Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 08, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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    nrr-rrrtrr CZZG01T CTATESJ1A2T: TUESDAY, KOTEISES 8, 13C4.
, The following is the health, ordinance
adopted by the council- on Thursday
;nignt, and: it is published 'for the in
formation of the people.- One omission
that should not hare occurred is the one
- requiring the filing of birth, marriage
and death certificates with the" cit y. re
.Veorder. This no doubt will be incorpo
rated in the law at tH next meeting of
the eonneil this was considered as a
-part of the law proposed by the char.
'" , jter. -r - i-.. y t-:'- - . ',
For an ordinance to pfoviJe and "regu
, late., the duties and authority of the
; board of health, commissioners of. the
etty of Saleifl, establishing the office
: of sanitary inspector and health f8
. cer within and for said" citjr and
prescribing the" terms erf office, eom-
penaation and duties of the in earn -J
. bent of said lat named office j pro
" ' j Viding for the compilation and dm
of blank forms, books and stationery
to be employed in the conduct of the
several office herein provided: forto
provide for the establishment 'and
maintenance of Quarantine quarters,
,tcra and restrictions, and for the
, , , general diruectioa of infected
- i3.ui anTpirWn.4 aadSnarvTinl; v'rf'I
: ro carry into effeet tinder the provis
' , ions of the board of health eommW
sioner of said city the provisions of
thin ordinance.
lie it ordained by the Common Coonell
'": of the City of Balem, Oregon: :
Section 1. The? board of health com
miseioners of the city of Salem, Ore
gon, shall bare general supervision and
direction. of all matters, persons, plaees
and things involving or rnvoled in the
,' 'public health of the city of Salem, Ore
gon. . All. public hospitals, houses of de
tentioa, pest house and quarantine
quarters shall be under tbe direct charge
and custody of "said- board" and If the
equipment, rules and conduct thereof
ehali oe and are within tbe jurisdiction
of said board under the provisions of
this ordinance. It shall be lawful for
said boa d of health, under the provis
ions of this ordinance to do all things
neeesnary to - suppress,' cheek, restrict
and control all infectious diseases, de
'ivelopingi or ascertained to be,-within
sjthe city of Salem;' to- establish and
i t maintain quarantine stations and places
! maintain quarantine stations and
places; to fix the terms of quarantine
'snd to compel striet observance there
of by all persons, animals and thing",
-: whatsoever ' amenable to such quaran
tine; to require the removal of person,
- .animal, materials- and things afflicted
jor tainted, or suspected to be, " with ia
fectious disease to such, hospital, house
,of detention, pest bouse : or -quarantine
.station a may be necessary for the
''preservation of," the-V public health. ',
it Hec. 2.' The board of health commis
. .sioners of Saleru, Oregon, shall meet at
7s30 o'clock p. m. on the first .Monday
in each month, and .thereafter upon the
"call of, the presiding, officer of said
: board, notice of said called meeting to
beTfurnished to- the members by the
i eecretary of said board. " -',
Sec 3.. . There, is hereby created the
office of sanitary inspector and health
y officer of Salem,' Oregon, and such sanl
. ".tary inspector and -health officer shall
"a-he great American feast day is
the occasion when every, ambitious
housekeeper wishes her table to
look Its very beat The turkey
dinner la' looked forward to and
backward to aa ths one great occa
sion when the dining room i the
mot delightful expectation and
memory of all the joys of the year
Here are some helps: -- ,
CO .Inch linen damask XAVc
best of nattcrns -1 J t ?tJj
C4 Inch linen damask, full
assortments ; V
72 Inch linen damask
greatest variety -
Cloth 8x10 and 8x12 napkins to
match aeta range from
$4.95 to $13.50
New For Monday
Just received late yesterday, an-
omer nne or inoae pretty ana ser-
viueaoie ... j - .: 1 . .
In both half and tight fitting backs
In the newest fabrics and colorings.
Our prices, considering quality and
style, are much lower than you
would expect to pay.
By same shipment there arrived
more of the latest
In the most popular and newest fab
rics. Come and see these new beau
ties, -. , 4 ;, ;
Dress Goods
Constitute so large a stock as to
caase surprise every day. Enough
new styks to stock a dozen ordinary
f tores. More US sea her th.n S.
1 yrhcre el within your reach. lien.
