Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, May 27, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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--. ' imi BECOMES A SMALL V i
To . Satisfy the VladlctlTeness of His
Pursuers He May Be u 'Censored
for Technical Breaches of He rotations
f. But Will Not Be Kenioved, Which Is
tacky for the School. '
WASHING TOX, -May 25. The re
port of Inspector Xesler anl Supervis
or Holland, who- investigated affairs at
the Cheinawa InOian School, has been
received- by" Secretary . Hiteheoek. It
reeommerfdV that -Superintendent Pot
ter be ' severe! y censured, b t . does not
eeommend -: hi: dismisnal. - Poteer was
found to have-committed gross irregn-
1 an ties and breaches of the regulations
but. did .not personally, profit by the
transaction. Potter will probably , not
, be ' removed, but the recommendations
of the inspectors will be followed. J
i (The above version of ithe report
Spoken- of is very probably inspired by
the same red-tape . fellows who have
been pursuing Superintendent Potter
411 along upon mere technical violations
of detail rules which may be applies
able in some settlements of the effete
.East, but which cannot be strictly foh
lowed in theWest, where' people are
too. busy and progressive to adhere to
mere formalities. ( It is. very evident
from the statement confessed in .the
closing lines-of. the dispatch that Sup
erintendent Potter violated no rule, that
is of vital importance to the service,
and that he has done 'no act calculated
to Impair; or retard the strength and
usefulness of the school, and that he is
entirely untainted by either fraud, dis
honesty or ua faithfulness to duty. It
would be a serious loss to the service
if such man ..could be injured or dis
credited by pettv, jealous underlings.)
Ouardian Petitions For Order to Sell
- , Minora Interest in Real
!' " ". -: Property.
"Upon -his- own petition W.
Queener .was yesterday appointed
County Judge Seott, administrator
the estate of "Martha Ann Apple,
ceased. ' The estate, consists of
forth to see the world ia ebmpanyi with
a l-ycar-old-girl whose trosseau' con
sisted of a pair of. knee trousers and
other baseball . -regalia. The missing
girl is, the daughter of John Anderson,
section foreman of - Turner. Speaking
of the elopement, Mr. Davis saidi
"Xodine is a married man, and the
girl he enticed away. ia the daughter of
John Anderson, a section' boss in" Tur
ner. The. manner in which the elope
ment was carried out was unique, as
Miss Anderson had exchanged her wear
in gapparel for a baseball, suit, and the
pair 'rode through tows -in. a. buggy, in
broad daylight,, people supposing. - the
girl to be a boy companion of Xodine
She was not missed until L late in the
evening, when the truth dawned on her
parents, and a : posse of citizens jorgan
ized to giy, the couple ehase. ":' T"
; i .: n e ipuowen ine. ronaways l to a
ranch up the Santiam among the foot
hills of the CascaHes. 40 L" miles T from
Turner, but they got wind of our com
ing and again decamped. We ; think
they are now in Portland, and fear the
girl will be abandoned here. Xodine
has a fanf3r over in Tillamook.' and
officers there have been notified to be on
the lookout for hinu - ".
"The laws "of Oregon are verr laxly
enforced' ia such eases- - -thi, andj
be done with Xodine irnless- seduction
should be charged and ; proven.-; The
girl ii snnocent of the f ways of the
world, and has probably -been. ' hypno
tized by Xodine, who i a tramp, printer
by oecupatino. - .. Y
"If he had been caught by the-1
x -i THE SIOHTEES3. v ;
. llusicil
The Pnpils i Will - Gire- -
Becital Tomorrow, s Followed; Byl, aj
Presentation of the Story of Hia
watha as Dramatized--This to Be
Given on the Lawn. J
i . (From Thursday's Daily.)"
The papL's of the Oregon School for
the Wind will on tomorrow (Friday)
afternoon entertain their- friends in a
verr pleasing1 way and the people of
Salem will have a good opportunity of
- At -t local option meeting n rort
land Saturday night a telegram ' was
re? from the sheriff, of Hopkins eoun
tt.J'TeiaV said to be prohibition
county, containing 8,000 people," and
the sheriff stated that since the daws
of prohibition- there' the county was
prosperous, N crime had decreased, -that
sobriety ami moral sentimeat were totter.-than
beore, ami' he coneluleI with
this" sentence:, "ProbilStiaa will 'pro
hibit." Yet these same local option
advocate undertake to tell us iu the
nert breath that the Texaa law, which
thev are ebnvine and to which they
point with pride, is not. prohibition.
