Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, October 25, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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iutih rami
Tuesday to n..::;
Sink English Fisherman
Russian Pacific squadron fires upon
snd sinks vessel tit tiie Hull fishing
fleet (British) in the North Hea, killing
an 1 drowning or wounding many mem
bers of t bfir crews. ,
British Government make urgent
protest to t. Petersburg mid demands
that immediate and ample redrew be
made for the outrage.
Intense grief sod regret are express
ed to tii" British Oovernmni, im well ns
a lesire voluntarily to make full re
pa ration.
.LO.NDO.V, Oct. 23. Foreign rWre
tary Lniudowne reached- Iondon this
afternoon, and after gathering tbe lat
ent details known at the Foreign Office
regarding the firing on the British fish
ing boats by the Russian ttqiiulron, pro
i v Mr I to Buckingham Palace, where lie
bud a ngthy interview with King Ed
ward. The latter telegraphed a mcs
page of sympathy to the Mayor .f
All v are now tinned toward Kt.
Petersburg awaiting word from the
Kussian government. The casualties
during tin one-sided bombardment oft
I'ogger Hank eiin now be correctly stat
ed since the arrival at bondon tin cv
niing of the carrying ship Hwift, re
porting the safety of tbe missing traw
ler. Her eantaln says: "The Rus
sian gave, not the slightest warning
prir to-the commencement of firing.
The admiral of the fishing fleet sent no
a rocket of warning and 4ben the flr-l
ing commenced. He smiBsent up fonr
green' rockets, .but this only seemed to
increase tbe fprofitv of the bombard
went. Poor marksmanship of the Una
mn gunners was the only thing that
sved the entire fleet. At the inquest
at Hull today it was stated that one
vrssiil, the Crane, was sunk and four
or five were more or less damaged.
A Likely Tale From Borne.
Home, Oct. 24 The Russian Embassy
bere explains the attack of the Russian
so wad run on the Hull fishing fleet by
the statement that the report, had bet-n
reeeived at 8t. Petersburg that the Jap
anese, were trvfr"- to injure the. Russian
ehis with " v-xplosive to 1m fired from
fishing tfoats. Indeeal, the Ambassador
said he suspected the s-uadron opened
fire only after an attempt had been
made to attack some of the ships.
British SjIds Getting Beady.
Ht. Johns, N. V., Oct.. 24. 'Hie British
eruiser Charybdi recei veil orders this
evening to be in readiness to proceed
to England at a moment s notice. The
training ship Calypso w ordered to
nrrnneo the mobilization of f0( men on
th New Poundlsnd .'Naval Reserve.
There is murh excitement here.
Ht. Peteriurjr. JOet. 21. No offleinl
or unofilt'ial extlanation of the unfor
tunate affair off Dogger Bank is forth
coming up to thin time and the world
must wait until tomorrow to hear Jfo
jeatvenskv's version of the firing upon
the British 4 fishermen. Bojestvrnsky
has eommuniented to the Kmperor, but
nt 11:30 oVinek. tonight the-Admiralty
announced that it had not rect-ive.1 the
report. At the s;une hour the Foreign
fMliee issued a statement expressing the
Pays for the Accommodation
aml lie pays for the credit exlcndetlto his nclgbora.
Tlie only way to avoid pay ing
and fai led to pay for is to pay cnsli
does a strictly cash business; Nt
vruuu nor on .
Every article that leaves the stSre must bo paid for. No losses
from bad accounts to add io our prices ,
Oar expenses are very light in 'proportion to the business we
The quantity of merchandise
.1 . . .
mwtst quantity prices.
HJry (Boocli
That's why we undersell "regular
r'iMffi fAf
Oalcra'o Chcnpcat Oncj Price Coflh Otorc.
regrets of the government for the de-
1..! I... I t
inemeni Mi explained that no
formal Metion wmh luiauihi .t.;i t st.
vensky's official retort was received.
