2 TEE .VtXKLY CZZGVi STATES'.!! mi w w n . ..... . "i 'iWmvw o 1 1 rubUthed every Tuesday and FrftUy by the STATESMAN FCBLIfHUfQ C03CPAST . J- HOfMtlCKS. Manager. T. T. GEK&. Editor. SUBSCRIPTION KATEST year n advance ... ........... ........ P months, in advance.... ....... ......... T Jiree month, ia advance 0irear, en Um.......,. " ftjM ja The Statesman haa been established ft nearly CftyHwo yean, and it baa some anbaenbera who witw 11 nearly uu lonj, and many woo hay read U for a generation. Soma n inese object to having tne paper dlaontinned t ine time of a Tiratim at th4w for the benefit of these, and for other roaeona are havaeonclnded t4iaoontinoe aatxcrlpUona en ly when n-ntfied to da ao. A' ' peraon paying jrhen obacrtbnf, or paying ia advance, wlil hare th benefit of the dollar rate. Bst 11 ther do not pay f r mix month, the rate will be TL2S a year. Hereafter we will send the paper to ail persona wn ora.- it, tnoarb they nay not aend the money, with, the understand Miatuiey are to pay l a year, ia eaae they let, the attbaertnUon account rnn nwmr mi wototha. - In order that there may be no min d??n V D -,we 711 P this notice ""1rt 1 ft t la tat S-iteaM CIRCULATION (SWORN) OVER 4000 REPUBLICAN TICKET . STATE. ' Cor Justice of the 5upreme Court, P. A. MOORE. Tr State Food and Dairy Commis sioner, i - . J. W. BAILEY. For Presidential Electors, J. X. IIAKT. JAS. A. FEE, GRANT B. DIMICK, A. C. HOUGH. i CONGRESSIONAL For Member Congress First . triet, BINGES HERMANN. , Second District, j J. N. WILLIAMSON. Dis- j$lt Humors Are. impure matters Which the akin, liver, Moneys and other organs-can not take care of without help there is such an accumulation of them. i : They litter the whole system. f Pimples, boils, eczema and other eruptions, loss of appetite, thai tired feeling, bilious tarns, fits of indiges tion, 'doll headaches and many other troubles are due to them. Hood's Sarsaparilla j and Pills Eemove all humors, overcome all their - effects, strengthen, tone and invigorate the whole system. "X bad salt rnenm on my bands so that I could not work. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla and It drove oat the humor. I contained Its bn tin the sores disappeared. Mas. La O. Bxows, Bomford Falls, Me. pv Hood' Sarsaparilla promises) to cure and keeps) the promise, i JUDICIAL DISTRICT. For Judgex, - ! " -. ';. . .... CEO. II. BURNETT, of Marion. H. It. EDDY, of Tillamook. For Prosecuting Attorney, JOHN IL M'NARY, of Marion. MARION COUNTY TICKET Count v Judge John II. Scott. Vheriff W. J. Culver, .lerk John W. Roland. Assessor Fred J. Kiee. Treasurer W. Y. Richardson. Recorder John C. Siegmund. School Supt. E. T. Moorrs. .'rmmiiS8iciier I. C. Needhaui. Surveyor 11. B. Herriek. ' Coroner A. M. dough. Representatve-rJo:t Calvert, Hub bard; J. G. Graham and T. B. Kay, Sa Jew.; John Ritchie,; Scoots Mills: Jesse If. Settlemicr, Wood burn. COMMITTEEMEN. Chairman Htate Central Committee .Frank C. Baker, I'ortland.. - Chairman. Congressional t'entral Com tniftee Walter L. Toozc', Woodburn. Member SState Central Committee Hal if. Patton, Kaletu. Chairman Conntw central Committee Chas. -a. Murphy. Salem. For Justice of thefl'eace, H. II. TURNER. For Canntalde, I ROBT. O. DONALDSON. e MISTAKEN. How lid she knww bii heart was hers f He xitc( no word Of lovo t her. How did she know That when she passed or touched him m His puUo wai stirred T How did "ho rel his secret thoughts. . . : " And Tiever err! How did be kuow her glances thrilled His sonll That all hi heart was filled With love for iier? . - How did she know their life would . b One glad aweet song? To'tell the truth, she didn't know These things: , she thouirht that j - - i tney were so; But slie was wrong. . Scotsman. the nice , attentions she receives' both in public and private, because she is an oil woman. She does not take into con sideration, however, that there ia a cer tain personality which not only receives these attentions, but which demands them. There are elderly ladies,! and gentlemen, too, for that matter for whom one can no more think of refusing a favor, or of failing to offer one 'a ser vices, than the days can refuse to jun. TLese have maintained a brightness, a cbt rm of expression, through the years of life, that