Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, September 06, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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la this day and age the character of
the educational institutions, end the
"urrotsuding Influences are first taken
into consideration by the borne seeker;
the possibility of financial sueeess is
the next consideration. . . '
Kalcm, eapital of Oregon, baa gather
ed people about iU ecuter from the
fact that la the past Ste schools have
Wen up with its necessities. Bat with
Balem V expansion, its . schools, ; while
(eling the need, hare sot expanded,
are not bfen enlarged in equal ratio.
TMa ia ra nt Urn TMihli alA1 t
is true of ite private institutions of
learning. This has been because Sa
lem's people hare ia recent rears look
ed too much to the utilitarian, and too
little to the aesthetic.
While neither the utilitarian nor the
aesthetie can be safely forgotten, the
mean between the two makes best for
both city and country surrounding. '
While the writer wonld not advise
Salem to endeavor to lead the entire
.procession with its schools', he certainly
thinks it best to hare them a little
ahead of its needs, all the time, than to
be behind its needs with them.
. Among the institutions that has giv
en Ralem a name in the past, and which
should keep it at the head in the future
is Willamette University. It has filled
a great field ki Salem, and should con
tinue so to do.
Bat Willamette is unlike some other
institutions in this state, organized for
the same purpose that, of giving ad
vanced education. It has uo aid from
th stat or government.
It is peculiarly a Salem institution
and if it holds its position with other
colleges and universities in Oregon, it
will do so through Halem and, Halem'
people. -0 That it has not grown more
rapi-IIy, and tbat it taas not continued
to out distance aid out class its com
petitors throughout the state, is be
cause of its lack of financial aid.
Moner inrested in publie school
buildings and in paraphernalia, and
implements of study, pay large inter
est on the investment in all places. Ha
lem ti busniess . houses derive benefit
from every person who becomes a part
of the population, whatever the motive
of dm taking residence here. Educa
tional facilities bring young men and
young women an'l parents with chil
dren to form part of the urban popula
tion. Lack thereof sends them else
where. Kvery man derives benefit from
increased population. How and why
are so welt wderstood that there is no
necessity of entering into a discussion
- But with this fact before their eyes,
Salem's present populace should see the
: necessity of adding to the facilities of
the Willamette University. The schools
at Eugctie city and Corvallis are going
ahead because thev have money. They
bring hundreds of pupils from abroad.
Halem 'a young men even go away
from Halem ia search of better equip
ped schools.
This is not to be laid to Willamette
University, . for it is doing all it can
with fls present means.
Today it asks for aid to supply not a
luxury but a necessity. Homething that
is a part of its growth. Bomethiag
necessary not only to bring new stu
dents' to . it in the future, but to bolJ
those it now hath.
It comes before' Halem's business
'I erty holders and ssys "Help me, tbat I
may par you1 a hundred fold."
The Medical Department of Willam
ette University requires more room. It
must have a building in which to house
its students, in which to tench them.
It can expect no aid from the state,
timet munt ask it of those who will
derive the benefit.
Since I Mi eitahlishment In 1867, this
'department of the University has grad
uate! 26o doctors of medicine. Among
these are tiames of men famous in Ore
gon. Men whose records prove how
good was thvir preparation when com
mencement day ww them begin their
battle with the world. Not one of them
that does fctot speak with pride of Wil
ls mete Universitv of Halem. But can
t hey continue to do so if Halem does not
aid in maintaining its standard?
Among these men, Dr. W. A. Cusick of
!.:.. : t w Li.i. ik. i a..i
graduate. He wss foUoweJ bv such
men as C. H. JUll, 8. K. Jesap,"W. 11.
Haylor, I. I Rowland, Ld D A. J.
Nirklin, O. I. Donne, A. J. Giesy,
Harry Lane, J. K. Pavton, Mrs, Angle
U Ford Warren, Dr. W. H.'Byrd. its
present Bean, and msny more fully -as
worthy. Of Halem's physicians of to
day, but few do not point with pride to
their "sheep skins" received at the
bands of Willamette University. The
new btiilling fc demanded, or the
growth of the school will cease. It will
not be ' very expensive building, it
will he a sightly addition to the cam
pus; but aside .'from these cousidera
tions its us will be utilitarian. It will
fill a place in the business world, and
if atated above its construction will
wean increased business for the Univer
sity; InrreascJ business for Halem's
merchants; increased attractiveness to
the. seeker for a place to educate bis
children; increased demand for reel
denee property; iucreased ralues of all
fired property.
