Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, August 12, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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    vmmzm:i states:.!a?1
Published vary Tn day and Kdtj by Um
X. 3. HWDKirxs. KanafST.
T. T. QUI, Xdlter.
suBscRirnov jtA-rza.
OMyr tnaAviDe ..............
.... SUM
. aWHUM. Ul BU T KUUV . . .......
TmmbbU, in adTaaoa..
vmareer, ob time...
.... UM
The Statesman hu bm established tor nearly
f.'tT-two yean, snd it baa soma subscribers who
bat received It nearly that 10114. and many
no nar ma it for a feneration. 8on o
these obiac t harms tn neper dis'Mmtlnussl
at tbe Ujm of aspiration of their subaenpttooa.
tor the buoefit of these, and tor otbor reasons
ra h re concluded todiseonanae ratoripUooa
amy wnen nounea io ao an. a." persons perms
wKa Mil Ill II A. !. AWMAA .411
have tbo banc fit of I ha dollar rata. Bat u they
do aot pay f ir six months, tbo rate will bo 11.25
year, iiereaiier we wui aasa tna paper to all
responsible persons who ordes It, tbouxti they
may aot send the money, with the undenatand
ll g thattbay are to pay 11.24 a year. In eaaa they
let a aabaerlttkn account ran over aix
a oaths. In order that there may be no miaonJ
a eraianiina;. we wui seep uua nouoe ctacdlnf
a t this place la tbe paper.
Daring tbe present campaign there
will be a great deal of buncombe
handed out to tbe listening voter by
those who are eupposed to possess
seeded information, and while it may
not be, indeed, will not be, em fined to
any one party, a Tast amount of non
sen ae willbe disseminated under the
plea that something is wrwi; or the
cost of living would not Lnvr increase
'tinder the last seven yeir of Republi
can administration of public affairs.
Bat to the man who takes tbe time
to thiak moment it will occur that
the increased eost cl living bns result
ed from the increase! prices of whit
ever bo finds it neee;iry to buy for
the consumption of hiniw-?If and family,
and the first question be should cult
himself is whether 'ie wtnteJ prices to
increase. Jf so, prices of wh.it? Wheal
was worth 'from;: twntv five to fnrty
flve eents for about two years f the
hard times period. Did the Demo
cratic farmer want the price of whei.t
to increase? And if so, ;idii't be know
it would be a hardship on the stone
mason and the mern nt, bcau ;t
would eost him moro to livet
In those days oats soil for 15 rent
per bushel. Did ibe Democratic farm
er want tha price t- doubby -ltaHf
when he should hsve l;ucw; it wotiid
increase , the cost of living tc t, e
liveryman .ami'' men eiignlcje ',1 in hun
dreds of other kiiuis oltiLxssm wliu
have to buy their oats! -DidTtsbft-ytoek-man
want wool ti adviree ?n price
from six'-V-Mit to eighteener pound,
when he sboohT have knwnv .j'tbat it
would irwr';,iij th l .t i.-.ing t- the
millions wh i l:.i it.'!nepf
And did th l-rik nutpcri .ind the enr--penter
'' -tn tj..iid thiit niiiit II.'r
wages wort tip from- nrthrug ir. a
condition of enforced unemployment to
three, four and five , dollars per day,
that it would cost people more to live
who had to. pay these wages?
Indeed, those were haleyjn days
days never to be forgf tt. n rJn n egs
were worth" five cents per do.en, .hogs
nothing, wot nitlunj: j.M.it3 ;i tr'fle
more and h'.'ss n tril?o leys, in..l Co.
