COUNT ZASSALITCH IS 0REG0N'"GEXS?:!t j ,. REPORTED ; MONG KILLED TVOTiILLION .t i . . I ' ' 1,11. II.,, , - ..... ft . . ' ,- . . BIO FIGHT REPORTED BETWEEN T1IC RUSSIANS "AND GEN , EEAL KUBOKI'S AEMY. THE RUSSIANS LOST HEAVILY The Bombardment of Port Arthur From a Distance Is Reported to a ' Paris Paper. Railroad and Telegraph Communication Said to Be Established By the Rus sians With Port Arthur, But Partic ulars Are LackingGeneral News From the Seat of War; '?- FAB IS, May 1 1 .The Matin 'a St. Petersburg, correspondent nays that- it is persistently rumored tltat there Jias been a big fight near Mao Tien Ling pass, between !the Knssiaus and General Knroki'a army. . The Russians, be says, lost heavily, General Zassalitch Wing ' among the killed. , Comfort For Russians. ST. PKTKRSBURG, May 11, 3:05 A. "24. -r-The most important official newtf from t be front up to this hour is . that telling the complete re-establishment of railroad and telegraphic communica tion with Port Arthur, though how it was brooght about and whether a battle was neeeasary to accomplish it are mys teries which Alexieff failed to clear tip. The elation of the authorities, as a natural conwaucnee of this achieve- fment, i sobered by official dispatches snowing the activity of the Japanese in eastern Manchuria. Kuanggen Bianj (Huang Tiaug Sia), fifty miles north east of Feng Wang Cheng, was occu pied by the Japanese Mav 5. This en- ableti an advanee along the bad roads to flank either at Liao Yang or Mukden The territory between the main road to Feng Wang Cheng and the river Tay :,nK has been penetrated by such a strong force of .Japanese as to lead to the suggestion that another armv has landed at Takufthan, of Which th out-! fide world has not before heard. The people naturally wish for- more ihtails coiu-fning the" re-establishment of communication with Port Arthur. All they know definitely U iliat (he railroad has Wen repaired nud at o'clock yesteray afternoon ;!.'. first dis patch passed over the r.voatructed telegraph lines. There prolmhly has beeu some fighting, but whctLrr with .T:ipanee- vessel or with troops north of Pit.aewo is not known, nor has the whereabouts of the Japanese landvd on tho southern part-of Liao Yang pn ' insula ben definitely aW'e-taine.l. It safe to say, however, that no engage ment of iinportaii'-e has occurred to rc , establixh the communication. . Are They "Eight" Angles? Mav 10. The Tokio eorre- "Ijoudent' of the Morning Post, cabling' imder date of May 10, says that h hivb wtrle-.lHvtnbardineut of I'ort Arthur is jiro-eeliiijf. Movements of Japanese. St. Petersburg, May lo. GenerHl Sjikharoff, in a telegram to the gcneTal ftair dated May h says the J a panes' having occupied Feng Wang Cheng, are remaining there' aue, are making a re connai.tsaiice on the main road to Liao Vang. On May .", General SakharofT the Jajmuese occupied Huang Tiaiitf -sia fifty miles northeast of Feng AVauj; -liens. Russia Files Protest. Washington. ' May 10. A protest from Russia to the- United states against the action of the Japanese in filing on the Red Cross train from I'ort Arthur on May 6 and striking two of the wounded aboard, was sent to the State Department ..tonight by Count ''assini, the Russian anibassador. Sim ilar protests have been addressed to all the powers signatory to The Hague and .Geneva conventions.' Only a Small Body. Paris, May 11. A St. Petersburg eor Tfspondent of Eclair says: "It is now certain that the Japanese have not Wlcd moredhan '.'SOOQjuen at Pitsewo. Only a few detachments of