Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, September 02, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    isly;.; cnraoir - ztatzzzimj tztday, trziizzz 2. isaL :. j
H is tor ieal
LONDON'. Aug. 30. A dispatch
from Liao Yang to s news agency
under date of August 0, says::
"The Japanese artillery fire only
erased at 8 o'eloek this evening.
The casualties' have not been ascer-
tained. .The third Russian corps,
repulsed the Japanese assault, "the
Japanese being burled back no less
than six times by bayonet charges. ,
Two "Japanese companies whieh
succeeded in . occupying a Russian,?.
position were mistaken for Bus-"
. sians and were annihilated by the
Japanese artillery fire. .
"At 4 o 'clock in the afternoon
the Japanese concentrated their lire
on the- Russian southern , detaeh-
ment " and .also - tried to outflank
the detachment from the right unv
der-tbe protection of the batterie.
4 Flanking Movements Repulsed. I f
' "One eompany'after another was
noticed running swiftly to the
westward in attempt to outflank
the positions, but the Russian reg-
iment and battery were ordered to
, advance, and Succeeded in forcing
the enemy to retreat in disorder
evacuating the positions they had
previously gained. ,
More Energetic Attack. f f "
"There has been an immense e "
penditure of ammunition through-
out. the day especially on the south-
ern front against the Russian third:
"corps. It is believed the Russian "
losses so far have not been very
heavy except, to the regiments
which sustained the bayonet vharg-.
es. A more energetic attack is ex-
pectcd tomorow morning. It seems
tha Knroki s forfe did not partiei-
pate in today's engagement. The
morale of the Russian troops is ex-
Historical Moment Arrives.
' Liao Yang, Aug. 30. A Russian eof
respondent of the Associated I'ress sup
plies the following:- "The histories!
moment has arrived and the battle of
Liao Yang. is in progress. It was not fl
o'clock this morning when the first gun
was fired, but soon afterwards hundreds
of cannon were thundering along our
southern and eastern fronts. The cen
ter of our position was located near the
famous tower of Liao Yang, about sev
en miles to the southeast. The fighting
there was of a most desperate charao,tr
but is now going on nearer the flanks.
"lleavy guns were brought into ac
. tirni by both sides today and a dull
roar is discernible above the sharper
detonation of field and noiintsin guns.
:'Tho Russians are nti'iy big ord
nance, whiph is in position in the inner
ring of the Liao Yang forts."
Guns Near
Ht. Petersburg, .
Liao Yanj.
ng. 3. The latest
telegrams from the front state that thet
Japanese have 12uv. guns near
Liao I
Yang. Several telegrams from General
In Addition
IrifWJ JOOI& Spice Co.
ifrfl fl fl f 1 TOLKD onto. .
II .a.....JA r9fi nnn nn Cash to Lion Cntree users in
lU lialC UWl.lUvU LVtVUU$VU 2139
Five Lion -Head
Coffee Package -a
tamp entitle you
cut from
and a 3
(in addition
the regular free premiums) to
one vote. The a-cent itamp, cov
era our acknowledgment to yoU
that vour estimate la recorded.
Vou can send ' a inany
mates as desired.
Orisrid FIr3t Prlzo of $5,000.00
will be awarded to the one who Is nearest
correct on both our World' Fair and Pru
dential Vote Conteit. i ' j- ' ; ;
We also offer tVOOO.rt) Spec 11 Cash PrJses to C.rcen
Clerks. (PactkuUrs la each esse el W Coffse.) r, ;
How Would Your Home LqoU on Onbiof Thddb CKocKo?
swn m BftBirti to ret aeoeslnted with It. yon will be suited and
Everrborlr uses coffee. If yon win use
. m i m
nAiiri-Particulars In Evcrv. Packoce of
- VUllip'viv wum - " . - . .. . ( , , - - .
