Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, July 05, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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    tap r1 i J -
Tin: bussiaw people ass oaih-
,-. , INO VICTORIES.- "1
The Bainy Season Is On at Seat of Op
tra Hons, Whici Will Delay
" . Final Battle.- '
porrespondent Gives Entire Credit Tor
Japanese Eetreat to ? Knropatkln-f
Baye He Has Rewarded Bossiaa Peo
ples' Patience Man Who Assaulted
Minister Exiled. ' ' J
t '
ST. PETEB8BURG, July 2 The out
come of the naval ; engagements - off
Port Artfidr and Tsu Islands is monop
olizing publie interest. " Land pera
' tions in Manchuria are believed to have
been practically ad journed for ;' six
jweeks until the rain shall be over. Tel
egrams from Liao Yang agree that the
Japanese are withdrawing from - .their
positions, the eapture"of which entailed
' the expenditure of so much blood and
ammunition. The same telegrams show
-that the Rusfians are promptly faking
Advantage of the withdrawal of the
.Japanese and are assaming-the offen
sive, inflicting' considerable losses upon
ih Japanese army. The elose of active
operations tinder sueh circa instances
. Has greatly restored confidence . The
'IJoa Yang correspondent of the Bourse
' Gazette, declares that the entire credit
; for the Japanese retreat belongs to
Kuropatkin, who at last has rewarded
.the patience of the Russian people. : (
r The Associated Press learns upon
;good authority that Prince Dolgorouki,
woo eany last montn assaulted count
Lamsdorff, minister of foreign affairs,
'lias been exiled to Archangel. j;
' : ,t ,: ' '
" ' SADLY. :
Rassiaut jUe More Hopeful of the Sit
uation Say the Japs Have Lost
Vey Heavily 'in Recent Battles
8,000 Men Killed in One of Them. j
14 AO YANO, July 2. Beeent suc
cesses: f the Russians at Dalin and in
Oener.il Mi stench km- engagement with
the Japanese have .engendered a much
better feeling here..lt is reported that
in- the fighting June 26 and. 27 the
Japanese lost SOW mfn, and thfiir losses
in tin iM;ftns against Mistench'kos
Mr re A jtr:kijrjr. feature! -of the
:.t hjnjferT.(it at ;J l':-,lio, al flijli a tin
.f(i. ftUt WtlTt Mis-t'-oeiikos force was
that ' thft J.i pi tried the bayonet
kI. ...... ... t. ..,.. .ii I
..vi.ouy partial. Their j lines went to
.the charge with loud cries of "Aiyax,
Alyar," but almost to a man they were
mowed down by the Russian ride fire.
Candidates in the Field for the
Oavel Hearst Men Want j
Clark. "
f?T. T.orrK JuTr--TV-eo.mM'''
f-n jin'i'4"'in-))i i f ...it Irir.V.. TtftJC .fl
tl'til i :tnti .. ii.i!a)' .igrt-fil .ii:(!i.-
. ii t.wl t r- r;.iuri!'M.l to. tit- fii!l t jiii
reutiuu U.o s..j.ftunt of John Sharp
Williams, of Mississippi, for the post-
-tion of temporary chairman of the con
vention. - Por wrmanent chairman four
.possible candidates are mentioned to
night. They are delegates Parkworth,
friends of Uearst sprang Mark's name
f .MifhignnPatrirk Collins of Massa
chusetts; David R. Rose, of Wisconsin;
and Champ Clark, of Missouri. The
at the conference held today. They ex
press a determined opposition to con
ceding both temporary and permanent
chairmanship to the Parker element.
Borne of the Hearst men are, however,
quite content to accept Parkworth,
: claiming that he is unfriendly te the
New York Judge. j
Bids Opened For the Head Works in
the tfiXlnindoko District, j .
' Idaho. .'V '
BOI3B, July 2. Seventeen bids for
the construction of the head works' of
the Mialndolo'. reclamation project,
wrere ojned today by a board of en
gineers. There was spread $2(H,000 be
t si-.Aen the highest and lowest bids.
