Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, October 11, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    I t t 4 14 ,
i C-TtJ wee we Inaugurate the
We are jost In receipt of the
largest aud nt complete Hue
'of Bos 8weaU r ever' brought
' " rooi uiank-
a T r ,M Inlhe Willamette'
- v uMjy, ; , a ii are strictly high
grade wool blankets- n r
:to this city. The Mne includes
all wanted colois and cnjHna-
tlons of colors in feizes rMtiflng
from 18 to 3 1 Inches. Protect ion
! uu 1 1-4 size. Good $5.00 value
Expansion sW flt. U-.'' fc
ale ' . ' '
75c to $2.25
Mannish mixtures, also newest Ha
ve rlock and Inverness style re
ceived yesterday. ;
These cool nights v ry strongly urge
the need of warmer eitinber rolxm. Full
assortment for your inspection. Ileal
$1 60 values. Expansion sale
grey Wool blankets
ryll JO-lslz. Froteclon sale
114 grey and 'tad. Ileal $7.00
Tiioana ssoo values. Expac
slou sale
V '.'-
And Silk
A not her sbi omen t of our depend
able wearables, at pricesthat defy
opposition. The greatest array
ot new goods ever placed before
you. Protection sale
j Ship to $11.00
of the onward march of tiroe Each day for nearly twenty-five yean this" SAFE STORE has
!een abreast of the tide, 'til today JOS. MEYEIIS fc, SONS are recognized as headquarters for
the best of merchandise. 'r" ; '
New Locce Collars
A great variety in the newest effect
In fine lace collars, among wbich can
be found Rose Point. Venise, Point
Gevuze, Bevttenburx, etc Expan
sion sale
S90c to $5.95
New Scotch Flannels
Plain and fancy just received direct
from Manchester. (Ireat variety to
select from. Protection sale
' 32c
Never in our history has It been
our good fortune to show such
strong values, every price complete.
Bettar values here than .possible
elsewhere. " T
The R.ge Shadow eflecta pre
dominate. -Hee ours for suits and
waist. Belling In rico for $125
per yard. Our expansion sale ,
90c r
New Belts
In endless variety. Values that as
tonish experienced experts on . values.
is here. Expansion sale
V 46c to $1.15
W. B, Corsets
' Ileal $2.00 2.o0 and models. Protec
tion sale ' ...--
HpeHal line of
new skirt. Ex
pansion sale
it ssnsnasaavaasnsns
Jackets Real $6.60 value.'
Our special $5.85.
Protection sale
S3, i a i
The Newest Genuine
In colors aud mixtures, sponged
and shrunk, ready for use. The
proper material' for skirts and
ooata. Expansion sale
S1.73 yd
Another lot of Fine. High
Grade Bui t Cas s and Hand Bags,
Just received. They represent the
Highest type or bug making.
Iargn variety of sunt rb sty its to
select from. No sheeo skin cases
here. Protection sale
$5.20 to $25.00
Hosiery of right weight for
cool weather. Expansion sale
9c to $1.85
Cop y r i gh 11904 b y
Hart Schaffncr 6? Mark
KaII'm here and Its time to think of
new clothing. If ycu haren't said
Farewell" t your summer ault, you'd 'j
liettrr. tur elrgsnt tan natu are nre
waitinir to say "Hello"- to you. The
suitt aru all tailored in the very Irai
manner, will retain Uiflrsnspn wen;
in fa they are right up to the Meyers
Protection" Sale Prices
' Prcvo.il
JuH received. All
the newest. shHies
are-among this lot of
fine head wear '
Expansion Prices
By Elizabeth Stuart flotley, In Leslie's Weekly
KtatiHtfcs anl medical records show
that nine-tenths of the women of the
Unite! htates nrc nufferer from some
rt of ailment while the percentage
of sickness or infirmity amrmg men is
yry mucli lower. With this astonish
lag HiiMiunt of ill health among the
Diothrra, wive and daughters of the
eountry, the question naturally urines
jiiHt now whether or not American wo
tnen are becoming healthier or other
Wie. It has been the fashion re-
eTitly to proclaim (that the tendency
.toward outdoor life golf, horseback
riding, walking, and that aort of thing
making the woman of the Unitel
Hiatus a stronger, more vigorous, snd
hard leing than she wss'a generstion
$;. But what percentage of the
wool number of American women
fcave time or means for golf, horaebaek
riding, and long walks across country?
