Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, September 09, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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oarTLANP 8. - Western
TSSrf :-to"h- PHuj. Weatern
.IL,, Friday. Partly cloudy
I j!Mwy tbreaten'ug with sho
j0Sljr the coast; -warmer in interior
nrcroa anl Eastern Wasbing-
Partly clondy.
(from Wednesday's Daily.)
alnatiU SUawrtacks
TV farmers in the vicinity of Lake
ijjsk have been able to realize wrat
ttf 'f"m their trtrtak this sea
!, 14 the Lebanon' paper mill have
jined for all the straw in that see
which they ball an they would bay.
4 Aip t to the mill. '
Mfry Hop Picker
jl few days ago when the family of
jlr. Artbnr uirod, .iving at Lake. La
ib, bad gone, to a nearby bop yard
ffr the uav, a man wm caugni eneei-1
jug o entrance to their residence byj
t b-k window. Mrs. tiuHtave fiirod,
j(r. Girod's lhother, very bravely put
tb intruder to flight.
jjamlnatlon Fees
' S?at Superintendent J. II. Ackerman
TetreMay turned $f90 into the States
TrMnry which represents the total
amount of receipts of tbat department
t a result of the recent examination
of applicants for state t each em' cer
tificate. This money is a part of the
bol fund and reverts to the examin
itintt fond.
tots of Money
Few p eople appreciate fully wMt
ti bop harvest means to this city. It
in said tbat the banks here will, put
out at h'ast $100,000 in small coins
during the season, that is to - nay of
pieces of value lews than $5 each. Of
thin, fifty thousand dollar in silver
xi. I fiduciary coins is brought into es
calation. One bank alon has had
- U order 20,000 nickels, 0,000- l'im,
tail 200 quarters already for the
(nnvnience of the hop grower hi pay;
jf off thir bejp. All this mon-y
goes to the pickers. It t tor no oth
er purpose-
Burning of Bo ad House
Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Basey returned
yesterday from Woods, where they have
keen for the past few weeks. On their
war home by team they noticed the
bonie of David La no, an obi timer of
the Grand Konde country, just Iw-ing
consumed by fire. . Salem people w..i
greatly feel this loss, as they generally
stopped there over night either going
or coming.
Transcript and Appeal
Yesterday, Frank Holmes, attorney'
for Stephen Phillips, filed transcript, of
appeal in circuit court No. 1 in the case
of Oscar Cole,- administrator of the es
tate of Levi Bartmess, deceased, triel
in Justice H. II. Turner's court on July
2. Id 'this' ease the plaintiff "ened for
pasturage -for certain-- shf lbMging
to the defendant and secured judg
ment for $90 and $16.50 costs- and dis
bursements. From this judgment de
fendants appeals. "'"" .
tVew Idea and a New Store
W. Hobeon, formerly of. Tacoma, is
fating ready to open hi Ten t'ent
&?e at 302' Commercial street. The
wrs will be thrown open tt the public
It f o'clock. In -i the. Ten 't'ent Store
will be carried nearly every useful ar
tied that can be imagined. .There will
bono article, in the store that cannot
be purchased for 10e. t All Hie public
will have to 'do will be to take their JOc
pieces and carry away , tbe articles
whatever they rtay, Tane,y . or select. .
Greeks Again
It is said that th Greek laborers
who are employe 1 to the ciumber' of
one hundred on the railroad -betvyen
(Vmawa and Brooks are affect tog
the country similar to a swarm of.
Xrajwhnppers. , Not only is it alleged
that they have stolen' fruit and vegeta
ble by night, but that they go arm.d
istn the neighboring orchards by day
an.t R,rure what they wish, feeling, it
is sai l that their numbers and fonnld
aU'appearancp will prevent the farm
rs from makkig an attack ujorr them.
In onie orchard thy have not left an
apple or other bit fruit for the owner.
The City
Moved to Fair Grounds
The office of Secretary W. A. Moores,
of the State Board of A.f ricultnre, has
been moved to the State Fair Orouuds,
where (hat official may 1 found from
ow on until the close of the Fair A
main line - phohc will be installed in
tbe department today, thus alleviating
tbe trouble which has been experienced
' past years of getting "connection"
with , the headquarter of the. board at
the pavilion. The only telephonic con
ectbn which could be obtained with
tbe Pair Board in past years has heen
by means of the public telephone, which
bus been anything but satisfactory to
both tbe board ami anyone who desired
t reach them by this means.
Entertain the Convicts .
