Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, July 05, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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vVhat oaft.chaeles a jjuhphy
WANTS 10 -XAtf wuu iiijm, .
Strength Is Now at the Maximnm and
- Xf Salem's Patriotic Business Men
Place No Obstacles, Men Will All G
t . t .v- ,
0 AlUVi.V 4MMW
(From Sunday's Daily.)
On behalf, of the officers of Company
M, of the Oregon National Guard of
" Hali-m, tborStatesnian wishes this morn
ing to make a suggestion to the em
plovers of HaleBi to not throw any ob-etach-s
in the way of the young men
who are members of the company, an J
wish to attend the annual encampment
at American Lake, which begins on
July 7. i -
The men aref ordered into camp by
the Governor as commander in chief of
tlio Oregon National Guard, and unless
prevented . by sickness, must attend.
There is probably not a man in j the
company who will not take a vacation
some time during the summer, and to
. let tle off from their duties will not be
any great inconvenience to'TRe employ
er, beyond a slightj change in plans, and-'
tl.e'roen will enjoy the privilege never
before accorded them. t. '
Salem is not, the only city called upon
thus to allow sixty-five men a. two
weeks' vacation for camp duty, as ev
ery state in the' Union is now sending
out from one to a doJsen regiments un
ilrr. orders of the .War Department ,and
al of the men will attend. ,
Finns employing young men are
glad to have their men join' the militia
"u ud "spend their summer Tacation in
cam. This is the . greatest military
cvnt ever oceuring in the West, nnd
will equal the great encampments held
in 'the.- Kastcrn states last .'year,1 which
attracted so much attentionr. There will
I aliout 2000 regular soldiers and 2500
militiamen in camp. All of the great
Kaster.a newsiepors and magazines
haviNspetired the privilege of erecting
lodge,, and will have correspondents on
the ground, as will alo mot of the
Oregon newspapers, including the
Statesman." . "
There' are sixteen companies in-Oregon,
and all "of - them arc preparing to
put out a full quota of men.
"Khali the- Capital City send the
largi-Ht and finest company . from the
state,-' or .'shall they send a company
which will call for apologies every time
if in Nff-n or mentioned f " was the ques
tion asked by 'n prominent' business man
who is. also a guardsman, yesterday.
Last year the Malory, company was the
smallest .in ramp atGearh. t, but this
year 'aptain Murphy ; has determined
to take one of the largest, if at all pos
sible. : . ' -- .; ,.. - .
-It is feared one or two will b pre
vented by -their enioyer from attend
ing, but such will be compelled to an
swer to a delinquency court. .
' There is probably not a man who
would like to see the National Guard
disbanded and superceed by a large
standing army, and the only alterna
tive is In 8iiiMirt. th? guard, ami help
iuerease its cnieieneyj
There. will bo drills on Tuesday nnd
Wednesday evenings, when the men
will be iasuod -oiitf it for ramp duty,
nd the company - will .assemble in the
irmnrv iiu Thursday morning at' 5:30
nt-liM'k and prparw"to board the spec
ial train at i:(0 o'clock, . Captain Mur
.hv's orders to this-effect, which were
iKoicd yesterday, read as -follows:
" I. In compliance with general 'or
ders, the company officers and 'enlisted
men of Co. M will assemble in their
armory on Thursday, July 7, at 5: SO. a.
m. fr (ho purpose of attending camp
at Aineriean Lake.
"., KaHi soldier (not' excused by
proper authority) who fails to oley
tlti -.order willj be dealt with as the De
linquency' Court may direct.
".T Fach soldier who deems it im
- im-xitde to go will present an excuse,
in writing, to the captain stating his
IfK.OIH. 1
"4. The captain can ! found at the
armory' each evening until July 7, also
all day Wednosdav. ,
"5." Kapplies will "bo issued on Tues
day and -Wednesday evenings."
Proceed by Special Train.
The six companies of the regiment
tsiil of Portland, will assemble in
their respective armories, fully uniform
ed and equipped in time to leave. their
stations and .proceed to Fortland, Com
panies A. 1) and L by train via. O. I.
& N. t'.. arriving in Fortland Thurlay
July 7, at 7:15 a. m., and Companies
I and M by special train, leaving
Fugene July 7, at 3 a. m., and arriving
in Portland at 9 a. m. Companies will
leave their home stations as follows:
tVmp.mv A, Raker City, July 6, 6 p.
i!i.:to!'ipany It, La' Grande, July 6, at
p. m.; Company D, The Iall s,
July 7, at 4 a. m.; Company G, Albany,
July 7, at 4:30 a. nu; Company M, Sa
lem, July 7, -at 0 a. m.; Company I,
WiHHltMirn, July. 7, at 7 a. m.
Mail will be adlressed t American
lke,-Wa.di., giving the rank and namo
of addressed, with the designation of
the company aad regimeut of which he
is a nuMuler. .
