WHATjWAS FLiEETS FATE ' V'f . - ; . ,;J-;--. i, 'fv ;.. ' Public Anxiety Great at Petersburg Russians Lose Ship. JPall of Port Arthur CIIKI'CH, Aug. 12.--Two lare Japaneso torpedo, ,kstroyero entered the harbor lat night showing no light, anchoring a quatter of a mile from the Kuasian - destroyer ftyeahitelnL- Later in the night a boarding1: jarty from the Japanese veswis boarded the dismantled Russian, firing pistols and wounm--vm KusHi'an in the kg. Later a third Japanese vessel was wen towing the linssian vessel out of the harbor and all, the Japanese vessel diapearcd. The Ja.inee ronwul clainisi the tomoiamkri of the Japanese vcattcls were ignorant of the liinantl'ntf ojfTthe Kus-sian, bat the Associated I'rcsn repre sentative informed 'the Japanese, officers when thev visited the Rycshitelni ear lier in the morning. The Jafwncso vcsselr appeared in good condition, though a close inspection was impossible owing to the darkness. 8t. Petersburg; Aug. 11. Public anx iety regarding the fnte of Port Arthur squadron which has reached the highest pitch remained unrelieved when the people of St. Petersburg retired to night. : j. Reports from Tokio and Chef oo of the sea fight which 'followed the depar ture of the squadron are so conflicting mid in-coneluHive 'that a strong hope exists that the Russian ships have suc ceeded in breaking through the Japan eso fleet. Indeed it . is rumored, late tonight that the admiralty had received infor matioif that the sqjuadroii had passed beyond Shantung promontory, which would bring the squadron at least 150 mile to the 'southeast of I'ort Arthur and into the Yellow. Hea. Although unable to confirm this ru mor, the Associated a reus learns that the family of lieutenant Smirnoff,; an officer of the battleship Czarevitch, this evening received a telegram from him dated at Tsingehau today. The mewige contained only two wyds, which were ' Alive; embraces." Tsingchuu Is 100 miles southwest of ;hefoo in the province of Shantung, at the entrance to Kiachau Day. Receipt of this telegram might be construed. as h partial confirmation of the rumor that the. squadron had reached the open tea beyond Shantung. In no other way can 1ieut. Smirnoff's family explain tho message from- Tsingehau. Would Avoid Discontent. Ht. PetorabursjyVug. 11. The Amo ciated Press hears, from a high source that at the foreign office here the ques tion of roviing list of contraband is not under consideration and that there is little likelihood of any modifications being made in the Rusaian declarations at present. Nevertheless the Novosti urges acceptance of the Americ an and Jfritlsh views iri order to prevent causes for discontent among tho neutral pow ers. ' Eosstan Ships at Klau Chan.' Chefoo, Aug. id The Kussian pro tected cruisers Askold. aiul 'ovik and nnn torpedo boat destroyer" entered Kiao f.'lmu Inst night (Thursday) and exchanged wibites with tho German ves sels anchored there. Ordered to Ee Ready. ' Cronstadt, Aug. l 1. Admiral Ttiril offe, in cotneod of tho navol forces here, today ''ordered Vice 'Admiral' Ho.jestven nky, 'commander of the Italtic fleet, and his staff, to take up their quarters on board tho battleship --SouvarofT to be iu 'readiness to sail August "14. Passed the Dardanelles. London, Aug. 11. A Brussels corres jHu.'ont of the Daily Telegraph de clare. that two of the Kussinn lUnck Sea fleet have already' passed the Dar danelles without tho interposition of any difficulty on the part of the Turk ish government. i Special SMplng Cases, " P.eriin, Aug. 11. A Tokio correspon dent of the Lokal Anr.eiger says special "shipping has been entirely suspended owing to the escnjie of tho Port Arthur Squadron, the present location of which is nnknoww. The Lokal Anieiger in comujonting on the dispatch says it in dicate that the squadron has crossed t lie Straits of Pe Chi Li and has round ed Shantung promontory. -. More Port Arthur Enmors. London, 'Aug. 11. Burners that Port Arthur has fallen are again current, but apparently there is no further war rant for them than on previous occa sions. It is regarded as impossible that 'Port Arthur can hold out much longer, but there is no further news at hand either concerning the fortress or the fate of the Port Arthur squadron beyond the statement from Chef "o that the protected cruisers Askold and Kcvik have entered the prt of Kin clian, which is in German leafed terri tory. " ; ' ' '; , Story of the Capture. 