TOESLY OUTGO!! ETAT2SLIA1T T5XDXY, 'AUGUST 5, lCCt "J The Git IfProm Wednesday' Daily.) Sural Improvements 0 & Peterson of Fruitland, is build In a new tarn, and W. II llaynes is replacing the board , fencing along bis farm with woven wire, .Another Cttcta Coming ' "'v. j,e Statesman is informed that this way and expects to be in Salem about August 30 or 31. Divorce Mill Worked In Judge Galloway's divorce mill of department Nd. 2 yesterday J. W. Shel - jon was granted his freedom from Mary M. Shelton, and S. T Bacon from Cath erine Bacon. gome Again Mr. George Ooodhne returned last ev ening from a two months' trip through Eastern Oregon, Puget Sound points, - Eastern Washington and Idaho, where be has been introducing the I 'Laval tream separator, Will listen to Wares W N. Gatens, private secretary to Governor Chamberlain, went to New port yesterday to spend a week with his family, who. are spending the month at that resort, ihey will return next week. n I Caught all the Fish A. J. Uasey, who is over at Nestueca, f. jeruls back word to others who think of -going there that there is no use of their coming, if they expect to catch say fish. He has caught all the trout there were around loose. Court Notes . Io department No. 2 yesterday Judge Galloway Overruled the demurrer to the complaint in it. ij. Jiower et ai., vs. .Wilson Bowser. lie also ordered writ of confirmation in the case of Coolidge . .Mct-iane vs. Kobt. A. Kohs. Licensed to Wed (,'ounty Clerk J. W. Roland issued licenses to wed to Alonzo H. Shumate and Loretta L. Jennings, B. S. Quinn being the principal witness; and to IL Karl Cross and V alentine M. Blanchard, II. II. tross acting as witness, andcon tenting thereto, the son being a minor. Eastern Home Burned I H. I). Khepherdson, who has ben em ployed at the Hansen hop yard at Au burn, received a telegram on Monday that his home at Jlenhoff, North Dakota had tcen completely drstroyed by fire the loss amounting to $1200. Mr. Hbep herdson left at once for Denhoff. Unofficial Visit (iovernor Chamberlain returned yes terday morning on the early train from Roscburg, where he was called for a i . : a ii. i : i . . . niion DUKiorm trip, nr nu nui lane city, but will make an official visit to the institution during the month. Has Started Home Mrs. T. I. Clarke, widk; of' Buperin tendent Clarke, of the! lUeaf Mute . , rcnooi, wno has neen visiting menus in New .York for the past two months, started on her return" to Oregon on Sunday evening, and will stop over two days in St. Liouis, to visit the 'f air, Her friends here will welcome her home. "The Jubilee Singers . The M. E. church was filled last night hy people anxious to hear the Claflin I Diversity Jubilee Singers, and al thow present felt that they had ex peneneea a rare treat. The singing was said to be of a very high order and they were frequently applauded The rendition of "The Flag That ) Never Touched the Ground," was espe dally commended by those present. Special Commissioner. Governor Chamberlain yesterday com J missioned James P. Moffet of Portland, as special commissioner of the Lewis and Clark Fair. Mr. Moffet is a member of the board of fire - underwriters of Portland, and as he is about to leave for an extended trip in the East he was apjKiinted as special commissioner for the Fair that he might do official ad vcrtixing and work in the interest, of the Pair incident p his trip. Fast Time at Lone Oak The Lone Oak track record for this season formerly 2:15, and held by Prince Tom, was lowered by Francisco to 2:13 last week. Francisco is owned hy Martin B. Lynch of Walla Walla, Wash., and has a record of 2:12. He is a large bay gelding, by Caution-Antel- TC- : - Salem's Good Health i."rr:""' There is not a single ease of typhus nor tpyhoid fever in Salem, nor has there been a single case originating here since last October, and , that is considered a very good record. The general health of the city is reported " good that the physicians all say they had as well go to the mountains now for their own health as to stay here for business. . TOKu5j; Knights Templar Conclave Jt is said that there will be arranged r there has already been arranged, a peeial round trip rate to California for the Annual Conclave of the Knights Templar which will take place in San