' There were ten seniors, seven juniors,
thirteen sophomores and fourteen fresh
men hi the classes of 1903-04. Of these
twenty-eight were non-residents.
With a more attractive college build
ing who doubts that the attendance
from abroad would have Wen much
jrreaterf Members of the faculty say
at least it would have been doubled.
People may not realixe what this school
means to this city. The Xcenty-elght
non-resident students must have paid
. out at least 414000 during the year for
the necessities of life. How much
more their presence here brought to Ha
lem in a financial way can wot be told.
But they at least left here in one rear
a sum equsl to the expense of the
lufildlsg. Mid doubling the attendance
at the medical school means increasing
k greater ratio the attendance in the
literary- 'department's. Kvery pupil
thst eomet to the UutversHv leaves at
least half a thousand dollars everv
year. How much it is to the iuterest of
t'llem's merchants and room renters
sad boarding house keepers, street esr
rompaaies; and every one interested in
buwness for the school to have a good
ettendanee is readily teen. But the
fai ilitles for teaching must be thers or
the pupil will have no iodncemrutt to
come. . -- -
The proposed bunding is to cost 417
mo. ; -lateresi at ' 5' jer cent on that
amount is $S50 per year. Ordinary
i ii i 1 1 1 1 .i.i r f i : . i
College M
merchants profits are calculated ai an
eight per centum net base, and this rate
of profit on the 114,000 which tbe twen
ty-eight medical students from abroad.
alone, brought to Halem last year is
$1120. Then agaiu the students who
lira in Halem, and under other condi
tions mwt bava gone elsewhere to
study; the money they kpt here
should be calculated as a part of the
gain from the school. At any rate tbe
money to be : invested would bring ; a
good profit to th people of tbe town. -Of
the $17,000, tbe snm of $3300 is
already subscribed. The remainder
should ; not be ' difncult, ii those who
will gain5 directly or indirectly i? tie
matter si its right bsine light.
The Faewlty of the University or the
Board of Directors will arrange to see
that all bave an opportunity to aid in
this matter. Tbey are anxious to see
the corner stone of the building lai
this falU aud this should be done, and
the building ready for occupancy in the
spring.1 I
The College of MeJicine graduatid
its flrrt elans in 1867. There were three
in the elans, and but few instructors.
The faculty today is large aud able,
consisting of the following:
John H. Colemoti, D. President of
Willamette University.
W. ILiByrd, M. D.. Professor of Sur
gery, Surgeon to Halem Hospital, and
Dean of Facnlty. v
J. A. Bicbardscu, M IX, Professor of
J. N. Hniith, M. D., Professor of The
ory and Practice of Medicine.
A. B. Oillis. M. Dv Professor of Op
tbalmology, Khinology, Otology, and
laryngology; (pthalmologyst to Halem
R. Cartwrigbt, M D-, Professor of
Diseases of Worai.
J. I! II ill, B. 8., M- D.. Albany,
Orpgon." Professor of Genito-Urinary
Diseases and Byphillis.
W T, Williamson, M. D-, Portlanl,
Oregon Professor of Mental and Nerv
ous Disease.
W. D. MeNary, M. D., Btate Hospital
for the Insane, Professor of Physiology.
L. F. Griffith, M. D-, Htate Hospital
for the Insane, Professor of Materia
Mediea and Therapeutics.
Everett M. Hurd, M. D., D. M. D-. 305
Commercial street, Professor of Histol
,oirv and Bioloirv.
E. A.' rit-rce, M.. D., Professor of
Physical Dtagnoifc and Diseases of the
Chest; Hee. of the Faculty. .
J. B. T. Tutbill, A. M., Professor of
Chemistry and Toxicology.
G. H. Burnett, A. M., Professor of
Medical Jurisprudence.
F. E. Hmith, M. D., Professor of Ob
stetrics nud Embryology.
A. E, Tamsie, M. D., Htst Hospital
for thq Insane, Professor, of Clinical
Surgery and Dermatology.
W. Carlton Smith, M. D., Professor
of Anatomy.
Special Lecturers and Clinicians.
Irof. Albert It. Hweetser, Htate Biol
ogist, Bacteriology aud Water supply
Eugene, Oregon.
Woods Hutehinaon, M. D., Heeretarr
Htate Board of Health. Htste Health
Officer, 608 Marquara Building, Port
land, Oregon.
Hon. Andrew C. Hmith, M. D., Iresi
dent Htate Board of Health, Portland.
John D. fthaw, M.-f., Physician to
th Oregon Htate Peniteniiary.