the advanee jjunVd reache.l the railway, which they rut in several places. They then re ceived orders to-fall back and join the main force. Always Uncertainty. London, May .11. So far no confirm ation ha.s reached London of the rep'rt e.l battle near Liao Yang- The Daily TV . Vef l - and tonic oil the Iac Mil Tt, hardlv a man. xromzxr ot child ia America, who has not heard of "JP. Si S for th a specific for all blood troubles and of which it is con: pose I are sciecicu. ertf wxt-tMn- it- thp ideal remedy for all blood and skin diseases, as it not only purifies, enriches and invijor- ates the blood, but at the same time tones up the tired nerves and gires j strength and rijor to the entire system. . -: ' - " , For Chronic Sores and Ulcers, ; CaUrrh, Rheumatism, 3lood Poison, Malaria, Anarmia, Scrofula, Eczema, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Tetter. Acne I ana such other diseases asarcQtrewa - f - . . n poUuted or impoverished condition of the Hood, nolhtn? acts w prompUy and poisons ; cleanses the system . of all unhealthy accnrntdatims and aoon restore the patient to health. Write us and our physicians will tire your caM prompt attention without charge. mMf.m -m ' ! ti:z $riFT $ plc mo co ajiahta ga u ChlomeleV correspondent at Shan Hal Kwaoj under, date, of May J0, .sar the Japanese first army from Yalu river is already tbreratetning the Kusiuan. posi tion at Hal Cheng. The second armv. inarching in, three divisions in order to Co-operate- with General Knroki, has defeated the Russians near Ya Fung Tien with great loss, the correspondent says. The ;CTroniele notes there are two Via lAngJIeina one on the railroad north of Port Arthur and the other west of Kaiping, on the road to -Feng Wang Cheng. ' t . . -. ', : . I f .L-', Jealous of Each Other. Paris, -May 10.The 8t. Petersburg correspondent of. the Echo de Paris says tlat Admirals Skrydloff and Bezo braazoff have been notified of the re sumption? of communication with Port Artbur.'so: they may attempt to- reach that, j4gee.; Military, circles affirm that the! relations, between Alexieff and Ku ropatkjii' are'.Ktrained, the former witJi ing to share in the planning of future operationsJ dvoropat kin 's telegrams to the minister'. of war indicate irritation on his part. ,; .: .j.,V", V V ! From Russian Sources. - Paris, fay 10. According to the St, Petersburg correspondent of the Matin a high official of the - naval general staff declares that the entrance to Port Arthur is still free and that the squad ron' went 'OOt May 9 "as far as Pitsewo, where the torpedo: boats sank a number of Japanese transports. I FORMER SALEMTTES. Two Jacksonville Visitors Who Were Well Acquainted in Marion Coon- ty Several Tears Ago. (From Wednesday ' Daily.) Mr. C.S If. Baser "and Mr. G. N; Lewis of Jacksonville, Jackson eouatyi were visitors at the local headrruarters of the Republican county committee yesterday. Both these gentlemen are delegates from Jacksonville lodge No. lf, to- the Grand Lodge 'of j0. F. which meets at Astoria next Wednes day and stopped off here to visit rela tives and eld friends, and to renew former acquaintances. " ! Mr. Hasey is a relative of Mr. A. J. Basej' of this city, and worked at the blacksmithing trade when a young man. He learned his Jrade under ex-Sheriff John Xnight' anil Joe Smith, in the old frame shop that formerlv stood just back of K. M. Wade & Co.'s store on Court street, aud the first shop which he occupied a'ter leaving Mr. Knight was located on: Commercial street, next to the old wigwam which stood