Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, October 18, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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vt t'tnTlTTTTTTt VT; A T? TJr - g . . , , , " mi" ,
i .i . m i i i I . -rrs.T rTHTTT TAflTtrL'
'V.w - , - , .A: iv-.
Japanese Soldiers Hint Till the Bitter
2nd and With Tallest Hope
end Confidence.
fepotti of Losses Enow Wide Diver
genee Russians Re-Occupy Various
Position Capture Pew Japanese
Prisoners and Take Few Ounj.
The report from Russian sources
gire a more hopeful view oi the situa
tion of Kuropatkin 'a array. That eom
tnander re-oeeupied and holds the town
of Bbakhe, possession of wbich for sev
eral day wai first with one and then
with another of the contending; armies.
Reports from the Russian left wing, the
safety, of which had been the cause of
anxiety, are no later than, the wight of
October 13. They have been fighting
two uays for oossession of Turn in Pass,
an important strategic point, but up to
tb roiot of sending the last dispateh,
the Japanese are still in poasessiou of
the pass. In order that this column
may be able toejoin the main army it
will be necessary for Kuropatkin to
bold the bridges over the Hun river and
the position be now occupies on Shnkhe
river. No indication of the end of the
great battle is at band. Estimates of
losses show a wide divergence but as a
rule they are lower than those given
in Sunday's dispatelics.
Russians Reassured by News.
, St. Petersburg, Oct. 18. (3:15 a. m.)
News from the front is more reassur
ing from a Russian standpoint. The
situation is still regarded as critical but
Kuropatkin is apparently holding the
Japanese firmly on the center and right
wing even having re-crossed the Shakhe
river and while there are rumors of
eitcnsiv Japanese flanking movements
both on the went and east, there is no
evidence that they are actually occur
ring. Knropatkin's left has been heard
from. Tire Associated Press has the
Unit connected report of tho four days'
fight in front of Tumen and Baitchoun
, Passes, resulting id the final withdraw
al ot the strong Russian column which
hsd been sent to turn the Japanese
right, though Oeneral Mistcbonko
seems to have actually penetrated a
eoiisi'lersbe distance inside the Japan
. e line. ' .... .
. The situation may bo described as
follow: General Kuropatkin baa slight-
r advanced his center, re-ocenpying
Kiakho, south of Shakho river. Direct
ly behind him at a distance of nine
mile lien tho Hun river and across the
bridges spanning this stream the Rus
sians must retire in ease they retreat
on Mukden. CSvneral Kuropatkin must
continue to firmly hold bis center and
right flank in order to prevent the Jap
anese getting; posnrttsion of the Hun
river bridges. Thus he will cowr the
withdrawal of hi apparently beaten
west wing. There Is still considerable
uncertainty as to the disposition of .this
left column. Certainly it has not re
torned to Mukden whether it is again
advancing after its withdrawal is not
known It Is no longer a question of a
Russian Bedan, although all hope of re
lieving Port Arthur must be apparently
abandoned. There is little hope express
ed that Kuropatkin will be able to con
tinue his advance. Four days' fight of
the eastern columns wenj of the same
dsert character that marked; the
operations of the eentee and jight
wing. A heavy Russian eoloron under
such leaders as lvanoft Rennenkampf,
rsrngross and Kondratovitch repeated
Iv assaulted the strongly entrenehel
Japsnnie tsition on the heights com
msnding the passes.. Tlie assaults were
You Should Consider Carefully
. ..;
Tb Qualify oT Clothing You Bay Tor tbe Rainy son
U .U Truo Economy to ! Buy the Dot
Overcoats and Raincoats
In ih lieweet fabrtws Just th- same as exclunlve clothing stores abow.
but our prices ere 15 to 20 prr ceot lower, j
The best water proof goods on the market
; We have an ajwortiiient for all kinds of wear, !
Are reliable. That's why we recommend them. ,
If vou wear gloves for work In the in j nklln's W"S;
rroo? Horsehide glovea which we sell at $1 15, ar whst you neu.
They are always soft and pliable and outwear buckskin.
OviV SKoo DdDrlrncnt ConUIns all style and quall
tleVathl Jhlsltrey are bulU to give satisfactory wear.
Wnklstn IInrlcrWCa.r lvee Utter protection k'aiiisiaud .