catches the eye of tha young. What is so truly attractive as a smiling, benevolent eountenanee. bear ing the imprint of years, yet showing that; youth of heart and kindness of t tbinght so often met with? It is such as Clara Morris, who, having passed ihict:gh lines of hard work, worry and trouble, yet maintains that eheeriness of fharaetcr till end, who makes one really' believe in the brightness of old age. j It makes one feel content to reach the age of the sere and yellow leaf, the autumn of life, when one can look back on the battle well fought, the victory won.: and enjoy in one 's derlining years the fruits of tbevietory in the shape of a bH'l'y. Hunny temperament, mellowed till it gbjwtt refulgent over all. disaster were thns prevented at Balti- more and St. Louis last year. - ' ; The Treasury buys gold bullion at a priee fixed, by law; it sells gold bars at a price that barely ccvers the cost of makinjr the bars; it gives certifi cates that circulate as money for gold coin and silver! dollars. It does not away, furnishing for every , kind and! denomination of currency such other kind and denomination as may be de sired, when' and where" it may "be need ed, at the cost of transportation or even leas. It exchangee new money, for old; it takes op '' 1 mmmm" - Csaststl THROUGH IDAHO V Csaststloa, kllaeva VinfoMtOiraodl .... arm. beaithl tintil i thm at one THH AND THE WATER by taklnz the! HOT. Bitters. It nev. t uie most severe Nature Has Strangely and Generously JTtVTWW A V, few WUUWA . Vi m AiVV" endorse) it. Tnr ii m hatatu It it also unequal led as a pre ventive of Ma tebv f ever asJ ae. i less Region Real Martyrs in Wyom ing, Shown By the Tact That They Stay There. - SGALPJiyLlOURS llct'rj, Scaly M Crust: j Willi Loss of Hair S;::iily Mi j by Caticura Soap and Ointnant old. worn oat bank notes j THE WAY TO DO IT. At. a convention of the Vermont State Good Roads Association in Mont peliT recently, a delegate advocated a l ri,vnjv tor me purpe Bta ,,: thv .,.. nf titt.ir of building &J0 miles of highway the governments. The United States Gov Icnjfth of the state. This roadway Lnnnxnt nrrat. if. n.-.t - I -a' -a-v"ivvvaa nm.ai j3Uv p uiiijr vrinot lor pront. lut for the benefit of and issues new certificates of deposit lebrated. although the greatness of 1 la . a-, a or new bUU therefor. It gathers in I many things that have occurred in the ir,P P naae river tnroagn the the small coins and give for them j world's. history have had to await ree-1 Weiaer valley is most deb'ghtfuL - This bankable funds, and again hands these I ognition. Time and the eoneommitant I wma a waste country excepting for small coins ont daily to the great eon-results have proven the value of many ajner range for stock .until a system e eras that need them for change, all I historical events, which in the day of I f irrigation ws iaaognrated, which this without cost, i , j their consummation "received but small I kas served to not only develop and per- Ia writing of this the New Yora I measure of appreciation. " . I feet its possibilities as to stock raising Times says; "Every great nation The Louisiana Purchase being cele-1 but has proven it one of the best fruit needs and must have a central banking I biated today In St. Louis, and the Lew-1 regions to be f6nnd anywhere. Some of institution, whose chief and most im-1 is and Clark Expedition are eases in the finest orchards imaginable are portant function is to supply the eireu- J point. But the importance of the canal j growing ia this narrow valley, in kind lation. Some nations ' approach the j has been long appreciated and under-1 and splendid condition j equalling the task of creating such an institution di-j stood, and it is right and proper that j best to be. seen in California, rectly. others go about it by lndxrec-1 the completion thereof be properly eel-1 The totwns of Weiser,' Payette and tion. - The methods diner, according to lebrated by the world. It is also emi-1 Ontario I ahow evident r,f r.nB;m the extent by whieh national actions nently correct that the celebration prosperity on every hand resulting from' respeet the logic of the" situation, or should take place on the Pacific coast the increased use of the available water are controlled by a