Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, September 23, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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- a " - . . . . . .
BTLAN. Hept. 22.-1 allowing is
-gather forecast for the twenty
r brtu" ending midnight," Friday,
temfcer 23:- Western Washington
t ffwen 'Oregon, cloudy with bw
' r.itfi Owi'oa and Eastern Wash-
The City
(From Wednesday a Daily.)
Wot. l Taylor, appointed roid sop
L,b(,'t of road district No. 22, it Mp
Li filed bond yesterday with W. L.
jStnerai a H"'1 1 the win of $200.
toglstraUon Eookc Open-
Yeirtcrday the registration hok were
' e. by County Clerk liolan I, ami
y will stay open thirty day , for
registration of those wh.t did ut
Vaster lat spring i;':.;?J " ''--
"gal Gone East.
fflliajn Waldo, a prominent pioneer
'jrwdent of Marion county, left here
- oslav evening - on hi way to St..
iaoi. Chicago an -Boston. He will
remain in the East until January. This
irlfr. Waldo's first trip to the East for
g aumber of years. f
gctarns to Heppner -
jjr, Clyde Brock j who is employed in
lb, hank at Heppner, returned to that
titj yesterday after n vinit. with rela
tive here. Mr. Brock says that all of
lie new-building that have been ereet
t, there since the flood have been
placed nn higher ground.
planting Grass
fhe work of filling a round the post
ofiiee baa been completed and grass sow
ing begim. While more work will be
done next year, nothing further will he
done at present.- Fortunately top anil
was obtained for the fill, and the gard
ner expect to have the lawn green in
few weeks.
Same Changed
Yeterlay C'onnty Judge .7. II. Seott
trie on the petition of Frank Silhavy
(Dl Lena C. Silhavy, hia wife, for th
adoption by the former of the H-yenr-oM
.aughter or the latter and the
fbange of her name frrn Naoma I'enrl
grhafer to Xaoma Pearl Hilliavy. The
fonrt granted the petition.
1 Broke Into House
Home one broke iBto the house of
Vr. J. K.Powell at Hayesville on Fri
day, the 16th and took sa )ot of inen 'a
riot king, i chiding shirts,' a new suit,
which had never been worn, and other
things. The burglars etered by tireak
inK the baek iloor lo-k while the fam
ily wan sway picking prunes.
Five Tears for Burglary
.Sheriff J. M.;Rader of Jackaon coun
ty, anil two deputies, II. W. Orth and
Iewis I'lrW'h, yesterday brought Thom
Ti Kegaa and Howard to the peni
tentiary, both of wboin.i resentenced to
nerve a term of five yeara upon convic
tion of the crime of reenys from n
store. The crime was ' efflnmltted in
Jacksonville, r
Trom Iowz
Oliver Townsend and family have ar
rived from West Hranch.. Jowa. Mr.
riwoxea' is h brot heri n la w of Ir.
KeeJer of Hulcm m'f 'K' lTAther of
f'harles Tnwnaend and a brother-in-law
f James H. Kdmundaon 'of 'Roaedale.
CraDilma Townsend accompanb'd Oliver
and family. They will make their home
kre fur a time, at least. They are now
it Dr. Keeler'a.
To Fraternal Congress
Dr. and Mrs. C. If. Kuykendall of F.u
K'ne iated through here on the their
way Kant on Monday. They will nt
! the sessions of the National Fra
Vnial fongress- In Ht. Louis and-visit
uie worlil s Fair. Ir. IvuvkenUali is
Be of. the head physicians of the Wo
men of Woodcraft and ns such he is
iwh interested in the sessions of the
Fraternal Congress.
Hid Good Times
The hoj pickers in many of the yarls
kij goo.1 lively-times, as usual. In the
yard of Homer tloulet, near Brook,
'here were .00 pickers. They are now
hnt through nicking. They gathered
fery fine lot of hops. The pickers
'here think they found one of the best
places in the country. Every evening
'key built camp fire and listened to
Wnries, sons and recitations. Insist
'ght they varied their entertainment
'th a kagaroo court, in which one of
'ke pickers was sentenced for killing a
P'lf. One whole day was given over
taiport, in which there were ten races
drying from contests between small
'hil.iren to men weighing 200 pounds
l over. Mr. Uoulet gave prizes
"mmtnting to $10, and the day of fes
: jivituVwas finished with a candy pull
' the evening. . .