ey's arotv tr(i!srii nvrrlin r t-1 Wish
ington (Jity insm 'nrt.ei-t senrth for
whatever grticy wis repp nnitlc for a
condition where everything y so
eheup that it wns alniost iuipostJble to
.Ah, those- wvre rat tim.?s, tbong'u
they did cot ilt'',,tt.t suit hi riry
thing Wrts too eheit.i -im 1 tbec tiuv
l'i not !')il a ! .'t.i. th- :iti?x
buy have nd?i.ti;l iu j rif-o jis w U i
those we sell. AVh:it w w,-m. nn
wh.t we" ae going to h.nve before wd
stop agita-ii is that blessed e n luion
where the f'.m'r can ,.H his wheat a
one dollar per bulcl and jrt jpribase
from tbe rnreh-int every product of
tbe faetiry nt n still reduce! price,
while, on the other h.ini, thi m uirfjc
turcr can get hit ilour and meat at a
lower rate than ever before known and
yet tmp an advanced price for his own
Of what profit is it to any man to be
able to sell his own stuff at an increas-
"I wai riven nrv tn di -4th
quick consumption I then beran
.a ..ma A - n . .
w niti v."T reciorai. i
improved at once, and am now in
perfect tieahh." Cbas. E. Han
rasn, Cibbstown, N. Y.
It's too risky, playing
with your cough. The
first thing you know it
will be clown deep in your
lungs and the play will be
over. Begin early with
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
and stop the cough. iiJtT,i.
.vC0"?011 r Ancr. If he says taks'lt.
tbaa jlo aahe saya. If ha talis you not to
take m than doo tUka it HeWws!
Constipation delays recovery.
Take laxative doses of Ayer's Pills,
gentle, purely vegetable.
- A YEB CO Losrsn, Xaaa.
o for g
EVERYTHING ttat is cfeans-
tn, ptfrifying and beautifying
tor itxc oJcin, caJpf tUlr, and
Hands of Infants and Children
CUTICURA Soap, assisted by
CUTICURA Ointment, the frcat
Skin Cure, will surely do No
person need go forth into the
world tortured and disiizuttd by
inherited humors of the Skin,
Scalp, and Blood if CUTICURA
REMEDIES have been used in
Sold thiwghoo Oi world. Cnttevr Snsp, Ur., OinU
Hemturm. ie. In furm ot C'hocolatr CosMd
A SB), brputmi LotkIod. 27 Ch.rr.r
BcNu St. i Fart, t Ru 4 is fsis'i Badon, l.TT Columbus
At., tottr Inu, ft Chm. Corp., Sol. Pt'om.
tbs SUa.ScaJy.llalr.asd iiaad of lutoatf u4 Cbildna.4
ed figure if be has to pay more for the
stuff he has to buy? Xone. It is
plain that tbo increaxed cost ft living
should always fall on the other man.
The farmer is always pleased to see
the consumer of wheat compelled to
pay him more for his product, but lie
sees do particular joy in having to pay
more for his plow! And the carpenter
would grow fat on his doubled wages
if his moat cost no more than when it
was so hnp that he couldn't afford to
buy it!
Things are not as they should bo.
Let us agitate this question until we
bask in the sunlight of. that restful
condition where every man can sell the
product of his own labor at a high
figure and buy that of every other
'nan's at the lowest ever known! In
fact, let us growl, and growl luftily, as
long an we do not have the dead mor
tal cinch on every individual who
comes across our business pathway!
A writer in the Chicago Inter Ocean
ijives an interesting account of a tree
Htanding in the redwood district of
Calaveras district in California which
'c claims is tbe oldest tree in the
world. It is not the largest or the
tallest, but it is claimed that it is older
than any other now standing.
This tree is 244 feet high, 35 feet in
iliameter at its base and its lowest
limb is J00 feot from the ground and
i't 'lirtnietor ! (. TUs lio-b ex
tni-i m :i rLhr .-idu!.- fine, Hi. tni;k
of the tree for 5o feet.
It is Afrtimated by this expert writer
that these oldest trees in California
were standing when Solomon erected
the, temple at Jerusalem, ' whose tim
bers were hewn in the forests of Leban
on and transported in floating rafts
from the Tyre to Joppa by King Hiram
and put into place by King Aliff."
