Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 11, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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V0T2I Or 1 600,000 PLURAL
' ITT. ' '
urifiourl Is Safely Republican On All
Officers Except Governor, Polk
Being Elected. .- ' .
to Sew York State the v Plurality of
gooserelt Will Amount tov Over 200,.
ooo, Besides Overcoming V Parker,
jmaH Majority in Greater New York.
XKVV YORK. Nor. The revls-
d electoral table," based a latest'
returns, gives KooeT-lt votes
and rarner jw. -
. XEW YORK, Not. 9. With the
ttion returns still incomplete the
iBlieation of a plurality for Roosevelt
y U M"l 1,500,000 are the greatest
' r riven a candidate. Interest een-
,n in M'nwonri and Maryland, late re
tnrn indicate Chat the former etate is
." in the Republican column ho far an the
pjwident i concerned, but Folk, Demo-
rtttie candidate, in elected governor
jto Maryland vote will probably be
tvX tor Roosevelt. The bannar state
k Pennsylvania, where itoosevelt's
plurality wjM reach 485,000. Parker
Jarricd Greater New York by 41,000,
tutlot the state by li 4,000. Minneso
ta gave. Uoonevelt 125,000 plurality anJ
elctI a Democratic governor ana lie
imUieftn I.icat. Governor. Roosevelt
rarriftl "Colorado, but both side claim
lb governor.
' ! . Washington,
flattie, Nov. 9. The latest return
from all bnt fourteen counties in
Wahinjflrt give Roosevelt 51,000 ma
jority. The . remaining counties will
jnwaae this to between 60,000 and 70,.
000. Mead's majority is now figured
t 14,000 by caref ul estimate of the
miming precinct. The Congressional
tirket i flow to 'Roosevelt and" the
tat ticket haa a - larger majurity.
TV re will be less than ten Democrats
hi the next legislature. King county
pM KoosevVlt about 15,000 ami
JsVa.J about ,000. z
l Roosevelt la Ahead, f
Tawma, Nov. 9. Three country pre-
finds nuking in fierce county gives
BHwvlt, VfHZ; 1'arker, 2,3 14, Mead,
,(; Turner 5,33.
Kan Francisco,- Nov. !. Roosevelt's
majority iu California is nearly 115,-
Utah. ' "
A Like, Utah, Nov. OVtai will
give velt 15,000 . plurality.
- , i '
Special Count Necessary.
Baltimore, Nov. y.UnolIieial re
turn plnea Maryland in the Republican
eulnnin by a small majority. The of-
iiul coirnt may be required to decide
the result. S -. '' :
Eryau Congratulatet Adams.
Pueblo, Nov. 9. In congratulating
Alva Adams upon his election to the
tovernorahip of Colorado, William
Jennings Bryan telegraphed aa fob
"Aeropt my congratulatlona, . both
spun your personal aucccsa anu upon
tbe triumph of the . eountitutional
fivernment." ':
LaFollett Is Re-Elected.
Milwaukee, Nov. 9. Rooaevolt 'a
plurality in Michigan U eatimated at
,000 and 73,000. IaFolette ia rs-
riwtcd by a plurality of 50,000.
Only Democrat Elected.
KanaM City, Nov. 9. Th Kanms
City Htar nay Itoosevelt will carry
iiwouri b over 10.000. Folk waa the
s!y IK-moerat rilecte.l. ' Hla plurality
is the iruberuatorial fisrht waa 25,000..
Nebraska Governor Doubtful.
Omahaj Nov. 9, It ia probable that
fomjilete returna will be required to
determine who is elected governor of
Nfbranka. The Rcpubieans carried the
"t of the. ticket. Roowcvclt carried
tie ataUXy 75,000 plurality.
. Nevada Eeturna Slow.
