THE WEATHEB. , PORTLAND, Sept. 15.-Following-is il .estfccr forwat for the twenty- Hours ending midnight, rday. ' t,r J6:"- Vesiern . '"rB and ffLrrB WiLiK". ffllr "lightly r. the coast. I Inn lorn S? and Washington, fair. r:: e City Crowded Cart 'V Tb regular' trams, both from, north MJ smith, were crowded yesterday, in !Iitin t the -ci:il from" Portland tkjl brought seven full ear loads of aBforuia Visitor - 3(r, W. B.' Hunt left yesterday for a ipuib'frn trip. Mm, If nnt will remain until Mr, Hunt' return, when will nroeecd to their home in San : Tim'0' " Ift for San Francisco Rv. F. S. Knight left yesterday for $aa FrjiBo't where he wilr visit with (r Knight, who has teen there sev eJ) weeks. They will return to Salem (boot the 24th. v s To Attend University Mrs. Kay-D. Yonng of Idaho, in visit J Ine Mr. W. D. Sherman this week,' bI will soon be joined by her dangh-. tcr, Laneta, who will attend Wiiia metre : tiverity this winter. r Eastern Visitor Mr. and Mr. .7. W. Leigh of Terrv rille, 111.. anl Mr. and Mrs. ('. T. Wilmore of Denver, Coin., left yester day for point on the Sound, after a risit with friend here. flax for McMinnvllle Mr. Eugene Iioe. who viifeJ Mr- MiBi)ille last week, ' thinka the out look for flax growing in that sfetion i rery kooI. ond will aend fty btiahela. ( of flax seed tliere for distribution ' among the farmers. Under Advisement m . ..m T "..-... fl! Hie rnf mi tinn. . nnn r v. " ,).. lions 1-tb r't.rri er Jor liv P H Mr. yV,L Vti7xl ot Lake Ln,,;n has for .Tudtre Galloway yesterlav in 0"e- . ... . , . . L partment No. 2 of the eirenit eourt,' f"1 . "rpl. h; erop of hops . whirh. L i I. n..- r of an efrftpt lonally fie quality, ami ,.n,Ur -.lise.nent on the test imort v. i On Tonr of Inspection Prof. Albert K. Sweetzer, State Biol- in thi. itv nn ofri.ini busings! . ... . - - - the rst of tho week. He is making a tonr of insnection gathering data upon whifh to base his-biennial report, to the Legislature. He Is Eetter Freil Hurst, the real estate man, and s very familiar figure on the streets of Salem, has leen nt home siek for some time. He was out again yesterday, looking a little the worse for the wear, hut with the appearance-that he will before long be as good as new. In the City Hon. Chas. W. Fulton, United. States Senator from Oregon, eame up yester day and is ft guest at' the Willamette Hotel where he will be for several davs. Senator John If. Mitchell will be. up to day and will also be n guest at that Wei. Congressman Hermann is cx yted today or t; morrow also, fbe Oilbert Beceivership Attorneys: in the .ease , if Boscoe C. Thomas, administrator of the estate of Wm. Cosper, vs. Clilbert Hms., et al., argned the motion of attorneys for the rei-civer to be permitted to sell prop erty belonging to the receivership at private sale. Ford and Slater apiwnr n for the administrator and rJ. tS. ningnam lor rteeeiver uarcn. (From Thursday ' Daily.) To Visit St. Lools . Prof. W, ?. Ilawley, accompanied by his wife, left yesterday for a visit ti the St. Louis Imposition an 1 Den ver. Prof. Boyer Arrives Prof. Hoyer, one of the new instruct or at Willamette University arrived yesterday from Tacoma, lringing his family with him. Eonte Lengthened : Mr. II. A. Johnson, Jr., carrier on Route o. ti will make hU initLm tri't over his lengthened route t.iday. Alut twenty families are benefitted by this extension. Observed Salem Day vwos t pairui is y Xearly every place of business in the "'ty, including . the postoftiee, was rlosel vestenlav in observance of Sa- lem Dav at the Fair. Bush's bank nested the Stars ami Strips, as did nany other houses. TeU In a Cattle Guard Mrs. C. II. Pikett of Eugene Tit fell into a cattle guard near the - Fair Ground yesterday and suffered a frac ture of the left collar bon an.l severe hrnisp-i Wside. Dr. Slater was railed M reduced the fracture. Distinguished Visitor Ju'lge Mark A. Fiillerton, of Olym Pa, Chief Justice of the Wanhington renie Court, accompanied by Mrs. Fullcrton, have teen visiting in Salenv 'l atton.ling the State Fair. The 'l Ro to Corvaltis talay, to visit Mr. 'llertn"H father. Ju Ige Full rton "34 tMH . lt ttiA lllltlli' fans f ... .a: r..-:.. c ii,.1 ''"Pretne f.,t.