5 Chefoo, Ang. 12, 8:30 . m. At 3:.10 cr'eloek this morning'th Japanese tor pedo boat destroyers Asashio and Kas utni, which entered the harbor under the over of darkness last night, sent boarding party against the Russian torpedo-"'. boat destroyer Eyeshitnelni which had previously been disarmed ly the fhinesc. After a fierce fight the boarding party hoisted the Japan use flair on tho Eveshitnelni and towed Iff out of the harbor' in a northerly- direction. Of her crew of forty-sevei, aeventeen have : been acconntejl for Captain SheslakovskV is reported kill ed.-' Seven swam ashore, landing near . American consulate. - Some -. were picked up by sampans, and .three, in cluding a lieutenant, were rescued by light ship.- :J-'S - U '.'-. Russians Turn Trick. r The Japanese claim that they sent in S!g to the Rreshitnelni under a ag of truce by a lieutenant and interjire er who made the -demand ---thaVtm lU!3Una come ontside and fight. The Near! rig Russian captain replied that his ship had; ben disarmed, her engines dis abled and that the whole matter was in the hands of the Chinese. The Japanese were asked to investi gate the disarmament. The Japanese interpreter claims that he heard the Russian captain give a hurried order in a law tone, the words v not being dis tinguishable to the interpreter. Jmme- AICIOEED MOTOR It has long been recognized that tho tho battlefield iafthat shown by the members of tho ambulance corns, thous ands of whom arc killed by stray bullets invented the armored motor: car shown use in tbo itusian army, the members . travel in it in comparative safety from to the other caring for those who have transporting them to the field hospitals diately followirrg tho captain seized the Japanese lieutenant and -jumped overboard with him. Tho Japanese Are Victorous. Meanwhile the Japaneso destroyers had their searchlights turned on the Eussian ship. From tho deck of the light-ship the observers could see this act which was followed by ; the shoot ing of rifles nnd salre strokes and the Russians jumping overboard.) The flgbt- ng had lasted ten minute when an ex plosion followed. The explosion blew away the main bridge, but did no dam age to the hull. . The Russian bysthis time were moatly all overboard. The Japaneso at once hoisted the flag. Chinese Must Explain. Presently a searchlight i from the Chinese miser. Hai Chi disclosed a Chinese cutter alongside the Asasliio.Mt remained thTe only a minute and then went alongside: the Kassmi where it atopped an equal length of time. The cutter then returned to the Hai Chi. Tbe action of the Chinese fleet is un explained so far. It is ; -believed ser ious inttjrjiational compUcatons will result from the incident. There are unconfirmed stories in circulation that tho Japanese fired at the Russians when they were in the wster and tney rcrus- ed to rescue any of them. REPORT THAT ATTEMPT FRUS TRATED. LOXDOX. Aug. 11. A dispatch to a news agency from Tokio announces de finitely that Admiral Togo has frus trated tho attempts of the i'ort Artnnr siuadronto escape, and adds that the I'ort Artiiur rorts participaiea hb the warships in the engagement, indi cating, if true, that the fighting occur red close to the port I NEXT YEAR'S CONGRESS. El Paso Wants Mining Consress For ; 1905 to Come There Tor Entcr- ..tainment. -;: ! KL PASO, Tex., Aug. 11. At t last session tho Chatnlicr of Commerce discussed and acted favorably upon a resolution to send-' a strong del-fitton to Portland, Oregon, August IK, for the purpose of capturing, if possible, tho Mining Congress for 1!K)5. i It was found necessary to raise alwut jH.OOO to prosecute the fight, Lut tho money was readily forthcoming. 