IX tne .people r-weaon wam pro
hibition let them have it; hut let them
vote- upon it honestly, not ia the erron
eous idea that they are merely approv
ing a--measure to enable residence dis
tricts to keen out saloons they don't
want. If . that were the object really
Ohio Against Hearst Three to One
.Alabama Democrats Payor Judje
Parker Wyoncing Will Very Likely
Instruct for Hearst Tennessee. Will
Be for Parker.
COLUMBUS, Ohi., May 23. The
Democratic State Convention'-met here
today, and nominated two electors at
large and candidates for some of the
state offices. - The friends of Jadge Jud-
tvpn .Harmon, who opposed the endorse-
en joving the exercises as well as en
couraging the people of the school in an4 sincerely aimed at no new law j,jnent of any candidate or an instructed
preparing such an els borate program, i wotald ! necessary, for the present
At 2 o ;clocK musical recital wiu , u prori,i eans for that to be
be given in the chapel and - will- 'fdoneC- The residence districts of Port
brace the following numbers:!- . hand are dotted all over with buildings
,." .M"110. - A intended for saloons, but not permitted
1. A Spring, Song i. . : v . . . 4 P10" . to be so use-1, because of opposition of
' , t Marguerite Flower, i, - ;
Sonatina. Op. 58, 'o. 2 .... Kuhlan
- Prank Sanders. - - .-.
Song. Baby 'a Broken , Toys
. . . . . . . ; . . . Chas. JMilier
Marguerite Flower".
banon posse it would have ione hard!'- . Bonmntie Thoughts ....... . Led.
with him " , ' f ' - Johnioley..
, " i - - - ,. 6. , Violin. .Faust, Fantaisio ...V
"""nnnBteBlBSnsMasnss 1 . ., . a -
property valued at about $S0Q, and by
order'of the eourt Mr. Queener filed; a
bond in the sum of $200, which was ap
proved. Warren Richardson,'- B. P.
Horrenseu and A.. S. Watters were ap
pointed appraisers to appraise the prop
erty belonging -to the estate. The
heirs,' as given in Mr. Queener 's peti
tion, are as? follows: Dianah E. Kep
ner, daughter of defeased, residing in
Mult nomah-county ; John W. Apple, son,
of Marion county, and Aaron P., Ulery
W. and Bosco B. Apple,-sons, of Gilliam
eountv.- . . . -;. -' ,
. O. 'W. Kuthe,,G. jJK. Devaney and
Cwl W, .Humphrey, the appraisers of the
estAte if Olive, Sliauks, ct al, minor
nhildren, filed their report, having fixed
the value of (he real, and personal pri
rrty . belonging to the -minors at $343.80.
Carrie J. Freeman, tfie. guardian, peti
tioned tbA .court-for an order authoriz
ing, her. to- sell the real eHtate and ' the
couVt fixed June 24, at 1 o'clock p. m.
as' the time for hearing her petition.
The- property which the guardian de
sires to sell consists in a one-twelfth
interest in lots 1 and 2, of Turner's ad
dition to" Turner.
' Mary Walton Bled her final account
as executrix of. the estate of John S.
Walton, deceased, which will be heard
June 24, at 10 o'clock a. m. ,
W. C. Jodd Elected Captain of Track
Team A Local Field aweet Is
. Projected, f
L (From Thursday's Daily.)
- The University -track' team -.held a
meeting yesterday afternoon and elect
ed W. C. Judd as captain for the en
suing year. Mr. Judd has been prom
inent in athletics ever since he has been
connected with the University and has
certainly merited the-nonor which has
been bestowed upon hini. Besides be
ing a member of the track team he. has
played on both the basket ball and
football teams for the past three years, j
There-wifi.be no more intercolle
giate meets this year,"but .arrangements j
were made yesterday for the holding !
of a local meet. A committee was ap- j
pointed, consisting of Jodd, Winslow j
and Ford, which will . divide the ath-J
lctes into two as nearly , equal oivisions ,
as posHible and then apportion the stu-)
dents so that half will supnort one side
and hale the other. This meet will t
serve the double purpose; of keeping
the men in training and of furnishing,
some first class sport. Much .ntercst
and excitement has been -aroused by
these local meets in the past and this'
one gives promine of eclipsing all for
mer efforts i nthis line. One side will be
called the "Cardinals," aud the other
the "Old Golds." The meet will prob
ably be held during the first part of
commencement week. . .
