Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, June 17, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' : : : : i :
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v.iciy cr.icc;j svatzzxu
Fubllihed every TveacUy and Friday by tb
I. T. GJiiH, J41tor.
Ctis year tnadvanee... ..................... fun
iiz month, la advance..... ......... ......
Three months, in advance J2S
Umtw.m Oma .......... , L2a
Tb BtaUaman ha been established Ibr nearly
f fty-iwo veara, and it baa aoma aabaertbera who
hare received It nearly tbat lon. aad many
who h&r cad U for a generation. ' Soma o
thM obe to hTinf th papa diatontinaed
at U ttma of aarptrmuoa of their snfaaertpUona.
for Um basest of these, aad for other remaona
e have concluded to discontinue subcriptions
aaly whea notified to do so. AM persons peyln f
whea robea-lbnc, or partus ta advaaee, wid
baratbv benefit of the dollar rata. Bat if they
do not pay for six aaoatba, the rata will be IL2S
a year. Hereafter wa will aead the paper to all
responsible persooe wbo erda It, tnooga they
nay not aend tba aaoaey. wttb the naderatand
la c tbattbey are to pay 1J4 a year, la eaaa tby
let tba sabeeriptlon aceoant run over six
- baontha. Ia order tbat there aaay be no atiana.
deratandloir. we will keep thia aoUoa standing
at thia piece la the paper. - . - : C
"Now, who eaa explain why Washing
ton county should go against local op
tion, while Clackamas oa the other side
of Multnomah, aad most other counties,
gave local option a very large majority!
This is one of the little mysteries of
-the election.' Portland Journal.
This is no more unaccountable than
a thousand other thin 39 we' see every
day. It is no more singular than that
the editor of the Journal is a Democrat
if he is and the editor of the Ore
gonian is a Republican, nor than the
fact that Dr. frill is a Presbyterian aad
. J)r. Driver is a Methodist. There is
nothing more reraarkattle about it ihah
that the Journal should believe Binger
Hermann a dishonest official if it real
ly did while a? majority of. 7000
people in his district did not believe
any such thing. .
And yet there are a great many
things connected with what we call peo
: pie's idiosyncracies, that are unexplai.11
,: able, as, indeed, life itself is. The
question raised .by the Journal refers
so directly to conditions ..that confront
us every day 'that it should soften the
disposition to judge harshly in instances
where our own judgment seems to te
so clear as to leave no room for an hon
est contrary opinion.
Why, should .Marion be -so over
whelmingly" Republican while, Linn,
just by its side, should be so
uniformly Democratic T ?he same
conditions exist in both, as to national
policies, and the same results follow,
yet Bryan's peculiar notions oa finan
cial questions foiled a favorable rea
. - ponse in the-minds of a vast majority
rot Linn county's people while the re
verse result obtained in Marion eounty.
The same evidence will convict a man
of murder in. the first degree in the
mind of one juror that will aequit him
in the mind of another. One precinct
of honest men of equal intelligence will
pronounee overwhelmingly in favor of
absolute prohibition while an adjoin
. Jng one of the same kind of men will
take' the position . that such-, questions
should be left to the influences of mor-
al suasion.' ' '
1 1 H i H ? The fact is that no honest man should
be blamed for his opinion since he is
not responsible for it. No Methodist
believes he is wrong in his belief, for if
he did, he would change it and cease to
... , be a Methodist. A man is a Methodist
because he believes that way and can
not help it. The same may be said of
men of all beliefs ia religion, politics,
or other questions that divide ns into
parties, churches or kindreu org&aiza
tions. The mystery at the election which
discovered Washington county to be
largely against local option while Clack-
amas is largely in its favor, is of a
piece which surprises us every day as
we take note of the different opinions
entertained by those who have equal
opportunities for studying every detail
of the questions concerned. From the
famous "eight to seven." decision that
made aad unmade a President .of the
United States, to the smallest precinct
, . . contests on more unimportant problems,
we see accumulating evidence that we
M I have used your H sir Vigor
ror five year and am greatly
pleased with it. It certainly re
stores the oritiaal color to gray
hair. It keeps my hair soft.' Mrs.
llelea Kiixenny,Ntw Portland. Me.
