Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, June 21, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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.. i - - - -.,."
la the following article Mrs. Myra A. ,
iggins ten of her travels in Faris,
otlan-U and Ireland and also of the
Sotlan'l, and Irelano, and also of the
return voyage on. the steamer.: Kaiser
Wilhelm JI across the Atlantic This is
the fct of the series, lira. ;Viggins
wiD arrive home in abtrat ten days:
Jfidland Hotel, Bradford, England,
"Wednesday, May 23, 8:30 p. in. We
are spendingUhe night here at Bradford
where we arrived at 4:30. this ' after
noon. I fame to. see the Photographie
Exhibition, as-it was an important 'one,
and we did not lose any time, for we
Lad to leave London too late for the
Jfelroae Abbey train of today. This
city is only, about half an hour , from
Leeds, where we left the main track
and we will return there in the morning
and take up our journey, into Scotland
and Ireland. We will , reach Melrose
earlv omorrow afternoon ;c and leave
there at C for Edinburgh, -then take that
beautiful trip by eoaeh and train
reaching Glasgow at 4 o Vlock ' Friday.
Front there we were undecided, whether
to take Ireland or not as it mfant a
lay off of London sight seeing, but we
both wanted to see Ireland, so we de
cided to cross over" to Belfast on Fri
day night by boat, then go by train to
'Iublin Saturday where , we will spend
the Sabbath and reach London oh -Monday
afternoon. You can imagine that
this took quite a little planning and all
in an hour's time after we reached
Indon this morning, for we had to
leave, there at 11:30 in order to do it,
and they told us at Paris that -it would
be impossible, but 'when two women
make up their minds to do a thing
even the timo tables are turned and we
had such an' obliging clerk at Cook's to
help us out; however, when he had fin
ished with us he was trembling so that ,
he could scarcely write. The American
"rush" was too much for JTim.
All this time we were standing with
our mail unopened in our hands, for
Mrs. Park had gotten the mail while I
Ftarted in on the tickets and I began by
telling the man that wc had to eaten
tUat 11:30 train end from that moment
his natural breathing stopped. I really
felt sorry for bim but in the end we
thanked him profusely and Mrs. Park
said some nice words to him which
acted as a restorative.
We did-not see the scenery for the
first 20 miles' of our journey for we
were buried in those letters and I read
all of Mrs. Park's and she read all 'of
mine; we had a regular feast.
Let's see, the last letter' I wrote you
was at Paris, Bunday afternoon. Well
wi did nothing more that day .bnt rest,
tben Monday morning Mm. Park took
the Cook'g drive with our two friends
andifas she was in-such good company I
concluded that I could safely leave her
and go'elsewhere. I had taken the same
drive four years ago with papa. I
first hunted up the "Photo Club de
Paris"and there learned that the Pho
tocraphic Walon was being held in the
Petit Palais. When I reached there
both the Petit and Cran.l Palaces were
. gay with streamers and posters with
the word "Halon'' in large letters, so I
took the Grand Palace first an what
was my surprise and .delight to learn
that the great yearly' Salon (of -paintings)
was on had been open a few
days only. -Well I was there from 10
till 2 o'clock and just had a thoroughly
good, time and even then there was one
full department I d.id not see and I
simply walked through the great cov
ered court where all the beautiful
marbles were
After t-iVinrr luncheon
in the building where. I sat watching
the streams of people (it was a fete
day) I crossed over to the Petit Palace,
to the Photographic Salon and there lj
sl ivf.l until it. closed at 6 o'clock. As
icArt inn iiatol in it. she aasweretl ves. 1
so I bought one and started in.