1 your new gown If vou hn
negular tl.60 m2 00 values, in the
!: - $1.38 -
! fcklrts .
be appointed -as a member of the regu
lar Hay police -by 'the common council
of the said.ity of Salem, and shall "hold
office at the pleasure . of aaid council.
The compensation of said, sanitary, in
spector . and .health officer is hereby
fixe Jat the sum of six hundred dollars
per annum, payable monthly, as other
municipal salaries are now paid, and no
Other fees nor emolument shall be al
lowed or paid to said ofScer, Jt shall
be' the duty of - the . sanitary- inspector
and health officer. . herein, provided for,
aa -4 .1 : : a - 1. : j r . -i -
" "juiiwu iu uu uuuev as uay. ponce,
to work with and, trader the. board ,of
health commissioners of Salem, Oregon;
(o carryf out .sll jthe provisions 's of this
ordinance of. whatsoever .kind and na
ture; to make arrests hereunder; to file
complaints and" prosecute offenders for
violation of the terms of-this ordinance,
and toprform neh other duties as
shall be assign el to him by said board
of health' eortmiMloneTS 4in the fulfill
tnent bt sld bird's 'charter functions.
Sec4 il The.diseiw dangerous to th
publio health, and which shall be imme
diately reported to the board of health,
are " hereby-"decl-rred to' bet 4 Smallpox,
raHoToid.' chicken pox, bubonic plague,
leprosy," .liphtheria, membraneous croup,
eholra. searlet fever, measles, erj'sipe
la titxl typhoid fever. I".
See, 5, It is hereby made the duty
of any physician to immediately notify
tbe board of health of Salem' when on
of the diseases herein enumerated comes j
under his observation ,or when he has
reason to believe th case under his ob
BPtTation' may" be one of the diseases
. . . " . . ' ' .
nerejB mentioneo. .
Sec. 6. Such notice shall be in writ
ing .ani . addremed to the -board of
health of the city of Salem, and shall
be signed, b the person under whose
observation or supervision the case is,
and' the business or residence address
of the person afflicted or supposed to
be afflicted ;with any of the above
enumerated diseases, anl if the afflict
ed person is a child and attending any
school in the city of Salem, or : is of
school age, and is likely to attend any
school in the city of Salem, the notiee
shall contain, the name and location of
sucbi school and of the child's teaeher
or teachers.
'"Wuen aBV of the diseases
mentioned herein shall come under the
observation of the board of health by
the notice as herein provided, or other
wise, it shall be the duty of the board
of health by the sanitary inspector and
health officer, to remove the afflicted
person to a suitable hospital and to de
tain'him here for such a period of time
as may be necessary to prevent the
spread of the contagious disease, using
all the caution that may be roauired
and in such event, if in the iudeinjnt of
the said board the other occupants of
the building, boat, ship or railrosd car
mfy be quarantined in such buildintr.
ship, boat-or railroad car in which the
afflicted may be found for such a per
iod ,fof: tin:6'as maybe 'necesair, and
the boar I of health of the cl, of Sa
lem m hereby authorized and empow
ered to isolate and disinfect any build
ing, boat,"hip or car, , or other, means
of publicr transportation,' if, in the judg-;
ment of the said board of health, the
flpffSnfl rcajly for Thanksgiving with' all the needs of that gi eat festival This store will be a
I'lf "Thanksgivng Store" with special Thanksgiving exhibits An all departments. There
are ldts of things that you wilLnced and in order to induce you to come here for them wo liavo made
,a list of special prices which we quote below. - r , .
A swell line" of Flannel. Albatross
and Nucs" Veiling Waists lust received.
These are the newest styles to be Lad.
51.25 to $7.50
All colors and sizes! , 1 "
New effeTt in Suede finish full f-llk
lined gloves, all colors $1.00
COLT ClOVCS lor cool weather-wear.
White nd colors . -, - - 25c
.an.e .may "be deemed necessary. The
health officer, under tbe 'direction of the
board of health, im hereby authorized to
aliens- a persoa afflicted with, exposed
to or sueted of being exposed to any
of tbe diseases herein mentioned, to re
main where found, and impose such
meatftiree as may : be deemeJ necessary
to isSplate, quarantine and prevent ' the
spread of an of the : diseases herein
mentEoned, and is authorized, to emplov,
if necessary, such means to prevent the
Bpreadof,the contagions disease. , And
the sai;J health officer U further author
ized tot detain and quarantine all per
sons hem7 deem necessary, as well as
the person afflicted with anyof the
diseases herern mentioned in the build:
ing where the-1 afflicted person or the
exposei jerson msy - be found, or ; in
any othe building, as hi , judgment
may suggest, and to use all 'the means
mentioned in the above entitled eection,
provided tjiat in-, jbo event shall the
power of the health officer extend to
the ext ludig of any ? physician from
practicing a.ui the extent and limit of
his powers nhall only be considered as
extending to the preventing of the
spread of tbe.diseases herein mentioned.