While, no formal action was taken, the
ueepeat regrt-t is expretised in a.i quar
ters allll the nunUiMO .f Ilia crovorn rrii,
to Buike amends if Uoji-stvensky be
...hum n nnve t"n hi Taint lias been
proclaimed bv evvrv iavrrnmni
A Horrible Elunder Committed.
Tliat a horrible blunder has been com
mitted is rrcocroized kn.l .lo,kl.,P.l
ervwltre. and nnwlllr ha an tii.nii,!
l--n male to justify firing nMn
the iniMM-ent nnhrm . It is felt Ro-j'-stvenskv
is too good.fl man and an
OHI.-.T iii if- ntimmariiy coniietnned. Jt
s agreed he in entitled to a hearing,
but eyen the Admiralty regretfully ad
mits it is at a loss to admit nn explan
ation that could justify such an nptiar-
...... - iinHHini an, ii ueveiopfMi
during the day that the Admiralty had
strong rciiNon to believe nn attempt
would be madu against the squadron
luring the pnssage through the flreat
Belt or Kturlish 'hann-l. Ho sjecifie
wii- inn inTormaiiou that even the pres
ent crisis has not averted attention
from' tho possibility of such an at
taek 'et occurring. The failure of the
trawhrs to obey signals front the Rus
sian wurnhipn or nervousness of some
officer who imagined the fishermen
working with their nets in th water
were laying mines mav Irresponsible
for the blunder. 8oon as the facts nre
established it is certain the Russian
government will voluntarily offer the
fullest rcjmration.
i Resent Vnrf h a a TnM
Ijondon, Oct. 24. The steamship Ks
peranr.rt. due to nail nom Barry with
provisions for the Russian Baltic fleet
was found today to be in a sinking con
dition, her hull pierced lelow the water
line. The injury is not explained. It
is suggested that it was the act of some
one out of rcf-ntmerit of the S'orth Hea
Press Demands Full Punishment.
London, Oct. 2.". The feature of the
editorial thin morning in practically
a unaoiiiiou lemand on the Govern
ment (n lnit on the punishment of the
Russian officers who were reonilde
for the Bogger Bank affair. Without
thw, it is argued, the neas are unsafe
for' peaceful veumds.
Stories of the Outrage.
The mate of the Trawley Mino. which
arrived at Hull with the Moulmein.
bringing the news of the firing on the
fishing boats, said today:
i "Between 200 and .1o0- shots were
fired. The firt vessel in line did most
of the firing. But I think two others al
so i red several shots. Our whole fleet
whs under searchlights, which nearly
blinded us. The Russians came within
less than a quarter of a mile from us.
We could them plainly."
Captain Parker, of the trawler Mag
pie,1 declared it . was imposnible for the
Russians to mistake the trawlers for
torpedo boats. He added:
'The whole affair lasted about twen
ty minutes. Not a quarter of their
shots could have taken effect. When
the firing ceased the ships disappear
ed lis quickly a they had come tip."
Entiard Will Demand Indemnity.
Trd Imsdowne is expected to make,
for goods that other people tough I
at a casii store.
one dollar's worth of goods out on
We use enables us to buy at the
1 :
iht Yfc:Ic Family.
in adlition to the usual claim for in
demnity for the vessels sunk, compen
sation for the wounded and pensions
for the widw of those-killed; to de
mand a most ample apology and assur
ance that any other British -hipping
which may fall in with the Russian
squalron shall not 1 submitted to sim
ilar treatment. Then demands, it is
believed nt theRosian and other Km
bnssieii here, will speedily be granted.
Five Veaeel Missing.
Of the 160 fishing vessel tbrongh
which the Russian squadron passed,
five are still unaccounted for, and some
anxiety exists regarding their juifety.
The Wren, one of the Ixmts reported
as missing lust night has arrived at
Hull. It probably will be some days
before the Foreign Office is in full pos
sexsion of all the facts, although th
examination of witnesses at the Foreign
Ofliee today establishes the general
correct nexn of the first accounts.