Francisco early in September. The trains will leave here on the second or third of September . and the tickets, m (BE :: aha looks forward to tne aour vrnen ino bu feel the trnnUta anil af motherhood with indescribable dreed end fcr. Everr woman should .know that the danger, pain end horror f child-birth can bo entirely avoided br the use of Mother's Friend, scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens end renders yuaoie an tae psxts, ena umts nature ia iU sublime I 1 Work. Bv ft iA tltotiaancli f women have passed this - I ! -"7" u pensst aiciT and wJtl m. o.u . w iuwui pasu 001a si ottle by druffzuts. Our book w su women sent tree. ESSCZATCSi COm whieh will eost, $23 for . the round trip. fi1iirrf33nv TVt-.ll-...-. 2 a. 1 - us.auau. lb IB Will D good tin the 20th of October for the re turn. "Jt 1$ expected that a large nam ber of people from Salem will take ad vantage of this rate to see the sights at the Bay City. ( r Goes to Boston i " 1 Mrs. J. T. Bireham and little son left yesterday ? for Ellensburg, Wash, from there she will visit Eastern cities, and later join sher husband in Chicago for a trip to Boston. Mr. Bireham is an in structor m Stanford University and has obtained a year's leave of absence from that institution In order to deliver a course of . lectures before the Chicago School of Law. Mrs; Bireham has been -; . . . . : visiimg ner iairrer in this eity for some time. : 1 'i 1 . Home from the Coaet- Mr. and Mrs. Albert BTurst and Mr. and hf.ra3Ienry Cornoyer returned yes terday from a two weeks' trip to the coast at f'Slab Creek,' where a large numDer oi eaietn people yearly spend their .outing, and report having had a most excellent time. "They lived on trout, clams and rock oysters, and brought a good supply of salmon trout home with them. They say trout fish ing, especially Jfor salmon trout, and for earpwaa better, this season than usual. Back Trom the Mountains Geo. W. Johnson, Jr of O. W. John son & Sons, has returned from his sum mer outing at Xascadia, and reports all kinds of a good time and good sport. He says that in company with L. H. MeMabon,' who was there part. of the time, and' Jack Ryan, John and Will Short, they placed seven deer- to their credit. They found the fishing good at the beginning and had fine sport but at the last the trout began to get wary. There are a lot of people there, about fifty families being camped there, and there being about eight or ten families at the hotel State of Ohio, City of Toledo, , Lucas County. FrankJ-. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., do(ing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay tho sum f ONB HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of Ca tarrh tltat cannot be 'cured by the use of -Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber, A. D., 1886. A. W. G LEA SON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all J)ruggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. (From Thursday's Daily.) In Justice Turner's Court J. R, Pimick as attorney for S. P. Farrington, the Btate street; butcher filed papers in Justice Turner's court yesterday against E. P. Rodgers of Turner; in an "action for .$27.50 and costs. Constable Donaldson went to Turner to serve the papers. Caused by Despondency A. Fraley. an insane person, was yes terday received St the Oregon InsanA Asylum from Douglas' county, brought by H. T. McClellen and one guard. The patient is 40 years of age, married and a native of Chicago. Insanity was caus ed by : despondency due to change of residence. Camping and Working - Mr. nnd Mrs;.S.fY. McFadden return ed last night from the farm of T. B. Jones on Mission, .Bottom, where they spent the summer in camp. Mr. Mc Fadden as during that time built a new house for Mr. Jones, to replace the one burned early last spring on the farm. : Gone to Wilhoit Henry Hubbard and mother, Mrs. T. II. Hubbnrd, started last night for the Wilhoit Springs, where Mrs. Hubbard will enjoy the pleasant and healthful ieatures of that resort during the next month. They will drive the entire dis tance, going as far as Silverton last night, and Henry will return tomor row. " Will Fish at Klamath State Treasurer C. S. Moore and family and Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Me Cornack left last