The number who indulge in these good
and healthful exercise is. so-small in
nmMrtaon with the millions who have
do opportunity for such thing that it
i hardly worthy of consideration in
ths diacufflion of the whole subjecf.
The doctors and the books, on hygi
ene aarribe to three - principal causes
tbe inferior hesltb of American wo
men. One of these is their lack of out
lwr eserciae, the second lit their man
of dreasiag, snd the thiol the nerv-
' "ui tctmion. un ler which all American
' women Jive, t And when we say "man
"r of dressing," we'are referring to
.the custom of lacing. A few months
X" we were glorying ia the belief thaf
"the ii enemy of woman, the. habit of
t'lfht lacing, waa- gradually disappear
ing, )eeaue the. "small waist' had
.crawd to 1m stylish. , ..The desired and
."proper" lines of the feminine form
, cre broad sbouMers anj comparative
ly narrow hipa; and to produce thia'ef-
,.ict the Isces at the waist were not
toawn too tjosel.' It was announced
: Hat we had become more sensible, that
were realicing at .last the error of
r ways, that we hai at last acknowl
V Heed the cauae of a great deal of our
oahappiufHM, sal had sensibly; 'decided
i' check the evil by removing its
farce. . ' , . - . '
But now a new condition has arisen.
..H is apparent that it we are not care
'!, we will revert to the former un
comfortable ' and dinastrous state of
i'ght lacing, -It suddenly became ree
' agnized thst V waist are to be a little
mall.r this vear." The fashion hints
. "KKefcf.it, the patterns show it, the
JnoUiates tel us so, and sure enough,
appear in onr new gowns with smal
,,'r waiata. 80 that" whatever benefit
ny have resulted from the fashion
-."t ermittNt larger waists may now
loot by the reversion to the former
custom.- , ; ;- " ';
Women, I think, liave come to accept
. a Inevitable that they must suffer
pais tkan men. Thev even feel
aort.of pride in taking th attitudej
"'y resign themselves to it and then
point out the sct that ther-are making
7 rt'fice to the rate. They uiaiutaia
a W'ti of mjntery about this suffering,
alxiut the paahat makes them pale
ani lafguid snd unhappy, Ifow ab
surd thia ia anl bow difTerent from the
attitude ' of mi vn the same subject
Vou never saw a- man, certainly not
one who approached the normal state,
who' took a prrJe in' bin afflictions.
They sre anxious enough for csre jnd
attention, I believe, during their ill
ness, bat they are eager enough to get
well when sickneaa comes and proud of
it when they "have recovered. The same
should bo true of all women.
It is sbsurd to ssu me that nature
has designed that one sex should be
leas hesltby than the other. As a mat
ter of fact, all disease is unnatural.
Pain is simply the signsl which the
boly gives to the directing intelligence
ttt the human being that it is being
abused. When these warnings are ob
served and th cause of them removed,
suffering eessesj snd the sooner these
general facta are understood and hon
ored in the observsnce by women ss
well as men, the better it will be for
the whole race, i
I do not Inten 1 to attempt a full ex
planation here of the fact that women
are so winch less Jiealtby than men f but
what I want to emphasize. is that there
is absolutely no reason why this should
be so; asd as further evidence, I am
going f describe a new and important
Movement, which, proceeding on the
logical! theory that it Is wholly unnat
aral for women to suffer more pain
than men, has made during tk last ten
rears tremendous prosrres throughout
,be Uoited Htates a 1 Karope. This
new propaganda is known as the lavi
movement, snd hsd its beginning la
San Francisco, tTslifornia." The organi
zation has representatives in every city
aud towa of importance throughout the
whole United .Htafes, and many In
KOTope and other parts of the world.