Sec. 8. It i shall be the duty of ta
health department, upon " the Veceiving
of . a notiee asj provided for in Section
6, or when any disease mentioned shall
eome -under tbVe' notice of the depart
ment ia any manner whatsoever, to. f or
ward a written;, notice signed by tbe
health officer ofjthe city to the teacher
or teachers of ayy child afflicted with
! or exposed t any, of the diseases herein
I 3 i. I It A. -1 A. 1.
mentioned, and to the teacher or teach
ers of any child tin the same building
who has been exposed to or is likely to
be exposed to any of the diseases here
inbefore mentioned) if in the opinion of
the said officer the .same may.be neces
sary. Said notice must state the1 resi
dence of vthe ehild, tltt nature of the
disease. . That it is n'njatcftl -f or such
child to' attend, echobr'nntii the child
snail piesent a certificate or recovery
Signed by the secretary of the board..
. Sec. !.- It shall be unlawful torjcay
child who is or has bean afflicted with
any of the diseases herein mentioned,
or exposed to any of eieh diseases, to
attend any school unless. he present the
certificate mentioned in Beetion'8.
See. 10. If shall be unlawful for any
school teacher or other school - of fleer
to admit to any school, a a pupil or
otherwise, any person afzieted. with or
exposed to any of "the diseases herein
mentioned ,
See. li; It shall be the duty of the
board of health commissioners of the
city "of Salem to projerly disinfect as
much of a building, bip or car or pub
lic conveyance as may be deemed neces
sary' to prevent the spread of conta
gious disease, and it shall be unlawful
for any person not afflicted or exposed
to'any of the diseases mentioned to
enter any such building, boat, ship or
car or public conveyance mitirtnc same
shall hare been disin?ectedT" And it
shall be the duty of .the-tfiealth offieer
of the city of Salem U- Hhut the
proper , flag, as provided iJv ordinance
of the cit of Salem, shall be displayed
and . that a notice ehali be. ported in a
conspicuous place near the entrance to I
' Wednesday Only
Wednesday surprise sale No. 201. For
this day's selling we have arrange!
one for both men and women, and we
ofler a line of exceptionally good : "
Solid wood back, fine bristle edges, the
best brush ever offered in Salem for
twice the amount we ask,
" f r , -. - """ "Tl - -: 1
any Uiiilding. ship, car or boat wherein
the person afflicted with such a disease
is quarantned or isolated. - Said notice
shall eoaiauL the information, that the
house No. , hip, boat, ear or pub
lie conveyance, as the case may be, is
under quarantine, and that it shall be
ran lawful for any . person to enter; or
depart from such house, boat, ship, car
or public conveyance as long as the ap
propriate flag by ordinance provided is
displayed, and said notice shall further
contain the penalty clause of this ordi
nance. ; '.i- ' -.'y.
' Sec, 12. It shall be the duty of every
fcouseholder, hotel keeper, . boanding
house keeper or, lodging, house proprie
tor in the city to report immediately in
Writing to the health offieer the names
f every person, living, boarding; or
lodging in his or her bouse, whom he
or she shall have reason, to ' believe to
be affected or infected witfi., any conta
gious or infectiou disease. ,
Sec. 13. In cases of death from chol
era, , bubonie plague, variola, smallpox,
leprosy, chicken pox, diphtheria, niem
braneous croup anl scarlet fever,' the
funeral shall be private, and no public
or church funeral shall be held.
Sec. 14. It shall be unlawful for any
person, when detained by the health of
ficer on account of ;being afflicted with,
exposed to or suspected of being ex
posed to any of the disease mentioned,
to depart or endeavor to depart from
the place of detention without the con
sent of the said board of health.
