Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, October 18, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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    .MaaslwaMan1an . ULUUH & i A i iiZMAit ii U AJ A If Ul WiSJUit - 15, 1
nns weathtsl
PORTLAND, Oct 17. Following is
tie weather f recast for the twenty
four hr ending midnight, Tuesday,
October 18: Oregon an 1 Washington ;
Clon.ly, with ehowers; inereashig.sauth
rly winds, probably becomings high
. along the coast. - .- - '''' , ...
(From Saturday V'Daily.) '
The Woodbora Independent says:
"Not over 500 bales in this imediate
a.! n l.l A Iw . O ftiA
. i,aie were oU at SOe. down." '
prime Picking
Prone picking continues in tb neigh
borhood of Libert, and Mr. MeUil
ehrist says that the work will not be
bttr tat at least two weKs, as the
tro matured later this year than usual.
Enral Improvements ; i
Mr. J. W. Walton the Fraitland
district, has just remodeled bis resi
dence, making it quite modern. Mr. L.
A. Jones has tuilt a large addition to
'ia house, and Mr. ti. W.-Bow den of
the same locality has just erected a
. 4-w eottae.
iMiAm Miiit Contrsete
. rl .1 . '
' W. 8. Hurst, of Hubbard and Aurora,
was in Salem yesterday. Mr. Hurst
last fall made for an Eastern firm of
which he rs agent a number of contracts
for the purchase of hops. He has Wen
very busy taking in the hops since
picking time. His firm was the only one
that made a great many contract last
fall. '
Produce bcarce
' It seems that the chickens and the
of a striae. roin are reportea enor
swasly high at this time. For delivery
'.farm butter is quoted at 25 cents, while
creamery is offered but not freely at
CJ0 "cents per pound. There is a strong
i - t '
.demand for eggs, ana prices are as
Strong as the demand. Local quotations
are 26 and 28 cents per dozen.
I Live-y Bunaway
Mr. W. A. Rice of the , iosedale
' neighborhood, had a runaway this week
that wrecked his wagon. While coming
down a hill -the horses' neekyoke broke
and the animals started at a furious
iee. They- had not cone far when the
S hack tipped over completely, demolish
ing the top and scattering tn load ot
? -mnes in all directions. Mr. Rice hick;
Telephone Directories
The long looked for and long prom
ised new telephone directories for the
local system have arrived 'and Manager
Myra Brown has caused, them to be
dint riV.ntil tlirmic, limit h oifv - Tlie
new directory is complete except for
, the omission of -several names which
have been added within the past week
or two, aaye a Eugene paper. Rale pi
heeds a new directory very badly, also,
the one now in use having been print
ed is February last. . It is presumed
the new directory will come some of
these days. , . m ,
Comllla Admits Road
aijrht by the eity council allowing the
Willamette Vallery Railroad Company
to operate an electric, railroad through
Third street, Corvallis. Acceptance of
franchise mwt happen wTlhin ninety
days, ana the road must be constructed
and in operation within two years, or
. the franchi 09 is .forfeited. Tli roa.l-
. a - w a .
neo must ne inorougmy maeaianii7.ei
anil six inches of gravel must be put
along the track its entire length to a
distance of twelve feet on each side
from the ends of the ties.
Father Leveso.ua's Ubraxy
In Rev. J. A. Levesque's librsry at
Wood burn are a number of v rare an!
valuable books, for one of which,
"Linnaeus' System, of Vegetables,'
Father Levesque has refused several
offers of $500. It Is 'particularly
adapted to the letters in the elements
f botany.' The illustrations of
flowers and vegetables, in colors, is the
perfection of art and in a splendid state
of preservation the book having been
puhlhdied in 1778. Othtr priceless vol
umes are a 'Ritual of the Catholic
t hurch' published in 1503; "Hreviar
inm Romanum" published in Rome in
IWK. A student ould p?nd wveks at
this interesting library and delve deep.
Child Terribly Bitten
The Corvallis Times says: "There
is little hope of saving the eye of
the little boy bitten by a dog at Bell
fountain the other day, mention of
which was mada in Saturday's Times.