The Viavi adherents are conducting
campaign of eiucation, endeavoring
to.disnl the , false eustom that haa
countenanced and even romel!ed ig
norance among women of facts tnst are
necessary for their own happiness and
well belag. . .
- The lack -of knowledfl-e among women
of simple aygiane bss furnished an op-
portunity for an enormous amount. v
imposition, an ojorlunity of which
many have with great alaerity availed
fhorr.aelvea. The Visvi cult hold tnst
woman should know more about her
self. .They are opposing the impost.
Hons wnich runny unseropulou practi
tmnon elaiminr to be tkat wkich the
are not, inflict wpon women, sal Jbey
are st aying to a 'remarkable degree the
riot of tke snrgeon's knifet
1 t .1.. ... ..t. : ahnnlil he u ntlr-
stood thst ill beal)h,nesrlr always is
the speeifie resut of general eooIitiona.
Wm feel a rain fn the bead, for In
stance, and we are apt to conclude at
once, that the cause of that paia is lo
cal, that it is the result of something
wrong witbia the ekull,wlHBn ss a mat-
. a a ....is
ter of fact the paia may us is
of an unhealthy conditio'M'6. the stom
ach, the liver, the kidneyso'r riay oth
er of .the organs) of the body, brought
about by unbealtHy habits or mode of
life. The pain makeW; Itself4 manifest
in tile brain because that is the center
of the nervous system.
The next stage ia the region of the
affected organ itself. -Unless 'the con
ditions which caused the first signal
are removed, the uahealfliy state con
tinuea, increasing Until ft begin to af
fect' organs and tissue, prodticing ac
tual phyeioal changes, which, becoming
chronic, are called disease. The'condi-tio-n
is then more seripus, snd cannot
be removed always ' by altering the,
condition that brought the disease
into existence. The unhealthy state is
both local and general, and in the
process of cure this fact 'should be rec
ognized. The first step is to restore
with the right food the weakened con
dition of the body
The body shsorbs food in two ways,
through fue mouth and stomach, im
portant atepa in the alimentary canal,
and through the Mrea as wel1. The
nexl step is local abdication of harm
less but effective material to the local
conu.kions which sre the result of dU
In advocating! this eommon-M'nsS
metho)! for the restoration of health I
am promulgating the plan which from
my own iavewtigation I have observed
has proven successful tn thousands'and
probably thousands of thousanda of
cases by the adoption ttt the Viavi sy
tem for women. I wss surjtrised at
first by the evidence of the success of
this ida, for I siw that women , who
had been afflicted for years, who had
offrel oceans of pain, who bal aid
out thousands of dollars in doctors'
bills, who hsd Isvn - oeprived of the
jo, privileges, and benefits of life-rl
saw these women I enthusiast ie memfMrs
of tbe Viavi organization; and, as wss
quite natural' under tho circumstances,
the most earnest advocate of the sys
tem. On further investigation snd
sfter attenmng-lectures at. the ? New
Vork office I began to uiflerstsnd the
system .more thoroughly, n4 iwm be
come a convert myself
Tliee lectures,:! may say, sre open
to any wotnsn, sad information can be
obtaineil atiout them by writing to the
Viavi office ia any of tho large cites.
The talks are givenof f ocrsc;by. those
mo have full anad complete koswledge
of the eabject, snl they are frank and
tremendously instructive. The- sub
stance f the lectures will b given to
yoo. no doubt, if Jim request it.
.The effects off the Viavi movement
are becoming so widespread that, I am
sure that before long American women
ss a whole wiU be largely, affected by
it, and we wilt come to be distinguish
ed a a nation of healthy women. For
te principles of, thia new organization
are not only effective ia euring disesse,
but erntairt "practical metbo la by which
health is permanently maintained-; ' and
those practical methods have much to
do with tbe every-day mode of life.
I ' am tliemwgbly enthuaiastie in
preaching the gospel of health. ' There
are many peTaen who have suffereH so
much pain thst their view of life are
warned. There is no better soil f?r the
development of evil character than the
unhealthy body. We all admire "tbe
happy hearty, healthy man, or woman.
