WEdLY : .onraciT ; btlxzzhasz xxtday, ..: august if now : INTO IT AGAIN XTVTJ fiALOOKZXZPESS ARREST 'ED CHAEOED WITH VIOLAT- t INCr 8U27DAX LAW. Were Taken Somewhat by Surprise, Following So Close Upon the Preri ' pus ' Cnuade Charges Are Brought ' Under Different Section of Statutes (From'"Wcdnesdsy'e Daily.) Judging from the developments of the psst few week it is quite apparent that there fa a regularly organized movement, the principal and only ob ject of which la to com Del the saroon keepeM of this city to keep" their' plac es' of business closed upon the seventh lay of the wctk '"commonly called Sunday." ' . ' Pursuant to this movement some lit" tie surprise wit sprung in saloon circles yesterday morning when five of the most prominent proprietors were served .with warrants out of Justice of the 1'enee Turner's eourt summoning them to appear and snswrr to the charge of havjjig kept their saloons open on Sun day, August 14, in violation of aeetion 1116 of Jiellinger Aot ton code. 4 This late attack, it seems, had the Same effect as of a bomb having fall en within their midst as it was gener ally understood that there would be no further attempts made to prosecute for this alleged violation of the .state laws, until the question of law involv ed in the other eleven eases are decid ed by the eirejtit, and, maybe, the Su premo Court, Pto which later tribunal the defendants threaten, to appeal in ease of an adverse decision is rendered in the cireuit court, where their cases are now pending on a writ of review. The. question of law referred to; in the other eases pending is that of whether or not tho section of tho code, under which the eases are being pros ecuted, has been repealed by, a subse quent act of, the Legislature. There were eight warrants sworn out yesterday and served upon five of , the most prominent of saloonkeepers in the city, the complaining witness in every .ease being J. J. Patton, so far ean bo learned, a recent arrival -in the city. The" saloonkeepers involved are: J. I Rogers, four saloons; F. P. Talk ingtnn, K. Eekerlen, Mel Hamilton and XV, It.. Anderson. In every case the spedtfie rharge entered was of tho viola tion of section 1980 of Bellinger ft Cot ton's code, the general Sunday closing act which was amended by the Legis lature of 1903, so as to exclude theatres from its operation. - The defendants were" given until September 5 in which to enter their Iilta, and although it has not been def nitely decided upon as yet, it is the general belief among' the saloon men that they will contest the case upon the grounds of alleged defects in the sec tion under which they are being pros ecuted. would' spend Tins MONEY. There Ecmaina. i Small! Bnm of the . "Balett FosMftce Appropriation ' Vet Uneip'enoei.' ; ' (From cdneajlly.) lpn. .Kdwafd'Jrin.j istniaHter ia this' rity, fouid. tha.ihf re, -vas still a certain or uncertain suni, ,,,of , money amounting to bet ween four and fivo hundred dollars remaining in the post office construction fund and he imme diately wrote ' to the 1'ostofltee Depart ment asking that he be authorized to use these amounts for the purpose of further improving the grounds about the postofflee. He ba no reply as yet, the letter having been sent only last week. It 1ft to be hoped that tho members of the Oregon delegation in Congress may get wind of the application of Postmaster Ilirsch and aid him in all that may be in their power. This money, would help ery - materially in making the grounds abftnt that build ing compare favorably to the building Uncle. Sam has erected here where his nieces and nephews can get their mail and buy their stamps. This seems the best that can be done aa the appropriation of several thou sand "dollars seems not to have' passed Congress. In fact appropriations of this chnraeter often have" trouble in passing Congress. -' DRIVINO LOOS DOWN ETVTR. The Baplda Are Full of Logs And Mora To Follow From Above. ; ( (From Wednesday's Daily.) The bar and rapids of tho river at the' lower end of the town are strewed with logs from a drive that the Spald ing Company is making from the upper river. They are making a drive of eight end a half million feet of logs con sisting principally of white and red fir, but carrying also a little hard wood. These logs are being taken te Newbcrg and Oregon City, on the river. The getting of a raft of logs down a low river is no one's play, at all. It TO THE.' BLvOOD. Some of the moat stubborn diseases ivatem throufirh the norea of the