The child was playing in the yard. 'lie
s a littFe tot 'of. three years, or tbere
sbouts. For some reason the family
dog attacked it, tearing a strip of the
scalp from tin top of the head forward,
to a distance of several inches. Eight
stitches were required ttr Ben tip the
woubiJ. The forehead was a likewise
law-rated by the dog's teeth, and a
eetion of the bone, enclosing the ey,
bitten away. " The eyeball was torn
from the socket and left hanging on
the cheek. A little sister of the child
cized an axe lying near, and struck
tho dog a savage blow la the head, re
ps ring bis attack in kind.. The dog
Us away, but subsequently returned
M was shot. At last accounts the
kild was recovering but is exacted
to besr the marks of the dug's attack
tkroogh life. The child is a little
three-year old in the borne of Mr. and
Ifr llnrtnn lUtirniintain.
-" ' i .
(From Sunday's Daily.)
Return to Georgia' . t
. Mrs, Iavina Uavne and daughter
,is vitty, left yesterday for their old
home in Georgia, after residing in tbii
city for thirteen years. Mrs. Bayne is
the mother of Councilman John Bayne.
High School 8; Mute School 10
K oame of football vesterday letween
tho Salem High School and the Oregon
School for Deaf Mutes, played at the
nte School resulted in a score of 10
to o in favor Of the Mute. School. f
-An Action for Money
.The ease of Jennie Bdith Phillips vs.
fUtthew Gibson, an action for money.
- now
" dueed the attorney f o'r the defendant
W1 a motion that the court direct ver
wt for the defendant. The motion was
occrmvinfr the attention ot toe . .
it court The ease went to trial 1 afflicted aa,t wisniag to I------
lay beforl i iorv. but after all 1 '",, T," .V
Maintiff's tesUmonV had been i- v house yocstea o-
argued And taken under advisement by
judge Burnett until tomorrow
until which time the jurr was excused!
More Taxes '
The State, Treasurer yesterday re
ceived the last half of the taies of the
following counties: Sherman county,
amocnting to $o3'8.75, and Tillamook
couatT. $3328.75. These two counties
pay the same taxes to the state.'
' ' "--!'"
H. O. Spons Sick
Mr. Tl. (L' 8pong arrive.1 here Friday
night from t'oeur D'Alene City. Mr
RpiHig, who is a brother of Cant. A; J.
HpoBV,- of tlw Ponwna, and Mrs. K.
rreibert, is; very ilL and was taken at
once to the. home of his sister, Mrs.
inuri i.
State Normal Beaten try Town '
- A amo took place at Monrnonth Tes
tntay ltwfn a picked leven from
the towns of Monmouth and Indepen
dence and the Oregon State Normal
anu me uregon Htate Normal
L "(Jap and Clown' received the
of it, the Town' capturing the
by a seore of 23 to w.
ut -....r eon yesteraa con-i
firmea tb. aal of real estate made by '
-cuW qi ine estate gooi on which to fcore a trial well,
or Alatl.ias ,oulet, deceased. The prop However, at that time it was decided
V7 , con,lBtd ?of lots 5 and 6, In to iimn out the well on which the oil
block 24, and lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, in had been seen and this lieing done no
block 48, of Oervais, the same being! further sign of the oil appeared. This
sold to Mrs. Philomena Goulet for a ! discouraged those who had Leen slight
eonwderatin oTi6Sa J- interests! jn the matter at the be-
T " , ' ITT " ginnint? .they ay ing that perhaps there
Iiongnmiller Estate In Probate was simply a little pocket of the oil
John N. Lough mi Her was yesterday ard that with that It all disappeared,
appointed administrator of the estate' Next thin" that appeared in the oil
of Vest E. Loughmiller, his deceased matted was the sign at-the State Deaf
wife. The estate consists of real prop- lue School, ' which was noted wnere
erty only (which is valued at about tne tte was opening a tank for a sep
1000. The newly appointed adminis-1 sewer. Here a flow vof water ear-
iraior niea ins Doffti tn-tne sum of $500 ,
which was approved by the court, and,
William Jack, Nets Anderson and WmJ
Kline were named to appraise the es- J
Came to Oregon
The director of the Bureau of the
Census of the United States in answer "ft1"? mav "one soon,
to a request from Labor Commissions ' , T.1,lsLlat" development simply means
Hoff, states that dnrine the vear .i.VtMat the ur ha?t atn P'l P
ing June 30, 1904, there were admitted
into the Unitetl States 4327 Chinese
and 14.382 Japanese, and that of these
tit Chinese and 31 Japanese declared (
that Oreeon was their destination.