can imagine my surprise when l loun.i i
J paid my franc and entered I picked vr,K).n- in in HoMom;-.we soe it .every
p one of the catalogues which were fori wlicrewh ft prettv note of color. But
Kile near the door and. in my we did not reailv, see Seotlaud till we
French aske.l the cirl if the American ! . , , i.r..f- aiu.t n n'clnck
that two of my pictures were hung ami . & i;ujcr (afely and gracefullv pc
catalogued. 1 did not recognize them c;,npjiR1,,, l,y Mrs. I'ark) an.l settled
bv their French names at first bet on , OHr,Vlves for a drive of eight miles
puzzled out "Still Life" and the other iow tho Scotland hills covered with
one, "The Edge of the Cliff," the girl tt h,nthf.r ,,Rt the "banks" bnd
found for me. "braes," with the "craigs" on either
I think Mr. Slieglitz did not tell mo,1,. 3B, later following the little
. just for a surprise. The American work burn," on the banks of which the
was splendid, ahead of everything, as black thorn grew. The "bracken" was
usual, and it was the first; real Pho-1 jlist springing up all o-er the hillsides
tographic Salon I had ever had the an the "bla(!)terry" bnshes were
pleasure of visiting. The American' a beautiful gren. The mountains
work I saw: today I thought was even W.r. He, with soft lights and shades,
better. and the birds (the Plover an.ongHhem)
Tueslav morning wc four went to 'were singing, oh so sweetly. It was all
the Louvre rthere we hired a guide o peaceful and beautiful that we were
just to show us the masterpieces of very happy (in the enjoyment of it. but
sculpture and painting. They were the wished so much that thofe we loved
same that I saw four years ago, of eould be with us and enjoy it
conrse, but they grow more l-eantiful to had the whole coach (seating twenty
me every time I study them, especially , persons) and the driver, to "selves
the famous Venus de Mil - and the and you may bo sure we asked that
Winged Victory. The galleries are ?1- jgood natured Scotchman questions just
wayrfnll of students copying and it'a. fast a we could tb.nk of thw In
was verv noticeable that the Paris answer to my question if it had rained
eonics.wer not .o irood as those at there the day Wfore he answere,! yes.
Mm.lw Biirht. Miss Looms
of Pasadena. California, (one of tne - plump; tn.s na, V 1 it T
two young ladies I mentioned) and I , tion br ween us ever since .ml t I. ji
went to the Grand Opera. It was the expressive that we are thinking of m
7n?tiJ Jrtormnnce ot "The Son of a trodueing it in Oregon as the latest
SUr'-anirpIace was Jernilem, in slang. Another word which amnPrs
lladriin's time as nearlr as we could very much a gentleman used in the
Hadrian a time as ' eariy . ... foll' tBtf -etence: "Just over there is
maxe out me r
staee wa filletl with Aral, Jews, an.ija ionnie v.arv r -v" t-:
?v ZnLy WsTwe could easily imag-"the er.rly spring when they have spring
ilALtJe' back in Jerusalem, lets "j meanuig, as we say
The singing, of course, was fine and the
urse. was fine ana ine
colors Wantifol. We decidetl to go m
i .... inv kit
nly about four
jonse and we
clothes. Our hotel was- on'
1 1 A A 1. till
reached home after' 12. I had not had
t.4. KrAf.lrf3iit that morn-
vtPr,laT afternoon we went
:.t - i.nt w
snopping, or ranmr ". ' 7l ' -k
were so tired ai
nu mere "
crowds, Jha we not I.07, anything
K . me home and packed and loft
l". PP fur London. That
Uieppe trip is always sueK a hard one
an thc boat was crowded last ni?ht.
(but I ran ahead ami secured two good
'berths so we had a little rest It is
really yt
; fanny - sight to , see so many
sleeping on shelves one above
another clear up to the ceiling almost
Mrs. PaTk
gave me most heartfelt
thanks for selecting a lower berth for
her. We had an - exeeedinelv smooth
voyage and only a few were sick. One
"cranky"; woman had the maid get ev
ery thing ready for her as she was sere
she would be dead before morning and
she went to sleep before the boat start
ed, fairly groaning, but we heard no
more of her. and yoa may be sure the
inaid did not waken her till we had
safely reached shore. One of our young
lady, friends, Miss Arbuekle of New
York, s sailed from ; Cherlourg today;
Miss Loomis, the other one, will remain
on the continent a month longer. We
were sorry to part with them.