Orders promulgating the daily rou
tine, hours of se: vie and.-regulations
for the government of the tanm will be
.-tcd as soon as practicable. Com pan
ilri!li will be-suspended from July -'1
to September 18, I!0 1, inclusive. " ;
Preparations for Mimic Warfare
Preparations are rife for the encamp-nicnt,-
which-".will opn at American
I..ke on ThursUV of this week. ThefC
il be -about-. 4GO0i . American troopn,
re-uiar and volunteers, an.t n grat j tug a---ory Ueavy pasenger dhsidvss how
h al of th time .will be spent in man- Jin, a general wa-nd day before y-ester-eivering
in mimic warfare. Battles day hanlM two heavy train loads of
fierce and te.rrUde will be fought.. but itrJoisi of' tho resrular army through here
there will )e if. ImiKI nnd nk ldiMd-S....
hed, the result tu ing iecided by points.-!
me Oregon-National. Guard is alniiiil
rea.lv. for this event, and on Thursday .
niornmg eleven compaiiHH will leave
" J" ''!t m Fortland in three
fl trains, prepared for fifteen days
told and camp duly. . i
ihe nuhtia from aslungton jand
Idaho will )roceed h camp the preced-
" -lay; and be on baud to weleome the
t)rrg,B i.(lvs on their arrival. The reg-
xlars are already- on the field or en ,
rou t. t he ' N t ue teen t h I n f a n t ry peoeeed -
w irom ancouver by s'ow- marches.
I he tritnpa .'wHl be dridel iato two
full divisious.-tho regulars to. le divid
ed evenlv- let ween tho two ailes. but
the volnntr regiments wilt, le kept;
as;: :-rti!f;v-ir-.rrt'h"r'seTTic(?' -will tc I
neglected. There will b l! .. r 1
skirmish : and fighting formations,
scouting aad target practice, and the
officers believe this will be of more
praittear feneuTtLaif two "yeari of
weekly drill in the armory.
Directors Discuss Matter of Iastalling
. Septic Sewaga , Syrtem In North
! School Euildinz Nw Clerk Sworn
: in and Ills Bond Approved by Board
Will Make Eepairs.
; f (From Sunday's Daily.)
- The board of directors of School Dis
trict Xol 24 held its first regular meet
ing for the new school year, at the par
lors of tlo; Ladd & lioah Bank last
evening.! "Matters io general,- pertain
ing to the future welfare of the Salem
public schools, .were, taken up and dis
cussed by the directors, although no"
definite action waS taken upon any of
tho ptuas outlined for the future work
by, th board.' The directors are con
sidering tho advisability of installing a
eeptic sewage system in tbo.-North
school building, and the same system
may alo be installed at the other
school - buildings where connection can
not be made . With the city's sower
mains. l"uc committeo on repairs will
go over'tue ground and ascertain the
extent of the repairs' which will bo
necessary to bo made during the next
year, ami the committee's report upon
the matter wills be acter upon at the
next regular meeting of the board
which will be held on July 10.
J. C tloodale, Jr., the newly elected
clerk of the board, was sworn in during
last evening's meeting and has assumed
tho responsibility of his duties. Mr;
Goodalej presented ' his bond ia the
amount W." $20,000, with J. C. Goodale,
Sr., and' J. II. Albert, as sureties, which
was approved by the board. A number
of bills agam.it the district were also
audited j during the meeting.
Committee H, to serve during the en
suing year, on all of whieh II.
Fletcher, tue senior mcmlx-r of the
board, will act as chairman, were ; !-
pulnteil as follows:"
TTetiairs W. II. Byrd and 1'. il. Croi-
san. f -
Supplies E. M". Croisan and A. O.
Condit. '
Finance W. II. Byrd and A. O. Con
dit. .; . I : """ '
Iuuraucc E. M. Croisan and A. A.
Lee. i , -
Justice : Ilorgan Last Night Tried His
Laat Case Before Going Oat
i of Office. f
(From Handay's Daily.)
An important case, was heard
tice Morgan's court, yesterday
in Jus-after-
noon, last iti g from 4 o'elork in the af
ternoon till II o.'rfock last night. The
cas was a suit brotight by Osear Cole,
administrator of the setate of IjCvi
Hartnes, decoaswl, against , Ktejdien
I"hillisf to cdleet the charges for pas
turing a band if sheep. . J-toth men iir
prominent farmers residing near Stay
ton, and a largo numltor of witnesses
were examined. Cole demanded judg
ment, for $110 and coats of the action,
a-ad his case was conducted by W. lb
and Wcbfder Holme. Fhillipi was de
fended ;by Frank II. Holmes. The con
tract It' twee n i:artmens and Fhillipi
was verbal,- and much depute aroae as
to its terms, and every point of law Was
closely -j contented by the attorneys.
. Juntire Jloigan took the matter under
advisement anil will render a decision
before ;miInight tonight, as his term
of oRieo as justice of the peaeo of th?
Saletii district ends at that hour and
he desires to- have the case completed
before turning the olTij over to Justice
Tiniiierfou Tuesday morning.