Ths leaders of the race' are theweu
who are vigorous, normal, anal sound,
and the mothers of these mef. - .
. !?ote. -This article was written af
ter the subject received csreful con
nileration and was, ' prominently
brought to notice by the personal ex
perience of a most intimate friend, who
after years of suffering was made en
tirely healthy by the application of,
the Viavi principles. Elizabeth Stuart
Hon. I. II. McMahon, tbe Great Popu
list Leader of This City, FUed the
Papers With Secretary of State Last
Night at Eleventh Hour. v
The PppulMs are now" prepared to
stand up and have thir votes counted
tbe saute ss tho rest of them., It was
nip and tuck, but nip made it.
Yesterday was the laat Jay for fil
ing petition for nomination that were
not regularly made and last night at
11 o'clock Hon, Leonard II. McMabon
filed a petition signed by alout 2,000
names for tbe nomination " of T. ; 1-1
I'helps, of Vale, Ma.wr Connty, ti, V.
Hchmitlein, of Wiwdville, Jacksoa e.Hin
ty, Dr. . It. Hill, of Albany, Jinn
rounty, and L. II. McMahon, of this
rttic inil fiionlr. aa caadblatesnf the
'Populist arty for Presi Icntlal fdectors
.on the ticket yf the Populist party.
These men were nominated in a - small
convention held in this ,ciy during
the Htatc Ksir week, but they bad to
have a petition filed yesterday with
One small WrUle of the Texas Won
der, Hall's fl rest Discovery, enres all
kidney and biaoder. troablcs, removes
gravel, cure diabetes, seminal . emis
sions, weak and. lame backs, rheuma
tism snd all irregularities of the kid
neys and bladder ja both men and wo
men, regulate bladder trouble la hiP
dren. If not sold by your, druggist,
will be sent by ma.I on receipt of $1.
One small bottle is two month's treat
ment. Dr. Ernert W. Hall, sole mann
faetornr, P. O. bo, Bt. Leila, Me.
Bend for testimonials. Bold by all drug
gists and Dr. S. C. Stoae's Drag Store.
, t:' ; READ THIS. , ' A-": -t
To Whom It Hay Concent:
; This I to certify . thst 1 was down
for niae month with kidney and blad
der trouble, sad tried" all known rente
die to no avail until a neighbor induc
ed me to get a bottle of .Texas Won
der, one Lalf of which eared me sound
and well; thia I would eheerfullv sear
to. aad for the teaefit of those who are
afflicted and wishiag to be perrasnenf
ly, Corel, tkey ean obtain a little at
mv fconse Joes led oa West 11th street.
Tonre truly,
. , 7. J.BHALE.
- Uediard, Or.
f ho". Aee.fetary of" State" that carried ' a
ei'rtain number of names. r In "this case
the nnmb'e requisite was 1,814; and the
number on the petition exceeds 2,0(p
Last night was the last night this pe
tition jiould bo filed.
Tbe full puff shoulder is back and the '
new Paris models look very much' like BOTH OF THE DEI VERS CLAIM IT
those of ten years ago. ;
The sleeve, which is called a mutton
leg because it looks so very much like Race Ha4 the Usual Number of
a leg of mtitton with the big part of the . . , Ml
leg at the sbftider, is worn with rjeh Accidents, Including One
cloth gowns and with silk dresses. It Fatality.
is beginning to. come in with hp new '
reception gowns and one sees ifreep-i . ,;. . .. .. .,
iu into I he e,wt sleeves. I Intense Excitement and Nerve Tension
The Fren.h'puff shows the big, foil Eace Was Three Hundred Miles
sleeve set, lutein arm hole ra bis; side I . uitu wura
plaitings. The sleeve is how pulled out Tet Thirty-Mile Triangular Course
full, aa thongR it were crinolined. It Speed Was FearfuL v
is very tight below the puff and quite " '.''-'' '
bugs the arnr all the way to the wrist. 1 ..... . .. .