- Sec. 15. It shall be unlawful for any
person living, residing or (sojourning
without the limits of Salem, and afflict
ed with or. exposed to any of the dis
eases mentioned , to enter the eity and
it shall be unlawful for anv person to
aid" in or abet ia procuring or endeavor
ing to obtain or procure means, whereby
any person '-afflicted with, exposed to
or suspected Of being exposed to any oj
the diseases herein mentioned may en
ter, thv .fiity ' .' v ' -: . -
Sec'J3 Jinyperson viplating any of
the provisions of this ordinance, the
penalty for which ia not otherwise
herein provided, shall,' on - convictian
thereof before the recorder, ; be fined
not less-than five nor more than one
hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not
less than five nor more than 20 days, or
by both nne and imprisonment.
" Seci 17. Every police officer having
a regnlar beat shall bef ex-offieio sani
tary inspector nnd, "health officer, but
without" extra pay . therefor " Should,
such officer observe that any-building,
premises or street on his beat is in a
cendif ion offensive to the publie health,
he Shall immeiliately report the same
to the chief of police, who shall imme
diately report to, Jjlc,,ioard of health.
SeelS. It Vhall be the duty of everj
phywelan. in tia cjty to report to the
board" of health in writing every pa
tient he hall havw laboring under Asi
atic 'cholera or smallpox, variola, diph
theria, scarlet-f ever, typhoid fever and
other dangerous or contagious diseases
immediately after" he shall be satisfied
of the nature of the disease, and re
port to the board Of health every case
of death -from ue.y disease -Immediate-
lyf after it shall ; hare' occurred. -
tee; Itf. t it shaurbe and - is hereby
made the dntyof the owner or occupant
Here are Furs that have passed ex
pert, judgment and will stand com
parison .with the best. ; Prices most
moderate to be found in the city.
98c to $37.50
We' are showing some very smart
new styles In the Kelser Stock collars
and cut fa, also a new lice of fancy em
broidered turnovers. 'All prices.
of, every house, store, building or tene
ment in said eity wherein "any person
may have diphtheria, smallpox, typhoid
fever, scat Tot fever, or any other dan
gerous or contagious disease or disease,
to give notice to the public immediate
ly of the existence, of such disease in
such" house, Btore, building or tenement
by placing a green flag in case of diph
theria, a scarlet flag in Case of scarlet
fever, a ye Haw flag in case of smallpox,
and in all other-cases a white flag in
some conspicuous place on the premises,
where it nmy be seen by the persons
passing on ; the street near said prem
ises, and in se theVwner or occupant
of eoch house, store, building or tene
ment shall tail or neglect to place such
flag as aforesaid,, it is hereby made the
duty of .the; health officer, as soon as
he is informed of the existence of such
disease at any house, store,' building or
tenement, to cause such a flag to be
placed a aforesaid, and such flag,
whether " placed as aforesaid by such
owner or occupant or by the health of
ficer, shall remain there until euch per
son' having uch disease shall have so
far recovered that no danger by infec
tion shall remain, and until the7 board
of health shall grant permission to re
move the same; said flag shall be one
foot wide and oiie and one-half feet
long. ':'''-''''
Sec. 20. Xo person owning nor hav
ing control thereof shall drive or use
any vehicle to be used or driven for the
conveyance, transportation or removal
of any person infected with thermall
pojr, or the hody of any person (who
may die of such. "disease) without tie
written consent of the board of health,
and any vehicle so used under a permit
shall not be used for any other purpose
whatever without the written consent
of tbe board of health. ,
Sec. 21. :l'o person owning or having
control thereof shall use or permit 15
be used any vehicle which is ucd for
the purpose of traveling or transport
ing passengers to. be used for or to al
low tof fee placetl thvrein the body of
any, deceased person whose, death shall
have occurred from any of the afore
said diseases." ,
Sec, 22. . Any person or. perpons who
shall use anv vehicle for carrj'ing or
transporting tbe body of any deceased
person Svhd has died of any of the afore
said diseases shall have such vehicle'
plainly marked or otherwise designated
as a vehicle for that purpose.' ,' ,
7 Sec. 23.:- No person attending upon
or otherwise coming in contact with
any ier80n affected with smallpox or
diphtheria in such manner or to such
extent as to render him liable to com
municate the disease shall go upon any
public, street, or in any way mingle with
people not affceted with the disease.