Ayer's Hair Vigor has
been restoring color to
Cray hair for fifty years,
end it never fails to do
this work, cither.
You can rely upon it
for stopping your hair
from falling, for keeping
your scalp clean, and for
making your hair grow.
f SLM a kettle. AS aratrMs. ,
If year drarrtot cannot supply yon,
seod ae one doiW aad we will expreaa
you a bottle. Be aare aad aira the aaaao
of yoox aeareat expreea oflice. Addreae.
J. C AY EE CO., Lowell, Maaa!
What arc Rumors?
,Tbey are vitiated or morbid fluids court
ing the relcs and affecting the tissues,
Tbey are commocily due to detective diges
tion but are sometimes Irxberited.
How do tbey manlfeat tbemaelvea f
In many forms of cnta neons erupt Son,
salt rheum or eczema, pimples and bofls,
sod in weakness, languor, general debility.
How are they expelled? By -
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which also builds op the system that has
suffered from them.
. It Is the beat snedlctno tor all bomon k
have a government by chance, in large
measnrej after 'alL ,
; So far as the publie has been inform
ed it has not been determined what will
be done with Superintendent Potter
as to his connection with the Indian
School at Chemawa. The furore start
ed a few weeks ago by a dispatch from
Washington that affairs at the Indian
School were in a very bad shape and
that Mr. Potter would probably be re
moved, proved to be based largely on
"hot air," an investigation proving
that the little . irregularities which
had failed to conform to the require
ments of red tape exactions, were too
frivolous to specifically mention.
It was telegraphed here from Wash
ington that the Salem bankers had
eomplained that Superintendent Potter
was lax ia bis business transactions
with them. This report our bankers
promptly denied, la a case of this
kind what can be said of the originator
of such reports! Anything that ean
be said of a public officiaKin the way
of tarnishing his record appears in 4he
eyes of some people to be the first
duty resting upon them. It establishes
them as guardians of the publie weaL
In the case of Mr. Potter it may be
aaid that be has easily made the most
efficient Superintendent the Chemawa
School has ever bad and that he has the
confidence of every business man ' in
Salem and elsewhere where his official
relations have taken him.
He has so successfully managed and
built up this, institution that it would
be a positive wrong to remove him to
any other field, . not only an injustice
to him as an officer, but to the best in
terests of the wards of the govern
ment who have for years been under
his careful management.
This; little blow at Chemawa is
loubtlesg an offshoot of Secretary
Hitchcock's herculean effort to "clean
up the state." If Potter can be re
moved, Hermann's majority next time
should be 15,000.
an East" winner.
At the inter-state oratorical contest
at the State University on Saturdav
evening James Mott of Salem, won the
prize in such an Uncertain manner that
even bis contestants could easily see
that they were outclassed as to the
manner and general effectiveness of de
livery. Although but a freshman he easily
excelled bis opponents who have just
finished their graduating courses at the
Universities of Washington and Idaho.
II is subject was decidedly out of the
usual, he having taken the character
of Benedict Arnold and carefully delin
eated his career in a manner that plac
ed a different phase to his motives and
provocation which finally led to hirbe
trayal of the American cause.
Young Mott has the grace of a natur
al orator, blended with a tendency to
ward histronic talent that, .if. properly
cultivated, will make ot him a speaker
of note. Salem has reason to feel proud
of hia achievements, and as he seems
disposed to take his success in a com
mon sense manner, we may expect to
hear more of him. The State Univer
sity has been having ill luck in these
contests, this being the first victory
since 1896.
The first installment of Oregon dele
gates to the Democratic national con
vention to appear from under the wreck
of the 6th of - June is in evidence in
Portland and a few ot them -are actu
ally engaged in defining what, in their
judgment, Democracy. for this year is
going to be. Governor Chamberlain is
quite convinced that certain "great
national priaeiplea," (the . quotations
are ours) for which the Democracy con
tended for years with a persistency
that seemed certain proof of sincerity,
are dead and should be buried.
Of course, these "great and funda
mental issues," upon tbe. success of
which four and eight yeara ago the
"perpetuity of free institutions"-de
pended,are now dead as the result of
Bepablieaa successes before the people.