on the corner of Center street. ITe left here in ... for Southern Oregon. He worked on the first machine ever made to turn out the now famous Ben Forsfcner bit, a valuable inventiqn of a former Salem- Mr. Lewis is a cousin of Mr. J. E. Lewis 'of iAumsville,' who was showing him around the town yesterday, , and came to Oregon in 1S73, settling on a farm al joining the old Waldo farm in the Waldo hills. REVOLUTION IN HAYTI. CAl'K HAYTiKN', Xlay 10. While the tuiii"r that a revolution has broken out in Ifayti is false, there is general discontent in the . Republic and a revo lution -Is inomentarity lookel for. Gen eral Albert SalnaVe, notwithstanding the warning given, him by the Domin ican' government,' has not withdrawn and continues to gather many followers on the frontier, where the Haytien gov ernment has ordered, a heavy concen tration of forces. ,. . : THE MURDEROUS THIBETANS. ; LONDON", May 11. The Times this morning ; publishes a dispatch from Gyantse. Thibet,- which reports the butch-Ting of eight servants of the DritUh mission b Tliibetans. Tlie dis patch says the ThUetans are constantly getting letter arm and ammunition, which are jnannfactured at L'Hassa, and that it is clear: the Thibetans con template! a eombined move to over whelm the mission. -. . . i -m AND THEY BLESSED HIM. I HUTTK. Mont.. May 10. Senator Clark eelrbratcd Arnor Day In , this ertv tol;v by entertaining abut 20, 000 children at the . Columbia Gardens, his pleasure resort. The army of tots were collected bv street cars in all sec tions of Hutte a'nd given free rides to the gardens. ; : ; ORATORY HELD SWAY. LOS ANGELES; May 10. The sixth day's session of the Methodist General Conference was mostly taken up by ad dresses Ty "fraternal delegates. No business other than the presentation I a few resolutions and their reference to committees was taken up. i ' A." X. Smith of Portland, was in the citv on business yesterday. ' nrram aed most DOOulaT blood VVLTi&CX market to-day sS. S. S. j blood." K a standard remedy, unequalled as a general tonic and b i ' TROX ' coirasKssxAN utihostos, 1 ; ,v, or azoxaiA. - X know of the nccsfBl S. S. S. In nany cases. It is the best feloed resaedy eatkiesnarket. , XX-OOT, AJJLKN X flAHSLZS. a. 8. S. Is nanstfaiiy ttlooa pmri&er, aud. the best tesUe i r used. v . . ; . to.:Mng :. Children especially are fond of daintiest arid the housekeeper must look carefully J to their food. - ; f . As good cake can be made only with ; good eggs, so also a cake that is health-; 4 ful as well as dainty must be raised with, a pure arid perfect baking powder. ; I Royal Baking Powder is indispensable in the preparation of the highest quality of food, j It imp that r ness, sweetness and flavor noticed in the finest cake, biscuit, doughnuts; crusts, etc; and what is more imp6rtant, renders the food wholesome and agreeable to young and old. J ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO-, KCW YORK. ' ' YOUKONIS CLEAR AN UNUSUALLY EARLY THAW AT DAWSON AND ONLY TWO ICE . JAMS BEMAIN. A. Town Flooded and the , People Flee . to the Hills Leaving Their Goods Be hind, the Flood Preventing Any At tempt to Save Them Ice at Bar of Klondike. VAXCOUVEE, B. C, May 10,-A special from Dawson says:: Tha Yukon river is now clear with the exception of two iee jams, one at Selkirk and the other at- Fife Fingers. The ice broke in front of Dawson on May 7, the ear liest known sinee white met eame to the coustry. The town of Forty Mile was flooded, and the people left for the hills, leaving their goods lehind, owing to