'Vpon the invitation of $perinten
C. W. James, of the penitentiary,
't the suggestion nf Superintendent
"aey of the Reform School, who gave
w hearty consent to the scheme, the
"form school band, comosel of oyer
!Wftj pieces, and of h loys of thu
'Witution, in charge ot Music Instruc
tor Beard, went to the prison on last
fsnJay jft.rnool anj gave a concert
chapel for the benefit and enter
'meot of the convicts. The Reform
"boo! baad has made wonderful strides
;,' u progress of lat and the clas-t of
uie Which the bovs furnish is of the
: 'test and 'best. The. concert was n
treat to the convicts who took
ty advantage extended them to dem
anstrate their anoraciation.
Wm B Great Help t
'. t n wi,h feeling akin tri joy
at the people of this city view
rk of improvemeat which Is going
" t the postoffice and it is to W
oofd 'that there will be no ceatbi
ntil the entire sita w ill hav hen
?V. ' presentable and sightlv con-?lt,:1-
' This, however, is a of
!nP!? Rinst hope, for it is not at
" bkely that the; job will be eompb't
v " That no appropriation wa made
7 vtn last Oongrea., for tbe 'improve-
of the postoffice grounds U a
nii- v m regret to the Saleni
j"we, bnt Postmaster Ilirsch. dWerm
to "Vk the best of the situation,
dirt going to wast as a result
of th railroad excavators on tb- 12th
street. If there, wa any amonnt of
money vailabU' for tbe p urpoe, tbat
tbi dirt Im takni advantage of since
it ewiild , Ie obtainexl for a ' -,ner
''n&J ' J 1 ?nw .that a limitel
amount has leen Slng up" from
omewher lown .leep in the recesses
of -the Unite! Stat" Treasury, avail
able for , tbe,y work, and, while 1'iwt-
nter Mirvh'.anriot Jiop to complete
the filling in of the entire ite, he will
fndtavor at" least to i have tbfu deep
gulches bWwe.tr -the terracc surround
ing the building and the sidewalks fil
led in which Wift improve th appear
ance of the sif. materially.
. : -J
Big Eeom at Krebsville
According to reports received from
th? Krebs' hop yard,- eight miles north
of t his city, things are tMirning there
sine, the- opening of tbe. h op picking
season which was fittingly inaugurat
ed 4i last Hatttrday evening. Last
evening telephonl word was r eceived
from Krebsville to the effect that at
a dance which was , giveB there, at
the, hall last nigbt, &0v dance ticket
were sold anl that, on aeenvnfe of the
over-erowdd 1 eon lition of the floor
the cataeitf being estimated at (Urii
eooples it wns found necessary to
stop the sale of tickets. The crowd
.at last nightS soiree was estimate!
at not less i than 2,000 people. P.o
ple attend from yards around the
country in a radius of 10 mile and
from this. city and other towns in the
northern portion of the county,
Working Up Breyman Tountain Site
For iwveral lays preparations have
been under wav for the work of laying
the cement sidewalk and the" curbing
at the end of Willson Avenue, prepara
tory to receive the Breyman memorial
fountain, and yesterdav Martin Viesko,
who has the contract, started in with a
crew of men to work in earnest upon
the job. The trench for the curbing and
drain has been excavated and prepared
for receiving the cement and Mr. Vies
ko says he will have tha,t part of the
work, which is considered very difficult
and tedious, finished iwthln a week so
that he can begin the laying of the side
walk. Mr. Viesko says that it would
be of great lenefit to bim and his work
Some of the Reliable Men and Concerns of
Billiard and Pool Tables For rent or
sale on easy monthly payments. The
Bnmswick-Balke-CoUender Co., 49
Third St., Portland, Oregon.
If you nave clothes to clean and press,
The Faanlon Tailors are the best.
Dyeing, stsaxn cleaning and repair
ing. Satisfaction guaranteed. 433
Washington St" between 11th and
12th., Portland, Oregon. ..
Portland General Electric Co. A full
line of slectrical supplies carried in
M. J. Walsh Co dealers in mantels,
grates, tiling, jgaa and electric chan
daliera, supplies; .replace furniture.
343 Washington street. Portland, Or.
egon; telephone 87t Main.
Private Telephone Lines are being in
stalled by all progressive farmers.
Thf coit is small Jn comparison with
the benfita derived. Get our estimates.
Western Electric Works, No. 61 Sixth
Street, Portland, Oregon.
Wedding and visiting cards, also moo
egram stationery. W. G. Smith & Co.,
Washington Building. Portland, Or.