night on the late ov erland train for Klamath Falls, where they will spend a month in camp, hunt ing and fishing, and rusticating in gen uine style They will not be within communicating distance of the outside world, hence will not be troubled with business cares during their vaeationj from office duties. Rural Carriers Organize at Albany - On Sunday afternoon the rural mail carriers of Linn county to the' number of thirteen met in the postoffice in Al bany ' and enjoyed their first meeting sipcei they organized the county asso ciation. J. W. Squires of Salem, state organizer for the rural earners, was present and addressed the meeting on the aims and objects of the organiza tion. The rural carriers are now an es tablished part of the department and are beginning to receive the considera tion they deserve.,. Captain C-WJ-Wal- Ia tie Joy of tlio Votisenold, for whfcoct it no happiness can bo complete. How weet the pictnnr of mother and babe, angels smile et end commend the thoughts end aspirations, of the mother bending over theraeUe. The ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass, how ever, b so full of danger end suffering that - . . . . -i ?i EM ok ef priceless I- u free. Address f al 1 AtJmalm. 6. U ULJU No Dessert More Attractive Vhy nse cekina anA pena Hours soaking. OEAA-q?l wenemng, - savoring bu coloring wnea verything in the package. Simply add hot vater and set to cool. It's perfection. A sur prise to the house wile. No trouble, less ex pense. Try it to-day., In Four Fruit FLw vorscLemon, Orange, Strawberry, Rasp berry. At grocers. XOc . lace of Albany, who chairman of the Linn county association, was recently elected a delegate from the state or ganization to the national body whieh meets in St. Louis in September,' and he will attend that meeting and at the same time take in the World s Fair. Goes to Harney County Prof D. W. Yoder has been appointed principal of the Harney county high school, at Burns, at a salary of $1200 for the school year of nine months. Prof. Yoder is one of the best educat ors in Oregon, and he stands well wher ever, he is known. Harney county is to be congratulated on securing his ser vices. The position is within the gift of the county court, as the school is a county sehooL Goes to Texas Mrs. Chas McKnight of Lake La- bish, has received information from McKmney, Texas, that ber little grand daughter, Viola Sercey, is dangerously sick at that place. Mrs. McKnight will leave at once for McKmney. Little Viola Sercey was born at Lake Labish about two years ago, when her parents were residents of that place, and for doll-like beauty and infant wisdom, the ehild has few equals. County Court in Session ' The Marion county court met yester day for the regular August session. Court was convened at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and the entire session devot ed to the auditing and paying of bills against the county. This will occupy the attention of the court for at least PORTLAND Some of the Reliable Men and Concerns of CLEANING AND DYEING. If you have clothes to clean and press,' The Fashion Tailors are the best. Dyeing, steam cleaning and repair ing. Satisfaction guaranteed. 433 Washington St between 11th and 12th Portland, Oregon. EYE SPECIALIST. D. cnamDers or giuokk) Bym etelallat Has opened in Port- Jnd, Oregon. - Bit in in norihwen. uan and se him. 199 8Tntb At. PHOTOGRAPHER. E. W. Mocre, photographer. We make a specialty of enlarging in oil colors, crayon, or pastel. Our photographic instruments are th latest and xre have all the requirements for first class work. Seventh and Washington Sts., Portland, Oregon. RESTAURANTS. Morris Quick Lunch and Coffee House. A temperance restaurant noted for cleanliness, good cooking and quick service. No Chinees employed. Wash ington street belong Imperial hotel, Portland, Oregon. ? ELECTRIC AND OAS SUPPLIES. Portland General Electric Co. A full line of electrical supplies carried in stock. another day, and the session is likely to last the remainder of the week for the consideration of numerous other matters to come before it, including several road petitions to be presented. Game Will Suffer Messrs. George Melson and J. S. Wy ant left yesterday for Detroit, wlfere they will spend some time hunting and fishing. . ' - Have