the frreat' rapidity of the rise. The water fell ten feet In six hours,' leaving many steamers, and - scows .stranded. Huge masses of ice : are stranded on the bar at the month of the Klondike, wlikh will remain most of the summer, as it eajinot float again. MASS MEETING AT LIBERTY. Democratic County Nominees Drove Out and Expounded on Polit ical Issues, A lH'siiuratic mass meeting was held in the school house at laljerty last ev ening, at 'whieh the wi'eral nominees for eounty ofticers on the Detnoeratie ti ket expounded ori the virtues and lene-rs of Democracy. A numler of prominent men from Salem drove out. ineludins IX V. Vaughan, chairman of th Iemocrati' eountr eentral commit-' te (imnt t'orbv, candidate for count jade, !. Harding, nominee for sheriff, iX. V. Corby, nominee for justice of the H-ace, John A. Jeffrey and others.- The meeting was planned ry the Democrats of Liberty, who lesirel to hear the is sues of the campaign discussed, snd the several andidates were invited speak. Liberty is not included in the itinerary of the joint canvass. - ' AUTO GETS BEYOND CONTROL. Dashed Off a Bridge, Killing a Judge" And Injuring His t Wife and Two Other Companions. 'XEWTOX. Kan4 May 10.-In an automobile accident tonight, Judge M. P. Simpson, of the distriet court, was killed. Miss Anna Lees, Mrs.' M. 1. Simpson and S. Lehman 'were injured. The machine got beyond control and dashed oti a bridge falling fifteen feet into" a diteh. RACE TRACKS ORGANIZED. NEW YORK. May 10. The Grand Circuit Race Tracks was organize as a corporation at a meeting here today oy representatives of twelve of the most important tracks in. the country. The onjeet of the organization, accord ing to its secrets ry, Albert IT. Moon, of this city, will be the "purification of the turf and the aplifting of racing to the highest j'ossible plane." :It will not interfere with; the parent bodies, the National and American Trotting Associations, tut will act - ia harmony with them.'?-' ."I. - . SHE'S A FALSIFIER ALSO. ' ST. IXnS. Mo; 3Iay 10 The grand ury to lay returned eight. Indictments against -Hophic WeinzetTil, charging her with enticing yeung women from Germany to this country for improper purpose. The woman a LI-"when taken in cnstoily on. Saturday that the 0ls were brought to this country teserr as waitresses in the garden 1 for the World Fair concessionaire. Hhe ntw asserts she had nothing to do with bringing them to this country. BASEBALL PITCHER SOLD. 4'LEVEIjAXD.-Ohio. Mar 1 Pitch er Jack Hiekey has tecn sold by the American League team ia this city-to f'.iiiimluis. Ohio. .f the American Amo- ciation clnb. ! Hieker - was signal by Cleveland Vbis season.: from Seattle.. e; .Legal tlankx at StatcuaaA Jul .QUksL CAMP MEETING THE BIG. ANNUAL CONTENTION WHICH OCCUPIES THE TAB EENACLE AT TURNER. It Will Continue This Year From June 23 to July 3 and Win Bring' Thous ands of Christians to That 'Place Some Noted Speakers of Ability to Be Present. '" The program of- thftjOtegt)' Christian Missionary ("oavention will oecnpy from June 23. to July 3d this year.- The campmeeting management have seeured reduced rates on the railroad. There are several new men in the state. Besides these we will haVe as ehief seaker F. 