Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, August 09, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Very Little News. Lull Before Storm
f V 2 , a j. m f I '- . . J
ant Battle Expected
ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. (J. Knro- 1M battalions, besides cavalry and
j,atkin's. report of Bmall Hhiftiojf move--artillery, j altogether not far short of
meats by the Japanese with a single 200,000 ; men. Only' one third of thin
unimportant skirmish, bringing thai force wag engaged in fighting July CO
militarv. situation up to August 4, is and 31 and 4 August 1. The pick of
just what has Wen '-ex peeled by the Kuropatkin'a troops, newly; arrived
authorities here. It is believed, how- J European regiments, are stationed at
ever a lull in the fighting has lasted Anping and Anshansban. where the
about as long as possible, "and the.
forces around Liao Vane1 are n thil
eve of a desperate and decisive engagement.'-
!-. "';''';:;' ,-.V'.v; : ;
. Tti riQitMA t9 T J r.lbt ' four Amvm .
believed to have been long enough, to,
iLn. -f,.aJa rt IL
formation bring supplies and make
ready for a grand assault upon the
powerful positions girding Liao Yang,
k. iiTtMAr hl J i-
reeled. Liao Yang is closely tied up r -persistent reports from (Moo
With the fortunes f the whole wa. j that the Japanese have captured two
Loss of sueh a Tuition, with its vast ,mman,ling position- , near Port . Ar
... .'.-.I.H-. J ...l.i : thur iWs not receive general credence
diately and perhar irreparably endan-,
ger the main Russian position in
MUHary authorities do not entertain ;
e slightest doubt of Kuropatkm's
ability to repulse -any attempt to cap
ture and eut oil L,iao Yang. The , de-
fense there has an immense advantage,
operating within a small radius of 20
miles, thns enabling Kuropatkin to re-
inforee promptly any weak point." The
army at -hi disposal .is. estimated at
Sweet Marie, Well Known Here, Wins
Purse of $5,000 For 2:11
((From Sunday's Pail y.)
Ralem' lovers of horse racing will be
interested to hear that the McKinncy
mare, Sweet Marie, formerly driven by
iW, O. Durfee, of Los Angeles, Cab,
recently won the Electric City stake
of $5,000 for 2:11 trotters at Buffalo,
and lowered - her ' record to 2:0.Ha.
Bweet Mario will be remembered as the
mare that, together, with Mr. lijrfee,
ber driver, was ruled off the Northwest
circuit last year, but both were later
reinstated. Mr. T)nrfe, was accused of
laying up a beat in the Lewis and
i ; jar it staxe, ana wnen ne remwu m
give up Ws seat lehind the mare t6
another driver, the judges took the
the alovue action.
' Sweet Mane is now on th ran'l cir
cuit, and had already w-m .ie race
last week In' fcer .latest p"fr.nanep
she had to defeat -: such ;l well known
trotters as.Tiverton, Uoha, Taylor, ljob
ert: M., . Lady , Gail Hatnili on, I.ady
3"htchie, and Jadgelf.'en. Admirers
this great animal fully believe that
ber name will be one more added to
the long lint of , trotters and ppcers,
that .bora ia thy W$&, haro bcn sen
sational winners on the grand circuit.
History .vs. Newspaper .Defects One
Must Correct the Other.
- (From Sunday 's Daily.)
'Editor Statesman
A Sunday paper should tell tho truth
or correct errors of week day hurry.
This morning's Statesmanuotes a
Spokane paper (under the heading of
"birth place of great men") that
Mark A. Fullerton was born on the do
nation land claim of his parents, C. P.
and Cornelia Fullerton, four and one
half miles south of Salem court house,
and tbeir neighbor who put on his first
dress Jives ia Salem. Silvcrton may
have the honor of having been the home
of Homer Davenport, but his birth place
was at the It. C Geer farm four
miles south of Silverton. - -
Spokane as a city was conceived in
the heads of two Marion county yung
men, James and Joseph Matheny. t'here
is no desire to detract from the inherent
greatnem of Silverton, but, time was
when its people in and,thoo surround
ing it wer pretty evenly divided be
tweeen those who sympathized with dis
union between those who were willing
to risk all for its preservation. Even
its newsjapers "down to a late date are,
liable to get in advance of truth ia
their go-ahead itiveness. Two years
ago last spring Its pioneer paper an
nounced the death of Olu John Minto
whose farm joined that in which Mark
A.- Fullerton was born but there are
indications in the copy of the States
man which impels this corree tion, that
even so great a paper as the Silverton
Appeal can fall into errrors. O. P.
rive Hundred Horses Win Be at Irv
lngton Track for Thirty Days.