See. 24. Whenever, a caste of small
pox shall exint in fi"ny house or tene
ment, and for any reason the person af
fected shall not - be removed to the
smallpox h0.-7.ital, the board of health
may direct the- health- offieer to place
(-pine nuitable person in charpe of such
premises, whose duty it ehall be t see
that the provisions" xf this ordinanee
are strictly. enforced so long as may
be deemed.;- necessary for the public;
safety and at the exiwnse of the jtccii'
pant, and provided nothing in this eec
tion sbalV'be eonstrueJ to apply to the
physicians. ; Provided further, that all
expemtes of such care shall - be; borno
by the persott liable, for the expeiuw! of
the perseir-Jmving said disease and the
Let's talk overcoats. - Now bJ the
accepted time, fhesecool daj-sand
evenings one la liable to catch cold.
The overcoat won't cost much more
and last longer. Dame Fashion
dictates sensible styles; we assume
all responsibility for fit, style and
durability. Many new things, to
introduce to you. You'll certainly
need a new outfit for Thanksgiving
so better see to your need now.
$10 to $25
chilly weather for light
underwear. How's your
need any more?. We can
fit you out in the beet, and at prices
thai w.'ll fit your purse. - ;
50c to $2.50
Women can be just as eoniforta- '
ble in a daintv shoe as in a clumsy.
one, and we are 'showing eomsw of
the prettiest shoes ever manufac
tured. Have you seen the new ,
Pincrec Made
for women? They embody all the
newest shapes In styles to fit your
feet, r . -. ? . - - - - . . .
$3.00 and $3,50
When these chilly days come, we
think of ' warmer hosiery. Up' to
date, serviceable and comfortable
hosiery for women and children-, at
prices which are appealing' because
they are economical. . , . . ,,
10c to $2.50
. .
Shoes and alt other, goods pertaining to
Gents9 Furnishings-at the lowest prices.
Y.M. C. A.
Commercial Street
oeeupant or owner- of the premise
where such person may be for the time
being having snrb disease.
See. 25. Whenever a ease of smalb
pox is reported to the board of health
and found to be such by the statement
of the attending physician, be shall im
mediately cause to be erected a yellow
or quarantine flag jn a conspicnou
place upon such premises, or to a post
upon the -doorways of said premises. anl
a placard setting lortn me.eaia mci;
said flag or placard to remaia during
the continuance of the disease on said
ec. No person ehali remove a
smallpox patient from, a houao or plac
Wiliuu the limits of the tit to anv
house or place within the city limits
without : the written . eonsent of the
board of health.
Sec. 27. No person without a permit
from the board otbealtb shall carr or
remove from one building to another,
tr from one railroad depot to any bouse,
or through theTpublie streets, or from
any boat or vcwgel to the nhore, any per
son sick of any contagious disease. " . .
; Svc. 2S. No butchers' offal, garbage
of any kind, or any putrid or stinking
animal or vegetable matter shall be
allowed to remain on the premises of
any person or be thrown in anl trrot
or alley or place or in any ttanlin2
water or excavation or upon the ground
or premises of, aaf person.
Sec. 29. No person who is the owner
or occupant of or agent fir any hou
building or premise in the city ef Kalcni
to whi'h a privy lelons or ' apertaiiia,
hall tie or keep the name in iuch con
dition as to rtiuse a noisome, ofTensivp
smell so as to become a jiuisainc.
Sec. 30. No person or . persons hhall
cast or leave or keep in any street gut
ter, manure, sawdust or rubbish of o.ny
kind so as to obstruct the, street or gut
ter thereof, or shall use or occupy any
street or any iortion thereof as a .ptaxTd,,
station or place for the keeping of any
horse or borwf r other animals so a
to cause said; t-trcet or Hirtion thcrVf
so occupied to becme in such a condi
tion . as to cause or create a.. noisome or
offensive smell, or thereby -to le, In
come, cause or create a publie nuisance.
See. 31. It shall be unlawfal for any
person or jiersonn to construct or tauw
to le' constructed or ic any irivy ; of
Uwiiool ander the sidewalk in front
;of or adjoining any property owned or
! occupied by him or them, and evt ry d'j
! which such person ' or persons shall use
for permit to be used such privy or cess-
pool after receiving the .notice provbled
for in this ordinance -snail ie deema a
new and separate offense,
S'e. 32. No person r jxrsons shall
permit or soirer water- t flow or ('
cast upoa any yard, lot, block, place
or premises, or into or upon anv street
or" street gutter or place adjacent to of
abutting upon any yard, lot,"bIock:
place or premises within the city hm
its so that the same mav become stag
rant or impure, So as to cause a noisome
or offensive smell, or shall permit or
simer to accumulate . in or upon anv
yard, lot, block, place or. premises, or
upon any street or. street gutter adja
cent to or adjoining upon any yard, lot
block, place or premises owned or oc
cupied -or him or them, or for which
he or thy msy agent or sgents,
within the eity limits any etsgnant or
impure water.