- bi nominat i-jn I l endorsed by the Democrats. , i tho suffering mod danger in store for her, xbs the expectant mother U pleasant anticipations of the coming event, end casta over herj a ahadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women have found that the nee of Mother's Friend during pregnancy robe ( confinement of all pais and danger, and Insures safety to life of mother ; nd child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the ,Ome of their most critical triaL Not on Iv does Mother's) Friend j carry women tafelj through the peril of child-birth, but iU nse ' kkneaf "Ue stem for the coming event, prevent morning VKUkxuig valuable infoxmatioa frea. ' TD (IHTP 7 ITT) Cra-j VLzZzLzXx AtUata, C. : U lAlUUaUJUJL B. h ia prbbably not worrying over the result f the N'ovrmr election in that state, j,n far a it shall affeet hi . wn -political fortune. J ridge Ftillerfttn tudiedaiid. practiced law in Salem, in the office f Hon Julius Strat ton. ', -l(eleft here, mdia fifteen vear ago Yor Washington. llf ha b.n highly honored in the Evergreen state, but not Uv hi just Jewerta or more, than hivaMHUe jaatify, for Be is one or me auH'Kt Hien sitting on any Su preme Court in the United State. Two More law Delegates In addition to the appointment of W. D. Ken km an. t '. J, Kehnabel a dclegnt. to the convention of the Slate. Board of Law Examiners, to be held, in St. Louis, September 20 to 28, Ooruor Chamlerlain yesterday name 1 Jndjfe TZ. ft, Iienn, of rigene, and J. I!. Mosi-k, of Ilaker City, to net in the anie, eapuityp. t All Go to St. Louis ' ' W. D. Fenton and O, J. Rehnabel, of I'ortland, wre yesterday afternoon ap-poiote-i by, Owr, Chamberlain as dele gates to i represent 'Oregon at the eon vntion of State Board of TjAW Kx aminer to t hAd at St. Louia, Bept. L'O Ut 2H, of this year, (iovernor Cham Ierlain nm Jpointed Wm. Heott, of Athena, a j delegate to the National Fiiruifra' C'ongrtV to be hld at St. IJItuIiv Sl't ember 18 to 21. ' (FVom Friday's Daily.) Took rirt Prize Prof. W; J9 Crawford of Zena, ban a fSerman Coah eoltf in the family of eot, whi-h took' firat prize at the State Fair.. ; ' Leaves for China Miaa Nellie Clark started yesterday on her lonj journey to 'hitm, where she Kih-s a a tearber aid ntiitHionary to the "heathen Chinee." Expected Soonr Mr. T. W. I'otter, whose -resignation as sitferintrndent at the Indian Hehool a been aeeepted to take place the first of next month, will arrive at the school about Keptemtxr 20. lie is with his bride at Ht. Louis. h prop to double his present hop next year. Mr. Petr.el will lea vp shortly for a visit lo the St. Louis l',xMitio)i. ; - -. Wlth Typhoid Fever 1'ercy I'ngh, carrier of Bural Free I)eli very 1 Itout.e No. 7, leading oyt of Salem, in down with typhoid fever. He is a son iof C. W. Pugh. Dr. liyrd ia ntCending him. His wife is his deputy and is carrying the mail while he wres tles with the dreaded disease. Pickpockets Depnty Sheriff H. P. Minto captured Hire men at the S. P. depot at the Fair (i rounds yesterday affeitioon on the ar rival of the 4:4. train,' who were being held last night on the suspicion of be ing pickjiockets. An effort was made )ast evening, to find some one to recog nize them, but the attempt was futile. Taken to Portland fleorge Taylor was arrested at the race, course yesterlay and takrii to PortTand yesterday afternoon by Detec tive Vaughn. Taylor is wanted at Portland for assault. ' A woman named Hnker, wanted there for "larceny from a person" was also picked up at the Fair Crounds ami taken along by De tective Vaughn. At "The Firs" Col. T. J.-Chamberlain of Mapleton, la., is visiting at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Diddinps at "The Firs" in Highland Park. Col. Chamberlain will be joined by his nephew in a few days who has the Brazilian coffee ex hibit a the St. Ijouis Fair, who comes to arrange to rrring his exhibit to Port land next year. ' i Don't let the little cues suffer from eczema or other torturing skin diseases. Xo need for it. Doan's Ointment cures. Cw.i't harm the most delieate skin. At any druj store, 50 enats. ARE STILL VOTING. Statesman's Subscription Contest as It Now 8tands, Including New Votes . for Week. The Statesman's IWW Suliscription Contest goes on, and it will grow more lively , now from week to week, as the busy harvest days will soon be over, and the end of the contest is approaching. It closes at ' o'clock 11 Deeemlcr 24th. Pollowinff is the present standing of th eorjtcst: Miss Pauline E. Remington lli)." Miss Kdn.i Wilson. Macleay ... Miss Tbelma Durbtn, Tangent. . 