Ccn to st. Louis,1
Supreme Court is taking a vacation
jee ilayg, an, will probably continue
V recess all during Septemler. Relat
K to one of the justices, the Albany
fl"ahl has the following: ''Justice
Vh. Ih-an, of the Supreme Court,
jed through this city yesterday af
'nmn on his way from Kugene, where
""pent the past 'three weeks enjoying
rest from his labors. He was on his
V to Ht. Louis, where on the 2th of
onth, he will attend the sessions
f'W National- Itar Association. Fol
f this great gathering, on the 2Sth
Jlm month, wilt lie hel.l the meet in P
,7sr?r3 r sierra
mam i
No woman who uses T.lotfcer'S Frfccl" need fear the suffering
ad dangtr incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror
ad insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in
condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is
acaiiny. strong and
?atur4 Our book P
fa, and will be sent frcemplam TprTsr T3 " TT)
javelope by addressing appUcation to 4 2
Knc:dReru!i:tcrCo.AtIanta.Ga. J JU-LbUULy
of the International Universal "ongresa
of Lawyers, brought together by the
National Bar; Association, and Justice
Bean expew to also attend that ne
sion. .He expects to lie joined in Port
laioby Judge t!.; II. Carey, who will
also attend the sessions of the two or-
(From Tbnrsday'a H.tily.)
Mr. Kxc;b Improving
Mr., Michael Krcbs, who had Lis
knee LadfV JiBrt in a runaway accident
r.-eently.-w improved surTieiently to
have the - Hanitorium, although he still
uses his crutches. ,
Thrown Trom Motor' Bike -
John Ma ii rer met with a severe acci
dent last night,; He was riding on his
motor bicycle on North Front street and
run against a stick of wood protruding
iroin a renee,; i u Te rail which result
ed he was badly cut altout the bead and
breast. - I t ' " -'
Cat Up by a Woodsaw -
Yesterday afternwin AmM Taylor of
Macieay, was brought to the Salem Hoii
pital with the wrist and fingers of one
hand badly cut uiKfsvi0 contact with a
wood saw, while sowing woin about two
miles ejjst of rMaeleay. Dr. (,'. II. Kob
ertson w called and thinks he will ba
able to
save; the hand.
Popnllst to the City
J. K. Hears of McCoy, was in the
etiy yesterday; Mr. Hears is one of the
I'ofMilists who met in this eity last
week and assisted in the matter of put
ting an electoral ticket in the field. Mr.
Sears states that be is meeting with
great success In getting signers to the
petition for pbieiag electors on the tick
et. . Out of the first fifteen Democrats
and I'opunsts he asked, twelve signed
the petition.!
Epidemic of Colds .
The city is infected with a sort of
gripe or throat trouble that seems to
be not only contagious but highly epi
demic. A great many people are com
plaining of it and it seems to have been
a result of the few heavy smoky days
when the air was full of irritating mat
ter. The trouble acts very much like
hay fever ami tonsilifls in combination,
attacking the mucous membranes of the
ndse and throat ,and in some extreme
cases affecting the vocal chords,
Jail Thoroughly Renovated
Chief of Police Gibson was busy yes
terday "house cleaning," which was
made quite necessary by the rush ex
perienced Jit bis boarding house in the
eity . hall building during Fair week.
Sixty-three prisoners occupied quarters
in I he fitv i-lil lnrinr the nuat ton In vm
but the tock-np is empty now and pre-
sents quite' it different appearance since
the place has been thoroughly renovat
ed.. It required a considerable amount -
of soap, water and disinfectant to place i
the. iail into respectable condition, but J
the desired resuH'wlis accomplished nf-1
ter a day's hard work by the chief aud
his assistant.
Going Back to Fort Stevens
("apt. and Mrs. Chaa. A. Murphy will
leave here this morning for Fort Stev
ens, where Capt. Murphy has lecn eni
ployed JftT-.somes Mite doing a lot of
plumbing for the contractors, Messrs.
Petzel & Barr of this eity on the new
buildings of: the post there, ('apt. Mur
phy returned , to comply with a prom
ise to the State Fair Board to act as
manager or superintendent of the pa
vilion tluring the Stnte Fair and he wiil
le absent now until Nover".-er, he says.
This leaves -Company M of the Oregon
National tipard of this city Iwith only
one commissioned oflieer- present for
lnty therewith. Lieut. Richard W. Hol
man, Second Lieut. Carle Abrams be
ing in Eastern Oregon.
i (From Friday s Daily.)