PORTLAND, Aug. 6. Entries for
the opening days' card at the Multno
mahFair association are out and every
thing is in readiness for a 30 day .meet
which commences at Irvington Monday.
! Wrt train lnoli nf nArana sill reah here
Riimlaw Cn a m .1 K th. lima ttir I
are all stabled" over 500 horses will be
at the track. The association, has spent
$15,000 this summer in improvements
and the racing plant tWaj is the best
ia the northwest.
Protperous Lodge at Chemaw Enter
tain In Grand Style at Their New
. HalL ' . :. .
The Chemawa bulge of Modern Broth
erhood held a grand . jollification at
their hall near Chemawa last night.
There are over on hundred active mem
bers of the organization at that paee,
aad a fine program hal been prepared.
A large number of prominent Salemltes
'Irove out last evening to attend the
festivities. A banquet was one of te
features of the evening and speeehjpa
by the Hon. J. A. Jeffrey of this city
and by Mr. W. J. Applegate, the state
manager of the association.
CmCACO, 111., Aug. 6. The sti ck
7rls strikers forgot their animosities
Pad troubles today long enough to joia
hard est onset is. exjxjeted to be made,
' '
i.xto word, xToin iron Ann or.
The Associated Press has assured the
'general staff and admiralty that it Las
-FVll?"1-' "f cornmVniet5on
Port Arthur, and argue, in -iw of thi
.that there has bc-n no change of
STWT? t.ftMryI,erI
toessor A.hniral Witboft to send
special Uisiatehes.
?Tti. li eon''f l that the, bat-
Man-j'V,' " , , A
able to shell the bescigers' -battery
withr.nr ilintror tn ih tl.in ' sn.V. I Via
japaneu guns ara too far away to be
effective. ' -
May Have Been Torpedoed:
No confirmation is obtainable here
of the; report cibted to a news agency
in London that the Kussian battleship
Klava was accidentally torjjedoed at
J('ronstadt today.
ia . a . peaceable; demonstration, the
first since the strike was called. In the I
fully-iy00 strikers and their families
encircle! ; the stock yards district,
marclung to music from a dor.en bands.
Tho demonstration ended with a picnic
at Oswalds Grove, where addresses
were made by prominent labor leaders.
vi.;i w ;n T.rrfa
there was peace and quiet around theffwrtb f'ets. I lighted them and pu
big packing plants at the stock yards,
Items i Picked Up by Rural Carries
! Along tho Mail Routes.
t (From Sunday's Daily.) .
Mr.S J. W. Cor, the carrier on Konte
No. 9, lit sick at his home in this city.
Ills son, Ghester, is acting as substitute
carrier on the mail route. .'-
Route Six. : 1
Mr Ed. L," Kobbins is remodeling
his housa tt FruiUand, making exten-
sivo impfoveinonts.
Mi3s.'Luln, Jones, o Jefferson, is
visiting with' relatives at tWJJardv some on wheels, others driving. "i
Mr. Jiiite Savage is, spending his,va- The morning was spent in wading,
cation in the hSy field, f ! . 'exploring the woods and resting in the
Mr. Aiidy Coae, of near' Pratum,; has hammocks swung in the shade. 5
his hop yard worked, up to tho top, At noon Mrs. Kightlinger served the
notch and erpecta a crop equal to last giri$ wjth a bountiful lunch,
year's heavy yield. DuHng tho afternoon the girls played
- ' - iganws, sang songs, went bicycling, and
' Route rive. about 4 o'clock feasted oa delicious
Mr. T. IL Humphrey, whose farm is watermelons. At 7 o'elok sur.per wag
near the Kiekey school house, has; just served and soon afterwards the merry
completed a neat cottage. party returned home. '
Mr. Ji W. Bt-llowmy, living in the i The members of the class are: Alma
samo; prosperous. neighborhool, has Nye, May Kowe, Mable O'nyujr, Maud
just finished giving his house a coat of Evans, Lottie Landon, Agnes -..West,
paint, and ha erected a new barn near'llattie Swenik, Elsie Denser, . Euby
his farm house .
Route Eight.
Farmers are beginning to dig pota-
toes for shipment and report a good
Mr. Leon Girod. a member of the
Oregon Nursery Company, is visiting
with bis parents at Lake Jalinh. Mr.
Girod has etxensive nursery interests
in Washington, where be spends much
of his time, but has just comp!etel a
tour of the East.
Number of ' New and Interesting
Volumes ' Added to Library
i Shelves This Week.
i (From Sunday's Daily.)
The Saletn Public Library Assoeia
tion is in receipt of a fine set of vol
umes of American History, published
by Seribner, nnd donated by lion. J.