vin folAon Oak and Iry and other noxious wiki plants, when . iken into the circulation, break out afresh each season, linger on for years unless antidote,! nA M.l of the system. , Dye Poisoning from wear log ' colored under-clothing and hosiery ia of frequent oc currence WArVn in f mm a it.... TTwr' .... i commsnasao. a. B which evrsd. ms eomplstslr. tnd otlier inetals are often nd x have seen no signs of the eruptions for sVv. poijtoned by the chemicals aeasons. - - XJtaV A. V SSK 2f XTT. and acids used in polishing, oooo, Ooorrta. and the dust snd filings settling npon the skin, f The diseases that enter tht system by absorption or through the pores are as deep -seated and dangerous as any, and cannot be reached by washes, salves, soaps or other external nnnvai blood -purifier. With all mAi ' Plon disappear from the skin. Write U. Should yott- deaitwidraf ting an ordinance calculating the jneflicai advice or any information about your case ; thfcrwill cost yott riothM Hlnent of moss on roofs, was mj?, v ITS fiW'irr rtrtrr rn urtMrrrM -.jlgranted. The ordinance providing for "ZPZCin CO-iATlAtiTAt CAs'tbm opening of Court street was finally quires eternal vigilance on me pa the drivers to keep from losing the nart ' of greater part of them by the way, or to prevent a part.goin - a bead " and leaving the others behind. One not familiar with the work can - imagine little of it. 1 About twenty-live men are required to handle this drive and they work on both sides of the river, follow ing the logs along to keep them in the. ' !. iui Mica vms nun sou ia suaiiow water tney maae use ox norses, but many a man gets a ducking every day in this work. . Boiling logs is a profession of itself and; a man who has never had any ex perience needs at least a good wide awake foreman to make him work with goo'l success. DESTRUCTIVE FXBES. Thousands of Acres Swept by Fire in - i the Forests of Oregon and I . Washington i . ! (From Wednesday? Daily.) For the past two weeks a veil of smoke has cut off a view of the foot hills about Salem, at times "gTowing so dense that many' people's eyes were affected and a few found ; breathing difficult. Until yesterday no serious fears were entertained that any of Marion count v's timber was In imme diate danger, but a telephone message received at tnis office last evening states that Spalding's grove, which lies about five miles northeast of Salem was burning fiercely. This is in the vicinity of Howell Prairie and there is. much valuable timber r this section that is threatened. The fire originated from a small fire started by some boys in burning a stump, that contained a quantity of pitch. . A threshing crew who were at work near Pratum are battling with the fire at Howell. Messrs. Spaulding, Wil lard and W. D. Pugh have had 200 cords of wood burned and- 200 of standing timber. The fire is very close to Mr, Pugh 'a barn but with the pres ent force on the grounds it is thought that it can be sayed. At a bite hour, a north wind was blowing the fire in the direction of some valuable timber belonging to Dr. Mark 8. Skiff, of this city. Reports from Kugene say that the fires recently raging there have been to some extent checked by the efforts of a large force of men who confined the bla?e by block fires. Over two hun dred acres have been burned and it is thought that another hundred will be sacrificed before the flames are check ed. At Hood River the forest ranger, Mr. Hudson, has called out a large force of men to fight Are. At Falls City, near Dallas, forest fires raged for 'several days last week, but' by the combined efforts of the var ious saw mill crews in that section they were subdued. For "several weeks forest 'fires have prevailed in Washington, and at the present time thousands of men are fighting firo in that section. At one point near, Seattle some cedar timber valued, .at $2000 was burned. ; Later. Near Pratum, 1:30 a. m., Aug, 17. The fire in the Spaulding woods is working south and fears are entertained'tbat it may destroy Ku fnCrf's' mill during night. . . i l CORPORATION TAXES. The Corporate Companies of Oregon ; Are Keeping the State Treas urer's Office Busy. (From Wednesday' Daily.)'; "There is no doubt at all that we will get a heavier return from the corporation tax law this year than last,'' said the Assistant State Treas urer yesterday. About a hundred a day are sending in their quotas now, and everybody here is as busy as pos sible taking care of these remit tances. " It will be remembered