Certainly there are few greater cur
iosities than these standing monarch
relies of a far off age whose youth
ful associates, either animal or vege
table,; were loag since lost in the
wastes of time,! with no ehornicle of
contemporaneous conditions. Kven
these will soon be gone, as, in spite of
the generous care of the California au
thorities, they are disappearing one by
one from various, though natural,
causes. . " ij
Under the above heading the Bend
Bulletin of the 5th inst. has a, word to
say concerning the future importance
of that section of Oregon andjwhich is
just now in the embryonie state of de
velopment when, as it well says, a little
timely action by those who can help
will be of immense future benefit to all
concerned. '
; Prom a ten years residence in East
ern Oregon the editor of the Statesman
is familiar with the incomparable possi
bilities of that entire section, and since
tbe reclamation f its immense' areas
or arid lands is now earnestly begun,
this 'paper feels that now is the time
for the Willamette valley to look ahead
somewhat to its own future advantages.
And the construction of a rood, denen.
dajde wagon road -between Marion
. auu v.rooa county ts one of the
most important enterprises in this di
reetion that is now perfectly feasible.
The continuation of the Yaquina
road over the Cae&des into Hastern Or
egon ia as certain to be accomplished as
that, the Willamette river flows from
here to the Columbia, bat this eertain
ty in no wise diminishes the demand
for free and permanent communication
by , wagon road -between ' Marion and
Crook counties or that portion of East
era Oregon. It is to be hoped that the
present move on the part of tbfcV and
Linn counties will result in something
of a tangible nature. This is one of
the important enterprises that should
be permitted to feel the uplifting
hand of tbe Oregon ! Development
League. The article of the Bulletin, to
which we have .referred, is as follows:
" 'It is no further,' ' says the Sa
lem Statesman, " 'from Salem to Bend
the new town on the Deschutes in the
midst ' of the great irrigation district
over there, than it is from Bend to the
Columbia rive. Will our enterprising
people think of this! And remember
itt And do something that will util
ize the fact In tbe interest of this part
or the eountryt' ;
"Indeed this IS something for the
enterprising people of the Willamette
valley to think about. Moreover, it is
an idea worth acting upon. The chick
that is soon to be born to the word of
commerce and industry will in the
course of time break its own shell, but
just now it would appreciate a friendly
peck from the outside. The Deschutes
eountry will not be ehoked to death
by the mere fact that palace ears do
not run to Bend. Ve will have aa out
let in due season. But now the situa
tion is such that a very little bend in
the twig, the removing of a pebble
from the course of the starting stream,
wil give direction to the tree or river
of the future that will be of tbe great
est importance to Oregon. The Des-
ehutes country is going right ahead, '
that's sure.
Those who wish to yoke
up with u. would better lose no time in '.
making it known. .
T . , , . , . ,
Evidence accumulates day by 7
that tbe St. Louis Fair is doomed to t
be a financial failure because of its J
relatively small attendance, btv. we '
still think it a mistaken conclusion that
this is the result of a lack of advertis-
ng. No fact is more widely known
throughout the United States than that
the largest Exposition ever held in the
world is in progress at St. Louis. The
fact is known everywhere.
The trouble with the St. Louis Fair
s, as has been repeatedly rtated, that
t is overdone. It is exploited on the
basis of a 50.000.000- investment, and
is practically impossible to induee
t sufficient number of' people to virit
St. Louis, or any other city, in one year
to make a financial success of such an
indertaking. It is constructed on a
t'auge altogether cumbersome in its
And, besides, who that contributes to
n Exposition expects to get his money
ark in hard casht Since it is not ex
pected to receive an income from the
St. Louis Exposition equal to the ac
tual cash outlay, what special portion
of the contribution is supposed to be
gift outright! Missouri appropriat
ed $5,000,000, tbe city of St. Louis $5,
000,000 and tbe business men of St.
Louis a similar sum. It is reasonably
supposed that these sums were straight
:ifte, with no thought of cash returns
rom the receipts of the Fair.