1 The congress, which meets at Port- laud during .the present mouth, i wanted ext year by Denver, Cincin nati and El Paso, but this city u said to be favored by the majority of tLe delegates. .. ' ' , OFFICIAL CALL ISSUED. j ; , ..!. ! KL PASO, Tex., Aug. II. President ISrkVof Montana, has mt the fTiCial eall for the Twelfth Annfliil session .f tho National 1 Irrigation fnires, which meets at El Paso, November 13 1R tv Mia osceriitive romiaitteo f tbe Stmthwestern Irtrigation Association J ,tion from W. IT. Thompson, treasurer of thlsHy for examination aad approvLthe EPwition .Company., The Presi ! Action' will be taken at a meeting .det . Ht not encourage Mr, Thompson held this wer'i and the eall - ,willi lw F in the' belief that he woold attend the ready -for ireuiatiu arlywxt Vpek. LTT IN OBEDIENCE TO O EDITHS. CIIKFOO, Aug. ll.-The Eussian squadron left lort Arthur in response to imperative orders1 from Tiie Admi ral SkrydlonT. f V 1" ? A semi-official telegram reports that the Russian . battleships Pobeida and Itetvizan have returned, damaged, to I'ort Arthur. . i . , r Three Japanese; torpedo boat de troyera are now outside tfcia harbor watching the KusLaa torepdo boat de stroyer Kyeslutelni, which still flies the Eussian flag. FULL OF RUMORS AXE IS FULL OF, EAXLEOAD NEWS ' AND BTJMOKS OF BATXBOADS TO BE BUILT. The Portland and West Side Boad Is Next One to Oo Ahead With Its Line So It la Said Does Southern Pacific Own Willamette Valley Electric? Tbe air is. full of railroads, and ru mors of railroads. -inese things are 'getting to be so common that people-pay very little at- AMBULANCE CAR. highest typo of heroism disidavcd on in every war. An Englishman has in the illustration. This is now in of : the lied Cross beinz enabled to one portion of the sceno of conflict been "wounded, and, when necessary without delay. tention to tho remark tliat a now one has appeared over the horizon. The Portland and West $ide Kail road is one more, or if that is not the name by which it will be known, it is near enough the name for tho present discussion of tho proposition. Its promoter, Mr. UaUentine, was in tho city yesterday, but like tho Irish man's fl-a, the writer, nor any of his able assistants-were able to put their eyes, let alone their fin ire rs on him. The writer learned that he was not in Halem because' Salem-was considered a healthful summer resort alone, but for other reasons, some mentionab.e and some otherwise. One of the-principal reasons, it is said by jxrsons who seem to known, was that Mr. Hallentlnc wants to build an electric railway from Salem to Port land via Huttoville and the West Hide. Mr. Itnllentinc was" prepared to tile the7 compuny's crtieles of .Incorpora tion a few days since, but there was some hifeh in the proceedings owing to a difference in the -understanding of tho corporation tax lawNwit the result that the articles had to" be again sent to the Kast. They were taken by a gentleman wdl known in Oregon rail road circles, who is said to have a deep interest in the success of this scheme, and hn is said to have fallen siek,'nnd thereby .to havo , been delayed. This gentleman is none other, it is reported, than the late. president of the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company, Mr. C. J. Smith. . It is said that Mr. Smith's friends and Mr. Bsllentlne 's friends also have tho money to their . undertaking and that there is no doubt at all that they mean bus is ess, and that they will con struct, the roal and that as soon as.it is possible to secure the right of way and get the snrveys. grade and tics to gether with the rails. It is said that this