New lln. of DRESS GOODS nd ! WAISTlNGSjuatJru
largely night work Cannonading was
so jKjwerfo! it was impoaaibte to ad
vance in the ligjit of .lay. Finally, on
October 13, when the pas had been
actually occupied, came the order to
withdraw, probably owine to critical
position at other part of the front.
Here the story of operations of the
eastern wing of the westera army ends.
Vice Admiral Rojeatvensky has been
appointed adjutant to the Kmpcror.
General Grippeoberg has arrived in Ht.
Petersburg nd will go to the front ten
'lays hence to assume command of the
second Mancburian army.
i in . .
EojuIaqs Oala Pew Points. . '
Mukden )e t. 17. The Russian forces
at 1 o'clock this afternoon penetrated
the Japanese center, and it is reported
they captured, eleven or twelve gnns
and 150 prisoners east of the railway.
At another point daring the day Silur
ian regiments took twenty-four guns.
Russian operations today have been
quite successful. The Japanese, after a
terrmcalhr stubborn resistance, were
compelled to retire along their whole
line. Trenehes are filled with Japanese
dead. In one treneh were counted 600
corpses of, Japanese. In spite of losses
the Japanese are undaunted. They have
brought up siege guns and have left no
stone unturned to maintain the mastery
of the situation. Every step the Rus
sians have pushed forward today has
been in face of resistance that has cost
the Russian dear. The Japanexe are
willing to fight until annihilated. To
morrow will be the tenth day of the
Rossi Boys Cruisers.
LONDON, Oct. 17. A Telegraph's
Ht. Petersburg correspondent gives
credit to n report that Russia has Wen
purchasing ' s.vcn fast cruisers, three
each from Chile and Argentine and one
from Brazil.
Seems to Think lie Will Be Able to Re
duce Expense of Present System Ma
terially and Will Also be Able to Pro
dace Hop With Greater Value.
J. IT. Gallagher, a mining engineer
from Hooghton, Michigan, is in the'eity
for a short visit. He is also interested
in lion raising in Yamhill county, and
recently. 'sold his erop to Salem buyers
for 3 cents per pound. Mr. Gallagher
has btson conducting experiments in
drying hops, in which the experiment
station of the Oregon Agricultural Col
lego was interested,- and achieved re
markable succesH with a forced draft in
the hop t kiln. Bv means of a fan be
neath the floor hot ' air was foreed
throuirh the drying hops, and the work
accomplished in one half the time, thus
doubling the capacity of the kiln. The
experiment is pronounced successful
And if further trials terminate as hap
pily, the item of cost in building dry
houses will be greatly decreased.
By this process the qualitv of the
dried product is greatly improved, and
this is the main triumph of the exper
iment. By the old process, a temper
ature of ISO degrees is required, and
this extreme heat evaporates the vola
tile oils in the germs and that most
precious element, that which gives it
that delicate aroma so greatlr to le
desired, is destroyed, bein driven oft" in
volatile1 gasses. "By the new process a
temperature of only 120 degrees is used
and the delicate aroma, and " choice
strength of the hop is preserved. It
is oossilde that, this method will revo
lutionize the business of drying hops,
greatly to the benefit of the Oregon hop
grower,' who will then be able to.com
rete with German hops, such as are now
imported Into this country for making
choice brands of !eer, and command
double the price of the domestic article.
W anton Destriietion
$100,000 WORTH
Is Consumed S In H a Short
Space of Time
-. ;: .. . - i . i " '
Perpetrator of the Deed Is Undiscover
edWas Seen Striking a Match
Eugene Eosse Loses Mock Valuable
Flax May Delay Organization of
Linen Mill.
Just on whom may be placed the
blame for a condition of things that
resulted in the lows of two of the fin
est and most expensive buildings in the
city. of Balcin, is not known, but there
is no Joubt at all that if there bad
been water where it could have Wen
gotten at readily and had the fire de
partment had more hose of a better
quality, the old f'upital Flouring Mill
buildings would have bTn saved from
the ravages of the devouring clement
last Hutiday night. ; ,
: The alarm of fire turne 1 in through
View of Plant of Capital Flonring
the telephone "central" by W. 11.
