU "T wno k preceded or followed him to tb married daughter or daugbter-
rpoomM penooa b wi'. it, tbouaa taerlia that nign oQiee. Bat all the more
tear net aeext the another, with tto tutnuul
( k ibattnev ara to pt $IM a year, la caaa they
i4 ii obarrittk aronnot rna orrr ii
toontna. in order tbat ibr may to no nlnn
derMaaain. w wiiJ keep this notice staa41a
at tata place la the paper
Ah, in'eafb heart there is a holy
, spot
A mid the waste, ia UU ot fount
and palm;
Forever grea! The world's breath
enters not,
- The pasxiun-tempeats may not break
... its calm!
Thither ia trust, un.baffled mayst
" thou turn,
From bitter word-1, eold greetings,
htrartlesa ees. r
(jaenehing thy soul's thirst at this
hi.Ulfn urn. ;
That, filled with memories, in its!
i own ahrine list j ,
. Mrs. Henians.
Kaxtern papers are now lioasting of
their flue Indian summer.
About the only consolation the Demo
crats see in the future is that Boose
vclt has protniwd i not run again.
AVhat a ten-strike it will Imj if the
Lewi aud Clark Commissioners ran HUV wa,lc a.ir, "WWKb "e state any
prevail poVl'reahient RKivelt to bit w' tUca "bHt w,u tb and
the Trail next year. , jClark Fair do while they are goue-
. . ' IpIokc up uutil they return f
An exehange says a New York broker j n,e only "ioible way in which the
.madu 5,000 while lying ia' beL" State Fair eaa interfere with the Expo
l?ut no doubt be was experienced in ajtion will he to attract visitors else-
g i.rB..-r auma wane ly.ug in Ul
offlee. :
Governor LaFollette of Wbteonsin,
aays he has no time at present to con-
aider the Senatorial question, lie prob-
ably intends to have his (juarles later
on. . I
' Tho Xcw York Times soggMts
!,' . . ... . , The. expense, to. the state will be uo
ot-ratie party is Altop 11. Parker. Piob- . .1 ......, .
aldy n the n,ud that tho hair Jf aUt" than that whieb it ha, borne
dog is good for his bite. toT lwBtJr! Tbl" ot the
v- , . j quemtioa is hardly worth cousidering.
No doubt Mr.; Itryan !J exeensively .The State Fair haw become -one of the
busy now getting bis fodder in the , permanent and creditable iurftitutions
" iitinolr ; wlit frnat la till . II... ..! l . .li . m I.
r --'- " . ' ..V.
immpkla after which the work of re
organlzation will begin in earueHt.
. The Iriah Nationalists are said to be
"on the venn' of a big split.' Li-t
tbem take warning from some expert-1
eneca in American iNditics. That split
in the Democrat if party, together withiho evidently have nothing bt-tter to
its lj possibilities' and e onsetpienees, . do, or anything to do, is the organiza
alioiibl.be evertborne in mind. tin of a "-Maternity Club," whose ob-
' ' " : jeet is to ."secure meinbers among the
. Hrolber Waltcr-on can scarcely have motbers of tho country who will agree
a greater disgust for "monarchical in . bring children into the world."
.titlloo.?Uian iha which he has for Th?5f lub nSern . premJum lf ,noth.
tir rrrTi'?? Amrr"M,rrfM at-....; bjt t
lle ror lust lilain. nuriui aenao. II la! . ' '
sincerely hoped that hi European trip
will give him'a nW idea, as BrnV
did, and that he will not return with a
i . , , . - .
sour stomach.
Anvwa In t m Kuiu
will be Siered that talk about no Vtee ter of raiding ehildren."
President baying Imjco promoted .to rV eos'ts to join the club and $3
first place. "Washington Post. ltiii.fr, monthly diieat If at the end of IS
this ia not iha firt instance of tbe rnvntb', after the birth of her laxt
kind. Jefferson : was Vice I'reaident M,'C vbe mother gives birth to aa
when he was elected. to the Presidency jther, a premium of 1W is paid ber,
In 1800, and Van Buren when elected in j hut if .-t7 months elapse between her
IS.Io, aJthongh Itoosevelt is the first Id ren lUieii paid JtfOO.aad if three
man sueeeding to the Prcsidene 1 years, "00. jrej monthly dues con
through the death of the President tinuo right ailing aajl Jf leM than 18
who has ever beon elected to succeed
himself, or wbo has ever been nominat
, ed for the position. Precedent all
vanish before Teddy's icrsonality. Hut
no precedent ever stands longer than
the proper time comes to break it.