The Old Reliable Pioneer Employment
Company, the leading office in the
state, furnishes the best of all kinds
of help on short notice. Tree to em
ployers. 215 Morrison St., Portland,
Oregon. '
if it would rain, as the dry, hot weather
is not good for cement. He is taking
gre?t pains with every detail in order
that the job will te a permanent one
an inure to his. credit and tbat of the
city in years to coiue. He hoies to have
made go.nl progress toward the comple
tion of the job lefore the expiration of
twelve da vs.
(From Friday's Daily.)
Low Water
The river i so low that the boats
have much difficulty in making tbe trip
Pnrtijn.1 . Tu PitmonA. in making
her MondiT trin ran aground of ionrl
.n.t a.a-M anil i MSr f i i ii I'll v
a a i-a . 1. A L. I . . Z
until 3 o'clock next morning.
On Tour of Inspection
(leneral Manager K. E. Calvin, Oen-
eral Superintendent J. P. O'Brien, Hti-
unntn,Ut 1.. II. Fields and Division
Engineer K. L. Dona hi passed through wijj f00w in the wakV of tbe discov
here yesterday oa a' sjecial train on a err.
tour of insp'tion of the ?outnern i h-
cific lines in Oregon.
Lost in the Woods-
Mrs. Wm. Welch and her sister trs.
Ooivle. bad quite a distressing advea-'eral
feel the exqeiaite thrill of motherhood with Indescribable dread and
fear. Every woman should know that tue danger, pain ana norror
of child-birth can be entirely avoided by the use of Mother.. Friend,
scientific liniment for external aae
a m a - -
uiitti ' nature la
work. ' By Ita aid thooaanda
of women have paaaed thia
arat eriaia in Derfect aafctv
and without pain. Sold at $xxo per f -if f)
bottle by druggiata. Our book of pricefeaa
.Valoe to all women aent free. Address , f
?v Wni protui
DfDtf bysUUoa
frVy irHwribe
I be Bitters U r
w 11 J A IWertmpli!!!!,
' ' )? Malar Ulfertr.
you i-ati make
in mistake in
trj Intra bottl
Try It.
tnre Wednesday evening. The ladies,
who were camped at Willard with some
other member of their families, went
fishing in the afternoon and got lost.
After wandering four ; miles in the
wrong direction, a farmer gave th'ent
their lienrings, but it was 9 o'clock that
night before they readied camp.
The Jury Disagreed
'On July Fourth Oharby Il4well had
a row with Wm. Ivie, a Silverton po
liceman, in a saloon there and in which
Ive suffered wvere contusions from
the fists of the former, and it was claim
ed at the time aided by brass knuckles.
At any rate, Ivie's cheek-was badly cut
and laid ojwn and Dr." Brooks had to
take a lot of stitches in if, Howell
was arrested but through the kindness
of some frieind securing possession of
a monkey wrench be got the door off
and made good his eseane. He recently
returneil to Silverton and atom! trial.
The trial took place before a jury and
Recorder Hammond yesterday. Tbe
jury after being out nearly all night
notified the recorder that it could not
come to a verdict, so it va discharged.
It. is said that the jury stood four for
acquittal and two for conviction. The
prisoner was then discharged. L. Reuch
appeared for the city of Silverton and
L. II. MeMahan for the defense.
A" Cottage-, fl rove dispatch says that
a a.tisation was created in that city
Tuea.lfiy afternoon by the liseovery
D. cnomDers 01 ctiicooo
Eye actallt
Has opeasd ib Poit
laiol, Orrirou. Berlin
he Koribwett. Ctli
139 vtb t.
Prob.pt attention given to outside or
ders on choice cut flowers and floral
designs. We also carry a large as
sortment of rose bushes. Thomas C.
Bodley, 124 5th St, Portland, Or.
The Imperial HoUl Co., Phil Metschan,
president; C. W. Knowles, manager;
Seventh and Washington streets, Port
land, Oregon. European plan only; $1,
gl.50, $2. First claaa restaurant . In
Dr. Wing Lee, Chinese physician. He
jnakfcs specialty of treating those
who have chronic diseases which. oth
er doctors fail to cure. Fia skill is
indisputable. 280 Burnside street,
Portland, Oregon.
Portland Cancer Institute 181 Yt
First street. Dr. Voose, Cancer
treated without knife; 15 years' ex
perience. . Also catarrh, asthma, con
sumption and all chronic and spinal
diseases permanently cured. Consul
tation free. Mall ordera have imme
diate attention. "
Legal Blanks. Statesman Job Office.
there of a rich le.lge of cinnabar with
i the city limits Mid that place has
suddenly gone wild over the prospect
of gold mining.
The cinnabar ledge was found on
Third street where a force of work
men was engaged in excavating the
main sewer for the city's sewer sys
tem. The rich find wa made at a
depth of only seven foet. Tb ore is
oxidized at the surface and pans a
stream of quicksilver two inches long.