Thursday, May ' 26J We are now
spinning along- on our. T way to Edin
burgh and I will mail this letter when
wii preach the main linV near Leeds.
Letyls seems to be a very great manu
facturing ! places-nothing but smoke
stacks and smoke. London as usual was
fggy and, smoky when we were there,
but England in the' country is as beau
tiful as ever so pretty and home-like
The hawthorn hedges are all in blossom
but it is Too early yet for the red pop
pieij ;: .'.'" j
: i ' - : . .
: LETTER NO. 22.
IJotel Balmoral, (ifesgow, Friday
evening, May 27. We arrived here at
4:30, took an hour's drive about the
city then had onr supper and are
making ourselves at home in the pleas
ant little drawing room.
of the hotel
until 10 o'clock, when we leave by train
and then! take the .steamer about an
Lour later for Belfast, Ireland, where
We arrive very early in tbe morning;
but we will not have to leave the steam
er until we take the train for Dublin
about 8 o'clock so we will have an un
broken rest. There! is one thing very
remarkable about : this hotel; it has
really good paintings and pictures on
its walls.'; I think the proprietor mast
be a retired art collector. Our tea was
doubly enjoyed beeause a fine marine
view hong opposite u3 onthewalL When
out driving we saw the' municipal build
ings, the, grounds where the great Im
position was held years ago and tho
fine college so splendidly situated. But
Edinburgh, where wc stopped over last
night, is certainly the most beautifkil
wty we have yet entered and we saw
so little of it, just a drive to and from
the hotel. Sir Walter Scott's monu
ment there, is really fine, and what is
so , uncommon it has the right setting
with plenty of space around it. j
Before we reached Edinburg we stop
ped off at Melrose and were out at the
Abbey nearly three hours. What i a
fine old ruin it is! "No wonder that Sir
j Walter Boott was inspired by it! We
saw bis favorite seat, a neap or sioies
: .i.:i. ....... tl.nm a. -valine
- . , " , : Clh7 aC
,nt theshour just x.t9tIe tlie AW-
Wy gate m the custodianja little hoP,
where wp Itout'ht some Scotch sonven-i.,
irs. . I found there a beautiful book;of
out a short time. The nie.c
:. i- i -
imn rri vn net anni m nnrnii' upiiLiirr sii
t tiiocoiim niii v a mii Kinti l u usi m muiiv
ways; in fact, we find that all the
Scotch people have great kind hearts
and we are both prond of our Scottish
ancestors. The whole country looks so
flip mnat hosinilf til snririf
"-, . "
. toncu mounted to the high seats
that there had leen .quite a mnnoer
ver. t i V"J
arive, enjoyet. io V""" 'a '
withont n Tarticle of oast, we ois-
' mounted on the bank of the beautiful
"Loch Katrine" made so famous by
Sir Waiter lVy V
lhq-' rou tw v" -
for that great poet)
The ride was de-
liirhtfni anti we remameu u vu
ii k w, fn. We nassed the beau-
old Scotch songs w, 1. the music, some- - was vestibule giving
thing that I have long wanted, so I I e fl -n mhUn onTac
bought t;;-rt w bound -ia s.lk Gor- evening by IVancis E. CTark, the
don" t.laid, :The book has only been;. .t, rv,,1c;,.
i ... . ...
An almost infallible remedy for
Lims. known and used the world over for almost a century.