The Family of Professor J. BT. Tut-
hill Will Depart From Salem
(From Sunday's Daily.)
ffiiniilv - of l'rofessor J. IJ. T.
Tuthali,rcotii(ting of Mrs. Tuthill.
Miss Tuthill aad Mine. Tuthill, together
withv-4 he children, leave Salein tonmr
rOff for-han Ju', California, where
thojnwiil make their home. Mr. Tuthill
will follow, in : a few days, soon as ue
eanJeuie a car for the purpose of
shipping his i household goovls. Mr.
Tuthill-came here several years ago
ami- purchased the, Salem gas works,
which, he disposed of n. few months ago
to theKalcm Light & Traction Com
pany. I- : t ' "I V
lie then, became professor of chem
istry jvt Willamette University, and re
signed this position to accept a better
one in: California.
Mrij Tuthill has been superintendent
of the: Congregational Sunday school
during the past ten years, and Mrs.
Tuthill has had ehargo of the Sunday
kin.lergarten Work of the school. They
will all be mtssod frrfm Salem, where
fhey have a large circle of friends. "
Troops rrom California Passed Through
- Here to Attend Washington '
- "' - Encampment.
ThorSgftlieru I'aeific Compaay is V
1 1. i . m- t miripn Ttko to at
ton d the-eTmt'me'fit"of wETeh mention
jg ,SHV made- in another column. Theso
trpg, e fr0m In-nicia and Sad
iiVancisco..' They will lie eomiiened to
gyp.-.ty St leaid one full train with
.whi,.lt f, haM the troops that go.from
ithe vaUey and Southern Oregon.
- - r '' - ' '"'
-' ;'.,Ti.'L ,tWOTt nice
2 ? - - . r...
. tfurcpatkin. Mores Personally and With
Reinforcements - Toward Daun
.' - Pass and Japs Retire. m ;
LI AO YANG." June 30. (Jelayed.)
Kunrsitkin, with reiuforcemcais or-
sonally moved toward Dalin . ; Pass,
counircr iiotbs
A Great Cry cf )ryness Tills the Air,
: Pervadinj- ErerytMng Plowing ap
Spring Grain -Read Work Contianes
Ticnic at Wist Ealaa.
" "
(From Saturday's Daily.)
Mrs. J, A. Rem in srt on is actincr as
sut sltitnte carrier oa Route No. 1. .
m Gtorgc Savage, living east of Salem,
will plow up tw&ty-f itc acres of spring
grain, throwing tho land into summer
fallow, as the long continued drought
has completely dwarfed it, while some
grain sown in the vicinity of Clear
Lake sever received moisture enough to
germinate.' - -:' , ..;;.'-'. - ..-
iss Km ma Giipert, of Liberty, is
BpeOding a few wekes at Newjberg.
AU K. Blinston of Rosedale, is. put
ting on the finishing touches to his new
dricjr, as prunes are abundant in that
immediate vicinity.; i'
Carrier Cox of Route 9, reports that
J.isi Wilson is erecting extensive char
coal kilns near Brooks. ( i
There is said to bo no grain and no
gardens in the vicinity of Staytn.
Carrier Squir-s of Route 2, announces
that West Salem will hare a picnic oa
the 4th of July, at the; old Fairview
seLd bouse. A literary program aad
a game of ball between West Salem and
Popeorn - are the features. .
i . Frank Litchfield. carrier No. 4 whose
ronto extends to Rdsedale and Ubcrty,
says that the irst layer of crushed rock
is; leiug placed on the roads out there,
preparatory to lieing macadamized.
Miss Sophia Townsend, who has been
teaching at Rosedale, 4s in Salem at
tending the summer school.
; Kd. Forest and family of Pringle, are
spending a few weeks at the coast. ;
Question Over a Disputed Wine, Bill
Leads to Serious Trouble in Coun
1 JrjNeighborhood.
J ' "" ; " . r - .
- On Tbwr8day last the quiet of Clear
Lake, lying etht miles north of Salem,
was disturbed over an encounter be
tween two of its citiens Jacob Neu
br.cuzch and K. Ifamiuoek. It seems that
Mr. Hammock had disregarded the
scriptural injunction of "look not uon
the wiiw when it is red," and had im
.hiTTed so freelv that his eves resembled
Jhi-lnie of the inebriating fluid, and he
uot his data a little mixed in regard td
the actual quantity consumed by him,
so that when ;Mr. XSribreuzch, to whom
he was indebted for the s dark brown
taste in his" mouth, jrewnted his bill
for payment he prououneed the charges
exorbitant. '
' Mr. Neubreuzch 's' knowledge of the
Fnglish language is somewhat limited,
but the attitude, gestures and tone of
voice on the part of Mr. Hammock
were unmistakable, so by mutual con
f?at they lushed for each other and en-
ftfagi-d in a tdiort lut terrific encounter.
A warrant -was issued for the arrest of
Mr. Neubreuzch, who was brought be
fore Justice Ilorgan, and fined $10.