But the fact is, the. gate receipts are
so far below expectations that they are
frequently insufficient to pay the daily
xpenes. The lesson is to be found in '
he absurdity of overdoing such an'.n
"rprise. Tt is doubtful if all the ad-
M tisH' tmt cin be "done will chanffe
!' s: nation ft Ht. 1 ,0111s
But it is different with the Lewis and
Clark Fair. It is not widely known
over the United States, nor even rea
sonably well known. Mr. Franklin
Lane, of California, while in Portland
the other day made a public statement
that the people of California, even,
knew very little of the proposed Lewis
and Clark Fair. It seems singular to
the people of Oregon that the names
of Lewis and Clark are not familiar all
over the United States, but it is well
to again recall the conversation be
tween two visitors at the Oregon ex
hibit In the -Agricultural Building at
St. Louis, when one of them, having
seen the announcement on a placard
that there would be a Lewis and Clark
Fair in Portland, Oregon, in 1905, re
marked that they must be enterprising
men to have an Exposition ox their
own, whereupon his friend suggested
cave hy
f rxn- rt r h i r i ft f
that they f 'were probably a local real
estate f inn ;who wanted to boom ' the
town!" ' - . --.';- '
The managers of the Lewis and Clark
Fair are reminded again that one ' of
the Urst and most important duties
resting upon them today, in the line
of preparing in advance against next
year's difficulties, is to take hold! of
the publicity end of the problem and
to take bold' of it earnestly! Next year
will be too late to do the work of this
year. : ' ' - ' !; J" .; '
A Salem citizen yesterday suggested
that just now we need a city board of
health especially to supervise the man
ner of constructing septic sewer tanks,
many of which will undoubtedly ' be
made in the near future. A great por
tion of the city will not be able to
eonneet .with the sewer system for
years to come, and in the meantime
the resort to the septie tank process
will become more popular as it is made
familiar to tbe public But a septie
that is not constructed upon the right
principle will be of no account and a
loss of time. and money. No doubt this
discovery, if it is a discovery, will be
come a great aid to proper sanitation
in cities where other methods are not
possible, but its basie principle is a
scientific one which should be followed
in the acceptance of this method of dis
posing of sewage. There are a number
of things a city board of health could
find to do that would more than justify
its appointment and organization.
The Commoner says "Wages at Fall
River have Fallen. And this, too, in
the face of 'universal prosperity'
brought about by 'wise Republican
management.' " An expression like
this reveals one. of the very small sides
of a character that has its larger as
pects as well. Tbe fact that wages
have fallen at Fall River indicates that
a hi rate has prevailed, which is all
tnat ha, bee clainie4l. an1 it
nhoMiB that nothiag is aecepted with
qujte o mueh reliah bv certain Demb-
J era tie leaders as an indication of dis
tress somewhere as witness the above
(exhibition of irrepressible, joy over the
' reduction of wages, at Fall River. It
may be said to the credit of the Demo
cratic party, however, that this dispo-
sition is not sharea by its members
generally only by its political leaders.
The Atlanta Constitution says,
"Roosevelt and Rooseveltism! that is
the issue of this year's campaign as it
presents itself to the consideration of
the large numbers of independent
voters in the doubtful states, and to
business Republicans everywhere."
The Constitution is pre-eminently cor
rect in this diagnosis. "Business Re
publicans everywhere" are- all the
time comparing present conditions
with those prevailing during the time
the Democrats had tbe last whaek at
the administration of affairs in this
country. "Rooseveltism" is a mighty
good thing for "business Republicans"
to tie to and here is a pointer to
business Democrats, as well, who re
gard the welfare of the eountry above
that of their party.