company was real ly ready to get into the field before the Portland and Southern, but that some thing interfered and that it has been neiayeci lor various reasons. However, tbo company js laying out its bno through one of the richest districts in the world, and one capable of support ing a great population, and there, is no doubt at all to any one that has studied the inter-urban' question that there is room for both systems and a good many more in this wonderfully fertile rttid' productive valley or the god. Then this is not the, only railrcad scheme that is till in the wind. , The Willamette; Valley Electric Company which- lias - aeenred right of way in Lane and Benton counties has not ret filed its paper. " Tn-esnmabr" waiting ties ; ? rnval of . Congrcsjunan ; ilson from Arizona, r There seems to ie growing idea that the Southern Pacific i .back of the - Willamette Valley scheme, and while no one wi'l flad fault with the Southern Pacific if this is true every, one in the vallev is interested in seeing tho roads built at as early a date as may be possible." , f DIDN'T PROMISE TO ACCEPT. WASniXGTON. An. II. President f Koosevelt toady received a personal in- T i tat ion to- visit the St. Louis Kxposi- 'Fair, SHERIFF WILL HAVE PEACE BUSINESS MEETING , HELD CRIPPLE CREEK AT, LAWLESSNESS MUST CEASE . Haa Issued Proclamation Ordering Citizens to Quit Carrying ; Fira .Arms. Promlfes Punishment to All Offenden Recardless of Party or Frevioas Con ditions Will Afford Protection to Citizens Threatened bj Mob. ..'DENVER,' Auk. H. A New'. ie cial from Cripple Creek, Colo., says that Sheriff Bell, who returned to that city today from Wyoming, attended a meeting of the county eomnissioners at which the mayors of Victor and Cripple Creek, County Attorney Ashton and Deputy District Attorney Charles C. Ilutler were also present. The recent acts of tho vigilantes was discussed, and it was decided, to vigorously pros ecute the guilty parties and to. afford every protection to citizens threatened by tho masked band. Acting upon this decision SherifT'Bell issued a proclama tion ordering citizens to refrain from carrying weapons, to cease all incen diary talk or committing overt deeds. The proclamation promises punishment to all offenders regardless of , party or other conditions of life. UP TO COMPANY . PRACTICALLY ALL OBSTACLES HAVE EEEN REMOVED FROM BUILDING OP NEW ROAD Portland-Salem Electric Line Must be Finished Before July 1, 1905, or Title te- Right of Way Grant Re verts to Grantor in One Instance. Tbo last obstacle the, objections of Mr. Stephen Staiger toward tbe grant ing of right , of way privileges across his property for he projwwoil Portland Southern liailway, according to Mr. French, the ai-nt of the company, has been removed and it is now up to the company to get in and build the road and fulfill its promises, at . least the representations of Mr. French. It is undorstood that an agreement has been reached between Messrs. Staiger and French whereby tho farmer agrees to grant, the road right of way privileges across his domain, but the terms of this agreement- could not le learned from an authoritative source last even ing. , Now Mr. French is said to have stated, there is only one party who is lolding out against the project, the owner of a very small tract of land along the proposed route of the elec tric railway but his objections are re garded as being easily overcome and not a menace to tho carrying out or the plans of the project in- any sense of the word. It is simply a matter or a difference of opinion and will "in no wise interfere with or delay the work upon the project in the least. In order that the titles to the right of way may rest secure in the name of Jhe Portland & - Southern lvlectric Railway Company, according to tho wording of at least one of the deeds of grant which was delivered to Mr. 1a. H .Freneh yesterday afternoon, the road between this