Ti say that 'Jake" disapproved of
the verilict is to put it yiildfy. lit! de
clares that he parted Mri tti many gal
lons of. good wine, wm! unmercifully
beaten, and as a climax was required
Ur enrich the county, treasury by a teu
dollar fine. .
Judge Boise Holds Last Session of Court
Before Retiring From
' Office.
! (From .Sunday 's Daily.)
C ircuit Judjjjv U. -1 I?iisii neld final
m-ssion of court yesterday before retir
ing from ofliee, and when department
No. 2 convenes again, Judge William
Galloway will oecnpy the chair. Bar
ing the brief sesHion; held yesterday
Judge Boise, rendered a lecree for di
vorce and two decrees of foreclosure,
after which court was adjourned sine
die. -'- - 11 -:. i ;
F. J. Springpr waS granted legal sep
aration from his "wife, Florence F.
Springer. The parties to the suit were
married in Linn county, on April 9,
tf)02, and the testimony showed, that
Mts. Springer d-'serted her . husband
luring the month of October of the
same year, nnd has ever sinoe refused
to; live with him.; The plaintiff's caso
was eondueted by Attorney-s -Weather-ford
& Wyatt, of Albany. " ,.- -.
Decrees of foreclosure wctc rendered
in the cases of Hulse, Bralford & Co,
vs. J. Kotan, et ah. and Anna K.
Schmidt, ct ah, rs. J. Detweiler,- et
si. ' - ; '. i . .-.
Attorney Generib Miller Left Denver
For St. Louis to Answer in
Federal Coart.
DEN" VF.Hy July 2. -Attorney General
Miller left t Benverfor SfLouis this
afternoon with his reply the haheas
corpus p-e.edings legiinii the JFedeiv
al Court there on behallds Charles H,
Mover,' president of t JtVestrn 'Fed
eration of Mies. Tjjply sets forth
that the remdentTirwri--Gover-nor
lValttdy, cn C i-'H aud" Captain
Wells, had deliverVvMoyeri: into the
custody of the civfL f!icers who should
be served with iapers in this case.
The News That France Has Suppressed
Embassy to Rome Not
Liked. . "
KOMK July 210 news that France
has practically abolished the jost of
nmbassa.lor to the Vatiean owing to
the acion of the budget committee in
the Chamler of Deputies in Suppressing
the appropriation lor tbe embassy, has
produced the gravest pre-occopation at
the Vaticaa. The only hoje still en
tertained is the fall of Premier Combes
and his ministry." ' .'-';!' ' -r; """" " f
i ii i - --i- 1 - -
-TNKW YORK, s July : 2. Nine little
sloops and yawl" started at 11 o'clock
todav from Craveseod on a 33-mile
oceaa race to Marblehcad, Mass,efor a
100-gtunea cup offered by Sir Thomas
Union.' Three r four days will -be to-
qLrel to cover too course r ; : ?
i Cf ;
, Tha led tw Raw Man Esga
lib ii KihUia Lihliii
Will Spend the Hot Months . on the
Farm Near Lincoln and Will .Watch
His Fine Cattle, While He Makes
Hay ani Rests.
. (From Saturday's Daily.) ?
Cullector of; Customs lsaa X. Paft.-r.
son came np yesterday morning from
Portland to lay in a supply of rations,
preparatory to establishing his family
for the summer at tie fine stock and
agricultural farm, owned by Hon. A. N.
uuuert ana nuusvir, near Lincoln.
Mrs. Patterson aad their two sons,
Lee and Philip, came up on the train
last i evening They ; will camp i out
there,. having! a large teat in which to
sleep, aad another corridor tent,, I for
for kitchen aid dipisg room.
; Mr; raltcrsoa expects to masquerade
as a farmer during his stay there,; al
though as a matter of fact he is what
he styles a professional agriculturist.
His statement as to the difference is
good, lie says a farmer is one who
makes his money m the country and
spends it in the elty; while an agricul
turist is one who mates his money in
the city and Jpends it ia the country,
Mr. Fatlerson says he will begin his
summer play by mowing hay. ; Whether
he caa make as good wages as a' farm
hand as he c:m collecting customs ; for
Uncle Sam is a question os which such
men as Joe Baker, Jos. Meyers, John
Q. Wilson, land a lot more of Mr. Pat
terson's friends are ia doubt. They
wait till they see the hay. . ".
street fair ' and carnival
closed Last night after
successful week. -
Attendance on Last Day Was Twice as
Large as on Any Preceding Day
Shows Were Well Patronized and
Gave GoodLSatisfction.
The Modern Woodmen kept their
pleoge to thcjletter when they promised
that the etrei T fair aud carnival would
be the larget celebration of the year.
The committee has been working. Bard
for a number of weeks and their efforts
have been crowned with success. The
local camp of Modern Woodmen are
gratified over tbe rcsjult of the carnival
and declare that they will be ready to
do business' agalu "with the Dixieitcs
whenever the occasion arises.