Dissolution Notice
The partnership of ,Drs. Schottle an 1
Mercer have this day tlissolved by mutual-consent.
Those knowing themselves
indebted please ealt and settle. Salem,
Oregon, Sept. 22, l'.04.
Court Adjourns
Yestenlay Circuit Judge Wm. . Oal
loway adjourned Circuit Court, in De
partment No. 1 unlil Monday, Oct. 3.1.
Thre will be a numler of things come
tip for trial then and a good many
endings cases will be decided.
Plead Ouilty
The ease of F.rnest Kappahahn, who
was arrestel Wednesday on a charge of
iss:udt and battery on the person of
I0d, Townsend, was tried in .fustic II.
ii. Turner's court yesterday. He plead
guilty," and was 'fined which he
aid. I r "
Juiet Wedding ,
Yesterday a quiet wedding ceremony
w:is erformed by Justice J I. II. Turner
in his court. The contracting parties
were Miss jAliee- A.?Barnard an.l ('. O.
StufflelM-ait, both of this county. II. A.
Johnson Jr. and S. H. Barnard acted
as witnesses. :
lias Eetnrned from tho Coast
Ir. M. M. Scbottle will c.mtinue
th-? practice of osteopathy at her obi
office in , the Opera House Block. She
will be assisted in a few days by n
graduate of th"e American Schod of
Odeopathy : nnd will le glad to meet
all her old patrons as well ns such new
ones afwish to eon suit her.
Salent Directory
; The new ' Salem Director will soon
lie out. It is perhaps not generally
known that rt womaTii Mrs. II. M. Clin
ton, of Portland, has charge of this
slnpen luons task.? Tbere js but one
ot.er woman in tho United State who
many other painful and scrionj
fmm which most mothers
can be avoided by the use of
l "IJotltri Pf52SV This great remeoy
is a jjrpa-eng. o wmn-- v. 9
them through their most critical
vr-4-i1 wit rt Kifetv anil no naiTl.
H fm
h&i a similar profession, and aCe under
took the worZ at Tu same time that
Mrs Clint.n did, and for ; the same
reason the death of - her bnabanl
wbosA busineM she continued- Th
facilities for printing atrd binding the
directory have been found so complete
in this city that all of the Coca count
directory printing is tor be .)on here,
ai w?ll a the birrjing of the Albany
an 1 figene directories.
A Maclcay Dance. '
A social dance wilt be given by the
people of Macieay on Saturday night
t the armory ball. , Bince the people
of that enterprising neighborhood ate
noted far and wide for their hospitality
a good time t anticipated. Of course,
everybody is invited. '
Moves to Salem v
Mr. A. O. Perkins of Lake, Lablab
ha just removed with hi family from
that place to the residence on State
street recently purchased by him. Mr.
Perkins baa not disposed of 'his farm at
Lake Labish, but will probably reside
here until th education of bis s.n-J is
completed. ' , ; , . ;
To Live in Salem- j i
The Derthick CInb held the first of
ita winter meetings at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Caufield yester
day afternoon The pecasion was one
of special interest, in honor of Mrs.
Charlew B. Moores, who leaves in a few
weeks for Salem to make .; her (home
there Oregon City Telegram Corres,
ondence. ' j.: ' t
la Department. No. 2 Judge Calloway
Held Court la This City i ,
Yesterday, . ; . -
(From Thursday's Daily.)
In the Circuit Court yesterday Ju lge
Galloway in Department No. 2 called
a number of eases and made the fol
lowing orders:
In the ease of T. A. Livesley et al, vs.
Jno. Johnston, Jr. et at, the Court order
ed thatrtho County Clerk repay $1400
depfrsited by the plaintiff with the clerk
for the purpose of allowing good faith
Some of tfie Reliable Men and Concerns of
Billiard and Pool Tables For rent or
sale on easy monthly payments. Tbe
Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 49
Third St., Portland, Oregon.
If yon nave clothes to clean and press,
The Fashion Tailors are the best.
Dyeing, steam cleaning and repair
ing. Satisfaction guaranteed. 433
Washington St between 11th and
12th Portland, Ovegon.
Portland General Electric Co. A full
line of electrical supplies carried in
: Stock. . . . '- :' :- "
M. J. Walsh Co., dealers In mantels,
. grates, tiling, gas and electric chan
dallers, supplies; .replace furniture.
