RUSS AN WARSHIPS; BACK FROM CRUISE Their Destructive Work' in the' Japanese Sea And Straits of rCdrbaV VLADIVOSTOK, June 21. Lying, in the harbor are Jthi ' three Russian trainer which have just returned from their successful raid in the Japanese sea and Straits, of Corca. Vice A Jmiral Bezobrazoff. took the squadron out June 12. The first day the warships were fog bound. They reached ihe Corem straits Jnne 15 and were sighted and watihed by a fast three masted Japanese cruiser. Off Tsu Island the Russians pursied-a, vessel resembling ' a yaelif, which escaped in-shore. They 8ank1fn'a"fiaBese transport Idzumi off Komi Island. The Idznmi was bringing back invalidated 'soldiers from Port Dlany, 105 of whom were rescued by one of the Russian cruisers.; ; ; ' , - The Japanese transports Hitachi and Ilado were nelt " sighted " and sooa after the Hitftehi, which was filled with troops, disregarding the signal to stop, put on fall speed. The Russian ennaera. thereupon opened fire on the Hitachi crippling her engines rand setting her'deeks aareej The Japanese refused to haul down her flag. The vessel was then seen'to-heel over and hundreds of the Japanese jumped into the sea. They were all drowned. The Hitachi was then sunk by a torpedo. - ... 1" ". ; I .. ."!";; " The Sado obeyed the summons to stop. She carried 1350 coolies for railroad work in Cbrea, 1200 tons of coal, 1000 tons of rice, railroad and telegraph equipment, 100 horses and a large amount oTpeeie: The speeie was thrown overboard by the purser. Besides 10 boas, the Sado carried 12 rafts, each capable of carrying 100 men. " I - As soon as the crew was ordered, to leave the ships', fue coolies rushed on deck, filled the boats and headed them for the coast Adimal Bezobrazoff sent boats to the Sado to take off the captain and officers. Captain . Oguero, 21 military officers and three Englishmen in the Japanese service came, the others refusing to leave the ship. The Russians! having done-everything possible to save the lives of those on board,-discharged two torpedoes against the vessel. A heavy squall broke at that time and hid the sinking transport from view. A three masted Japanese cruiser witnessed the ?whole affair. -The Russians caught her wireless message. The apparatus on tbje enemya cruiser worked incessantly and her messages were if corded on Joard the Russian cruisers and were translated by some of 'the Japanese prisoners. One message ' . read: "The Russians are in the straits. Run for safety. ; ''' , The Russians vainly tried to catch the Japanese cruiser. ' The prize court is certain to condemn the British collier Allan ton, captured by the" Russian ?sqnadron during the raid. She came out at the beginning of the war and wept around the Cape of Good ITopd so as to 'avoid the squadron of Vice Admiral Wirenus, and then engaged in carrying Japanese coal from Murnron to Sasolo, Japan. -The cargo was nominally consigned in each case to British agents at Hong Kong and KingapVfre. i RESPONSIBlLFEYcOF THE REPUBLICANS Elihu Root Speaks of Of National Convention Hall, Chicago, June 21. Klihu Root, the tcinjior.try chairman of the convention, made notable speech on assuming the ehair.r He said in part: rests" upon the Republican party. The complicated mehineryt,through which the H0,0OO,000 pcple of the United Ftatos govern themselves, answers to no single will. The composite govern ment devised by the framers of the institution to meet the condition of national life More than a century ago, requires the willing co-operation of ma ny minds, tho. combination of many in dependent factors, in every forward step for. the general welfare. The President at Washington with his Cabinet,-the1 DO Senators represent ing 4.1 sovereign states, the 386 Repre sentatives in Congress are required to "reach concurrent action upon a multi tude of questions involving varied and conflicting interests nna reqiuring in vestigation, information, discussion and reconciliation of views. From all climate and industry, from all our our vast, territory with its varieties of great population active in production and commerce and' social progress and intellectual and moral life to a degree never before attained by any people-- ' ION PESDICABIS. ABDUCTED BY MOEOCCAW BBIQA2TD&. " Ton Perdicaris, who, with Ms ster-on CronWrelf Varley, was abduetedy Hamuli's brigands near Tangier, Morocco, was a former 'es.dent of Triton, ; X j where he was very popular socially. : Varley is a British consequence of the abduction the United States and both sent , war- " ships to Tangier. '.