that last year the state treasury was enriched to the amount of about a hundred and ten thousand dollars by tills law. Just how much greater than last year will be the amount received from this source in 1004 is not yet known. A great many companies that did not report last year at all are report ing for both years now, and while they aro not paying any fines they are pay ing interotijn the amounts that they should have' paid last year. The sums to be received from theso companies slono will be considerable. The law provided that all the com panies doing business in this state should file their reports and make their payments on or before the fifteenth-of this month; but they do not become de linquent and liable to fine before the fifth of September. It virtually' means that all reports received before that date will bo accepted, although inter est will be charged on all amounts where the interest from tb' fifteenth to the dste of payment- shall execcd one dollar. . HEADQUARTERS FOR HOP TICK. UTS AT STATESMAN JOH OFFICE. t ti. t..i ' WMSS SfcVS) VM "mm, is a' very hard jhscs of work an POISON OAS FOB ZIOHT TXABS. TllAll. Sail as Ik Waam AA T l-Ai1'0 woU break out on mm : ror eightesa rars. Some one re. rem exiles. ne oiooa must be purified before getting permanently rid of the disease. 8. S. S. acts upon the blood, ridding it of the original poison and rs storing it to a healthy, normal condition. imouritiea removed from the hlooH tt,s rk andneO A If 17 : T f iiTk A nff tff m fl fair III IT It I m losing the,"f yJ AVCXU ALDERMAN BAYNE OBJECTS TO BZFUSAL OF; STEEET COM MTTTEE TO SUBMIT BIDS Protests Against Adopting. Blank Con- tract Without Knowing What Fig ures Will be Supplied in Blanks, Re ferring to Improvements. , (From Wednesday's Daily.) ' "Mr. Mayor, I desire to enter protest, and have it spread upon my the records, against the refusal of the com mittee on streets to give out the bids submitted upon the construction of .the cement sidewalk, curbing and, gutter at the west end of Willaon, avenue. This from Alderman Bayne. . "Mr. Mayor, I don't objeet to the protest entered by Mr. Bayne, but I simply wish to state that the street committee is only following out the Instructions of tho ; council, in 1 the matter of the preparation of the Will son avenue site for the Breyman foun tain. The whole matter was referred to the committee with power to act and we are going to follow out our in structions and do it in the best in terests of the city. I have no particu lar objection to giving out the bids, except that I do not think it necessary for one bidder to know what the other has submitted. The bids will all come out in due course of time, especially1 when it comes to the signing of the contract for the work, .when the power of accepting or rejecting the same will be passed up for the signature of the mayor." ' This the retort of Chairman Gesner, of the committee on streets, in charge of the work alluded to. The proceedings of the city council leading up to this spicy controversy , between me eouncijmen nameu ionows: , Alderman -Gesoer reported upon tho - matter or ine construction oi a cement sidewalk, 'curbing-and gutte alorig .the west! end of Willson avenue, in connec tion with the location of the B'eyman memorial - fountain. lie stated that three bids had been received in writ ing upon the work, and one in verbal form, but that only the former bad been considered. He stated also that, while it was virtually decided what bid should be accepted . but that no form of contract having been accepted, . he submitted a blank form, which, after due consideration by the council, .was adopted as the official form to be used in this instance. When it came to the point of the adoption of the form, Alderman Bayne interposed an .objection to the adoption of a contract to be filled', in. with such figures as the eommittee should elect, and he suggested that the bids be sub mitted -for., the consideration -of the council, ; Alderman Gesner here made counter objections to disclosing the 1 amounts of the bids,. which -was a mat- comtnittcj?, .bpt ..assnred tho council ... ... .. .. i that .the , committee would act in the best inercBts of tho .city, in the mat ter.'' " ; ' ' r , , , . . ' , This" 'explanation seemed to satisfy tho majority of the 'council, but. Mr. Bayno'could not see it that ..way when h offered a motion to the effect that the bids bo submitted to the council in open session before action be taken upon the contract. lieore