The award will le made by the Secre
f the Inferior and will probably
xrot be announced for some time. The
lowest bid submitted was that of Niels
J.jnagcri, ct PorftanJ, Or which call
ed for $35)0,000. -
No linger Than xour Sand f
'is the spot in your back directly? af
fected byv lumbago. But it is lijr
, enough to prostrate you until a kind
friend rubs Perry Davis Painkiller
info your aching tlfsh. Then the thtob
.taX wi if ,leen as bad 'as
t.t fK'lus. evrxT.'; .lMftVsi'cj i
i.ju-t.i!r in tivin sei.tt' a and
tho v,roi! ftt u f tatrotuatisou I .25
and ." ,v. lvtMt. , .i -: . J ; .'
sr. 1 L y i.U :C Kvi.: July 1. General
PflutU i.;-j.:r;tr Ling1 fromMokden un
der iat f.July lt says: J'Tke reports
from Foreign sources "that the Japanese
fleet had sunk several vessels ,ef our
squadron en Jcse 23, aad that our loss
was 700 sailc . , ( absolutely nntrue."
TOLEDO Ol July 2.- At midnight
Mayor Jones rallied noticeably and the
doctors now take a more hopeful view
tf his csse . v '.'?-
; v UAD V3 rilA. ! t '
rt ts " -"A V t'i Ya Hm y.wsn tx
; tttpt nhT.t. EE A LAEGE
ttuzxzisi op picnics: '
The Glorions Bird Will Best Hia
Screamer Here Tomorrow, and Let
Portland and Other Places Celebrate
Independence Day Sane Fourth For
(Prom Sunday's Daily.)
The citizens of Salem will enjoy a
purely sane Fourth of July tomorrow.
They will leave all the hurrah and hul
labaloo te Portland and the other small
towns of the valley. The warships at
Portland will salute the rising sua-and
Battery A, of, the O J. O.wiil tear
holes in the atmo,sphere all day. j
Independence s going to do" things
on that day, and Dallas is holding a
three days eelebratin, having had
Pioneer Day yesterday, with an address
by Judge 'Wan. Galloway, i Today will
be devitedi o sacroU exercises,' and to
morrow there will be the real thing.
There will be a parade, aad the usual
exercises, with an oration by Hon.
Claud Gateh,of this city. After dinner
there will be all kinds of prizes for all
kinds of races. Kven the greased pig
will be there. "Gosh! What fun!"
Silverton There Too.
fill vert on is going to be on hand with
great big bunches of patriotism Hon.
J. E. Bronaogh, of Portland, will make
the oration, and there will be baseball
and a fine program, inJuding jet. drama,
"The Female Detect e, irr the Moth
er's Dying Child," which L will be ren
dered at the Silverton opera bouse by
Silverton talent. .
At Woxlburn there will be a lively
time. A large nnnrber are going down
from Salem, and the program there is
expected to be very entertaining,
" At Liberty the jeople were expected
to clebrate, but nothing definite has
been learned as to the intent. .
A large number of people from this
oy will go up to Cold Spring, above
Aamsville, for a picnic, and. other pie
nie jarfTes to ttbcr places were; plan
ned yesterday. The smalt boy will nO
deubt be in evidence as every with all
the possibilities for developing full
grown-eases of tetanus' as is usual,
even though there b"e no celebration
here. :- , '
The Oregon Rural Letter Carriers' As
sociation Met in Salem Yesterday
to Consider Matters
(From Sunday's Daily.)
There was quite a good attendance
at the state meeting of the rural car
riers of the Oregon Rural Inciter Car
riers' Association, which convetfed in
Hie nnwr ronm of the KOstoQice build
ing yesterday. Tim Votlowlug bVtor car
riers were found to be present by the
committee on credentials: - J. A. Rem
ington, W. II. Squires, F. L. Sonth, P.
P, Litchfield, J. W.-Cox, Phil 1'earson,
K. P. Loupe, F. C. Gunning, A; E.
Tower, Fred O. Conelly of Gresham;B,
i. Allen, J. H. Schram of Cleonc: F.
M. More, of Portland; H. J. Johnson,
Jr., A. M. Holt, Albanv; C. W. Wal
lace, of Albany; J. R. Coehran, Shedd:
David 8hearer,'of Hhedds; J. H. Golus,
Albany; Jv U, ( ornett, Albany. 4
The meeting was called for the pur
pose of discussing the interests of the
Rural Free Delivery service, and with
a view to promoting the '.best mxle of
performing their duties to the public
and to the tovemment.
An address of welcome was made by
Mayor F. W. Waters of Salem. lion
Frank A. Davey and Col. E. ilofer be
ing present aWrldressed the meeting.
The Associnliof cleel , James ' It.-S.-lirnm
of .'liitV. j.rf:deiit ; A: E.