2975 Miss Mary E. Davidson, Liberty 2C25 I Van Witzel, Salem 2000 Cieavie Shields, Hetvais .... 1525 Mis Beatrice Sheltco. Salem .. H70 Miss Opal Helniken, Salero .... 0 Miss Jessie Reed, AumSville ... Rr0 Miss Nettie Ileckner, Salem ... 840 Frances Kremis, Polk county . . C50 Miss Margaret Mnlkey, Salem.. 500 Misa Clara, JW3f. Brooks .. .. ...S00 Mrs. Cal Patton .... 375 Miss Willow Pngh 325 Miss Orletta Krans, Aurora .... 2-5 Mrs. John Batt, Salem . . 200 Miss Minnie I reton, Liberty. .... 200 KliM On.l tllrh ..175 u;.. n V 1 ta 1, fn r. Rale m. . Iflu Hiss Kva McAllister .... ..... Iu Bolyrt tWiitney. Hubbard .... 100 la an erdeal wMcfc aS w men approacn with Indescribable fear, f o r ? nothing, compares with tbJpain and horror of child-birth- The thought vvnXY OREOOIT OVESTAXED. Ilondreds of Salem Readers Know What : ' : ; I I . It Means. ,; The kidneys are overtaxed; . ; Have too much to do. They tell about it in nmav aehes and pains . i , : Backache, sideache, headache. Early symptoms of kidney ills. Urinary troubles, diabetes, Bright 's disease follow. : ; ' . T j ;- A Salem citizen tells here a certain cure. . ' - O. H. Cooper, farmer,' living three miles northeast of Salem,' on the Garden Koad, says: "Pvery often lifted heavy weights but have " since regretted hav ing done so, as the result was that I have st railed my back and ever after had, more or lean trouble from dull ach ing pains across my loins and other symptoms of kidney complaint. In some way Doan's Kidney Pills were brongbt to my notice and the first time I went to town I dropped into Dr. Stone's drug store and inquired about them. I was told they were highly rec ommended and advised to give them a trial. : 1 did so. And while I did tiot follow the treatment as regularly as I should have done, being a poor hand to take any kind of medicine, the hfctefit I derived from their use stamps hesn as a remedy which acts fully up to the representations mado f or it." For sale, by all dealers.; Price ofl cents. Foster-Milburn f'o Buffalo, N V., sole agents for the United States. Remember the tianie- -Doan's and take no other. . ! : r CAMPAIGN METHODS. Nobo.Iy but fly-gobblers will "bit at the yarns now in circulation about the bad coa lition of the Republican cam paign. According to these tales, tb eherk are not coming in. The corpor ations and capitalist decline brutally to get on the frying pan. Poor dear Mr. Cortelyou is sad. A horrible apa thy ad lethargy numbs are Republicans,- ' " This is the old Republican game, and PORTLAND RUSINESS Some of the Reliable Men and Concerns of BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES. Billiard and Pool Tables For rent or sale on easy monthly payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 49 Third St., Portland, Oregon. CLEANING AND DYEING. If yon nave clothes to clean and press, The Fashion Tailors are the best. Dyeing, steam cleaning and repair ing. Satisfaction guaranteed. 433 Washington 8W between 11th and 12th Portland, Oregon. ELECTRIC AND GAS SUPPLIES. Portland General Electric Co. A full line of electrical supplies carried in stock. M. J. Walsh Co dealers in mantels, grates, tiling, gas and electric chan daliers, supplies; .replace furniture. 313 Washington street, Portland, Or. egon; telephone 879 Main. Private Telephone Lines are being in stalled by all progressive farmers. The cost is small in comparison with the benflts derived. Get our estimates. Western Electric Works, No. 61 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon. FANCY STATIONERY. Wedding and visiting cards, also mon ogram stationery. W. G. Smith Jt Co . Washington Buildinf, Portland, Or. EMPLOYMENT ' BUREAU. The Old Reliable Pioneer Employment Company, the leading office in the state, furnishes the best of all kinds of help on short notice. Free to em ployers. 