They are dead and ready for burial by
their erstwhile friends merely because
their sponsors were wrong all the time.
Bet just how many of them it Is best
to bury just now, is a problem about
which the brethren themselves are not
s greed. Indeed, some of faithful are
not i favorable to the proposal to inter
any: of them. There is Brother Bryan,
the greatest - man in ' the Democratic
party today, who is radically opposed
to the abandonment of aajr principle
for which be has ever contended. Once
a Democrat, always a Democrat," ia a
good party ery, all right, but just what
constitutes a Demoeraiis a question
that has not been specially raised by
the . designings Republicans it ia one
that puxrles the brethren , themselves
more than all others. ? "
Our own Governor Chamberlain, a
possible candidate for the Vice Presi
dency, wants an ti -expansion dropped
from the list of alleged live ' issues,
while Bryan, in his latest manifesto,
contained in the: Nebraska State plat
form, sees visions of throttled liberty
in the Bepnbliean policy of Imperial
ism and the specter of Militarism which
is the legitimate child of Empire.
But, while the Governor is willing to
be liberal in abandoning former Deme
eratie principles, among whJeK is anti
expansion listen to tbe fchade of Jef
ferson groan Fred Holman, another
Oregon delegate who ; seems to ; have
crawled from the wreck a day, or two
ago, is of the opinion that the plat-fornv-to-be
ahonld contain' strong and
unequivocal declarations . against the
abrogation by the President and Con
gress of , unconstitutional , authority on
eolonial policy; ete." : 4 .
Mr. Holman appears to be a follower
of Bryan on the question of Imperial
ism, as against the belief of the Gov
ernor that such questions should ba de
lared dead, though Mr. Holman believes
that "the platform should relegate free
coinage of silver and "greenbaekism."
This, of course, is a "slap at Bryan,"
but this reference to greenbaekism,
which most people had really forgotten
altogether, only serves to remind nS of
the fact that any of the old and set
tled questions which rested so near the
Democratic heart in times , past are
likely to be resurrected again.
In this dilemma; if the suggestion of
an outsider is deemed to be worth any
thing, the Statesman would like to
hint that Delegate Butcher, of Baker
City, has a very lueid idea concerning
the Democratic situation, whieh, if ac
cepted, ' will dispel the shadows that
promise a deal of , trouble in the earn'
of the brethren when they meet in gen
eral conclave in f St. Louis. Butcher
says the national convention should
make a strong and unequivocal declar
ation "in favor of the time-honored
principles of the Democratic party. ' '
This, it seems to us, would allay all
dissension, make a smooth pathway for
the assembled delegates and would at
last bring Cleveland, Bryan, Hill and
Parker together on a platform that
neither could feel was a compromise of
great questions for whieh he has eon
tended nobly in the past in the interest
of the Masses.
Clearly, "Butch ' ' has the situation
well in hand and his perception of the
real difficulty and the only way ont of
it should lead to his selection as chair
man of'the Oregon delegation and the
Chief. Counsellor in the national con
vention. . ; i S .
The little tempest now raging in
Portland between A. A. Courtenef , one
of the local board of civil service com
missioners, and B. L- Stow ell, the re
cently removed secretary of the board,
serves to call attention again to the
absurdity which lies at the bottom of
the entire civil serviee idea.
That! the element of favoritism en
ters largely into the system, cannot be
denied.: It will always' be so, even
with the best intentions o f any eommis-1
sion. But this is not the chief objec
tion to the rale that requires applicants
for position in the public , service to
satisfactorily answer ' a lot of catch
questions which frequently have no
bearing whatever, on their.' fitness,
which, alone, should be the test of effi
ciency. . . V
.Under the eivij service rules there is
ho adequate method of discovering the
honesty of an applicant. In fact, thia
attribute, while not altogether neglect
ed, is one of minor importance, and the
pert fellow. who is "up" in his answers
to the different conundrums propound
ed to him, is the successful applicant.