Dancy at 8:10 o'clock found the fire
ilntiiirt tiirt( .lii t i n tr mi: aCtAr 11 m.
sNnse to an alarm of just a short time
.1 -1 i f u ii ,t 1 x f u jtliitiinatf f l.n in
the residence of Dr. J. N'. Hinith, and J
response was immediate. The depart--mnt
wa ou the ground within a few I
- t. .t-1 I ...' I
what the dismay of its members t. find'
that there was no water in the mill race
that pusses by the oil mill building
and supplis the ower therefor, and
i i . - . . t : i
no nyiraoin ncari-r iiutu 'Jinuitiriji
and IHvision streets, or t'nion ; and
M . - , t . - . f I . I
f ront streets, ana iney wim a very iw
.m-Ma tm aA M r f liA f t SVt .C1 ' 1 n t T mtt
arrival there was not enough hose to
. i . i . i i i. : l. u, ... i Aiui
rcii II lli iijorniim, wuiin cc tt-t"-'
feet a war, at the least. ' 'V
The firemen turned, their engine
l...j.t intn Cimniniil Htr.t .ami ran
t fm i iiitw ..". - " - - - - -
down into the ere.' k ted, where they
. i . . . : l. ...... nf ,.nM mi,iIi t. . .
tricated the machine with difficulty.
After a foil half hour had elaps,'d, the
engine wss located on a littl." island in
the creek an! a stream of water was be
ing played on the burning, building,
Dlcn RHI 'iinw-ni mi u"t i ...
rri. flm UmA .fa.UjI In t It. l.rifk mill
i...;i.ii... fir fvitlrni f ha v in a been
noted in' tho roHn at Hbc southwest
corner. '
In this room there were four tons or
flax, said Mr. Bosse, and sme seeI.The
fire, which waa undoiibtlly of incend-
,.,1-in a a ml ! tliix r.xtiu and
there were board leading from the
ground to me winnow ui t,,,,,
where the person w bo Set tbe fire en
tered for his dastardly work. The
fl.mes. once started there, soon spread
to the entrsTM-o of the other room
which was in the center o fthe Dumiing
rnml tin mr shaft, which
ami i hi u - .
served as a draught for the flames,
tanning iucm hjmuii v ---
From -here the flames soon. spread to
all parts of the buil Ting and soon a
i...;f ui vf at nallincr sicht met tbe
eves of thousands of 'spectators gatb-
....1 K rsvm ffPAItl 111 r&f I fJL IUC - T I"
view this, one of tbe greatest fires rn
. ... Ma ? S S - aV,uM
Salem's history, ine iiiriu namt-s uUi
from every window is the building, and
. x nnj Kh.it akvward
from the building's dome as the roof
rave war. A great shower of sparks
filled the air, falling gently to the
earth, appearing like millions of fire
opals raumg- xrom ,i- nB.imw
the night. i . -. ' " .
The heat became t so intenwe that
woa the si le of the -wooden ware
house building were -flaming, and mt
the top asd ides of the msnsard M
wbich covered it. The water streams
from the engine were j not irhcientiy
strong to reach this part of the build
tug wilh reciion and all ; saw. ia '
of Milling
brief time that this building was doom
ed to follow its brick mate, which hal
but just uerumbei to the consuming
fire. Tbe fire fiend worked down
ward in this building, getting tbe l est
start on the south side next the brick,
and it was thia fact, that the franui
warehouse burned more slowly on the
north side than on tbe other, tlmt ma 1
it possible to aave the old "A"' mill
which stands on the creek bank. The
warehouse burned down to tbe flax on
the first and second floors,, and then
the underpinning or rather the under
timbers u fthe heavy walls began to
burn out from Aeaeath the upper part
of the structure aud soon it seemed
that a great portion of the wall was sus
pended on nothing in tbe air. - When
tbe walls finally fill tbe crash was
deafening, and was said to have beon
beard for four or five miles into the
country. ' Tbe ,eolumn of flame that
shot up immediately afterward seemed
to touch the , very heavens and its
burning heat drove every one to seek
for shelter from its severity.
Up to the time that the walls of the
warehouse fell it Jeemed inevitable that
the old 'A" mill would also be de
stroyed by the madding clement, but
after the fall of the walls of the ware
house and tbe subsidence of the terrible
boat that had boon threatening the old
mill, every one felt like giving three
good cheers for the fire lys who had
worked no hard in tbe face of such
terriblw odds. ; For everybody said
that under the circumstances and with
Mills, Property of Salem end Portland Flouring Mills Co. (Two Bnildings on
the Left Were Destroyed.
tbe facilities at bandf they bad iwr
formed exetdlc"nt work, and were Ui be
commended . They had devoted all
their energies to saving the old mill
aftfr tbey saw that by no Mmsible
chanre could they nave the warehouse,
and thero was a feehnij of eeneral
Satisfaction that they had been success
ful in this undertaking.