215 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. it .is a good one. The Bepublicans al ways strive to produce the impression that they nee I th uttermost cent an l vote that they can get. They are al ways warning against, "apathy" anil "nvereonfidenec. " It is their ' plan to searo their voters, to make each voter believe that he must ome to the polls. The Democratic plan or habit is to cultivate, in pnblic at . least, a brisk and rosy confidence. The Democrat are going to carry about everything. ' The Bepublicans are more modest or more crafty. They ; tegin ''apathetically." In the middle and toward the end of a canvass they discover large areas of ' apathy," start a little panic among their frienls in thi state an.l that, pump out more contributions and more votes. tTo take a comparison jfrom a sister sport, the ; Republican jway of estimating olitical chances is the Yale method donbtfnl. pessimistic. The surer thy feel the gloomier they talk. Old IMmoeratie hand like Mr. Gor man know this perfectly well; and are not duped. The smiling national com m ;t A.m. -m nk rarrie.1 their comrili- ments to Eaopus seem to have thought it their duty to promise everything. A permanent unoffieial national Democrat permanent unofficial national Democrat ic chairman, Col. Henry Watteraon, is already hymning a Democratic walk over: ; - v With the whole trend of public opin ion. North, Sonth, East an I West, net ting against them; the German vote a unit for Parker; the inlependent vote ,!.,.! ominmt- ' Rnoaovplt as it was it If mvii f(, ' - against Blaine; a million of out-and-.Hit eht Republicans baiting npon tne nnna. of the bottomless pit of absolutism and so forth. Indeed, it seems a waste of good money to havo a campaign. Meanwhile, what is the Hon. George Bruce Cortelyoo doing, a good man of business who knows' every Republican politician anJ a gTeat many corpora tions that are able to part with a choice eat of fatf Getting the machine powerful engine, and that the chief cn in order. Be sue that it will be a gineer, employed in the White House, mugwump as he nsed to be, knows how ta run the engine as well as an man in the business. ; ' :' -V i Subaeriptioa contest. Tea prizes for I90i. Get yonr vote la early. , STATESMAN: T3XDAY, CLTTEMXJIli 18, 1004. IS1 BIGTTOOICY CITY or SALEM WINS GRAVEL BAR CASE OVER 1L P. MINTO ET AI. FINALLY. . The Temporary Order of the Court Re . straining the Defendants from Inter . f exlng With the Sighu of the City Made Permanent by Judge Galloway. Judge William Gal Iowa j of the on. I ilfpartinent of llw Ktate " cirruit court, yesterday rrlefeJ a decision in the caso of the city vs.'H. P. Miato rl al., in which he f-u nd i a favor of the eity and ordered that the temporary order,' restraining the defendants from interfering with the rights and privi leges of the eity in taking gravel from the Minto bar be made perpetual. The text of JnJge Galloway 'a decision follows: :. ... t -Following is Judge Galloway's opin ion in full: 4 " Thi is a auit in equity brought in this conrt by the Tity of Salem ss plaintiff' against D. C. Minto, John W. Minto, John Minto and others as de fendants, to enjoin the defendants from interfering in any manner ith the al leged rights ad privilege of the plain tiff to remove gravel from a certain gravel bar annexed to that island sit uated in the Willamette river, in Ma rion county, Oregon, commonly known as " Minto 's Island." Tho complaint sets forth a written instrument entered into on the 13th day of March, 1899, between John Min to and M. A. Minto,' his wife, as par ties of the first part, and the City of Salem, as party of the second part, and aks the ourt for a perpetual injunc tion against the defendants, restrain ing them in any way from interfering with the rights of the plaintiff in re moving gravel from said bar; also as a consideration, among others, for the execution of aai-1 instrument by the. defendants to the plaintiff certain acts EYE SPECIALIST. D.(MiDersoiCin , Ey fclatlatt 4Y Has opened in Port- be North wett. Call nl tilu. -12S Btii at. FLORISTS. Prompt attention given to outside or ders on choice cut flowers and floral designs. We also carry a Urge as sortment of rose bushes. Thomas C. Bodley, 124 5th St, Portland, Or. ' U't.-'-IE0TELS.' -?:. The Imperial Hotel Co Phil Metschan, president; (UW. Knowles, manager; Seventh and Washington streets, Port land; Oregon. 