343 Washington street Portland, Or
egon; telephone 87 Main.
Private Telephone Lines are being in
stalled by all progressive farmers.
The cost is small in comparison with
the benflts derived. Get our estimates.
Western Electric Works, No. 61 Sixth
Street, Portland, Oregon.
Wedding, and visiting cards, also mon
ogram stationery. W. O. Smith & Co.,
Washington Building, Portland. Or.
The Old Reliable Pioneer Employment
Company, the leading office in the
state, furnishes the best of all kinds
of help on short notice. Free to em
ployers. 215 Morrison St Portland,
,m the part of the plaintiffs in the mat
ter of the hop contracts which the are
trying to enforce against Johnson. This
case is held pen ling the decision of
the Supreme Court in a similar case
from last year which yet undecided
there. :
The ease of Mabel Zink vs. Marlon
Zink, for divorce, was set for hearing
on October, 3d, at 1 p. m.
In the case of Mattie McjTlinn vs.
Jas. McGinn testimony was taken and
the divorce waa granted ;
In the matter of It. Mills vs. Agnes
Mills, for divorce, the dofen lant de
faults, and bearing was set for October
3.1, at 1 p. rru ' - !
Testimony was taken in the ease of
M. Christenson vs. Orover Simmons, in
application for an injunction.
Hundreds of Salem Citizens Can Tell
- You About ;''-'
! - - - It. ' ' ' '
Home endorsement, the public ex
pression of Salem, pople should 1 be
evidence beond 'dispute for every f Sa
lem reader. Surely the experience of
friends and neighbors, cheerfully given
by them wilT carry more weight tha. the
utterances of atrangers residing in far
away places. ' Read tha following: M.',
Mr. iNeedham, wiff of W. S. Need
ham painter, reaiding at the corner of
Fourth St, arr l Jefferson Ave North
Halem, says: "'Like almost all painters,
my nnsband had been trcnibled with his
kidneys for years. iThe exposure, the
reaching and stooping, combined with
the Itnrpentine and materials in the
paint; all teding to put the kidneys out
of rder." !- His back, often ached badly
at night when be came home from work
and when he caught cold it always ag
gravated the trouble. He rea l an ad
vertisement about Doan's Kidney Pills
and procured a. box at Dr. Stone's Drug
Store and nsed them. Tbey did goo.1
work bv helping bim at once,- and he
continued their use nntil relief waa ob
taineil." : ' ,A i : ;f.
For ale by all 'dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster'-Milbnrn Co Buffalo. vT.
Y sole agents for the United, States.
'Remember the name Doan's and
take no substitute.
An a 'health
maker, - tonic
and moo 1 hi j
rego'ator. tbe
Bliterx will be
found unequal
led -1 hafa
wby many
women use it
to Hm mc'u
aion t.f all other
reuiedbr. It
UfcVt r fiubf lu
of '
Crasist, ClMtlig.
raiitUf fpellf,
Bat Lack aa4
Try a btiia.
" a
few Snnlays agn fH0 shots were fired In
that vicinity.; . i .
There are also English partridges at
W. J. Brooks' place- and on O. Web
ster V farm. Joe ledgers plawed up
three nests last spring and fourteen
birds have been seen on the Bob Dc
Armond place.
The Waldo Hills, Marion county, near
Albany, are tboher point in the val
ley where the partridges were turned
loose at the same time as at Indepen
dence. It was largely through Ed Cross
Marion eonnty got a start of the Eng
lish birds and through Edwia Stone
they were taken to Linn county.
Is With a Comedy Company la Califor
niaWill Probably Visit
Tbe -Oakdale, Leader of California
says about a former Salem young man
who lived here for thirteen years, and
who left here last, spring with tbe
Snell-Aldrieb company: "Erie Kleppin
as Ike, who . wanted a steady job,
brought down the house by his true
delineation of the backwoodsman, in
Down in Arkansas. " Mr. Kleppin
was a member of the Salem Military
Band, and one of its organizers, and
has a great many friends in Salem. He
will be. rememlered as the young man
who met with a hunting accident re-
D. CfiQmDers 01 cnicooo
Ejra selllt
' , tlu opened in Port-
isna.urfirori. Beat in
.he ortbwt. call
And hlta.
139 ftvalh At.
Pronpt attention given to outside or
ders on choice cut flowers and floral
de&igna. We also . carry, a ' large as
sortment of rose bushes. ' Thomas C.