'Rif-hardson, of Kansns City,! Mo. "He staids among our pleaders in the ministry. He holds the,:degrco ofuA 2kL.friu Lartfka. Col- Rev. Vr. Tz Rlehafdson. lege. He has. held long pastorates in lenver, ("olo".; Alleghany, I'a and Kansas City, Mo.. whero he is now in his tentlf year. He was1 president- f the Jubilee Convention of the A. C. M. S held In Cincinnati, 1899. Leaders on 'the program are F M. Patterson, of Tillarnook; J. E. Chem ley, of Portland; Si. Hi O. llnmbert; f iey, oi i oriianu; m. ry. vj. iinm Eugene; Ceo; fV-Richer, jof Ito A. H. Dodd, i FalLs: fifv; F. S saker, Corvallis;- W. F. Kiel Itoseburg; 8. Hand saKer, Lorvauis;- V. .'Jr., Kienardsony Kansas City; Jesw .Hnntcr, Engene; ifarry Benton, Klgin; A. A. Bcerj Ho-d Biver; IKrnest C." Wfginore, . En gen; K. . Mnckley, I'orttaml J. S. MeCallnm. Kueene; O. H. King. Ia Grande; F. K. Billington, Cottage Grove; Davip Errett,-Salem; "Mrs. V, . Essen, Fygen; W. Ifc Mellinger, Ashland; E. !. S-inderson. Eugene; Al byn Esson, Portland; J. B. Lister, cor resjonding eerctaryr Kugene; F. E. liobinson, The Ialles; J.i J. Haudsaker, Coqnille: Mil" Browjirigg, Mvrtle Point; D. C. Kellens, Draiftr-O F. Sanlerson, rrants Paas; Mrs. Kj A. Chi hi, MedfOTd; Mrs. T. A. llornady, Corvallis; Mrs. Mary-Benton, Klgiin C .. Dctsaa;-Mrs. -I3vit .Errett, Saiewi!; Mrs. M. A. jliandolph; GertWd Craw forL Ileppner; Joe Sott, Athena: J. B. Holmes; i3Ir, V. F. -Tfiy!pry. Pen dleton ; W. Jk. FJkJns. v Staytin; j" Ora Melton, Portland; Celeste List on,5 lem; Vira Dirwarl, Cottage rove; F. E. Billington; O.Hamlert, Eri- gewe; P. It. ICajtipbell. president State tniverity; "p. A. Brown, MonmontW .The program for tbo first day rs- very short, being jdevoted to.getting settled on the grounds, bat on Friday; .Jne 24th. the following exereinea" will ; be participated in: - " 8:30. Ievotional. ' Id r . ... ... by S. H. O. jiumier, i,ugene. .' -":ff, . ,-'''-! '!'--. ' H-Mh Ambition in the preacher -Xatare and Limitations. ';Ueorge C. Uichey, Kosebnrg. 9:30. Shall We-Ii-M-orraee Preaching 4 in Those Not S-ecially Trained! 4; A. 1 L Dodd; FaHaTJOfty. : ; : 1 1:20. A leading t'ocrs foaJTkis As - ociatio-Hls' It; lrnf-tw.-al and: Advis able! ; T.ijS- Handdakerf Corvallis. ll.:0. Serinou: .Th Growing .of. tb Sermon. W. F. . Uhaf Jon Kausa I City, .Mo. u9: - .Xital Llanks i:4rtasmauT JvU .OCte TO BE EXPENDED IN IRRIGATION " "AND RECLAMATION WORK IN MALHEUR COUNTY. THE SECRETARY MAKES REPORT Showing tha Disposition Made of the Entire Appropriation for the Prelim inary Work on the Project Enough ' Land Included to Support Half a Million People. ; WASHIXGTONY May 10. Apropos of the formal', approval by the Seecre tary of, the Interiorof .the new' irriga, t ion projects under the reclamation law ia California, 'Oregon and the Dakota, the interior department today issued a statement cohering the- disposition of the 'reclamation 'fund wbieh Is in-part as follow f: ; f" -: -; n ' These ajiproyals v mark' practically the close of the preliminary 'etage of reclaiiation j wkrk. Tho tJ, projects i in each'vtate anU territory; are now well outlined and provisions are made for alt the availablo ttrndK. Tlie" situation in Idaho, Washington and Oregon is as follows: In Idaho, the Minidoka pro ject, for wbiih about f $2,tW0,tnK j has bWn previously allotted. In Oregon, tle Malheur pro jeef, easting about $2, (NK.tMH. lnt Washington, the reclama tion land pear Pasw, at a cost of $. .r4HfHH). In all, the projects outlined will cost ptV0O,WQ, and will require for construction two or three years. They, will retUinflin round numbers one million acres of land, all of which will be susceptible to intense cultiva tion and ffhould be capable of support ing a population of 500,000 or more. SANITARY j BDLL FORMULATED. Will Be Submitted to Health Board I ; at 'eeting; Tomorrow Even I II ing.4 I The special committee