"Mvwife had a deep-seated eoagh
for three yeara.f purchased two
bottles of Ayeis Cherry Pectoral,
larje size, and It cored her com.
Probably you know of
cough medicines that re
lieve little coughs, all
coughs, except deep ones
The medicine that has
cured the worst of deep
j coughs for 60 years is
i Ayers Cherry Pectoral.
Ttewstsstt ticttctlia.
i ,JmUj?"oetor lrystaklt.
iw tit aao
An inactive Ijver prevents any
cou-h medicine from doing Its best
erx. Ayer's Pills are liver tills.
J.CJUtnCO.. Lowtil, ita.
Coughs I
Says the Albany Herald:
"Tb Salem Statesman takes excep
tion to a growing seatimeot through
the state that the State Fair should not j
stand in the war of he Lewis and Clark I
Piar. BeeaW i hold a big ' State
Fair this year wiU interfere with the J
Lewis and Clark Fair, and eannot help
.loing so. Taxpayers are tired of aav -
.'rZ mlue o',, ,a entrance fee in the eoateat. r
hW pre.nt eireoimrtanees appeal to
one iaformeJ (and interested in State,"" " ' . r.
rair matter toward favoring the omis-.'ear one ot ni uaugsters-in-iaw ie
aon of this Fair for this time in the in- came the mother of a boy baby and
tff7. f thhieU ffo2 . ,t!'i'i wlt"bi less tbaa a week afterward.
Portland. It will be the SUte Fair's v- : i
turn nxt year, unless the book-making, H d"la't Nture will attend to
two-week' fair idea of the mmiin. . these abstruse ouestioas better ; and
jment receives further encouragement."
lJut, with due respect for our Albany t haired Boston mother who would , te
rvnlcmoraryj we mut say this sort of .better employed in look lag after the
reasoning is'; specious. , Everbody' cooking ia their own households thaa
knows that tbe otnixsioo of one JState'in undertaking to prescribe the duties
r'air will erijiple the next attempt more 'of etber people in their private affairs,
than ean be reeovered in Hve year a. Ja Verily, all the fool are not dead yet.
all the time intervening since the first Jt should be adled, however, that in
Ktatc Fair was held; now more tbaa 'all tbese regulations and provisos, no
forty years, there has been no failure j mention is made, even by inference, of
to have an annual exhibition, and next' husband, of bis rights or duties, of
year, of all years, tbre should be a j his sharing in the income be is utter
display of the state's - resources, Jajly ignored. Th failure of tbe entire
live atoek and other directions, tbat 1
sliall surpass any of its predecessors.
- And it will not in the leavt Interfere
with the Lewis and Clark Fair. To be
sure, for one week only ont of; four
months, there will be an Inducement for f TZ. ",7" 7 ;.rTiri-; Zr th Mrct ' ! ST tt
v. ..! . -i u i. itb9 dire JTimary law i the ajparent g0nc t arope, after making a tierson
trn visiters to get into the heart .l wu!ai. ra t,i- . ....",.. t
. 4. .. ..... . . i ". j , - ai eamuaiirn JiEuinst
oi me wiuanietie vauey; vti isn't it,. u- i;-i h. rluht .if. . .
. . . . .....,,,. tjers have Insisted tioa tu right or great paper that waa
.7 "-"r'- -ov. V" mewbera.of n party to take part i a My disgraceful, in di
( an thev not be aiarnl from TV.rtlun.l I . .: . .. . . w
. . itbe primary meellnjis ox anotner, wnen, i.artinr shot fire.r nvi.
fnr tli ahnri nrln.i nf n .li fAf ih I ' . , . parting snot, nrenr evii
T , . . i reailv. aweli nrivileot. when exercised. .
fwrptme of seeing the state whose set
tlement we have contributed largely to
induce them to eome this way?