- 'Jr . ' I' v , "': .-'' ' -" TBTJST COMPANY SUSPENDS. PITTSBURG, June 2. The Pruden tial -Trust Company, capitalized - at $200,000, announced today that the board of directors had decided to quit business and make a voluntary assign ment. The closing of the - institution - , V. .f a flnrrV- ICPOS- itors will be paid in fulb The closing was I rie result oi a jnugmcu. ' " " V yestefuay for . 9,00t) by Philadelphia contractors. The institution has been in a practical state of liquidation for a J-ear, and tLe deposits have been de Complicated Machinery Government. diffienlt problems press upon the Xa tional Government. Within the past five years more than 6000 bills have been introduced in Congress.' Some method of selection must be followeib There must be some preliminary process to ascertain the general tenor of public judgment upon the principles to be rpplied in govern merit, and some organization and recog nition vf leadership which shall bring a legislative majority and the exeeu tire into accord in the practical appli cation of "those principles;' or effective government becomes impossible. The practical governing instinct of our people has adapted the machinery devised in the 18th. to theeonditions of the 20th century by the organization of national political parties. In them men join for the "promotion of a few cardinal principles upon which they agree. For the sake of those principles they lay aside their differences upon less important questions. To represent those principles and to carry on the government in accordance with then), they present to the- people candidates whose consistency and loyalty they ap prove.' The people by! their choice of candidates indicate the principles and methods which they wish followed in the conduct of their governments . creased from $500,000 to $130,000. The assets arc said to be ample not only to pay the depositors, but the stockholders in 'f nil. i " ' . Brlrea to Desperation. Living at an out of the. way plaee, remote from civilisation, a family i of ten driven to desperUa in case of ac cident, ! resulting- in! ' Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers, etc Irsin a wiV7 of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It'athe best a Tartar 23c at 1. J. Fry'a druS ttore. - , . 1 I . - T " t ' " . i m , ! . ; THE OKEOON AHEAD. Gallant Battleship Wins Trophy -; For Excellence in Gun- ,4 . r -i i . rr'..,' . . 1 - s WASHINGTON,; Jnne' 22. The Navy Department today awarded " to the battleship Oregon the trophy for excellence in gunnery in the . last-annual target j practice ; for whtch the ships of the Navy have been in enmnetitino 'i ! ;'f RATE WAS NEAB. AN END. ; NEW YORK. June 22. There are in dieation. " aecordinsr to J a ' Herald -dis patch: from . London, that the war in steerage rates from .Europe to America will soon come to an end. Ipartures from Liverpool have risen' little beyond the figures ef the corresponding period of last vear and the eorreimon.lent adls the effect of rate, cutting has simply Deen loss of money to all the lines eon cerned.. . . ' MILLIONS ARE APPROPRIATED CONGRESS SETS ASIDE FABULOUS SUMS TO MEET NATIONAL i ;' EXPENSES j. ; ; '.; GRAND TOTAL OF ? 1781,172,375 Postoffice Department Gets $172,545,- 998 and the Pension Department f $138,360,700. Specific Contracts, Authorized to be Entered Into For Certain Public Works j Bequirlng Future . Appropria tions by I Congress ; Aggregate $222,- 89100. ; WASHINGTON, June 22. The yol urie of appropriations, new offiees, etc., required by law to be prepared and pub lished at the end of each - session of Congress, has been completed for the ilrst Cor extraordinary) and second ses si6ns of the Fifty-eighth; Congress by Thomas P. Cleaves and James C Courts, clerks, respectively, of , the Senate and House committees on appropriations. A summary of the appropriations shows a grand total of $781,172,375. Those of the Army were $77,670,300, for