city and Portland must have lecn completed and in oper ation on or before July 1, 1!0., unless somo delay is oeasione.il for which the company is not to beheld responsible, otherwise tho title of this1 certain piece of right of 'way reverts to the grantor or his heirs end assigns. In nearly every instance -where grants of right -of way have been se cured along the-route f the proposed road, they have been given for a term of three vears. and in the majority of cases there are no provisos or stipsla tions whereby the title reverts to the crantor in the event the omnany does not live up to the agreement as voiced by Mr. French, the right of way agent. In the. ease referred to, bowever, as A TEXAS WONDER HALL'S GREAT DISCOVERT. One "small lwttle of the Texas Won der. Hall's Great Diaeo very, cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes, seminal emis sions, weak and lame backs, rhcuma tisra and all irregularities of the kid neys and bladder in both men and wo men, regulates bladder trouble- in chil dren. Jf not sold by your druggist, wi,ll;be ,sent by ma.l on receipt of $1. Ono .small bottle is two month's treat ment. "Dr. Ernest W. Hall, solo manu facturer, P. O. box, 6'29, St. Loiis, Mo. Send for testimonials. Sold by an drug- gists and Dr. S. C Stone's Drug Store. , .'.,'.-;'.: READ THIS. f . To Whom It May Concern: This ia to certify that I was down for nine months with kidney end blad der trouble, and tried all known rente dies to no avail until a neighbor induc ed me to get a bottle of Texas Won der, one half of .which cured ma sound and well; this I would cheerful! v ear toand for the benefit of those who are afflicted and wishing to be permanent- ly urel, they can obtain a bottU at bit Lou so Joc&ted on West 11th- street. Tours truly ' - - r; : J. J.BeaLE, ; - -I'.'-' - Uedfoid. fir. above stated,' the grantor proposed to take BO chances of having his avail able right of way tied op for a period of three yers, looked upon as unnec essary since the company proposed to Construct tbo . road within one year, and, in case this company shall fait n its project for any reason whatever, he did not propose to be so situated that he could not assist another pro ject of a- like nature, bene be insisted upon thes. iron-elad 'stipulations be incorporated in his dee of grant. Al though Mr. French objected vto the stipulations at first he finally agreed to accept them, and did so. Tbe deed of grant also contains an other stipulation, in fact two of them, which are not Incorporated in tbe con tracts as proided by Mr. French under which be obtained the greater portion of his right of way. One of them is to the effect that, in case tbo operation' of the road should cease for a period of one month at a time, after it is once pot in operation, .unless from causes which the. company could not reason ably prevent, the title to the right of way also reverts to the grantor or his heirs, and the other proviso is that, in ase the road eer fr any reason what-j ever becomes the property or unde the control : of the Southern Pacific Com pany or any of rts agents, incorpora tors or officers, or anybody in any way connected with the "Southern Pacific Compan, the title of - tbe j Portland-, Southern Company fails n the' right ofj way and reverts to the original owner, PROMINENT FIGURES IN THE .T Orient Armour. Ixiuis F. Swift anl S. 03 den srr-mour I cJ2A Swtt : three of the great meat packing establishments of the country at whoso plants occurred the recent trouble with the men over tho question of wage. Tens of thousands of the butcher workmen resolved to strike, with the result that the prices of meat of all sorts immediatclybegan to soar. - ; l i ; GETS FULL TITLE. Joanna Knapp Gets Decree of Court Granting Her Title to Real Estate. --:"- Joanna Knapp was'deeltred by a de cree of Judge Wm. Galloway in Depart ment No. 2 of the circuit court yester day, to Iks the sole and