1'iv.rrr. of .1 nn. t i.rii i' '," r-l viee pre-i-.U-nt;
J. It. Coins, of Albanv, second
vice preseident; Fred G. Connelly of
Gresham, seertary; . Anna M. JIoss of
Gresham, treasurer; R. G. Allen, of Sil
verton, trustee; C W. Wallace, dele
gate to National convention; Fred O.
Connelly as alternate; W H. Squires ef
Salem, state orgamrer.
They appointed a committee to con
fer with the Good Roads Association,
Mesrs. W. II. Squires, J A. Remington,
H. A. Johnson, Jr Salem. Thjs asso
ciation will meet in Portland.
After discussing various matters 11
which all were more or less interested,
the- Letter Carriers Association adjourn
ed to meet in special session this fall,
date not being set, at Gresham. The
next annual convention will meet . in
Portland in 300i, an effort being now
on foot to secure the meeting there, in
connection with the Lewis and Clark
Fair of the National Letter. Carriers'
Association. The two assoeiatfans would
then meet . joint ly. Today the connty
rural carriers will bold a meeting.
The Fish Ladder of Ancfent Promise Is
Now Assured Perhaps, at Or
egon City.
It is said that the time is now not
far distant when Mr. rhinook Salmon
and his wife and family will come to
Salem to pass the summer, a fish ladder
ever the sails being finally a probabil
ity. This' has been a mooted question
since ML Hood was a hole in the
ground, which was before the day of
the earliest inhabitant. 4 In; fact tbe
writer remembers having heard that a
fish ladder was to be putlTnTat Oregon
City so many years ego. that he has
en men grow cp and; get bald since.
! v.s- intended to InUd this ladder
ytar, l et one note the term, there
could not be two one "Archie Pease
Lasked fer 50,000 damages to tbe fisa-
itg interests of Ch-egon City.- It is pro
posed to blast in the rocks a system of
pools and basins and if the large Butt
insky family of Oregon City will now
keep quiet, and not ask for anv more
injunctions, nod damages,: maybe the
Salmon will make an excursion te Salem
and get a gool drink of Kalem water
while they visit the Capitol and the Re
form School, including a short excur
sion on the Dallas (proposed) motor
line. .
Thus Salem as -'opes of something
else theji ehnbs and bass and ."suck
ers" as regular summer visitors. i -
'Mrs. t. P. Williams of Lew is ton, Ida
ho, is visiting at the home ef her brother-
and sister, Mr.- Chas. Gosper and
Miss Maggie Cospcr, corner Marion and
Water streets. i
, GOING on
4, - a. .5
.- - s TIES..' '
People Who Think the Capital City Is
' Hot Going Ahead Wlll be
The New Breyman Block on Commer
cial 'Street Neaxingr. Completion
Handsome Structures That . Will
, Soon be Occupied as Homes.
; If any one thinks Salem is not going
ahead he need only make a tour of the
city "and J note the improvements gefng
on, in order that he may be entirely
nndeceived. There is a great deal of
building beings done in various parts
ofTEe city, and of such a character as
to .aid in the modernizing process whieh
has been; in course for the pasf twenty
years. ' ' . 1 .-A
Among the greatest improvements is
the new and handsome brick -next" door
north of the Statesman office being
erected by Mr. 'Werner Breyman and
the Eugene Breyman estate. This is to
be the handsomest building on Commer
cial street, except the Capital National
Bank, and is rapidly Bearing compter
tion. It is two stories in height, and
the two store rooms on the ground floor
are exceptionally light and airy. There
are balconies in each store, fine-glass
fronts, and they will add greatly to the
value of the east side of Commercial
street. Messrs. . Stockton &' Co., wfio
are to occupy the north store room,- ex
pect to -move in at an early day.: The
other store is rapidly being gotten
ready for the Yokohama Tea Co. ;
One of the important buildkcgs 'in
courHe of construction 1 is the magnifi
cent residence ef William llageron
the northwest corner of Union and
Cottage streets. This will be one-of
the- handsomest structures in Salem,
and. Mr. Hagejj. js sparing no expense
in carrying out the "details of his elab
orate plans. -The house will be a two
story building with u roomy basement
and an attic. There will be six rooms
on the first floor and five on the sec
ond, besides a large hall down stairs.
There will also be a bath room and
numerous closets, and on the south and
east sides of the building, a spacious
orch will be'eonstructed to adl com
fort to the home. The house will cost
about $600O, and will be a valuable ad
dition to that jMirtion of the city. The
architecture is up-to-date in every de
tail, and the entire inside will be hard
finished.- ...