If a young man can glibly answer a
dozen or so questions that prove noth
ings as to his actual qualifications for
the work applied for, he ean depend
ifpon getting the position, though it
may be his intention to steal every
thing in sight that' he ean get away
with and coneeaL
The trouble these times is not that
so many in the publie employ are in-
One small bottle of the Texas Won
der, Hall's Great Discovery, cures all
kidney and bladder troubles, removes
gravel, cure diabetes, seminal emis
sions, weak aad lame ' backs, rheuma
tism and all irregularities of the kid
neys and bladder in both men and wo
men, regulates bladder trouble in chil
dren. 1 If not sold ; by yonr druggist,
will be sent by mail oa receipt of $1.
One small bottle is two month's treat
ment. Dr. Ernest W. Hall, sole manu
facturer, P. O. box, 629, St.' Ixrcia, Mo.
Send for testimonials. Sold by all drug
gists and Dr. S. C. Stone's Drag Store.
. .BEAD TTTTH. . ' . '
To Whom It May Concern: .
This is to eertify.4hat I was down
for nine months with kidney and blad
der trouble, and tried all known reme
dies to no avail until a neighbor induc
ed me to get a bottle of Texas Won
der, one half of whieh cured me sound
and well; this I would cheerful! v swrear
to. aad for the benefit of those who are
afflicted and wishing to be permanent
ly cured, they can obtain a bottle at
mv house Joeated on West 11th street.
Yours truly, .. ; ... y ; ,
' - ; s Medford, Or.
If you neg
lect the stom
ach and bow
els you ara
going to snfTer
from Kaassa,
DytsessU sad
lagestlsa. ,
Tne Bitters
will strength
en tbe atom
acli, keep the
bowels open
and prevent
these ailments
. lfsaettls
f 1 V '
competent but that they kre, dishonest.
The civil serviee examination pretends
to establish 'the competency of the ap
plicant while the more important con
sideration of honesty cannot be deter
mined, by any examination' that can be
made by a, commission appointed gto
pass upon a lot of questions prepared
largely to test the 'degree to which the
guessing ability has been developed.
The old system embodied in the dec
laration that "to the victors belong the
spoils," is not , a bad one to follow,
after aD, and though it be Democratic
as to its origin, it is an idea that should
not be too deeply "buried' as a dead
one. neadsj of departments should
have a larger latitude in the matter of
their subordinate appointees.. No -doubt
better service would be the result aad
it would be much fairer to those who
though in authority, have little to say
as to whom they may trust with the
details of the business with whieh is
confided to their hands.
A man may be able to accurately
measure the" altitude of a distant moun
tain by gecmetrTcal, calculation, or to
tell you insl;antly'tTie very day of the
week, and t be hour, upon which Cicero
first saw the light of day, and yet be
the slickest pilferer that ever wielded
a pen. Th publie serviee is not at
this time - suffering' for a lack of effi
ciency" among its employees, tbut a sur
feit of grafters. ' It is a condition that
has grown up under the civil service
system, andj though not altogether, yet
it is largely, responsible for it.
. 1
. There isj no kind - of contest whieh
comes before the people that equals in
persistent refusal to be side-tracked or
in its bitterness, the, one involving the
changing of the location of a county
seat. Of all efforts of this character
that whieh J has been efore the people
of Union county for over thirty years
has been the most noted and tenacious.
At length, however it1 ha been set
tled, perhaps for all time, by the very
decisive voie of ,54 for X Grande to
1003 for Union. There will be no legal
contest over the result, as Union is
showing a commendable spirit and is
disposed toj gracefully bow to the in
evitable. And why notf It is beauti
fully situated in one 'of the best sec
tions of the Grand Bonde valley, sur
rounded byj fertile lands and with a
splendid water power. The mere com
mercial advantage of "having the eoun
ty seat,' while of some importance, to
be sure, is not indispensable to a town
that has tne many elements. leading to
a successful growth that characterize
the location of Union, and its courage-v
ous attitude since the election has been
known is itself iadieative of i that per
manent growth which will no doubt
mark its future career.
) r :
If the people of Union will live up to
the spirit
shown by the Bepnbliean,
published here, it will scarcely have
reason to miss whatever of advantage
the county seat has been to its busi
ness. The Bepubliean says:
"Don't Leet frightened over this
eounty seat matter,
along without it, if
Union can get
necessary,' and
thrive and prosper. Our soil will be
just as good, our timber areas as great,
our water j as pure, our fruit yield just
as heavy, Our skies just as blue as if wq I
had the eounty seat (and we have it
yet), so keep cool and look pleasant.