There are no drop curtains in a Chi
nese theatre. When an act ends in a
lozen murders and they are great on
murders on the stage the victims arise
and walk away behind the scenes. It
saves any effort to deceive the spec
tators. The Japanese appear to have
adopted the same tactics in the struggle
now going on in Manchuria. When
10,000 of them are killed on the field
of battle they merely walk away and
nuitMinr nurupuiQ oy appearing in
some unexpected quarter the next-day .4
"Creffield in a burstr of confidence,
told a Telegram reporter that he was
converted to "Holy Rollerism" five
years ago in Salem. Now will the
Capital City be goodt" Eugene Reg
ister. It must have been during that
session of the Legislature five years
ago when Salem was overrun by high
rollers from all over the state. Salem
should never be held responsible for
what outsiders do here while the Leg
islature is in session.
a great many Improbable stories
about prospects are to be expected as
tbe campaign progresses, but just what
"high finance" is, or who, or whether
it makes any difference where his or its
influence goes, is one of the fairy prob
a . .
lems that makes the ordinary fellow
That Portland preacher, who took 1
shot at it comrade the other day think
ing he was a deer, should be ex-com-
Tbe Elgin Watch Is as Indis
pensable to that traveler as it is
to th great jrailroad systems.
Every ; Elgin Watch is
rnDy guaranteed. , AO
jewelers have Elgin
Watches. " .
keepers," an illustrated
history of the watch, mt
free spon request to
trSMt, IU.
12, 1904.
munieated, . excruciated, expatriated
and then exanimated. Of all the fool
things a supposed sane man ever does
the foolest thing is to shoot at an ob
ject in this brush while looking for
deer, without knowing its shape or col
or, simply because it is a moving ob
jeet. There are other objects that move
besides deer. . : Men have been known
to move, and , this preaeher should be
one of them!
The State Treasurer of Mississippi
has just issued & statement to the effect
that his state is spending more money
for education per capita, than any
other state in the Union except Mass
aehusetts.' During the year 1903 the
total receipts at the office of the State
Treasurer were 2,263,000, of which
$1,729,000 was paid out for education,
$1,250,000 going to the public schools.
This is, indeed, a good showing for
James Odgers, editor of the Daven
port, Wash., Tribune, while in Seattle
reported that "there are nine Republi
ean papers in Lincoln eounty, and
every one of them has bolted the,1 Re
publican state ticket." Later on' in
the interiew he said "we will have
only about -half a ; wheat crop this
year." Certainly, such crop conditions
are not conducive to the best results
Just what Parker's response to the
notification committee will be today, is
not certain, though it is generally eon-
ceded that it will be an affirmative one
IT .
xiowever, ne nas naa a whack atitae
plank in the platform and who would
undertake to surmise what he may have
up his sleeve f lie may have conclud
ed that our rights, in the Philippines
have been 'irrevocably established."
"When we begin; 'to utilize the im
mense water power found in our moun
tain streams in sending electric cars
spinning, all over the upper valley and
in turning the wheels of various manu
facturing industries, we shall all won
der why launching of such beneficial
enterprises has been so long delayed."
Kugene Register. Sure enough. Same
The Gervais Star claims that it is
Printed in tbe best town in tbe Wiflam
ette valley. We have no quarrel with
the Star on that proposition. If is sim
ply preparing for its future state as a
desirable northern suburb of Salem.
We have been pleased with the man
ifest prosperity of this oldest landmark
on French Prairie. -
The latest Iowa Idea, is that ofVSec
retary Shaw that he ought to be: the
Republican candidate for President
in 1908. Unt Iowa Ideas are troubled
with an ingredient- of instability that
renders them interesting only for their
tendency towarda glittering evanes
cence. :
What a joke iwould be on Judge
Parker, if elected President, 'to be
compelled to appoint a Republican as
Governor of the Philippines. For not
a single disciple of Jefferson could be
found in all this broad land who
would so stultify his ideals of right as
to accept the liloomin' position.
The La Grande Observer says Union
county cherries 'excell. " As to the
question of orthography, though, it
may be said that if ever the word
should be spelled with two "l'e" it is
when it is used to describe those Bings
and Royal Ann's of . Grand Ronde
Medical science has discovered ! that
bee stings are a eertain cure for rheum
atism. Certainly if applied in the
right manner they will limber up the
orinary stiff and recalcitrant joint
about as quickly as anything' we
know of. ;
An exchange says "if royal prayers
will influence the :tork, it will be a
boy." But it has only been four
months since the royal disappointment
was telegraphed all over tbe .world that
it was a girl. Don't get your dates
mixed, i
"Perry Clock, an inmate of the asy
lum at Salem, escaped and "' tried to
drown himself. His name would Indi
eate that he, believed it time to die.''