May Be Considered Act of War.
London, Oet. 24 Great Britain today
sent a long And urgent note to the Uus
sian government oflifiully detailing the
r ire n m stand's of the amazine and un
elnined attack by the Itnssian squad
ron during the night of t)etotwr 21 on
the British nshinir imibis in the .North
Kea. The tejt'of the note is not given
out, but it is officially stated that it
contains the siirnificant announcement
"that the situation is one, which, in the
opinion of His Majesty's government,
does not brook delav.
Meanwhile, the conservative public
and press are remarkably undemonstra
tive. As usual the jingo element ie
mands war ind even in official quarters
some fin as far as to sav it may be nec
essary to stop the Pacific flet. Tending
a settlement of the whole anair, though
this extreme measure is believed not to
be- necessary. Kverywhere there is evi-
lence of a very rositive opinion that
this in no time for the nsnal diplomatic
lillv-dallvintr. that thre must ne nn de
lay and no limit set by Kussia to her
apology or the extent of compensation
for the sufferers b what King Kdward
himsrdf terms "the unwarranted ac
tioni' of the Haltie squadron command
ers. Deep Resencment Felt.
The deep resentment of thr whole
British public, however, is reflected bv
an incident ot Victoria staton tonight
on the arrival of ount Benckendorff
from the Continent. There is no at
tempt anywhere among men of respon
sibility to magnify the occurrence into
n deliberate act of , war, but in view of
the present inability to find an explan
ation there is being poured upon the
heads of the nnicers of the squadron a
flood of invective and insinuation,
though ineoiniietenee first and thereaf
ter complete panic is most generally ac
cepted ns the explanation. Thus far no
official word has leen received from Ht.
J'eterwbiirg regarding the attitude of
the Rnssian government. The fact is it
has been decided during the day to pre
pare a semi-official note expressing the
rejrrr of the Itnssi.in government, and
a willingness to make reparation. This
was communicated by the Associated
Press to Lord Lansdowne nnd was the
first information on the subject receiv
ed from St. Petersburg. The absence
during the day of Count BenekcndortT
necessarily caused some delav bnt the
Russian f'hnrge I) 'Affaires who was
called to the Foreign Office on request
bv a note from I.,andowne, tinofiietailv
expressed deer regret and, as far as It
was possible fnr him to go, he ave s-
suranct of the speedy action of the Itns-
sian ffovernment. Iord Mnstlowne ask
ed M. Sansonoff, the Charge P 'Affaires,
If he could offer any explanation or the
affair and the latter replied that he
only knew what h4 appeared in the
papers. Tord Lansdowne gave no sug
gestion as to what miffht be done in
the matter.
At the Bosnian F.mbassy it was stated
that "the whole affair is so obvious! a
mistake. Rnssia's course is plainly
dictated, namelv, an apology, and ample
compensation." ;
Colorado Makes . 22J28 Knots In Her
Trial Trip and Turns in Less
Than Twice Her Length
BOSTON". Oct. 24. The cruiser Col-
orado, built by Cramp k Sons ,today
in her official trial covered eighty-eight
nantical mile! in three hours, fifty-seven
minutes and seven ' seconds, maintain
inff the hourly average speed of 22.26
kfiAta. the builders contract. It is
thought tht tide corrections may'--in
crease the sveragn slightly. The high
est sneed attained was 23.33 knots. In
tnrning, the figure "8" and other man
euvering tests tho shin gave splendid
satisfatcion, particularly the complete
turn which was made in a circle the
diameter of which was less thaa twice
the length of the erniser. i
B.KER CITY, Oct. 21. Fire brokj
ont yesterday in the lower workings of
the Baisley Hkhors mines, which for
time threatened, serious damage., A
mountain at ream was turned into the
inner workings and after several
hours f hard work the flames are un
der eontrol, sad today tley were ex
tinguished. The damage is not heavy.