The handsome $3000 resilience of A.
N. Moores, manager of the Capital
Lunfbering Companj, in course of con
struction, on the northwest corner of
Chemeketa and Summer streets, is rap
idly beang pushed to completion. This
will be another home that will add
much to the residence .port ion of Salem,
and will present a splendid appearance
wheneompleted. . v. i- -; . ;
Mr. 1L B. Fleming, who recently pur-,
chased the old Congregational building,
has had the structnre moved and placed
in position on the lot adjoining his
residence property, n the southwest
corner of Jttagc and Center streets,
and facing on. Center street. It is Mr.
Fleming's intention to convert the
building into two modern flats, which
will be for rent. The structure will be
entirely remodeled, and improved on
Uii-iuo.it njtt'.trn plans, and no doubt
ia owner will realize a handsome inf
vestment on his new acquisition. :
Another valuable addition to the
east portion of the city wiil be the two
story cottage which is being built on
(ourt street, near the State Capitol, by
H. B. Thielsen. The cottage will be a
handsome structure,- 30x42 feet in di
mensions, with a large basement and a
concrete foundation. It will contain
eight conveniently arranged rooms,
with a large porch in the front, also a
bath room and the necessary closets. All
the details will be strictly modern, and
when completed the cottage will afford
one of the neatest and most comfortable
homes in Salem.
II. L, Bockhill, who but a few
months. ago arrived m tthis cify from
his former home in Kansas, has com
peted a neat and' comfortable- house
on his lot at the corner of Nineteenth
and lraue streets, ine House is a
two-story: building with nine rooms,
the dimensions of the main portion be
ing 14x2.3 feet, and ef the add ii ton on
the rear. 14xlS feet.' Mr. Bockhill's
new; residence has all the modern im
provements, and Was built at a cost of
abbot $1200. -
Floyd Dayton has also recently com-,
pleted the erection of a neat one-story,
five room cottage on his property, on
Fast Ferry street, at a cost of about
$900. He is now erecting another cot
tage on the lot adjoining which will be
located at the southwest corner of Six
teenth and Ferry streets. This cottage
wiil be a, one-story building and wilt
contain. five rooms, all of Which will be
most conveniently arranged. Mr. Dajr
ton also built a rnttage on an adjoin"
ing lot during last fall, and when the
one now in coarse of construction is
completed, he will have provided three
neat aad comfortable little homes for
that rapidly growing residence portion
of the Capital City ;
f Burt is Baker ' has ; also provided for
himself a comfortable home at No. 171
Eighteenth street, having recently Com
pleted, the erection of a one-story cot
tage, containing five rooms, a bath
room and pantry,'; - . ;y
JL S. Kadchff, the real estate dealer.
is building a five room cottage on his
property located en South "Thirteen! if
Street. ; The building will -be one story'
feigb ana-win aSord a splendid horned
, m
' No Substitute Wanted.
No! I did not ask for a bottle air
cbeaper, or twice as large, or one made
by yourselves. I did ask for and will
not" have any substitute for Perry
Davis Paiakiller; I have used it; my,
father Used it and I would not be sur
prised, if my grandparents did so too;
there is no imitation that can equal it.
That I am sUra of if or stomach ache.
It Attracts More Attention (Than Any
Other State Building, and One Can
Best and Feel at Home; There And
It Is Properly Labeled, Too.
En Route Home, June 30, 1904. .
Editor' Statesman:
While in New York City, I had the
privilege of ' reading a Statesman edi
torial relating to the Oregon building
at St. Louis. Like all others who read
the article, and, who had not visited
the FsJir, I agreed withv the editor
that a great mistake had - certainly
been made. But a- few days later, I
had the pleasure of visiting the great
Fair, ami, with a- f eelfng of humilia
tion, sought first of ; all, the Oregon
building. What was my swrprise to
find, instead of a, poor,' forsaken look
ing 'og cabin, the most- artistic little
building on the gToonds, built of the
most beautiful Iogs I had ever seen!
The whole of it was genuine, and cer
tainly showed it, in contrast with the
sham on every side. The words, "Ore
gon 93 Years Ago,," were printed in
"g. gold lettersj n a' black back
ground, and, hung directly j over the
door, so that no one could be; misled.