At about midnight the fire was well
under control, . far as there being any
danger that the buildings would set
fire to any other adjoining and after
11 o'clock the spectators began return
ing to their homes. There was a time
when it seemed that all the resiliences
in tbe immediate neigh borh,od of tbe
property destroyed would also g from
the effect of the great bent, but an ab
solute lack of wind undoubtdly ! saved
tb entire ntdirhborbood. This was one
of th queer things in connection with
this fire. Usually a great fire like the
one of tundy night seems to develop
a wind utorin, but there was pcaee
among the elements under the charge
of Old lioreas and very little of a
kindling nature ws carried any dis
tance. Then again the rains of the
morning and night in-fore bad left
thing well soaked and there was little
so dry as to be inflammable. For this
fortune was certainly with tbe resi
dents o fthe North Knd.
' The sight was ine of the most mag
nificent of any one could imagine. Tbe
heavens whirh were faintly clouded
in the evening took on a lurid light
that was seen for a great distance. Yet
tb greatest scenic effect was on the
river, where tb reflections were most
The buildings were occupied by Mr.
Eugene Bosse, who. ha been en leavor
ing for the past five years to develop
and promote the flax industry in Or
egon, and who has been working with
all his energy for tbe establishment of
a woohoi mill here ia Halern. He was us
ing tbe three buildings there for
warehouse purposes, storing bis flax
therein, while awaiting the day which
be optimistically exacted to arrive
soon, wbea Salem should be tbe center
of a. great Caen manufacturing indus
try, vieing with Ireland and Belgium in
tha fineness of its product. ' Here he
bai found tbe product in its raw atate,
and had found that its-growth was sot
only possible, but that it did better
here and that the character of the pro-
jdoet of thia valley was better than even
in Belgium, whence he came, or even
the land of the emerald. He had a; part
of tbe work of foor years stored ia the
two baildincs that were -Jentroyed and
bis Itmm will exceed 1 ,tno. 1 What be
considers a greater m tba-n the flax,
vet of less money value at the present,
time, was about 1,200 bushels , of im
ported flax see! leadjr for te fall and
spring vowing' which would have meant
a great, return for the coming year.
This seed is worth about $3 a bushel
at present, and llr. IWie is doubtful
if he can get it at that price at all ia
time to sow any. this fall. Mr. Dosse
bad no insurance at all on his flax in
tbe buildings that were destroyed, .end
thtrefore tbe loss to him is total, lie
had carried a policy of $.1,000 on the
flax in the brick mill building, but this
policy expired on August 3d, and owing
to bis sickness, which has almost pre
vented his attending to any business
for tb past two months, be failed to
renew the policy.
The buildings weredthe property of
the Portland Flouring Mills Associa
tion, the company of which the Salem
(louring Mills form a part, unler the
management oi Mr T. li. nilwx,r I
Portland, and are said to have been on
ly partly insured. Tlu extra amount
that ia carried on them is unknown
here, as this is carried in Portland, by
Mr. Wilcox. . ,
These bnildings were erected In
by the eompanv kown as tho Salem, Or
egon, t'apitar Flouring Mills Company,
limited. ' This company L was or
ganized by Mr. 'William Kid, . or
Scotch Jleid of IXundee", as he was
generally known, and carried among- its
stockholders the famous Earl of Airlie,
the Stewarts, of HcotlanJ, and ' many
others of the backers of William Keid
in his palmy days, when he built the
narrow gauge nvstera of railroads
throughout the Willamette valley. The
company was formed to clj a general
flour milling business in opiositim to
the Salem; Flouring Mills of this city,
and the capacity of tbe mill was six
hundred Imrrels a day. Alexander Grant
was tbe first manager, and the mill
run to as full a capacity as posiuble
for the first year or twoj but falling
prices, trouble with tbe power, an.l fin
ally financial difficulties as the general
result, caused a failure of the proposi
tion, and the property fell under tbe
hammer into tbe bands of tbe Salem
and Portland flouring mills people,
who have belJ it ever since, much to
their disappointment, for tbe property
has been: idle ever since they .bought
The property was an exjensive one
and originally cost, including the old
mill that remains standing, aud the
water power, etc., 191,000. Tbe com
pany aold power from tbe race to the
amount of $10,000.' In their Inventory
t bey, valued the old mill, that i" the
A" nihil that remains standing, at
45,000, leaving tbe other building,
the machinery and the water rights at
136,000. The machinery that was
placed in tbe new brick mill was of the
best and latest roller process at that
time, and this wim taken out later and
part of U plaeed in the Kaleni flooring
mill here and part of it taken to Al
bina The only thing left in tbe mill
thai was horned waaf the line shafting
and the pulleys. ,. f'.-;
The Taet that the company owning
ibis property is aatd to have offered tbe
projerty for sale at a very cheap figure
shows that their evident- intent at tbe
time of tbe purr base was to closedown
tbe flouring millps and thus d-i away
with opjwjsition ia this city in this liner.