Eugene Register. You are altogether
wrong. He merely went on a strike.
Tom Watson, the Populist candidate
for President, has a new novel, now in
press, whieh is soon to be issued. Its
sequel will appear abont the first week
in November. V .
The unusually large number tf
deaths from drowning this season sug
gests the comforts and safety of .the
bath tub, after ail, Did yoa ever
try itt I
The Judge win be officially notified
today that the first unlucky streak in
his career began to assert itself ia St;
Louis last month. i j
Aa the star advocate of the anti-race-suicide
theory, President EooeevJt
should not allow the suspicion to grow
tnat his st renuosi ty is failing. j
Port Arthur will no doubt fall when i
it reaches a mood whose receptivity is
a little more pronounced.
"What a bedraggled old jade
Established in f J66. Open all the year. Private of
class instruction. Thousands of graduates in posi
tions;; opportunities constatitly occurring. It pays to
attend our school. Catalogue, specimens, etc., free.
Tba purpoaa of Boiwa Patet is to PsOtect and Baatif. v
-TB,rt oil la tha Ufa of paint" bacaaa It to taa binder, tia uo!5as, that holds the prans
' (tlia drr paint) to th surfmovt aad oalr kn taa oil loses Mis hmiUiif qaailty tUrouh Its dls- :
: inMa-rsttoo by staioaptrota luflnraosa stwmld UK loossnsd dry pvttdM of pi-ment ooss off. Tbs
': offlm of tho pirmant ts dcoarattva sod alae pram srrstlTO la pcolonfla- Uu Utm of itao oU by pro- ,
- taottac it troa taa alaaoaata.
Absolut covtaintjr of the purity of ttxm linesxl oil eonstitatM
' tha ebiaf aeonoiBr la paint bortnc tor tosiaotiy tta sztaet tbst taa MntLn quality of tbs ell la
: wukd by tho ns of sJaitersnta or bap thlasav.M tlasS fusallltx of ttk
: whol paint is dinalraialasxt.
You tkmwm tHia stbaoltsta csrtmlnt-sr of tho atsaiity of tn oil in th Psint pot
' en vonr bouaa ha you boy Xinloch Paint, because you bxxT Hm oil aspnr
; ,t,lx and aiva four psint this abaolntcty oartaia darsbfllcy by mixing this oil gallon for cslloa
! with tha tHicK "KinlocK oastsf ta which, for your aoavanlaooo and tha oortatnty
i of props proportions, all tba plamanta. tontine oolors. tnrpa'aad drysrs nra cronnd tofeUis
aad sold yon, ready for tap amlttnra of tha pnra raw oU by yonrsslf.
Thsta facts alone make "Kinloch" the Ideal paint bat bsstdo
: this g-nsrantaa of dorabiaty throuca your psraonal knowlad-s of taa parity of tbo oil. ts tba faet
that whaa yon bay two gallons of tha ordinary raady-nisad paint tba "randy for tba broaa"
aorr yoa pay tha raady-nlxad paint prtaa for tha oaa gallon of oil tharain. ragardlaaa of tta
: parity. o2 X3 SO O time snore than for tbafraab pura oil lay oux local itealor's brnml.
Wa larUe corraapoaownoa fxoaa thoaa what naa or pny Hanaa ralat. j
sold ty f. g. mm, Umji m.um s fiit co,, dishidoiots, poniooi ow.
ITS scope is
Annnal Production . From Over
Acres Required For Its . .
Mr. Eugene Eosse, Father of the Indus
try, Gives sme Additional Details la
Connection With the Prospect Has
Plenty of Capital Behind Him.