Beno, X'ov. 9. Returna from the
ttate of Ntvada. are ilJw. Out of 17fl
pinHa. neventy-eiffht have leeii
vr& from. It ia eatimate.l that the
t will give liooaewlt 1.000 pi u rati
Eetom Mak Peopl Wonder
Way Massachusetts Was Classed
Doubtful." '
Mn, Nov, 9. ('omplete , returns
the state how that the Jiepubu
Jileetors have received a plurality
: C'7if in a total vote of 422'J3,
,velt received 20452 y Parker,
Douglas, 231111 Hates, 198,
. LINCOLN, Nov. 9.-
W. J. Bryan to-
mi a atntomnnt intonilil to
7rfx comment on the Democratic de-
"'"l to answer the reports eonneet
Jkini with movement forming a
"VTrty. ire prefaces his remarks
"sine statement that it is too early
an analysis of the vote. "Par--V
lays, "avowed himself too
ngijr 0II the trugt quel)t j0ll anj open-
i nnnnced hU belief in 'the gold
thns doing away with the free
w8 qpwtion, to which the so-called
4fUva)lt0' moerats attributed the
a of the ?arty ou' e'gQt 7e$LTa
wl8 tho9e W Pt
Cr.,,ltMffMtli of the silver ele-h-Weat
cannot be.;chargvd
C rtonibility." The resnlt, th
sJn8,bilit" Th result; the
i arty attenipted-to be conservative
ia tb preaenee of condition demand,
ing radical remedies.
'The KepuWican party is eonserra
tive, that is, defend. those who obtain
ed unfair advantage through, class legis
lation. VTo aecure thin . poaltion the
PenKjcrartia party may', have, become
more plutocratic, than the Republican
party, which will )otro it several times
as many;votqrs as it will win'
Pryaia think tf the party wiA win it
moat take ttilen with the plain common
people.-; 1I is of the opinion that now
is the time to prfpare for 190S. No
matter who tb nominee will, be, the
ne threes years-will develoD the man.
He: says the party must ? continue to
protest against a large army and navy,
support the independence, - of the Phil
ippines, oppose imperialism, and expan
aion, maintain Its position on tariff, re
new the demand f,or an income tax, so
that wealth' can be made to share in tb
expense of the government.
The party rauat maintain its position
in bi-metalisra, but the question must
remain In abeyance. The trust question
presents a most acute phase. -
j No well ri of orco4 person, he says,
doubts tabt Eepubllean campaign funds
of 1896, 1900 and 1904 were-recruited
from, the. trusts. Roosevelt bis
twLjlrjJwhlehM demonstrate
that no obligations were incurred by
him in acceptance of trust funds. He
WiH Jft-yan ;aays, disappoint eitbw con
tributors or voters. If he disappoints
the, contributors,; the qoeatlon may 'be
put to a process of settlements; if he
diaappolnts the voters, they have a
chance to settle! with bis party four
years hence-'f , j , Vr ? f
Situation Is Becoming Stronger Than
Formerly and Growers Are Persist
ently 'Refusing to . Sell Lot Chang,
ed Hands Tester da yat Good Prices.
Just what i to become of the hop
market in Oregon and .; tb'e United
Htatea is beginning to worry a few who
ar particularly interested in aeeiiig the
price of the commodity go lower. Tbo
qiK Htion' might also te asked, what will
become of the brewers of the United
Btatew, who, according to the popular
impression, are not yet supplied with
sufficient hops to Is at them through the
remainder of the year in case they con
tinue to brew to favorite beverage, a
it may to expected they will.
These questioni are brought out ,by
the startling information leaking out
that about 2,0OU le of hops, whrch
Were sold to dealers on last Maturday,
were for shipment to Jondon. an-4 that
exactly that number of bales less may
le counted on for the local supply.
Further, this, development ehowed that
the demand fromiliondon wa active,
and that stllKmoro hops would likely
be shipped from this country, unlewt Io
cat brewers began bidding up at once.
It may be asstinuMl that while sush a
large shipment waa purchajw-d in and
around nalem in one day, other deal
ers in other localities might have been
purchasing on foreign orders.
The purchasers , of the above lots
were Ed. Herpes, tleo. Dofcas, and E.
C. Kirkpatrjckj of Iallaa. These hops
were booght indiscriminately from both
growers and dealers. ,k .
Yesterday another sale was reported
on the streets, consulting of a small lot
liarley Company leing the purchasers,
at 31 1-2 rentsj; the American Hop &
and ('has. Livesley, the seller. Thus it
will be seen that there is much more
strength in the market the last -few
H. W, Rearle, who has been buying
heavily in North Yakima lately for
Iler Uros., of N'ew York, has returned
to Hal cm and reports that Washington
dealers are holding on to the hops
firmly. lie estimate that only 5,000
bales of Yak i mas , remain unsold, and
concedes the outlook to be the most
encouraging for: higher prices.