the Navy $97,505,140, for pensions $138,- 300,700, and for the postoffice depart ment $172,545,998. s , In addition to the specific appropria tions made, contracts are authorized to le entered into for certain public" works requiring future appropriations by Congress aggregating $222,891,300, a reduction of $14,098,559, compared with the contract liabilities of the last session of the Fifty-seventh Congress. The contract liabilities on account of the Navy amount to $21,100,000. The new offices . and employments specifically will show a net increase f 8015 in number and $5,431,865 in amount, the increase- including 214 for the Department of Commerce and La bor, 470 for the military establishment, including 452 for the signal eorps, 30G8 for the naval establishment, including 3000 seamen, and 425S for the postal service, including postmasters, post office clerks, and railway postal clerks. A comparison of the total appropria tions for fhe extraordinary and regular sessions of the Fifty-eighth Congress for 1905' with those lot the last session of the last Congress for ID04 shows an increase of $28,113,869. j TRUSTEES ELECT -'. 1. FACULTY OF, WILLAMETTE UNI VERSITY WILL REMAIN IN TACT FOB ANOTHER - ' '' , V . YEAR. ' A, M. Smith, of Portland, Elected Member of Board and Chosen Presi- - dent to Succeed Gen. W. H. Odell, Who Is Mad Honorary President C. P. Bishop Be -elected. The board of trustees of Willamette University held another meeting yes terday and completed the business be fore it,' and adjourned to meet at the call of the chairman. ' ' Trustees elected officers as follows: Honorary President General W. II. Odell."- ;. President A. IT. Smith, Portland. - Vice President C. P. Bishop., j Treasurer A. N. j Moores. ? Trustees for ' three ; years A. M. Smith, J. IT. Albert and C. P. Bishop. Bishop Moore was elected a trustee to succeed Bishop Cranston, who has changed his residence. The present deans of the several col leges were re-elected.1 The old faculty was "re-elected except Prof. Tuthill, who tendered his resignation on aeeount of intended removal from the city. Presi dent .Coleman was instructed to express to Prof. Tuthill the board 's apprecia tion of his services. j 5 X. committer consisting of Dr. J, H. Coleman, Prof. W. C. Hawley, Joba W. Reynolds, Scott Bozorth and Rev. M. C. Wire were appointed to express the appreciation of the services General W. Jl.-Odell has rendered the Univer- ty. - :.? tj; -y- . r - - Sued, by His Doctor; -i ' ' fA aoetoT here has sued me . for $12.50 which -I claimed "was excessive for a Case of cholera morbus," say R. White, of CoaeheUa,t;aL At tho trial he praised his medical skill 'and medi cine. I asked him if it was not Cham berlain's Cotie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy he used as I had good reason to believe it was, and he would not say under oath that it was ot." No doc tor could use a better remedy than this in a ease of eholera morbus, it never fails. Sold by all druggists. . Mrs. Sally Baker of Carleton, Or., is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. A. DcaeJict. REPUBLICAN .. 1 CONVENTION ROUTINE WORK TRANSACTED BY VAST-ASSEMBXAGE OP NA TIONAL DELEGATES. ADDRESS BY SPEAKER, CANNON. Prolonged Qntbprst of Applansejas the ADie ssrasesman Appearea Before ' tbe Convention. Speaker Said , tho Republican Party Was Born With, tho Declaration That Slavery Was Sectional and Freedom National Fir Successful . Contest Was Made With Abraham Lincoln as Leader. CONVENTION HALL, Chieago,Jnne 22. Although the doors of the hall were opened a half hour later than yesterday, for the first 25 minutes after 11 o'clock the band played lo a sprink ling of gallery, and .mczzantine was broken only by an occasional dot of blacb or the brihgt spot of a woman's own. Groups of sergeants-at-arms stood idly about, and in fbe delegates' section a half dozen men leaned back and read the morning papers, J , It was just noon when Mr. Root as cended the platform, which be reached by the rear entrance. Screened by the groups of convention officers and others he was not seen by the crowd, ' - A cheer went" up and the galleries facing the main entrance began to ap plaud. This had hardly died out when the tall figure of Senator