I. W. Htsrr, M. D.
In the announcement for 1&04, the
following appears which will be inter-t
eating not only to students but to al
who desire to see the college go ahead
"The Faculty and Trustees of thr
Medical Department of the Willamette
University tske great pleasure ia this
the thirty-ninth annual fSLinonncemnt
since it afford us the privilege of re
cording a most successful year in the
history of 'our school.
"In Halem the moral influences sur
rounding the College are good, ehurche
of most ail denominations can te found
finely equipped Y. M. C. A. building,
where ail students can have aece4 to
free readaig room for a quiet hour of
study, or by taking out a membership
they are entitled to all privileges fount'
"Halem being tbe eapital of tbr
ntate. students attending college hen
will eome -in contact with some of th
nromkient and brainiest men of th
state,' and le rurrounlel by an atmos
phere of culture and Intellectual refine
ment' In the State library wilt be
found complete works uposi the prac
tice of medicine, a well as o ther booki
of reference, to which all students wil
have access, free of charge.
"It is now well understood thst thr
remilt of modern medical teaching, ir
comparistai with that of a decade ago
is the placing of the recent graduate ir
a position to cope with the prsctiea!
schooling him no that, when he is sud
denly called in a ease of emergency, oi
is so situate! that he cannot avail him
s'lf nf the helping band of an older
practitioner, he can set with ihtelli
gence and ability. To the elinieaf
method of teaebkig, in colleges of late
years, must be attributed this happy
change. To tho earlier years of strict
ly didactic teaching, are added those it
the clinics and hospitals, and. under tbr
direction ofhe teachers in the variore
branches of meliclne and surgery, he' b
made to evolve his own diagnosis ant1
plan of treatment. Repeated practice
of this sort puts into available work in,'
shape the knowledge of the processes
of disease, materia medica, bacteriolo
gy, chemistry, biology, etc., trained b
the laloTatorlei; and, alove all, fits th
graduate for the practice f medicine
"The members of the Faculty, bear
ing in mind tbe importance of clinics
Instrnctiwo'evote the utmost attentior
to this aspect of teaching.
"Abondant ojtHrt tin! ties are offere-'
the student, not, as o freqnently hap
pens, simply to set?, but to examine p
tients, make diagnose and suggest
"Besides the regular rlinics bdd at
the ! hospitals, students are invited
whenever practicable, to see eases of
interest in , private practice, and te
witpeas and assist in private operations
"The bonrs for elioies are so arrant
ed as to interfere as little as posstbfa
with tbe other work.
The street ears to the different hos
pitals pass directly ia frout of tbe eob
lege building, making all clinics easily
seecsmble to the students."
An idea of the scop of the Medics)
College's work may be gained by the
Tbe following outline, drawn np from
the point of view of the student, is
progressive, covering a period of four
years, aud shows the work required of
a candidate for tbe degree of Doctor of
Medicine. 1 i ' 1
Tbe -exercises for tbe aeademie year
1904-05 begins October 3, 1904, and tbe
last day of lecture is March 30, 1905.
The number of hours, unlese other
wise specified, indicates tbe total num
ber of the entire academic year.
Xlrat Tear. ,s
Leetures aud Recitations: Osteology
and Hyndesmology, 48 hours; Histology
and Biology, 24 hours; Hygience and
Sanitation, 24 hours; Chemistry, 72
hours; Materia Mediea, 48 hours.
Laboratory Works Practical Chemis
try, Practical Histology, Surgical Ban
daging. Dissection: One complete eourse.
:;!rJ.: . Second Year.
Lectures and Recitations: Chemistry
and Toxicology, 72 hours; Materia and
Pharmacology, 24 hours; ; Embryology,
24 hours; Anatomy, 72 hours; Physiol
ogy, 72 hours; Therapeutics. 72 hours;
General Pathology, 24 hours; Hygiene
and Habitation, 24 boura.
Laboratory Work: Chemistry, Pathol
ogy, Pharmacy. i .
Dissection: One complete course.
Third' Tear.
Lectures and Recitations: Therapeu
tics, 48 hours; Anatomy, 72 hours;
Physiology, 72 hours; Normal Ausculta
tion and Itecussion, 36 hours; Opthal
mology and Otology, 48 boura; Laryn
gology mad Khinology, 24 hours; Prin
ciples and Practice of Medicine, 72
hours; Surgery and Surgical Anatomy,
48 hours; Gynecology, 48 boura; Physi
cal DiagDoaiss and Diseases of the
Chest, 48 hours; Medical Jurisprudence,
24 hours; Mental aud Nervous Diseases,
48 hours; Diseases of Children, 48
hours; Obstetrics, 48 hours; Dermatol
ogy, 24 hours; Orthopedic Surgery, 24
hours; Pathology, 24 hours; Bacteriolo
gy, 12 hours; Genito-Urinary Diseases
and Syphilis, 48 hours. "
Dissection: One complete course.