"Of the carnival company it can be
said in all truth that it is one of the
best behaved organizations which ever
visited this city. On tho grounds lf is
orderlyy-thc attendants aro Mlitc, anx
ious to assist theJ'isTtors in every way,
and last,-but not least, there arc no
"booze sparr,-' dr mashers" about.
Since ita arrtvaT extra ixliremen have
dnc duty day und sight, but they ha-e
urt found a single instance requiring
their" services. The .attractions are
more than worth the price of admission
arid they are generally high class, clean
and moral. The management fulfilled
every promise that they made. .They
met every obligation, financial as well
as otherwise, and in the quality of the
entertainment they' gave good measure
of value. The committee say they never
lealt with fairer men and recommend
them." ; .
The management was such that fully
5000 eople were in attendance last
night. I ho company "leaves this morn
ing on their secial train for The
Dalles, where they open a week's en
gagement ujon the Fourth.' They made
many friends during their visit in Sa
lem and take with- them ,many , gooJ
WIS lies. ' - ;.:"::.'.
Russians Deny That Japanese Admiral
Sunk Their Ships.
PARIS, July 2. The French -ambassador
at St. Petersburg has advised tin
foreign ofliee in resjonse to his in
quiries relative to the Japanese report
of the destruction of some "of the Rus
sian ships at Port Arthur, the -government
ansycred that Togo's report was
incorrect, as' subsequent official reports
from Tort Arthur showed the Russian
fleet to be-intact.
Many Leaders and Delegates Make
. Plain He -13 Not Can- .
..,--1 didate.
ST. LOUIS, July 2. The. arrival of
many leaders and delegates tonight
seems 'to make it plain that Cleveland
is not considered bv them. What is
called "the Cleveland scare" has re
sulted in., solidifying the Parker
strength, ( r "
Appropriation for Support of French
Embassy at the Vatican Suppress
ed by Chamber of Deputies.
PARIS, Jnly 1. The budget of the
committee of the Chamber of Dicputies
wras twlay vwtt.fwr -th supprenaion ot
the appropriatbm for ths French Km
lassy at the Vatican, and the Chamlief
pas I a resolution renstiriujj Premier
Cmbes for bis re fuwal to express the
views of the Government on the sub-
sect. - , ' '. -- ' '." - -' ' i -
LONTKiN", July 1 The Central News
has' received, a, dispatch from 'Athens
saying that the Minister of "Public In
structions had lceB killed in a dnH by
MIIa! ii I'etros," mendirr oftho Cham
!er of licputies. M. Htais is tSo Gre-k
Minister ,o-Worship . aad- luLIic In
st ruction. .;'".'-. 'fi--'"' "';",;-,.-
Mr: and Mrs. Paul F. Smat and Mr.
and Mrs.: Jos. EvanS went In llchami
jyester'lay. Mrs. Sroat and Mrs, Fvans
I wlu Sjcna the summer ttere.
. f-- 'i. r j.
A Lot of Tine Animals Working Out
Daily, on the Turf, and Showing Good
Speed Promises of Attractive Fea
tures at State Fair.
Lone Oak track at the State Fair
Grounds, where; such exciting scenes
have been enacted in the past, where
fortunes hare been won and lost by tbe
lead of a fraction of a second by a fav
orite norse and amid tbe cheering or ex
cited thousands, is again becoming a
scene of activity, and each day near a
hundred high bred horses, representing
the acme of perfection of all animal
life, are daUyitjried out and urged to a
faster gait. . j .-.;- ."'..
If present conditions are sir eriter
ion the races to be palled off this fall
at the annual meet.' dorintr the. State
Fair will be far superior to any which
have ever been held on Lone Oak track.
Already ever a hundred horses are stab
led on the grounds and in training un
der the masterly hands of their keep
ers, and although the horsemen are not
prone to tell of their achievements with
their favorites.! yet they whisper ef
time being made at some of the tryouts
which means li)erjr pnrae for some of
them this fall. There1 is at least a doz
en stables front all parts of the West
already oa the; ground, and while they
contain green horses' taking their first
training, yet each has also one or more
horses which are entered for one of the
$20O0 stakes, and of course, each own
er is ready to gamble on the success of
his horse. , i ,-.,."y . . ;
The Greater $alemjtake of 2000 for
a ztlo pace promises to oe the greatest
race of the meet, and probably the
greatest race which hs ever, taken
place on the tfack. Some of the wise
ones predict that time of at least 2:03
will be required ,to win, and probably
that "will be shaved. There are thirtv
entries ia t ae irace, and at least eight
. M 1 . . ! ?' ' 1 I.jL. L & .1
oi wit-in win .jciotieij cpuirKi lur ing
money. Eight j horses for this race are
already on tho grounds training, and
the remainder are still in California,
training on-some fast track or in some
other state. The most promising horse
entered for this-grewt rsce now on the
track seems td he Derby Bertha, a &
vear-obl ' green ' mare owned by M.