There were eight Chinese and 180 Jap
anese that declared specifically they
were destined for Portland.
yerdict for Defendants
The motion for a non-suit in the easel
of D. W. Gibson vs. Ki and A. F. II o f e r, !
which was argued by the attorneys on
Friday afternoon was overruled h7 1
Judge Burnett' yesterday morning Af- j
ter hearing the defendants' testimony)
and brief arguments by the attorneys, I
me "-- juii. "
ft.er nti.t fiftoon tninnto ,lolihra ir.n
returned a verdict for the defendants.
This case was the action for damages
resulting ' from an article published by
the defendants accusing Chief of police
Gibson with cruelly treating a dog.
(From Tuesday's Daily.)
Edward Tliompson and Frank Baker
were gathered in, bv. Officers Iewis and
Murphy Suffday'evening and were yes
terday morning called upon to answer
to the charge of drunkenness in the po
lice court. Thompson will serve ten
days in the city jail while Baker was
ordered to bid farewell to Salem with
out delay.'
F. Power Convalescents ,
Mr., Frank Power of the Oregon
Nursery4 Company, who has been silver
ing from a severe attack of typhiod
pneumonia, is now convalescent, and
was able to -go to Halsey yeterday for
a visit with his parents. - "
Greatest of Efflciency
See tbrt Jumbo two-horse stump and
Kub machine, with telesoope sweep,
ur times the power, twice the weigh
and one half the money asked for any
other machine. Something new. i'all
and see it at Salem lrnnch. Mitchell,
Lewis 4 Staver Company.
i - ;
To Finisn Bor d
Horace Herren will begin work in a,
few days again with about eight or ten
teams and the steam road roller to
smooth oft and roll the road to the Re
form School, nnd place it in proper
condition for winter traffic. Following
the conclusion of this work the rest of
the ar.ropriation which may be left
will le used on the road leading from
the penitentiary to the asylum farm.
There yet remains about S00 ot the
appropriation for the work which the
authorities desire to do.
More Delegates Appointed
Additional delegates to the Trans
Mississippi Commercial Congress and
the Irrigation Congress were yesterday
appointed by Governor Chamberlain as
follow: To Trans-Mississippi Congress:
Dan MeAhen, Frank Williams, George
E. Watkins, Portland; W. II." Wehrung,
Hillshoro; Theo. B3rr, A. Hnekestein,
W. T. Slater, Salem; C V. Galloway,
McMinnvule; F. R. Meilis, Baker City.
To Irrigation Congress: L. Wimberly,
Frank O. Mieelli, Koseburg; Dell Stuart
Ricbaril Wilson, Dan Me Allen, R. B.
Durham, P A. IcI'berson, Portland;
F. B. Ho! brook. Irrigon. -
One small botile of the Ta Won
der'Ifail's Great Discovery, eurea all
kidney and blaoder t'oubles, removes
gr-ivel, cures diabetes, seminal emis
sions, weak snd bune baeks, rhesma
tism and all irregnlarities of the kid
neys nnd bladder in both men nd wo
men, regnlates bladder trouble In chil
dren. I If not sold by your drugghit,
will be sent by mad on reeeipt of $L
One small bottle is two month's treat
ment. , Dr. Ernet W. Hall, sole manw
faeturer, P. O. box, 6-9, St. Loiis, Mo.
Send for testimonials. Sold by all drug
ghrta and Dr. S. O. Stone's Drug Store.
To Whom It May Concern: :
This ia to certify that I was down
for nine months with kidney and blad
der trouble, and tried all known reme
dies to no avail until a neighbor Induc
ed me to get a Ittte -of Texas Won
der, one fast f of which enred me Soaud
and well; inis i wMMcwfrmuT "
Yoars truly,
J. J. 8 KALE. '
Uedfard. Or.
mmA t..r tha lu-Bfifit or taoss woo arw
TITP.'vTT.T iP.r T-rTT
uuu j.
Prospect Now That Something May Be
Done to Develop the Industry The
Farmers Are Willing to . Contract
, Where Something Will Be Done.