Clinics at Halem Hospital, Florence
Hanitorium, and State Hospital for the
Fourth Tear,
Lecture and Recitations: Surgery
and Surgical Anatomy, 48 hours; Op
tbalmology and Otology, 24 hours; Lar
yngology and Rhkiology, 24 hours;
Principles and Practice of Medicine, 72
hours; Gynecology,. 48 hours; Physical
Diagnosis and Diseases of the Chest, 48
hours; Medical Jurisprudence, 24 hours;
Mental and Nervous Diseases, 48 hours;
Obstetrics, 24 hours; Disease of Chil
dren, 24 hours; Dermatology, 24 hours;
Pathology and Bacteriology, 48 hours;
Genito-Urinary Diseases and Syphilis.
48 hours; Orthopedic Surgery, 12
Laboratory Work: Pathology and
Clinics on all practical subjects at
the Halem, Hospital, Florence San i tori -um,
and State Hospital for the Inaane.
What Ia life?
In the last analysts nobody knows,
but wa do know that it is under strict
law. Abuse that law even slightly,
derangement of tbe organs, resulting
in Constipation, r Headache or Liver
trouble. Dr. King's New Life Fills
quickly re-adjuts this. It's gentle, yet
thorough.. Only 25c at IX J. Fry'a Drug
Says He Will Come to Salem With the
"Solid South" In His Favor And
Will Be In the Race UntiU the Se
feree Calls "Time" At the End '
(From Saturday's Daily.)
Hon. W. I, Vawter and Hon. Hugo
von der Hellon, toth of Medford, aud
Representatives-elect from Jackson
county, were in Salem day before yes
terday, having arrived on the morning
train from Portland, at id departed for
their homes on the overland train lat
night. Mr. Vawter, who is a candi
date for tbe Speakership of tbe IIou
of Kepresentatircs, stated tbat he wss
here on business primarily, but admit
ted tbat, incidentally, he wa looking
out for his interests in his candidacy.
When interviewed by a Statesman re
porter last evening, in regard to the re
port that be bad practically withdrawn
from tbe race and that his defeat was
pretty well eoneeded, Mr. Vawter said:
"However the report gained circu
lation I am sure I do not know, but tbe
rnmor to the effect that I ha J practic
ally withdrawn from the Hpcakershi;
race is an entirely erroneous one for 1
nerer hare bad auy mich intention or
thought since I first announced my can
didacy. "All that I ' have to say is that 1
have been strictly in the race from tbe
beginning aud it is my intention to
tay with it until the finish. I do not
wish to pose at to being too confident
in the matter but I want to say that 1
will come to Halem ki January with
practically a solid delegation or follow
ing from the Southern end of the state.
I have assurance of tbe
support of the members from Klamath,
Jackson, Currey and ouglas counties,
and although I do not wish to place any
claim upon them I feel morally certain
that I will get hearty support from
other delegations such as Coos and
Lake counties, and then I know that I
have friends an other parts of the state
upon whom I do not wish to place any
-laims as to their support. I am simply
resting oa my osrs, or rather saying
nothiog and sawing wood aud letting
the other fellows do the talking .
"I bare jirst eome from Multnomah
county and tbe Northwestern part of
the state, well yes, I might say in tbe
interest o my eampaiyu, and. I must
ay that, while I do not care to brag
or appear In thst light at all. I must
say that I feel very muck eneoursged
orer the way things look to me. I bare
nothing whatever to say a to the csn
didacy of either Mr. (Kay or Mr.
Bailey, both of whom are personal
friends of mine, sud I am certain tbat
there will h uo hard feelings, between
us as a result of tbe fight for tbe ebair.
So'far as I am concerned I am going
to coaduet a clean campaign said I have
reason to believe that they, will do
likewise. : - :"
"I do not see upon what ground they
claim tbat my defeat is coneedeJ at
thia stage of tbe game for I think tbat,
Krn. th. nVht is over with ther will
bare cause to feel tbat I was mentioned
r,1a at 1aat Tn due coarse
of time I will bare a corps of good bard
workers ia tne neia, meinaing
others Congressman Binger Hermann
and my colleague Mr. Von Hellen, and
from that time on I intend to work
the thing for all there is in tt. J. came
here to look after some business ha
which I am interested and I do not
,-a ..vinv that, incidentally. I . am
always looking out for ray interests in
the political line."