absolute owner ' . . ... . . t t in feo simplo or the legal ana equunuie title to 270 acres of land in section 5, township 4 south, range 2 west, as prayed for by her in the suit against Amentia tvnapp, aummisxrainx oo bonus non of the estate: of Frederick Knapp, deceased. The other defendants in he ease were Amanda ;Knapp, Ifer mina (Knapp, Paul II. Knappj Charles Knapp, Emma Knapp, Clara Knapp, Albert -Knapp, Frank Jvnapp, Anna Knapp Kester and Ilenry ; Kester. The relation ot trustee to ino neien.i- ants,1 and bang th. decree On the findings of faet and conclusions of law the decree is made to have the force and effect of an absolute deed of conveyance. g.HMBSBSSaBSSVSlSkSMsM ELSHIORN. ! ELK HORN', Ang. M.-f (Correspond ence.) Tlio air is filled with snjoke, probablv from forest ures.1 Airs, iviinnio nmiio is runnjjn'iaung going to tne vaney sn. Mr. KoM. Aloornousr? nas gone ro ine valley. He will thr.rh and pick hops. CJrandfather wiikins is aunenij; much pain from Uis right liml wbicb he hurt thirtv years ago. Old age is against him. He is now 0 years old. Mr. T. I '1. ope is contemplating building a siimmer resort next year for the aeermmodatiou of thtj campers rur. ing their vacation. Mr Poe ' has a splendhl view of Jhc mountain scenery and of the riverajso. j ',. Mr. McDevit, Of Dallas, who has r.een taking an -ole novation of .his mine ia Gobi -'reck District, went out l-t Sun- lay.; It is said Mr. McDevit uas a rieU mine. Messrs. Wilkms and Wilson are tl- most through peeling chittim brrk. They have in the ncighbjirbol of a ton now, , ----...'.-. , .,-'.- - ".. We are expecting Mr. and Mrs. Charley Holt, from Portland. Mr. and Mrs, Holt have a host f fremls m tbi locality and will 4 be welcome guests. : - . ' - J (',- Mr. Goolalf, of Salem- who is-camp ed, near Mr, T.L. Pope a, returned Monday. Mrs. Goods le's hfalth is greatly improved since- they n to the; mountains. Pure water and fresh air bring health to many who snffe, k SEVERE NAVAL BATTLE . . . WASHINGTON, Aug. - II. Th Jap anese legation hae received the follow ing eablegram datel Tokio- 4ody: f'A'ariou rejtrts from Ta Lien Bay sav that tae.Kussuin squadron emerged from Port Arthur on tbe morning of Angnst 19. A i severe- battle : ensued, continuing until sunset. ; In the night our torpedo flotilla seemed to have at- tacked the cseroy's squadron, for: at dawn on August 11, the Ketvizan and another battleship of the Poleida tyye apjieared'to be taking, flight toward I'ort Arthur,' - - - WILL CUT OFF SUPPLY Such Is Idea of Strikers By Ordering: Out Grocery And Market Drivers Thus Extend Strike CHICAGO, Aug. 11 The stock yards tonight seem no nearer a settlement than it did the day the struggle be- gan. 'j-';"-- ' Kfforts of -tbe committee composed of retail butchers and grocers to bring about a cpnfcretiee between the pack ers and the. strike leaders was of no avail today. The retailers committeo was in con ference with, a comtnittee- represcatiog tbo'. packers for three hours. iWhen the strike leaders were informed of the de termination of the packers to refuse to enter. into! further conferences with the unionists they began to form jdans to force the hand of the legal department of the Cnited States government In an endeavor, to bring about, a jsettlcment. This move was decided upon by the legal advisers of tbe itrikera'after PACKING HOUSE TROUBLE Michael Cudahy aro the hea Is C of 1 they had received what they considered reliablo: information that the Attorney General Would not make a movo tO brinto operation a perpetual in junction now held by the government against combinations, among the pack ing firras unless ordered to do so by President Roosevelt. tJ. Tho plan in effect is this: Tomorrow or next day i ric turn will be started in the Federal conrT in tli- name of -a striker who holds stock in one of the biggest'; of the packing Ct.ncerns, de manding that en injunction le put into