It is said there is now a chance that
something will be done with the oil
prospects on Howell Prairie.;
When the first discovery of the oil'a
seeoaves were made ' it was thought
that some b having capital and enter
prise would put the two together and
open up a well Uhere to" demonstrate
what old Motbejf': Nature bore in her
bottom. However; nothing come of it
at that time, although some said to be
experts made ..an examination of the.
prosrH-cts and decided that there was
no doubt at all that there wax oil there
aud that the prospects were sufficiently
a strong sign oi cruue petroleum
was discovered and yet no one seemed
interested enough among those who
eould anord "-spend money requisite
necessary to bore a trial well.
- Latest developments at Pratum, how
ever, have again roused interest in the
matter and it may f be . possible that
Some of the Reliable Men and Concerns of Oregon's Metropolis.
i' wwwwwwwm
Billiard and Pool Tables For rent or
ey monthly payments. The
Brnnswick-Balke-Collender Co,
Third St Portland, Oregon.
. "
; rrpivrvri awn nyrrfl
If yon nave clothes to clean and press,
The Fashion Tailors are the best.
Dyeing, steam cleaning and repair
ing. Satisfaction guaranteed. 433
Washington St, - between 11th and
12th., Portland, Oregon.
Portland. General Electric Co. A full
- line of electrical supplies carried in
: Stock.' "."' "
U. I J. Walsh Co, dealers in mantels,
grates, tiling, gas and electric cnan
daliers, supplies; replace furniture.
343 Washington street, Portland, Or
egon: telephone ?& hlaln.
Private Telephone Lines are being In
stalled by all progressive farmers.
The cost Is small in comparison with
the benfits derived. Get our estimates.
Western Electric Works, No. 61 Sixth
Street, Portland, Oregon.
Wedding and visiting cards, also mon
ogram stationery, w. a. smun & co.
Washington BoJIdinf, Portland, Or.
The Old Reliable Pioneer Employment
Company, the leading office In the
state, furnishes the best of all kinds
of help on short notice. Free to em
ployers. 215 Morrison St, Portland,
Oregon. - '
and blown ont and that there is again
oil on the surface of the water in the
well at Pratum where it was found in
such quantities before.
; It is said now that farmers there are
willing to contract with any one hav
ing capital and showing a willingness
to bind himself to bore wells on, the
tracts of land that may be contracted.
This is necessary to . the development
of - the industry there. Capitalists, as
has been state! lefore, will not risk
money on simple word, but require con
tracts. If they can be secured the mon
ey can be had for the development of
the oil wells of Pratum. Otherwise,
Then again it is not apt to be the
capitalist himself that will rush around
after the contracts nor that will back
the development work. : These things
are ftener the work of speculators that
are willing to take a long shot, and to
take their chances of losing a few dol
lars Where there! is an opportunity to
make some mowy if the play proves
riht. .-. 'rt " ' ' ' 1
The oil has been noticed on-the well
again for some time and several have
been attempting to place the , matter
on such basis that one could go to men
with-eapitaL There is reported con
siderable success in this now and there
is little doubt that well boring is not
far away on Howell Prairie, and the
prospects are considered better than at
anv time for striking oil in quantities
that will make a great boom there.
Appoints Committees for the Purpose
of Arranging Documents and 9
: '..Petitions.
TURNER, Or, Oct. 14. (SpecisL)
The members of the M. E. church are
raakii"- some substantial improvements
in the way of buildings around . the
chnreh. i .'-;-';... j . .. , '.- .
Th publie school is progressing nice
ly under an efficient staff of teachers.
The enrollment is not quite so large
as it has been other , years owing to
many being away In the prone orchards.
The teachers are: Mis Lii Cornel
ius, principal; Miss Leola Hicks, inter
mediate; Miss Linnie KpleT, primary.
The citizens of Turner new a -mass
meeting on October 13tb to discuss th
matter of incorporating the town. It
was decided to do so, and the following
committees were appointed:
Coisinaitte on petition: Tr. J.'W.
Hansom, J. M. Watson. H. L. Earl;
'"1Ba'tteei boundary: B. B. Herrick,
.Jr ?. L. lartm, I. L. Bobertsoa;
Imnm ttM n obortor- R O Tknmia I
hi Small. T X. Humphreva. C. P. Cor
nelius, E. L. Martin. . . ,
Said to Be Better Than at First Re
ported and Dealers Expect Prtcca
, . to Ddeline.