. j cxr rr from your, wiucasr. . :
ftifnl "Ellen'. Me" and many other
places made famous by Scott. At the'
other end of the lake we took another
coach, still larger than 'the first one,
with four horses. The driver and his
ft J ""J uric "14 ID
red coats and tae roach was minted
! the same
.drive also,
color. ; This was a beautiful
very near, the high moun
tains, some of them snow capped; but
the first drive, I think, showed us
more of the typieal Seoteh scenery for
we saw so much heather and on the last
drive we saw very t little of it. The
heather was just, beginning to blos
som. How I should love to see the hills
all purple with it; it is a little early yet
for that. We saw a great many sheep;
they live all winter on the heather. At
thcend of our seeoad drive on the bor
der of Loch Lomond we took dinner at
a hotelHbere, and such appetites! There
are some beautiful falls just at the side
of the hotel and as we had a little time
to spare we went on the rocks below
them and then climbed up to the bridge
which was above them. Our second
boat ride began at this place have for
gotten the name of it where we cross
ed the beautiful Loch i Lomond.. We
could not stay on deek this time for we
were going against the wind but enjoy
ed it from the cabin.! At the end of the
lake we took the train for Glasgow and
we felt that we had seen quite a bit of
Scotland. Cook's man in the office at
London told us to take this trip and we
feel very grateful to him t or suggest
ing it. . "r '-
I have been writing the latter part of
this in our room ia the hotel at Bray,
Ireland-a quiet little town where we
came yesterday in order ,to spend , the
Sabbath here. Tt is right on the coast,
j list a half hour from lablin. The sea
n .1 v n alenf oil f ti A - vi Tnut O ftnT
breakfast on the boat we took the train
if r Dublin and reached: there at 10: JO
that morning. It looks just like any
other large city, the people too, and we
only saw a few 4 4 Pats" and "Bridg
ets." We - came down "here to Bray
hoping to see more of real Irish life but
WC were disappointed again and so we
are beginning to think that Ireland is
only a myth and that we are still in
England. The country, though, is very
beautiful with the little white cottages
and green 'hedges and just now the
"furze" hedges are in blossom a very
bright yellowv
As we left Belfast we saw a strange
sight, acres and acres of linen bleaching
on the grass; it looked just like fields
of snow except that it was all in long
shaped parches. i -
The vehicles here in Ireland look so
strange to us. Of course, the cabs are
like any other carriages, but the Irish
jaunting ear is the most common of
all; it is on two wheels with seats at
the sjdes no cover end nothing in front
of the- occupant. It is drawn by one
horse. As yet I have not been able to
persuade Mrs. Park to try one with me.
Carriage hire is so reasonable every-
i where that wc take advantage of it
frequently. I wonder why prices are
so high in our country. People would
use carriages instead of street cars if
(prices were the same as in Europe and
drivers would make more money, I
""-e. We attended mornini; service
MrthHliat H.trrch here, and
good isernio?. Nearly all
, " - i.
were familiar, too, which
. . . . .
church when tne minister made tne lot
lowing announcement: "Dr. John Park
will address the CV; E. Society tomorrow
evening on 'Life as Seen in America
during his sojourn there among friends
in 1JMI3." We should like very much
to hear that lecture, just to know what
others say about us.
Did I tell yoa that we had "scons"
and tea st Melrose f We did not see a
single Scotch highlander costume until
today and, of conrse, that was in Ire
land. The great kindness and true po
liteness of the Scotch and Irish people
are very noticeable especially among
the hotel feople. -;Even the French po
liteness cannot equal it. We are made
to fee! that we are conferring a favor
every time we ask one. Wc will be
sorry to say good-bye t them in the
morning. .Tnst one more-letter lKfore
r.e sail and maybe not that for we will
be exceedingly busy.
- Dampfer Kaiser Wilhelm II, Monday.
Only one more day and we are due in
New York! This part of our trip has
passed '? so quickly, although a -good
share of it was Sent in our berths. The
second day out we missed two 'meals in
tbe dining room but that is all; how
ever, it has been a rough trip and we
have felt better lying down, so by this
time we have had a good rest and
plenty of sleep. This is a fine boat, one
of tbo Largest, I believe, anil we have a
very nice room, about the center of the
boat just above the dining room. The
steward told me the other day that it
was a $-jO0 room think of paying $500
for six days! It is an outside room.