Weather Is Very Severe and Lack of
Fuel Causes Much Suffering
Among Soldiers. '"
Bussi&ns Believe Japanese Are Draw
ing Heavily On Port Arthur Army
As WeU As On Japan for Additions
to the Army.
Xo resumption of fighting of a gen
eral character u the Ehakhe river. Both
the Kussia a sad Japanese are entrench
ing their positions. Outposts are with
in 7ou yards of each other and leas than
four miles separates the main armies.
Tbe. scarcity of fuel is causing the sol
diers to suffer greatly with the odd.
KT. P.ETHRKB IT KG, Oct. 2C-Tbere
is no news of immediate importance
from tb Far East tonight. . f indica
tions from both siles show tfcey are
heavily intrenching although it is be
lieved that sKuropatkin is ready for a
forward movement at an early moment
unless the heavy Jaunese reinforce
ments eomiei him to rtsume the defens
ive. Reports that Japanese reinforce
ments are arriving, taken in connection
with! the enforced inactivity j of the
Russian forces on account 1 of the
weather is felt to be a grave factor in
the situation. There- is reason to be
lieve the Japanese are drawing heavily
on the Port Arthur Army as well as on
Japan, In the hope of sc'enrmg numer
ienl Aufienority to enable Oyania to in
flict a crushing blow uho Kurojat
kin when hostilities are resumed.
The crowd followe I him almost Into
the Kmbassy. Fortunately -nothing re
sulted; yet throughout the night a
special force of isdice were eomiK-Ued
to guard the Russian Embassy, lienck
enlorff;has always been regarded as a
friend o f peace and as much opiwsed
as Count Lainedorff to the Ruseo-Japan-es
war. Indeed, he is almost an
"anglophile in sentiment. After
escaping from the hostile crowd that
met him. at the station, be drove at a
gallop to the Kinhassy. lialf a dazen
rowdies followed, but the Ambassa.lor
arrived unharmed. His pursuers en
countered a cordon of jrfdice ; that had
lern hurriedly dispatched to gnarl the
Kmbassv. After singinr 'Jliule lint-
t a nia" the listurber diiered. Prince
Hviatopfdk Mirsky, a cousin of the new
Russian Minister of the interior, and
Second Secretary of the EwbaisMy, said:
'The attack on the trawlers wa ob
viously: an act of war or a great in is
take. I No sensible man can think of it
as an act of war, therefore it must be
a mistake; and when you make a mis
take all you can l is to a;ologi7.e and
pay for it. Neither the trawler affair
nor tonight s occurrence is likely to
produce a el.nh between the two pew-
ers." -h" -
Japs Fortify a Village.
Harbin. Oct. 24. Numbers of Japan
ese, prisoners have leen brought here.
The Japanese are heavily fortifying the
village of Lamuting. It is renorted that
the Uiissians burietl 7SI Jaines- who
were killetl at leine Tree llill. it is
snowing today.
Russian Ships Pass Plymouth.
Plymouth. Kng., Oct. 21. The signal
station at I'rawl Point telegraphs that
a Russian Itattlesbip and two cruisers
pnd this morning, going west.
Russians Are Unpopular There Now.
Lon Ion, Oct. 24. A hostile demon
stration was made at victoria station
tonight on the arrival of Count Benck
endorff, the Russian Ambassador. The
crowd hooted him and also attempted
to break the windows of his carriage.
All Leave Cherbourg.
Cherbourg, Oct. 24, Four Russian
Torpedo boats and a Russian .transport
sailed this evening. There are no long
er any Russian vessel in this port.
Cannot Run the Risk.