If It in admitted that they wilt prob-
wberc Ior onu wcrk ef fttur ln0nths,
, .tu t .li.. . ...
11 i t trivial a matter to discuss, ca
( IiaO when the eity of Portland
!'ould want every Eastern visitor to'
xptnd even' more than one week away
from that eity in the h ope that he mav
fiud what will apieal to him to become
- it..
I jrrmiiviii ciuwu or wic Biaif.
V, UQ 91IIB UU L L II IB HlHt' Ul 1 1 B TITO
greseivc 'usefulness, especially, should
not be given a black eye by its friends.
The very latent nonsensical fad to cn-
IIP'K the attention of a class of people
ierliool 'from a scientific standpoint."
Ti, ""!"
"b". W' ! "ot b"nf
th orUl
more children
financial con
dition warrant a," and the last idjeet
Is to "jay such mothers a premium for
Ihrir i-arn an. I raimluliim in 4 t.n u.
mouths elapse between, her children she
It ia explained that "till encourages
longer perbxls between' berths, and
while it does not eneoaragcraee-aul-eide,
it places a premium on " healthy
and vigorous families, etc." .
Of course, the "Mother Club" is in
BoHton, bat it claims members in every
art of the country,
And yet, there is room hero for the
advocates and. believcra ia the "simple
life," the life lived by our grandmoth
ers ami mothers, to recoil against the
proposition to turn the . ' new woman"
into a machine for breeding purposes
for a money consideration! Wince $50U
is offered for a baby every three years
and lui $300 every 27 month, whether
there shall be a. child within-the one
period or the other will deiead" ujwn
the sonlid nature of the parents. ; If a
note is due within 27 month and no
other apjarent way by which to raise
the money, here Is the means, right t at
band, for meeting the obligation! ;
And yet, instances are common with
ia the, observation of every person,
where twj children have been born
within fifteen months of each other,
and the last much the healthier of the
two, while cades are plentiful where ten
5'era. have elapsed and the new-eomer
baa IW-a twtb a ruiit and an invalid.
But since the "Maternity Club "
births by barring any premium for a.
thiltl which appears , sooner thaa IS '
months, of course do suck births will
eeor ia the future among its members,
That il(U wcrtb keeping Jia riw
. . , .
BI ,UW " tW
300 tl, PPX event will always be
systematically -postponed ia view of
ibe larger parse which bs been haag
j- n v- ,s-
..tU - win. .k.-
more satisfactorily than a lot of short
u-heme mav be aufelv oredicted.
- -r j r w
One of the genuine surpri:s 'coming
In tmlilir. nrttifi (.a a rminlt of ilivntutluir
I J l I 9-r , ' i na ill ihti v mv V
ia no manner leads to the purification ganization;" What will , yon organize
of political methods, but quite the re- Tbere are not even any remains."
versc. ' : , .;' ' The story of Imperialism and Mil i-
If one Democrat, for examplo, li'tataris'm wav. snowed nndcr a thousand
the right to enter into a Jtepuuiiean
primary meeting, and does so, ever
other Democrat in tbat preiact haa au
equal right. Suppose every , Democrat
does so, as well as every Republican,
will anylKdy say that ; a Kepublican toa j a robbery, foi thcyknow as
primary election has been held at a"t,Uiucli about it i'J$hii V profes-jional
Certainly not. : J j statesman from Pod inia'. , ?
And yet, there are Republican pa- j And there is no other' ' question of
pcrs, one or two, at least thou for the iniportanee upon wbie 4o' even sewm to
time being claiming to be' such, wbieh seriOUHy. Oppo9e the rfiepubliean party,
are quite indignant that Democrats sro- 8it0ation simplj-"proves that dur-
uot fwrmitted to participate in Kepub-
liean primaries, vice versa! . -
But why should this right be either
guaranteed or exercisedf Vhat reason
eau bo offered f : As well . might a Ma
son be permitted to cuter an Odd Fel
low's lodge and assiat in r hooting its
offlcers, or a Baptist have a seat in a ,
Methodist eonfercnee and have a vote
on the most important questions.