Latest mail advices from London con
tain the following reports from dealers
Wild, Neame L Co. Them has been
a rood demand during the week. Trade
has chiefly centered round hops of me
dium quality, which have been absorbed
at advancing rates.
Mancer A Henley-Trade during the
raat week has , been strong for all
grades of copper hops, which are get
ting Into a. very narow compass. Values
. a a - t ' a ft L. m.
jot mis ciass coniinue o naruen. mete
is also a steady demand for the choice
Holdings, and n fair business is being
9one In these. Values are very firm all
aronnd. .. j .-s
The Kxchange and IIop Warehouses,
Limited. There is good demand for
all qualities of Knglish hops, and a fair
quantity has been sold during the week
at advanced ra'tes. Most growers are
only 'placing their lower quality hops
upon the market at present, and holding
their best samples until better quota
tions can b considered. -All foreign
markets. eontini to advance.
W. H- A II. LeMay. The demand
mentioned in our last still continues,
especially 'for the cheaper grades, and
are gradually advancing all round. The
Continental market are very firm and
prices are tending upwards.
J. II. ' Meredith A Co., Worcester.
The gToater portion of the small Wor
cester growth has now passed out of
first hanls, and there-was a smaller at
tendance of growers at market on 8at-
nrdav." tramples were again firmly held,!
and toward the close of the market an
upward tendency prevailed. , Some large
sales of yearlings have, taken ,placo( at
and only one 1m-1
abont 155s per ewt
porta nt lot now remains unsold. Last
week 1728 Dockets passed tne puouc
scales, making 4620 weighed this seasoa.
The Cobieskill, N. Yn, Times of Oc
tober 27, said of a recent transaction
therer since "reported by wire. -.
To Otsego county growers belongs
the credit of receiving the highest price
?ald thus far this season, 41 cents,
hjs price was paid t T C CoHurn of
Portland vilie, and Trod Qnalf of Coop
r.Mwn. - Th.i former has about 125
bales, and Mr.! Wei lman , eighty bales,
annh; fabi U alut 4l cTnta!! dar show f that Boovelt ehctorjj have
ThecJ, gr?wth. are among the very best earrie.! this state by jt5jMj
CTown. in Otseeo.county, and they have .4Q.O00 .votes. Albert J-i Mead, Kepnb,
VJJVZTL lllr A iW Mr.'licsri. of Bellinebatri. Is elected Govern-
o-tc ..t kv. nA to. the Anheuser-
Uuscn urcwing a
An eXDorter was
negot 1st it is said. har!es E.oon,, Republican. -is eHed
for these, growtha, .ilr, Qua:??:!.
secure them, paid a rancy price. Amo
LutheTof Hartwick, has also sold his
'nc thirtv bales, and It ironder-
etoodtfiat he receired forty cents." s
1 1 ;
T7T7 . . ' . TT . TT
Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis
cuit homrrre, vM be ti :
cleaner, more tastjr and wholesome. , ' ' ;
Royal Baking Powder telpslhe house
wife to produce at home, quickly 1 and eco
nomically, .-finie and tasycke9:-rsased :
hot-biscuit, pudding,; Ae jfrost laye -cake,
crisp cookies, : crullers, crusts and
muffins, with which the ready-made food
found at the bake-shop .orr grocery does
not compare. ' '
is the greatest of bake-day helps.
.: . "
, " . - ' ; ' vr Prohibition1
" t Bep. Dem. Peo. Pro. 6oc Ye. No.
Anmsville . ..... . 81 10 2 5 2t 7J 47
Aurora ........................ 112 !i -O-.'S' 2 1 ' 9 -104
Hreitenbush ., 21 5 1 - 1 7 13 33
Hrooks 116 3 1-4 . 2 v.47 77 1
Hutteville ., 78 27 '9 83
Champoeg .. .................. 49 13 0 1 " 6 58'
('hemawa 153 47 1 ''7 2l 109 92'
l3khortt 4 a a ..... ' '. '
lrflUl m 0 J est. a '....-
ilervais .. -'11.1 41 0 1 4 22 130.