Now that the time for digging them
approaches, it develops that the crop of
potatoes much , better than was
I th ..ri- rni f .w:t Old Willamette, and the pulsation of
little. , !
Potatoa have bwew retailSBg as hih j ed through sympathetic contact with
as 70 and 5 eeata, altbowgk prices in the happy young students. The atten
bulk to. the trade, from first, hands dance of new students is large, even
have been about 53 to 60't the high-(larger than formerly, and the people of
est. . '. j Salem have already ; began to welcome
One dealer pre.licle.1 yesterday that' them. Henceforth vthe influence of stn-
when tugging begun as it dj doubt
-..i j little n.t.r M! rii !
spu.la would go down to 40 to 50 ctat
per bitdh:! for ehoice at f irst bauds.
This dealer seemed to think that there
were plenty to supply the maket.
School Board Has to Go Back to Pri
vate Rooms for Its Meetings. ;
: (From Sundsty's Daily.) I
Notwithstanding the fact that the city
council gave permission to city school
board to meet, in the room, provided in
the city, hall as a police court, the
board has returned to uieefT in the
private offices of Director A. O. Condit,
where it will hold its next regular bi
monthly meeting.
This, said director Condit last .Ight ;
was not oecause tue scnooi noaru -am
not like to meet in the police court
but because t bey could not get into the
police court
Recorder Judah, it is said, refused
to let them, have a key, claiming that; the most popular members ot the stu
thero were his private offices a ad thst ' dent body, presided as master of cere-
. Bym Spclllst
llmm opdUCd iB totf
lant, Or-pou. Bert In
be Uorihwmt. Call
and setr him.
. 12 SBfb at.
Proust attentions given to outside or
- ders on choice cut flowers and floral
designs. We also carry a large as
sortment of rose bushes. Thomas O.
Bodlcy, 124 5th St, Portland, Or.
The Imperial Hotel Co, Phil Metsckan,
president; C. W. Knowles, manager;
Seventh and Washington streets. Port
land, Oregon. European plan only; 9L
$1.50, $2. First class restaurant in
building. '
Dr. Wing Lee, Chinese physician. Be
makes a specialty of treating those
who have chronic diseases which oth
er doctors fail to cure. Xs skill Is
indisputable. 280 Burnside street,
Portland, Oregon. "
Portland Cancer Institute 181's
First- street, Dr. Voose, Cancer
treated without knife; 15 years' ex
perience. . Also catarrh, asthma, eon
sumption and all chronic and spinal
diseases permanently cured. Consul
tation free. Mail orders bar Imme
diate attention.
Legal nianks. Statesman Job Office.
he preferred to oien the doors for them. I monies, ami carried his audience with
This was done once or twice, but the him by his ready wit at the riht mo
school board was wry much disappoint-j ment.. AU of those participating in the
ed two weeks ago at finding everything
locked up there except the front office
room, which contained one desk, and
two chairs for f nraitun, only. They
considered the matter of returning to
their former offices then, but nonaction
was taken in the matter, nntil last
night when the board met again, and
found the same conditions prevailing.
Last night's meeting was finally held
in the office of Dr.W. JI. Byrd, and the
board decided to meet hereafter ia the
office of Mr. A. O. Con lit, whvre Mr.
Condit says everybody that desires to
attend th board meeting will be wel
come. ; " '".
It is hardly likely that this arrange-
ment will be entirely satisfactory to , singin in former years was so popular
taxpayers, but little fanlt can be found with Salem audiences, is aoain in eol
witb the school board for its action. I lege and last night ' with Misses
There was nothing attend! to byfBessie Cornelius and May Phelps, in a
the board lart night except to au lit,
the usual grist of bills. " 11 j
Output of Miller Orchard at Grants
Pass Has Been Shipped to
Oriental Markets.
(From Saturday' Daily.)