"In ordor that a linen mill be estab
lished in this eity, which is now prac
tically an assured fact," said Mr.
Bosse in further discussion of tbe ob
ject yesterday, "and that it be sup
plied with plenty of fibre to koep it in
perpetual operatioiv it will be neces -
sary to have at least five flax mHHs in
the valley, that is, three besides those
. '
already established in Scio and this
eity. Just where these mills will be
located is still a matter of conjecture,'
but it is quite likely, that ona of them
will be put -in at Albany and another
at either Wood-born .or (JervaisL both of
hich latter jdaees bring anxious to
procure one, but the loeatbtn' of the
third one n have not had time to
make any calculation Uimn. These
uiillrf will be situated in the midst
the best flax erowine 'distriets aioT
th matter has not been definitely Ue -
cided upn as yet.
The flax mill at Scio is fully
equipped 'with all . the necessary ma.
ehinery, with the possible exception
of some modern attachments and has
been running right along ' for several
years. This mill belongs to us. Tbe
Salem mill, however, has practically
no niachinerv in it. and tn buil.1 nn.l
fully equip these
four mills will re
quire an outlay of about $17,000 each;
maaiog an aggregate of about $70,000.
This amount taken tocetber with the
$100,000 that it will cost to erect and
eqtfip a linen mill, of 40mm) yards ca
pacity per week, will bring the grand
total of the expenditures necessary to
establish a linen mill ready for opera
tion. Up to 81iU,OO0.
"This, it is true, is an immense
amount of money to be invested in
this city and immediate vicinity, but
it in no wise conveys the slightest idea
of the scope or importance this indus
try will be to the valley and state at.'."'
ter it once begins to undergo the pro-j T?- .
cess of development. I have a creat -
-1 .. c v. .
L...u ,K m ' ,1 Samples of flax and tow it hand,
there l. Lt lZhtJt J "J? '' ""ve run cut straw through our card,.
J it. fjri lf I'ghtest question The Mm ,er , a,j ut, Ths
of its peing a sure go. 1, . .. . . ,
,,t .,r... JT;ii . itj. ' Iflax is the nicest I have seen for soma
"To support a mill of this eapactr time in fact j havd n,vcr ,pn bpttpr
an acreage of from 3,000 to 400 of that'r remer o ri j,k Hean,
flax per year, will.be required, and I j aRd free from Bhive. WH1' adapted for
have no fears of being unable to secure! finc varn(lf Mbse twine an1 thrail rh9
all that I need, especially so if the tow would make excellent crash suit
farmers once become awakened to the.jnfrgf iuelt and Turkish bath towels,
profit there is in the production of , and sugar bags. I am more than favor
flax for the fibre in comparison to that ably impressed with the possibilities, of
in other crops. Any land thatia eapa-1 the linen business with your excellent
bba of produeiag wheat makes excellent o-radea nt fi
flax land and there ie more money injin our vicinity on fine work that is as
flax than there is in wheat at the pres
ent or average prices. The farmers in
the neighborhood of Scio, where flax
has been grown quite extensively for
tbe past few years, are anxious to go
into the business more extensively and
will furnish at least 600 acres, probably
more, ana it seesns certain that tbe
balance of tbe valley will be able to
supply the remainder of the acreage
"Including the growing crop I will
have over 600 tons of flax straw on
hand this fall, and this, when reduced
to fibre, will give me at least 200 tons
of fibre or raw material which will be
a plenty with which to start the mill
and keep it in eontinnal operation un
til the new erop comes on. ; Tbe linen
rll will eonsume one-ton of fibre per
be equipped with ma? blurry for only
two systems, kiwwn a tlie warp :m.
filliug RyHttmn, but, as the' industry
level pes it is; injcrled that tlie : v- "
tern's will be;adicl to' it iintil iM
plant will bp c:ij.:il l.' of turning nut
Hnytliin from the '; rnarseitt of twims
arid -erashes to the finest of limn fuh
rifs.. This, however, will tnkf suii
time anl eannot be; -expected tn b.;
realized a the Htsrt' lis tht? eountry and
mill will have to be built tip to it.
w)rejfon - ..is. eapabla of jiro.liyiut; the
finest fjrnde. of fibre! n the world mid
it will not take.il long to dniioiist r:itt
it when we onee Jfet into the buifn'i.