J. Zomicr of; Humbtdt county, Califor
nia. She was; aired by Cha. Derby,
from Bertha aid"isfew days ago work-'
ed a mile in 2:16. Jack Wilmot, a 3-
year-dd with a mark of 2:ia'i owned
b- 1. A,Childs of Siwikane, i also ex
acted to! spring a surprise.
L A Statesman reiwrter yesterday Vis-
itel the tracks; and found the horsemen
enjoying a ho!lilay,' a'nd quietly cele-'
brating the Fob rth.1 Most of the horses
n re given some work eaeh dav, but On
Tueslavs andiFrblays they are all on
the track for buin.eHs. ironuS o clock
in the morning until noon there Is al
nrr'f at least a dozen horses working at
once, and the! scene rsembles the ex
citing times of. the State Fair. The
speed ofmnsjr f 0ie' bortes is caught
twice a week.! and a visitor inn either
of those foenoonswill le amply repaid
by the exhibition of sports presentetb
A few of the leading horses only, can
be mentioned jat" this time.
J. Krvin of! Walla Walla, ia on. tho
ground withia stable f seven horses,
and another car of fine animals is ex-
pectcl within a week. Among his
horses are the following:
Hassalo, Ziiojt, a 9-year-old, by
WestfiebbAltaroont; entered in Greater
Salem stake..: '
Ollio M. 2:14 1-4. ,5-yf arndd. bv West-
field Caution; Jenteil In Greater Salem
stake. . . ' '. f -. I -
JVrulla, Jri 2-vear-oM, bv Bonner,
X. B.; enteml in 2-year-vld slake.
Helen Norte, who made a 3-year-old
record of 2:17 t Salem last fall.
Belle Ladyj 2:19. Francesco, 2:12.
Vision, 2:12.1 j
Tho voung horses from (aptain Jones
are showing: up in splendid form, and
much speed t expectl to l" i!evelojel
in th"em. II. II. Belman of Portland,
w'ho has a large stable on the track, has
several horses belonging to the Jones
family. : ; ' 3 . "' ? '
Ladr Jones, who made 2:26U at 3-
vear-old, is ! entered in the Iewis an 1
Clark stake! of 2000 for a 2:17 trot.
She is entered in her class all along
the circuit, j A few days ago she work
ed a mile (if 2:13ya, making theHsf
half in 1:0314.
Bessie Jones, 4-vear-olJ trotter, Capt.
Jones, will enter the late closing stakes.
Mae Mac,l 2:13, 8-year-old trotter, by
MrKinney, entered in the 2:12 class.
Reeord was-' made at Walla Walla in
193. - : . . - ' ,
Elma Map;; a green trottery-by-Mc.
Kinney, is entered7 in slow - classes;
throughout the circuit.
Lovely Dell nyl Iovelace, who won
the 2-year-old trot at Salem last year
tn 2:37, is entered throughout the cir
cuit the circuit in the 3-year-old class.
: Byron Lace by Bovclaee; 5-year-old
is entered la slow, pacing classes.
Loveless, by , Lovelace, who won
the 2-year-old pace last year at Kalein
in 2:26, is entered in the ' 3-ycar-obl
class. - J" .
Prince Tom (2?16l.) at I'ortland, is
entered, in khe Greater Salem stake of
2.ooo. - 1 -;: . - '.';
M. M. Znncr, of IInmioldt onnty,
Calif orn la. has a ' stable of six fine
horsea, on!j two of "which ire entered
for the Salem ractes, as follows: Derby
iJertna.i ry? cnas. i"rry -ijerina a
greea mare! which recently worked a
mile in 2:16. is entered in the Greater
Salem sfake.5
MaiJd Wi 2:21U) by Wallstcin-r
Grandmoor Js entered ia the Greater
Salem stake.1 r , -
- Amesda .lWaIdf.trin, by - Wabtteint-
Dndlcy, a byear-ohl green maro is en
tered in Idaho. "-'; ' '"" '1
1 A. Chihts, fx Spokane, has half s
tnr.cn yon n horsos which .are; showing
np ia spleiviil shape.
vRoyl Beaton, who recently worked a
mile ia 2: iH in Portland, sdd on Jann
sry '12 for ;$2fKW. He is entered in tbe
lewis and Clark .take.
-Jack Wilawt 2:19i by Dr. Brnn
nclL a 3 year-old, is cntcrM fa the
Iewis and Clark trot. .
Cyr Falcon Cgre) by Zowliro, f-
tered in Ia-ais-and iark 2:1 trot.
M rry" Monarch Jeen) -by McKia
neyi entered in Grcacr Sclera . 2:15
pace.. . - f ' j v;"': .;.".. "t
Bob Pryor, of Tacoma,' is on the
crouad with Jw fine young horses.
Garboa Wilkes,1 -year-obt, by Bexant
Red Wilkes, entered in Greater Salem
. ...t p j ... . . ; ...... 1 -
- - . ihd? 5 r a '--'' ' I - '-ii' t
"'"- '.;' - -:'. ." '! ", ; .' . ..'-:''" 1. i '
For Future Announccniont
Phono B7t Cor.