Shown Great Growth During the Month
of August New soou.
Tbe president of the Salem Publie Li
brary Association reports for the month
of August, 607 patrons of the library
and reading room, ninety-one persons
receiving books and that 348 books
were issued to members. Of the books
issued, 86 per cent were fiction.
A number of new books have been
placed on the shelves, among which are
tbe following: i
A set of American History (7 vob)
given by Hon. J. N Laws of Astoria,
containing The Colonial Era, by Fisher;
French War and Revolution, by 81oane;
Making of the Nation, by Walker; Mid
dle Period 1817-5e5), by Burgess; Civil
War and Constitution (1859-63) (2 vol.)
by Burgess; Reconstruction and Consti
tution, by Burgess.
Ten volumes of juvenile: Birds of
Oregon and , Washington, by Lord;
Young Bank Clerk, W infield; Play
ground Tom, Ray; True to the Flag,
Henty; Doughnuts and Diplomas, Jack
son; Boys of Fairport, Noah Brooks;
With Wolf in Canada, Henty; Tom Tur
ner's Legacy, Alger Dorymates. Kirk
Munroe; The Half-Back, Barbour, given
by Prof. L. R. Traver.
Three volumes: Six Months in the
Sandwich Islands, Birdl; Study of Man,
Haddon; Eugene Field's Little Book of
Western Verse, given by Mr. M. Welch
of Portland. ' "
History of Oregon (4 vol), by Lyman,
presented by Mrs. W;- H. OdelL
Year From a Reporter's Note Book,
Davis, given by A. P. Smith of Bourne,
Oregon. '
. Three volumes from Mrs. F. W. Spen
cer: Red Pottage, David Harum, and
Key to Uncle Tom 'a Cabin.
. Thirteen volumes from Mrs. A. N.
Bush:. Wellsley Stories, Crook; Ten
Thousand a Year, (2 vol.) Warren; Men
of tbe Merchant Service, Bullen; Log
of a Sea Waif, Bullen Sack oi Shak
ings, Bullen; With Christ at Sea, Bullen
Deacon Bradbury, Dix; From India to
Mars, Flour noy; Oa Board a Whaler,
Hammond; A Thorough Mongrel, Town
send; Mickey Finn's Idylls, Jarrold.
Nine volumes from Mr. Woodward of
Portland: Wilder (Quarter Century
Book, by Prof. Wilder of Cornell Uni
versity; Baedeker's London; Text Book
on Nursing, Hampton; Fonr Roads to
Paradise.) Woodwjn; Roberts' Rules of
Order; Prescott s Conquest of Mexico;
Preseott's Conquest of Peru; The Yoke,
Llixabetb Miller; Homer's Odyssey.
- Fact. Fancy and Table, bv Reddall:
Minna von Bon helm., by Leasing; The
Castaway, by Rives; Three Musketeers
(2 vol.), Dumas; American Revolution
(2 voL), John Fiske; Resurrection, by
Tolstoi; In the Palace oi tbe King, by
Crawford; When Knighthood Was in
.Flower Major; Foster's Physiology
(18 vol.), presented hr Mrs, Keluher.
Five volume from Mrs. Geo. Irwin:
Ben Ilur; Evolution of Indentieal Soci
ety, Ely; Geogrsphicsl Influences in
American History; Provincial Typea in
American Fiction; Literary Leaders of
America, Burton.
I.rfuisiana Purchase, Howard; present
ed by Mr. Jss. Putnam: Hage of Waha,
Htaeev. presented by Mrs. T. T. Oeer;
The Virginian, Wister, presented b.y.L.
J. Berkley. Minneapolis: Tbe Crowsinsr.
Churchill, presented by Mrs. L. R.
Trsver; Desert of Ice, Verne, Bible
Reading, presented- by Mrs. K. C Hal
ley; Famous American Actors, McKay,
presented by Mrs. A. H. Dcvers, Port
land: Century of American Literature,
Hmith, presented by Mr. A. Devers
of Portland; The Grafters, Lynde, pre
sented by Dr. T. Currie, Willard, N. Y.;
Presidential Addresses (2 vol.), present
ed by President Roosevelt; People's
Cyclopedia (2 vol. quarto), presented by
Mrs. it. H. Raymond; Papere, presented
by Ella Hirscb; Magazines and Papers
presented by Mr. Milton Smith, Port
land. The library now contains 793 volumes.