While wandering ' through the
grounds, towards the Oregon! building,
passing throngs of weary sight-seers,
the thought came to rae thatj the most
welcome thing to all of those people,
including myself, would be a9 comfort
able chair to rest iu; so, what was my
surprise and delight upon entering our
building, to find nrore than half a
dozen comfortable rocking chairs a
couch, aiid in the center of one wall,
a splendid old stone fire-place, which
gavff the room such a home-like air,
I must mention too, a greaf. snaggy,
black bear skin, which hung on one of
the walls; this, to me, was far more
interesting than a whole room full of
mediocre exhibits, such as so many
state buildings show, i j
" The" Oregon imilding is thronged
with visitors almost more, than , any
other state building it- attracts. True,
someOregonisns, jthemselyes, havis not
liked it, l)ut,J it not because such a
building is no novelty to thenilow
ever, other WWirTd 's Fa i r visito rs f ce r
tainly appreciateWt. What ether build
ing on the grounds, when torn down,
would be worth more than kindling
wood. jYet, one (appreciative individual
has already offered to teur down, move
to another state, and, rebuild the Ore
gon building, Itesides offering the State
$2,000. J .-, - ; k
I found the mnd all audi more than
the editor found, it, but, for the rest, I
feel it my- duty to thus I publicly; dis
agree with him. - . -.-f -. ;
Yours, fo Oregon. i -
Young Men's Christian' Association Has
Opene I Headquarters at Amer
ican Lake. ;
An attractive "TiTiture: of the igreat
military encampment, bo be held at
American Iake, I fm July 7 to II l," will
le the work of i It a Young Men's Chris
tian Associations juf Oregon, Washing
ton and idaboy who have joined togeth
er, and ereeted large tents on theearap
ground, where all jssible conveniences
will be found the free se of the men
of the National Cuard. "This has be
come one. of the leading features of the
work of the Y..M. C. .A, Within, a few
weeks, after the capture of Manila in
1898,1 the Y. M. C. X oijened headquar
ters in large tents, and exerted ai help
ful influence on the boys who had the
privilege of so few conveniences of the
home. ' j - i
The members of the militia will wel
come the . Association to the coming
camp, for the privilege of a gool rend
ing room, as well 'as other things; The
work will be in'cnarg'e' of secretary C.
W. Wilcox. The following invitation
to the oflieersand men of Company
M has been received by Captain Mur
phy: -' .
'Please announce to the officers and
men of your command that the Young
Men's Christian Associations of Wash
ington, Oregon'-ahd' Idaho have united
in establishing headquarters at the
military camps near Taeoma, July 7 to
21. Beading matter, vrrjting materials,
games, fold water, shoe shining outfits,
entertainments and meetings will . be
provided. The officers and men ef your
command are cordially invited to make
use of the privileges offered. No Charge
will be made. j
"The pleasant relationship thnt has
existed heretofore between the Nation
al Guardsmen aad the Young Men's
Christian Association warrants the hepe
that again this year we may be mutu
ally helpfuL" j I -
No Pity Shown. - j
"For years fate was after me con
tinuously," writes F. A. Gnlledge, Ver
bena, Ala. ". bad a. terrible case of
piles causing twenty-ftmr tumorsj When
all failed BucklenV Arnica, Salve cured
me. Kqaally good for burns and all
ache and pains. Only 25 cents at D.
J. fry 'sjlrng store. ;
. ";. . TO THE ASYLUM. '
; (From Sunday's Daily.) ;
Sheriff W. A. Rtorev, of Portland.
last night brought A- P- Anderson, a
Swede, agM 371 vearsv1 to the asvlum.
Tbe patient is well known iu Salem and
his ease is an n usually sad one. Ihir
ing the administratiocsT)f " Drs. Bow-
land and Lane, he was landscape gaT4
dener at tbe asylum. He afterward
went East, and melancholia, caused by
dosing his position several times caused
bis mind to become unbalanced. He
came to Salem one month ago and went
to Work at the asylum as landscape gar
dener, but in hi growing weakness did
not give satisfaction, and was soon su
perseded This seems to have been tbe
final blow to his sensilHfy, and he has j
been returned to his old home,. bat nt-j
der far different eireurastanees. j
Mr. and Mrs J. M. Payne, Misses,
Lena and Mary Payne, andMrs. J. A
Jeffrey were aavm the Salem visitors,
to the Liberty celebration. j
Legal Blanks at Statesman Job OSes
wvv ' -
? t'l ' . : . .":
President Boosevelt Becelved There
i With Demonstration Ships on
I s Massachusetts Shoals.