appointed by the council and composed of W. -JI. Holmes and Dr. F. E. Smith, members of the hearth board, and City Recorder X. J. Judah, has formulated a sanitary ordinance whih wil be submitted to the health loard att a meeting to be held in the recorder's ofiice tomorrow evening.! The hew bill isa voluminous doenment, containing forty-five differ ent sections, j and all of these will be carefully gone! over and considered by the lMardT add the bill will be -"tntro-tueed inj thf council at the regular meeting on next Tuesday evening. t Under; thej pravisions of this ordin ance the city health board will op erate, and asj on as it becomes a law that bodytwill; be ready to enter upon its duties.f The. Ma also prescribes the duties of the sanitary inspector' and health efficer, to be appointed by the council.: as provided for y Salem s new ehart-r. i No one, as yvtt has l-een slated for this; position, although (-ever-al ailit at ions for the appointment are now in the' hinds of the mayor j and neiuiKr pf the council. ' . LIGHT CROP FORECASTED. The Acreage of Winter Wheat Is Be I duced and the Condition Is Away Below j Average of Years, i I WASI11X(TJX, j Mar 10. Returns t the bsreaiif of statistics rf the le Iwrti.jent "of igri'iuture to May 1 show the area . undT wheat . : culture about L,vtO.(M0 acfes. (This is ' 5.rHi,0tHj or 1(5.7N j.Txect less than the area of Winter wheat harvested last year. It is a noteworthy fajet the whole 31 states having fwinter wheat under cul tivation jrefr some alxsiiidoninent of acreage, j The; average condition May I was 7L5. Mippa red "with !2.(I last ear, thff nail for the last- ten' years ising sir. i f . TILES MEXICAN IS VICTOR. ! BUTTE, jiiont , May II. Aurelia Ilerrera, of jllakersfield, Cal., was to "ight given a decision over Louis Long, f Oakland, jJal., after twenty rounds at the fiercest? tighting ever witnessed in this city. Several times it ajKarel that a knH,li-0ut was imniinent, but aeh time the Pakland lad came gamely l.a-k at the Mexii-an, showing remark able reCmeriitive powers. Vliile Long showcl tfce cle-er'st foot worksite lack ed tle battejyt alility-of the dark skin ned fighter, i f : A BERTH WORTH TAKING. 4VASH1K(iTV)X", May 10. Admiral Walker, Ju-esbtcnt f the Panama "anal Commission, received a tclesram todar from Jo a a Fin ley Wallace, of Chicago. general riinger of the JUinois entra! railroadj accepting the apjintment ef chief nginer in charge of the con-stru-tioii of jthe canal. Mr. Wallace will receive salary of I'J-V'f'O a year. fr. Waljac' jWill tk up his work with the commission on Jwne 3. , - THE WEATHER TOO COOL. WASlIIXtrtONV May 10. The Weather. Biitean! weekly summary of crop "conditionp says: The temperature conditions frl the" week: enling May 9 wf re- favorable ie all districts' with the exeptinj of : North I'acific i coast and the middle Rocky monntain region. Irt the Corth Jl'ac'ific' eoast the ;week has been too I cool for rapid adranee tnent. -.' .- (.. -.'-I.v!-. "..'....,-- : - i- - Kf 't v , ' Ibrttj T Union ' Ford went to Portland yse?tty .aftcrnooa,. ' jost for a littlf bitsine tript 1 Seeds -r Standard Sctf Sot W HH dealer. See4 Ajtl free D. Kti FERRY & Detroit. Mich. SI .9 m w 5) n 7 lr B Alf rMITATIOS OK NATURE'S METHOD of restoring waste of tissue and impover ishment of the blood and nervous force is used ! when yoi take an alterative ex tract of; herbs anl roots, without the use of alcohol, like Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery. This vegetable medicine coaxes the digestive functions