Some of the suites of rooms above ns
are $2,000 and $1,500. I do not know
how low they run. All of tbe "Kur
fursters" were entitled to first-class re
turn tickets. -Mrs. Park and I are alone
this time and we are enjoying it. The
last da v we were in London it rained
and I fiad all my shopping to do for I
had si nply run out ; of clothes. Mrs.
Park ntended to spend the day in
sightseeing but we wrnt on a few er
rands in the morning and she got so
wet and she had to return to the hotel,
order a fire and go t bed while her
clothes dried. I stayed down town all
day till 5 o'clock, when I returned to
the hotel and had tea then started tit
aanin t 6 o'clock to 5 Cook's on busi
diseases of the Throat aoxd
w1a ram aaI mi if a i : hnmil A I O riTO
ness, inquired again Ui maiC then I
went on down town, gathered ap mv
wirehases that reoaired alterin w
as the stores were closing at 7, o'clock,
: returned td the hotel at fc-.nn - -IntB
ainner aa i men pacseq. so -tbati is
about all that we saw of Lon Ion, ex
cept a two hours' drive that we took
early in the morning, stopping only to
see Westminster Abbey, of conrse, ,1
had seen some of London before, but
was. so sorry it rained on Mrs. Park's
account; however, nothing could . have
hired me to change my sailing date and
I am sure Mrs. Park felt the same.
That i was only the second time that
rain had interfered with our plans.
The next morning we were up earl,
for we had to leave the Waterloo sta
tion for Southampton at 9:25 on the
secial steamer train and we were a
little anxious, as a cab strike was on,
and sure enough our hotel man stood at
the door and blew his whistle for near
ly ten minutes before be had any s re
sponse and then' we were fortunrte
enough to get a double carriage and 1
tell yon we and our baggage filled it;
we each had three pieces. As it was,
we had no time to spare for we had to
chase after the man who had the spe
cial tickets before we could gtt the re-
uucea tare ana men we naa to cbeeK
our luggage-ryes, actually, they check
ed it, free, and we did not have to see
it again till we reached our state room.
However I looked it up at the dock to
be sure that it was all there. It is to
be hoped that the good work s will
spread on that continent. It was really
quite a shocks to find that our luggne
was all there and free at that. When
the porter told us ;: -ck" the lug
gage we simply stared in dumb aston
ishment and he went on to explain that
he would give us a number and paste
one on our grip ' to match it. As we
walked in a dazed condition and almost
iuggageless to our compartment w
still thought that we were dreaming .f
the distant past.
In some of the districts of London
not 'a carriage was. to be had ami some
of the "Knrfursters" had to walk for
blocks and carry their luggage in order
to get a seat in a 'bus. You know when
every scat is taken in a 'Lns they will
not! let another person on. Persons eie
not allowed to stand' as in onr country;
it is the same in Paris also. But we had
a strange bit of London experience be-
tore we pulled our of the station. Al
though it was early in the morning it
became as dark as night, and all 'v ts
confusion there till three large are elec
tric lights were turned on. And that is
the condition in which we left London,
in darkness. That reminds me that in
Edinburgh at 10 o'clock at night it was I
so light that I could tell tbe time from
a clock two blocks, distant ....
Yesterday, Sunday, was a busy dav
for us, for at the eleventh hour the Kur
fnrst. delegation decided ' to havo' nio.'n
ing services and Snnday school in the
first cabin and a service at 4:30 in the
second: cabin dining room. Mrs. P-rk
was the Sunday school teacher, elected
unanimously, and we had Sunday school
in thef, children's dining room. There
arc about sixty "Kurlursters" on
board and about half of them were in
the class the other half were sick. I
sang a solo at both' mominp and after
noon church servicei' and 'also a 'ductt
with a young ladyj' s that required
practice" of course. tDr. Ball, of San
Francisco, preached , a. splendid sermon
in the morning and in the second cabin
there were several good speakers and a
song service.