action could bo taken, on tho motion Alderman Ge ner volunteered to state the amounts of the bids submitted, and had proceeded so far, as to state that the highest bid offered would not exceed 11 cents per foot for the cement work, when he was interrupted by Alderman Crossan, who arose to a point of order and Alderman Bayne's motion was ruled out of order, whereupon he interposed the protest which leads this articrle. The contract form was finally adopt ed, however, over the protest, with the understanding and instruction that the mayor was to sign the contract event ually on the part of the city. Tho only other details in this con nection were that the cement sidewalk is to be six feet in width, extending across the end of the square,!tbe curb ing of tho ordinary' depth, and tho gutter eighteen Inches wide. Alder man Gesner also stated that,' in order that all of the overflow from the foun tain be" properly carried off, it would be necessary to put in a sewer pipe in; stead of the ordinary drain tiling, the cost of which would be very little if any more than the latter and a greater degree of satisfaction would be in sured. Crushed Bock For Streets. Acting upon the suggestion of Alder man Crossan, Mayor Waters appointed a committee of three, including himself, according to the motion presented, and otherwise composed of Aldermen Cros san and Hughes, to act in conjunction with a committee of citizens, the iden tity of whom could not be learned, for the purpose of making an investigation of the cost of crushed rock for city street building purposes. It was inti mated that a movement wa on foot in this connection looking toward the adoption of crushed rock for thj streets instead of gravel such as is now used. - The question of the repairing of the sidewalk upon the north side of Ferry street betweon fkmmercial and Lib. erty streets, having come up for dis cussion, it developed that there was a movement in contemplation looking to ward the extension of the city 'cement sidewalk limits so as to include this street, and it was ordured that the committee on ordinances be instructed to draft an amended cement limit ordit naoce, and the repairing of the Ferry street . walk was deferred . until sueh ordinance ' be drafted and adopted. Upon the suggestion of Mayor Waters, it was also ordered that this commit tee draft, a new ordinance: for the pur pose of enlarging the fire Jimits-of the city to conform to the sew city, char ter. - ' Court Street Ordered Opened. ";. The ordinance i eommittee reported favorably upon the ordinance pertain ing to the opening of Court vstreet, which report, was adopted, and the re quest of the eommittee for further time. for consideration of the ordi nances on renumbering and renaming the streets, of this city; that for the South Commercial street, and th matter of . taken up and passed the third reading I and adnntW. I 6a account of direct pri mary law vrovidinz that all persons be properly registered before tnev be qualified to vote at any election, Alder man Gesner euggestea mat ne city re eorder look the matter np and deter- min. ih status of the voters of the city of Salem before the next municipal election. City itecoruer jb voiun teercl to obtain the desired 1 inform tioa without the." customary instrne tions of the eouneiL . ' i otner Minor Orders. Alderman Gesner. of the committed on streets, in rerard- to the previous order f the council providing for the establishment or av' graae i on sum street, reported thsKit was not possi- blo to seenre the serweear or a. surveyor at tha nrcsent time and requestol fur ther time upon the 'matter, which was granted. ; , The eommittee on lights, of which Alderman Smith is chairman, also ask- oil further time, and -the request was crranted. ror me consioeravaiou ot iu offered for the lichting of the streets of Salem. Street Commissioner Griswoia was also instructed to keep the green ce ment cross walks well covered and pro- toited until the cement tnereon couii be thoroughly set, to prevent their be ing damaged by teams and wagons. Taken With Cramps. ' Win. JCirmse, a member of the bridge gang working near Littleport, was tak-: en suddenly ill Thursday night with cramps and a kind of ebolera. His case was so severe that be had to have the members of the crew wait upon him and Mr. Gifford was called and eon' suited. He told him fie had a medicine in the form of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy that be thought would . help - him " out and ac cordingly several doses Were ad minis tered with the result that the fellow wns able to be around next day. The hltrhlv of Mr. 