.Singelie Op.' 100
I--;. William Bailer. 7
7. I Pharsalia Waltx . . . ... : Burgmuller
, ' . - ; Lee Perin. . '
8. Let the Hille and Vales Resound
.....Vl:... Richards
. t -. . Chorus. . .
Tli is will last about one hour, and at
3 o'clock "the children will present on
the lawa the story . of. Hiawatha, by'
Longfellow, ,as dramatized, including
the. courtship story,, the .wedding feast,
the famine and other interesting feat
ures," with which the-lovers of that1
Contracts Sellinz . 30.000 Pounds
Hops at 17 Cents Filed Yes-
- (From Thursday's Daily.)
The . hop market is very qniet, only
a few lots being held in the state by
growers, and the dealers who, are still
holders, have only small quantities on
hand, and are willing to take chances
on the future of the market, since they
have so little risk, and the, prospects
are considered so good. The only pur
Chase -made this week was by Louis
ehnrnnTr-4k' Co., who bought 50 bales
from. Kola Xeis, of Albany, for 25
eents ber -pduhd.
Two. top contract, were filed yipster
day ia the Marion county recorder's
office, aggregating 30,000 pounds of
delegation, but wanted the unit rule,
Won out. A poll of the Ohio delegation
by Conservatives (opponents to W. B.
Hearst) follows: Conservatives, 35;
Hearst. 6; Palk, 4, which under the
unit rule, wijl give the ' Conservatives
more than three to one. i
t Bryan Wins at Home.
I pmaha, Xeb., ilav 23. The contest
in the Democratic primaries of Douglas!
rounty today resulted in an overwhelm
ing victory for the Bryan forces. The
result is an endorsement for Unnn for
delegate at large to the National Dem
ocratic Convention, i;
Miss Bessie Anderson Is Supposed
Hare Bun Off With, Vance
'" ;.'4 ' '1' ;. Nodine. '
. The following account of an elope
ment from Turner is gi-en- in last
evening's Portland Telegram:
Disguised in a baseball uniform and
seated in a buggy beside the man she
loved, Miss liessie Anderson, 16 years
old, and reported to be. of remarkable
beauty, fled from the home of her par
ents. at Turner, Oregon, and passed
through the center of that town with
out being recognized by the people who
thronged the streets "of that village
Sunday. Frank Davis, a resident of
Turner, and a deputy sheriff of Linn
county are in Portland today searching
for the girl and Vance Xodine, who is
alleged to have accompanied her in her
flight. . '- .. ' I '
The "searchers struck the trail of the
fleeing couple shortly after their sensa
tional elopement and followed them; to
the foothills , of the, Santiam country,
hut thfre their trail .was lost. It is be
lieved that they - took the train and
eame to Portland,, and todsy they are
being searched for in xhis city. .
'Xodine is a married man, and left a
family at Tillamook when he started
X EW YOB K. .May 2-j.-i Wit h' perfect
weather in prospe-t an at least a doss
en high class thoroughbred sure to
start, , the- great Brooklyn Handicap to
morrow at iravesend promises o be
one of the trrestest runninif races ever
There are two circuit" judges to elect in the third judicial district.
Vote for both of the Republican candidates,.- M
and ' t . '
B. l. eddy:
: J "k : Favoring Judge Parker. -k
Montgomery, 5 Ala.,; May 2.1. The
Democratic State Convemtion was held
In Montgomery tolay. Although no in
structions were, given the resdntions
adoptef recite that at the present tivne,
Jadge Paraer is t he ' most available
candidate. , . .'-- - r ' - ;;
s - " - - ! ' "
' : Wyoming for Hearst.
fl V"u.. - tl- "T -: Tl. T:.-.
mle county Dcinocratic coiiuty conven
tion today elected delegates to the state
convention, instructed for Hearst. Lar
amie county is,tbe prinCipa county in
the state, anil Deiiieratie leaders saj' !