1 n-ii-i:-".77t,'rri.r
..VO O LS 0 M C PI CE CO.f 1 (CO
dSigfti if
SakaharolT. were received duiing,tbe
day and forwarded , to the Emperor.
Tbeihav not yet been published. .
Port Arthur Sends Messages.
Chef oo, f Ang. "30. The following dis
patches have been received from Port
Arthur; "All is', quiet on the eastern
front. The guns-on Quati Hill and. the
shore batteries irueeessfnlJy bombarded
tne enemy on the western front. The
Japanese have occupied the nuarantine
station at the village of Day an go w.
The battleship Sevastopol went out this
morning to bombard the enemy in Tabe
Bay,! but withdrew under cover of the
batteries "upon the appearance of the
cruisers Kuga and Nisshin with, a de
tachment oftorpedo boat.' -
August 24. Last nignt and this
morning : the Japanese delivered. : three
assaults on the Baredoutny battery but
the-ttiemy were driven off by shrapnel
from, the rear, with' heavy losses.
" August 25. The Japanese are hurried!-
entrenching at the foot of Oug
lovaya or Corner Hill, to the northeast
of Port Arthur.
"August 26-1-There has been no
ehasge." ..
( Japanese Attempts Repulsed.
St. Petersburg, A.ug. 30. A dispatch
from Mukden today says that in a stub
bornly fought battle which has been
in progress near Liao Yang this morn
ing, all attempts of the Japanese to
turn the Russian flank have been re
pulsed. It is said at Mukden the Jap
anese lost over ten guns but details
have not been received here. '"
The Battle of Liao Tang.
St. Petersburg,' Aug. 30, The great
battle of the Liao Yang, which began
early , on Tuesday morning, raged
throughoot the day with, increasing in
tensity but up to this hour no further
official details beyond the two brief
telegrams given out in the afternoon
imvH uecn rrc;eirii me war omcw.
Every confidence is expressed in
Kuropatkin's ability. to meet the Japan
ese assault on the grounds of his own
ehdosib'g but 'the city is hungrily await
ing further news.
Immense Army Engaged.
The Japanese' forces engaged in this
battle can only be estimated here, but
they are believed to numtier about 2C0J
.00 men, Kuropatkin is known to have
six, army eorps besides 147 squadrons of
cavalry in which great confidence is
reposed, bringing up the Russian total
to about the same number that t the
Japanese have. How the armies com
pare with regard to artillery is not def
initely known, though throughout the
war the Japanese have shown a great
preference for this arm and great skill
in its use. Reports from the front eredr
it. tpe Japanese with having about 1200
guns' and many mountain batteries. I
i Heavy Guns in Position , ' J
Kuropatkin, in addition to his field
batteries, has a number of very, heavy
CASES mm MM to Users of
foihs Regular Frcq
people get checks, 2130
- Lion
What will
ptite for
etc., as follows: ',
Second rtice
a rrtses 1500.00
JO Prises lOO.OO
r SO rrises 1 tOXX)
4 60 frtses SO OO
3ftO Prises 1Q.OO
lUQq rrUes . O.OO
a 139 mzzs.
rirw rns ..........................
A: " r"i.7.vVrhrinrfjht's wfivwe adertlse.
svk a -a c mr m.- s tm aHnn irn in arer a. m. is is a
- Nbw;C)n
guns 'placed at important positions at
Liao Yang, where the Russians have
been strongly fortifying for some time.
The Japanese claim , to have captured
two field batteries during the past two
days. Russian official accounts admit
the loss of only six guns. It is stated
a Japanese battery was captured south
of .Anshaashaa during the preliminary
fighting and several Japanese guns have
been 'destroyed since then.
Little of the strategic situation has
developed so far. ; Omeial news from
the front says there is desperate fight
ing on the southern center, while from
information from other soorees it ap
pears the Japanese are endeavoring to
turn the Russian right from the neigh
borhood of the junction of the Taitse
and Sakhe rivers. The fighting on the
western flank appears to have ap
proached within three miles of Liao
Yang. ;-.'