'oifford'. medicines. Elkader, Iowa, A This remedy never fails. Keep it in y0nT home, it may tare life. ' For sale t,y bji druggists, I ; . "T 'mT " IS NOTICING IN IT. The Marion County Delegation Knows Nothing of Rumored Political Combinations. (From Thursday's Daily.) So far as the, members of the Marion County delegation to the Legislature of 1903 are 'concerned, according to their own statements, there is no foundation .:for the stories tbat'-are in circulation 'fn regard to an alleged combination on the rtart of the MuTnomah and Marion delcgationslrtoicfag toward'the seating of Senator Mays of . Multnomah, in the chair of the Senate; find Representative Kay, .of Marion, in the Speaker's .ehair of the House, nor of an opposing com bination, on the pat nt t no iai icy- Brownell-KuykcndalL vu.ns looking toward the election Of Representative i ' :.i T- 11 . l.. ..l. snip,, apa euner : irxwneii or nuvacu- uaii to mo i. resiliency oi. mo penaie. 'When "questioned hpon fye matter last eveningfMr. T i.rvfty, the Mar ion county candidate for the HpeakCr- ship. 'stated positively .that he knew nothing whatever'of'any "kfrid "of a com bination having been formed" in this relation, and also atated that be had conversed with' other members of tho Marion county delegation, both in the Senate and ,tjie House, and that none of them were aware, of any such combi nation being in existence or in the air. "All that I know, about it is what I have read in the, Portland papers," said Mr. Kay, 'an'di have been unable to find any one else who claims to know anything about it. So far as I am con cerned I am not mixing up with any body's fight except my own, and I feci that I have my hands full, of this, my own troubles. There is nothing new in the situation regarding my candidacy, at lenst"aS'fa,ras-iIknow; and all that I can say in that relation is that the situation still looks good to mo and I feel confident of my chances of win ning out in the race when the time comes.' CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, i Iti Kind Yea Haia Alvajs Bought . Bears the eV-gnatttxa) f. STREET JAM IN SALEM. Very Unusual Sight at the Twelfth Street Crossing Yesterday Afternoon. A sight almost unknown in Salem was that witnessed by a grest many people at the intersection, of State and Twelfth streets yesterday. That was a veritable street jam, a la Broadway, or Market street." ' A gentleman with a team hauling a very largo load of baled hay on a hay rack was the cause of ail the trouble, and be detained a train, several wag ons loaded with wheat, another load of hay, three or foor empty wagons and a- half a dozen tniggies, to say nothing of the gaping crowd of bicyclists and foqttnen and women, -who remained to see the outcome of the matter.' ' The workmen on the railroad bad been haul:ng gravel for ballast for the sew grade and had taken the boards away from the street crossing, and bad filled the space with this soft sift ed gravel. When the raaq with the load of bay drove onto the track his wheels stuck, with the result that he broke the coupling pole of the wagon. The driver then tried to tie op his wrecked wagon which looked, with its load, like a car of juggernaut;, but: be used up considerable time in getting clear pf the track. ' The rapidity with Which the ' other tcams( gathered On both sides of the track was sufficient evidence of the business done on that 'street. -TnU An Bnfl te It All. A grevious wail 'of tme .comes as a result of. unbearable, pain-t from over taxed drgan. , Dizziness, Backache, Liver Complaint and Constipation. But thanks to- Dr. King's New Life pills they put aa end to it alL They are gentle but thorough: .Try ibem. Only 25c Guaranteed, by J). J Fry's drug store. - i4 ; . V s.-Hiic- - i:'" - .taki PLENTY MONEY ' iw'IBiE WUJCiBE 8UBFI.US OF OVEB. $8000 AT . THE END OF. FBES ENT YTiAB. City, Treasurer Moir, After Experting of Books, Compiles Ecport Upon the Condition of Funds of City Dating Back Over Tire Tears.. (From Wednesday's Daily.) ; . Not being satisfied with the result of the report of the eommittee appoint ed by the common council to investi gate the condition of the finances of the city, as submitted to that body sev eral weeks ago, the Ladd & Bush Bank, custodian of the fuads of the city, do sired to' have the accounts investigated for its own satisfaction, appointed J A. Cunningham, an expert bookkeeper,! to go over the records dating back to De cember 31, and strike a balance of the several accounts.