multiplicity of mo- where the results of its opening wul in adjoining steams, and one cannot re- tives with which logie has-very little be felt in the greatest measure. frain from wondering what means will to. do. i ; I j ultimately', be employed in raising the The United States belongs to the lat- J Ju the election to take place on June water from Snake river to the level of' ter category. The irony of fate, in the eta in this eitv and eountv. there is no the surroundine countrr and iitr it! 1 . i ; a. x I 9 e. -i onK run, vmuicates me logic or every i por&ible reason why any one should vote iot imgatine purposes: for tbia mar- lA. A 1 1 !l ' M I j I ' .tuaWon, ana oecauae irony, 01- other than a straieht Republican ticket eificent stream iroea lidinir thr,.ffh ten, one might almost say always, f,nm top to bottom. The men who have hundreds of thousands of aeres of har. leaves tne logical exponent or the sit- been nominated for the various offices ren land that would be capable of sus- uation in the lurch.. I from Rnnrema f!onrt Jnrti' mnA Cn. I taihino- a nnmiUtiA. Af .: Very few people of the United States i gressman to constable of this preeinct water, flowing uselessly to the sea I really understand the absolute, impor-laru men well worthy of the support of J could be turned from its channel to do tanee of the United States Treasury, j every voter in the county, j There is J daty on these sage brush plains. And and when the currency question was up-1 nothing can be said against the char-fit seems the more out of harmony with permost in the minds of the people a I acter of a single one of them, and there J the fitness of thingsthat the surface of j lew years ago, and a demand was made I is not one of them not fully capable to I tie river is but a few feet below the! that the United Mates Government get j fill worthily and well the positions to adjacent ; country frequently but ten out or the rmning business, few knew I which he has been nominated. jfet but the topography of the plains uai was iinpueu uy mis upmanu. vjmy men who are connected with large fi nancial institutions, really appreciate the position actually occupied bv the great Independent Trersury of the United State in the financial world. It is an institution in which every prop erty holder of the United States is a full partner to the amount of his bus inewt with the National banks of the different eities. ) These banks, and who. ever does business with them, are all protected to a large extent by the Na tional Treasury. The Bank of England and the Bank of France are 'run for profit of their stockholders, notbwitb- f Editorial Correspondence.) On a cool, cloudy day like this, the 173 ETEfY Otto RZHIJY fill Fiiysiclans Fail corresponds with the fall of the river The doom of the peroxide blonde j an1 11 s impossible to utilize it by has been sealed. Throughout the pa8tjmean8 of the law of gravity; ; theatrical season it has been evident! Wut tui" wl" not always be so. : The The Democrats have still a few menf inSennitJ" f man, stimulated by iieces-j of sense and sound judgment. The-sejs"J win ; uuimaieiy overcome a ait ua- deciJci to a man that they did not! .on WJcre an enormous quantity of care to be "rrueified on a cross of I water sweeP" through a country that in gold"' this year by accepting nomina-j irKe,J "x"'"' for the want bf the very nous tor omee on tle eounty Demo- mv,eil,rw WBlco " iaiHanziniriy coinir - n ,-.' .',....-: : f ''Warm shampoos with Cutlenra Soap and Ught dressings of Cutlcura, the great skin cure, at once stop falling hair, remove crusts, ! scales and dan druff, soothe irritated. Itching surfaces, destroy hair parasites, stimulate the hair follicles, loosen the -scalp akin, apply the root with energy and npuiv lanment, and make the hair grow upon a sweet,' healthy scalp when all else fall. :'-r ; Minions of the world's best people use Cutlcura Soap, assisted by Cutl cura Ointment, the great skin cure, for preserving, purifying and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the sealp of crusts, scales and dandruiT, and the stop ping of j falling , hair, for softening. whitening and soothing red, rough and sore hands, for-, baby rashes, ltchlngs and chailngs, for annoying irritations and