While engrossed with the full sleeve, j -XEW YORK, Oct. 8. Oeorge Areata,
Dame Fashion has slowed herself . to t x- 'v.w . -n- t i-
drift Into the silk world and so far has f f" tbeew York millionaire, l,e dy
she ventured that it is doubtful if be,'aK the hospital on Long Jalan.l and
herself,, is aware how epmpletelr she is. ChafTeur "arl Meuscd ia dead, as tho re
committed to, tbe wearing of silk. She -uIt of Bfltomobile race for the cup
selects her dinner gown in the rich I - , , ..,,,.
hued silks of medium colors, elaret, for,01"1"1 "J U- K- nderbiit, Jr. Ar
exsmpls, and leaf green and. eaf an eats is suffering from cerebral hemor
Uit. Jnd for reception and nice out-) rhge and at an early hour tolsy he
of -door, dresses she chooses the stately I . . ,. . ,,
, '. , .. , J f was not exiiectol to Jive. The family
Mack silks, selecting moire, gro grain, ' . . . .. . '
Ottoman weave, , eorded aad brocaded was summoned to hi bedside. The com
so)l fitrure.1 silks, while for other wearlmittee eoasilerng a protest bulged
she choose tsffeta 'of ' various colors by Clement, disallowed the protest at
Jilk hM a certain warmth of it, own.!".;? Jj "f"""
Unlloed it can be worn under some- "" f?'. W,aI,l lh. V.UWl'
thins? warmer. Lined, it is as good a V'c 1 UmZ T"iv'n oai'
cloth for a cobl day. Any way, " ,T' . kXl "rTJnlniTf
Ushion, with her usual cleve?ness, is f;-6 '' 1 "'. 6:2H.13. No
prepsring herself to wear silk, asd:1"" f"f -the other contestants,
whether over a knitted vest or ever a NKVV VOKK, tT a.. Four wbeei;l
wadded lining, it is very certain she S '!. . , ti. ' ... '11
will be seen a great many time dnriag'"'1 rX "J rnn. n''
this coming winter in a dress rivaling 'J""9 rshing along the road at a
t4ie broeades which were so fashionable . l4 nt 'ty to ninety miles sn
ia the long ago. J fcnrj th. air rew.iirdiBs; with the
And tWs brings on to the Direetoire . f- ". .rUnglng of
coats, whieh are to 1 worn univereatly. "B'! h"t' 9 guards; signs! flsgs
this winter bv all women who can af. rwavisg ani nuttenag aa an o-eaionsl
will be
1 Va I lirrt x C. ' Iurinif thettSl mil nlnnlnl.ita rms.r.
dresses smartly will want at, lesst fnr f ff -the W. h -Vanderbilt, Jr. cup,
handsome battens the size of a silver T1e story of I lie rse is one of intense
quarter. TTtos who go ia for extremes .'rit"ncBf snd nerve tension. After
can boy much larger buttons. A fash- rsnnlnjr" seven hours, "sometimes at a
ionable London woman baa a Direetoire speed of sixty to ninety miles sn hour,
coat of navy bloe sntin trimmel with j Oeorge Heat hK an American, driving a
four bjg steel buttons on the front 'as 00-borse power, vehicle f foreign make,
big. as, hslf dollars. There are four and representing the- Automobile lub,
more at the back, which has a postilion of Franee finished first, with Albert
effect. There ia also a girdle which Is Clement representing the same elub.
caught in front -with a big clasp. . For j and driving an eighty-boras power ma-
wisir wear inis coat ran e snegly I cbiae, slto of foreign make, one min-
Ifempstead and the time, taken on hiin
while repairing it was contrary to con
ditons. Like alf .previous races of tbe kind,
there, was a chapter of accidents and
a fatality. The victims are among the
ia'rticiHtnta of the contest. Fortunate
ly none of the spectators were hurt.