Frank J. Millar left yesterday after
noon for Grants Pass to look after an
important mining deal that is pending
and to superintend the packing of sev
eral car loads of apples for the Orient,
says the Albany Herald. Mr. Miller is
making a specialty of shipping good
fruit from the Miller orchards is Jose
phine county to the Orient and recently
made a large shipment for Hong Kong
and other Chinese ports. -
When the famous steamship Arabia
left Portland a few days ao, she car
ried ia her bold three ear toads of
choice apples from the Miller orchards
at Grants Pass, and the next steamer
will take out two more ear loads. This
trade in Oregon frnit whtbe Orient 1 the. attitude of the present occupant of,
is jwt developing avad the Millers are J the White lipase been that of ill-con-in
the vanguard in introducing Oregon! eea1ed hostility to those whose notions
product there .; : Jf social equality differei so radically
1 . ., ;; I from his own. This was Hill's last
Mrs. Geo. If. Jones left yesterday, for speech in the Davis itinerary.
a tc to th East. She will go as farj
j as New York. j
Parlors Decorated for the Occasion and
Meritorious Literary and Musical
' Program Rendered by Talented Art
ista New Pastor's First Appearance
(From Saturday's Daily.)
Joyful school days have begun again
city life seems to have been quiclten-
win i ieii in aeariy au mo-
cial functions throughout the year.
B'B i.pwortn wjaRuci
"m rcii K . n-(.nii
in the eh urea parlors to new students
and the new pastor, Rev. W. 11. Sel
leekwho was present for the first time
in a Salem audience. The meeting was
largely : attended, and an evening of
rare enjoyment spent by all, strangers
being made to feel at home, and many
ohV students : happy in renewing old
friendship.. A, pleaaia literary- and
mueieal program was r.'B1.Tel nnd then
a short literary game played, which
was instructive to many, who had not
before heard of some of the poets men
tioned. The remainder of the evening
was spent in social interconre. the hap
py young people mingling with old
friends and making new ones. Lemon
ade and wafers were served by dainty
e deToTaUo;.
young ladies in booths of evergreen.
I l be deeoratioBS were simple yet ar
ranged with rare taste and added great
ly to the scenel
, Wallace G. Trill, one of last year's
students, who recently entered for an
other vear's work, and who i one of
E. W. Mocre, photographer. We make
a specialty of enlarging in oil colors,
crayon, or pasteL Our photographic
instruments are th latest and we
nave all the requirements for - first
class work. Seventh and Washington
Sts, Portland, Oregon.
Blumauer Frank , Drug Co, Portland,
Oregon, is headquarters for - Photo
graphic Supplies, Century, Premo, Po
co, Blair and Eastman Cameras. Ev
ery requisite for the Professional and
- Amateur Photographer. Write for
complete catalogue.
Melrose Restaurant and Quick Lunch
Room. Surpassing coffee. Neatness
and Dispatch our motto. 270 Alder
street, opposite Hotel Belvedere,
Portland, Oregon.
When In Portland patronize the Perkins
Restaurant. Our service is second to
none at popular prices. Give us One
trial and realize how nice we will
treat yon. D. M. Watson, Prop. '
When in Portland, take the opportun
ity to get the best 50 cent French
dinner, with wine. In the city.. Or
try our Merchants X,unch served
from 11 to 2 p. m. 25 cents. The Ox
ford Restaurant on Cth St. Cor. Pine.
P. C. Stamp Works, 249 Alder St,
Portland, Oregon, 'Phone'. Main 710,
Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Brass
Signs, and Box Printing Plates. Send
for catalogue.
program were taienieu ana every nura
ber was meritorious and entertaining
. Mrs. D. F. Camea and Miss Weller,
who are among the most accomplished
instrumental musicians of the city, were
enthusiastically applauded after render
ing an instrumental duet, and grace
full responded to an encore. V
Miss Gertrude- Job son never fails
to charm her audience, and her inter
pretation of the ludicrous situation in
"The Fnding of a Bashful Man's Court
shin.". In response to an encore she
gave an incident common in the lines
of maidens of '"sweet sixteen. and
recalled many fond recollections in the
minds of her hearers. ;-
Miss Nellie Parsons, whose sweet
trio wbieb captured the audience, prov
ing even more popular than formerly.
Other Bumbcrs were a duet by Messrs.
Market and Chapter, address or welt
come by Mr. Gilbert president of th
League, and a response on behalf of the
new students by Mr. Abbettvf Ash
land. . ' .
nCNTINGTON. W.' Va, Oct. 15.