Some of the ore. is of a very, high
grade, and the pay streak seems to be
an extensive one.
The news of the find came unexpeet
.tl.. Anl a a a nmiAl MOtlV T (1 1 InVP 1
I iv- a ii I as. awrr -..v , , .
riiiy. .. a ........
bv a thorough investigation. As soon
as it was found to K genuine gol.l ore
owners of property adjoining the street
on which the find was made begu to
investigate their holdings and the in
dications are that extaisive prospecting
Mrs. II. K. Abrv. Mrst Ianra Trvin,
and Hon. .1. W. Minto returned to Port
land yesterday, after attendig the fun-
of Mrs. John Minto.
l tha Jot of tho WmMnold. for wf&ocS
tt bo faappineae can bo complete. How
woet the pictnro of mother sm4 bobe
anjela gmilo at and commend tbe
At. ... L .n J an!vta f fVa tHAftta
Ben din j; ever tbe craeUe. The ordeal through
which the expectant mother mustpaae, bow
ever, b m fall of danger and ufferinj tbat
.K. IaaVb farwavrd ta the hour when ahe ahall
cany, wmcn tevgncna sau renosni
Urn. u v-
Plenty of Disc Plows .
' Judging from' tb? great pile of Bea
icia Hancock disc plows on the walk
a i runt oi tvt A. Wiggins-, place si
Liberty- Ht ' Halem, it would appear that '
thia rimpbwat hous. i.Tai.KfF0R g ALE ENGINE AND BOITER,
eallw to uiil the vigortMis advert issjg
campaign which Mr. : Wiggins beg,aa
on thes ' plow tbre years ago, at
which time he had hard work to get
th farmer to even : fonseot to try
t he new f t.u gle.1 plow. ' Today t here
are but few farmers in th Willamette
valley who, hav" not acknowledged
their value while tbe sales have grown
to enormous proportions. Verily ad
vertising pays tbe implement dealer as
well as any other merchant.
Self Protection
demands that yon b on th alert to
fee the yon get ; Painkiller (Perry
Davis) when yon ask- for it; some
dealers will try and persuadw yon to
tak something , elw, ; elaimd'to be
jnst as good; insist upon getting Pain
killer tbe remedy which has Wb the
worlds family , doctor for m .yeas; it
never fails to stop diarrhoea, griping
pains in th. stomach or bowels, dysen
tery, etc. La rgei bottles--25 aud 50
cents. . .- i
Another well known and highly re
spected pioneer of Oregon has passed!
away in the wife of Hon. John Minto,
who' died at the family home in this
city .yesterdav morning, September 6,
1904, at 9 o'clock. !
Martha Morrison Minto was born in
Missouri, December 17, 1831. She came
to Oregon with her father, Capt. R. W.
Morrison, who organiae' a company of
immigrants and brought them across
tbe plains with ox teania, in 184t. ney
settled on Clatsop Plains, in what is
rtow Clatsop county, where the Morri
son family has sver since resided.
Martha" Morrison became the wife of
John' Minto on July 8, 1847, and they
moved to Marion county where they
have ever since made their borne.
Besidqp her husband to mourn ber loss
she leaves the following children: Hoiij.
John W. Minto, postmaster at Portland;
Mrs. May Hawley Jasper, ,Jouglas C,
Oregon's Metropolis.
E. W. Mocre, photographer. We make
a specialty of enlarging in oil colors,
crayon, or pastel. Our photographic
instruments are . the latest and we
hare all the requirements for first
class work. Seventh aud Washington
Sts., Portland, Oregon.
Blumauer Frank' Drug Co., Portland,
Oregon, la headquarters for Photo
graphic Supplies, Century, Pronto, Po
co, Blair and Eastman Cameraa. Ev
ery .requisite for the Professional and
Amateur Photographer. - Writ" for
complete catalogue. J.
Melrose Restaurant and Quick Lunch
Room. Surpassing .coffee. Neatness
and Dispatch our motto. 270 Alder
street, opposite Hotel Belvedere,
Portland, Oregon. ' - " i"
When in Portland patronize the Perkins
Restaurant. Our service la second to
none at popular prices.: Give us one
trial and realize how nice we will
treat yon.- D. M. Watson. Prop. . -
When in Portland, take the opportun
ity to get the best 60 cent French
dinner, with wine, in the city. Or
try our - Merchants Lunch served
from 11 U 2 p. tn.J 25 cents. The Ox
ford Restaurant on 6th St. Cor. Pine.