inflammations, or too free or oflen sive perspiration, for ulcerative weak-- nesses. and many antlseptle purposes which readily auggest . themselves to women, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery. Complete treatment lor every Hu mour, consisting of Cutlcura Soap, to cleanse the skin, Cutlcura Ointment, to heal the skin, and Cutlcura Resolvent Pills, to cool and cleanse the blood, may now be had for one dollar. A single set is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, dis figuring, Itching, burning and scary humours, eczemas, rashee and irritations, from infancy to age, when all else falls. - fia fcna T Ca.rol.M CaM nila. Sie. ear vtel f ant. ftatam,n, Sam. Ma. DniMi Eaaaaa. Caawr atMHilWtt.Katatb faiii.rtn. UTCI.Mtaa a. nan Urmg a caaaa. C-r,. Sola iBf-utvavaa aay Hi far between in fact, for a hundred miles of occasional homes no school house or church- is to be seen, , though women and children abound asa relief cratic ticket. ..They are also trying to kill off all those- who did accept nomi nations by trading them for votes for their candidate for county judce, a Woodburn gentleman, and a Xalem man who is one of eheir Legislative candi date. It seems loo bad to have to ac cept a nomination and then put up for campaign expenses knowing well one's would have- touched sbire in the state excent two. Iti.. ...,1.1;. ti.. i. "' . I party is simply uainir him as a bumper. It' strikes the writer that VeVmontjuted to the public chiefly through the would be able to build pretty ? good I national banks,' although private finan-jtnat tue bronette has been regaining roads at this rate. However, there isjcial institutions and individuals share ner place in the choruses of Broadway; no reason whv th il I in these benefits. land now one of the leadittir nnrrrriwi I " I - . - . - r . .., ': . . i. one, for either the state, or each: couft-l The payment of fifty millions of dol-l musical comedy has made it his sel- luiru "ou,n tq: each other, make the ty, to issue lionds for the purpose ofMars to France and Panama within re-tIel policy to permit no false blonde m8t ott I ... I .) : 1 1 rmym . f & A -, .1 '11 . ... . - I-. . 1 1 ' 1 . .. . I O.. .. 4 t.. .. F I 1 . - . . """""I! bw roauM. i ue coming gen-1 - i- n uubb wuboui ine ais-io a-yycar in uis snows, as it is met :.wuinrr, juuo is an interesting 1 erations would receive the benefit as j turbance of a single financial condition, J avowed aim of the modern theatrical consistency, :.a continual contradiction of well as the present, and there is noowin to the exchange power of this manager to follow public taste, not to itself. The richest land to be found n-ason why tbey should not bear a part S51 Antral National Bank. Had the lead it,' it is obvious that, off the stage ' y country will adjoin a stretch of of the expense. Of course a country Un,te1 States Government been entire-las on it, the vogue of the chemical other land that as far as the eve can raversfd by good roads in every direc- j dependent on private banking enter-1 blonde has come to an end. We are see and this often means a; hundred ion a splendid heirloom for the com-j prisca for the transfer of this enormous J living in the twilight of that goddess! niiles is not worth n nickel a thousand ng generations, but there are manv Bum tne rc"H't would have been of a I whom we have learned to know, in riant I acres, and never will be. n-inr who feel that the present cannot af-Jfar diff"tharacterf and the expense j Homeric phrase, as the Per-Ox-Eyed j topography, rendering it impossible to te waste. When this difficulty shall j th? otherwise monotonous landscape. have been overcome the industrial revo lution which is in store for this sage brush country is a 1 mow inconceivable.! I a traveling through It you will see field of alfalfa that shows a growth so luxurious that the imagination could not surpass it, the result of irrigation. while beyond the fence, but three feet distant, begins a growth of sage brush But Idaho has manv valuable re sources and the Idahoan is jealous of the good name of his state and of its future. As an evidence of that compen sating kindness of Nature, it has been disrovcrod ia this land where timber is nil and coal is nit, the rrust of the earth is