It is said that tbe company has offered
to take less than $iit,WK) for the entire
plant, maehinery taken oat, within tbe
past few months, and that it. was very
desirous to eel!.. - Hume people have
gone so far as to suggest that the city
should bay the property for th jwrpose
of establishing a municipally owned
electric! Iiht plant, but no great, num
ber of Halem's citizens have taken the
propiMiition with any great seriousness
The most serious talk in relation to
tbe mill projerty ha been that -of the
promotors f the linCn industry who
have desired to get! hold of the proper
ty for the purpose Of establishing there
their linen factory.; It waa presumed
that this would be tbe final outcome of
tbe efforta of Mr. Bse, and he says
that even this fire, does not discourage
bim. ...';',: : . -. . ". i .' .'
There is newtion at all that .the
fire wSsf incendiary origin. . The first
alarm eeems to have be brought to
tbe door of Mr. Vt. U. Pansy's bouse,
who immediately tiirnel ta the alarm.
This was brnocht by a maa by tlw
name of Toole, who live on the north
side. vf. Mill reek and be said that "he
did Hot notice tbe fire until after be
had possel the' mill and that he also
noticed a man aheal of hiss bwt that
yM . Continued pa Vg 8-i
LON'DO.V, Oct. 17. The greatest
admiration is expressed by the London
newspapers today for the tenacity dis
played by Kuropatkin in protecting Us
retreat, but nowhere is tbe idea enter
tained that the Russians first Success
on the Bhakhe can change tbe broad
character of their defeat or have any
effect beyond retarding the Japanse
advance to Mukden and probaMy liar
bin, ince the Japanese appear to be
fully prepared for a winter campaign.
The question of intervention is barJIy
discussed beeanse it is believed tbe Rus
sian Government is in no mood to mc
eept. Tbe Standard's corresjondent
with Knroki telegraihlng, says. "Ku
rokl, as uual, bore the brunt of the
struggle and sustained the majority of
the casualties. We are now occupying
the line of fthakhe, with outposts ne.ir
Mukden. ; The Russians lost the initiat
ive the seeo-nd dav of the battle when
tbe Japanes- repelled their infantry and
assumed a vigorous offensive. For a
time the situation at Itensihu was ex
tremely critical, the Japanese being
practically surrounded. Eventually the
Russians fled."
'WASHINGTON. Oct. 17. Count Cas
sini, tho Kusian Ambassador, tonight
reiterated with great emphaaiii, what
be has already had occasion to say sev
eral" times regarding intervention b
the power to eonclude the war. 'There
is," be said, "aimolutely no opportun
ity for intervention to stop, the war.
Russia proposes to prtsecute the war to
the end, all offers of ttace at this time
must be rejected."
FOR 1003 FAIR.
Marion County Court Desires to Ascer
tain Sentiment of People Unless
Proper Encouragement Is Received
No Action Will Be Taken iy Court.
At the meeting to be held in the
county court room in this city, on next
Saturday, October 22, it is to be deter
mined whether or not Marion county is
to prepare an rxhibit for the Lewis and
Clark Centennial Exposition to 1 held
in Portland next year. The Marion
county commissioners' court dfsiring to
ascertain the wishes of the taxpayers in
the matter issued a call for a mass
meeting and it is hoped there will m a
large and enthusiastic gathering on this
oeciwion. The matter of an exhibit at
the coming fair ia of vital importance
to Marion county, the cond largest
county, in iHipulation, in the state, and
nothing ahould.be left undone to prop
erly exhibit the county's resources to
the thousands of Eastern peophs who
will visit tbeiFair.