E. L. Gilbert Reports From Lacomb
Shingle Mill May Be Rebuilt
at Once.
(From Sunday's Daily.)
E. L. Gilbert of Lacomb, one of the
owners of the shinirbi mill rr-ntlv Am.
stroyed and which fire eitended to tbe
wwmi rnnuing conaiuersoie damage, was
in the city yesterday, says the Alba ny
Herald, and left on the afternoon train
for home. He reorts that the firm lost
7 .1,H0 shingles, but their mill was not
a total loss as a croml ttortion of th ma
chinery was saved. Ther will investi
gate conditions, and if it is found that
tne eeuar tiraher bas not sunered
mnch from the fire. tliv will rat.nil.l
tbe mill and resume operations soon.
John DavenfKirt, who resides near tbe
Cameron mill in the mountains, was
also in tbn ritr vnlluv an I alb.l
of tbe fight made against "the fire f iena
t . At A mi a . a
m urn section. iDe Cameron mill was
in great danger and nothing but the
heroic Work of the fire flcrhtttra auvat it
from destruction. They bad warning of
tbe approach of the fire and barrels of
water were placed on the roof of the
mill and when the fir ,lr un. tha
roof was kept wet to prevent tbe blaxe
from getting a foothold. Aside from
the mills burned the reports show that
tbe losses-wer llo-at. rar auvtinn f
the green forest having suffered as most
at I a m am" a. a a
or tne nres were in tne old deadening.
Similar reports are coming -from nil
sections of tbe county, and from
throughout the valley, and . when the
country is thoroughly canvassed it will
S - at ! a. S a a
iviiBii von vne reports or, losses as
received during tbe past few weeks
were greatly overdrawn, and tbat com
paratively little loss resulted, t
WASHINGTON, Sert ,2. Carroll D.
Wrieht. Commissioner ttt th Korean nf
Labor, today said he would resign from
me omce at tne end of tbe present year.
He will devote bis attention ta tia An.
tie in eonpection with the presidency
of Clark College.
Willamette Valley Electric People
Have Made Examination ef Their
Proposed Routes P ortla nd Southern
..Surveyor Have Beached Canemah.
(From Saturday a Daily.) ' I
Tbe electric railroad movement in
tbe valley has not closed down at all,
nor has it gone to 'sleep. Th.i peopld
at Eugene thst are .backing the Wil
lamette railway Electric , have . b-en
busy lookkig over the ground that they
-xpeet to build over; tbe Portland
Southern surveyors have reached Caae
inab on their way north from this city;
the Dallas-Salem, road will be up for
discussion before the Salem Commer
cial Club on Monday night and the
Rosedalc people discussed the matter of
tbe Saleni-Liberty-Roscdale extrusion
last night. So there are things ia the
air and they may all develop soon into
The Willamette Vall-y Electric Rail
road people say they mean business.
They have been doing " stmts of hik
ing' all over the uppr valley, and
the Daily Register says of the men and
their proposition:
"Col. J. F. Wilson, W. J. Wilsey and
J. M Eddy arrived yesterday from their
trip via Florence, to CoosxBay, return
kig via Roxcburg, in the interest of the
proposed Willamette Vallev IIectrie
Railroad, recently rncorjorat"d for one
million dollars, and of which Mr, Wil
son is President. V
'When wen at the oflice of tbe com
pany yesterday, the goitlemen express
ed ihemselvcs as well pbdsel with the
country through which they Lad travel
ed. They were enthusiastic over the
outlook for the Coos Bar country, and
pronounce the route an ideal cne.
' Messrs. Wilson and WiUey have
uow been over the entire route of th
proposed line, which aggregates about
300 miles, including construction on to
Portland. ' '
" 'We are ready to 'build the line,
said Mr. Wilson, 'and the route from
Portland to Coos Bay will bave our
first consideration. We found tbe peo
ple of Coos county anxious for tbe rail
road and bonuses -aggregating 100,000
were offered us, together with free light
of way practically the entire route, but
we started to build the line without
bonus, and that is tbe way it will be
built.' When asked about their future
movemaits, Mr. Wilson stated that the
next step wo uld be to secure the righ
of way, make surveys and build t
power plant. Their engineer is exact
ed here in a few days,cand an esti
mate of tbe eost of tbe power plant
will be made. It is intended that nf,
less than 20,000 horsepower will be used
tbe plant costing $250,000 to . $300,000.