Horeb .. 57 10 1 19 41 42
Howell.......... 94 8 2 3 2 26 07
Hubbard .. .................... 124 10 0 8 3 40 98
Jefferson . .; ...,w .. 114 23 4 7 7 64 77
Liberty .. 138 32 6 17 17 119 72
Macleay.. 61 11 2 " 0 r2 '22 48 i
Marion 53 20 2 8 5 40 40
Mehama SI 12 O' 9 ., 2 23 46
Monitor.. 67 19 3 3 4 26 62"
Mt. Angel .. 98 103 2 2 0 16 187'.
Kalem No. 1 130 34 ' . 73 - 4-
Halem No. 2 414 77 2. i9 8 nWlwfi91r
Kalem No. 8 133 34 I 10 10 58 09.
Kalem No. 4 207 45 1 12' ""IB 'lll 'ieir
Balem No. C .................. 129 82 1 24 19 124 73
Kalem io. 6 133 60 1 10 16 96 310
Halem No. 1 105 19 3 12 11 57, ,87
Kalem, Fast
Kcotts Mills 75 21 0 18 1 56 ' 53
Kidney.. ....... .. v..,. ...... 42 , 9 2 . 4 . 1ft JJ4 43
Wlver Palls ............... 19 2 0 -.,.;'. 0 P,
Kilverton, South 93 9 " 1 3 5 ! 36 67
Tiverton .. 204 . 41 2 20 84' "I74 '
Kilverton, North .............. 92 ,7. -O-' 10 60.. -42
.Htl'aul .. 71 28 O. Zf .1 2 98.
Ktayton ..... 102 80 0 24 28 107 115
Sublimity .................... 82 62 0 3 19 33 107
Turner.. .... 132 32 0 -6 ' '474' 'W
Woodburn 272 51 5 24 27 143 217
Totals'.. ...............4037 1054 45 286 . 310 2015 3266
Pluralities .. ..2983 1251
Debs Received Over 7,000 Votes In Or
egon for President Much Larg
er Than Watson.
Prohibition Was Submitted to Voters
In Twenty-Three Counties-Seven De
claring Dry and Fourteen Wet-Snowed
Under la Multnomah. '
PORTLAND, Nov. 9. The Oregon,
inn says that Roosevelt V plurality in
Oregon will exceed 40,000 and may at
tain' the- remarkable figure of 45,000.
The iiepiiblicans carrie.l"every county
in the state, whvreaa in '1900 Bryan
carried five counties.
Th-r total vote east exceeded 87,000,
of which Parker received about 15,000
votes, and ' other candidates for the
Presidency ( the balance, .
DelfS made an .amazing run ,in this
state, ; In some sections even . passing
Parker. It U said the Kocialit party
polled over 7,000 votes.
Moltnoman eouoiv compieie r'ves
Roosevelt. 13,702; I"arkerr 2J24f.Debs,
jV49;.8wallow 620; and Watson,) 73.
Prohibition was. submitted to voters
in twenty-three counties, of which, sv-
rn .votM (or ana sixteen ; against jii.
The .1 rv counties are:, Gilliam, Coos,
Tillamrtok, Curry, Yamhill, Jackaomland
Benton. Ia Multnomah county 4,690
vnUi ta nrelkil for Prohibition Slid
12,423 against it. Exaet figure. Will
'pot be obtained from several
coonties for several days, v
Washington Etate Declares for BooseA
velt and Electa Mead ' , , '
': .;-. OoreTiidr.' '
SEATTLE, Wash, Nori 0. Complete
returns from one fourth of alt the pre
ciaets In the state and incomplete re
turns from the others at 11 o'clock'to-
or over George -Tomer, Democrat, Upo-
.VTsi.wt 1.7 fiiwo Vote.
man on the state ticket by 6000, votes,
F.very otiTr..eandidateon.. the Repubh-
lean state ticket is elected by xrom i-,-
ind io.ooo vntes.