Gone Summering Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Knighton and Mrs. W. II. H. Waters left for the coast yesterday. They will occupy a cottage at Oleaonville, near Newport. Early Start for the Coast On Tuesday morning at 3:30 o'clock Mr. Daniel J. Fry, the druggist, ac companied by his family, started on a long rive o Nestucca, where they go for an extended outing. To Meet Friends Mrs Lizzie Williams went to Port land last evening to meet Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Anderson of The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were residents of Salem, and are now on their way here to visit friend Bound for Newport Mrs. J. F. Goswick and daughter, Miss Jennie Goswick, Mrs. J. D. Bo hannon and family, and Misses Maggie Anderson and Dolphy Glover were the personnel of a party leaving for New port yesterday. 5 Goes to Sdo Mr. Eugeen Bosse will go to Seio on Monday to look after about 300 acres of last year's flax which he is thresh ing and spreading He says he has 150 tons of last vear 's crop here also in pro cess of manipulation. - i i i i ii .'v Thieving Greeks .-- The large force of Greeks working on the Southern Pacific roadbed -in tho vicinity of Brooks, are creating no end of a disturbance among the farmers in that vicinity, on account of their appe tite for fresh fruit,; young lambs and spring chickens. Each, member of the gang resembles another so closely that it is. impossible to locate the guilty parties. The irate farmers are apt to "wing" some of the offenders while at their nefarious work, and ' then they will be recognizable. Another Mining Delegate F. R. Blackberger of MeMinnville, was yesterday appointed by Governor Chamberlain as an additional delegate to the American Mining Congress which will convene in Portland on August 22, and hold until August 27. Gone to the Coast non. C. A. Johns, a former Salemite, now of Baker City, who delights in the pleasure of surf bathing, deep sea fish ing and all the other pleasurable sports afforded by the coast eountry, took his departure Sunday evenjrig for Newport, on Yaquina Bay, where he can -enjoy himself to his heart's content, says a t Baker City paper. non. : Frank L. Aioore, too, wno sees pleasure in Bunt ing and fishing on the. eoast, left last evening to' join Mr. Johns in Portland, and together they will go to Newport to spend two weeks. Careless Street Sprinkler A number .oft runaways in which horses have been injured and buggies damage are directly traceable to care less driving of street sprinklers. There are few horses that will stand quietly when a shower of cold water strikes "their legs unexpectedly, especially if the sprinkler approaches them from be hind. The street does not require sprinkling so close to the curb as horses are usually tied, and it works rather s hardship upon farmers to leave their teams several blocks from the business portion of the city and carry their pur chases to their wagons, or else run the risk of having them break loose and ,run away. Two Salem -Boys - Judge Mark Fullerton was recently renominated by the Republicans of Washington for Supreme Judge. Now the Democrats of Washington have en dorsed him. His name wil be on both tickets. The same thing has happened to Superior Judge. 8. J. Chadwiek, of Whitman county; only a little different. Judge Chadwiek was renominated by the Democrats and endorsed by. the Re publicans. He lives at Colfax; Judges Fullerton and Chadwiek are both Salem boys, well known to all old timers here. HUSNESS ELLCTRIO AND OAS SUPPLIES. Portland Electrical Works. Established 1882. Oldest house in Oregon. Head quarters for Gas and Electric fixtures. Dynamos and motors installed and repaired. Telephones, bells, etc., houses wired. 351 Stark Street, Port land, Oregon. M. J. Walsh Co, dealers In mantels, t grates, tiling, gas and electric chan daliers, supplies; -replace furniture, s. 343 Washington streec, Portland, Or egon; telephone 879 Main. Private Telephone Lines are being in stalled by all progressive farmers. The cost Is small in comparison with the benfits derived. Get our estimates. Western Electric Works, No. 61 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon. FABMEES SUPPUESL Pacific Mall Order Company, sells ev erything you use, eat or wear, at wholesale prices. Buys everything you raise, makabr selL Send for summer illustrated catalogue. 