it. ..linn will lio fnllnwoil hi' fi-rr-vJ
other county in the state. j j
Tennessee for Parker.)- j
Knoxville, 'Teniil May25. The l)t :n-;
ocjatic State Convention adjourudl iiu-i
til tomorrow, afteV wildly exciting
scenes.; The platform, adopted instructs
the delegates to vote for Parker aud to
vote! as a unit.
i 4-
beautiful story 'are familiar.,.. Beautiful
and appropriate costumes , ; Jiave . leen
provided and "the words of the several
parts have been committed, so that the
I -ii - i :
preseniaxion win. uc ,noi ouiy unique,
but in every way worth seeing.
chief "discredit of the local op-
seen on the American turf. The (tis-J1"11 iruiHsaai " n. i utunt. uu
tance is a mile and a quarter and the true. It is not strange that the Pro
jnrse is valued at. $-0,000. Irish Lad. ' hibitionist is only restrained with the
Ifermis, McChesney, Thej Picket, and greatest difficulty from speaking of the
Africander are the most talked group proposed law as prohibition, for it is
in the list. Irish Lad, whose advantage prohibition. It originated with the
is in weights, is the favorite.' 1 j prohibition camp, and ' it is cleverly
t mm - j sought by that camp to attract .the
CLOSTVa SCEWCs OP OOKFlTEL VCE support of moderate temperance work-
I,OK AXOKLES, May 25. The Meth
odist ( -onference txlay assigned sixteen
bis.bops of the church to tbelr respective
residences for the next quadriennium,
adopted reports of the Epworth League
Committee and committee - on BKk
Concerns, balloted for thrt editor of the !
efs to it. Doubtless the hope is in this
way to increase the permanent follow
ing of the Prohibition party.
Whenever a Prohibitionist in his
zeal refers to this bill as a prohibition
measure he is promptly sat upon by his
1 more discreet mates: but the zealous
r.nworth Herald, and hehl brief memor-' .
. ' . i i-Biii ifiiin iriiuw i p in riirui.
But that is neither here nor there.
ial services in honor ot the memory of
some leading clergymen who have died
within tle past four years.
OMAHA, May 23. Officials of Hie
Union Pacific today completed a. settle
ment of hours. and pay with the tele
graph operators. It is statei the tele
graphers were granted better hours and
increased pay in a large number of
places. l
"It was almost a miracle. 'Burdock
Blood Bitters cured me of a terrible
breaking out all over. the body. I am
very grateful. I Miss Julia Fiibridge',
West Cornwcll, Coun.
The falsity of the non-prohibition-contention
is stamped upon the very face
of the proposed law, which reads: " "
Be it enacted by the People of .the
State of Oregon: '
Section 1. Whenever a petition
therefor signed by not less than 10 tor
cent of the registered voters of any
county , in the state, or sub-division of
any county, or precinct of a county,
shall be filed with the' county clerk of
such county in the manner in this act
prescribed, the county court of such
county f shall-order an "election An lx
held at the time mentioned in such
letitiont and. in the entire district men
tioned in such petition, to determine
hops of the crop' of 1004. A. J. Bayj
of Portland wa the" purchaser in each
case, .and the price to be paid was 17
cents. Aiigtist Rothenberg. of - Aurora;
sold 20,f)00 )wls, and B. S. (uinn,'of
Butteville, 10,000 pounds. Both con?
f racts were datef Aprtl 12.
Ylie realty, transfers V- V lor record
in. the Marion County! recorder 's office
yesterday.aggrega'ted Ithe consideration
of : 13,492, as follows; 1r -M.
and M: H. Wonipole to itiich
a l O'XeilL loO., i acre in
t 5 a, r. 2 w
w d. ,
. 9000
W. I and.;. J Morris to K..K .
and M. E. McKee.'io acres in
t " s. r 1 w'; w d . 2500
C. Fallon to S. A. and L. Peter
son, 15.7 "acres in t 3 s," r 1
w; W" d . . .". ;. . .... . . TOO
A. J. and K. K. Hiehardson to
Svlvania Titus, i acre in sec.
10, t 9 s, r 1 w ; w d C50
K. and S. J. Ferguson to John
. J-', Shoup. lot 2, block 3, South
west addition to Salem; w d.. 350
ti. A. and L. Petenum to C. and
C. B. Danielson 3 acres in t
- 5 , .rli.w w, d--. . .. . 216
J. K. Whitney to Sarah Kennedy
land in Thomas' addition to
Woodbnrn; w d . 0
Citv View Ceraeterv Assn. to J.