P. C. SUmp Works, 249 Alder St
Portland. Oregon, 'Phone. Main 710,
Rubber Stomps, Seals, Stencils, Brass
Signs, and Box Printing Plates. Send
for catalogue. - '
and Harry P. Minto. She- also is sur
vived, by three brothers, William, Jef
ferson and Benton Morrison, and two
sisters, Mrs. Mary Carnahan 'and Mrs.
Hanah Hamlin, all of Clatsop Plains.
One great granchild also is left, Clinto
Minto Irwin of Portland. ;
Mrs. Minto has been a life-long mem-lx-r
of the Methodist Rpiscopal church,
and was generally beloved and highly
respected by all who-had the pleasure
of knowing her. The bereaved family
has the sympathy of a large circle of
friends. '
The funeral of Mrs. Minto will oc
cur from the family residence
at 3 o'clock this afternoon, lie v. P.
K. Knight performing , tbei , las nad
rites. Th interment will take place
at the I. O. O. F. cemetery. .
(From: Thursday's Daily,)
To Sing Monday Night
Mrs. Etta Sqnier Seley will sing
"Roses After Rain,'! y Liza Lebmann
and "Swallows," by Frederick Cowan,
at the State Fair on Monday evening,
at the opening ,C ihFair., iA4i ,
Dismal Smoky Days ;
These are tbe dog days, and tbe dog
don d est dogg days at that. The air -is
full of hot, suffocating,- trashy smoke.
and many are complaining of throat
irritation as a resultant effect of the
heat and smoke. After the recent rains
one could at least see across his, neigh
bor's lot, but that is almost impossible
at tbe present time. No reports have
been received that there are bad forest
fire raging, cither, hot the obi aage f? " - " ' iJ,ZriJ", Vk
... ,i.lt -k ..JDt the Mme duly verified te tbe
truthfullr savs that waere there's so
much smoke there ntust be some- fire.
Silverton is Growing -
There are maay evideaees of tbe rap
id and substantial growth of Silverton.
It is one of the best towns of the Wil
lamette valley. As - evidence of its
tli S. th r.i. that a avw.afcAlidav Of August, 1904.
room has been fittcf up. and there will!
be an additional tear he iu'fhe pnfcUc
schools. The salary of the principal
has bees raised jfroni.80 to 4100, a
month, and. there will. te nine months'
of school. ! Next vear the bnihling wOl
be raise.1 and a " substantia! . basement
put andcr it, and a tat water beating
system"wiU leinlnaileVL8"T ."?-:'.'
New Today
24 to, 30 horsepower. Portable Ad
dress or apply to W. B. MeCallister,
Prat urn, Oregon.;
Sign, also ducks, spring ehiekenw, and
ens. I will pay ' tbe highest cash
price for 'same. Quong Hing, 25i Lib
rjr street, Salem, Oregon,
Da general transfer biii.a.
Deal in btth, wood, posts, sand, grav
el, cement, fire brick; fire elay, wood
fiber plater and entractors Mippliesi
Salem, Oregon. f ' ;.
goo.1 country store of general mer
chandise. Stock and buildings, prob
able valu $3,000. Jfine location.
Terms cash. Call ai or A Idrcsa W? I
' Bristow, Airlie, Polk Co., Oregon.
port earda are . printed to fit tbe
school register. The prices are:
Twelve cards for 19 cents; twenty
five for 20 cents; one hundred for 75
eats. Statesman Publishing Co, Sa
lem, Oregon.' .':-.
1 1 " . 1 i
FOR SALE. Small farm, 12 aeres,
with seven room house; good water;
fruits of good- variety, includiag
cbestnnts and walnuts. Place all; in
: good cultivation. Just outsfde city
limits. Worth $1500. For sale for
$1200. Mrs, R. B. Webber, Dayton,
Oregon. : :- .
FOR SALE. Two acres fine garden
land, line' orchard and vine. Chicken
park, Cue eight-room house, barn,J
wagon snei, aweiiing nouse or shop,
and other out buildings, which I offer
' for trade on country store or farm or
i for cash, i Situated' in North Salem,
' two blocks from car track, live blocks
; from school. Henry F. Smith, Saleoi,
Oregon, R. F. D. No. 9.
on or before the ISth day of Septem
ber, 1904, for the ereeticu of "a school
houa- in School District No. 59. The
! general conditions, specifications, etc.,
can be seen at the Gervars Oregon,
Postoffice until lRthSeptember, 1JK4.