N. Laws, a momber of the legislature
from; Astoria. This popular work is in
seven volumes, and comprises the
"Colonial Kra," by Fisher; "French
War and the Revolution," by Sloanc;
"Making of tbe Nation," by Walker;
"Middle Period," (1817-1S33) by
Burgess; Civil War and the Consti
tution," (2 vols.) by Burgess, nnl
"Reconstruction and the Constitu
tion,? by Uurgess .
X lie Ajaurnrjr at-iu ' - i
new net of invenile lmoks. presented by
The Labrary is also in receipt oi a
br lrof. L. II. Traver. The titles of
the books are as follows: ,
"Doughnuts and Diplomas'," by
Jackson; "True to the Flag,!' by
Henty; "The Young Hank Clerk," by
Winaifield; "Plav Ground," by Rayj
"Tho Boys of Xairpul," by Noah
Brook sv and "Birds of Oregon and
Washington," by Lord.
MISSOmA, Mont., Aug. 6. Fifty
thousand . dollars ' worth of securities,
cash, and diamonds were recovered this
evening which had formed a part of
the loot of the Bearmouth train robbers
John Christie, arrested In Hope, North
Dakota, tolay guided Special Agent Me
Fettrilge to the place where the cache
was made, eight miles below the scene
of robhery and on the' same side of the
river. The eeorities filled a flour sack.
, .; , L .
ANTELOPE, Or., Aug. 6.-Newa haa
just rehel here from Bridgeman, Ore
gon that in a battle with horse thieves,
Under Sheriff James Steele was shot in
the mouth this morning and mortally
wounded. The thieves, are suppposed
to be aa ex-eoaviet ntmeil lAvejoy and
a young fellow named Gibbons, who
stole three horsee Inst week. .;,", -..C
BUTTE, Moot., Aug. 5.A Kalinpel
Mont., special to the Miner says that
foreit fires are raging In the timber
lands of this country, and from' reports
received the damage will tun into thou
sands of dollars. The fires are not only
consuming the forests surrounding this
city but the finest lumber sections in
northern Montana including the thickly
wooded sections about Sterling, Atlanta
and Fisher liiver, Libby and between
Troy -and Bonners Ferry, Idaho, Ranch
ers ia these districts are losing houses,
barns, crops and provisions and their
condition is many instances will be de
plorable. ' People living tn the timbered
sections are all out lighting the fire,
bat are almost powerless' to check the
advances.; From reports from the burn
ed area thus far rercived it ia estimated
that a sufficient amount of timber so
far consumed amounts to several town-
'snips, f ; ; .t a :y i
Former Salem Woican Describes Her
Attempt at Celebrating the
i. . Glorious Fourth.
(From Sunday's Daily.)
Under date of. July 4th, Mrs. J.:B.
Icemen, a Sal.-m woman now in Alaska,
writes as follows to her young daught
er, Georgia Lemon: '
"Upoa receiving your letter, I felt
that I wanted to celebrate the Glorious
Fourth, so I went to the store and got
two lire crackers, two" feet long, and
as soon as I finish this letter I shall fire
them off. - ' . - '
"The Canadians celebrate July .1st,
"Dominion lfciy,!' and as there are so
manr Americans here, the celebrations
continue from the 1st to the 4th, but
the celebrations are rather poor affairs.
A "tug of war", was about all, and a
drunken man trying to walk a wire,
when he couldn't even see it, mneh lea
walk it. Then there were a half dozen
little boys who ran a foot race, and at
tempted to elitub a greaHod pole, but
they had previously drunk great quan
tities of milk sliake (made of con
densed milk) and I suspicion mixed
with something stronger, from their
, hilarious antics. - ;
My flower seeds never sprouted, ss
. ? "
. " ;
"Later I have just exploded my fire
Tor.k" an-1 V to 1 something
t" harmlcMS things they ap-
' Ia red. They were thosw horrid things
you shake at the sky an. I which send
them in front of my house, when they
came fizzing and popping into the
house and all over my lineyfull of white
clothes, but as it had been raining fort
unately everything was too wet to
Sunday School Class of Young: Folks
Aro Given Delightful Picnic on
Prlngle Creek.
Friday Mrs. S. C. Kightlinger trok
her Sunday school class of girls to
Pringle creek for a picnic. They left
outU fcalem at 1:M In the morning,
iVanorsdal, Ola Arnold Ines Laidon,
(Alice Warner, Mabel Ilarck, Viola T3-
flaney, Carmel Kollo, Edith Dutton, Del-
ma Viesko, Rose Vicwko, Kuby ilneck.
. Inez Bozorth who has acte.l an Mrs.
' Kightlinger 's substitute during Iter
absence accompanied them.
Little Tots Entertained .Beneath the
Trees at Marion Sinare Friday
On Friday afternoon little
Waterbury celebrated his sixth
day, by giving a party to bis
friends at Marion Square.