Fairbanks was caught sight of coming down the aisle to fhe left. A hearty cheer went up in that section of the hall. Just before the convention was call ed to orHer: Senator .Bepew, of New Cork, sam to the Associated Press that he would, as soon as the platform was read, move to continue the session to- niglit or late this afternoon . and con clude the business of the : convention. He said: " ' , "I have plenty1 of support from other states. The delegates are- all here in full force. Tomorrow they will not be. N e must finisn totiay. ' The full committee on resolutions ae ceptel the work' of the subcommittee practically as it- was presented, and there was no controversy of the name. The committee met at 10 o'clock today, and had completely finished its work at 11:30. Senator Lodge, as chairman of the subcommittee, read its report, and a motion being, made to adopt the work of the subcommittee as the work of the j complete 1 organization, it pre vailed without dissenting votes. :- Chairman of the National Com mi t ete Payne, Temporary Chairman - Root and Senator Lodge, of the resolutions committee, with The platform in his in side pocket,- held an informal confer ence on the platform. " Everything for: the day's programme in the way jf committee reports was in readiness. Another shont was heard to the left, and the picturesque Alaskan delegation with their totem poles, mounted wtH American eagles, marehed in and took their seats. ' . : . Heroic Painting of Roosevelt. At 12:15 the playing of the national air brought the whole assemblage to their feet, while flags were whipped ont in various p'arts of the hall and, were waved in time with the music .The heroic painting of President Roosevelt which h'a.7 adorned the platform during the morning was removed, that the view from the left of, the pltform might not be obstructed jrfst as' the conven tion was to be called to ordeT. At 12:27 o'clock -.Temporary Chair man Root rapped for ordejy directing the delegates to take their seats, an J ordering the aisles cleared. Chairman Root ..then -- introduced Rev, Thomas K Cox,oT tuo Holy Name Cathedral, of Chicago, who deliverei the invocation. " " ' ' Chairman Root appoointed ex-Secretary Joha D. Loong, .Senator Cullom and Representative, Burton of Ohio, a committee to escort Speaker Cannon to the platform. Upon this announcement the convention gave a mighty, spontan eous shout, and when Mr. Cannon ap peared at the speaker's desk and Chair man Root took him by the band 'and led him forward to the extreme front of the platform, the climax of enthus iasm was reached. .Delegates with one aocord jamped to their feet and onto the chairs. Cheer after cheer went up and waves of sounds swept over the throng. The applause continued as the temporary and permanent chairman continued to stand arm-in-arm waiting for silenie. " " Mr. Root raised his hand for silence; The cheers went on without cessation or diminution. Twice more Mr. Root raised his hand for silence that was not forth coming. The delegates were oa their chairs and their enthusiasm could not be checked. .Jft.i Cannon appeared deci dedly uncomfortable while the cheering went on, and shfTled about as though the floor underneath him 'was red hot. When finally there was a chance for Mr. Root 's voice to be .heard, he pre sented Mr. Cannon to ''.the convention as a man who presided over the great est legilative body in the world, "with a grip so strong, a mind so clear and a heart so sound that he will wield the gavel in that body for many years to tome.", ' , .'.' ''..:" As Mr. Cannon turned to. the front of the platform to e6nunenee his speech tere was another chorus of cheers and loud cries of "Cannon,. he's all-ribgt." Then came the usual query of ' Who's all right t" and. the ringing answer, The chairman.