London, Oct, 24. The Pall Mall
(lazzette, which accurately reflects
the popular sentiment regarding the
North Sea incident sas:
"Th British Government . cannot
run the risk of a repetition of an out
rage which might send a big liner full
of men, women and children, to the
bottom of tbe sea. Jt will r poesi
ble for tbe British government to give
orJers for the rest f the voyage that
the Russian squadron ahall be accora-p-anled
and shepherdel by British war
hips, whose duty it will be, to steady
tbe nerves of the Russian Admiral by
a clear intimation that the first shot
fireJ at a British vessel will be regard
ed as an act of war. Not only must
Russia make humble apology, but Eng
land must employ material force with
her sea power to provide that there be
no repetition or tbe offense, Tbe Rus
sian squadron, moreover, is not manned
by seasoned officers sad men, for the
flower of the Russian navy is or was ia
the Far Fast. As a scratch pack of more
or less incompetent people are nav'gat
ing still more incompetent sqoadrea
to almost certain lest ruction, aad they
know it. , J
"The attack on the trawlers," the
Pall Mall Osrette says," affords proof
positive that the Russian squadron is
dangerous lunatie aad a terror to all in
its vicinity.",, - !i
x The Statesman is a very well edited
ps per this morsiag. A larger portion
than usual is taken by the bright bus
iness men. ia the advertising eolomns,
and edited by them. The ads art worth
reading, all of them, . , . , .
SAX VTlASfHST'O. Oct. 24. The
steamer Coo Bar, from San Pedro to
this port, was discovered in ft disabled
condition off the Heads this afternoon
and was towed into tbe harbor. It was
learned her rudder was injured whir
tbe ship was off Cayueas Point. How
serious the damage or how tbe accident
occurred is unknown.
DENVER, Oct. 24. Bourke Cock
ran of New York, addressed an audience
that taxed the capacity of Coliseum
Hall tonight. He devoted considerable
time to a diseusauon of bcal issues re
suiting front the strike of the metallif
erous miners, lie declared that ia Col
orado Republican institutions had .per
ished and that those of the nation were
PORTLAND1, Oct. 24. Charles W.
Walton, the 1? year old boy robber who
shot and seriously wounded Policeman
Nelson on September 1st, while attempt
ing to bold-up a street car was Joday
found guilty of assault with inTent to
kill. As soa a the case fente to tbe
jury the second case, that of highway
robbery, was called. The maximum
penalty of the crimes together is thirty
sears. -
Officers Lewis and Murphy went ont
to the Southern Pacific passenger depot
on Sunday night and railroaded twenty
five hobos out of tbe city. The Knights
of the road are now traveling south
snd any number can 1 seen banging
around the passenger depot in the ev
ening waiting for tbe southbound over
band train. This undesirable element
is always given a chance to leave on
tbe late train, but if they fail to take
their departure at that time they are
promptly gathered in and locked up in
jail bySahm' faithful night police
men. Eight vags were thrown in Sun
dayt evening and all were floated by
City 'Recorder Judah yesterday- morn
ing. . .
Correspondence Between Oregon's Gov
ernor and the Chief Executive at
Washington About Lands Uselessly
Withdrawn Under Forest Reserve Act
Tbe forest reserve; proposition has not
proven to bt everything that could be
desired in matter of detail, at least, and
a great many questions have arisen as
to its final outworking. The greatest
fault has been found with the policy of
the Interior 1 Apartment which has
withheld from entry n"eat tracts of
land suitable for agriculture only, with
a view, evidently, f preventing its le
ing selected as basis for lien lands by
such corporations or person -as might
have claims within the reserve.
Governor Chamberlain has found
fault at least with the evident fact that
notwithstanding the state was deeply
interested in the question t lie Interior
Departmv-nt was inclined to pay no at
tention at all to the desires or interests
of the state. After getting but little
satisfaction from the Commissioner of
tbe Oeneral Iand Office, Gov. Chum
Iffrluin wrote to President Roosevelt.