Bids will be examined in school
house of School District No. 59 nt 2
o'clo.k p. m., on 19th, day of Septem-'
bvr, 1904. The Board reserving the
right to reject any or all bids. All
bids should be addressed to John
Mantling, Clerk District No. 59, Route
No. 1, Wood burn Oregon. '
size. 80 acrea, house, barn and or
chard; six acres in cultivation. Team,
wagon, harness, plow, harrow, cow
and two dozen chickens. Four miles
from town and one mile to school;
." price, $650; $50 cash, $200 in two
years nod $300 in six yea rs at 6 per
cent. A Everything goes for $050." 21
. acres,' live acres in cultivation, no
buildings. Lots of nice ash bottom
and out-range. One. mile to school,
five miles from town. This is a snap.
Can5 rnt fanning land adjoining if
wanted; price $450; $225 rash, bal
ance on five to ten years at fi per
cent.'- Write for price list, free. C
O. Burge'ss, real estate agent, Sheri
dan, Oregon. -" ? " '
Notice is herVby .given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed, by
the tWuaty Court J' of Marion county,
Oreg6n, administrator of the estate of
Delinan'pugh, deceased.
All persons 'having claims against
said estate are requested to present
them, duly verified as required by law,
to me at the law; office of John H. and
C. h, McNary, Salem, Oregon, on or be
fore six months from date hereof.
Dated at Salem,? Oregon, this 19th
day of August, 19041 S .
Administrator of the estate of Del
man Pugh, deceased. - !' ' 1
.: t - ,. MENT. . ,
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern that r the undersigned
has been duly; appointed as the execu
tor of the last will and testament and
estate of Jacob C Caplinger late of
Marion county, Oregon, deceased, by
the county court ; of. Marion county,
Oregon. And all persons indebted to
aid .estate are hereby notified to make
immediate payment to the undersigned.
And all persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent the; same duly verified to the
wndersigned at the law office of Tilmon
Ford,' W. T. Slater aad W. M. Raiser
in the city" of Salem,' Marion county,
Oregon, within six ' months from the
date of the first publication of this
notice. - -- ; - - -Dated
at Salem, Oregon, this the 12th
day of August, 1904. V
Executor of the last will aad testa
ment and estate of Jacob C. Caplinger,
deceased.- ..'';' J
- ; MENT. .
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern that the undersigned
has been duly appointed as the execu
tor of the last will and tea tame at and
estate of Jane Caplinger late of
Marion, county, Oregon, decease J, by
the eonnty ' court of Marion county,
Oregon. Aad all persona indebted to
aid estate are hereby notified to make
immediate payment to the undersigned.
And all persons having claims against
nndersignel at the law office of Tilmon
Ford, W. TV Slater and W.-M. Kaiser
is tbe city ef Salem, : Marion couaty,
Oregon, within aix months ' from the
date of the first publication of. this
notice, y " ' - . (. ' - ? '
Dated JL Salem. Oregon, this tha 12th
v Eicfntor of the Ust will and testa'
"t astate of Jane Caplinger,
deceased. -.- .' '' :- '-.V-
- trmnrewt
Ta the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Marion count v. Myittie
I Hciilun; Plaiatiff va." Jmei' Ue-"
C.iaa, Defendant, Department No. 2.
To tbe above, named defendant Jaroe
Median; - - . . i
in tbe name of the State of Oregon,
yon arn berby. notified that July 29,
1904. is tfeo 4at tbe first publication
of this 8ummon; and that the publica
tion of thia Suanmoos i$ made aader
aad by virtue f aa ordc-, duly made by
Hoe. George H. - Boraetl as Jdge of
the aboventitld Court on July 20,
ItULl it rMHiiir Ikit ar M Af Summon
... . -. i i i . I
is iini sais.be nans vpoa you ut -ou-
lication of Summons once a week for six
Consecutive areeke in th Weekly Or
gon Statesman' newspaper of general
circulation printed and published week
ly- at' alem, in Marion county. State of
Oregon. Therefore, you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer tbe com
plaint Jlled against you jia the above
entitled suit en or be fore the last day
of the publication of this Summons as
ftpari fA iii-eail ortlorJ aail Inat
K;o mi-m fmwr, .n.l .fi thm
it of ta first nnUicnl ion nf
mom and said last day is the 9th day
of H.nnLr IQfli anl if fait
to Minr. for want thereof. rlai nti If
will anrJv.to th above entitle Court
for; the relief prayed for in plaintiff a
coraplalat now on- file herein, to-wit:
that th bonds of matrinonr now ex
isting' between plaintiff, and defendant J
he forever dissolved and held for
; . '- RD. TIORGAN.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
' -No. 8169.1
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oyegon for the County of Marion.
V YTtmnt Xo 2- Bertha Beatrice
Ivtfr, Plaintiff, vs. Ruben IX Tetar,
Defendant. .