Women. Fatally Hurt in Fireworks Ex
- plosion Burton of Kansas - Granted
1 an Appeal to Supreme Court of the
United States Socialist Convention.
OySTER BAY, July 2. President
Boosevelt arrived here today accompan
ied; by a large clerical force. For the
next few weeks national affairs neces
sitating consideration of dhe President
wiil, lw transacted - here. Roosevelt's
home-coming was made the occasion of
a cordial demonstration, in which the
citizens of Oyster-Bay nnited. It was
a genuine fete day in Oyster Bay. Bus
iness was1 practically susjKnded and es
idences and business houses were dec
orated with flags and bunting. ? ; v
Chatham, Mass., July 2. Three ves
sels; larkentine and' two schooners,
werepoundingJieavily on the shoals off
hern It sunset tonight. The strandetl
vessn were the- barkentine AUcrta,
the fishing wbonner Patriot and the
coaster Viola May. The Albertina came
intoi Chatham bar to avoid sinking in
deeper water, having struck some ob
struction in "Pollock llipslue. The Pat
riot and the Viola May were beating
down through Pollock Ridue this af
ternoon, and both struck on Suovtdf ul
Shoal abojt the same time .
Worcester, Mass July 2. Bv acci
dentally stepping on a bomb Jack, a
large torpedo, a clerk of the Nelson
Noveltv store in this city, started a
fire tonight which caused the explosion
of 700 worth of fixeworks and cut off
foity clerks and customers who were in
the store from the only exit. The wo
men and children were injured nnd suf
focated by suioke and were barely res
cued from a cellar where they had fled
to avoid the flames. Manuel Ovingin
ian was caught under sin elevator, as it
was descending with twenty-five wo
men and was probably fatally hur
folio. Jniv 2. The Vladivostok
squadron eluded Bamimura's squadron j
to' the eastward orTbelslaud Tsu on
Friday night in the darkness. A driz
zling rain and fog favored the Russian
vessels. The two squadrons met early
in the evening, the Russians being
north of Iki Island and the Japanese
south of Tsii-Jsland. They were only
ten : miles ' apart. The Russians bolted
to the northeast when they. were dis
covered by Kamiuiura. The latter
chased them at full speed. The tfapan
ee l 'torpedo Ixiats steamed ahead and
entered within range of the Russian
guns. The Russian vessels vigorously
she lied the r Japanese torpedo boats.
Kamimura gained on the Russian shifts
and, was only five miles in the. rear
when ..suddenly at 9 p. m. aflthe Rus
sian Vessels extinguished their lights
and disappeared in the darkness. ;
I "Burton Granted Appear. .
St. Twnis, July 2. TTnitel Staes Dis
trict Judge Adams today granted to IT.
S. Senator Jos. ; R. Burton of Kansas,
convicted of accepting money from a
company under investigation by the
Postofliee Department, an apjeal to the
Supreme Court of the United States.
4 Safeguard the Children. !
Notwithstanding all thai is done by
boards of health and charitably inclin
ed persons, the death rate among small
children is very, high during the hot
weather of the summer months in the
large cities. . There is not probably
one case of . bowel complaint-in a hun
dred, however, that could not le cored
by the timely use of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and "Diarrhoea Remedy.
For sale by all druggists.
News Brought in by the Rural Carriers
From Districts Visited by ;
. ,' Them.. -
CHarles Glaze is erecting a new resi-
We Save Your Teeth
That is, if there Is any way known
to uemistry, we can do it. If not,
iben we can extract them positively
without pain., If yon have not in
vestigated our new system yaa
should do so before having deutal
work done elsewhere. - Our rice
are the cheapest, work the Lest and
'doesn't hurt.
roni now an til October 1st, we give
coupon with every dollar's worth
of Dentistry, some one of which w. Jl
entitle the holder to the $f SO Dia
mond Ring now on disp'ay in
Thompson O Co.'a It tadow.
! i Stesshff Elia Cccrt St.
! : PIlOftE 230f MAIN
mr 8 m. A ft wm v . tm.
Slya ! . mm t 12mm.
-"'' ' , v ." V ,'
hiy :X J l iJ yV? '
nw7 ry c; "
The Crown of Vpman
hood IsMoxherhood.
III? crown ht woraanhootl is
motherhood. But uneasy
lies the head that wears
the crown or anticipates
this coronation. when
there is adack of womanly
strength to bear the bur
dens of maternal dignity arid duty.