2:13 iee. He made a half mile record!
at Walla Walla this year of 1:03. Gee4
1 by Claud B.-Altamoat, a 4-ycar-olJ.
is aivt entered.
Joh Kirkland, of IndejendeBce, is
on band with stable of fine Folk
county youngsters, who will be beard
from; .;, '" - - v :. -. .'" ' '" ' -" !
Coma, a year-old stallion, by Caution-Hawthorne,
beads the stable. Aleo,
2-earfoM, by Como,-is entered ia the
2-year-old stake. Al, green bay
mare, 6-Ter-old by Der Norte, is nof
entereH." Others are Mildred, 5-vearj
old, by Coner D'Ab'ne-AIexis, and
Uanaa,' by, Mark llanaa-Hamiltonian,
2-year-old brown colt. ,
J. Green, of Seattle,- ha a stable of
horses -owned by Seattle people. Mamie
C, by Montana-Director,- Rosie, C4,
entered in 3-year-obl pace? owncj by
A. -T. Va titer. Seattle Matd, by Nut
wood Wilkes, owned by Co&way Bros.,.
Seattle. Adainont, by AltarSSlit, en
tered in 2:13 pace. ; - .
J. B. Lfndsey, of Spokane; has threp
horses, all of which are exjecttd' to be
money winners. " . ' ' 't '
Le Roi -(2:10U) Altamont dam
of Claraia, catered in 2:10 classes.
Price MarV byT Princcmpnt-Antrim,
entered in 3-year-old jace.
Queen B., by Count-Sagwa, c entered
in Grcatef Salem 2:15 pace. j
Sam Capto , the veteran trainer of
the Fafr. Grounds, has a fine . lot of
youngsters ia training, somo of . which
will contest this fall. Among them aro
the following: Mike DulT, ,ty Zombro,
enterel ih 2-ycar, trot. Pedro Zombro,
by Zombro, entered in 2-ycar stake.
Birdalene, by Couer rAlene," ; enteral
in 2-year old pf.ee,. Dick Nomab, by
Multnomah, a greeu troitcr.
! Sara's stable is headel by Red Seat.
a ltcautiful dark bay stallion, by RcdJ
Heart Mark Field, lie is U years obi,
and has a record, of 2:10. He has' a
number of cults which have been rec
ord breakers in their class. Sam is
very jealous of the- record of his ia-t,
Rel Seal, and as he is located in -the
south etables. has issued a friendly
Challenge to match hi in against, any
Stallion advertised to do stud servfeo
in the moth stables at the Fair
Grounds, It is barely jaJssible that in
match will le arranged 'in thdnHr
future, and if so, royal sport will ; lie
promisel, as his ho rim has a record of
2:10, nnr' is in splemlid form, , while
one of the horses in the north stable,
Cuming un'Ttjr, the challenge, is the
famous stallion, Diablo, with a rccorjd
of 2:(9,J at Woodland, 'California.'-, j
In the north stable V D. Crookhnm
has a half dozen horses, but none .Of
them entered for the fall meet. His
pet is Diablo (2:09 ,) by Cbas. IVrbjfi
Beitha. Ilia get is headed by Sir Al
ine rt S. (2:0r.s;). Mr. Crookham ah
nounces that ho will remain at ' -tte
Fair Grounds for another uason. - j
Priaco 'harbs, 5-year-bl, by CHias.
Derby Memphis, entered in Greater Sia
lem 2:13 pace; owned by E. K. Smith,
Syracuse. N. Y. ' ' L V t
J. T. Wallace, of Iowa, is at the Fait
Grounds with a stable of horses be
longing to one oT the best families Sri
the country. Bonnie, is the dam ff
Sarah R. (2:092) and two othera, all
by Tangent, and Mr. Wallace has them
ail with him. i .- j ;
There isat present only one stablo
of running horses on hand, owned by
G. W. label!, of the lair Grounds. Tbicy
are, both young and inexperienced, bmt
Considerable i expected from then,
Nina Dere, 2-year, by Pascadire, is jin
njstried filley. Max Orel is by Black
Princess-Dm press. . v :.J
Willson Avenue Slowly Bnt Sorely Be
coming a Place of Beauty, For
r ""Rest sn4 Rcereatioa.
f ninch enthwdiasm is reing mani-.
fested by the -citiw-ns of Halem in the
work of beautifying the" city, that the
plans of the park lamrd become of esbe
cial interest at this time. '
Mr. .Wm. Manning, who has served
efReiently ujon the board since its hp-
pointment, gavB a statesman reporter
the following details of the work, be
resources, anl the obstacles encounter
ed by the park board. L
. Keveral years ago when WillS'tn ajve-
nne'was planted . with treea,. the Ub
jert of drainage was not considered,' or
if so, it was not bought to be of such
vital importance as time has demon
strated., it to be. When the Htjate
llorfso grounds were drained tho upper
or eastern end of Willsta avenue re
reivbd the benefit lo -for a spaee of a
few hundred fctt, and J the resnlf is
now noticeable m the luxuriant growth
of the trres at HTal end of the grounds.