,And, as a rule, the man who advo
cates tbis theory aa to primary elec
tions would not himself partake of tlt4
privilege. A well-known lteimblican
would not enter a Democratic primary
meeting, nor would a well-known Dem
ocrat, take part iu a Kepublican pri
mary. But there are, no doubt, leading
men. of both parties who would like to
see this practice legalized in order that
voters more or lem obaeurc could !-
used for purposes to their iersonal ad
vantage. .
A Democrat would not go into a Re
publican primary meeting in order to
the moro nearly insure the nomination
of a worthy and strong ticket. Being
a Democrat, bis .mire would prompt
him to assltt in tbo selection of a weal,
ticket, and the .history of primary
meetings where this practice bas been
permitted, proves it to be true.
Tlio better class of Republicans , and
Democrats do not want to participate
in the primary meetings of the opjo
site party, and do not. Imagine Presi
dent Roosevelt going into a Democratic
primary, or Dryan taking part in a Re
publican primary or any other promi
nent Republican or Democrat. It is a
privilege only Wanted by men who feci
no regard for party ties and who. have
no fixed political beliefs.; i
I Of course, if a man ' can be found
who has belonged to all parties' and is
in none, for certain, longer tbaa' from
one campaign to another, there is rea
son for bis believing in the right of in
terchangeable. jarticipation in any pri
ptry niteting he happens to find in pro
grnfl, but the principle is wholly inde
fensifaand should W prevented, as
far as pHniblc, by law. ; .,
. 6ne of the greatest attractioaa to be
seen at the Lewis sal Clark Fair next
year will be the Uberty BeU which
was rung in celebration.af the adoption
of the Declaration of Independence, in
Philadelphia, on the 4tb o'fJuly, 1776.
Thhherlsbed relic of, the great Ameri
ican Revolution waa brought toVPhila
delphia from England in 1752, anckwas
recast in . April and again i a June,
1853, when the well-remembered words
"Proclaim Libsrty t tbtongbont the
land auto all the inhabitants thereof,"
wero cast m its outv'r rim in raised let
ters, quoted from Leviticus, 23, 10. It
waa the first bell ever rung In honor
of the Declarations of Independence,
being so used within ; a few moments
nfler its abptioft bad been seertreil.
For many year it was' ruag on each
ken on the at b of July, 1835, while be-
iag tolled in nremor v-;of Cbicf Justice
IJohn Marshall, whose death had just
oeeurred. in Philadelphia. " ; , -
The Liberty Bell baa be taken to
many Expositions during the past thir
ty years ia various parts of the coun
try, always receiving the most respect
ful bomaje by the people of every city
throogb which it iwaa taken. There
is a patriotic seatisavnt back of the
higti regard ia whieb this old reminder
of the fathers of the Revolution is held
by the people which does them great
credit, and .is second to. none of its
class save the original copy of the Dec
laration of Independence, now on ; 111,
bat,, for; the past f ewf years not for in
spection by the pnbiie, ia the State
Department in Washington. , , , "
; The Uberty Bell baa just vbeea re
turneil to' Washington from St. Louis,
where it was the recipient of as much
reverent attention from the people, or
perhaps'more, tbaa was bestowed! upon
any living .visitor. It is always the
object of great interest to school ehib
dren, and a treat U in store for those
f Oregon wbo may attend the Lewis
and Clark Exposition next year. .
Nothing - so plaialy il!utratvs tbo
fact tbat the Democratic party baa run
its race, so to speak, as the utter help
ueasness of all its meanbers, including
its leaders, to ia . any manner account
for the' eruhing ' defeat that waa its
portion at the late election.: Nobody
has explained it. nor pretends to, from
a Democratic standpoint.
Watterson, "Marae, Henry," has
jtooseveit wkh dm
venomous, not to
sgust and as a
lently in the air,
talk of "reor-
tevt en it should have lcen, never
to be heard of more. ' The country is
in favor of a protective tariff aud has
said so time and again. The people
cannot be made to believe that protee
iB- tne last half-century the Kepubli-
can party bas made a record for un
derstanding the nocd.of -a great eoun-
tr- rikc ours and theB , applying its
ideas to the advancement of its best
interests. It commits' some minor mis-
, takox, but in general,' its Mdicies make
fr progress and substantial betterment
of the people; Tbat is all, and the pco
de have said so.