From 2 o'clock till .1 in the after
noon the youngsters played games, ex
cepting for a delightful intermission
given to lunch.'
Tb little visitors thoroughly enjoy
ed themselves and Master Harry re
ceived many handsome presents as ex
Ipressions of their gool will. .
j The ladies who assisted the yonng
j host were: Mrs. M. A. Mc(!orkb,
Mrs. C harles ,) annke, Mrs." A. M Pat
rick, Mrs. Mitchell, Miss Potter,. Miss
Bellinger and Mrs. W. S. Waterbury,
while the little people present were:
Misses Jones, Hester Welch, Helen
Moore, Genevieve . Yannke, Graeie
Harding, Margaret . Rogers, Mabel
Patrick, Ruth Mitchell, Alice Baker,
Mildred Wiggins, Ruth Waterbury and
w ' '
present were: ! Leon. Culbert son, Wal-
Margaret 1'atrics, and the little beys
.cott Bnren, Windham Buren, Wi.yne
McGill andBarry Waterbury,
School Board Elects Miss Carrie Judd
to Teach tn Hisher Grades in Sa
- em's Schools.
t (From Sunday's Daily.)
The regular meeting of the School
Board occurred at, tho office of Hon.
A. O. Condit last evening anil transact
ed the usual business as far as the
passage of Mils against the district is
concerned. '-."V'-.- , v
After deliliera tion, Miss Carrie Judd,
daughter of Hon. E. T. Judd was elect
ed to teach in the high 'school grades ia
the district. : She is a graduate of the
Chicago high I school, and has never
taught, although she cornea very highly
recommended as to erudition, and fae-
uiiy. i ? -
The board abio instructed the eom
roittee( having the matter in charge to
go ahead , with the matter of the con
struction of the,septie sewer tanks at
the North school. i
Ex-Sena tor Vest i gradually sinking.
The belief prevails that he will not
survive more than a few hours. "
Miss Colby is visiting
at Albany.
ith friends
Resolution to Take Half of Will son's
- Avenue " Improvement
. i ; v ;' Money.
Will be Ueod to Lay Sidewalk and
Build Curb Mayor Instructed; to
Employ Attorneys Various Ordi
nances Introduced.
The hopes of . the park board
and of the .ptiblie in general went
a-glimmering biit night, when the130
which has heretofore been appropriated
for the use - of that board for im
proving Willson avenue was by vctc
of the common council of the city of
Hiilem taken from, this board, and
placed in the baiiils of the committee
on streets, to lie used for building a
walk and curbing at the proposed site
of the Breyman fountain on Cottng.?
street. " '.
This move was sprung by Alderman
Gesner when it became evident that
the time was ripe, and the council
would order the permanent improve
ment, and it came as a complete sur
prise. For a time his action was not
understood by the members I of the
lody, but when his meaning was ex
plained all of those members who bad
been opposing the original resolution,
became warm friends of the' amend
ment, and it carried. J
Tho sesxion of the council was at
tended by twelve members, and wasJ
tho most stormy session which the
present body has held. The fact that
tliera are opposing elements, was
clearly developed, and the factions
lined up against one another as though
prepared for war. As the dT-wussun
leeame warmer, a few members took
the matter in good part, as an even
ing's entertainment, but others were
too serious for enjoyment, and indulg
ed a few warm personalities,
r At the previous session of the coun
cil Alderman Hughes was instructed to
prepare a statement of the .'financial
condition of the eity, in order to show
whether or not money was available
for spending $.'500 to prepare the site
for the Breymari fountain.
Tho report was incomplete and there
fore misleading, but showed that there
was now ori hand $11,000, and Recorder
Judah stated that the ineome of 'his
office for the next six months would
bo about $6000. AH eurent expenses
for the past six months have been paid,
which shows the splendid financial
condition of the city at present.
The bomb shell was exploded, whon
under new business, Alderman Down
ing introduced the following resolu
tion: '
"Resolved, by the common council
of the city of Salem, in session
assembled this 6th day of August, 1004,
that there be, and is hereby, appropri
ated out of any moneys in the treasury
of said city of Salem, not otherwise
appropriated, the sum of $o00 for the
purpose of improving the west end of
Willson avenue, in said eity, in the lay
ing of cement curbs, sidewalks, cross
walks and such other works as may be
incidental to the improvements" re
quired at that- point for the adequate
and proper installation of the, Breyman
fountain; the sabl sum of money here
in appropriated, or so nuih thereof as
may be necessary to lie expended . by,
and under the direct supervision of,
the eommittet? on streets of this coun
cil." ,
Alderman Hughes objected to this
resolution on the ground that: he did
not think the move just or necessary,
as the report of the committee on
parks made the same prov ision, pro
viding the money was available, which
was settled by the financial report just
Take Park Funds.