And bow few women come to this critical
-time with adeanate strength. The rea
son why so many women sink under the
strain of motherhood is because iney are
. unprepared. Is preparation then re-
ouired for motherhood? asks the young
woman. And every experienced mother
answers-" Yes. I unhesitatingly ad
vise expectant mothers to use .Doctor
Pierce's Favorite Prescription," writes
Mrs. Stephen's. The reason for. this
advice is that DrJPierce's Favorite Pre
scription is the best preparative, for the
maternal function; No j matter how
healthy and strong a woman may be,
she cannot "use: favorite Prescription"
as a preparative for matetnity without
gain of health and comfort. But it is
the women who are -not strong who best
appreciate the great ..benefits received
from the use of "Favorite Prescription.
For one thing its use makes the baby's
advent practically painless. It i has in
many cases reduced days of suffering to
a few brief hours. It has changed the
period of anxiety and struggle into a
time of ease and comfort, j
j Ai.coHor.ic Tonics, v.
A great many women feeling the need
of a tonic take a cocktail, whisky, or
what is ust as bad, some Widely adver
tised tonics or compounds -which contain
a large percentage of alcohol. Ikjctor
Pierce's medicines are guaranteed to be
entirely free from alcohol br narcotics
made of Toots ndherb,'which-cannot
harm the most delicate system but have
a wholesome, life- giving,! tonic - effect
upon the system. Tonics made largely
of alcohol interfere with the digestiou
of certain foods, and as doses increase
the alcohol absorbed gets into the blood
and shrinks the red blood corpuscles.
As the blood feeds the nerves the nerves
get improper nourishment and the
mother twomcs nervous. As the nerves
suffer so docs the skin. -, ,
. Jlettcr stick to a health-giving tonic
that has in the past third of a century
sold more widely than any other. -
. ' 7 j WHAT ACS DQES.
We are told that wine is letter;wlieri
old; we know that most people have
more confidence hi a physician of ma
ture age who has had large experience ;
why not trust this "Favorite Prescrip
tion of Dr. Pierce, tliat has r roved ita
worth by the coutinuous large sales in J
deneo nt Clear Lake; ionJl-i P. D. No. S,
and Kaucier Bros.' aro building a house
in that same locality." 1
The M. B. A. hall at Lake Lnbisli is
alnxit completed and a dance was given
there last evening. : ,' i I' '
The Fruitland church on Boute No. (11
is receiVihg amuch needed fcoftt of
paint. :"' '.'-'""'''
Charles'1 Bates, of StavtOn, who1 has
been visiting lien Taylor,! of the istj
office force, rejwrts Linn funty to lx!
unering from tho general dro'ntli to an
alarming extent, gardens, - grain and
pastures being badly humeri. I '
Mrs. C. C Walker, of Boute 1, has
returned from Portland, where sho has
been visiting her hiece, Mra Chas. T.
Kaon. ; '.-:,' ' ;' '... v... j
Kev- Thompson and Albert I Purvine,
of Zena, attended the ice cream social
af-McCoy this week; Hie. swial was
given for the benefit of il.'j McCoy
church, and netted quite nfnent an in. 2
Mr. Clayton Heine, Misses Nannie
and Iena. llciso an.l'Miss pearl Brah
non will spend tie Clorious Fourth at
Silver Creek Falls.
.Ellen v Kaglcyt ! a! jily well
known in thie city, hae.been subject to
faulting attacks for amd time, and
one yesterday cauaed. her to falL Kh
struek on her side, fracturing the bin
joint She-was alone in the house at
n tmf, an. i aunouga dm lay on the
floor in the front room,, with the door
leading to the street, it Was an hrtnr
and a half before any one came to her
assistance. Met sister, Mrs. Workman,
i't:iB( aiuog, ioun.1 Airs, liagley in
this -OB!ij Jon; hea-waa, taken to lha
Kalem llosj.ital, where, .tho,, rae la re
was rel ueed, ami the'- patient jow
dVdng as well as could lte expected.
Her advafcced age makes her accident
more serious than it would le in the
ease of a younger person, j... . .j ,.? f
3frs. !. M Carter, also! an elderly
ly, residing in East Baleni, while at
Silver Falls met with a serious fail
yesterday, injoriug her hip severely.