Port Arthur News Reassuring. '
The news from Port Arthur up to
August 26 was reassuring. The account
of the . battleship Sevastopol having
gone out August 23. to bombard the
Japanese in Tahe Bay does not men
tion that vessel striking a mine.
4 NEIt - ,
LIAO YANG, Ang. 30.-(10 a, m.)
From 5 o'clock this morning up to 9
o'clock there, has been an ineessant
shower of shrapnel. The heaviest can
nonading is coming from the south
east, where the Japanese evidently have
numerous guns. Deadly shells are burst
ing everywhere, their white smoke be
ing distinctly traceable, against the
dark foliage'of the mountain sides. The
Japanese are searching the whole country-
side with their fire, selecting cer
tain squares of territory on which,-for
a few moments,, they mass a bail of
shot and shell from all their guns. They
then pass to another square, thus work
ing the whole field with mathematical
precision, from right to left. In this
way, the entire Russian front has been
systematically ; searched in the first
four hours of the eannonadiirg. Then
comehced the general Japanese ad
vance along the whole lice.
: WALLA WALLA. Wash., Aug. 30.
The work of constructing the sample
road bv government experts will be
eomenced in Walla Walla October
This was decided yesterday at a meet
ine of the county commissioners,; the
city' council and J. W. Abbott, govern
ment good roads representative. The
road will be two miles In length.
half mile of it-will be built in the city
and the remainder in the country. The
expense, estimated at $4000, is to be
borne by the eity, county and the Bla
lock Fruit Company.. If tne expert
ment proves1 satisfactory ' tne county
plan in buildmg neW'rWads' In this
ty ja future. ' .,. ...
our Great World's Fair Contest-
more will get them in the
be tho total popular rota cast
for ' President (vote . for ail can
didate combined) at tha election
November 8, 1004 ?
In 1300 election, 13.959,653 people voted
for President. For nearest correct esti
mates received In' Wool son Spice Com
pany's office, Toledo, O., on or before
the .nearest correct estimate.
nrize to the .next 1 nearest, etc..
eacn ...
... ...... ,JSSSJ
.................. lxxjjno
t fOoooo
TOT At, - S 30.000 XK
us k 1 11 " 1 im t
Said to Have Been Terrible Loss of
Life In Battle So Par.. .
On Both Sides.
Japanese 'Keep Working To Turn . the
Busttian Plank Latter Claim to Have
Captured Japanese Troops and 'Arms
No Japanese Seports. '
LIAO YAXG, Aag. 31. The sec-
bnd - day 's battle commenced at
dawif. The Russians made repeat-
ed bayonet advances on the-road
directly sooth of Liao Yang where
the Japanese approached from ban
Quai Ship and Tao, shelling the
positions in the Russian lines until "
4 o'clock in the afternoon, when
the engagement, which was gener-
al throughout the sontbeast, nsr
rowed to the main line. . I
The'Japanese adranee on 'the
southeast was by way of the Feng
Wang coeng road. Immediately
in front of the Chiao Entnan, the
the Japanese stubbornly attempted
to occupy round topped hill
which was literally shaved by Bus-
sian shells,- making repeated at-
tempts the entire day where it was
apparently impossible for anything
to live. The cannonading con tin-
ued from this point to the vicinity
of Wang Paotai until this evening
without apparent advantage to
either side. . ' .
The Japanese dropped shells
within two or three miles of the
railroad station and In the plain of
the Wentahu . moantain, whieh is
the . most important eminence ,
around Liao Vang, but the Japan-
cse abandoned the aggression there
on aceount of the resistenee they
met. There was a cannon fire last
night and this is expected nightly.
The day fs. developments show the.
Russians are prepared for aU emer
gencies. A slow rain began to fall
at noon, gradually transforming
the plain into a wilderness through
whieh the wounded, ia carts and
walking, are tonight making their
way to the Hospitals.