Bodley, 124 5th St Portland, Or.
The Imperial Hotel Co Phil Metschan,
president; C. W. Knowles, manager;
Seventh and Washington streets, Port
land, Oregon. European plan only; 91,
91.50, 92. First class restaurant in
building. V
Dr. Wing Lee, Chinese physician. He
makes a specialty of treating those
who have chronic diseases which oth
er doctors fail to cure. X skill is
. indisputable. 280 Burnside street,
Portland, Oregon.
Portland Cancer Institute 181Vs
First . street, Dr. Voose, Cancer
treated without knife; 15 years' ex-
, perience. . Also catarrh, asthma, con
sumption and all chronic and spinal
diseases permanently cured. Consul
tation free. Mail orders have Imme
diate attention. "
Legal Blanks, Statesman Job Office.
suiting in the maiming of his left
hand. He continues with tbe same
company and expects to come to Salem
for at least one night during the sea
son. Mr. KleppHi, who is a good im
personator, takes part in a number of
j days presented by this company, jnd
has a repertoire of plays now that will
give him an opportunity for advance
ment in the histrionic art.
Fearful Odds Against nim.
Bedridden, , alone and destitute.
Such, in brief, was tbe condition of an
oi l soldier by name of J. J. Havens,
Versailles, 0. For - years he was
troubled with Kidney 'disease and
neither doctors nor medicines gave him
relief. At length be tried Elect rie Bit
ters. It put him on his feet 'm short
order and now be testifies: "I'm on
the road to complete recovery.?' Best
on earth for Liver and Kidney trouble
and all forms of Stomach and Bowel
ComplainU. Only 50c Guaranteed by
D. J. Fry Druggist. . ;
' ' '
An Itinerant! Peddler . Makes Himself
Obnoxious and Becomes Devolved
la Trouble. .
An itinerant soap-peddler whose con
dition of mind waa in such a state of
intoxication that he could not even give
his nanie,"became tnvolve.l h a lispnte
wltu D. V. Jerman, the proprietor of
the Commercial street second-hand
store, which, jwhen the latter attempted
to expel bis i obnoxious visitor from
the at ore rfs ul ted in a fistic encounter
and the landing of the 'peddler .in the
county jail with a charge ; of f assault
and tiPaaery i set up against him : upon
the register, l it is aaid the peddler was
tring.to self, Mr Jerman Vaokie-of hw
wares, and wh?h the latter refused to
patronize bint be became enraged an
abused Mr. Jerman. Mr. Jerman was
forced to put ' hi nnwelcome, visitor
ont by force when it lst report e.1 the
peddler turned wpob Tlini"and showed
fight. Formal ebarge .will ttrobably
be made againsl hint this morning. The
arrest was made by Deputy' vSher.
iMinto. , ; ' . . ' . , r ; . -i " .
Legal J Blanks, Statesman "Job Office.
Legal Blanks. Statesman Job Office.
Beautiful ' Monument Finally Adorns
West End of WiUson,i Avenue-Will
Soon Bo Beady to Assuage Tbirst of
Man and Beast.
The Breyman fountain at last stands
on its selected site a credit to its
worthy donors. It-was finally placed
on ita pedestal yesterday morning.
The- image of the pioneer gazes to
ward the Occident, where things are
ever doing for th advancement of civ
ilization and for the extension of that
liberty which is one of the component
parts of civilization. The ' image re
call to mind those thousands of sturdy
men who reclaimed a nation front, a
wilderness, who brought enlightenment
from savagery,
A few months ago Werner Breyman
and the heirs of tbe estate of his broth
er, the late Eugene Breyman, offered
this fountain as a tree gift to the' city
of Salem for the adornment of one of
its public squares, and for the free use
of its citizens forever. The gift was
accepted on tbe part of the eity, and its
construction ordered.
The fountain was received here some
time ago, and after considerable delay
the city council ordered that the street
where the fountain was to be located
should be put in shape. .This meant the
construction of a curb across the west
end of Willson's Avenue, and the lay
ing of a cement walk beside it. ' The
1 Yr . . 1
euro is coropieieu an'i me waiK win
now be laid. This will make it possible
for people to reach the fountain, and
is the beginning of a work long delay
ed, yet. which every one hope will now
le pushed forward, and that is the
Oregon's Metropolis.
E. W. Mocre, photographer. We make
' a spocialty of enlarging in oil colors,
crayon, or pastel. Our photographic
instruments are the latest and we
have all the requirements for first
class work. Seventh, and Washington
Sta Portland, Oregon. . .