- waited -patiently-for the applause to subside, and then, it be ing comparatively quiet) said: "Gentlemen" That was as far as be went, Another cheer cut' him off for a full minute, and then ho was allowed to proceed. , Laughter,. greeted him as he said: For the first time in my life I have written enough sentences at one time to make 2500 words to say to you to day. I tried hard to commit it to mem ory, but I cannot." - Now,' he continued. "we will begin to ramble." - Address of Speaker Cannon. A hearing more quiet, but equally HatterLcj was given lit Cannoa whea he entered upon the solid matter of ki address He saI3 in part: i ? V The Republican party was bora with the declaration that slavery was sectional or local and that freedom was national- It Jhas fever been a national party; its --- policies benefitting every section and every; man in the republic. It made its first successful, contest for power in I960,4 "with "Abraham Lincoln as its standard bearer. Secession fol lowed. 1 The war? for the maintenance of the Union was waged for' four year, and such a contest of arras the world had never seen before, and perhaps never will see again. In the end slav ery was abolished and freedom became universal within the borders of the re public 'With a baDprupt treasury and a banbrupt credit, the party, under the lead of Lincoln, went back to the policy of , Washington, and ' wrote upon the statute books the revenue laws impos ing duties oa imports that would pro duce revenue and at the same time pro tect every citizen of the United States in' diversifying! the industries of the republic. Jt was a contest for free men and, for free labor everywhere within our borders f ' ;' : . -': ''" . i: What Protection Has Done. ' "The policy i of protection has been the shiboleth of j the Republican party from that day to this. - Under this pol icy, .from an insignificant manufactur ing country fin 1SG0,' by leaps and bounds, while we still remained first ?n agriculture! among the nations of the earth, we have grown to more than first in manufactures. More than one third of manufactured products of the whole earth) is produced by American capital, 'by 1 American labor, which works shorter hours than any people on earth, and his more; steady employ ment than any people on earth, and on the average j receives, ": eonservsjt i vel stated, one and three-fourths dollars eompensatioa where similar labor else where receives but one dollar. Our manufactured, product yearly is greater than the manufactured product of the people of Great Britain, Germany and France combined, and this product is substantially consumed by our own people, finding a market within the borders of the republic.: 'Although our exports of manufacture! products is rapidly growing, last year there were over $400,000,00029 per cent of our total exports. " It is not a few men of great wealth that make good markets, but it is the multiplied millions "thit work, today and consume tomorrow, with an interchange of their respective products among one another; and the prosperity of the farmer on one hand and of the operative upon the other, depend upon the prosperity of each as producers of their respective products and as consumers of the products of the other.,"-'' . ; "; H -:" .-V ' . Competition the Great Trust "Buster. 'The trost "tuster 'j who is always "busting" the trusts by word but nev er by action would lead the people to believe that all of the production of the country is under ' the direction of unlawful combinations. Behold ! how plain a tale shall put that down . The statistics carefully and honestly gather ed by the Government show that com petition is after all the grest force that regulates production and price. If you take all the alleged trust properties en gaged in production ia the year 1900, they produced 14 per cent, while the in dependent factions produced 8ti per cent of the factory product of the coun try. It is-impossible: to permanently corner capital and muscle and the raw material which! has ; produced in such abundance. ; i" - - ? '?; But whyrariltiply wordsf The his tory of the country from 1893 to1897, for the four' years under Cleveland and Democracy, as compared with what we have today, tells the whole story. That of Cleveland was marked with dissen sion' and disaster, not only to his party bt to the people, and that of MeKin ley and Roosevelt add the harmony and prosperity unparalleled. What the Party Has Accomplished. The history -of civilised government is a record of administration under es tablished policies not of new laws or new interpretation. Ia the Old World a new law is a new policy. In this country new laws come more frequently