"No more force bills, no more federal
election laws for; the control of state
elections." This was the conclusion
reached by David B. Hill, after discuss
ing the race question as a political issue
here tonight. He declared the Repub
lican platform injected a onestioa into
the campaign, , not directly but indi
rectly," not openly sol manfully, but
covertly and cowardly. A Congression
al investigation was invoked, he said,
which looks like a threat intended for
intimidation purposes. Continuing, he
said the proposal espoused ia the plat
form might be viewed with more com
rdaeene7 and less seriousness had not
Iegal Blanks, Statesman Job Office.
h. a - oile k rtx, wholesale
fruits an-1 produce Corner Trade and
High streets, Kalem., Good shipping
apples wanted. -
! lined raglaa, cost 22.50 in Chicagc
Too small for owner. Will sell for
$10, I .Address Raglan, care States
man. '
tigs, also ducks, spring chickens, and
ens. I will pay the highest cash
price for same. Quong Uing, 254 Lib
ervy street. Salem, Oregon.
Do a general transfer business.
Deal ia lath, wood,, posts, sand, grav
el, cement, fire brick, fire clay, wood
fiber plater and cntraetora supplies.
Salem, Oregon. -
port cards are - printed " to , fit the
- school - register. The prices are:
Twelve cards for 19 cents; twenty
five1 for 20-eenls; on hundred for 75
enta. btatesman Publishing Co., Sa
lem, Oregon.
FOR SALE. Small farm, 12 acres,
with seven room house; good water;
fruits of good variety,, including
' chestnuts and walnuts, plaee all in
good cultivation. Just outside eity
limits. Worth $1500. For sale for
$1200. , Mrs. B. B. Webber, Dayton,
FOR RENT Farm of 300 acres under
cultivation and pasture for work
horse and milch cows, all separately
enclosed, located four miles -north of
' Imlependenee on t'orralli and Salem
road through Independence, on Rural
Route. Good barn, dwelling, out
houses, orchard andAvater. Adjoining
church and school house. Address or
call on B. Hayden, at Salem or Inde
an! sixty acre 60 acres in cultiva
tion, balance open pasture. Number
one buildings, silo in barn, two or
chards, fenced in seven lots, six miles
from town. Price $4,000, $2,500 cash,
balance three to five years. 1 also
have. 20 acres, house, barn, five acres
in cultivation.. Price $fi50, $HH cash,
balance on time to Miit. Also 17 acres,
10 acre in cultivation, 8-room home,
immbcr one hop land, price $5O0, $3HI
cmhIi; 170 acres, house, barn, 5tl iicmi
' ih cultivation, number one soil. Price
$2,500, $1000 cash. 640 acre?. ISO acres
. in cultivation, nnmlter one soil, num
ber one house, price $12 per acre, one
half cash. I have 75 other farms.
Write for full price 'list;."' C O. Bur
gess, Heal Estate Agent Sheridan, Or.
Assayer Mineralogist and Consnltrng
Mctalurgist, ilining properties care
fully examined and reported on those
having mining properties will do well
- to rail on him. ltocim 15 Breyman
block, Salem. Oregon.
Notice is hereby givrn that the un
dersigned has been appointed executor
of the last will of John F. Farrar, de
ceased, by the Honorable County Court
of Marion county, Oregon. All per
sons having claims against the estate
of said deceased, are hereby acquired
to present tbem with the proper vouch
ers, within six months from the date of
this notice, to the undersigned at 307
Cottage street, Salem, Msrioq county,
Oregon. ,
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this seventh
day of October, 1104. '
Executor of the last will of John F.
Farrar, deceased.
Carson, A Jams it, (Tannon, Attorneys.
Notice is hereby given .to all whom it
may concern that the undersigned .has
filed his final account of aaid estate in
the county court for Marion e.iunty,
Oregon, and that said court has set fhe
same for hearing on Saturday, October
22, 1904, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said
day at the county court room in the
county court bouse at the city of Sa
lem in. Marion county, Oregon, that the
said fin-il account and any objections
thereto will be beard and paaned upon
by the court at said time snd place.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 19th
day of September A. D, 1904.