It, was tbe pnrp 'f tb board
placer' tiles through out the avenue
winter, but at that time it ' was
possible l.j obtain them, and at present
it is irrpraetlerd to by them, as the
groaad is bard the iatr and ' j ex
peoso or tbe . undertaking would be
very greet.'';'" i r : ;
The city council has not yr-t seeii its
way clr towrl, inr reading the orig -
inal appropriation f .$3o, for j the
avenue improvements, and the board
tmg eognirant of the magnitude of .
the work lief ore thtn have hesitated
to expend this- sum without at bit
the aaaurance. e further material laid,
lest the money will ! wasted to bo
material purfmne, .The city has under
taken the work of making the outer
cement walks and whn thiv is done
the outlined plan of the board will !
come apparent. Quite an extensive 11
Commorclul nnd Court
1 an Important state and 61.9
- icr ccut of its populatiou
is located ou
Chicago, the greatest com
mercial center of the West, Is '
liest readied from the North-
west by this f;uuoua railrcad
Tbe N'cfthweslern
Daily between MInneapolia
Hi. Paul and Chifago in the
peer o all fine trains
. .." -i
for lowest rates, time of trains and
fall tnformaUoa writs to
Trsvt Une A St.- tcn Afcntt
124 AUlerBl., l'ortUcd, Or.
Mother and Dau&httra Try
Th Modra Umd) tr tfomii
Rex Iron a has cured soms of ths worst'
rauMi of Ovarian aad SJf arlaa lUor
draw ;, W' iianuMM (koiUti cur Jr
LaasorrkMa. --.
Ibe Rexlcotia Go.f Saa Josev Cat.
lady AgenU Wanted. Beol for Booklet.
JV. 2Vt3t
Wilt lifl lor maronlbc corolef mtnoa) at cr
itevof, Vi-rrynui iJOertf s,njU. uf p4t(r
aud parUculara csli od
Veterlaer Bargeon.
rbone 271 Whits. -
Bale in, Or.'
Money; to Loan
On Improved farm and city property
at lowest rates.
: Over IJadd A Bush's JJansw
Salem. Oregon.
w ill be necessary at the west 'end of
the avenue and this also can be dono
more easily pftcr the winter rains
have softened the ground.
Nothing .of course can le done to-
ward externally j beautifying tlio
grounds till the drainage is complete.
When this is doneoliatej shrulai and
orpamentftl grasses ; will be planted.
But before a seed goes 4nto the ground
every inch of . the avenue must bo
turned over in order to exterminate .a
noxious-weed that threatens to crowd
out every thing else uton the grounds.
The soil is unuiuaJly deep and fer
tile,' and considering the prolifm
growth of vegetation during our mild
winters, no alarm need be felt at the
apparent inactivity of the park board,
for long 'ere the Oregon shall open its
gates to welcome its sister states to
the Great Kxposition Of 1J0", WilNon
avenne will Ih the pride of the citj-.
That day-cannot be hastened more cer
tainly than by a: loyal rally to the
front with a small catdi . subscription
from every .property owner in Falfin
the Capital an t the city of hdmes.
This has been suggested at various
times, and the only way to do any.
thing" in this matter without the sub
scription, is for the city fathers to
aio.niiil. 1 '
Brntaliy Tortnred.
A case came to light that for perni.i
tent' and unmerciful torture lias jwr
haps never been eoualed; Joe Golobick
oi n.iuj, vai., wriifj: "for rirtee.u
years 1 endured insufferable iain from
Kheumatism and -nothing; relieved ino
though I: tried " everything known. 1 ,
came across. Electric Bitters and It.'s
the greatest medicine on earth for that
troulde. A frw bottle of it eomplc-ttdv
relieved " and' cured - inc." .Just
as, good ? 'for liver aind kidney
trouble j. and general I debility.
Only 5fe. Batisfaction guaranteed by
D. j. Fry, "druggist.
KINGSTON', N. Y., July 2. Jiidite
' l'arkcr, will not attend the Natiorial
j Iemo-ratic ,jronyention at. St. Imis.'.
j If .will. remain at Rosemont, hij houis
at Loju.
-'NEW TOUK, July 2. The eleventh
national Convention of the Kocialist
1 ilor party began here tolay snd is
expected -to contioue until next Thurs-
day': "' ' ' : -' -
-stBawasapaai ssasssss
' Legal Dlauks,-tstatcsman Job OIc.
!-i:'.t-'"- "' - : '!-' "' -" '
f- " J -" '
scu ibe most strict discipline, w ill whereupon the -I ass was evacuatea ny
lc niaiutaiued iu camp and no detail of Jaj'ancsc and re-occupied by IJngsians.
.'-,'.'.-". i s ; - i . ' !
. . .) -