but those of a, general character rarely oftener than oheo in an administration. The MeKinley administration was marked by a new tariff law which re stored prosperity; a gold standard act, which gave stability to our currency; the annexation' of Hawaii; a short and triumphant iwar with - Spain, t which brought freedom to Cula and placed Porto Rico and the Philippines under our flag. The administration of Ro.v velt has brought to an end the cry of 'imperialism,';' with growing ciyil government in the; Philippine, and a free and independent government in Cuba; the purchase and authorization of the Panama Canal; the arbitration of fue coal strike and. the decision that trusts-are amenable to the authority of lair. These are many of the acts of the Republican party under the administra tion of President Roosevelt, and there m not a responsible American citiren who dares deny that they have one and all been for the general good of the whole people;; and that they are one and all indorsed by the people. Let us make onr nominations ia order and ap peal to the people of the country for a renewal of power to the Republican party , standing by our policies, ; ready to legislate where legislation would be productive of more good than evil from the economic standpoint, but refusing to legislate a ad lose the substance of success in a vain effort to secure the shadow that abideth not, and satisfieth not either th intellectual or material existence.' f f " " . ' "- . - ! , ' '- ii sSJ i i V CASTORlA , Tor Infanta and CMldrea. Th3 Kfci Yea II2T3 Ab:p ' 'Bears1 t&sj t tygnafrrre cT ; TXHCTXI BATTALION. SAN PEAKC1SCO. Jane 2 The First -and Second Battalions of the Tenth Infantry wiU leave the Presidio Jnly 1 for Torts Lawtoa and WrighL They will stop ea route to -participate in the maneuvers of troops of the De partment 4f the Colombia and the mil? tia of Oregon; Washington and Idaho at American Lake. The Third battalion of the Tenth regiment will remain here nntil th middle of October before go- iE2 to Walla Walla. THE Can be' had at fhy, best bargains in Clotblnjr, : Hate, Trunks, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases, Under wear, Quilts, Overalls, - : j Notions, Etc. ; ' f! ' v C Kuits sold in many store for $15 and $18 go at.. ............. ...L. $9 and $10 Suits worth $12.60 am sold for.....................,............. $7.50 Huits worth $3.00 art sold for $5.00 Hats all styles at .....Bcd Rock Iric cs Dusters worth $1.00 are 75 Overalls and eonts go at i......67c Pacific Oast Overalls ara sold at .,M...M.........ij,-... 46c Collars worth 15c are sold for ." ......................................wc A fine line of neckties, are to be sold at lc each Fuspenders worth 25c to S5e are sold at ............ lc Pants worth $1.25 to$l..rjO sell at ; . ... ..............97c Hoys salts for ages 5 to t) aell at U $1.-43 Bargains in towels, table covers, bed spreads, laces- and braids. A good assortment of purses, pocket knives, shears, razors, soap,: pencils and stationery. , 25c boxes paper and envelopes are sold at .....:.i.......... .................... 7c Why, fat FRIEDMAN'S : 149 state streetI COL. R3AYBERE2Y 352i -. ' ,.'M . J. C. HINSHAV, Salem R. f.D. No. 9 THE $2000 GUARANTEED. The Commercial Club Stake Will Be Hong Up for Septem ber 17.'. . (From Thursday's Daily.) The $2000 Greater Sal.-m ('..mi.icrrial ClubStake has 1xmb guars n t eel Iy the people of 'Salem, the rommittoc having finished its lalMtrs jestcrdar. ! This will le for a race for the .2:21 class, trotting, mile heats, thme in five, to' le run on Saturday, rVjtetnlor 17 the last day of the: Fair. Only; horses which were owned in the North Pacific circuit on Jaunary 1, 1004, are eligible forjrntrr in this race, and all entries moat el.e Jnlv 10, 15t. Kntr.inro f 5 I er rent of stake, and !i Mr cent ad ditiona! from money winners, payable 2 per cent on or lefore July H, l!04, when horses must !c named, and 3 er cent 8eptender 1. 