'European plan only; 1 1, $1.50, 12. First class restaurant in ' building. - MEDICAL. Dr. Wing Lee, Chinese physician. He makes a specialty of treating those ' who have chronic diseases which oth er doctors fail to cure. "CIs skill is indisputable.. 280 Burnfiide street, Portland, Oregon. Portland Cancer Institute 18lVs First street, Dr. Voose, Cancer treated without knife; IS years ex perience.. Also catarrh, asthma, con sumption and all chronic and spinal diseases permanently cured. Consul tation free. Mail orders have imme diate attention. 1 Legal Blanks. Statesman Job Office. dono and performed by the plaintiff in and about the procuring of title by Minto to said gTSvel liar from the State of Oregon. The answer, after denying all the material ; allegations et forth in tho complaint,' seta up, by way of new mat ter, mutual mistakes in the execution of said instrument; that the instrument so executed is a mere license an.l there fore revocable at the will of the Xle fndants, and asks for a decree of refor mation jthat said iantnimcnt be de clared a mere license, revocable at 4 he will of the defendants, and an or ler re straining the plaintiff from further ex ercising any rights in or fnpon said land. . j ' .7 .The reply controverts the new mat ter set np in the answer." Under the pleadings thus set forth, in substance, and the; evidence introduced, the fol lowing questions seem to be involved: , 1. Did tho statn hold title in the gravel bar at the time' the complaint mentions tho plaintiffs as seeking title? 2. Under the pleadings and evi dence introduced, should the instru ment npon which the suit was based be reformed as asked for in the an swer! .' !: -'' " -i-.s.U 4 3. What is the legal effect of the instrument executed by the Mintos, and is it revocable at the will of the 'de fendants, or wholly irrevocable, The first of these question is dis posed of by a decision of our supreme conrt (Minto Vs. Deianey, 7 Or., 3371, wherein I it was definitely decide.1 that the stata of Oregon waa not possessed of title in said grael bar, but that, the same was the property of Miato, by renson of aeerl-tion. JTbia disposes of thM point, and it will not be Cviasid-ere-i further. J.,-'" 4ti' i The second qnestiori. as to whether or not this Instrument should be reform e.1, as prayed for in the farther and sepa rate answer; of defendants, I think should be disposed of In much the same way as the first. It ?ia to be clearl cstablishe.1 in all the-vases I have ex amined that where there is a mistake ! in a written instrument, which is mere ly one of . expression ' or in term suti as an inadvertance -or omission of the seriviner, equity will act upecifically in reforming tbe instrument lv way of correct bun so as to" pla?" both parties ' in tho portion they would have oeeu-' pied had the Instrument been first cor rectly drawn. To warrant the remOy of reformation, however, the mistake must hat been rnntual and must, if not admitted, lw clearly established by sat isfactory proof, as well aut the precise form an.l import of the instrument in tended. In this instance the proof of mistake 'is wholly lacking, and there fore this matter may be considered out of the ease. This brings us to a consideration of the vital question in this case. That U whether th instrument , executed by the Mintos to the Cityof Salem is a. mere license, revocable at the will of the defendants, or whether it is no. couple. I with an interest in the gravel that it la thereby irrevocable. Prepar atory to -leciiling the case, I have ex amined a large number of authorities, the majority of which , have found col lected in the notes to tho ease of Wool vs. LfNllk-tter, 13 Meeson & Well by's Reports, 840, 47, repoterd in the 16 English Ruling Case at page 49, and the case of Piper va. Brown, 49 Lawyers '-Reports, annotated, at page. 497, and must say that the authorities npon this branch of the law are very conflicting, and it would be with con siderable hesitation that I would ren der the decision npon this point that . 