To Ruben D. . Teter, the above' named
-defendant.- 1
In the name of the State of Oregon:
Ton are "hereby required: to appear and
answer the eomplaint filed against you
in tbe above entitled anit within 10
days from the. data of 1 the service of
this summons upon you, If served with,
in this county; or, if served in any
other county of this state, then within
20 days from the date of the service of
this eunimoBS upon you, or if served
within any other state, or by publics
tion in tbe Oregpn . Weekly Statesman,
and mailing-a copy thereof with a copy
of the complaint, then i you are com.
manded to appear and answer on or be
fore the' 12th day of September A. D.
1904, and in default thereof Plaintiff
will take decree, of divorce against yr.u
in accordance with the Sprayer of her
said Complaint. I
j.uis; iuuidmm is pniiisnei pursuant
to an order of tbe above entitled court
dated at Salem, Oregon, the 29th day
of July, A. D. 1904, directing that said
summons be published for six consecu
tive and 'successive weeks, in the
Weekly Oregon Statesman, of Salem,
Oregon, and the first publication of this
summons is made on Friday tbe 29th
day of Julv, A. D..1904.
, Attorney for Plaintiff.
.,: -H-SUMMONB. - "' " i :
fin the ( ireurt Cwirt f the State nf U
nf no - ikxiJir
part me
iff, va. Louis Steinbach ' Defendant.
. .To Loais Steinbach, the above named
defendant: i
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby', require! to appear and
answer the. eomplaint filed against yon
in the- above 'entitled court fend suit,
ba or before the 00th day of September.
1 904, aad if yon fail ta so appear and
answer , said eomplaint,' for want 'there
of, JUe plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed or in said com
plaint, to-wit: for a decree dissolving4
t. WJ ; ... ..
i uk iwBMt oi mairimony now existing
between you' and the plaintiff, award
ing tfcie rare. aad custody of John Stein
bach and David Steinlwch, Iioth minors,
to the plaintiff; and a decree for the
plaintiff's, costs and! .disbursements
against you; and such furl her relief as
may seem meet with, equity; sad you
will take notice, that this summons is
served upon you bv publication thereof
in the'Weekly Oregon .Statesman, a
newspaper published .at Salejn, Marion
County, Oregon, for once a week for
six weeks, pursuant te an order of the
Hon. Geo. I. Burnett, judge of said
court, made' at Chambers in safd Salem,
Oregon, oa 1 the. 18th dav of August,
1904, and the date of; the first publica
tion of such summons is the 19th day
of August, 1904, and the date of the
Jast publication thereof is the ,10th" dav
f 'Sept ere ber, 1904. "
. Attorney for Plaintiff.
-' ; ;' '' ERTT. '
- Notice is hereby gliven, that by vir
tue of an execution duly issued out of
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the county of Marion and to
met directed on the 12th day of August,
1904, npon a judgment-and decree duly
rendered.' entered of record and dock
eted in and bv said court on tbe 11th
day of August, 1904, in a certain suit
then in said court pending, wherein H.
M. Wandt was plaintiff and Andrew M.
Hansen, Herman' D, ' London; John
Stont and Lir.xie Stont, his Wife, the
E. T. Burrows Company, a corporation,
W. P Fuller A Co., a corporation, and
Nicolia Broe. Co., 'a corporation, were
defendant in favor -of plaintiff and
agaiast said defendants by which exe
cutioa. I ant eommaaded to sll the
property, in said execution and herein
after, described to pay the sum due the
plaintiff of niiie .hun'le'l and four and
1-100 ($904.61) dollars with uilerestl
thereon from the 11th day of August,
1904,-at the rate of eight per cent per
annum. until paid, and tbe further sum
of $75.08, taxes paid by plaintiff, to
gether with interest J t hereon from the
12tk day of Anusf, 1D04, at th rate
of 50 per cent per annum until paid,
and also for tbe eofit aaul diabarsemeats
of aaid suit taxel and allowed at $2?
aad also to pay the sum due the defend
ants .Andrew ,M..' Hansen and Herman
I. Laadoa, partner; as Hansen k, Lan-i
don, ef aeven thonsaad, six hundred and
four ($7604) 'dollars together with in
terest thereon from the llth'day of
August, 1904, at .tbe ate of 8 ber eeat
per annum antil -paid, and for the fur
ther nam of $00 reasonable attorneya
feea in said i suit,, and. costs and ex
penses of said execution.