After all, the Hon. Thomas Taggart,
of Indiana, is able to see further than
some of his political associate. "All
tni talk about reorganization is mere
bosh," said he. "We don't need re
organization at all, but we 'do need
more Ielnoerats., Thomas baa dropped
onto the correct diagnosis.
To show into what atrange errors the
brrt of papers wll sometimes fall, we
quote the following editorial paragraph
from the Pendleton Has Oregon fan:
. "It will not be such an easy matter
to get rid of the local option law. The
people who passed it by the initiative
can ' alone change t or repeal it, by
the referendum, after first securing the
permission of the Legislature to hold
I an election on the law. A lair o
prt3ieu by tne people cannot t toyed
with by the Iiegialalnre. The people
f.loae can change it and they muit have
the consent of the Legislature to put
It to a vote for amendment or repeal.
In order to secure a vote the. people
must petition the Legislature to ermit
such a -vote. The initiative and refer
endum amendment provides that laws
fassed by the people are beyond the
retch of the Legislature, except in
eases where the public health, peace
and safety is involved."
; The singular thing about this para
graph is that it does not contain a sen
ttnee which does not make an Incorrect
statement, save the first one, whieb
says: ,"It will not be an easy matter
to get rid of the. local option law." The
Legislature can repeal the entire law at
"one felt swoop," if it should desire
to commit political hara-kiri, and the
legality of it could never be questioned,
j It is not likely, however, notwith
standing the', boldness with which
Legislative bodies - sometime ' 'disre
gard the popular mandate, that tbe
Oregon Legislature will undertake to
repeal any law which baa been Initiated
and enaeted by tbe popular vote of tbe
people. iJ i -7 ' 1 ' '
8ome amendments may be ventured,
but, the central Idea contained in such
laws will be retained. v It is not safe
to" monkey' with tue people la mat
ters of this character.
The iniportanee , of the school "meet
ing to be held next: Friday evening is
soch that there should be a full attend
ance. Meetings of this character are
too often neglected by those most eon
eerned and tbedctajt of. matters of
deep moment permitted to go by
default. xt every 'taxpayer ia
the district if possible, be in; attend
ante. . , ' - - - -
A in much of its other busiaeHi, fial-
cm' baa jcacavdvot specially aV etisij,
bat a stage in it school affairs where
a new departure is- demanded in tbe
matter of providing fortbe' rapidly in
erea&iag numbers of its school children.
One of the impoitant matters to come
before this meeting will be tbe provis
ion of adequate means for their accomo
dation. .- ' : '. "' '-.' I
Salem cannot be expected t grow, sis
we want It to, and as we are- pleasedj
.a . . i . t - ... . 1 . . 1 . '
mat it aa none, witnout too aumuri ii
its aebool ebildrea iaereasiaz accord
ingly. v Forty years ago, tbe Littlei
Central building was sufScicatly large
to accomodate all the children in the
district who wero not cared for at the
UBiveraityvbat." we ' bad a ; population
then of but 100. , For a- number at
years past the four buildings we have
for school purjwse nave been ample,
but the growth of vthe eity demauJs
more room. Tbis caanot bo hclied,
and nobody wants to object to it.. -
Several af the teachers in the Cast
school haev from fifty to aixty pupil
in their charge, each a number tbat
no teacher can do justice by. Besides,
thi number crowd tbe available pae
for desks and it renders a aebool robnl
more a- afrt of incipient mob,epeeial
ly where the children are small, than an
orderly collection of little students.
Dot this le a question not needing
argument. Provision must be made
for a High School budding. There are
now, during! the first session of oar
lligle Hvl ool, 100 pepils in attendance
every day, with fully a hundred more
ready to enter it within a few months.
The .High riehoot is held at present in
the Kaat building, which aecoants for
tbe crowded condtiou bow prevailing
there. 1 ' - ' ; :' ' 1
And we will need two or three ad
di;ional teachers. We now have three
teachers ia '.the Hljh Heboid, with an
avefago of, more tban fifljr pupllseaeb
a condition: in which n instructor can
do justice either to himself or to those
in attendauee. la Portland there arc
U0 pupil attending the; High Keh'Mii,
and twenty-two teachers Me provided,
making; an average of but thirty-seven
pupils to the teacher, j lu kugene there
ar 2uHI pupil iu the High rtebool, with
eijiht V'Heheis. giving but thirty two
pupils to the teacher. And it might
be added that the wages paid in those
cities are. j much higrcr than tboac at
picseut allowed in Halem.