Blumauer Frank Drug Co Portland,
i Oregon, Is headquarters for Photo-
i graphic Supplies, Century, Premo, Po-
i co, Blair and Eastman Cameras. Ev-
i ery requisite for the Professional and
1 Amateur Photographer. Write for
i complete catalogue.
Melrose Restaurant and Quick Lunch
Boom. Surpassing coffee. Neatness
and Dispatch our motto. 270 Alder
street, opposite . Hotel Belvedere,
Portland, Oregon.
When in Portland patronize the Perkins
i Restaurant. Our service is second to
j none at popular prices. Give us one
; trial and realize how nice we will
I treat yon. D. M. Watson, Prop.
When in Portland, take the opportun
ity to get the best 50 cent French
dinner, with wine, In the city. ' ; Or
try our Merchants Lunch served
from 11 to 2 p. m. 25 cents. Tbe Ox
ford Restaurant on 6th St. Cor. Pino.
P. C. Stamp Works, 249 Alder St
Portland,. Oregon, 'Phone. Main 710,
Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Brass
Signs, and Box Printing Plates. Send
for catalogue.
making of Willson's Avenue a respect
able park. This work means the ex
penditure of some money it is true, but
not a great deal. The council bad
provided ttir a certain expenditure oar
the park, but it withdrew a part of the
fund and added it to tbe "street ex
penditure fund," for the purpose of
building the walk and curb above men
tioneiL -
The park board had intended to use
the amount for the "purpose of under
draining the avenue, a thing necessary
in order that anything may grow in the
went end, which will be a swamp from
now. until winter's end, as it is a baked
hard pan during the summer, lit may
be possible the council may see fit to
return the small sum mentioned to the
park fund, that this work may yet be
done this year. '
The fountain is a beautiful and state
ly bronze, standing as a proud emblem
of man's appreciation of tbe eity that
has given him borne and friends for
many yearsAll who passed" that way
yesterday stopped to gaze at it, and
many words of pleasure at the foun
tain's appearance were beard from all
sides. - 1
Tbe English Partridges Turned Loose
in Oregon Are Growing Quite,
V , PlcntifuL
The English partridges turned loose
in Polk county three ears ago are get
ting a nice start, and if protected from
the rapacions hunter, - wilt soon have
spread throughout the 'valley, says tbe
West Side Enterprise. The first birds
brought to Polk county were not ship
ped from Allbany, as stated by a Port
land paper, . . ,
Independence is one; of three places
in the Willamette valley where the
partridges were first turned loose. Al
Herren, Marsh Merwin and some others
made up a purse of ?69 and in Febru
ary, l!il, brought nine pairs of birds
here, setting them free on the O'Brien
farm. They had good protection in the
vicinity of the O'Brien and Tbielsen
farms and the same protection needs to
be extended as tbe birds multiply and
spread. There is a covey of them on the
Lucas place near Monmouth, and only a
wew loaav
)O ufuutj.rLni-ii'M"i-tii i ' ------ - - -
and price. Address Malheur & -'o
Oregon City, Oregon.
hr s. , .GlLK o WHoLKsaTTR
friiits nn I produce, turner Tra U und
High streets, ialem. CIo.d shipping
V a pplea wanted. .
Eigs, also dncks,pri'ng chickens, and
ens. 1 will pay, the highest cash
: price for same. Quong ning, Lib
erty street, Salem, Oregon.
j Da a general transfer buaeiw.
i Deal in lath, wood, posts, sand, Krv
f el, cement, fire brick, fire clay, wood
i fiber plater and eutractora aupplies.
Salem, Oregon.
port cards are printed to fit tbe
; sebofl register. The prices are:
: TweiVe, cards for 19 cents; twenty
. five for 20 cents; on kundred for 75
.' ents. Btatesman Publishing Co Sa-
lem, Oregon. , . ,
FOR SALE. Small farm, 12 acres,
i with seven room bouse; good water;
fruits of good variety, including
chestnuts and walnuts. Place all in
' gool. cultivation. Just ' outside city
! limits. Worth $1500. For sale for
) 9120O. Mrs. R. B. Webber, Dayton,
! Oregon. ' j
jon the Mrs. K. L. Hibbard farm, five
milea south of Silverton. Stock, farm-
' mg implements, bouseh.tbl furnitrre,
- I tools, and oata and hay. Twenty-four
j head of cattle, elevel milch cows, four
j two-year-ol I Shorthorn steers, three
j two-year-old heifers, four yearling
heifers, and one spring calf, twenty
, two bead hogs, chickena, etc. W. II.