The Lewis and Clark Fair Commis
sion lor' Oregon will pay 50 jr cent of
the actual cash cotst of all eountv ex
hibits, to the respective counties, up
to. $500 ;,that Is, one half of th cost is
not to exeeed that amount. ; Besi.lea,
the commission will offer $200 in essh
prizes, $1000 for the best exhibit, $500
for the second, loo for the third and
200 for the fourth best.
Unh-ss the 1 proper encouragement is
forthcoming from the people of Mar
ion county the members of the court
will take no art ion in this matter, mm it
is all the more important that the meet
ing on Saturday l" well attended.
The Cafie Is
.We claiiri th. cake this
We think we have a right to claim it.
. .... .v '
' We aie not nhjnc in thinking it, either.
There arc others.
Any man who his lrikel rounl. will
certainly say that our Suits and Overcoatw
are the most elegant garments in town.
He can't say otherwise and
Tartu and Industrial Conditions Are
- Discussed at Both Meet-
Conditions Doubtful in Wisconsin
President Roosevelt Dlsmlucu Var
ious Officials in New York Because of
the Slocua Disaster.
TROY, X. Y., Oct. 17.-Troy Repuli
licans.gave Senator Fftirlank, Repub
lican candidate for Vice President, and
Lieut. Governor Frank W. Iliggins, csn,
didate for Governor, a rousing welcome
in Harmony Hall tonight. Fairbanks
dwrlt at length upon the industrial' de'
pression following the campaign of 1S.U
and referred to Judge I'arker's recent
speech'. vn -tb Philippine question.
Washington, , Oct. ,-'' 17. President
Rooaevrlt .today removed - from oRioo
Rdert S. Rodie, Supervising Inspector
of tbe.l'nited States Steamboat Ser
vice, located at New York, on account
of the disclosures of the commission.
apioiiited to inwstigate the Sloeum dis
aster In accordance with Secretary
Metealf's directions, steps have bceii
taken toward the removal of. James A.
Humont, lnsctor ofhulls, and Thomas
B. Barret, inspector of boilers both of
the port of New York. They arc charg
ed with neglect of duty and Incom
petency, ' ' .
Hill Scores Republican Tarty.
Indianapolis, Oct. i7. David B. Hill
delivered an address before a Demo
cratic meeting In Tomlinson Hall to
night. . The' ball was crowded to its
fullest capacity, many persons being
turned away. Hill "discussed the ques
tion of a reasonable - revision of the
present tariff rates. He contended that
the stand pat policy of Republicans
was injurious to the best interests of.
the country. '- -
Non-interference Demanded.
Tt?w York, Oct. 17. Senator Spoon
er in discussing the situation in Wis
consin said: "The conditions nro very
mixed .here, and it is not certain thn
fleetorat" ticket can be carried for tho
Republicans. Much depends on non
interference in the local situation."
-' SEATTLE, Oct. 17. The steamer
City of Topcka, which sank at thu pier
here Septcmlier J 1, was floated this af
ternoon. Having " built ; a cofferdam
those engaged in the work of raising
her set thfpe powerful pumps going tbi
morning aiid by 3 o'clock this aflcr
noon the vessel was floated.
Shortly -after midnight yesterday
morning, when for four hours the Salem
firemen had been fiKht1n the angry
flame at the big mill fire, through tho
kindness and thougbfulnes of W, llj
Dancy, local . manager of the Pacific
States Telephone & Telegraph Company,
they-were Jreatcd. to an abundant sun
ply of excellent hot eoffcv, whicb, it Is
needless to say, was thoroughly appre
ciated. Sueb acts of kindness are long
remembered bv the flrrmen and tho Sa
lem bovs feel especially grateful to
ward Sir. Bancv.
fH-ason. '
tell the truth.
Then thereVour Hats and the IIal
V erdashery iixinVthatcvery man wants."
The newest, the choicest, the smartest
of everything is right here.
Then, as if to clinch the whole matter,
comes our fair and reasonable prices.
We haven't heard a single looker say
'Wrnuclf ortoo high r
Take a look yourself, and you'll say
with the rest that 'The Cake ia Our"