She was returning from jArgenti hall,
when she reached a step the presence
of which she was unaware ef, and the
fall which ensued caused her seme very
painful bruises, and it was not known
mm - I
-',.. "V.'
every part the country, assisted by
the constant praise given it by women
"The anxious mother of the fatnilv oft
entimcs carries the whole burden of re
sponsibility so far as the home medication
of common ailments of the girl or boyi
is concerned. The cost of the doctor'a -visits
is very often much too great.
At such times the mother is invited to
write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo,
N. Y., for medical advice, which i given
free. Correspondence is held strictly
confidential. :
Backed up by over a third of a century
of remarkable- and uniform cures, a rec
ord such as no other remedy for the dis
eases and weaknesses peculiar to women
ever attained, the proprietors and mak
ers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite rreseripcfbh
now feel fully warranted in offering to
Py 1 5 in legal money of the United
States for any case of teucorrhes. Fe
male Weakness, Trolapsus, or Falling of
Womb, which they cannot cure. All
the World's Dispensary Medical Asso
ciation, Proprietors, of Buffalo, N. Y.,
ask. is a -fair and reasonable trial, of
their means of cure.
As your ' Favorite Prescription has
done so much for me, I- am pleased to
tell you my experience, writes Mrs.
Belle Griffith, of Cherokee, Ky. I bad
been troubled with indigestion, female
troubles and urinary trouble for three
years, also neuralgia and a dizrv head
ache ; after taking eight bottle of Dr.
fierce, a medicines i was vTeatlv im
proved in health. Can sew on machine
now, something I had not done in three
years, .and can eat almost anything I
wish. Am pleased to reeomniend Dr.
Pierce's medicine to any of my friends. I
feel that you have a wonderful remedy."
" For fifteen years I suffer d each month
with severe - pains, and this suffering
increased until mv treneral health !-
came so poor I eould hardly get around.
Writes Mrs. M, D. Jones, of Bunconi,
Oregon. . My husband wibhed me to
write to Dr. Pierce, which I did, and he
advised his '.Favorite Prescription and
I'leasant I'eUeU. vynen I commenced
taking these medicines could hardly
stand on my feet, and to sit down was
even worse than standing. . Before I had
taken one bottle of the 'Favorite Pre
scription I began to feel better, and since
taking ten bolles of Favorite Prescrip
tion and taree vials of Dr. Pierce's 1V"
lets I feci stronger than I have for year.
I- lelieve that all women sufferine as I
did Can be cured by Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Should know is contained iu the Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser. Scud it
lone -cent stamps for the paper-covered
book. or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound
volume. Address Dr. R. V. rierce. Buf-
falo, N. Y.
DAW.SON In Salem, Oregon, on .hiW
1, H0i, to INlr. and Mrs. C. A. liw
eon, a daughter.
Prof. D.ivann ia n mom1r fif Wil
lamette ITniversity faculty. This
the first arrival of tho kind nt tbo
liwson home.
IA' N'I I -( S It TEK ) N A t 1 h e resid. nre
of Bev. 1'. H. Knight, paslor id the
Central tVngregational church, nt C
o'clock p .nu July 2, 1!K)I, Miss Mnry
M. (irierson, of Mission Bottom, t
W. K. Lynch, b merchant of-Amity,
Yamhill county..
MILLER-DARR At tho residence
the bride's brother, .Tno. A. nrr, at
. 20th nnl Ferry streets, this city,
Jnlv 3, 1&04, Miss llattie L. Darr to
F. W. Miller of I'ortland, liv. 1. H.
Knight ofliciiiting.
IIO'l, -At the famiTy residenrc, n
the corner of Division and Fifth
stroctg, North 8alem, Orem, Ratnr
day, July 2, 104, at 7 o'clock a. m-f
- John . Hopf , agvl 7S ynrs 5 iiintlis
Deceased came to Kalem f mm Ne
braska"; About two years g", a" a re-,
tired farmer, and has since been Jiving
n North 5alem. He leaves lrfsides lis
wife, one' ibuighter, who resides south
of .8alem, one son. at Taeoma, Washing
ton; and one son in the Fast. The fun
eral'services will 1m held at the O'T".
man M. K. chnrch, Hupd.iy'at 2:30
oVlocklp. m., and bttrial will te-male
in City! View cemdery.
bat that her Tiip' was dislocated .Hh
was brought home last night and -lr
XMvis sent for, but she had not arrived
when last heard from.
TOKIO, Jnlv 5. Kurokl has occn-
fled Mao Tien Pass without resistance.
Russians have abandoned Tia Bha
Owah, destroying supplies. ,
Legal Blanks, EUtcaman -Job OSes.