There wilt be enough of us left here to
do business yet." , -
.-' r. . ' . 's: '.
Whatever may be said of Mr. Bry
an's continued popularity, er the re
verse, it cannot be denied that he re
tains his hold on the Nebraska Democ
racy. At no time in the past has he
been more supremely in control of the
party organization than now..' At tbe
late state convention, though consist
ing of a thousand delegates, not a score
could be found who were willing to pro
ceed, until the judgment of tbe prophet
himself could be obtained. He will go
to 8t. Irols with histt solidly at his
back, with the Kansas City platform
re-endorsed and with such prestige that
those who are clamoring for fitting ob
sequies over a job lot of dead issues
will find the Defender of the Brow of
Labor there ready to call in question
the claim, no matter by whom present
ed, that death, has overtaken any aia
gle "principle" for which the fathers
ever contended. -
The Eugene Begister, with several
other Bepnbliean newspapers of the
state, calls attention to the necessity
of passing at the next session of the
Legislature the Vet6ed'law providing
for printiAg'party tickets oa the om
cial ballot in groope, in order that the
voter, who so desires, may mark his
ticket, if he wishes to vote It straight,
by making one mark at the top, instead
of searching the names ont one by one
all over a blanket ballot. This is
good suggestion to which the States
man haa frequently referred, and there
is no doubt of '.its' passage at the next
session. Since most men of all parties
vote at least a majority of their party
tickets, it will be easier to hunt out
the names of the men of whom they
disapprove, being fewer, than to be
compelled to search for the . names f
those they intend to support. The
average man will take special pleasure
fn finding the name of the man he is
opposed to, and will do it,' for which
reason the present method should be
reversed for the convenience of the
voter., Why should the names of can
didates be printed on the ballot alpha
betically. What paper in Oregon will
volunteer to defend it t ' '
Through the public spirit of Werner
Breyman and the estate of his brother,
Eugene, steps have. been taken to erect
a publie fountain on Collage street,
opposite the center of the postoffiee
block, on the east side of the street.
The fountain with all its appurtenances
is now on the road and is expected to
arrive within a week. The Statesman
desires to suggest that, the eity should
take ateps at once to grade this street
and build a permanent cement walk
from State street to Court, including
the crossings, of both streets, before the
location of the fountain is begun. It
will be a beautiful work of art, an or
nament to the eity and whatever steps
may be necessary to 'provide for it
should be cheerfully taken and at once.
When ("he grounds are made ready the
erection of the fountain will be a mat
ter of but IE few days and we shonld
have the benefit of its presence during
the summer months of this year.
Some wags with a sense of humor
abnormally developed draped the office
of the Tillamook Headlight in mourn
ing the night after the election, com
menting upon , which, the Headlight
makes the decfarafion that the (result
of the election is "a direct blow to the
eounty and those who have interested
themselves in its development." I But
these spells do not, as a rule, last long.
It will not be a month until the Head
light will be telling the outside world
that Tillamook is the best country on
earth for new corners' to settle in and
that its dairying industry cannot be
excelled, etc., etc And I nobody will
dispute it ; -
"A Tillamook man has cured several
cows of milk fever1 by the following
process: Milk the cow dry and 'then
pump the; uidei-"fu?? of air, leaving it
there for eight boeVs. He used a bicy
cle pump and a glass tube to inject the
air. . He say a in . thirty ' minutes' the
cow was relieved and ready to eaC"
Tillamook paper. This is interesting,
if true,' ' but the publie would like to
know what became of the man who con
ceived the? idea whether he died of
appendicitis' or spinal meningitis. This
is evidently but half the story.