Jiow, I think it is about time to tell
you that I am seated at the dining ta
ble next to Mr. Johnson, my good doc
tor, and it Was just a ." happen-stance"
too. At the first meal Mrs. Park and I
were seated, among- strangers but at its
elose wo learned that the "Kurfurst
ers" were jail together in a corner of
tbe dining room so the steward kindly :
gave us new numbers at one of those
tables and ; we had hardly taken our
seats at dinner whei along came Mr.
Johnson and .sat down beside me. We
have three other nice gontjemen at our
table and the four of them have kept
us laughing at every meal, especially if
wc were inclined to palene-w; they
saved their best stories for such occa
sions and Mr. Johnson, hctor-lifce,
watched every symptom. Last evening
we had a kind of a. 4 reception in our
room, We filled the eouch, the lower
berth, the doorway and the floor. We
all told our experiences at Jerusalem
and other places and-were unaware of
the lateness of the hour until a neigh
bor came to the door and told us that
a sick lady near was not especially" en
joying our "hilarity" she didd't just
say that m so many words but I fear
that word comes near expressing it.
Tix lay we have been making out our
declaration" lists to give to the cus
tom officials in New York, bnt it all de
pepds upon tbe man we get. I know
the one I had before considered all my
brass as tra.h and I trust that I mar
againiave just such an unappreeiatiye
individual, for mv trunk is simplv fnll
of brass, copper, and green jugs. We
will surely have an exhibition of onr
thirgs for the benefit of onr intimate
friends, and l?t not Mr. Park hojie for
lietter things, for his wife has brass
too (and really, come to think of it, I
believe she has acquired some ia anoth
er sense alio, but not enough to cause
alarm). ; . -
How good it did seem to have U. S.
coin again when the purser gave me
ia change a handful of quarters, dimes
and nickles, for the first time in my
life I took real delight in the mere sight
of money and I just held it' in my band
and looked at it. I smiled and the
purser smiled too; he understood.
The captain s dinner this evening was
a verv inrand affair. It is the custom, on
some lines at least, to give a Captain's
dinner tne last night at sea, and tbe
dinner this evening was certainly splen-!
did. The dining room was decorated
in wide heavy sashes of red, white and ,
blue moire silk and garlands of artifi-
eial autumn leaves; each table, too,f
was beautifully oecorated with a cen-'
terpiece-1 made of macaroons -and filled i
with flags, bon-bous, , etc The, dinner!
was similar to the one we had on the
Knrfurst until we came to the ice-
cream course when the lights were sud-;
denly turned out. Just then the or-.'
ehestra began to play a march and two
large W's (for KibierWllhelra) one at
cither side of the stairway, blared forth
in red electric, lights 1 at the same
time little miniature - light-hotnsea all
over the: dining room were illuminated. -
Then fame the profession of wait era,
i headed Lj the voung Uiyi in unifonn
janj sallies, ever j waiter carrying a
'Japanese lantern, balloon-aba kh1 and
heUl high, except abcnt every third one
Kho f?1 ; J in .th r?.r
'ff wie .was . f1"1' W ,
ttlok of. ::th inside and
arranged around it were little Japanese
ladies of ice-creaui," carrying parasols.
This course was called on . our menu
card "transparent : ice cream." The
waiters marched around the dining
room several times, about a hundred of
them, I should guess, then separated for
their tables. It was a very pretty sight.
The evening wound up with a concert
given by the orchestra assisted by a
violinist and a reader from New York,
and that was all very good. There was
also another reader, who was so poor
that she broke up the concert, for ev
erybody left, 1 She asked to be placel
on the program, presenting photograph
of herself ab0 testimonials. J
We expect .to have only two more
meals on this fine old ship; we have
certainly enjoyed our voyage and it has
seemed very short. We will soon reach
the shores of onr beloved country, never
mere dear, and then this, the most en
joyable trip of toy life, Will be all in
the past, v j
Worst of AH Experiences.