"" " '' " 'J -
000 to 20.000. except Humphrey, Jones
and Cushman for Congressmen, who win
by 30,000. In each instance thw Con
gressman ran close to the Presidential
electors. The Legislature is Republican
by 85 per cent or more.
The exact vote cannot be known be
fore late tonight or tomorrow morning,
as -reports show that in 4om parts of
the state tbf counting will nt be com
plete before late in the day. This is
due to an enormous amount of cutting
for Governor, necessitating: more time
on the counting of the ballots.
, In this (King) county the Republi
mns have elected the entire state tick
et by pluralities ranging from 1200 to
cooo. The big fight in the .county was
made on sheriff. Smith, Republican,
was fiercely cut. He runs behind his
ticket more than 4000 votes. This was
due to the fight made on Smith's record
as a county commissioner, which office
he now holds. With the exception of
Smith, the other eounty candidates ran
close together. ? ' ' i
The old, original GROVE'S Taeteless
Chill Tonic, lYou know what you are
taking, t It, is iron and quinine in a
tasteless form. No core, no pay. ' 50c.
New Way of Using Chamberlain's
, Cougk Bemedy.
Mr. Arthur Chapman writing from
Durban, Natal, Kouth Africa, says:
"As proof that Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is a cure suitable for old and
young, I pen the following: A neighbor
of mine had a child jnst over, two
months old. Jf had a, very. bad cough
and the parents did not anow'. wlfat to
give it. I suggested t"hat if theywouId
get a brittle of Chamberlain 'sCough
Remedy aad'pu'C sohW'upon'tBWifalmy
teat the baby was sacking.it. would ni
doubt cure the child. This they did
and brought about a quick relief and
cured; the baby.? This remedy is for
sale by all druggists.", !" f
Deafness Cannot Be Cured ...
By local! applications, as 'they - cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There'ls only one way to cure deafness
and that is by constitutional remediea.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con-
liftn a Iti. fniMAni linlfiir . riC thm
Eustachian Tube. When this tube is ia-
t lamed yon have amtoblisg"sound Or
imperfect hearing, and, when it. is en
tirely closed,, deafness 4 the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tn be restored to its nor
mal condition, hearing will be destroy
ed forever; .nine eases out of-tea are
caused Ty catarrh, which is jiothing bat
an inflamed condition of the mncoas
surfaces. - ' , -:...:''-: -l -ii '
We will give one hundred dollars far
anv ease of deaf nesa caused -by ea-
tarr,hy; that cannot be eared by Hall's
Catarfh Cure. Send for circulars,- free.
-tP. J. Cheney k Co Toledo, 0.
' Sold br druggists, 75c. i - ?
Take Hall's Famjlr Tills for. eonstl
patluiL. , . , .. . j- m
y -
Defeat of Parfcey Blamed to the People
Who Insisted on His Nomina- !
wua Vk BK AJUUim, -
As Returns Continue to Com In' From
' Marlon, County Majorities for Boose
: velt ' and Against Prohibition Oon-
tinue to Grow How It Happened.
. One of the strange things of the
election . aftermath yesterday was the
fact thai tbere was. a smile lurking on
the faces of most of the prominent
Democrats in eounty and state affairs.
The reason for this was for a time hard
to discover, until a Democrat who al
ways takes bis place at the bead of the
Eirty - clipped a cartoon of Wm. J J.
rysn from a Portland paper, and writ
ing across it "There are others",
mailed it to Mr. Bryan. The cartoon
seemed to find general favor among- the
faithful , and ' represented v- Mr. Bran
covering a broad grin with his; hand,
while saying 'I'm' so orrj" as elec
tion returns came in,, i ,
, Ktate committeeman . for Marion
county, 'Hal 1). Patton, was probably
the .happiest man in Kalem yesterday,
and j his friends showered congratula
tions upon him for his successful con
duct of the local campaign with such a
happy termination. ( To, a; Ktatesman
reporter he'sald: ' ; ' .