- This work Mr. Cun ningham has just completed with tho result that he has found only a very small discrepancy, .amounting to the simple sum of one cent, and that in tho Ferry street fund. ., The only amounts to wbicfelTrcasurcr Moir is found debtor to the bank are $110.19, applying as an uncollected lien upon the abutting property to the sew er in block SS, dating back to 1902, and fl.44 lien upon property abutting on the sewer in block 43, which also remains uncollected. f According to the figures con tained upon the balance sheet which was yesterday furnished by t.ity Treas urer Moir, after all of the expenses of the city government will have been paid, at 'the end of the present year, there will 3'ef rcmnln a surplus of in the neighborhood of SCMX on hand, as a rounuatlon ror next year 's ouiget, unless otherwise appropriated. ; The reiMjrt shows a W mum oz fl3 034.29 in the treasury to the credit of the city, of which amount $9804.31 be longs to .the general fund and the bal ance to the streeet and sewer funds. With S25;?8.60 taxes due upon the 1903 tar roll, to the city, and G40.61 le linquent taxes collected by the sheriff, also credited to the citv the total funds will 'be brought u to iin,203.55. The average' receipts in the city recorder's department, from licenses, lines, etc., per month, amounts to SHOO, which for five months remaining of the year, will total $2500; taken together with at least $300 which the street commis sioner Will collect for road taxes, be tween now and .launarv 1. will bring tho grand total up to $19,O03..r.". The total expenditures of the city for the next fivo months of the'year, esti mated from tho average of the past seven months, including salaries and all incidentals, will be about S242.45. The estimated expenses for street, improve monts, etc., is -0"O. making the, total estimated expenses 'for' tbi'"baranir of the year, f I0.F42.4o, leaving, a. fbalance of $82ffl.l0 at the end of the ;yfvir avail able for sueh improvements which may be found necessary,.at' that time or in the meantime. Beport Covering Six Teats, The 'condition of the severnj . funds in the city treasury, ns shown by the baLiuce sheets . .furnished . Treasurer Moir, from December 31, 1899,'to July 31, 1904, inclusive,, follows; Dec 31, 1899. General fund .. $ 551!.fi2 State street fund.. . . J 494.94 Sewer .fund . . . ........ I . J0. 1 i Oak street fund -'. f t Street improvement ........ . CS.f0 Total ....$6157.84 ' Dec. 31, 1900. General fund $ 1R37.92 State street fund . ... . Cie.SS Kewer fund SO. 14 Oak street fund " . 1 . Street4 improvement . 73.04 Total $ 2378 . 82 Dec. 31, 1901. Oeneral fund . :$ 5T32.09 State street fund . . ,702.30 Oak street fund . . 5.1,1 Hewer" fund. . ; SO. 14 Street improvement 306.72 Total $ ' Dec. 31, 1902. t 5030.39 Oeneral fund . . $ 1045. S4 775.23 25.14 ! 50.14 3(H.72 State street fund Oak street fund , Sewer .fund . Street improvement . Total', . .........,.....$ 220307 Dec. 31, 19903. ? Oeneral fund . $ 773.15 823.98 1 25.14 i S0.J4 2H4.4G j .01 2151.44 9S04.31 04rt.25 H23.! . 25.14 ! 60.14 i 2S4.4fi .01 Road and .street fund State street fund Oak street fund .......... Sewer fund . .., : Street improvement . ....... Ferry street fund .......... Total . . .V.$ July 31. 1004. Oeneratifund . $ Iload Bhd street fund ...... State street fund ......... Oak street fund Sewer fund . Street Improvement rerry street Improvement ..- Total $13,034.29 CALIFORNIA'S EXHIBIT. Capitol of the Golden State Appears in Miniature, Made of California Peanuts. Mr. H. Frederick Long Jr.. a son of Dr. S. F. Iiong of Ban Francisco, made a brief visit in Salem yesterday, while on his way home. Mr. Ixng is a stu dent at the University of California and is just completing a vacation tour of Eastern cities and tho tit. Louis ex position. As other visitors have been, he Was Impressed with the qaaint orig inality of the rustic state building of Oregoni'jbut fancies upon visiting the state that Oregon might have "prepared a more creditable exniiition. Among other things he noticed the loyalty of the Oregon ia ns in never appearing without their badges which invited ev eryone to visit the Lewis and Clark Fair of 1905. The California fruit ex hibit is said to lie the finest at the Fair, as it includes specimenjLof ajl Califor nia varieties, including a fine display of bananas. The most unique