After further discussion of the ques
tion. Alderman Gesner offered an
amendment to the resolution, provid
ing that the $150 intended to be used
for improving Willson avenue, be taken
from the park fund, and used by the
committee on streets for improving Cot
tage street, and that the committee be
instructed to usa whatever other funds
are necessary for doing the necessary;
work as recommended. Mr. Downing
strongly objected to this amendment,
saying "It is time enough when $300
has been appropriated for the use of
the park board on Willson avenue, but
$150 of this has now been used, and
the . remainder is sorely needed and
plans already made for expending it. I
am not in favor of robbing the park
board to make this street ;' 1 improve
Alderman Gesner declared vehement
ly "I am opposed to the whole move
ment; it is an attempt to, loot the treas
ury on the part of somebody. , We have
got to lookout for our finances. i.
have now got on our hands four law
suits, and have expended nearly $500
for attorneys fees, aad U is no telling
where we will come out atf Beend oC
the year with attorney's fees to pay
and toTook out for." . : '
Alderman Downing defended his reso
lution,, saying it did not "demand the
expenditure of more money than would
lie necessary, but your committee has
reported that the improvement will cost
over $600. As yoo are all aware the
Breyman fountain is here." .
Alderman Hubbard made a strong
plea against making the improvements
demanded by Mr. Breyman, and. allow
ing the eouneil to be dictated to by
some outsider. He asked, 'Ij wonder
if the eity agreed to do anything when
the fountain was offered. Didn't Mr.
Breyman agree to Tot np free of cost
to the eity... Wasn't the' council to
understand when he tnade that blow In
the papers that he would put it npNow
be rides back oa bis dizmtr and refuses
to erect it unless we do all that he de
sires." , ' ;
Alderman Cstlin, who had prevlorslv
'remained silent regarding the prepara-
tion of the report of the committee on
park, recommended -that the work be
done, sayinjf Jndge . Hubbard was the
leading one in favor of the improvement
and now he is leading the fight against
It -' - ' : -i .
Alderman Gesner declared "Mr. Brey
nian would have put that fountain. ia
and there w,ouJd have been no trouble,
had not some one put such an idea
into Mr. Breyman 'a head. The Kepubli
cans are now in iiower and it is just
such eypenditures as this which put the,
arty out fcf foie, and will do sa again.
I don't approve of caving on the first
six months of the year, just to break
out at the last, and 1 intend to put
every .juani a record for the yea and
noes before we run the city into icbt. "
In answer to a charge of Alderman
Hughes that no money had been expend
ed for permanent street improvement,
Mr. Bayne! declared that the resolution
calleiblor street improvement, and that
of the best; kind.
The - vote j on the resolution stood; as
follows:- If;. '- . . ,-
Ayes Walker, Acheson, Crossan,
Gesner, Hubbard, Hughes, Young 7.
Noes Baynel Catlin, ' Churchill,
Jacobs, Downing .".
.; when the vote was called for the
amended resolution, the friends of the
original resolution with one excej;dioa
voted against it, lieeause they were op
iosel to taking from the park board
the $150. Tlio vote stood: ,
Ayes Walker, Aeheson, Chnrchill,
Crossan, Gesner, Hubbard, Hughes7.
I Noes Bayne Catlin, Jacobs, Voting,
Pning 5. -
; The resolution was carried; the; com
mittee will: thns have authority to be
gin work at once.
Eontino Business.
? Electrie, lighting bills, at $0.50 per
light went !ovcr.- ' "
i Xolitieatinn that J. E. Murphy had
begun suit-ngninst eity. Mayor ihstruet
ea to employ legal help..'
: Licensee granted J.-P. Rogers for fa
loousat 100 State and 104 C.uirt streets.
; 'Court street opening ordinance pro
viding $.j.a7.y.1 damages and expenses,
r-ferreil. U-;: ! ;. ' ' :
'4mmitte on streets ordered to no
tify Salem J-lonrinjf milrs to cover Front
street ditch.
! Street 'iomisaioner Instructed to re
ojen bridge on hnreh and Mill street.
street numbering ordinance was read
twice and referred to street committee.
Hundreds ; of People Listen to the
Music and Drink Punch With Mr.
The Yokohama Tea company of which
Mr. M. Ilredemier is jroprietor, cer
tainly had the most successful Oteniig
yesterday ever remembered in Salem.
They have opened up in a new storej
and their beautiful stock of china and
glassware lend to decorative effect. !
Their windows were attractive, and
the music by Mr. McElroy 's orc.hesW"a
charmed the many hundreds who visit
ed the new store yesterday. . , ;
A delectable punch was served to all
visitors who desired to partake, and al
together the day-seemed to have been
very successful from a social and a busi
ness standpoint.