. . Nil . 1 . 1- f . , I T
n- ne result urwuui-a principally, a
believe, on the excellent organizations
hi this eoanty- and tbrouabout -the
stale. A larger vote was. brought' out
thanr might have, been expected, part
ly beeause'of the local option isso, on
which people wishe dto express their
sentiment' once for all,; partly b?eaue
they, wished to show their personal in
terest and approval of the administra
tion" I am well ideased with the result
of the canvas. The ; lowest estimate
made for Marion county was 1,800 to 2,
000, and we are all more than pleased
with the outcome, which ahows 'the
countenance of the people toward 'the
..li.l.UnU.. ft ' .-
. As dalight dawned ujwn Oregon's
capital city yesterday morning, gen
eral appearances indicated that the in
habitants bad scttleJ into tbeir norma;
condition, and there was an air of "
told you so" apparent on every hand
TCe 'Republicans naturally felt jugilant
over the great victory won on the pre
vious uay, while tne Democrats were
bnsy with figures trying to locate them
Selves. Their predictions had been
charged with dynamite and the dyna
mite touched on. and they could see
fragments of imagine! Parker plurali
ties scattered here and there
Complete returns from all but three
of the thirty-nine precmcts in Marioa
Count v nad been received last evennig
and the .thirty-six precincts heard frm
gave Roosevelt a total vote of 4,017,
and Parker 1,055, or a plurality for
Roosevelt of Z402.
Corrected figure received yesterday
show that prohibition was defeated in
Marion eounty by a majority vote of 1,-
349. The total vote in the thirty-six
precincts heard from! was 2,017, and
the total vote against, 3,360. Prohibi
tion, carried, however, in the following
precincts: ... vh .
ealem.No. 5, North Ktverton, Cfaema
wa,jAumsville, Liberty, Kcotts Mills.
Kpeaking of the, recent election Gov
ernor Cbamberain ' yesterday afternoon
paid a compliment to Roosevelt's per
sonality and Americanism, attributing
his large vote to this. He also sounded
the watchword of the next Presidential
campaign, "Bryan for President," The
Governor said: .
"The election is over and I believe
Roosevelt's victory due to two thinss.
Pint, country prosperous and people do
not feel change in administration is
necessary. ,'
"Second, the gentlemen in tne J-ast.
who demanded Bryan's defeat in" 1896
and 1900. They accomplished the latter
purpose' beyond question or dount anu
, . - v. - - . .... m
xo tneir course in me two rreeeuing
elections is largely due Parker's defeat
. t . f .. as. . . t
yesterday. .
"Many Democrats who supported
platform -and -candidate in 1900 and
1890,' purposely remained away from
the -polls this year or voted for Roose
vet. Just a. Belmont and his coterie
of) statemea voted j f oi McKinley In
1896. It might lie said,, too, that there
was no particular issue between parties
and Roosevelt's personality and Ameri
canism waa worth to him many thou
saads of votes in all states."
'1 lielieve the defeat of the Demo
cratic party this year will be beneficial
tor it four years hence.'.'
ClumnerUUt's Conch Remedy Is Pieaav
ant to Take.
The finest quality of granulated Iof
antra r is ed m the maaoracture ei
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and the
roots used in its preparation give it a
flavor similar to maple syrup, making it
quite pleasant to take. Air. w. Ia. kou
eric K. of I'oolesvllle, Md- in sneaking
of this remedy says: ! nave nsed
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy with my
children for several years aad can truth
fully say it is the best prepbrstion of
the kind I know' of. The children like
trf'ttle It and It has o injurious after
effect." For sale by all drnggists.
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles. Druggists refund money if
PAZO OINTMENT' fails to core 807
case.. ne '.matter of bow long standing,
in. 6 to 14 days. First application gives
ease and rest. 50 cents. If your drug
gist hasn't it send 50' cents in stamps
and it will be forwardel postpaid by
Paris Medicine Co, St. Louis, Mo.
: . yf.j- tr.MV tt iMi
V While building railroads in Tennessee
some twelve vcars ago a number of hands
contracted fever and various forms 0!
blood and sldn diseases. I carried S. S. S.
in my commissary and gave it to my bandl
with most gratifying results. I Can recom
mend 8. & & aa the finest preparation fot
Malaria, chills and fever, as well as all
blood and skin diseases. W. I. McGowaw.
I suffered greatly from Boils, which
would break out on different parts of my
body. I saw S. S. a advertised and aftet
using abont three bottles I was cured,
and for the last three years have had no
trouble whatever. . A. W. Zxnsx.