very thin thinner than at anv other known point, anil consequently, it is possible to bore for hot water and steam that perhaps extends as far can see, fit only for the eovote and jack which can usod for Seating public rabbit, a i condition, by the wav, jthat buUtiinK', an1 residences. For this these skulking, timid animals, evidently timely discovery the people of I, la ho are uucviru tu v-vionei iienry i. xemniing, the State Geologst of Pennsylvania, only work by stanJing on cakes of thick ice. But the copper mustbe had. The. leading men of Idaho are arrang ing for a grand reception to be given Colonel Demming in the near future He will make the special trip for the purpose and ia order to make further investigations along this line. ' One of the most thriving little" cities in Central Idaho is Nam pa, where the branch road to Boise, twenty miles away to the north, leaves the main Jine Nam pa, has the finest hotel east of Portland until you get t I was iroin to say Omaha, but perhaps ChkHKo would be better. '-An Idaho earital..t named Dewey, who had accumulated more money than he knew what to with, and who, like Carnegie, wants to die poor, concluded to hurry the matter along by building an enormous hotel at Natnpa, where his interests have bee and are. Of course this hotel is tk. one distinguishing architectural feature . L . , i . .... oi tne low n, out ii is a spienuia hust ness point and no doubt has a irool substsntial future. . ' We are now (Saturday afternoon' . Western Wyoming, and speeding alon through the coal fields where long trains of ears loaded with the products of the mines are leaving in ' different directions or standing on sidines. In the midst of a country as unattractive as the imagination could conjure. . occasionally, without any warning or indication of a change, suddenly plunge into a thriving' little city with manv pretentions' ; toward modern eonveiv, lences. But beyond the suburbs if they are Suburbs the country at once becomes so wretchedly desolate that th jack rabbit has vacated, the coyote, through commendable pride in his fam ily name, gives it a wide berth, and even the occasional sage brush which thoughtlessly intended, apparently, -to locate here, -make a feeble effort to support its struggling branches, i but finds no encouragement save the little that is furnished by its sympathetic neighbor which manages. to keep up the forms of life under the blighting name of grease wood. j I Evidently, the Maker of the universe Completed the job right here, and with what odds and ends were, left, bunched them, together and scattered them un indexed across the western part t Wyoming, a little coal now and then having unintentionally found its way into the heap. And yet, there are so mo good sections of country in Wyoming, but why people live here when "there is a Pacific Coast beckoning fur millions more people whre life is worth living, is a conundrum not easviof solution. The real fact is. however, that people who live here and . do all thy ran to de velop what resources the country , af fords, contributing to the wants of other sections of the United States,. ar -entitled to great credit, are g'nuinn -.v. heroes, and should rank unquestionable " with those Other martyrs who fill , prominent and grand a place on tlio most interesting pages of the World's history. -' - M-' . . T. T. 0. ' ' "-essBssssssssss" mm , . TO VISIT THE SCHOOLS. Orand Army Veterans Will Make Their Annual Round and Talk Pat riotism to the Pupils. ford the expense. Then why not let the future help to pay for these good roads? ' f. wan better roads Oregon - would prove a far more attractive country to the immigrant than it is today, j Good roads are an investment, and ;j while there is a dearth of individual capital for these improvements, perhaps! there f of exchange and transfer to the Gov ernment would have been very great. As it as, the transfer or payment of these vast sums was made largely by ! simple bookkeeping entries, and thej money itself was not moved . from the centers of trade nor taken away from the natural commercial exchange fields. That the Independent' Treasury of Juno. ' I place it under irriiration vw it - c aa t a, were available. And large sections of Ic seems that one reason