-1 Rogers.'- " .'.)" ' ';
j Notice is hereby given that the final
account of P. N. I-athrjp as ndininis
trator of the estate of, Charlotte Wes
tenhoue, decease" I, has In-en filed in
the county court of Marion county,
state of Oregon, and that the 23d day
of October, 1104, at the hour of HI
o'clock; a. m., has tieen . d'ul apiMiinte l
by such court for the hearing of obje
tkn t.i nncb final account and tbe set
tlement thereof, at which time any
)erson interested in such estate may
appear and file objections ' thereto in
writing and contest the tuinie.
Administrator of the Estate.
Geo. (I. Brngham, Attorney for Estate.
. Jn the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon :for the Connty of Mhriun, De
partment No. 2. Ida Strinbaeh, Plaint
iff, vs. Louis Steinb:ich, Defendant.
To lKnia Steinbach, tbe above named
In the name of the state of Oregon,
ypa are hereby requireo. to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled court aud suit,
on or before the 30th day of September,
1904f, and if you fail to so appear and
answer said complaint, for want there
of, the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed t for in said com
plaint, to-wit: for a deciee dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now existing
between you and the plaintiff, award
ing the care and custody of John Stein
bach and David Stein bach, lioth minors,
to the plaintiff; and a decree for the
plaintiff's - eosta and i disbursements
against you, and such further relief as
may seem, meet with equity; and you
will take notice that this summons is
served upon you bv publication thereof
in the Weekly Oregon Statesman, a
newspaper, published at Salem, Marion
county, Oregon, for once a week for
six weeks, pursuant to an order of the
Hon. Geo. II. Burnett, judge of said
court, made' at Chambers in said Salem,
Oregon, on the 18th day of August, j
1SNI4, and the date of the nrst publica
tion of such summons-' is the 19th day
of August, 1J04, and the date of the
last publication thereof is the 30th dav
of September, 1904.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Legal Blanks, Statesman Job Office.
Iegal Blanks, Statesman Job Office.
Legal Blanks, Statesman Job Office.
: Columbus, Ohio, May 20, 1903.
: Six years ago I bad a sever attack of
Inflammatory Rbeumatiatn. I waa laid at
In bed for six months, and tbe doctors 1
bad did me no good. Tbey changed med
icine every week and nothing tbey pre
scribed seemed to help me. Finally I be
gan the use of 8. 8. S. My knee and elbow
joints were swollen terribly, and at one
time my joints were so swollen and pain
ful that I could not close them when
opened. I was so bad that I could not
move knee or foot. I w as-getting discour
aged, you may be sure, when I began S. S.
S., but as I saw it was helping me I contin
ued it, and to-day I am a sound weU man
and have never bad a return of the disease,
S- S. S. purified my blood and cured me
of this severe case of Rheumatism after
everything 'else had failed. I have rec
com mended it to others with good re
sult. - R. II. Chatham.
5 -1355 Mt. Vernon Ave.;- -..,Y:
' Tbe poiaonoas acids that produce the in
flammation and pain are absorbed into the
blood and Rheumatism can never be con
quered till these are neutralized and fil
tered out of the blood and system.. S. 8. S.
goes directly into tbe circulation and at
tacks the disease itself. It purifies and re
stores tbe blood to a healthy, vigorous
condition. It contains no potash, alkali ot
other strong min
erals, but is guar
an teed entirely
vegetable. Writ
as and our physi
cian will advise I
without any j
Our book on Rheu
matism sent free.
Tbe Swift Epeclnc Comasy, Atlanta, Ga 1
Examination, Made Yesterday of Route
by the Proper Ofllcials cf4be County
i Across the River With the Above Re
suit Important Move.
Yesterday Hon. Edward F. Cond,
county judge of the court of 1'olk
ronaty. and 'otinuinioner William .Rid
lell of the muic mttrt, nceolnpaniei by
Editor Walter Lyous of the Indej-n-dence
West Sid. Enterprise, made a
careful examination of the route for the
propooed mute for the Jndci.etiilcnee
Siilaey' road, and after examining care
fully the matter they decidd;that the
matter of the roaiL construction was a
matter .peculiarly' in "'the interest of
Polk coynty and that it will be built.