217 Read 6t , EYansvitte, Ind.
I began using your S. S. S. probably ten
years ago for Malaria and blood troubles,
and it proved so good that I have con
tinued ever since using it as a family
remedy. It Is a pleasure for me to recom
mend S. 3. 8 for the benefit of others
who are needing a first rate blood purifier,
tonic and cure for Malaria. I -Arkansas
City, Ark. . C C HEMIKCWAY.
Boils, abscesses, sores, dark or yellow
splotches and debility Arc some of the
vmntoms . of this miserable disease.
5. 8. S. counteracts and removes from the
blood all impuri
ties and poisons
and builds np the
entire system. It is
X guaran teed a pure
vegetable reme
Write for med
ical advice or any
special informa
tion about case.
fill Swift Specific Csmpasy, Atlasta, 6a.
Street and Car Track Blown Up and
Windows of All Principal Business
Buildings Shattered Celebrating
Election Returns.
SILVERO.V, Or., Nov. 9. Silverton
experienced a shock fast night at 12:05
that she will long remember. Those
citizens who had retired gave the blast
little attention, thinking it was some
one celebrating the election. A large
crowd wa. assembled - at J. C. Wolf's
bop oftlew receiving the election re
turns, and upon hearing the' explosion,
which shook every building in town,
hurried rnto the street, where a sight
met their eyes that is-beyond descrip
tion, the front of every business house
on the west side or Water street with
the exception of George Custer's new
store, was literally blown out, an 1 the
uoors anu uaca winuows 01 many puna
ings on Main street met the same fate.
Kvery window in the front of the
Central Hotel was blown out in short,
that section of the city looks as if it
bad been bombarded by the Japs.
The explosion was caused by a large
charge .of dynamite being set on the
railroad switch in front of Olson Bros.'
Saloon. . Whether it was the work of
some one wlfh malicious intent, or some
one not acquainted with the damage
that could be -lone with dynamite is
not known bnt probably the latter 1
the case, as about six pounds of the
stuff all fused, capped and ready to
explode was left on the walk in front
of Geo. Custer's store. No One acquaint
ed with the nature of the stuff would
surely have left it there, and set off
a charge near it. ., - .-:.-.
The damage will amount to several
hundred dollars, the following business
men being the losers:
H. C. Clark & Co.'s Pair store.
J.'W, Gray, harness maker.
Hicks Har iwar Company.
Olson Bros., saloon.
Jue Aluw, grocery. ' i
Drake) Bros., photographers.
J. M. . Morley, grocery, j
A. P. Si meral,' boots and shoes.
MrS.':"Huffe, millinery. '
Jamew Craig, general merchandise.
R. R. Pettit, Central Hotel.
J.. H. 'Brooks, druggist.
May Settle Affair.
About six young men. are supposed
to be inmpiicatcd in the affair, as they
went to a hardware store earlier in the
evening and purchased thirty-one
pounds ef giant powder with which to
celebrate over the election return.
They were pretty well "ginned" or
would have known better. Tb names
of the young men have been lea me 1,
but they are withheld from the public,
wnil aa effort is being made to settle
the affair. It is probable no arrests
ill be made.
Gas From a New Well on the Farm of
Thomas XtanteTback Throws
- Out Dirt,
' ., m 'r "-- SBBBBJBSJSSBBSssa
Every day brings forth some new In
dication that there Is oil in tbe vicinity
of Prat una. -
The latest Und in on the farm of
Thomas - Lauterback, who lives eight
miles east of Kalem. In drilling a well
on the farm It was noticed that the
earth as fast as loosened by tbe drill,
would fly op ia the air, quite outside
the welL--
Investigation showed a stronar current
of gas escaping from the well, which
lifted the dirt in the air. -
This is said to be one of the positive
indications of tbe presence of tiif, while
there is -some possibility of. its being a
flow of natural gaa. . i
- , -W-W,." -rf S S S.& 4..
Assist Weary Soldiers In Defending th
" Fortress Against Foe Whose Mcr-
1 disss Attacks never cease.