Considering the facale of the
day 's operations, the number of
Russian wounded is apparently
small, while the Japanese losses
"are believed to be great, especially
where they were repulsed on the
south road. ,. Developments are ex
pected to the west and northwest.
Axe in Death Straggle.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 31. With
the knowledge that the . Bussian
and Japanese armies about Liao
Yang are locked in' a deaf h Strug
gle, the tension in Ht. Petersburg
tonight is strained to the utmost.
It is believed the fight cannot stop f
"""" " VMM. vx
side or the other.
The' highest "military authorities
here consider that the if out critical
stage of the battle has not yet been
reached and they believe the fight
may continue for some time before
either side acknowledge defeat.
Losses Most Be Terrible. '
It is thought here in view of the
numbers engaged, desperate as-
saults and the length of the line
(about seven mile) the losses in
the two day's fighting cannot fall
short of 10,000 on each side. Both
sides are straining every nerve,
realizing that the fortunes of the
war fo"r the whole yesr are in the
scale, and neither siue is in a mood
or position to spare men in an ef
fort, to achieve the final victory.
Russians Capture Prisoners.
Tn the preliminary fighting on
Monday the Russians captured 200
prisoners ,wbo have already arrived
at Harbin, and the report persists
that they captured over forty Jap
anese guns yesterday.
The JaJpanese on Wednesday
morning attacked three sides of the
Russian position. One of the As
sociated Press . correspondents also
mentions the -Japanese advance to
the northeast ,of LJo Yang, show
ing the Japanese. were nafloubtedlv
trying to w6rk around; Kuropat-
Ilia's rear. - v" ' ;'. .
. japs use sanoons.
, $ - The Japanese tjf pn Wednesday
to locate Russian ' guns 'and trench-
es. One of the Russian eorrespon
. dents j of . the Associated... Press
vnnis otji inai ine .iripanese sent
np a balloon shortly after daylight
to the southeast of Iia Yang.cThe
Japanese are reported ' to' be -using
them in order to drop sheila fB the
Russians.' , positions.,. .These are,
probably Ugh ; angle, , howitzers
which were reported in action ear
lier In the week . . . .
PORTLAKD. Ora, Aug. 3-.-The As-
sociated Press sends out the. following:
ihe , Aew,: silence regardJuar the
battle of. Liso r Yaoe which beiran
with . a disnateh to the Associated
I'ress direct from the battle field late
on Tuesday night wae broken by dis
patches receivtfli yesterday saviaa the
fighting has becu resntned at dawn that
morning and the -firing- extended, all
along tha-entire laaeomV sevea mtUs
in extent. A dispatch from-Liao Yang
was received late in the afternoon, mid
told of a repeated ndvence on the road
lirectly South 01 Mao Yang, where the
Russians shelled the Japanese positious
until 4 o'clock In the afternoon, when
the , engsgemetit," which waa" general
through the South and Won t beast rnar
rowol to the mala line, tanhonsdaig
eestiaued until evening without advau
tag on either side... s
The sudden e'rmjnstioaiof direct dis
patches gave rise to the belief that
rommnaicatieu hal leen rtijt- North of
Liao lmj, but it is unofficially stated
from Ht Petersburg that this inference
is incorrect." - 'J'-' J ' - r
' apV.TUFnc rnssiate Left. '
A' Liao Yang .lispatch fikd at 7:21
m., sayi the"7atan,se 'were get tin 2
round the Bussisn left flank, while a
effected an advaaee along the railway
to the t$outhward, from which direction
rc:n;:sTEJx:3Fc-,a a mx."zvs
Awarced ; highest honors
World's Fair. Highest tests
U. & Gov't Chemists.
Frl:3f Ezfizz Pctri:r Co.
the Russians retreated .before the bat
tle of .Liao Yang began! ; ;
Beporta reaching St Petersburg" are
to the effect that the results hare so
fsr, been favorable to the Russians.