M. Lawrence, s' lot 4, block
17, sec. "B," Citv View Cem
eterv; deed .... . J.. ' r . . . 2
P." II. and J.'V. Marlay to Lncin-
8.' .
.Cl'IICAOO, Mav 2.:-,A disi.aK-h to
the Tribune from K?njwria, Kan., says:
William Allen White, Hlifor of the
Kiia llaily i47-tt, ' !: 1-.mi offrrixl
Ifie position of State A'lvoimtant wit
nt pay Tndtr C-ovefnor HhiIov. .i r.
White has nd yet -accepted. The offer
mane by (lovern'or Bailey is the nult
of an elit'ri:il written by Mr. Whit
Jast week, in which he 'said he would
gladly accept the place of State! Ac
countant without a salary. He expressed
the lioliof that a State Ac'conntant
i-otdd find plenty of work. to do in
checking tip the cXH?nditures of I the I
IVceountant was treated
latiire of liMKt, ami pa
IfjOIH a year, but has never neen filled.
: of the Stsfe Jtl
by the lcgiB-jsl
ys a salary "'M
da J,
t 9 s,
Thomas. aeV. of
r 3 w; -q c d
An Open Letter.
Prom the Chapin S. C, News: Early
in the spring mywifo! and I were taken
; i ' i
' fPlTTSBCKO, Pa May .;; 23. Two
deaths and a number of prostrations
wero recorded tonight.v Tne maximum :
temperature was &1 degriecH. . . " ' j
SAX FUANCISfO. May 23 William
Bodenbach. pf Xew York, champion
amateur beaw weight, was given the
decision tonight over Sam Bcrger, of
this city, in a four round contest.
- !
After the ge of 45 or 50, when the vital powers are natnrally weaker.
It Is noticed that a hurt of any kind heals slowly and often a rery insignia
cant agatch-or bruise A J J n 'j.Vat i
becomes a bad ulcer or piiZ YLa I fc-- foraws.
. aore. At this time of bot is hmA is M bm t tnfii- mdittc ; i
Tstl' JZZZ-hZ - - littl. than eb orr,bt wwiM
life warty . growtflS, hmi. . xhia eoaUnnsd for aeaae tls thsm th Games
-1 -A -.:.rviv w.-.. .( .-y - mttil it ran as lax as a
w yy - -TTf r Yiilxi. ct 8. S. 8. and dsWrsninad
nave oecu on iuc ooay -j,. it f alr txiL aa It is rmr sable wast a
' almost from bi rth begin w.rfu -ffi t th ir-i- ; tk. .or
; to inflame and fester.-?. ?JtV?'ltV lVZ ZVtl'lTl
nt before verv antr -till mltnxm of tH Csncr, ti'l my-rBsrs-l aeaita
large eating 'ulcers: tin- H wrs aa
Whenever a sore or ulcer Is slow In healing then yotj may be sure
omething: is radically wrong -with your blood. Some old taint or poison
that has been slumbering, there for year, Is beginninff to asert tUelf,
and breaks out and becomes a bad ulcer and perhaps the bejrinmn of
Cancer. These 14 sores are rooted in the blood, and while washes.,Soaps.
salves, etc . keep the surface deaij, they are not healinr-' A. blood
snedictneto pnfy and strenjttien ine poiiutea diooo
and a tonic to build up the general system is wnax
is needed, and S. S. S. is just such, a remedy. . Ke
poison is so powerful and no- jna . so ceaaiy
that this ereat vegetable ; blood remedy cannot reach
It, and ulcers of every kind quickly yield to its wonderful curative prop
ertics. If you bare sn old sore or ulcer, : write us all about it, and rfl edi
ct 1 advka or any information you may desire will be given by oar phyti
Cisas without rhatxe. J7.T SITTFT CPTCmC COm ATIAOTA, GZm '
. . . - . i . . . " . . i
'It is, not loeal jOption. t is county, prohibition. It will enable
the people of ; one community to .say whether the people of another
in the same 'county shall have prohibitioh, ' demoralizing communi-
tis and driving people away, anl plaeing the btisincss of liquor
selling into: the worst; hands. It will, if ensctd, do Orogou bun- -drcds
of thousands of dollars worth of damage, befote it can 1m
repealed, and will bring no benefits whatever. The proposition is
wholly bad. dishonest and unfair. It has demoralized j and almost
depofxdatcd many Texas towns. Tbe proposition is not deferring
of the vote of any Hon-t or fair man, because it is one sailing
under false Colors, intended to deceive, and because it will do damage-
instead of good, and retard the growth of Oregon! as nothings
cL eoald.--- .Vdv. .
whether '. the .sale of intoxicating liq
uors shall Ve prohibited in such county
or sub-division, of such county or in
such precinct. - - - .