We find there are various place along
tbe route where abuudancf ,of Kwer i
available on terms sstisfactory to the
eompany. To-build the line will re
quire over five million dollars arid tbe
eompany i are 'already flooded with la
tere from Eastern parties who are
anxious to buy bonds. The money i"
ready when the time comes for con
struction.' " 'We are not asking anybody f
a bonus,' said Mr. Wiscn, 'but we
want the morel" support of tbe people
in the enterpriee. aud the best way of
getting the public back of us in this
big undertaking is to let the people
along the route take some stock in the
enterprise To this end we have de
cided to put 30,000 shsres of stock, on
tbe msrket, to lie taken by people
along tbe proposed line. Tbe shares
will be $10 each. If tbe people take up
this $.'100,000 we will know that they
are wtth us in an effort to 'develop the
country and revolutionize traffic, put
ting the country forward with a bound.
Our propositim is that six years from
now, or in. 1910, we will take tbe stock
off their band, at par. or let them keep
it, whichever they like. The most of
them will want to .keep it for It w-ill be
a good safe investment. Men of eap
ital prefer electric atock to that of
most any other.'
"Mr. Wilscsi leaves in a few days,
for Prescott, Arizona, to close up a biy
mining deal. Mr. Wilsey will remain
in the city and look after the business
of the company."
Following this a Corvallis pajer has
tbe following:
"An import wilt concession Mia ben
secured by the County Court of th
promoters of the electric rsilroad I .
(Jounty Judge Walters, ft is an agree
ment for tbe "free transportation for
road building material over road tli'
may le traversed by the proposed lines.
This ineludes gravel liaul'mj, and MI.
in ease the line muterializes, m.iVe
road building cheap and easy off
routes covered by tbe electric r I. '
Tit is certainly is a gtNxl proinmit'on
for the county and really means that)
the County Court vslues 'tho f ri:Uchie
that it offers to the company.
Tbe Portland-Salem Line.
Referring to the Portland Nouthern
a tetgram from Oregon City has the
following: . .
"The party of surveyors that i
making the preliminary aurvey for the
proponed Portland-8eJem electric 1'm
were at work in the vicinity of Cane
mah today. This information waS giv
en by n member of Hhe party. At Cw
emah the stakes are being set along th
bluff to the south of this suburb, which
confirms the belief of matiy that the
proposed line wfll effect a juncture 1
with the dine of tbe Oregon Water row
er k Railway at Canemah and. prove
but an extension of theOregou- City
Portlasid electric rsilway." 4
' . '
Davenport, Aug. 2S. John Nicols,
living upon bia farm near towti, has n
freak cow among his berd thst Is a
greater curiosity than tbe exhibits in
most eireus side 'shows. Tbe animal it
a full-blooded Shorthorn cow, ,7 earf
old, and gives sat abundance of rich
milk. Growing from ber neck, just be
hind the left shouller, is a welbdevel
oped leg. The limb is about 15 rue lies
long and seems to be fastened to the
backbone at tbe ueck. Tbe hoof is one
inch in diameter aad is about four
inches long. The unnatural leg has a
well developed bone ajsld. showing
tbe toe, knee and hock perfectly. The
animal is quite a euriosity in this ace
tion and all who bave seen her pro
nouuee the freak to, be a great rarity.
Sara They Should AU Come and See the
Good Roads Implements and Machin
ery in Use and the Practical Lessons
in Good Roads Construction.
Judge John H. Scott, both as presi
dent ef the State Good Roads Associa
tion, and as county judge, is worling
hard in the interest of the good roads
exhibit which will be made at tbe State
Fair this year. Aa president of the
Association he has sent out notices to
all the county judges of the state, call
ing attention to the proposed exhibit
and requesting them to notify all of the
road i " supervisors in their respective
counties of the same fact and request
thieir? attendance. As county judge he is
following Lis own advice and sending
out notifications to all road supervisors
in this -county, apprising them of tbe
demonstrations on publie road construc
tion to be carried on at the Fair, during
the entire week, and requests that each
one attend the Fair, one or more days
todeatn what they can of proper grjide
building and also to attend tbe rnir ou
Friday evening, upon which occasion
there will bo a discussion of the good
roads question. )
' He also calls attention to the illus
t rated sterioiiticon lectures on road
building to be given on r riday evening,
- - a. a- a a a
September 10, ly Mr. James v. AO
bott. Director of Public Koad Inquiries
of Washington, D. C, and also that
lion. Binger Hermann, who bad been
invited to deliver an address upon tbat
occasion, upon the subject of "High
way Improvement." Judge Scott re
ceived a reply from Congressman Her
maun yesterday afternoon, accepting
the invitation and notifying him tbat
he could ue depended upon upon tbat
Judge Scott also is in receipt of a
communication from Manager Stone of
the C. & K. Railroad, stating that be
would furnish a carload of granite from
tbe enormous deposit along his line,
near Detroit, and that the material
would be delivered at Albany thia week.