C. W. Corhf, Attorney for Estate.
In the county court, of the state of
Oregon, for Marion county. In the mat
ter of the estate af Win. T. Logan, de
ceased. Pursuant to an order of th above
entitled court, made on the 191b day of
September, 1904, directing the adminis
trator of the above estate t sell cer
tain real property of aaid estate to
wit: Being lot S and fractional lot
6, block 2, in Newby's 2d a.ldition tj
McMraaville, Yamhill county, Oregon,
the undersigned administrator of the
abeve estate will proceel to sell the
above described real property at pri
vate sale, for cash ia band, on and af
ter Wednesday, the-2Ctb day ot October,
1904, at Salem. Oregon. -
Dited this 23d day of September,
,' - W. B. SIMPSON,
Administrator. '
. - MENT.
f Notice is hereby given to all whom it
may concern, that the anderaign?! has
been .appointed as the executor of the
last will and testament an t estate of
John A. Shaf er, late of Marion coun
ty. Oregon, , deceased, by the county
court f Marion , county, Oregon,
and all person indebted to
said estate are hereby reqneatel tn
make immediate payment to the fnder-sirned,-
an I all perm having- claims
against said estate are hereby notified
to present the s.-ime to the u' 'A"
ed at his harness tore No. t'-'i- V-ih-
mercial street, in the city ot caiem,
Marion, eonntv, Orot., duly vcn! .!
as by law req'uiicd, within six luoiiths
from the date of th first puldicatiMri
at this notice. . .
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this the 2 th
day of Septeniler, Uw4.
Kxfcntor of the last will and test i
ment and estate of John A. Shafer,
Portland Man Succumbs While Wit-
fitsiiCnrri.Tforkelv. Oatiia.
BERKELEY, Calif, (Vt. 15. L. If.
Burdeman, of Portland, Oregon, drop
pe.l dead toIay while watching the
football gnme tetween the Frenhmen
ta of lSajj'frd lnierity and- the
University of California. Burdaii w m
the father of one uf the sub-pliivcrs.
BOISF, Oct. 14. It Is announced
that the Oregon Short Line will begin
the construction of the Minidoka and
Southwestern branch.. This- branch is
firoj-rted to run through the tract of
and now being reclaimed by the gov
ernment near Minidoka and through the
heart of the -reater tract being devel
oped under the Twin Falls irrigation
Money to Loan
On Improved farm and city property
at loweat rates.
Over Lad Jk Hush's UanK
Raiem. Ore:rw
N; 2V.3I
Will s sn lor mare t ertialng sMon at eoi
ner of r-rr ol Liimrty sivH. M e U(rs
and particulars call on .
Vetonaery Huraoon.
Phone 271 white. Sslem.Or.
Ih an Important Htate and 51.9
Mr cm:i: of H fpulallou
is Irtateil on
Cliikt tie irrnt't mii
inerdal -riter of the Wetd, in
limt readil fnm the Nrtli
wt hy tills fatuous rsllrvad
. Ihc Ncrthwestern
Daily tietween Mlntlcufiolifl.
St. Paul and Chicago Is the
jwer o nil Hue trains
For lowest rates, tlmaot train and
. rail lulorniaUoM rlU U
CJ tlRAr. - H. L. KI8I.EK
Trmrfeltna Agi.. uu agat,
21 Aiarai., i ortl4. Or.
If yoti are th'nking of luv st
ing in real aiate it will be to
jour Intemit to us before do
ing wv.
We bave a plaee f 143 a res I
catid near Tdlieity, all In (ultl
vation. Good house nnd barn,
fine spring water, all kind of
fruit; la a bargain at 125 per acre.
Part tiue at C Qr eeot.
75 acres, 35 acres liicnltlvalioii.
12 acres aeedcl for instu-e, all
fenced, gKxl bouso a tic! bf rn, fine
fruit, about 1500 cords 'of wood, 1
borne, IS young cat lie. and ferf d.
This p!at;e la loonted 0 nnle fioui
Balem. Near school. Can bo
bouglit for $3,400. Part cash,
balaucw ault. - '
We haw aevcral flue stock
ranches at a bargain. Sinnll
tract son easy payments, building
Iota oni tbe lnstallrnetit plan, city
property In all mrUof Ihecily.
Anything to'aell or txchane,
call aid Ibt jour properly with
Jtuom tl, over rUd Froot
Drug Ktote.
Corner f.f Cifiiinerf'al atxl Hi&te