feature ia California's exhibit is the Capitol building of Sacramento in miniature, built with California grown peanuts.' j Legal Blanks, Statesman Job Office. ' a - m a saw-. m - x m . c ; for infante and Children. rho Kind You Have Aliray ltouslt lia twmo tlio !;crm luro of CltoA. II. Fletcher, and lias 1eon-iin&1-c uimUt hi " , peraonal smpertinlou for over 110 year. ! Allow no omv to dccelro you in this. CMintorfeUn, Jmibttioii. ami; , JUlt-irSod aro hut Kxperliiietitfi, uslctidaii;rrr tho health, ot Children--lisprIcuco u's&Utist llxitvrinuntU m The. Kind You Havo Always Bought Sears tlie I n Use For mf erTim anmmm . r ROSTDNflBEENBAUM' Dry Goods; Millinery and Clotiiing Wli AHE NOW LOCATED JN OUR IN E W S TO R E Coinracxlious and well, lighted. No dark corncrH in our store. Wo aro prepared to transact huiness on the lowest possible margin. Wo have u 1m j?tTtr with low icnt. Our customers get tho bcntiiL NEW SILKS, per yard only. . ........ .j. : . ......25c NEW TAFFETA SILK, worth 75c a .yard, oflly.,.50c NEW SILK WINDSOR TIES, each.... J. . . ... . ? . 23c See our new Gents Furnishing. Department. Gloves for Ladies. Men and Children. . . 298 to 300 er DR. I GEE 10 This Chinese caJl-aa wonderful doctor Is STeat rbe cause he cures peo ple without opera mm tion that are given j tip to die,, He .cures with thoee wonder- 1 ful Chinese herbs, roots, buds, . bark 1 and vegetables, that are entirely uu-i known to- mc2tcal science in this coun- j try. Thxoufdi the use of these harm-i less remedies, this famous- . doctor ! knows the action of over WK) different; remedies whlcSi he amccessfully uses in different diseases. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, luaz, throat, rheumatism, nervousness, , stomach, kidney, bladder, female trouble, lost manhood, all private diseases; has hu ndreds of testimonials. Charge moderate. - Call and see bdm. " Consultation free. Patiente out ot the city write for Olank; and. circular.' Enclose stamp, Address The C Gee Wo Chinese Medi cine Co., 7Z3 Alder street, Portland, Oreron. Mention tals paper. Is the best on the market. If 3 011 will look at any houe aint-l with this lestl you will lie convino-d. Ijcuvea a rniooth furfiM. Works well and etitks tlpht Wet. will re fer you to any of our customers that have it. . The Best on Earth You can gut It here. SAVAGE & f LETCHER Dealers In it FLOUR, .GRAIN, SEEDS 322-324 Commercial St. iif.oi WEm ------1 - ,.''- . : , SALEM, ORHGON. The forty second ncbolatic ytar begius Hepu 12. tiajiltrt and olhr Imrrovenifnts latHy wiade In luliil-i Injf. Academic, Oimmerclal, ( mar Grades, InU-rmwIiaU and I'rJni ary Co urn a. Pupils preparHl for teachers' crtitlcutes. b ull coarse In Music 1 'articular attention pU1 to health and moral training. Addrctsj SISTER SUPERIOR. . Mrs. Franr.eD ao'L 31iss -Franecn ef -Wrtl.-jid' sod- Mrv i f ?drs. Lowlen vf OrKrq? City, : rctui-4Ulonie' 'ypfdx-rday after stjcndiug' ihefFdlJcr-Coebow. wed ding... "' ' '; " ' . .:.; -:.': I Railway Lead m 1 u. D Signature oi .Over 30 Years. .tiw.o rr. ww .-n i-r 'i3ii i.Vt X- Commercial Qt. i A - 1 i lr.riili't Dch'h away wit li hltam fii d. Jii it s jfoiid mnl n wlioU' lot b j r. 'All sawtnirls, penally,' h'xnd um' it. We are niuktiii; - ; Mop Stoves from the "Kurtz" :itl rn, the most stict-Hsful 'stove'- ever twil ii f hollfH'd. : , Salem Iron VorK s . Marcus, Daley & Shand, . Proprietors, front iwi Htat.-. : riione 2311 iUack I AII:M, OHi:d01. 1 J 7 E l At Dr. ff, OKTON DAVIS IN A jlVEESC We treat sucssfully all tril nervous and chronic dixeaws, alo bl'wl, stomaeb, liesrt, liver, kilney ao'l throat rou Ides. Wo cur Sl'l'Il I I.LIH (with out nrcury) to -stay eured forever, is W to C9 days. Wo remove BTUICTUKii without oicratio r jaln, in 13 days. wk cuiiB ;''aaouKiOKA ix a; The doctors of th s Jnslitut are all regular graduates, - have bad many years' experience, hve beee knows . a U'ortland for 15 yei.rB, have a rriuia- ftion to mnintsln, and will un lortako ni case unless certain euro etn p.iiw"- We Hfnee curs' la evry nmm u.ol,r Isksorrhariro uah-v. 1rt. I" ' iMnrvnftlfiMtsl. lustructlte 1(X;K folf Mfc U jm raariol t office wriWfor rjilclio t)stk lot bama lrUnnt. , OflJce hvur. in ft. son 1 to . - Jiolidsjt, H o li. Sunday! sua Tbs IeJinj tcIiINU lor ths Notthwet. KataJtUbd IWJ. DR." W. KORTOH DAVIS & CO. Cr.,Tilrrf aid ftmm t. MejXjoo IhU iwpcr. , HORTUaC' OH- -r-n-: f , 4V-r ' 11 e adq tjabtek h Fort nor tr k- ET3 AT STATESMAN JOB Oi i lC.u . : i'." S -V 'f 7 -i?V. iLrr.U)