1 am aboot Jo announce, if it were not for the opinion of Jndge Iorl in the ca"e of Bingham vs. . Salene, reported in the 15th Oregon, at page 20K, which I (Wm applicable to this question. Therefore, tho decision of the conrt will be that the plaintiff has a vested right in the gravel, and the right to re move the same from th premises de scribed in the instrument set forth in the complaint an.l answer; that the in junction pray! for'inj plaintiff's com plaint be and the same is hereby granted. ; However, I think the! conditions men tioned in the instrument, as to the man ner and plaee of removal of the gravel should lie strictly complied with, and, while the court thinks that the failure of the city to comply- in not remov ing the gravel from the northeast end of tho gravel ha ris probably a proper subject for a law court, nevertheless D)l RECTORY Oregon's Metropolis. PHOTOGRAPHER. tsssssssssessssswsssssssssssss, E. W. Mocre, photographer. We make a specialty of enlarging in oil colors, crayon, or pastel. Our photographic Instruments are the latest and we have all the requirements for first class work. Seventh and Washington Sts Portland, Oregon. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. Blumauer Frank Drug Co Portland, Oregon, is headquarters for Photo ' graphic Supplies, Century, Premo, Po- co, Blair and Eastman Cameras. Ev - ery requisite for the Professional and Amateur Photographer. Write for complete catalogue. RESTAURANTS. Melrose Restaurant and Quick Lunch , Room. Surpassing' coffee. Neatness and Dispatch our motto. 270 Alder street, opposite Hotel Belvedere, Portland, Oregon. When in Portland patronize the Perkins Restaurant. Our service is second to : none at popular prices. Give us one trial and realise how- nice we will treat you. D. M. Watson, Prop. When in Portland, take 'the opportun ity to get the best 50 cent French dinner, with wine, in the city. Or try our Merchants Lunch served , from 11 to 2 p. m. 25 cents. The Ox - ford Restaurant on 6th St. Cor. Pine. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. Stamp Works, 249 Alder St, Portland. Oregon, 'Phone. Main 710, . Rubber . Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Brasa Signs, and Box Printing Plates. Send for catalogue. ' " having taken jurisdiction for other reasons, the court thinks that there should be incorporated in the decree theso restrictions on" behalf of the de fendants, and such will be the order of the eonrt.. . t In Praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarronoea Remedy. ' Allow me to give you a few words in pVaise of Chamberlain a Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy,' says Mr. John Hamlelt, of Eagle Tass, Texas. "I sxnffered one week - with bowel trouble and took all kinds of medicine without getting asiy. relief, when my friend, Mr. C. Johnson, a merchant here, advised me to take tbie remedy. After taking one dose I felt greatly re lieved and when I had taken tbe third dos I was entirely cured. " I thank you from the bottom of my heart for pot ting this great remedy in the banda of mankind." For aal "by all druggists. YESTERDAY'S BALL SjORES. " ' ' Pacific Coast League. - PORTLAND, Sept. ,15. Tacoma 7; Portland 5. (Twelve innings.; San Francisco; Sept. 15. Oakland 1; Los Angeles 9. , Seattle, Sept, 13. San Francisco 8; Seattle 6. . Pacific National League. . Spokane, Sept. 13. Salt Lake 0; Spo kane 3.' : '-' JC r We represent tbe "Royal, ' ril C -plwrnlx" and -Scottlah rMoiennin Union and National fire Insurance eompaniea. Be cn the safe aide and takeout a policy now. Hop insurance specialty. Wefnrniah nop tickets to our coalotuera. HOLVERSON A BELUE Bncklen's Arnica 'Salve. lias world-wide, fame for marvelons cares. It surpasses any other salve, lo tion, ointment or balm, for ent, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tet ter, Salt Rbenm. Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, . Skin Eruption; infallible for Piles., ttire gnarantee.1. laaiy aie at D. J, Fry. ruggist.; ' JHew Today HAY WANTED-STATE QUALITY ami price. Address Matbttiy ft Co 'Oregon City, Oregon. . FOR SAM: "BUB" THE IMUORT cl O. I. C. Boar, No. 51HI. Trice - reasonable. W. D. Wheeler, Ma cleay, Ore. - WANTED GOOD COUNTRY 'BUT , ter; 20 jtounda a week for eight months. Address at once "K," caw Statesman. I WANT TO BUY LIVE IIOCS AND pigs, also dicks, apnng chickens, and ; hens. I will pay tbe highest cash price for same. Qnoag Hing, 254 Lib erty street, Salem, Oregon. WANTED.