203 and 210 First street, Portland, Oregon. FLORISTS. Proibpt attention given to outside or ders on choice cut flowers and floral designs.. We also carry a large as sortment of rose bushes. Thomas O. Etdley, 124 5th St, Portland, Or. . FANCY STATIONERY. J Wedding and visiting cards, also mon ogram stationery. W. G. Smith ft Co, Washington Building. Portland, Or. Their friends wi'I be pleased to note that they will be relieved of the usual strenuousness of a political campaign. Harvest Passing f The threshing of grain in the Waldo Hills will he largely over by the end of this week. The harvest was very early this year owing to the dry weather, and the first threshed started near Mae leay on July 26, and no one had expec ted to see any work in this line before August 10. The crops all through will exceed 50 per cent1 somewhat, but per haps not greatly. ' The Waldo Hills grain pool will meet on Saturday nigbt at Rock Point, and no doubt its grain will be ready for sale soon thereafter. Thi Kind Taa Kan Unn Banjul (From Friday's Daily.) Fishing at Falls City Mr. Win. Claggett left yesterday for Falls City with a party of friends on a fishing expedition.. Business Sold rt'vi !n Fred Goulet has sold his blacksmith shop pn labery street, to Mr. Coslett from Montana. Fred is again at Ecker- i len 's thirst parlor, smiling at his ' friends as ever.' Don't You Need It? The Union Mutual Aid Association pays $25 to $65 per month ia ease of accident-or sickness and $100 , in ease of death, all for $1.00 per month. J. J. Conway, ground floor MeCornaek Bldg. Court streetV- ?. s i.. Bank Incorporates j.'he Bank of Heppner was yesterday incorporated by S. E. Carr, R. M. Hart, C II. VVoodin, : VV. . Wharton ana Chas. J. Schnabel, to do a general bank ing business, with $25,000 capital stock To the G. A. B. . - - Prof. Z. M. Parvin ahd'Mrs. Parvin leave tolav for Boston to b in atten dance at the National eincampment of the G. A. R to which Prof. Parvin is a delegate. From Boston they will re turn to Illinois, where they wul spend Bttrstfcs ) a few weeks visiting and thence to St. Louis to attend the World's Fair. They f will return home from there after a side trip to visit. Pro. Parvia's brother. -ooney From Douglas A check was yesterday received at the omee of State Treasurer Moore for v359.S$, as part' payment of the second half of . Douglas county's tax for the year J 904. - ! ; .. Have Gone to Mountains ' I Messrs. F. T, Wrightman, State Cor poration Clerk; Claire Baker, of Gil bert t Baker; Ed. Baker and J. L. Sitipton, ex-deputy sheriff, left yester day for Marion Lake in the Cascade mountains, for a three weeks' outing. Twins Go Visiting Mrs. MeKiastry of Portland,' who with her. little twin sons, has been vis iting her uncle, Mr. Berry of the" Sal em Hotel left yesterday for a visit with her parents et Gold Hill. Mrs. Me ivinstry's father accompanied her on the trip in order to carry one of the tine iuiv i Go Deer Hunting : M . Hedriek and Mr, Wayne Waters left yesterday for the mountahu, equip ped ostensibly for the capture of birds, beasts and finny beauties, but from the "jollying" they received at the depot, it is thought bv those in their confi dence that they are going deer hunting variety not specified. Fancied Herself Wealthy Mrs. R. Ke-y of La Grande, arrived yesterday bringing Miss Mary Heffron, an insane patient, to- the asylum. Miss Heffron, who is 33 yeais of age, is af flicted with, a mild form of insanity simply believing herself very wealthy, and desiring to live accordingly. ' Football Prospects Bright s E. Kkidmore. a student of Willam ette University,wbo has been traveling during the past spring and summer on business, was in the city yesterday and left last night in company with Sam J wheel to Rose burg to visit friends and enjoy a week's outing. Mr. Skidmore, who was manager of the footbail team of Willamette University last year, re ports that the prosjects for a good team this fall are excellent and improving DIRECTORY Oregon's Metropolis. HOTELS. The Imperial Hotel Co, Phil Metsch&n, president; C. W. Knowles, manager; Seventh and Washington streets, Port land, Oregon. European plan only; $1, S 1.50, 2.j First building. . class restaurant iin HAT FACTORIES. Northwestern Hat Factory Manufact urers of all kinds of hats by; union hatters. Hats made to order at man ufacturers' prices. ' The only practi cal hatters In Portland. 