Tb.e Slaughter of Hnman Lives During
the Battles of Last Few Days Has
Been Terribls Dead Strews Fieidi
and Dogs Feed oa carrion. -
CHEFOO. Nov. 9. Tbe Japanese con
tinue to bombard Port Arthur, and the
shells are falling so incessantly that tbe
Russians have practically abandoned'
the repair of the works protecting tbe
naroor. ,
Citizen volunteers and the police are
now reinforcing the garrisiou of the
forts, according to the stories of Chin
ese arriving here, sixty of whom left
Port Arthur On November. 7, owing to
the high price of food. ! .'
Ho many men were killed on both:
sides during' the last assault that many
some instances dos which . had been
driven from the town, assuaged their
hunger by eating the dead. In 'a few
eases where this . was seen, the horror--
stricken- Russian, sharpshooters j killed
'the .dogs,'-.- I
Home Chinese Hay that the forts on
- , 1 1 . , . . , 1 .
lioiuen j 1 111 nave gonr pracrieairv no ui-
tn fnr ynnnihk i.aat nnA It Is tellrvd
that their ammunition has run short.
The demolition of the Chinese new
houses havinir Wen destroyed for the"
valuable firewood they contained.
The town is constantly catching ont
fire and the majority of the i ware-,
bouses and stores befon.ing to foreign
ers have been burned to the ground.
Under No Circumstances Will He Again
1mm( VaihIiiIIaiiTi a Wlu rta-
torn Which Limits President to Two
Terms. . - ....
WASHINGTON, Nov. 8-Presidtnt
Roosevelt tonight after the election re
turns clearly ' indicated the result, is
sued the following, statement:
"I am deeply, sensible to the honor
done me by the American people in thus
expressing their confidenee in what I
have done and have tried to do. I ap
preciate to the full 'the solemn respon
sibility this confidence " imposes u)oa
me and I shall de all that in my power
lies, not to forfeit it.'. 'On the fourth
of March next, I shall have served three
and one half .years and this three and
one half years constitutes my first term.
The wise custom which limits a Presi
dent to two terms regards substance
and not'form, and under no circum
stances will I be a candidate for or ac
cept another nomination." ! .
j- usaw
East Salem Precinct Has I Declared
Against Saloons Prohibition
' Died In Elkhorn. r
Additional precinct returns ' were
yesterday received from East Salem
and Elkhorn precinct, leaving Fair
field still unaccounted for in Marion
county. Returns from this precinct
have been received by - the county
clerk, but are sealed and under lock an I
ley, waiting for the final count.
The only unusual showing yeaterdiy
was the fact that East Kalem had de
clared dry an3 all saloons (!) in that
part of Kalem most go. ( 1 i
The vote in thosw precincts follows:
Kat Kalem Roosevelt, 58; r Parker,
12; Swallow, 7; Debsi 6: prohibition.
37, against, 33.. i . : i
Elkhorn Roosevelt. 12: Parker. 4:
for prohibition; 8 against, 8, f
Combine Including Score of Canneries
Along the Coast Go Under Re
ceiver's Hammer.
BELLI NO HA M,- Nov. 10.-Batordy
morning, November li. the properties
of the Facile Packing Navigation Corn
any-ani the 1'acinc. Americas Fisher
es Company, the larirest salmon can
ning combine in the world, with one ex
ception, will be sold at receiver's auc
tion sale, front the court house steps at
Bellingham. The property includes
more than a score of canneries in Alss
ka and on Puget Hound, and a larce
number of steam and sailing vessels.
Is old Hparta dead 1 ' Is the "Old
Willamette "spirit frozen in your veins!.
aw ron rn evens. it
The boys of . Willamette's football
team returned last evening from Fort
Stevens, where they contested the
sturdy "boys in blue" In a game of !
football, which resulted in a score of
17 to O in favor of Willamette. Tliis
places our boys on an equal ' footing
ith the ilultnornah team of Portland
ami ranks them with O. A. C which
will probably result in a match with
the latter team, as this is tbe wih,
however, of the local players.'
With the team hi tb hands of FL K.
Miller' as manager, Chauney Biahop,
coaCb, Mr, Ixmg, captain, and eleven
sturdy boys to make up the formation
they are sure to carry off th laurels
of all meets in the future.
C-rtj Cr! "