Section 33.- Wherever the board of
health shall be informel or have reason
to suspect the existence of a nuisance
prohibitd by this ordinance, it shall im
mediately make or cause to be mad'
an examination of the jard, lot or pretn
ise on which it is charged that snch
nuisance is suffered or rermitted and if
such nuisance is fount to exst thereon
or therein or in or upon anv street
gutter or aideivallc adjacent or abutting
upon saij yaru, lot, or premise, it Hhall
forthwith give or cause to be given to
either the owner, agent er occupant of
sucn yaru, lot or premirs, written or
printed notice to remove or abate such
nuisance, and if such nuisance bo not
abated or rf movcl within , fortv-eiht
hours after neh notice as aforesaid
shall have been given, it shall be-tls
dnty of tbe, board 6f health to cause
the same to be removed or abate, and
ror mat purpose they are berebv an
thorized to expend such sum of- roonev
(not -exceeding one hundred dollars in
any one case) as tnay .be required for
tim removal or abatement of such
Duuianre; proviaeo that wnenever' a
greater expenditure Is found necessary
I - . J. . . m
io oe raaue tnaa the sum or-one hun
dred dolbrr, the said lxMd f health
shall tepfrt tbe same to the common
council previous to ineurting such ex
pense and request authority fo make
,The said board of health shall keep
aa accurate. account of all sums expend
ed under the provision of this ordi
nance and forthwith, make report there
of t tbe common council, showing tbe
smouut expended for the abatement or
rtmoral of a nuisance as aforesaid on
eafihlot, piece of parcel f land de
scribing the same, together with the
nam of the owner r owners thereof.
or that the owner's name is unknown. '
Tiu-reupoa the common council stall
by ordinance declare such sum or sums
so expended as aforesaid a lien on the
particular lot or pare! of land npon
which the said sum was expended and
direct the recorder to enter the same
on the docket of citv liens, and thro-i
- y
- Salem, Ore.
afttfr euch it emu isliall 1, enforccl
against the property therein oVmrihA
in like maimer, and with like eflrt
a lien Pr the improvement of a stmt.
On Odds of Two to One that Eoosevelt
Will Net Carry New York.
llvpubliean and lK'n.oi-ratic licail.juart
ers '-.tonight the utmost ctVufi,J,tioe
expreswd. Tliis confidci4-e is substan
tially cxpresseil iu the ttting-o tbe
rtsult,whith has lnen -'heavier ia
Washington -.than ever before. . OJ.U
oa the gpneral. re.iiijt areivc ti one in
favor of Koosevehj- but , many wgpr
have been made at Hhoftcr 11. The
interest of bettors Vk. centered .on :"Stw
York, and Jarpi' sums of money hav
lWif .wagered vn tht result "n tliat
state, M1 of two, to -one.' have le.n
offoretl that .Koose.velt wTI ': carry bis
hoine-Ktntt? and they! have en acrcjit-.
ed .eagerly .by llernoerat.s. . -
I When Yoar Joints are Stiff
and your muscles' nre frm cn. Vr
r.lieijinat ini, wheu y"ii i( and m-rnin a
joint,:' strain :yot-ir,'Mdi o'r brui-se your
self, I'aiukilifr'n ill take out the i.r'-
ne and i you right in .' jiffy. -M.
wjiyS. "have it with vou. anl ne it frco
ly. ' Avbl Milntiti-te., there is ., uw
I'arrikiller, Perry lavis Tru e 23 eeatg
and .50 ttnts. ' - L
S. X l'R A N' "ISTl , Nov, 7. - i cores
A. Wright, formerly ehi-f eh'ik -f tl.i"
internal revenue Jl'et or. fwrtiwil if
irregularities in his arc:Tits, -surren'
dered today to . Tinted '.States M.irili.il
Hhine and ws at otu released on bouj.
lle asserts innocence.
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