420 Vk Wash ington St . '...r '.. MEDICAL. Dr. Wing Lee, Chinese physician. Hs makes a specialty of treating those who have chronic diseases which oth er doctors fail to cure. T2s skill is indisputable. 280 Bnrnside street, Portland, Oregon. Portland Cancer Institute 181Va First street, Dr. , Voose, Cancer treated without knife; 15 years' ex perience. . Also catarrh, asthma, con sumption and all chronic and spinal diseases permanently cured. Consul tation free. Mall orders have imme diate attention. - PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. Blnmauer Frank Drug Co, Portland, Oregon, is headquarters for Photo graphic Supplies, Century', Premo, Po co, Blair and Eastman Cameras.. Ev- . ery requisite for the Professional and Amateur Photographer. . Write for complete catalogue. every day. ; He recently returned from Taeoma, and while there secured prom ises -rom six men who have formerly attended Puget Srnind University and are noted as football players, to attend Willamette next year. :'.. ', ' i' - - i - t Court Grinding Away Judge Gallowsy held a short session of department No. ?oi the state circuit et urt yesterday, but very little business was' transacted, only two docket ' en tries being made during the day In the Gilbert Bros, banking case, another order was made as follows:' "Receiver ordered to satisfy on . record mortgage given by . A. J Longel and wife, the same having been fully paid.'' . Also n the case ot Wnu Foley against J. F. B. T. Brentano Motion disallowed.:Un til August 15 given in which to file answer." : County court is still in ses sion bnt labored all day yesterday aud iting bills against the county. This task will be completed . this: morning and other matters will then be taken up for consideration. '. "j 4 . He Had Several Names A young man giving his name as C. C. White was yesterday afternoon plac ed under arrest by Sheriff Culver on information that we was wanted in Eu gene. The report was circulated that he was wanted one week ago, and the officers have beenon the lookout forj eouft wherein Anna E. him everjsmce. Eugene officers .were ir,:,!. v.a u,-ia. -a - at once notified, and telephoned back to hold him until an officer 1 could be m n ii tAl.nhAnail - r.. Air sent to seeure him, but Liter, word came to turn him loose, which was done, as the eharge against him had been re moved. It seems he went to Eugene fiom Corvallis, which is his home, in company i with other horsemen, and a band Of horses which he sold i in. that city In ! an altercation he soundly threshed two men in Eugene, and was IUI CSU-1 UIU H ,' MV,a auu WW placed under arrest charged with ruiult. lie mfttiad to break mil- tnd . diappeara, not baring Bine bees seen to be re-M)gnized until yesterday, when h located at th Salem Hotel, lie bas been traveling under aliases, giving a oiuerent name eaen time : lie eomes jt ""g""! puuuc union 10 ine from Coryallis, and claims to be well j highest bidder- for cash in band, on connected in that city. He had ia his the day of sale, all. the right, title, in possession a letter stating that be could 'terest and estate, which said defend- now come home as the ease bad been settled. - 1W1 07 ruutiv FOR SALE ENGINE AND BOILER, 24 to 30 horsepower. Portable. AO dress or apply to W. B. MeCallister, Pratum, Oregon. FRANK DA VET, NOTARY PUBLIC; 1 . conveyancing and examining titles. t- Life, health and aeeident insurance. Room 9, Odd Fellows' building, west of court house. WANT TO BUY LIVE HOGS AND Eigs, also ducks, spring chickens, and ens. 1 will pay the highest cash price for same. Quong Hing, 254 Lib erty street, Salem, Oregon. ' REPORT CARDS-OUR SCHOOL EE ? port cards are printed to fit the schoH register. The prices are:. Tweve cards for 10 cents; twenty five for 20 cents; oho hundred for 75 eats. (Statesman Publishing Co., Sa lem, Oregon. , FOR SALE. Small farm, 12 seres, with seven room house; good water; fruits of. good variety, including chestnuts and walnuts. Place all in good cultivation. Just outside city limits. Worth $1500. For sale for $1200. Mrs. R. B. Webber, Dayton, Oregon. FOB SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. OREGON SONGS THE JUNE NUM ber of the Oregon Teachers Monthly contains six Oregon songs, words and music complete, as follows: "Sweet Oregon," "Peerless Oregon," "Ore gon, My Oregon," "Oregon,',' "The Beautiful Oregon Shore," and Beau tiful Willamette." The book contains . a number of other good songs. Price, 10 cents. . Address Oregon Teachers Monthly, Salem, Oregon. LEGAL NOTICES. ' SUMMONS. No. 8160. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion. . James Farncll, Plaintiff, vs. Anna Maria Farnell, Defendant. " To Anna Maria Farncll, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer Ihe complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within 10 days from the date of the service of this summons upon you, if served with in this county, or if served in any other county iof -Ifcuis state, then within 2Cf days from the date of the service of this Bummonsiipon you, and if served upon you by : publication and mail ing a copy thereof, together with a copy of the complaint, then you are commanded to appear and . answer . or otherwise plead on or before the 5th day of September, A. D. 1904, and if you so fail to answer, for wan thereof, plaintiff will take a decree' against you forever dissolving the bonds of mat rimony and marriage contract now ex isting between' said plaintiff and said defendant, and that said plaintiff be forever divorced from said defend ant. . i This summons is published: pursuant to an order of the above entitled court, ,1.T at Salm WrAn thA ?u c July 1904, directing that said" summons 'summons be published for six eonseen be published for six consecutive ahdiJ'. ! weeks, in the successive weeks in the- Weekly Ore gon Statesman of Salem. Oregon. The first publication of this summons is made on Friday the 22d day of July A IX 1904. I - M. E. POGUE, ' Attorney for IMaintiff. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has this day been appointed by the county court of the state of Ore gon for the county of Marion as the executor of the iast w. and testament of Elizabeth T. Boise, deceased, and all persons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present the same to ma at my office in the Gray. Building in Haeui, Oregon, within six months of the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 5th day of July, 1904. : A. O. CONDIT, Executor of the last will and Testa ment of Elizabeth T. llcise, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given to all whom it, may concern, that the ' undersigned has filed his final account of said estate in the county court for Marion eounty, Oregon, and that said court has set the same for hearing for Saturday "August 13, 19U4, at 10 o'clock a, m. of said day at the county court room in the county court house at the city of Salem in Marion county, Oregon, that the said final account and any objections there to will be heard . and passed "upon by the court at said time and place. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 12th day of July, 1904. , GEORGE MABLATT, Executor of the last will and testa ment and estate of Joseph Bashaw and Mary Bashaw, deceased. SHERIFF'S 8ALEN OF REAL PBOP--i- ERTY. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution duly issued out of the CirKiit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, and to ma directexi, on the 6th, day of July, 1904, upon a judgment and decree duly ren dered, centered of record and! docketed in and bv aaiJ onr on tho 21 dav nf ( jni. ioni - certain nit then in i T E. Schmidt, him guardian ad litem, were plaintiffs, and J. E. Dettweiler and. Louisa Dettweiler, defendants, in favor of plaintiffs and against defend ants, by wheih execution I am com manded to sell the property in said execution and hereiaaf ter described to pay Che sum due the- plaintiffs of $690, with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per" annum from the 2d day - , - . J dy, 1904, until paid, and for the v uwc. v wccuuwn, a wiu I JhM CMaa.