This road will open up an immense
expanse of country that at present is
very difficult of access, and : would lead
to Indejiendence with.ut tbe interven
tion of a bill, the onlv drawback being
the ferry across the river.
T.he town of Sidney is on the Willam
ette river .on the .Marion county aide,
aliotit six miles above Independence. It
is the center of a very valualde district
and among other things has a flour
mill there that took ill lii.P biinbel
of heat lant year. In aldition to the
farming of the cereal .claim there are
any number 'of fine hop farms ami oth
ers of that character. Independence is
wiae in making the move that she has
I made. . - ,((
Btg Figures. :
lfrt,lMM),(MM) twdtles - of r.rTY Davis
Painkiller ld in oMI 'ears." Juat think!
Xearlv - enough placed en 1 to end to
I reach around the world. What other
remedy can lxat such a 'record or
Rcrviccs to buma-nity in curing stomach
and Itowel complaint, ' and ,the many
other ailments and accidents eon ft ant -ly
oecuring even in the tn.st careful
homes. Thrtre in only one Painkiller,
Perrv Davis. Itewnre of jniitntions.
Covers Five - Hundred Acres of Hops
and Is for the Sum Of One Hundred
and Fifty Thousand Dollars Filed
Here and at Oregon City. ! - .
. . . . y .j
"Yesterday, what was probably the
largest mortgage - covering; growing
eropa ever reeordeitin this county,
was filed for record -in the office of
County Recorder. Siegmund. ii The face
of the mortgage was one hundred aud
fifty thousand dollars and was made in
favor of Iadd A liush. bunkern of this
city, and covered, a I If the ( hop contraetw
of T. A.:Livealey St t.Va local hop buy
ers..1; ' : '1s"iil' '1 ' . !'
'The yards embraced in thf mortgage
are 1 he following: Van Allen, Ziiiiiner
mah, Hugrr ICNihith, Charles Olierlin,
Thomas Tweed, M.naiid M. iMikkleson,
Sj O. Rue, (b Vurseth, August Elton,
J, F. Bowen, (;:( JCimmerman, II. S.
Bowen, T. A.'Livettlev & ' CoX John and
J. I. English, E. E. Mills, T. L. ltonney,
J. II. Paine, John It. ami! Elizabeth
Lewis, J. B. Kennedy, A. 1 4. Kavanaugh
S. K. Tavlor, Mtirphv, N. A. Schnell, H.
M. Harding,.!. Wrolfard & Co., C, Whit
lock, Jacob Siegfried,1 W. J. anl Isa
bella Steely Detlaf Schemer, Dick Hard
ing..T. J. Hunt, John and Henry Outer
hoi and Jacob Miller. . I
The mortgage was filed! simultan
eously in Marion and Clackamas coun
ties, part of the above vnrds being in
the latter. " j
Do You Uani
Real Estate?
We have properly UTfit will
pay 50 per cent on the in
vestment in less than one
year. A few of them:
4 beautiful Iota, SOxlM,
.each near Yew park
; Bchool, very tdieap a ml
easy pay men ta. . f' '
Plant a few dollars In
- tbls. It will prow A Hum
. corner lot 75x150 In Yew
Park, near the oar 1'ru
, - aud Hthpil. Price, $175,
small payment, Uallancc .
; Installment.
Iot 75x150, near aoliod
and oar line. prit f 175.
Any payment and ttriua
will do. ,
.- 5 room collage, lot 150x150
fl ue o tk shade, jjoml fooa
Hon. near oar line, price
$1250, you make ten us.
5 room ootluge, lot R2x 150,
a,ll In fruit, small barn, '
Hood . well water, near
school, prica $7t0. A few
. hundred oah, balance to
malt. t, ,. .:'.
You oan av for this place
the fl rat year If you- wi'l
plant It in potaU a. 4i
acres of fine river txd ton 1
land, all in culllvatlon '
and lencel. No buildings, t
; H ntllen . front Kaletn, s j
. - from Brook. Pi let- $40
per at re. W will ntke
. very easy terms and only
a sroatl payment down.
4 We have farms : all parts of
the county and all irieea. Bar
gains in t-ity projierly, bouses for
rent.- fire Insurance, exchanges of
all -kinds. List"' your ; proerty
with ua. - ' r
Rorm 11. over lied Frout
' Drug Ktote. '
Corner of Com mero'al anl Klat