His first letter in August was followed
lr the release of certain Jands. which
had teen held adjoining tbe proposed
reserve. The Governor thfn decided
that the man to write to for a final
clearing up of the matter was tbe one
who had caused things to lie done. lie
fore, so on September 27, Gov. Cham
terlain wrote to the President as fol
lows: ' y
"I fully realize the difficulties under
which the Land Department labors in
the creation of these reserves and com
mend the efforts which are lieing made
to prevent private holdings within these,
reserves from being utilized as valid)
bases for indemnity selections as soon
an the reserves are permanently created.
During my visit East last fan in order
to assist thv department as much as pos
sible, I furnished Commissioner Rich
ards with a list of tbe names of indi
viduals who hsd purchased school see
tions within the reserve referred to.
with tbe dates, amount of purchases
aad whatever other information I bad,
offering to aid at all times in doing
What I could to prevent tbe fraudulent
disMsiton not only of Government, but
or state land. -
" Whatever information the Land
Department has with reference to pri
vate holdings within said reserves
where title was obtained from the state
I feel safe in saying was obtained tram
me while in Washington because, no
agent of the General Land Office so far
as I have been advised has ever inves
tigated the records of our state lands
or rdaced himself in communication with
any of the officers 'of this state in ref
erence thereto since my incumbency. On
the contrary, we feel that they have
shown ft disposition to Ignore the or
fieials of this Vtate even in rases where
a mutual confidence might assist both
the state and the United States, in pro
tecting the public domain from land pir
ate. "I sincerely trust that some legisla
tion may le had at tbe next session of
Congress which will prevent the crea
tion of new baser for indemnity selec
tion and will provide rule for equitable
exchange for such base as has been al
ready created.
"I feel now, as do many people of
this state, that many thousands of acres
are being held within foreet reserves
here that ought not to be so held any
longer than is absolutely necessary
"The unneev-aaary withdrawal of
these large bodies of land from public
entry can only le justified by the tie
sire of the Land Department to prevent
the creation of base for nndesirabe ex
rbiD of lands. It seem to me that
where person and eorfMirations have
private holdings within the limits of
these temorary reserves which they
are unwilling to exchange for lands of
equal value, it would lie wise in .creat
ing such reserves termanently to adopt
the " checker-board " policy, leaving
them practically at the mercy of the
United States government."
In answer to the above, Gov. Cham
berlain: bas s, letter from the President
inclosing one from Commissioner Rich
ards of the Genera Land Office re
garding the proposed Bluw Mountain
snd Wallowa, forest reserves.
Commissioner Richards savs: "Re
garding the private holdings in the
areas involved. Gov. Chamlierlain re
fers particularly to lands which had
passed to the statv of Oregon and were
purchased from the state at the time of
the withdrawal by forties intending to
use the lands ss basis for forest reserve
lien selections in case they should lie
finally Included within the reserves. He
suggests that tbe Secretary of the In
terior might confer with the state of
ficials regarding ths class of lands with
a view to preventing so far a possible,
their intended use as basis for selec
tion. The Commissioner says he esrly
received full information covering these
purchases from the state. After con
sideration of this information the boun
darien now contemplated for these pro
posed reserves are so reduced a to ex
clude every section to which tbe state's
right has been attached, so far as pos
sible without excluding the needed pub
lie lands. Many of the school sections
have already been relinquished by the
state and this together with the fact
that many haw lieen adjudged mineral
reduces the total holdings of this class
to a. minimum, liein" less than 2 per
cent of the total area contemplated to
le reserved a very small- proportion
when compared withj.most of the exist
ing forest reserves. ' y
The Commissioner objects to adopting
the " eheeker board " jkiHc.7 where per
sons or corporations own lands within
the reserves, as it has lieen found dif
ficult to administer.
He also states that St was the inten
tion 'to release as much of the lands
temporarily withdrawn as are not need
ed for the forest reserves. Recommen
dation are now in preparation favor
ing the immediate restoration of very
extensive , withdrawn areas in Oregon
which have just been reported by the
secretary of Agriculture as undesirable
for forest reserve puriscs, and under
the present policy of the department
enee right in the ncquistion of the lands
to be restore.