Can anything be worse than to feel
that every minute will be your lastf
Such was the experience of Mrs. S. II
j Xewson, Decatur, Ala. "For throe
years," she writes, I endured insuf-
1 era ble pain from indigestion, stomach
and bowel trouble Death seemed in
evitable when doctors and all rcmedes
failed. At length I was induced to try
Electric Bitters and the result was mir
aculous. I improved at once and now
I'm completely recovered" ? For Liver,
Kidney, Stomach and Bowel troubles
Electric Bitters ia the fenly medicine.
Only COc It 'a guaranteed by D. JJ
Fry, Druggist. . ?
The ice cream social last Saturday
evening held: at llayeaville school house
was a complete success. The entire
evening was one continual round of
pleasure, and one of the most enjoyable
events of th aeaaon, and everyone left
at a late honr dechirinjf they had their
snare of pleasure and hoped they would
all meet again ia the near future and
have another jolly good time. . 2
Geo. W. Pbyser, of Ilayesville, ? ia
carrying on a successful bumnem with
hi new brick machine he recently pur
chased in the 'East.
Hayesville; 1s a little neighborhood
leautifully tocatenl three miles north
of Salem, and a great many of its leo
ple are busily engaged in picking 'straw-,
berries for tlw market.
Ilayesville, June 2ft, 1904.
Even a Stole Groans
under the torment of neuralgia, wheu
every nerve in face or limb throbs and
jumps. I'hiloaopny cannot endure tins
agony but Ferry Imvis Painkiller re
lieves it. liathe the affected jarta free
ly, kefp them warm and do not expose
yourself to cold and dampness. Medical
seience marches right along, but it has
not found the equal of Painkiller in the
treatment of neuralgia. t
SEATTLE, "Wash., June 17. A Dawson-
special to the -.Post-Intrdtigencer
says: Telegraphic . advices from St.
Michaels are that the ice moved out of
the bay there today. The find fleet of
steamers for 'cme, carrying 3000 tn
sengers, is probablj safe at Nome. A
nnmlter ' of -:Vessels have leen beating
off shore for; eleven days, waiting for
tne ice to clear. .
i Tin Kind Yoa Haw Always BaqJ
TAXOIER, June 17. Mohainmedi F.l
Torres, representative of the Sultan of
Morocco, has caused the arrest ; of
Sheiks Beniin and Sahner. as demandetl
by Kaisuli. The. amount of ransom "de
manded by tlic bartilit chief for the re
lease of Peroicaris and. Varley is reader,
ainli's answer is expected at the end
of the weeki?
. What you should do ia buy your
Y. M. C. A. Building
Hotdery, ahawh, lounge, table and
stand covers, made to ordtr.
Modern Woodmen of America's Free Streot Fair Carnival
: Salem, Ore June 27, 28, 29 30, Julyf l, 2.
F'amoUs Diie Carnival Co.'s Attpactions
nenturlnjr Dana Thompson, world crcntcst high diver, diving
twlco dolly from hi lOO foot tower .
'3iT Ferris Wheels, r Brass Bands,
MerryQoRoundsa .
.CDEjIID ffldDfyJIEi .
If yoa are going home to your childhood's homo Ihw
year, remember that the NORTHERN rAC iFlC IcxuU to ev
erybody home. .' ; ' '
Ton can go by way of St. rani to Chicago,, or St. Lonls.
and thence reach the entire East and South. Or, yon.ean go to
Dalnth and from there use cither-the rail liocs or one f the
superb Lake Stcaiiew down the lakes to. Detroit, Cleveland
Erie, and Raffalo the ran-American City. . . I .;-.";-T
,; ...,-...:... f -; " --:
Start right and you will probably arrive at your desti ia
tion all right, and, to start right, use the Northern Pacific, and
preferably the "NORTH COAST LIMITED" train, in service
.after MAY 5th. , . ; ; ' ,..:;:' - .
i Any local agent will name rates.
CO L. MAY BE E RY 3 5 2 U
16 bands welht 10 ponnds. il baa trotted a 2:16 r!(- H wn aeennd to Zombro,"
2:11, In how riac aidiale Fair, 1932, and winner over LoreLe 2 r). Viamount Sl, Lor4 Kilcb
ene 26. Memo 2:23, Nalbrlno, Broadhaart. apaclal Telegrmm and others. Will make tb leuoa
oll904aslollows: - ---
Mondays and Tuesdays at Club Stables, Salem,
Wednesdays and Thursdays at ClervaU. .