.. ?'V.ht?n the .mill Ih completed .tin-re''
will, be a .eompetent siipriiil-inii'iit, "
one . who has had year of exp 'ri,n,e..
in. the manufae t.ure of linen ondM, on
han'l to take eharge'iof it, HM'Mikewi
twi or three t'Xperience1 snf-suj'riii..
tMidents to manage jni jVive jiitrur-'
tlons' in the spiuni'u'ahd weavbiK' de
partments, and 'everything' will' be in
rearlinesa to lfrin icra t ions at nine.
For.the first year at. I-ast there will n
aboijt-.lOO hands employed in. the mill
of whieh mi tnlr one-half writ
ha girl. The eomjileMient of emploves,:
how'e-er w-nr bi4 lrff fi(Wl ai the in
dustry' develops. ;Jt j J J '; . 1
, "Alt of the rnaehiney, with the ex-
jTeptton of the - spinning niacLinpn,
Ii&hi4-li - tt-ill lint'n' t t.A imtinrt.iil .r.nn
1 Kurope, can be purchase-! in the I nitr.t
states ami the full equipment will" cost
i" ;.. neighborhood- of f.Ls.ooo. The
-.1- 1 . 1 11 . i: ..1. 1 ... :
' 72; , '"' "
.1. ,1... nl. .... , . . IT (Li. .v.i.lff III.
ilustry,:-nd I regTet .very-mueh that I.
eanno't enlighten 1 hem 'more upon - the
subjetti-' but, when the mill om-e ntarls
up and. they ean see for theTiielve
th ciualitv of nisit trials 'whieh it will
turn out. .-perhaps- it ; will thettbecin t
.lawn ' Upon-them, i The unlv - reCTet ' I
have is that the mill was in'tt rwtablNh-'
VvH nnr n ivnr na, i l.nt -I hat is inilM.n-
sible ami there is. no use in ' eoroplain-
int? ' - 1
i fn order to demonstrate for hU own
satisfaction and ioithe people ;of thi
1 section cenerall v. when the opportune
time arrives far so doing1, the relative
t value of the Oregon,' l lax fibre, in coin;'
parison to the -product of other flax-
producing states, Mr. IIiikm recently
sent several samples of the fibre of
I different grade to the superintendent
: of ote of the lartrest linen mii.s ot
This -gentleman, being a personal
friend of Mr. Itosse, at bis request put
t tfte fibres throug all manner of exper
' imental tests, and, being an excellent
authority upnn flax fibre and itt manu
facturing value, -wrote a long letter to
Mr. Itosse giving his honest opinion
npon' the product which is indeed very
flattering and encooraging. His letter
f quite lengthy an deals .with the sub
ject generally, including the cost of
production, manufacture of linen ma
terials', and the profits of the indtmtry,
all of .which, at least for the time be
ing, is private matter. Some excerpt
s letter, pertaining to the value
fibre are piven herewith by per
l ouwion oi ur. iosse:
. ; : . - r - .
fine as your' stock would be used for.
" " w (Here prices of production, prof
its,' and the cost of establishing a linen
mill are givenl)
".The mill-could no doubt be operat
ed with a comparatively small working
capital having the flax tow on the
ground where 'you mannfeature. .It
Would not be like buying raw material
from across the water, paying exces
sive duty and large transportation ,
charges. Tying up large amounts of
money for long periods of time. The
tow from ent, straw would make linen
suitings. If deemed necessary, you
eould weave Turkish towls, huck uit
ings, crash towelling to facilitate the
moving of your product. There is -0
end to the articles which eould be mai
Arthur must be by this time.
J4y 'Taq xnill, at Ihe beginning will (Continued on page 5.)