One man wss killed, t'arl Me.usel, clmf
feur, ilrtving the car of Oeorge Areata
of New York. ,
'-.The .accident, was cntise)! by tb tires
slipping, and occurred at 8 o clock, two
hours after the'stsrt. The car wan
tra-eling- at a tremendous rate and up
proachiag a curve rwhen it suddenly
swerved and turned ovar, Meusel was
caught beneath 4he juachine, whilo Ar
eot was. thrown one side. Doth "men
were takVn to the hospital, anl MeuaM
died-half an hour later. A rents escap
ed with a few cut and bruises, bat tho
car was. demolished. ,The raeo started
at 6 o'clock,. The eon me was over, a
30-mile triangular with turns that .were
sharp and dangerous. At- - two places
the railroad erossd the highwsy slja
grade and these places were guarded by
signal' men. Twieo, at these cr)ssingH,
Oabfiel, tho French motorist, narrowly
missed l,eing struck by a train, in nn
instsncn running Iwt two feet ahead f
the loomolive. - ?
There was a continuous bursting it
tires " at one point In the course tlt
aroused suspieon and an investigation
showed a pi4ntity of sharp nails a i
broken glass had been thrown on te
roadway. To this cause is due,. the re
tirement of a nurnber of ttiscbincs early
In the race. The official elapsed tlrt
for ile entire eviurse give llsalh file
hour, twenty-six niiuiiics anl forlb.
five seonds; ('leoiVflts, flv Iioiim,
-twenty-eight minutes and tliirlo-n S'-
011 U. -. . ,
tb-m. These coats, with their onenrfu,'r fom ,,,",is of throats, stirred
, wide girdles. long tails, smart tB" atmosphere tn lineola Ilempetcal,
lets, and big, handsome, button.'.! ''ft"111 ' 'y. and other Long Island
the costs of the seaaon: I umiris of Greater New York todav
NKW VOU K, MI let,. 8-At the ltep.it
licsn flub reception to the Jiornwiifi
for state offices held at the t'bib llooiy
aix.ot Jii' were preiwat. The canb
rirgte werr entertaiae.l at frfvale ,,k
ner, lf)re the reception. Iligfflns' sS-
lrcs was, confined almost entirely
state issues., . -
' f
u ,nd t. mm Lam t
alded and lined with Oriental silk.
It ia very smart to trim the hat with
a" twist of the same aik.
"saBasBjs "
PORTLAND, Or.. Oct. 8. Invita
tions were sent 00 1 iodsy by the I-e-wis
and Clark Exposition to the Nations,
askrtig them , to participate in the big
Fair next year. Invitations were i-nt
to thirty-six countries exhibiting at St.
Louie end this inoicatioiis are that the
majority will accept, , fi .
nte and .twenty etht t seconds behind
Dim. . - - - ' ( .. -
r When t he twn Tmea flashed - by t he
judges the crowds, rosv in a Wly and
cheered, relieving the tension on the
fierve that held the; crowd so mstjy
hours. Elements lolge,l a protest with
the - racing hoard of tb Automobile
Haeing Association f.Ameriea, and the
decison wss given out withdrawn until
the board .had made an investigation.
Oements declared be had Men np in
Hempstead. oyer.a,.jnioute and a half
aud said Lis gatioliue tank ' brtAe ia
r mtm ol'Cnilcr;.
4 C'wi-vriTCT.trt. Cii. ?x st. iL
1 T" M4 ta tfw Sl4L
B i f W awlt. Mi if
)4-ilT law a., mm.
W )Wm . . 1... . . "
1 "-nn!-esiTTKnir4':i
JWf.wkf , MtrWII lIM-.lil,RU4
. - )-r- m m lil t9t) r
T rm t !. .. -
.... ,r.. : . . ,'-
DCiUH,4Hu.(,l M.lKt. (I. ;
' IegaJ lilanks, Btatviniaif Jh Qf,
lygal r.lauks, Rtatem.'in Job" O "
legal TiUnka, f'.talcsrnan 'Jol- f),
JeKal iJlanko, Slalesrnan J', ('
LegtlUlaak at Ctatfcsiuau Jh (j.