In ; view of the pressing neeensity
that something be tiouc. it is hoed tbe
taxpayers jwill turn out generally and
take prompt ami favorable action iu
tbe matter, especially since it is re
presented by the Kchool Board that a
new building can be ereeted without
any increase of the UiHial tax levy' in
the- district. x,. , v HC:- : ; ... , :
8alcm j?an!uot. taud slili jLu si-bool
matters any niuflo than in those 'pertain
ing to its growth iu other direction.
We mutst niove ahead or alide baek-
ward. 5
The Portland Journal, under tbe
above beading, makes a good sugges
tion to tbte effect that tho custom of
spreading a)! over the rouulry, every
time tbej Prenident is to take a trip,
the fact that every precaution has been
taken against the jHmibitity of an as
sault l-y s.i.e crazy aiiarehl, slmiil-l
be absolutely di "ntiue'd.
When jit was ainiot'inred that Preni
dent Roosevelt had jnouMt-d to go to
the fct. Louis KxHiii'Ju, no doubt , thore
was a general reminder of tbe. Buffalo
tragedy,; but the President of the Unit
ed State is never to remain away from
any iyblie function by reawm of the
fact that some crank4 might endeavor
to assassinate him. That condition
will never arise in this country, and the
danger jhe may naturally encounter ,hi
this respect should not be heralded
broadcast over the length and breadth
of the land.
Tbe iday before his journey to Ht.
Louis began, tbe news was sent to all
the ner.'pajrf-ra that a gang of anarch
ists bad been active ia that city for
some weekit. bad been ordered
"move on" but were irtill there Fsiday
nigbt. j The dissemination of this char
acter of sensational uews should be dis
continued. As was well aaid by the
Journal, it bat revives in the boaom of
some irresponsible crank recollections
of some former deed - of sssassiaation,
and, mayhap, a desire to repeat tbem
in fact. It should be 4dropjed".
It ia well to take everjr precaution in
8ueheases. Nothing should be negle t-
fcd, bot there should be no more aaid
tiit thaa when a railroad engineer,
before tarting on a hundred mile run,
carefully looks after the condition of
bis eagine in every detail.
Ths President of Jhe United Stales
is perfectly f i co to come and go at will,
with safety, as safety goeaia such ras
es; and tbe fact of possible assassina
tion is not one for general newspaper
comment or dissemination. It should
Ik? "cut out "'of tbelr news columns.'
It is a matter of 'gratifieatioa to
know tbst the coal output of Oregon
A " Eo2 advertiser declares
bUck hcalliaes:. "We Talked Sboes.
Better" keep yur eye on that fellow.j
lie '11 be running for Governor next thing
anybody knows. i
The Halem fcMatesraaa calls a mur
riage license a "'glory tUEf t-f '
must. be the view of it while new.
Forest Grove Times. ... How sof : Why
should it not be a perpetual viewt
"' ?' -;
... T.
It occurs to the Statesman that the
greatest trust ia the United States
greater than all the rest combined is
that which the people have inlPresident
Roosevelt. It is, indeed, a corker.
i V- - ": v.- ' V-'
The Patterson family is ia . trouble.
Oa the heel of tbe .difficulties urw scr
rouadhig Nsa, arises . tbe 'recollect ton
that the effort to "discover wbo struck
Billy ha beea indnstriously pcoMcnted
for fifty year without-throwing aay
light whatever uon tbC' distracting
. -. o ; ,: .. j:':' .; '
" The Atlanta Journal, a Southern
Democratic paper of inffluence, props
its drooping spirits with 'the reflection
t bat " Whom th ' fr4 , oj tb, Ife
cbastencth.' But when the chastening
becomes a continuous performance
there comes a justifiable doubt as to
tbe author of it. , 4 '
"George I)emtetewekowlea and Mary
Geanakcpeponloiia got a marriage , li
cense ia Chicago tbe other day. Kvi
dently they married for love." Chiea
go Record-Herald. Maybe so; but imag
ine the name, if you can, which these
people will consider good enuugh ' and
long enough for their first kid!
y O
At Mitchell, Indiana, a girl baby was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Graham
on NovemWr '4th, which, within less
than a week, had cot four largi jaw
teeth, besides several front ones. As
an apparently foreordained diseiple of
the rag-chewing fraternity this little
Ifoosier niics shoutd be watched closely
in the future as she enters the seduc
tive precinct of the matrimonial arena.