for suggest-1 t is valueless oa account of the qdalitv inc that Uncle Joe Cannon should run rOT tne or rather the absence of for ice President was the fear that he would lift the House of Represent a- And timber fs as scarce as available tives above the United States Senate. Democratic candidates for the Presi- He is undoubtedly maintaining the dency. From some points you can see ucusc as an integral part of the Gov-J ' hundred f Ibi Kind Yob ftait Alwm fcrtt the United States is a irreat bank i. , ' ' "vwl ' " Zi".: PP"7, ' is no dearth of good security on which evident to .11 wh ' "" lVMa tft te and yery a,rection,;and not so much a. one .... . .1 " " 'J r"""- H'resident must all a e a OLD AOS A BLESSING. " V- Clara Morris, American's famous and favorite actress, has come out strongly in a declaration that old age is a bless ing. She says woman should look for ward to old age as the supreme happi- ne. of life. There is a good ' deal of philosophic truth, in her hypothesis, but in most eases it depends oa the woman. Miss Mcrris speaks happjly and feelingly of 10 make the loans neecssary, and the roads themselves would soon pay back the interest and principal by the in- creaso in values all over the country of not only real estate, but of stoek and everything else. - ' ' ! Why not consider this proposition? TO CELEBRATE ITS OPENING. The merchants of San Francisco are determined to hold an exposition in that city to celebrate the opening of the Panama Canal, which event thv ' ml GREAT BANKING INSTITUTION. Lost Hair Mv hair came nm h h h ful, and the gray hairs began to creep in. I tried Ayer's Hair vigor, and it stopped the hair from com ing out and restored the color. Mrs.M. D.Gray, No. Salem, Mass. There's a pleasure in offering such a prepara tion as Ayers Hair Vigor. It gives to all who use it such satisfaction. The nair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and 9 aiw V j giossy. And you fee! so I sf5urc in usinS sucn an I old. and reliable prepara- 1 a utut. U ernrisok ' If VOUT drturariat ii ? sshI wo wVui-Sa.' j olrour nesrt e,,:r-,8 on'reT AdriIl CO.. LowelU Mm. count wita. Theleo or any, kind comes within the en I power of an able man as Speaker o tire range of vision. And vet for aom ..... . - I... , ! . I imi Douy is really only second, to the g ke three hundred miles we travel tcr u i-e x resiaent nimselC i aiong the onake river vallev- vfcti. aoonnfa- 1. V A . l. . . . b , "'"'rj mai m manv mum A pie famine is one of the calamities I 8how "mistakable evidences of thrift which Boston has experienced of late,I, '0'ort such as it is consisting owing to thd strike among the bakers. " measiows, orchards, hay stacks F ortunatcly, tthe disaffection has not Utt OTer f rom It year and herds of extended to the purveyors of beans and ctll n the adjoining hills, but mere coIfish. As i these three articles eon- 8nck for houses, as a rule no barns at stitute the standard diet in that city I11 ald j the general appearance to livo (From Thurs-lay's Daily.) The following appointments of run- rades of the G. A. if. have ben maU' by -Post Commander Uriiriin of Se.ic ' wick Post No. 10 G. A. I., to visit tl. public schools of the eitv at 1:3 r. m. onj-'riday, May 27, it leing the Friday -preceding Memorial Day: I.in.Al. U..k..l -VI' U .1 :.. t .... who, through some of his investigations, Batehelder. S. B: Watkins discovered that the crust of, the earth Pork School II. Smith, Comrad in Idaho is very thin, which accounts Irk't E..L. Briggs. for the. numerous hot springs through- pMt h?5,,W4. H' r-vr". J- U .... .. . v "b Barnes, H.B. Ormsbv. T.f. Smith out this entire region. . ... Central School-D. Webster, S. Kleff- Accordingly, the Colonel informed man, James Fisherj some of his Boise friends of his susni-l orth S-ho6l Jj II. Fairbanks. L. IK eions. ar.d tho result i f hat .air i,cnry . Urager. the business houses and , residences in Boise are heated with hot water pro cured by boing holes under the town. So the Idahoan, when reminded, that his state has no timber, replies by say ing that they don't need timber. Its absence renders it unnecessary to clear it off the land, and if they require heat'' they merely bore a well and nature fur-j nisbes it in endless quantities! " - u . . u . unL up- van n s r ww .1. . . . . . ------ . i wo iviimon riiilinif i iri i, I .mi that point that at a depth of 2000 feet mercial street were badly flchtcned at water is found with a temperature of a late hour Tuesday evening ty one of 220 degrees Fahrenheit, or eieht de- hoe ?'Knt I,row,rs wl,H n,'",r . ... ' . . . , to society and common decency. The grees above boiling. This is a wonder- ladies were workihg in the basement of ful discovery and one that is going to the house when a man knoekeit, and on be of vast Importance to this entire in- their refusal to answer, demanded ad land region. For several months in each "'"Pt'd to force the . -. . . ... . door open. The ladies were badlv fneht- winter at is exceedingly cold in Boise, ned and began to scream, one'of them eoal ranges from $10 to $15 a ton, and leaping through a closed window in the at times cannot be had at alL : It is I a ana badly cutting her face, J9 Bsantks Bigaatare f LADIES BADLY SCARED. Night Prowler Visits Two Defenseless Women Who Scream for J Help. ngure will take place about 1914 or 1915. This will be one of the greatest events of the twentieth century, and will mA..4- l.l .. The development of the Independent k. " JvTl 2 " "n mmm - - . - I w owiVJt7 C b ajtuvu a: IMOr iMTfl- 'I nan h ireasury or the United States since I ...t. n, ftl. t. ; , I with a larre part of th cnUri ' I here no longer than a .t.v. A wweis or the earth that 600 fami-l e found on the premises, the cries f. 1846 has been one of the greatest and Y& WlU M lation h71Kli e":!d.Pla Unred 4.fl. r H to town and lived in tent. Ipnd. noise, of shattered g.a ev , ... 7. . . wrjnjr mierraiea m re conclusion of I Z' 'J " " ouiu oe en most wonderful achievements of theLi,.. .. ?. hailed bv tha etfi .v. world's financial history. This great ZVJlIZr'T-.r lot all of tAem .t 1 bank of the Government was designed 1 : ! f- 1 inir to e.tpa7i7.. iri"' ITZZT aU "lebration a great success. 'KuaiHi; - B7 V DbdUBl S UII V IS III VHIH a a n. B W . - . . . 11 " ways ntungthat great events very many towns ia Massachusetts " """-ory saouia p appropriately eel- ,re making arrangements for the fa ng systems wherein private cap ital was interested, but 'through the changes of time it has come to perform all the functions of a central national bank, eeepting the receiving of indi vidual deposits, dealing in foreign and domestic exchanges and discounting. This great central bank makes pos mbl immediate exchange by telegraph of j large sums of money, " oftentimes thus preventing panics in different parts of the country, the effects of which panics would have been far- reaching in their disastrous results. It enables the banks of the central financial city of the New World. New York, to help their country correspon dents, by permitting the extenstou of prompt assistance to them in tunes of trouble, GROWING J LENGTHWISE You want the children tn crow,, but not all lengthwise. When they start that way -uiii emulsion win heiD ecnredjthat wiU justify a removal to a oetter country in which to locate. a ecessaruy under these condition e school houses and ehnrches are few and A TEXAS WON PER HALL'S GREAT DISCOVERT. One small bottle of the Texas Won- official proclamation inviting .n . vL " XV9. wcarery. enres aM er.. TT ... .a said that Boise was kept so warm lastL CC' "F.1 , . , ... " neighbors hastened to the rescue on winter by hot water and steam from I hearing the screams, but no one cot.M the bowels of the earth that 600 fami-1 be found on the premises, the cries for 9m i lacniiy zrigntcning tne scamp awav. " ":iai inuuiui iwii 1 1 n tr inn rfun mt.l . - . , . -T- ri won oi building operations. LOCAL ENTHUSIASM. servance of Old Home Week, and Gov ernor Bates has been asked to issue an mer residents of. the Bay Bute U re turn and join in making the week's observance a memorabU one. A Japanese physician, Dr. Nogncjii, has discovere! what he clcaims to be a l'Kitive antidote for saake bite, in the (meat. saw ' a. J U . V " wiaaaer troubles, removes gravci, enres diabetes, seminal emii. wn tiid lame backs, rheuma tism and; all irregularities of the kid neys and bladder in both men and wo men, regulates bladder trouble fa ehil Bot "old by your druggist, will be; sent bv mail on rnini at