1!04. Money will 1- divided as follows: ; 5", 25, !" and 10 per rent of the stake. The right is re served to declare off an. I return first money if stake loes not fill satiafartor ily. .. ''. It is pretty certain that the race will fill,-and that it will be one of the most interesting and exciting events of the big week. - The committee, composed of Tilmon Ford, John Conner, F. .P. Talkington and J. L. Stockton, were successful in securing the signature to guarantee the purse after woring only a few hours among Salem business men. STBISE WTJU CONTOTUIl. Freight Handlers and Warehousemen Befnse to Snbmlt to Bail ' ;!roaL' ; SAX FBAXCIFK'O, Jane 22. The Freight Handlers' and Warehousemen's Union last night, by a large majority, voted down a proposition declaring off the existing strike against the Southern! Pacif le Company, and resolved to con tinue the. fight until the company con cedes the demands for $2.50 for a nine hour day. - -" There was a small faction that favor ed calling- the strike off, and every one who was likely to vote that way was ipdaeed to attend the meeting. When the vote was taken those in favor of returning to work' on' the terms offered by the company were in the minority. Those who voted to continue the fight were enthnsiastie and many gave their reasons on the floor for desiring to stay out : rather than accept the old condi tions of 221? cents an hour. ' BATTLE IS EXPECTED. Indications Point to Heavy Fighting in Northern' Ialo Tung Penin Z '- ' saia, " ST. PETEHSBTJRO, June 22. The imminence of a battle in the northern part of the Laio Tung Peninsula is ad mitted by tho war correspondents and BEST FRIEDMAN'S AT "P 3 Khsnds hlxh, wslrht IXO poMIMl. 11 ilB trotWdl:Wrlt lis wsa aecnd to .umbm 1:11, In show- Tins at Btats Fair, 1902. and winner ovsr lxve !- t r20, V tnmoaut s 11. Iord Kiu brner S6, Maino J i Maittrloa, Hrod Heart, Hp. Ul Te'epram and otter, will make the teaaon of 19H, as loilowa : T t& end Tocsins , CimH Atablss, aaUna wediesOGy,1 Ttiiir:y, wmi end Sctordzys ( llrtn. Txa : on IIS, parable July 1 ; inor aac $X tajabl wh'S nana ia aaown to b wtta loal, dUtMwad of or taken oat el eon b ty. t Kot rponilli ; for sectdest. rorx tended pxllrrM a posters or address : a erfrM tW mmHXW M.kiM fm V Jk. flaiira Malim nwrnH Cis V J nsi. josmar.rstiTATK nir.Ars 0 V 4 wwitii) y wwt wtT".. Tiibiwiimi pim y- v:atv aai rrii a ui msn tv in nn ari.-nv 0 Ww vU4 Ummmmm m hiK-IITTTW ePSS mm f mi Ii nil, c T IvIm mt Wrta an rSllxMhy i MaM-rlatar. V tmmm t - -a fbc m-m J ttC.JMI.AW,0..iablMarkatMkaLF. V ASM. Caa . k Sl i i Vaiawiwa.M. f lUm Ma .jf ri. t. W : prt I.az4lan.aTlat..4M 1 i aa i.u. rm. mt -. m. If; aaatota-a aat , m ta 4 y . mmtm Urn j tiMITIO atBIC! CO., mi T4, Uacittr at I . snk) ia Jra tr a C ai HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR Cascara or Cdittim Carl; Call or F- fL flnnc 90 Btate Ht address I r Us liuUj Kaleni, Ore. is indicated snccisrtly in to.lay's di-v. patches from the Associated Press cor respondents at laio Yang, Kal Pin;; and other points, on the railroad. A' week of skirmiahing around Hioyen re tardel f Gen. Kuroki's operations, p-r-mitting Oen. Htalkelberg to reach Kni Ping, the rear guard slowly ''falling bark on Senuchen before the Jajiancso advance. - 'm Meanwile large forces are hurrying south fram .Laio Yang .to check iU Oku and Kuroki. It-is Ielieved hero that Kuropatkia's object is to prevent a juncture of the Japanese armies. Ott the other hand the- aim of the Japanese is apparently to drive the Kussiana of the Laio Tung Peninsula preparatory t a march on Liao Yang. The approm ii of the rainy season will more than like ly precipitate matters. Nothing is officially reported concern ing the ocenpation of Itaiang Yaiehentj (Hsi Ung. Yao Chenz or Hi Yonnj Cheng) by the Japanese. If the report should be eorrcet it agtees sulmtantial ly with the Japanese plan of advance in it is understood here, but indicates tbe Japanese, outponts are further forward than Bussian advices indicate. Big Figures. ' 100,000,000. bottles of Perry P.ivUy Painkiller sold in 60 vears. Just think! Nearly enough placed end to end t reach around the world." What ott . r remedy can . boast such a record c " services to humanity in curing slom i. k and bowel complaints and the many other ailments and accidents constant ly occurring even in the "most ear f i,l homes. There is only one Painkiller, Perry Davis. VEcware of imitatious. tr i! of ilndcny 41 Li( 0 il i Tha ,i nm w ! t4 tm mm tH . (t Wtl I Wa aw Mi. wily mn w fmmt m.