J ins answer rrom the commissioner
sent by the President probably fore
casted the release from the,'" with
drawn' list of lands ns reiiorted Satur
day or Sunday. There will lie general
satisfaction throughout the state at fact
that the President bas acted so .'prompt
ly in calling the land department-which
has been trving to give Oregon "the
worst of it", for aome time, to s recog
nition of tbe rights of this slate.
All a Board for Winter
For the cold days that are sure to come, and for the
rainv days that are to come Wc arc willing and ready to
clothe you with the very best of winter garments at such
reasonable prices that you won't feel the parting with the
Our handsome new styles in Suits, Overcoats snd
Raincoats are the best in the city. They fit well, look
well and wear well. i
PRICE, $10.00 on up to $2S.OO
; Nothing effects a man's comfort and health more
than his underwear. If badly cut, it's a daylong drag and
a burden to him. ,
Every garment we sell is correctly cut we're clothiers
and wc know. , . .
; 50c. tx Garment up to QUSO
Canal Commission Attends to Varloua
Other Matters, and Acta On Bids
For Supplies.
Bellingham Bay Company Gets Contract
for 2,100,000 Feet of Lumber Total
Lumber Contract Worth Thirty Thou
sand Dollars Political Notes.
WASHINGTON,; Oct. 24.-Tbe Pana
ma Canal Commission today acted oo
bids for supplies au 1 a n'unber of other
matters. Award r contracts supply-
ing 2,000HiO feet of lumber aggregat
ed approximately 630,000 was announc
ed. The Bellingham Buy Company, of
an Francisco, operating in the Puget
Sou ii. I region wa awarded the contract
for 2, lOO.tHH) feet. '
Fairbanks Speaks In Ohio.
Columbus, '. Ohio, Oct. 24. Senator
Fairbanks concluded a strenuous -Jay of
campaigning at the Columbus Auditori
um bvfore an audience wbicu packet!
the building.
HAMILTON' ,Ohio, Oct. 24. W.
Bryan tonight concluded a tour
Ohio with a speech in this city.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 24. The fifth fatal
ity as a result of the battle betwev-n tbe
detectives and train roblery suspects
occurred tonight. Wm. Morris, alias C
C. Blair a confessed train robber, died,
at the city hospital.
Agreement Finally Beached In the Con
vention at .Boston Only Innocent
Party in Case of ths Highest Church
Crime Can Hope for Church Service.
BOSTON, Oct. 24. The agreement
on the divorce question was reached to
day by. the House of Bishops and he
House of Deputien of the Episcopalian
convention, and the section of the Can
on bearing directly on re-marriage of
divorced jiersons as amended by the
Bishops on Saturday was assented to by
the Deputies today and become ef
fective at-onee. It provides that no
marriage of divorced persons shall be
solemnized excepting in the case of the
innocent party where . the charge is
adultery.' In any ease marriage is not
to take place lef ore one- year, and sat
isfactory evidence, including a copy of
the court's decree if poswible, must be
laid liefurn tlm Ecclesiastical authorit y
and the Ecclesiastical authority must
declare in writing that the applicant
has conformed to the requirements of
the Canon. The Canon provides further
that it shall -he in the discretion of any
minister to decline to solemnize sny
Tbe Houso of Deputies rejected a
resolution to strike out the words "pro
test.iut Kpiscopnlr on tho title page of
the common book of prayer. Both
Houses appointed ft joint commission to
consider. the advisability of selecting ft
presiding bishop of the church, the com
mittee to report to the next convention.
The convention will adjourn finally to
morrow. 1
' MEMPHIS, Tenn Oct. 24,-Major
Delmar made a new record for unpaeed
trotters to lay. Time 2:01 14. Pre
vious record was held jointly by Msj )r
Delmar and Lou Dillon, and wa
2:01 3-4.