- tk tfit J - I a. I ui. August ,904 at tho noar of 10 o'clock a. m. of i said day, at the west door of the coun- Hy court house in Salem, Marion Coun-j ants, , and all persons claiming under I uem suDsequent to the date ox the I execution of said "mortfrajre, to -wit i The first day of October, 1W(3 in, of andxto said mortgaged premises premises hereinbefore mentidnea ftre described in said execution a follows, to-wit:, Lots 7 and. 8, in MockJ3, ia the town of Turner Marion County, Oregon.' ' - t Said sale being made subject to re demption in tfie manner provided by law. Dated this Cih day of July, 3904. W. J. Culver, Sheriff or Marion -uuty, vjregvu. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of . the State of Oregon, for Marion county, Mattie" McGinn, Plaintiff, ts. James Mc Ginn, Defendant, Department No. 2. To tho above named defendant James McGinn: . ' . In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby notified that July '29, 1904, is the date of the first publication R.i.asna.' an. I that t hfl nillklicA.- tion Of this Summons is made under and by virtue of an order duly made by Hon. George "H. Burnett as Judge of the above entitled Court on July 26, 1904, directing that Service of Summons ia this suit be made, upon you by pub lication of Summons once a week for six consecutive weeks in the Weekly Ore gon Statesman a newspaper of general circulation printed and published week ly at Salem, in Marion county, State of Oregon. Therefore,! you , are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint-filed against-you in the above entitledsuit on or before the last day of the publication of this Summons as prescribed in said order, said last day being six weeks from and after the uato of the first, publication of Sum mons and said last'day is tho.Uth day of Sjptemler, 1904, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the alove 'entitled --Court for the relief prayed for in plaintiff's complaint now on, file herein, to-wit: that .the bonds 'of matrimony "now ex isting letween plaintiff and defendant be forever . dissolved and held for naught. - " E. D. HOROAX, 'Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. Kn Kir.O In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion. Department No. 2. Bertha Beatrice Teter, Plaintiff, Vs. Buben IX Teter, Defendant. N To Ruben D. Teter, the above named defendant. s - In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in- the above entitled suit within 10 days from the date of the service of this summons upon you, if served with in this county; or, if served in any other, county of this state, then within 20 days from tho date of the service of this summons upon , you, or if served within any other state, or by publica tion in the Oregon Weekly Htatesman, and mailing a copy thereof with a copy of the complaint, then you are com manded to appear and answer on or le for the 12tk day of September A. D. 1904, anil in default thereof Plaintiff will take decree, of divorce against you in accordance with the prayer of her said complaint. This summons is published pursuant to an order of the above entitled court dated at Kalem Oregon, the 29tb day ! of July, A. D. 1904, directing that said eeaiy wregon Miaiesman, or raiem, Oregon, and the. first publication of thi summons is .made, on Friday the 29th day of July, A. D. 1904. M. K. TOGUE, Attorney for Plaintiff. Mr. and Mrs. James Cain, of New York State arrived in Salem Wednes day, and wilt make this place th.-ir home. Mrs. Cain is an aunt of Mrs, Del "Dinsmore, of this city. ' - CITY OR FARM x PROPERTY We Have It A few of our bargains: A house and 8 lots, barn, good welj water, fine fruit, in a good location. For a short time will sell for $1,000. A new 7 room house, lot 50x 1C6, inside property. Price, only $1,800. A new 5 room cottage, lot 50 xl45, near car line, on in stallment plan. Price, $700. You make the terms. V 9 room house,- lot 100x105, baro, -fruit, located a few blocks from the State House. Price, $1,600. 3Q acres of unimproved land 4 miles from Salem. At $22.50 per acre. . 5 acres of unimproved land 2 miles from the city, fine fruit land. Price, $500. Terms easy. ; . , A good improved farm of 620 acres 4 J miles from Sa lem, part fine Oak and JPir timber, good water. Can be bought at a bargain. We have good farms In all parts of the county and all prices. Ex changes of all kinds. Don't buy -until yon see us. If yru xe wanting Fire Insurance, try us. Itoom tl, over Red Front -Drugstore. Corner of Ommcrr-UI and P, c 4 a Do You Want ' 13. S. RflflCLIFF