-A GOOD SALESMAN. Can earn big money selling a roof and stack paint, made by the largest Roof Paint House in tbe world. Great Western Commercial Co., Seattle, Washington. LOST. LONG - FOLDING, BLACK, imitation Morocco pocket honk, con taining receipts and voucher for pen sirti. Had a rubber around all. Find er please notify James Rossell, Tur . ner, Oregon. ... ' TUB CAPITAL IM PROVEMENT CO. Do a general transfer busUiess. Deal in lath, wood, posts, saad, grav el, cement, fire brick, fire clay, wood fiber plater and cntractors supplies. Salem, Oregon. - REPORT CARDS OUR SCHOOL BE port cards are printed to . fit the seboV register. The prices are! cards for 10 cents; twenty five for 20 cents; on hundred for 73 : ents. Btatesman Publishing Co Sa lem, Oregon.. FOR SALE. Small farm, 124 acres, with seven room house; good water; fruits of good variety, including chestnuts snd walnuts. Place all in good cultivation. Just outside city , limits. Worth $1,100. For sale for $1200. Mrs. B. B. Webber, Dayton, . Oregon. NOTICE SEALED BIDS WANTED on or before tbe 18tl day of Septem ber, 1904, for the erect ii of a sehl house in School District No. .19. The general conditions, sjweifieations, etc., can be seen at the Gervais Oregon, Postofiie ra til 18th, Septemlier, 104. Bids will be examined in school house of School District No. .Ifi st 2 , o'clock p. m., on IWtb day of Kepteni ber,1904. The Hoard reserving the right to reject any or all bids. All bids should be' addressed to John Manning, Clerk District No. 59, Route No. 1, Woodburn Oregon. ' WM... BOW LEY;" . Chairman. FARMS FOR SALE-ANY KIND OR sire. HO acres, house, barn and or chard; six acres insult i vat ton. Team, wagon, harness, plow, harrow, cow and two dozen chickens. Four miles from town and onemiIe to school; price, $650; $50 cash, $300 in two years and $300 in six years, at 6 per cent. Everything goes for $(."i0 21 aeres, five acres in cultivation, no buildings. Lots of nice ash lottom and out-range. One mile to school, five miles from town. Tbis is a snap. Can rent farming land adjoining if wanted; price $450; $223 cash, bal ance on five, to ten years at 6 per cent. Write for price list, free. C. O. Burgess, real estate agent, Sheri dan, Oregon. LEGAL KOTICES. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given tint the un dersigned has been duly appointed, by the; County Court of Marion county, Oregon, administrator of the estate of Dolman Pugh( deceased. . All , persons having claims against said-estate are requested ' to present them, "duly verified as required by law, to lie at tbe law, office of John 11. and t'. L. MeNary, Salem, Oregon, on or be fore six months from date hereof. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 19th day of August, 1904. john w. ruoir, . - Administrator of the estate of Del man. I'ugh, deceased. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the'County of Marion, De partment No. 2. .Ida Steinbacb, Plaint iff, vs. Louis Steinbacb, Defendant. To Louis Steinbaeh, the sliove named defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon in tbe above , entitled court and suit, on or before the 30th day of Septemlier, 1904, and if yon fail to so appear and answer said complaint, for want there of, the plaintiff will apply to the. court for the relief prayed iot la said com plaint, to-wit: for a den ee dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and the plaintiff, award ing the care and custody of John Stein bach and David Steinbaeh, both minors, to the plaintiff; and a-decroe for the plaintiff's costs and disbursements against you, and such. further relief as may seem meet with equity; and yon will take notice" that tb in summons is served npon you bv publication thereof in the Weekly -Oregon Statesman, a newspaper published at Salem, Marion coonty, Oregon, forgone "a week for six weeks, pursuant to an order of the Hon. Ceo. H. Burnett, judge of said eonrt, made at Chambers in said Salem, Oregon, on the 18th dav of August, 1904, and the date of the first publica tion of such summons is the 19th day of August, 1904, and the date of the last publication thereof is the 30th day of September, 1904. JOnN