LOS ANGELES, Aug. C Charles W.
Brooks, one' of the proprietors of the
Van Nuy s; Broadway hotel was arrested
today on a federal warrant from St.
Ijouis. The warrant was issued on an
indictment charging Brooks with fraud
ulent use of the mails.- This is the sec
ond time Brooks has been arrested with
in the past -few months. The first ar
rest was made several weeks ago aird
was on a. similar charge. j !
Delhi, Three Year Old, Wins Great
Republic Stake at Saratoga . i j
- Park. -: j i .
SARATOGA, Aug. 6-Delhi,. n-
doubtedlv! one of the best three year
olds in training, won the Great Heiiub
lie $50,000stake race run here today.
Idhi had .little difficulty in winninj;;
He jumped out in front at the start,
and cut out a hot pace the full dis
tance. The Pickett finished stron in
third place, a length behind Mercury
who finished second bv a length. Time,
2:05 4-5.
. HIPPLE I'UEKK, Colo.. Aug. 5.
Former Sheriff Koberston, departed to
day for Ienver- after having made a
formal demand on Under Sheriff Par
sons for j possession of the sheriff's offi
ce which i he asierts he ,wa forced to
resign under duress. He ays he will
attempt toT regain hi former position
through tK courts. While here, Robert
son was compelled under threat" of jar
rest to report twice daily at the sheriffs
office. . ; " . 1 ,
PARIS,! Aug. 0. A Matin's corre
spondent, at Nin fhwang says the
French c-?eswlar agent there wa ar
rested August 3 by the Japanese is
consequence of his vigorous protest
against the detention of two sailors
who claimed French protection. The
agent notified the American consul.
who, however, was -unable to intervene,
but sent Information to agents of the
arrest of; the French consul at Tien
Tsin.' ' i V ":; :U. :
BOSTON, Aug. 6. Senator Henry
Cabot Lodge openel the Presidential
campaign; in the East at Point Shirley
and Winthrep this afternoon, devoting
his time principally to defining, the at
titude of tie Republicans on -the ques
tion of reciprocity with Canada, j
MONTEVIDEO, "Aug. 6. An at
tempt was made npon the life of Presi
dent Battle. Y. Ordones today; While
driving witli bis family along one of
the principal streets of the eityi
burning torpelo expIo.lel at the side
of bis carriage. The explosion tore up
the pavement, but bo one was injured.
general staff stated, at half pastlone
this morning that it expected to re
ceive bo more news from the front. ,
Mrs. Carrie Fisher, accompanied by
her sonj Johnny, left yesterday for an
outing at Long Beach. .'
WASHINGTON, Ang. .WRecent or-
ders aiiuiug General Funstoa to the I
J. E. Murphy the Tile Manufacturer
Brings Suit for Those Who Object
To Being: Urbanites :! '
. "Where are weTat I ' 'A South Caro
lina congressman. "
Is it Greater Salera or Smaller Sa
lem f ., ,. t I .' . -
That is the question now in a fair
way to Ite sdvel by the eoutts of Ma
rion county and i he state of Oregon. '
When the charter amendments were
fornunl, which provided, the boundaries
i Greater Salem, the cut legal wit
and talent . of Sulem was called Into
Iplay. The act was formulated with the
greatest of care. ; Its submission to and
passage through the Iegislative . as
sembly was watched and followed with
the greatest sulicitude. i. Men whos
judgmetit was then considered ' gool,
and is still considered good said then
and say now that the charter was writ
ten to stand, and that it will stand the
test of the courts in their estimation'.
However, one attorney says the law
is defective. I -
- Just wherein i is defective this at
torney will nut state. Jle has the jdia
under his hat, he! says, and there it wilt
rest h uIsmi says, until be is prepared
to spring it in Department No. 2
of the. state circuit court for Marion
county, liefore Judge Galloway, '
This date i probably not far distant,
as this lawyer filed a jn'tition yester
day in that court, praying for nn in
junction in, favor of his client against
the county assessor swung his . prop-j
erty. for tuxes for the city of Salem. j
loe jetitinu is made for Mr.. J. E.
Mnrphy of the Salem Tile Works, with
headquarters and tile factory in North i
Salem, just to the south of the1
State Fair? Grounds, and is signed b
W. H. Ibibnes and M. E. Pogue as at
torneys for the ilirtiff.
The petition ses forth that the plain
tiff, Mr. Mur'hy is owner-of a lot of
land, containing more or less 20 acres.,
That the same has been assessed at the
valuation of $120 and that the City
of Salem "wrongfiilfv claims that plain
tiff's 'farm' together with personal
property owned ;by him in using said
'farm' are within the corporate limits
of the said city of Salem."