oeralion on the griniiid that an illegal combination still exists and through it tho stockholders are suffering loss. This, it is exiKctel by the utrike lead- ers, will in. luce J'resiiient jtooju-veit to talte up the fight to force the packers to proluce their Ixmks, contracts and agreements ia open court. Such a step. it is liebeved bv the strikers, will bring the packers to terms and end the struggle. ; - Officials of the Market Wagon Drivers' Union havo. ordered a vote to bo taken bv the union on Sunday on the.fluestion , of a rtrike of tin men. arc AT THE OLD WITE CORNER iMoncy saving saleji duriDg the Jyiid-suramei-Vdays. TVhilo other ' i merchants talk of the dull summer season, wo boom business j by giving such values as will oax the people out. Gatin Girdle Corsets ' Regular Cc values Each E Kai Kai ilk) Regular 50c value n Our NCW : FaU Shoes Arc In c V3 "Thero will be a meeting f grocery and meat wagon drivors Sun daj," said business Agent Kelly, and if jHace i not secured by that time or something definite done by re tailer and packers, our men will de cide Ju join tbe other unions already on a strike. Should such a decision be reached at this meeting, tho ment sup ply, will bo . cut off before Monday niomin, it TO PROSECUTE INTERIOR DEPARTMENT ' WILL PUSH "WITn VIGOR" LAND FBAX7D CASES. Will Not Consider Ruling of New Tork Judg9 In Benson Case of Any Afalue, And Will Tit No Attention to It. . SAX FRAN'CISCO, Aug. ll.-Judgo -A. Pugh of Washiugton, 1. C, who is here to direct prosecution in the Hurd Diamond so-cftlled laniHraud case,. stat ed today that. jtte recent ruling of an l!astern Judge discharging Ilenson woubl have no effect upon the pending cases. -The administration of the In terior DepartiiM'iit has directed that prosecution hero bo carried on with vigor. - . j- . ' . . ; CARNIVAL ATTRACTIONS . Bhowr Attracting Largo Crowds " Lunette a Marvel of the Age -Big Night Tonight. :- 1 I Yesterday was a big day at the ground, fop in spite of the heat, tho tents were-erowded all day. . Lunette, in her aerial acts, stands at the head of hrr profession. While thn mechanism that sails this dainty nii-M through the air is sufiiciently clever to positively defy detection, her acting the part of a! hypnotic subject is more so Iiroad day light and a front 't faile.1 to dLscover a string or wire at tached to tha yeuntf lady, yet sho per formed all kinds of maneuvers in af. yesterdar was Chcmawa day, and today will b the - baby slwiw, which proiniseaito be n cvfnt long to 1m -re-memlrtred. . . , . V" Tonight will lxi newsboys? night and all of the littlo fellows are reo,uesled to roeet at the Journal office, and march to the ground, where they are sure to bo entertained. The nuwsboys will "b accompanied" by the circulation chief of -each of the daily papers published here. , , -. . . MARION COUNTY AHEAD. Threshing Almost Completed in Thla Vicinity and Only Beginning . Near Portland. "RejMrts from various parts of tho state put Marion county,- ahead . on threshing.3 All of the fall sown wheat is threshed and the spring wheat well under -way, while from Marion eounty north to the state line ,but'few thresh iers ore to bf seen in the fields. -- tjregon ' peach crop is far superior to that of lat year in spite of the frost that, damaged less hardy fruits. In Mission cBot torn the peach crop !s being gathered in quantities BufTicient fr shipping. '- "" " " . Mr. I. A; McCall, a prominent fruit grower of Itosehurg, who has been i. this eity looking up a markej for pesebes, lrcriort the crop abundant iu that part-ofytbo state. Great Reduction In Wash Goods nJenrs'Tiei Reversible four-in-hands. Reg ular 25c kind. .Oflp Opfl Bale price LUl luLli Tecka, "four-lii hankf, midget?, shield tecks, club tlex, etc. Regular riUpriwL..... I8c 63C0 SWELL NEW SHIRTS For Earl j Fall The. best and moat attractive line of golf and neglige shirts ever shown InBaletu $1.00 to $ 3.50