There is trouble ahead for somebody
. O - - J
The rcpoit of the Orrgouian to the
effect that t'aptaia 8. B. Ormsbv was
an- interested spectator at the land
fraud casea until be beard he might be
wanted as a witness, , when be disap-1
eared and could not be found, is wholly,
gratuitous and unjust, arCaptain-Orms-j
bv has been at his borne in Salem, sick, j
since his return from Portland. No at-
temut has been mad e -to-Had -hi si-as he?
hK not been nwav. from home at all. I
k t " -I
Those who know .tho esplain will not ,
accuse him of running from danger, real ;
or threatened, a in the beginning he,
was constructed on an" entirely (different
style: of architecture.
- O
. Mrs. Maybritk has authoritatively
notified the public that she will
not go on the stage, publie reports
to that elTeet to the contrary, nKwilh-'
is growing rapidly and promises in a
short time, to surpass that of California.
Of' the Pacific ftatei Wasbingtoa has
by far tbe larger annual production of
coal and wll probably remain iu the
lead for some time but Oregon will
soon reach second place it being goo
e rally believed tbat California is not
underlaid with as rich deposits of cosl
as U Oregon.
The increased out'.ot of Oregon eoal
within the past year is largely the re
sult of re-oening the Bvavrr Hilt mine
in Coos county; which for several years
has been handieapfmd with complicated
litigation. But extensive coal fields
are known to exist in the vicinity of
lleppner,' Morrow county, and in tbe
Xebalem district ia Northwestern Ore
gon. Here in Marion county, als?, coal
exists in targe quantities within twelve
miles of Salem to the eastward, and tbe
vein has been worked to a considerable
extent. In the near future capital can
and 'will find profitable investment in
developing these different fields of coal
and adding another great and profit
able indnstry to those already engag
ing tb attention of onr pcoole.
It ia hardly ftossible for any country
to become really "great ratil it can
supply iteslf with an abundance of coal.
Oregon can do this before tbe Ispse of
manv more rears. " -'"
College Students Who Would Look Bet
ter Behind the Bars!
SA.V FRANCISCO; Nov. 23.-Alm-t
totally paralyzed from bis hips down,
Albert T. de Itoiqc, a student in tbe
Wchool of Design, at the Mark Hopkins
Institute of Art, now drags bis feet
along tbe ground and supports his body
with a cane as tbe .result of a brutal
hazing whieb he ' underwent ' Friday
Boon at the hands of half a score of
upper class men. The hazing was held
ia a musty, vile smelling attic at Gil
Clay street.
. .De Rome refused to do some .pre
scribed stunts, snd was finally Waten
on the back wit a jtrap. He was then
Tj your Health and STRENGTH with
a tlzztzr.t, potent, cr.3 pzmzzzzt
standing. And thi is io be regrettetb
The fact that she spent fifteen yeara ia .
prison might not be sufficient to greatly
attract the public, for that feat bas
been accomplished by many other peo
ple, but since ber liberty , was ret-tored
to ber be baa . called ber mother a
liar, and the two act combined should
make her as good a drawing card as
Jim Corbett, or even Jeffries. The
public has great admiration for the
genuine, freak. :
O -
At Norristowa, Pcnnsylvauia, Mrs.
Klizabcth A. Tliomas, baa just been
divorced from Harry K. Thomas on the
grounds of desert ion. In '. tbe presi
dential campaign of 1900 MrThom.n
was a Bryan aupiwrter while his wife
waa a
their 1
MeKinley man. . They argued
differences for some time but
neiTuer could convert the other. Mrs.