. I will oa Saturday, the 17th dav of
September, 1904, at i the boor of' 10
o'clock a.. m. of said day at the west
door of the County Court House in Sa
lens in Marion conaty, Oregon, sell at
public, auction to the highest bidder for
cash in hand on the day of the sale,
ail ike right, title, interest and estate
which said defendants and all persons
claiming under them 'subsequent to the
Uxeention of th in..rtfci ;ri'', J"
'plaintiffs complvat to-wit the l Uh .iy
or April, leys, in, or
gaged prtroiaK the said mortgaged
premises hereinln-fore mentUwnfd are
described in said , execnf ion a follows,
to-wit: !.( one. two and three in
.. . . ...... tl.Jn.
rpwa aomir i m r..7 . .
,-Marwa county, Oregon.
; g bK"j to
demption in the manner provided
bv w,
IXited this lth dtv of August.
V V'. J. "1"LVKK,
Sheriff of Marion County. Oregon.
All who we- Atomlaers in treating
nasal catarrh will cet the bAt resul
jfrom Ely's liquid Cream Halin. Phice
including, spraying tnbi. 7.1 Cts. Sd I
'by .Iruggista or mailed, by Ely P.roa.,
W Warren St., N. V. - j .
? New Orleans, Sept. I, HmVO.
Mrsri. ivlv Hrt.. I .'od two iMit-
tK Of Tdiir UUHl rMm tlm
to M
aam-I'liHomff, Wm. I-amlertni, Hl"
chaise St , New Orleans; he ha
two Ulttlea. giving him Wrtll.lfrlul
and .
: s.illwaciory realms.
O EO. W. M,I11 FF, Pharmacist.
Rock Point Farmers - Dispose
Their Oata at Good Price .and
.' Are Happy.
The Rock Point grain iodl of Hock
Point,, near Sublimity, this county,
which has I wen holding its oats for the
past few weeks, has linnlly made a sale
thereof. The pool held 40.0M bndicls
of oats and had refused varions offers
at a lower figure, but ""they Anally ae
ceptel the offer made by Balfuur, (Jul h
rie Jt Co.,: of forty cents, lens) one cent
warehonsage, leaving a net ofj 39 cents
to the owners. I ," I
This is seven cents Jietter than they
received last year, and the renlt lias
leen of a corresponiling autinfatcion to
the growers-; of that " --district. They
have again proved thelue of organi
zation and co-operation, and even com
bination in this matter. In fact, there
are .some of these farmers who have
learnel by practical exjerience that the
''trusts" are not all Jo le cried down.
Farmers who have load ehei'Ks on this
pool are getting them cashed at the
Salem "oftie of the purchasers nt the
grain.' .'.--" - '" '
Basra the
, ire Kuid Yn Hast Hlways Baiit4
We r-preeiittbj',Ital,".
M MM y "Plieulx"
not fHioltkli
Union and
Nallonar' tire
Insurance iUj pan lei. Be ii tbe Kafe
able and lake out a xdiey now. iiop
lnsurauce etM'iialt.y. Wt furitinli Imp
tickete Ui our umoiii ra. j " '
Cascard otChlltlm BarK
Call or
9(1 HtaUt,
Haleui. Ore. a
Capitanratlbnal BanK
Of Haletu Tranaacta a (leneral Bank
ing; Buaitieaa. . "... j
7 Sayings Bank Department
three per ot-nt In'.cn st on Bav
inga acooC4lB.a CitniMHiiiiletl xeinl
annually. Dexiaite of one l6llar
or more revlvel at any tinie. I'sxa
liobk iaaaetl to each deotdlor.
H a v e
that will paj 12 per cent on
the investment. Big bargain?,
now is the time to buy.
f A 12 room house, modern,
good" lot, loiratetl alnioHt
' In . the lxtalnea cutt-r
of the city. We hav a
desirable tenant wh will
- take a lease for one 3ear or
; longer at $.'K) per ntootli.
" Thia pnqierty ahould sell
- for -IS50H. 1$ has Urn
firiced to us for tW.
nclnding aonie Rood
A new 5 room collage,
full lot, locatetl near oar
V line In Yew Park. Iteut-.'-
ed to a gciol tenant at $7
- per month. ThUnroerly
, offered for $700 - &.") c mH
batauce three yeats at (
' per cent. -)
One acre of land I n I he
f-lty limits a few Idm ks
from car line, for 1100 if
' taken soon.
f Building lota In Yew
Park for i on each J
IIouMee to rent, (ire lnsur
auce. If you waut to Iniy,
sell or exchange, see me.
Roem 11, over lied Fn.nt
Drug Htote. ,
Corner of fonimern'al and Ktttte
"' 1
fc ,
! .r :
'!( i
.,1 f
t,1 .