One small bottle is two month's treat Jfin A fn pan. ln..n.l 1 - i n't r 1 , f r.cr ar aooui a uozen wells under) from a business tri to Portland. Boise at this time, the deepest being less than 2000 feet. They were 'dug with drills similar to those used in bor ing ffur gas or oil and are foot in di ameter at the top, gradually, becoming narrower at th tt a vruio . I water was found at I30k degrees, atl Th increase o,f popular enthusiasm 12J0 feet 143 defrreos. IKfift tZ uui JOB the following sobjeeet is alnio-t grees, and at 20O0 feet 220 degrees. A I On One Subject Salem People Enthusisstlc. Crow similar movement is oa foot at Vale, ia Malheur eotioty, where a hot spring coming to the surface attracted the at tention of the early cmgrants to Ore goo, and which is now being utilized for domestic heating purposes. r.veryining indicates that the center , Money leposi ted at one Subi Treasurv to th j dent, at any other city where there if I e Dest and make the most another Sul-Treasury is paid to that out of all the Other food. It orresitondent on telegraphic order of tlie; National Treasurer immediately without other charges than the cost f of the telegram, and the regular ex press charges for shipment. Serious l - ' : rr ?" - lor snake bite, in the inent. Dr. Ernest W. Hall, sola . verythin mtiii iv nenr WItn 'shape of a serum 1ain.t fr. lfirtnr.r 1 o K n aJ t i- lof the earth is hotter tU.M . i due plumpness and OUtward lU " hardly prWl,le, however, that thU "f01 frtestimoaials. Sold by all drng-lf.9 hot f?,,d he,t in endless quaati- proportion, and with inward r,n wr '- i"1" -"- "-' t '1' Stw rKt i!8 Vigor and good Spirits: . I ;.;. W"1:' remX P H IS?1 T- : V r I be inexhaustible and the fuel qnesUon u I tllletl f rum mnrm mnA I : Pn 1inna n w. . I anil it . 1 tl. T7frr.,1.;.. z. I - r ; I s way voucern: , ti r ji ii me. mere is a m. liiiuisiuii nnrta" i : 5 i in is to fi r. . t . rirr mma ia if - l for nine months with kidney and blad-I30 hY 7 feet iasidc whieh fa a known m.llua to a depth of 5400 ftt m.i .ii.i. aeirhbor indne.l i!rto be sent to 6000. when it will I t.. . - - m 1 1. .. ... r -.. ... . . . mi m k. i h mm n ... lTi 2"n. .i- Whi.Il r.ured w on1 1R minv thal two bta of eold air and well; this I would eheerfnllv swear eoaatantly seat down to the miners Iffif,atiifr ihi:! of .thw re rd eke? .f J ia iv urj praiaoestpu'wa norer or ue water vu.uur cio omim & tjottiA ii Brown orrr tiii aiK..iuM - a. a' a -e . i I . . ... digestive power anc strength- if . the. lies-they .n, telling Jfi Tr aU Cn.Si the Vital Organs ; to get Mr- "aan were true; even I dies tone avail nntil ,a bi Ifrt I en i" woum be iettr to send him I - me to get a Iwttle- oi back T to' OnKrrss, tixtr&A t f Mr. . catch.' "Mr. HennauM 'a lirnai;.a. i. i i ... w v iir. iierwaun S Ufcattion 1 i gives a kind of help that every ,gW,i M his handshake .is hC" growing child ought to have. -1 1 " - w.-u. , ' I Oregon is with the standpatters. And .n.qm mpMab tu V0tCSirairIl r c l- aw vr LvMa 1 a 1 sir I . Your, truly. ' V " 1 Evea t h . " Mt ime- i I ren t aen the men am mn.n..nA.i .... vhl.... LD J. J. 8EALE. acuoru, or. " cunn is ep hot that lac man cant-kc no other. daily manifested by public expression and local endorsement. Read what this citizen says, and discover the 'causa for tho constant : showering of prais which follows in the wako of Doan Kidney Pills. - Jacob Moreloek, farmer, residing on Rural Ave., between Haxol and Laurel streets, in Nob Hill addition, South -lem, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills pro cure! at Dr. Stone's drug store did me good. I had been bothered off and on for quite a long time with pain throuK1' my back, and kidneys. I have alwsvs worked hard at farming and think the trouble was originally caused from train. - The secretions from the kid neys were annoying at times and caused me considerable inconvenience. Befr's I had taken one box of Doan 's Kidney Pills the pain in my back and other symptoms of kidney troutde had pel awav. ,1 am pleased to rccoinmeud tbi arelremedv to othera." No man Sobl for CO cents a Imi l.v all 'deal ers. Foster-Milburn.Co Buffalo, N. X-t sole agents for the United Slates. r. W.-U. 1 . . - "P. "nwV" BI sometimes! Remember tho name -Doan 'a i I