.. Immense Forces Engaged.
Dispatches estimate the Japanese
force at about 40,000 men and the Rus
sians, from 170,000 to 200,000. .There are
with them from 600 .to 1,000 . guns en
gaged on each side. According to of
ficial Japanese dispatches neither con
testant realized any visible suceess. ?
J No Besults. Bealired Yet.
Tokio; Sept. i: The battle of Liao
Yang is progressing without any ap
preciable result. The official Japanese
dispatches of late yesterday say that
neither contestant has resized any via;
ible results. .:' . ,Z
' 0
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That
Contain Mercury, -
as merenry; will surely destroy the
sense; of smell and completely derange
the whole" system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Such ar1
tides should never be used except on
prescriptions from reputable physicians,
as the damage they will do is ten-fold
to the good you can possibly derive
from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man?
ufactured by P. J. Cheney k Co., Toledo
Ohio, contains no mercury, and is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure
be sure you get the genuine. It is tak
en internally, and made ia Toledo, Ohio,
by t J. Cheney & Co., Testimonials
; oia by druggists. 1'rice ?oc per
bottle. j
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
Married at the Purvine Home In Spring
Valley Yesterday. '
The residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Purvinefc in Spring Valley, Pok county,
was "the scehe of a very pretty home
weakling yesterday afternoon wben Miss
Purvine beca me the bride 'of Mr. Eu
gene T. Prescott; Bav. 1L A. Kctebum,
pastor of the First Presbyterian Church
in tylifilyf performed, the , marriage
eerenonyiin the presence of about fif
ty fri"h.Is'an 1 relatives of the contract
ing-artir. The beautiful 'country
home of Mr. and Mrs. Purvine had been
tastily decorated for the occasion with
a profusion of cut flowers and. Autumn
leaves. At the hour of eleven Mrs. Jor
dan Purvine sang "O Promise Me'
after which the bridal party appeared,
led by Miss Violet Anderson, as brides
maid, and Mr. Monroe Purvine as best
man. The bride an J groom , with Miss
Pauline Remington as ring bearer, com
pleted the 'party. Tbey were met in
the front parlor by the ofliciating clergy
man, and as the party stood .under a
pretty: bell of chrysanthemums and
ferns, the usual ring ceremony was con
ducted. Mr. Kctchum then presented
Mr. and Mr. Preseott to the assembled
guests and a shower of congratulations
followed, after whieh all repaired to.
the spacious dining room where a light
lunch was served.
The bride is .a- daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Purvine, and is well-known
In Marion and . Pork counties. The
groom. was for a u timber of years a res
ident 01 aiem ana is now engaged in
business in LaCrtiter, Washington. Both
have a large circle of friends, as was
shown bv the large, number of beauti
ful wedding presents, bestowed upon
them yesterday. Mr. an.l Mrs, Prescott
left u the sfternoon train . J or
LaCenter, where they will make their
home. . I;--. . -
Of All Hot Weather Enemies
of humanity cholera is the worst. Treat-
msnt,to lie effective must te prompt.
Wbenvomiting, purging and sweat an
nounce that the disease is present, com
bat it with Perry Davis Painkiller. AH
bowel troubles, like diarrhoea, cholera
morbus and dysentery are overcome by
Painkiller,- .
bride's home at 249 State street, Sa
lem, Or, Sept. 1, 1004, Mrs. Mattie
Hutcbiss. to Jos. Kotinson, city re
corder Judah, officiating.
WAiE-YATES -At the Marlon county
rourt house, Salem, Oregon, Wednes
day, August 31. 1904, at 5 o'elfwk
f.jm Miss Ephles Yates to Mr. Wil
iam R. Wade, County Judge John II.