A Portland woman who is the mother
of fifteen children has sued the father
of them for divorce. Probably upon the
ground of inhuman treatment, but she
was a long time finding it out.
skim linns
dlood nuns
Spz2dily, Permanently, and
1 Economically Cured
: tyCuticura
Complete Externa) and
i Internal Treatment
! Price One Dollah j
i- : m --' ' ' ' ; t fef ,
Ia the treatment of tottering, disfig
uring, itching, scaly, crusted, pimply,
blotchy and scrofulous humors of the
skin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair,
Cutlcura Soap, Ointment and fills have
been wonderfully successf uL Even the
most obstinate of constitatlonst bo
mors, such as bad blood, scrofula. In
herited and contagious humors, with
.loss of hair, glandular swellings, nicer
oos patches la the throat and mouth,
ore eyes, copper-coloured blotches, as
well as bolls, carbuncles, scurvy, sties,
n leers aad sores arising from an impure
eondlOoa of tba blood, yield to the
Cutlcora Treatment, when an other
remedies falL
And greater a it possible, U the
wonderful record of cures of torturing,
disflgurins; humors among infants and
children. The suffering which Cutlcura
Remedies have alleviated among the
Joong. and the comfort they hare af
orded worn-out and worried parents,
nam led to their adoption la countless
homes as priceless curatives for the
skin and blood. Infantile and birth ho.
mors, milk crust. scaUed head, eczema,
rashes and every form of Itching, scaly,
pimply sain sad scalp humors, with toes
of hair, of Infancy and childhood, are
speedily, permanently aad economically
cured when all other remedies suitable'
for children, and even the best phy
sicians. falL .
fa tm 9t (.mminUm V t FUw, . mm 1 W t
mim q. i Turf, tun 4. ht tmwt tinn, I.W CMmkaS
a a i mi .. in i a p mm mm
Tbe taxes and interest, and
we will give a term of years
to fay for this farm,
80 acres of good laod, 14
acres in Cultivation, and 25
ready for the plow; house,
barn . and outbuildings.
Young orchard, good water,
fenced. Located 8 miles from
railroad town, 1 mile from
school, near rural mail route,
price $10 per acre. Let us
show this. Will exchange.
5 acres of good unimprov
ed fruit land near Salem.
Make your own terms i
We have good farms in
all parts of the county. A
large list of city property.
See us before you buy. Have,
you any thing for. ale or
trade? Call, we may have
the kind of property ,you
want :
H. S.
Room 11, over Red Front -Drug8tore.
i - :
Corner of Commero'al and State
-' BIO
' .-M
Cascara or Chittim Bark and
Oregon Grape Root
i Bought by
t" -
A. B. Lothrop, Albany, Oregon
Bepreaantinc Qucgvabtme A Cow San Francisco
T-. eanchees "jgr ..
SlSj AY r: .f '
AT THE ; "15:
1TVS via atfi
TSTLIT piano "532
fmrF sale HTR
Is a Tough Character -
Frank Hughes, who a few weeks ago
served twelve days in tbe city, jail for
the larceny of a knife -from -the- White
House restaurant, waa run . in. again
yesterday and booked upon a charge of
drunkenness. Hughes is a, tough char
acter and deserves: the limit for eah
o (Tense. - .?".";' - V.
Driven to Desperation.
'Living at an out of the way place,
remote from civilization, a family is of
ten driven to desperation in ease of ac
cident, resulting in ' Burns, . Cuts,
Wounds, Ulcers, etc Lay in a supply
of Bueklen's Arnica Halve. It's the
best on earth. ' 25c at Dj. J. Fry's drug
store. "..'
Legal Blanks at Rtitesman Job Office
Legal Blanks at Statesman Job Odes
Mm ! ! !
The big piano sale is in full blast,
and more people aro 'talkiug piano'
in Salem today than everdid before
Salem people are not only TALK
ING about our piano bargains,
but tbe wise ones are taking ad
vantage of our unprecedented
- -:
are coming around -AFTER
tbe pianos are sold.
These are the people who are al
ways going to do things "next
yearn and it is these same "next
year" people who are always won
dering why their next door neigh
bors are doing so much j better
than they.
you '"next year" people; you j will
. . i
never own a piano until yoxi get
'- : I : !. -' -.. . 1 ;
one, and now is your chance;
Your Life-
ime Chance.
You help us in this emergency
and we will help you many dol
lars worth and give you the easi
est" way to do your part.
A iKlA rvn (T
mm m
Oregon's Leading JIusic House
Salem Branch
299 Commercial St.
- . '