-'- Thi proposal . is Mished njion atten
tion by the s aswertio- that its. jjtote
scope is te enable the residence tn
tions of a city-to keep, saloons oat of
their boundaries. This is t the under
standing upon "which - moderate tem
peranne workers have" been licgsilcd
into support of the set.-.Oue f thfpr
posal's rowt highly moral advocates
(in his own prtenw) and most highlr
crooked (in fact), lwaov he cannot
state any qoextion or Tact hoaesttv, has
said over his own signature that the
application of the law will be 'ctn
fined to residence districts.'. '
- Xeither be nor any other man has
right to say, what. the appliration
of the law" will be.T'Tbe law itself di'
terminus that,: Xo man' is honest who
undertakes to pielge the applieatieir
a law Wore, it v is enactcl. -He- has
neither the authority t promise --- nor
tbo power, to. fulfilL The. first section
of the law,, aa we have. .quoted it, pro
vides that'll per cent of the voters V'
any eonnty can compcf an election, and
if prohibition carries prohibition. is .the
with diarrhoea -and severe were the
pains that w called a physician who
prescribed fof n, Jmt his medicines
failed to give any relief. A friend who
had a bottle of . ChambcrUia's Olie,
Cholera, and Diarrhoea Kemdy on hand
gave tis each a dose and we at nce
felt the- effects. ' J procured a ; bottle
and before using the entire contents
we were entirely cured. It is a wonder
ful "remedy and" should le found ia ev
ery, household. If. C Bailey, editor.
This remedy is for sale by all druggists.
Miss . Elizabeth Mo well of Vancou
ver, wlia has. dn visiting friends in
Willamette ITuiversity, returned home
yesterday. JShe was a student of the
University during the winter and last
year. - .-.
A Modern
Fo? any of.the ills of either j .
Mind or Body
So 'few homes are prepared to
give either proper care or com
fort neteatary for recovery. Tli5s
sanatorium is ezpre-cly fitted up
for the comfort and attention re
quired by the Invalid. - The very
conditions exist here, that ia"
needed to bring back ft health
the worn. out or fretful
aick one. ' The sanatorurm is
so perfectly arrangvU that pa
tients rc-ive the best of atten.
tion. 8eiarate rooms properly
ventilated and all hygienic con
ditions perfect. All t he comforts
of the most elegant home; com
bined with skillful nurses aud
constant attention. - Every con
venieooe for all fcurgical cases.
Address orvisit - ,
lie ftoe worn
Corner Winter and Ferry cjtreets
. SSSrf
i it .
M M m H M H i
Mada-Young Again. .
"One f DrVfetnga Kew Life pills
each, night (fWt two weeks has put me
in vty . tn agaiOf writes P. II.
Turner, of JDempset-towa," Ta. They're
the best in the world for Hver, sbnmaeh
and bowel Pnrely vegetable. - Sever
gripe.-, Ouly 2e, .at Dsn J. Fry's Uug
slore. ';..,- v - .. . ., .. ..
Capital National Bank
Of BaJetn Transacts a (eucrsl Jtank
ing iSusines. - .
Savlsgs Bask Dep.rlraeot
Pays three ier cent interest on Bar
ings account,. Cotnp'iunded setiil
anuually. Deposits of one dollar
or more ret i red at any time. Pass
book, issued to e:ich depositer. J
iv ii ysr i i a ;
r r. i '
for Infants and Children.
TIicTKIimI Yon llare Always llouslit has b-aruc tli .Sgiia
tnre ofClias. II. Klietclier, anil liiis Ioett inadrt under his
personal supervision io over" tlO yean. AHiv no oMf. .
t6 deceiro yo lu tliis. Counterfeit), ImilRthais and
i Jnst-as-froofl are but Experiiitents, aiu.1 entUiigr the
t health, of Childreu Iixperienco agalrist UxpH-Titneiit.