Scott, officiating.
gon, August 31, VJO, by County Julge
J. II. fwolt, Edna Breed of Msrlon
county to Archie Ferguson of Albany,-
TUCK EBHOLM E& At the Salem
Hotel, i4alm, Oregon, Tu"sday, Aug
ust 30, ld04. Miss Mary Alice Holmes
to Mr. Alvia Tucker, County Judgs
i John II. Scott ofBciating. . v :
Tv bride in the above instance is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. G,
Holmes, who rewde South of this city,
while the groom is a prosperous young
farmer of the Rosedale neighmorbood.
EOFF-flo East Baleui, on Ferry and
Twentieth streets, at 8.05 TbursJay
morning, Sept. 1, 1U04, Nelson Eoif,
aged SO years, 3 months aad 24 days.
Deceased was a son of Wm. Eoff.
geo. p. iroaircs.
Themany residents of Salem were
deeply shocked yesterday morning to
read in the Statesman of the death of
their well-known fellow citixen, Georft?
Priugle Hughes, head of the John
Hughes Company, who die 1 of heart
failure at the Florence Sanatorium on
Monday night.
Ceorge Pringle llugbee was the eld
est son of the late John Hughes, siid
was born ht Salem, May 29, l$-$. He
was educated at the Willamette Uni
rersitv, graduating ia the class of 1S73
as a Master of Arts.
Ia the fall of that year b entered
Ileal! 's Busaiess College at San Fran
cisco, at that ' time the greatest com
mercial school in the West. Returning
to Salem in the spring of 1S79, hj took
his place again in his father's store, a
place from which he never retired un
til rv became the head of the business
by his ltber's death. lie had charge
of this business first during a long
sickness of his father when he was but
fifteen years of age.
i Mr. JInghes was a strong character,
a capable business man, and took a
great deal of .Interest in politics, both
local aad National. He was a Republi
can and a good campaigner.
He jolnei the M. E. Church when
about sixteen years old, was a member
of. the Illihee Club, and a member of
the B. P. O. E. He was a member of
the A. F. and A. M of the Knight
Templar, an J a XobVs of the Mystic
Shrine. " '- '
He leaves a mother, a brother. Alder
man J. Frank Hughes, and three sis
tehs, Mrs. A. N. Bush', of this city,
Mrs. D. B. Mackie, of Portland, and
Mrs. W. A. Carter, of Gold Hill.
. The funeral at the house will oceur
today at JO a. m. Rev. W. H. Hcppe,
D. JJ pastor of the M. E- Church, con
ducting the services. t
. Interment will follow in the T0. O.
P. cecetery, and will be under the au
pioes of the DeMolay Commandery, of
the Knights Templar. -: n
Tho two absent sisters are expects
to arrive in time for the funeral. -
Another of the earlier settlers of this
stste has gone.
Coming to Salem on November 22,
1859, James Charles Brown has been a
well known and highly respected eiti
een of this eity ever since. Many of
his friends will read with sorrow the
report of his demise, which occurred
yesterday morning, August 30, 1904, at
8 o'clock IS minutes, at his residence at
84 Commercisl street.
Born seventeen miles north of Toron
to; Canada, March 9, 1837, he left hb
birthplace on the eighteenth day bt
August, 1858, coming to Oregon via the
Fort Geary route. .
In 1862 he married Miss Lizzie CoX,
who died a year later. In 1865 he mar
ried Miss Xarclssa Waldo, daughter of
Dan Waldo, the father of the Waldo
Hills. She lived as his constant com
panion until December 12, 1887, when
she died.
Mr. Brown, was married for the third
time January 2 18. i to Catherine A.
Card, who still survives - bim." Mf.
Brown leaves also three sons, Norris J.
Brown, now with the Pacific Hardware
and Steel Co of San Francisco; Geo.
G. Brown, c)erk of the Board of School
Land Commissioners, and Keneth J.
Brown, at home, and two daughters,
Mrs. Frank M. Cerioi of Oakland, Cal,
and Gertrude Brown, at home.