W. K. Coman of the -Southern Pacific
Company, has j also consented to bring
. MISS M. D, EVANS, Proprietor
We attnotjrtcie fbr Thursday, Sep.
tember 8, our
of Autumnal Millinery
From a style ttaiidpojiit thia allowing will be of n.ii-h imrrlnee U
very lad r, b-'ing tbe flr.t rxfiose f the Idewr accepted by leading au
thorities as th itioat rrect liiterpretatdtoe of the arawm's modes.
v The display will b-J ery large ctrtiiprelienslve sbowlug of milli
neiy for every rriv, the smart hata for street wear as well as the
more eialiorate crcatbrtih fur the swell functions.
AJPull U1n of
Hop Pickers Remember
That wc nre pi-f parcel to KUpjiJy yoii with vilah!s of -all
kiDiU Biiila11 for camp life;. IIbiiim iiim! .won, muim
gooil, vr nm clicw, ! Money lm"k for any iinfcl t.-fa,
tory nrlh lr. Try 'u' . -
,: ' . ;. : OHOCUKS . j
Phone 071 Cor. Commerclul ntid Court
If you ar f?yn horn to your cbildiiwf bomb thi
year, rt!njtlr that the NOItTHKKN- I'AO KIC lca1- Ut
rybolyfi home. T . "
You can g ly wy of Ht. Vntti to WtU'uzo.1 or HI Imi.
pd the?o rwh the eutfre Eat ami South: Or; yon ran go to
Du!nthf itid from there twe either the niiUiuea, or ons of th
uperh lJake Hfeabtetrrt down the lalca to Detroit, Cleveland
Erie, aud lltifla'o the Pan-Ataericau City, ;
Start right and you wi!rprobts)ly arilWat yonr deft'na
tlon alt rijjUt, and, to start riht, use the Northern Taciflc, and
preferably the "NORTH CO AST LIMITED" train, in advice
after IAV 5th. ;
Any local agent carne rates.
A D I fH API TDM Aseleta-it Oeneeat 7ssns;ee M tint,
the car of granite from Albany to tbe
Fair Grounds over bis line, and do all
else necessary toward the furthering of
tbe interest ' or tne gooa roaus move
ment at tbe Fsir or elsewhere. Teams
are also engaged ia hauling material
from tbe basalt rock delimit south of
this eify and heavy boulders from the
river to the I air Grounds to be used in
the road building demonstration.
It is figured that a portion of objert
lesson work in -road building will be
carried on ear b der of the Fair amount
ing ia the aggregate to atiottt "K) f
a.' rsd. into the grounds from the wrt -gate.
The demonstrations in road grsd
ing will be carried on in the open space
in tbe rear of the main - avilion, where
a stretch of grade will 1 constructed
one day and tore up and rebuilt the
next, throughout, until the lat day
when the grade will tie allowed to re
main aa a ermanent exhibit. All of
the latest Improved road machinery
will be used in this road building work,
consisting of graders, plows, harrows,
rock crushers, steam road rollers, gravel
screens,, sprinklers, etc. From the man
ner in which things are shaping them
selves it now looks as though the god
roads exhibit will le one of the most
interesting and educational features of
the big exposition. ' j .
Turned Nearly Half Million Back Into
Treasury aa Unexpended -"
Balance. .
WASHINGTON', Sept. 2. -Colonel
John M. Clem, chief quartermaater of -tbe
Philippine Diviin, has been rep
rimandeil by General Humphrey, qnar
termasier general, for his art ion ia
lUIIIlUK a..ruia ill.- DUIU
04 423,XHI as unexpended balanre"
of a nnroitrlat ions for the laM fincnl vor
when, as stated at the War Department
the money was actually iieodod to meet
the exvcnses of army transportation
and other work of the quartermaster1
deportment. Ha id servire wa etnbar
nsscd by t'leui's actHn as it seriously
interferes with the work of the qiisr
termsster's department. Money, buying
been turnetl into the treary, is -now
beyond' control of the- War Department
anil officers, ami jt will have to be re ap
propriated by Congress to meet existing
obligations. It i not unlikely Colonel
Clem.will be relieved from his present
duties and re-called to tbe United
ttio Clhrritti
BMrstks A