BAYNE. - Attorney for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROP- ; , . '. - ':; ," ..ERTY. I Notice is hereby given, that by vir tue of an execution duly issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, tor the county of Marion ami to m directed on the 12th day of Angnst, 1904, upon a judgment and decree duly rendered, entered ot record and dock eted in and by said court on the 11th day of Angnst, 1904, in a certain suit then' fa' said rou'rt pending, wherein H. M. Wandt was plaintiff and Andrew M. Hansen, Herman D, London, John Stout and Lizzie Stout, bis wife, the E. T. Burrows Company, a corporation. W. IV Fuller St Co., a corporation, aod Nicolia Bros. 'Co., a eororation, were defendante in favor of plaintiff and against snid defendants by which eie cution 1 am- commanded to sell the profierlv In ssiid e-cutiii and herein after deeri)e.l to uav'the sum due the t plaintiff of nir-.e hnudre. and four and 61-100 (!04.1) dollars with interest 'thereon from the '1 Ith day of August, 1904, at the rate of eight It cent f-T annum tjntil paid, and the further sum of $:o.(VV taxes paid by plaintiff, to gether with interest 4hereon from tho 12th day of August, JS4, nt tho rate of .10 ier cent por annum until paid, and also for the costs and disbursements of said suit taxed an.l allowed i at $-7 and alsrt, to pay the sum due the .lefend ants Andrew M. Hansen, and Herman ?D..Iindon, partners as Hansen Lan- doa,'of seven thousand, six nunurci ami four ($7604) dollars, together .with in terest thereon from th 11th day of August, 1JXM, at thej rsto ef 8 per cent pec annum until paid, and for the fur ther sum of $300 reasonable attorneys fees in said ;-suit, an.l costs and ex penses of said execation. - I will on Satunlar, the 17th day of SeptemWr, 104, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the west V door of tlw ounty Court House in So lent in Marion" county, Oregon, s-ll at ' public auction to tho highest bidder, for cash in hand on tho day of tho sale, all the right, title, interest and estute which .said defendants and all ersons claiming underthem uiisequent to the execution of th mortgage descriU.l in plaintiffs complaint to-wit the lltb day of April, 1S9, in, of and to sa'nl niort gaged premises, ; the aaid mortgnge.l premises hejrcinWfore mentioned nro described in said execution as follows, ; to-wit: Iots one, -two and three in blok number 10 in tho city of. Salem, Marion county, Oregon. Saiit sale being made subject to re demption in tbe manner provided by law. '."" j Dated this 18th dav of August. 1W4.- W. J. CULVKK, Sheriff of Marion t'onnty, Oregon. For forty years Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberrv has been curing , summer complaint, dysentery, diarrhoea. bloody flux, pain in the stomach, mid it has never yet failed to do everything claimed for it. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR Cascaraor Chittim DarR Call or F Cm ll3!SC m Httt,ft Ht addrens I Us 11(1(15 Kalem. Ore. For GeneraJ RepaLiring Casfinri, Larfjc or Small, Brass Cast ings of All Descrip tions, we aro the best equipped of any this side of Portland. Our Slump Puller area Groat - ' Success . . If You Need a Drag Saw, Don't Fall to Call OnUs Salem Iron Works V .Sband & Marcus, Proprietors, Front and State. Phono 2343 Black SALEM, ORECON. IV e Keal FOR Inl a y e i - ' Eotate GAL E c that will jay 12 per cent on the investment. I Jig harf;nin!, now is the time lo buy. ? A 12 room bouse, modern, rood lot, located almmt In. the biislnesi center of the c ity. We have a ' denl cable tenant who will takealetHofurooeycaror longer at 130 -t month. '. This profierty ahould s-ll for $350o. It haa lieeii firiowl to, us Ua tiK, nclodlng some good furniturM. ' . - . i . , f A new 5 room cottago, full lot, located near rar line lu Yew IVrk. ICeuU ed to a good tenant at f 7 per month. This property offered for $700 - f 350 c ti , balance three yars at ti ' per cent. One acre of land In the . city limits a few bloc ks from rar line, for $100if taken Vson. , - Building -loUi in Yw Park fcr $100 each. Houses to rent, fire Insur ance. If yrwi want to txiy, . fell or exchange, mk me, : Room 11, over Red Front Drugstore. Corner of tm rue real and 8tat El. S. BMC LIFE-