Mr. Brown was engaged in merchan
dizing ia Salem for a number of years
and served the city as a member of the
city council at one time.
He was a member of Salem Lodge of
Benevolent Protective Order of Elks,
who will have charge of the interment
of the body. The funeral will take
place today from the family residence,
tho services to be conducted by Rev.
1 . . jvnigut.
Mr. Brown bad, been sick for a good
while and death has not been unexpected-
Mr.' snd Mrs, Cerioi hare been here
for several days, with Mrs. Ccrini's
father in his last sickness.
In Praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Choi
era and Diarrohoea Remedy.
"Allow me to give you a few words
in praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedv," says' Mr.
John Hamlett, of Eagle Pass, Texas.
"I ax offered one week with bowel
trouble and took all kinds of medicine
without getting any relief, when my
friend, Mr. C Johnson,' a merchant
here, advised me to take this remedy.
After taking one dose I felt greatly re
lieved and when I had taken the third
dose I was entirely cured. I thank you
from the bottom of my heart for put
titg. this great remedy "jn the hands of
mankind." For sale by all druggists.
EL PASO, Tex., Aug. 30. Extensive
I 'reparations are being made by the El
'a so Gun Cluo for a blue rock shoot
ing match to be held here November
15. 10 and 17, while th National Irri
gation Congress Is in session.
! I'M Ym Nam kln
Legal BTanks. Statesman Job Office.
Bisrttas yf
, tht nsrposs of Smhm rstst Is te Protect sa4 jDeautlfr
"UntvttA 1 1 tn Mm ef pslsf booasM It is tb sfstr, V4 nsnflaf, that hit A rh tm
t Art bmm M U trmrtmft sad esir fca IM all Iom tat binding sanity (inmlt I'm
IttffMSM fey mUmtmpWrt Mmmm sbsqlS IM ! Sit ssrtlol f pltmt Mm off. Th
RUw oftk pignmit is Sorvs aad slas BvsssrvsMTS la prvlam&Bt is Uto of Um oU f pta
frng H trvm tas Imnn. t
" Abaolnt oos-talnfy of tH ftrir f its lln4sl etl ntnt-s '
tas caisf eaaaswi y la fctrnas. S te sstly tmt thtt IM Madin snitr of ft 011
mknM br mt sf Mlalrsats ahsss "taisaara, dtaratblllt jr of tl
wbU tavtnt ft ttsavtalaht , ,
. Yo htv tKla Skhaolat c-4atnt-r of iMjcn!itr of ihtt t h rstnt pn
mm ym hows wfca yon vr Kialoaa rslat, bCtt yowby the oil Mpr
Slt4las4 gifTir pslnt tta4s ssoiatrly esrtsla SorsbUtty br srtalns tats ml f alios ttr s"S
wnatss tHiclC "UinlocK" past la Wh, for ymir ansTffliirq'xi anl ts
b4 prHr sraparao . all tb aHssMSia. ttattra- olra. "tnrpa- a! aryats ara graasd tot ua
mmm aoid r. rf taw tba a4isliar of tt pmn raw ol by yor-lf.
facte lon titsK TTIn1cvcH tha llaal patnl bnt br4
Vrtm faaraavaa sf SrsMltty.tbrq(k yna pwsoesl anoatsds ef tbs pany of rb oil, l tHa f-
tk wsea rm ktir tvs sUoi ef tHe erdissry rsdysid pm tbs "rasdy f tha hmh"
acts yes Pf the m(r-lt4 paint prtot for tba aaa )nn ef 1 tbfn. rfMi of l-
sssrtT.sSs t9 fte a iltsss asvos tbaa for a (no para oU tayeuf iooal dtar'i barrei.
WlTtt tinaifliaai froa ttoat wfca 9mmmwf Hann galafc -
And ready for business. Several
propositions were offered me, and whii
I would like to accept some of . tU "tn,
T am not certain that I could stand tho
winter climate, so I have Uctcrminr i
to make a trial and go cast on the -let
of January and pend the winter there.