' In the complaint the corjorate limits
of the city of Salem are set forth as
on -'the lines of jl he original corporate
limits, before the new amendments to
the charter werei passed by the legis
lature. In fact the complaint declares
by intimation at least tlfat the city
limits have beenj exlenlel. llio com-
plaint .only asks for an injunction and
does not give any cause therefor,, nor , e wuere nnti new lerruory - inciuueii
does it state what grounds the plaintiff therein nfter proceedings are had nn re
has for asking therefor. j quired by this title. This section re
The plaiutiff states that he is not aiQuirc that the matter shall be nb
resident of the city of Salem, and " that ) mitted to the voters of the c.strict that
in the event the said defendents, or it is intended to take in and also to
either of them are permitted to proceed' he voters of-1he city, and all this shnll
in the manner in which they threaten, M lone on petition whUh shall havA for
that is to s-iv that if the said -defend-j ! signeril one fifth of the. qualified cl
ent, Chns. Leiubi ke, should 1k permilte.1 . ectors of the corporation. N
to extend for the poroses of "taxatbui This law. has been ignored here-as
for said eity, 'plaintiff's said projerty n'ao in all the otherIarge' cities of
upon the tax rolls now Wing prepared Oregon.
by him, it will create a cloud upon the Wby the Caso Is Brought,
title to plaintiffs property, and hinder ! There is no question that the case in
him from disposing of the same, or us-,' brought at the instigation5 of various
ing the same for the purposes f traffic. ' j.code Jiving in the outsiilo precincts
and credit, and ju his great and irre-, of the city, nad it is said that a fund
arable injury and damage, . I of $lOO0 has been raiseil for tho pur-
." To the end-therefore, that full and .'pose of fighting the case through thrt
.complete justice i done the. plaintiff : courts, some, people having given ia tho
prays this honorable court that a writ J proportion of , tho . widow 'n mite, and
of injunction le, now issued directed ' others larger -sums. Mr.' Murphy who
to the several defendents herein com-, deidareg that his farm is the property
manding each and all of them to desist . that is to bo taxed nnd that it is the
from further attempt tolist. the plain-(property that should --not bo brought
tiff's s.iiil. proHrty for the purpow of ' into ,the eity" says nothing in his corn
taxation within the city or-Salem or for (-plaint of his large nnd heavy patron
t he benefit of said eity. i ied factory for the manufacture of
The defendents named are ' Chns. tiles and brick which derives treat
Temlicke, eimnty aessor,' J. ". Uo
lahd, county clerk, W. J. Cnlver, sheriff,
and the fity of, Salem, Oregon.
sn Erewuig Sime Time. '-.
ove has been brewing for a
This m
good while, almost ever since the char-j
ter has been pbiceil on the statute books. '
In fact there was a strong opposition
to the move when it was eriginallv.
ma.Ie to extend the limits, but the mat-j
ter was finnlly brought to the .attention
of the Legislature, and the result was
command of the "Department -of the
East were todayr mollified nnd he will
io to Chicago instead, relieving .Gener - -
Command jnf the Department
PORTLAND, Or., Aug. 5. (Special)
Irvington track is ready or the sec
ond annual race meet of the Multno
mah Fair Association. I On Monday r'
August , the first field . will face
Starter Mulholland, and from then oa
until the close of the meeting six or
more events will be on the daily pro
gram. ive hundred, many of thein
horses of high degree, will struggle for
the purses which the Association will
hang op, and with anything like, an
even break with the weather, Portland
will have one of the greatest and long
est meetings ever held in the state.
The entire plant has reea renovated.
Since' the 2n new stalls have been
added to the old ones, Irvington can
stable without crowding, Wmi horses.
Racing Secretary Rolert Leigbton has
informed PjesidentiA. R. Diamond that
his list shows that 486 horses, through
their owners and tr&iners, have asked
for stable room at Irvington, and that
the list was by no means complete. '
In addition to the $1,00 la . perses
which will be giveq away daily during
tlo six races, there are six stake events,
and if the Association deems fit to ex
tend the meeting for another two
weeks, other stake events will be added
to the program The six stake events
in which, the nominations were re
ceived last fall follow; '-
Wednesday, August 10, 1904. Tho
Oregon stakes. Five furlongs. $S00.