Fridays and Saturdays at SHverton. f
TERMS: Season 115, payable July I; insurance payabl when ttmwn la known to be with
toa.1. dUpuxed fit or taaen out of county. Sol reaponalbl lor accidents. Jr'or extended ledigree
ee postern or addreM ;
lOTHF.UA 6057.. .
lAfcvI.4.1: .......
Trial 2 rJO a a 4 year
ItaaphU'r of
(-M rJkw air of
Itauigwr 2:W 14
kkii 12
Korurd2:li 1
Keg. Vol X1J1 A.T.
R , dam of
i'tA. Mayberty, who
baa ibovn 2:16 gait
lim of
Ktta, t:re5eBla.
Kb Roy. Maywia.
alt who have thown
be'ter tban2:M
J. C. filNSHAW, Salem R. F. D. No. 9
The Best and Cheapest
F Mill T : "JJ Am
In the long run are Iho Self-Sealing, 'tloonpmy Jars They
cost moro than Mason jnrs, hnt the durability 'of the jar and
naranlee of well preserved fruit more than comiensatcs for
the difference in price. . -
Thone 571
M oney to Loan - Motber, d D.ufthf Try
On Improved farm and city property .
Over Tadtl 11 Bush'a Bank.
Salem. Oregon. Taia Htdiri Rmdy for Vf omaa
' " ' ' Kexln haa enred arm of ih worst
, . '...,.- . - eaes61 Otarlaa aiaxl L'tarlna DUor
racrapa ai rhlf f im Rart be RexJcoR' Co Saa josi, Cal.
bdSLOl d Ul lyUIIHUl Dal li l X- Af ,U Wanted. tor Booklet.
mmmmmm ., -'
Call r F il fla!IC W tate Ht
address I U. llGu5 Haleni. Ore. '
-: , :-' WILKES SULLIB1, "JER0I.IE." .
Millie mu:
A Sm, emwnmw aSnia n i tiiimw ft tmt of Frrrr an4 I.trtr areoia. or (Wl iyrwa
fVtl KSCVITtritl. S-' s Sptri sto. aol particulars ca'J on
Ikui Cmm ft- .'MT r - !j .
&r?,'- I DR. W. LONG-,
urn mo attct CO.. mnm r. l-A-r.
1 '- mmi ii i iii i i " i.iv.i mfj Vtrlnery Burgeon,
old in tataD bTLC Wmrnm. Phone JTlWhit-. Baleai.Or.
I :.'.:
Kecord ith, stro
Vmm 8ultan, 231
lam ofS In 2:30 list.
Full aitr to Urau
tiful Bll, dam of
trn aud Cbi mea, 'i :U0
Sire t( Huitaa
LanofSln 3:30 Uat
ECHO. 462
A-n l Ham
ionr rr.i.Low, imos
Ky Monran Blark
Hawk, dam .f !.
Hwkliin, -. lre
ot dam of Ktlcbum,
SKIPPER ..... ..U.
01) rELLOW, 152G3
iaiicbter of IM4 -rvi:.w
full brctber
lof vU 11 aa ki mr
f dam ot KeusUiira
tU. M. I'.Jr. II
hrt . I (ft, inclndiuR
11 f m 2:M to
Rrcord i:ti
world wita K.I '
Mauri a rd imifornt
rru tauhtr4
karc vrtMluced ICO
ia 2:3lcla
riam 1 7 In 2.30
DAI8T. -I...
Record 2 :S3
1 I by Old Doc, 1
lul7 kcvord2:JU son,) uira or ,
s . i Veutore, 2rJ7
'treat-craud dam ol
Gold Wood
- CoL May berry
i Son ol Black Hawk
S IFisEnr
Comer Commercial and Court Sts.