- In order to do this 1 must dicpota
of my stock of goods here. ,1 hnve rn:
celled several orders 'for gin). Is, last
some housrse refuse to cancel and 1 "i
compelled to take their gools, and iU
have to make a great sacrifice. vJiny
one desiring to go into bu-ilues. ill
have a good epjHrtunity to purchase tny
stock of goods and fixtures, snd until
I find such a customer, every articlo
ia the bouse will be marked down so
that all will purchase tlv? articles need
ed as the prices will surely suit them.
A trial will convince the public thit
it will pay them to purchase in lafo
quantities and help dispose of my stock.
, You will find meat
149 State St.
More ;SiiiiG0s
The past few days we bare moved
out several more popular priced bug
giea. . .
Fact Is we are more than proud of
our vehicle line. We have the features
that make an already good bligsy
better. In other words, , first clana
stock with up to date trimmings 'and
detail, all at popular prices.
Come1 and see.
Farm Machinery, VelilcJea, Autorao
bilefs Bicycles, Hewing Machines
and Buppllfs. 15-Si7 Iiib
ertBtrett. This
Is Sere ro .
Y.Creain Balni
Civet Relief at tsce.
It elMSMi, soothes
tod heala tbs dlaeiiM!
nemkrsne. It cure'
raurrh and drives
1 s ta a" .
JAY rUVuii
sway a ld la ths hasd juickly. It U stwortmd.
Ueala aud 1'rotscte the Membra n. K-Kir-n
Js Homm et Tum and fmolU rull (c. t
Oruf gtu, or bjr mail. Trial Uo loi hy TtmiL.
UaXvriimiiH,bt Warrsn Htnt, New Ifora.
TCi fgx We represent tho Royal,"
MM C riienlx" and -Bcottlsh
Insurance National" C re
insurance companies.' He oh the Vafe
side and takeout a policy now. Hop
Insurance a iclaJty. We furnish hop
tickets to our customers.
Papers riled In Suit to Quiet Title
to Valuable Property at ,
Parkersville. v
(From Wednesday's Daily.)
In man k Turner have filed papers in
a wiiit to quiet titl and partition a
lot of land near Parkersville in thn
Wm. Parker, alsfi John Cjuigle and wifo
donaticu land claims amounting t'
about-IMK) acres, for J. It. Kitiith and
Nettie E. Umith, the present holders of
tho life estate in the land and a half
of the reversionary estate, and tho es
tate', of Wm. K. It. Parker being said
to: be ouer of one-fourth of the r.
vjrsionary interest. Tho 'Jefendants i
the case are. Virgil Parker, Wilda Park
Archie Parker, Geo. I). Parker and
Margretta Parker, heirs of Wm. It. II.
Parker, deceaspd; Klla I'arker, Mary
A. Small, I. U. Hmall, Cynthia For-I,
Wm. I. Parker, Mattie Parker, Uz
Parker, Josie Parker, Mary A. E. P.run
cr, Francis llruncr, snd 'Dennis Man
ning. The,attomeys yesterday-issued sum
mons and applied for an order to pub
lish summons en four of the defendants
who are non-residents.
v Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
. Has world-wide fame fo marvdnu
cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo
tion, ointment' or balm, for cuts, Corn's,
Hums, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tot
ter, Halt ltbeum. Fever Bores, Chapped
Ilsnds, 8kin 'Eruptions; infallible .for
Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 2Sc at
D. J. Fry. ruggitt.
. Sixty Tears of Popularity
14 the record of Painkiller (Perry D
vis'l'lmt the; shops are full of imita
tions 'made to sell upon the great repu
tation of , the (r genuine; bo cautious,
therefore, when yon ask for a bottle 'to
see that you get the genuine. An un
failing remedy for coughs,-eoMs, brn
shitls. .
y 1