Saturday, August 13, 1'J04. The
Webfoot Selling Stakes. Six furlongs
Wednesday, August 17, 1301. Ths
al urant or the commamv oi e J'e-, j.ington nndic:ip. "One mile and a
nartmerit of theIak(-s. Grant will go lf.n;ircr j 000. ' -
to the Dopartmctn of the East, with! , , .1 .- .',.. .
hea.lquarters' a .Governor's tsland.1 1 nn.ayt August 21, 1004.The
Li v;n:.. r Juvenile Hand w,ir. Five fui longs.
the passnge of the bill. Of course,
there were a giNxl 'mairv who had lo-.vn
prujrty outside the limits of the rity
and who received the lem-fit of the city
and city's p.dieiV and fire department
without jiaying the taxes for the inain
termnce thereof. TSiey were the ones
wlirt ihumisih! the move t --
However no one l.i..l,tr l at the time
the riglit of the Legiabiture to pass the
bill and .to' adopt' the "legislation. This
jMiint was admitted in. the meeting. of
citiiens held oh January 2ith for the
purpose of diseuswsiug the matter, by
one oi the grcatt jurists of Salem an. I
himself a strong opiwirncnt of tho move,
anl that was no less a ersonage than
Miide It. V. Boise. IA
: ,Ju.-t on what grounds the attorneys
for Mr. 'Miirphv and the others who are
nsociated wjth hhn, for there are s:iil
to-be about a
hundreddhers who are
the expensive luxury of
joiiting hini.in
Iho Jaw. expect to win tho rase, if they
do so expect, is not known. Mr. l' gue
would jfivo nothing out, neither would
Mr, Muqihy. As stated nlve Mr.
IVgue ffiys he has something under
hi ." Ibl,'? and what that Is he refuses
to ' disclose. ; Inquiries among the etlior
imjwirtant attorneys in the .city" elicited
no idea of .'nny possible grounds, nnd a
good rfluny who claim to have looked
ctirefully into the legality of the net
say they could fin. I nothing at alt on
which to luise a ease, nnd it is s.Wil that
n; prominent capitalist who will bo af
ferted in n large way by the change,
secured that n l-iwyer of the very high
est, one who" has his name written nil
over the established laws of Oregon,
J.iok into the matter an. I he said that
t he." law seemed all soli.l rnoiigh and
that nn attempt to break it would meiui
nn expend. tnre of money without any
luqip of success.
' One of the points, that Mr. I'ogiie nnd
Mr, Holmes will base their c.asi on
nt least Is the law which was passed
by the Legislature with a view to fix
ing the manner by which incorporateil
towns and cities e'ouM jirovble for nn
extension of their' limits. This . law
however, in the-opinion of .many attor
new, will not hold any great quantity
of: 'water as the constitution says that
the legislature "-assembly.- shall pass
special -legislation for i the corporation
of cities and towns.
The section . referred to is number
2('i!0 of -Bellinger nnd ('nttnii's code
and it sa.ys that the beundafies of any
,;municipaj corpfoation now exist ing may
lervefit, nnd'in f:ict is htado a jirofitublo
business because it is . in the city "of
i Salem.
J Jnst who the other subscrilicrs to tha
fund are eoubl not lte learned allhonch
the Statesman, tried ti get a copy of
the list. J
'. The plaintiff and his attorneys ask
that a rule be granted fixing a time
when the defendents shall answer, anil
tfiat he be given- a judgment for his
costs in, addition.. .
Multnomah Handicap.
j: - "Satnrdav. - ' - Anmst
Seven furlongs.
0, 3Wi. The
. Saturday, Angnst 27, 190-1. The Ex
position Handicap, One mile. $000.
The nominations' . Ar these stake
events aro mado of the bewt horses that
ever remained on the Pacific 'oast to
race. ... - -. - r
'; The Death Penalty.
A little thing sometimes resnlts in
death. Thus a. mere scratch, insignifi
cant cut or pnny boils have paid tho
death penalty. It is wise to have
Bueklen's Arnica Salvo ever handy.
It's the bet salve on earth and will
prevent fatality, when Burns, Sores,
Ulcers and Piles threaten. Only 25c, at
D. J. Fry's drug store.
PORTLAND, Or, Aug. 5.-One of
the Portland lleigths cars was bel l uj
at the corner of 20ih and Spring streets
tonight at about midnight by two
masked highwaymen. For resisting ono
of the men; a motorm'in was fired upon
twice, but the shots went wide .-of the
mark.. The men then went through tho
earvand robbed the conductor and eight
Cassengcrs. This in the third street car
eld up within a month. The amount
seenred was thought to be considenihlt'.
(From Saturday's Daily.)
- 3f. Grant, of Senttle, trpresenf alive
of Oinn.fc Co., publishers of ten boohs,
was In the city yenterday conferring
with Frank Davey, secretary of tit
State school text book eornini i.
abont arranging for a meeting of t :.
jCommisiion to consider the niloption r f
a' new text book on the ' "Louir-i-i
IurcLie" j,utli.,!jcd by tl. it c