Tne Kind Ton Have Always, Bought
Bears the Signature of
IJgjJjJJ SI ' M ' L
In Use For Over 30 Years. "
l rrtv
WlfliTE-. Sifl !RT WAISTS
i -New
from 5c a yard up.
Mil inpri
If J
at low prices.
and a great variety j of
frames. Reasonable
prices, newest styles
and good quality.
302 Commercial St. - Salem, Or.
The De Laval
5 --i
i '-" - '; : ' .
t ' 3 ' :" ... .
Cream Separator
Ssvcs lis eow STery yes r. .
6o!d on laitsllmenu $5 to 110 no.
Hare De LstsU xasde than alt the rest
pot together. '
Get one snJ you'vs got tSe very best.
225 CwnmcrcUl St. Phone 2401
Salem - - Oregon
We treat sucpovfullj' nil I rival',
nervous ami chronic disivxsMify also 11 I,
stomach, heart. liver. fci liK-v ai,i tbro.it
jtrobtles. .We cure ..SVl'lllLLIS (with-
ont niercurv) to stav cured forever, it
30 to GO day. We remove STU I CT IT.:-:
without operation or pnirt, in 15 '''J-
WEEK.- ,
The dewtororth- instiiut are all
regular gra.Iuatcn, hive --.ha-l rrmiv
years' exjrienoe, hav lcen Imma .a
1'ortlnuil for 15 y-;irs, . have a r'f-ut.i-lioja
to maintniu. an-1 ' will "iindertnlt? bi
e.ase unless certain cure can If cfficto-
We rurmiie m enre Jn cver tr.e we :n h
take or t ftre uo lei-. Corisulttion frw.
ter wtiMfuiUl. Ior4icucc BO"K K
aiallcl free In wrr.r. :
if you cannot cU at ollioe wri'.c for queiti
bUiik lor borne treatment.' .'
Office noun to 5, an-i 7 to"i Scadnj 1" f i-
Th leading p-iiUsU in the Nor!het.
" Kitablisibed JV3.
,Vmm Hoy Mots I. ft. K. Cor. Third
art Mine trt.
ifTe ret ef
tui4tnwAi A
-. t.Kun. r. I
Bold la Salts r H C. VXamrn,
Wc nunke are tuaile from 1 he
Kurt" iatteni, whieli ha
IieeD a succras in hop houses
rdiI given the best of m(U
foction. - " ?
I We tye as tntirrJjr '
Kew friction feed
' .!'". "
wlni-h is going to ljeVxtcn-
lively uwd JrirSawinUla.t'--Iecilly.'
ft foWawy with
rfeam feed, In jat a l?ixl,
and very much cheaper.
--I ' ". -:- :n wT7ai rftr:' vlS
iron Works
Marcus, Daley & Sband,
I' Proprietors.
Front ami State. , l'hntie 2313 D'a k
Mm. .-in
mm is
This wonfl-rfJ'
Chjhesa doctor '
ca.lla -rcae t"
eause he cures t'
pla witboyt opcr
tlo it aro rlvr''
p to die Hi cur"
iXsi iui; :
ful CluneH berl, roots, bud.
and vesreUblea. Uat are entirely
known to mc-Kal aclence In th' cW'
try. TbrovrH ttv u.- of thse hir'
less remedJe. thl : famous doct r
know- the action of over KK diff-:""1
remedies which he muccejmi uliy
different diseases. He puvaJit
cure catarrh. : wthms, lu0J. thrf.
rheaxnattem. nervounc. '""XrJt
m.tMiwj9 w.ujcr.
manhood, all crivat-? diseatf"
hundreds of' teatimoniala.
moderate. . . r
' rall and see him. Consultation v'
ratient out of ihe city
blank and circuTar. .Hnclose , '
,lUMlrm 1 II? V, JT . v -
cine Co.. 2i3 Alder street.
Oregon. Mention tills , pajxr
Cliss. '.IV,' Henwm left yenterany for
the nituing diqtrictx of Itlnho nul i!n-
Cancer Cure Guara
No kuire..no rxiin. Why
with X-rays when yon have o"t,,',r:
sureoCVredou? rmvnytnTH'--iencs.
riend fi.r iHiiijlil,t,'rr,ul"-1
ZJ) Yamhill tftrvtl, rorlluii'l, Orcff' '