Thomas said she had seven voting Re
publicans ia her family, and she was a
Republican ters?lf.'inally, XI r. Thom
as said be would refuse to live with a
woman who wouldn't be a Democrat,
and left her. So, after, four years of
desertion, Mrs, Thomas applied for and
baa secured divorce. - It occur to u,
however, that if Mr. Tima has re
mained a ijridower until now, in vi. vr
of tbe n.itore of the late election re
turn from Pennsylvania, he a ill have
the trouble of bis life in an effort to
find a Democratic, woman in the Key.
stone state. Within a few year it
will be as difficult to find a woman
'who would le-a Democrat," as it is
now to find a Whig,'
It may not ! generally known, so
tbe r4tatcutan will break the uews to
its readers gently, that the bead of
the Port u m Cereal company is named
Post, lives in Battle Creek, Michigan,
and is worth several millions of dollar.
He has, and has had, for five yearn a
secretary, Miss Li la Young, nnd with
her and bis daughter, toured Kuroe
and America. Mi Young is aupjtosed
to be "vivacious and pretty," at
least Mr. Post secured a divorce from
bis wife a few weeks ago. and Mm
Young was having a troHKcau made in
Chicago while the divorce prorcediiig
wero iu progress. They have inee f
tome man and wife. All of which goes to
show to what innocent people were con
tributing while they were enjoying the
different kind of products iuiiiK
from the Podium company. If none of
these articles bad been purchased Mr.
Post wuld have., remained a poor man,
erbaps, Mis Young , wouM have nut
Ikh'h attracted to him and Mrs. I'n-t
w4MtJd have lieen wparcd her trouble.
.Peojde cannot exirrim to niochcarc
in the matter f bivestigatiSg the' do
ings of uiauiifucturers of articles in
general uwe, el they are liable to find
themselves in the embarraHwing predic
ament of the prohibitionist who aMM
iu picking bops.. Tlie Ktatehmaa rifeis
to this incident,' for the '-reason that,
having a regard for its rT-adcrt, it de
sire to Postum in all -matters, of gen
eral interest.
stripped and bound naked to a chair
with a metal seat, in imitation of tho
electrocution iuslrumcnts at King Hing.
Ilia body was fly papered ! painted,
and queer ma.sk were put upo him.
'The laugh rn loud and free. Tlicfi
an elect rie current wa turned a the
chair. The shock caucd ! Koine to
writhe. The laugh rang louder. Bt
the electric shock esmc.near killing Al
bert de Rome.
Aa tbe victim's legs quivered sad he
kicked aud worked rourulnivcly atrricks
of merriment broks from his inciiicit..
or. The current was npeatcdly turn
el on and of f to see him jump.
Finally, after his long torture, de
Rome was released. It s -then
found that his legs were nearly u"l-".
After the first-two slim ks de Rom
eeancd to fel pain in his legs, although
they worked under the deadly rtirrrnt
with an automatic movement tweh s
is seen in the limbs of a dead frg
when touched by two poles, of an elrfi
trie Imttery. ,
The doctors say it is a KCliar caw
of paralM, and his complete recovery
is doubtful.
Trouble for Tormentors.
-San Francisco, Nov.. 25. The baaing
Louia De Rome, of Oakland, aa unci
of tbe youth, declares he will cause the
arrest for criminal prosecution the per
son who maltreated his nephew, Albert
De Rome? The victim is -till without
the full use of bis lower limbs, which
were practieallv paralyzed when he ws
subjected to repeated shocks in an clee
trie chair bv a number of yonng roes,
who bad him completely at their mercy.
Major Harry Eees Mast Ansrcr to
Charge of Technical Embezzle
ment of Government Funds. ,
VA.VCOUVKR, Wn, Nov. .2. Ths
trial by court martial of Harry U
Rees, for technical embeazlemeiit ff
Government fnnds, . commenced tolay.
Col. Edgar Z. Hteever U president vt
the court, Ju.ly? Adveate Hf
M.-Morrow, of Han Francisco, is Judgo
AT.voeate. Major Rees I repres-nted
byvJ. M. Ixr. f Jorttand. and Lieu
tenant J. J. Miller, of the lath lafaat
ry. .,.'
LTvicrstcr fcr JV1L-Ii
of Albert De Rome by hjs fellow stu
dents of Mark Hopkins luStttute of Art
promises to result in serious trouble for
ihiMK who ttarticioated in tbe sffir