ami helps in the I assimilation of food, or rather takes from the food just the nutriment the blood requires. Along with its use one should take exercise in the outdoor air, get all one can of God's sunlight and air ; a mild breathing exercise practiced eacb'day. Th "Medical Discovery" gives no false stimulation, because it does not contain alcohol or a nareotk It helps digest tion and the assimilation of t-nch ele ments in the fool as are requirel for the blood.l Instead of a cod liver oil, against which J.he alreadv sensitive stomach will declare open rebellion, this tonic has a paciljTi'g arnion-upira iuc ictmuici adi and g'ves to the blood, the food elements the tissues reqtiire. It main tains one's nutrition bv enabling him to ' eat, retain, diges and assimilate mitrili-j ous food. It overcomes gastric irrita- i bilitr and symptoms of indigestjon, and, in this way, fever, night-sweats, head aches, etc., are done away with. Dr. Tierce's Golden MedicaPDiscovery pTtrifics the blood and entirely eradicates the poisons t!at breel and feed' di-wase. It f thus cures scrofula, eczema, erysipe las, boils, pimples, and other eruptions Ahat tV-ar sad scar the skin. Pure blood is essential to irood health. , The weak. rrtn-fiov c, dc latea concuion vrnirn ; manj-' people exjierience is connjionly i ; the effect of impure blood. Dr. Fierce 's ! Golden Jletlical inscovery not only cleanses the blood of tmpurties, but it increases the activity of the blood-; 3 t- , m r- i - rv" . . t srsss - . a h. - mr m j - . . w s SoS7 f"to ftw - -: ' - d -""lA ' . COL. r,2AYBEKR 36523 '- ," . kT..-.j;'"...l( ; ,i .iii . wr. v . - - ' , Ji G. HlfJSHAW, Salem R. ?. D. TJo. 9 ' j. rEIDAT,, JLAY 13, 130L . . .- : Statesman's 1904 Kutwrlption Contest EndoteAjind f. .or euljri(i ".til f ;.... -' : ' ' ' ' ' - f - fc r : ' ' Kaatfaa a " IkCTChy vrAc for .. f ' ! - - ' V - ' aaaaaiaai afataHtaaMat jm Wimtat 7t t orijxni . ........ ,....,, brinr, one voir for rack I rnl l?lul ' 'l'n. ''I. NEW inh4Til for ,ny oj tte jmUU-utvmn 1 x&tciljrom (he tSfntt muian istiifrfitig. 0v)nmx rot'l tijtfy (cnilnya f J ; vu 1 making glands, and it enriches the body with au abundant supply, of pure, ricli blood. !"-'.-.: Np matter how powerful the intellect or the resources of intellectual power, it mast 1 backed nn by physical force. Kverv tlay the youth or man must manu facture a pint of rich, arterial blood, that is pure,- stimulating to the brain, and that can rebuild the tissues that wera destroved in yesterday's work, "I have been a sufferer from indiges tion for some , thirty vears, at times, writes Mr. S. W. Muftenax. of Circle ville,. W. Va., "and medicine from several of ourdit 'physicians, which gave me only a little, temporary relief. They said I could never be cured. Last winter I was stricken with the wont spell that I ever had. I suffered with such severe pain in the pit of ray siomach that I could neither work nor sleep, and my weight went down trotn one hundred' and ninety-five pounds to one. hundred and sixty pounds in about two months' time. I then conclude! flint. I would try DrPierce's Golden Medical Discovery. By the time the .first bottle was gone. I felt some relief from my! severe suffering so continued until I bal used four bottles of ' Golden Medical Discovery and two rials of Pleasant Pellets.' l am truly thankful for the great lienefit which I have re ceived from your medicine, and can cordially reconunend it to others. u "',,' KNOW TUVSELK. -Read all aliont yourself, your system, the phj siology of life, anatomy, hygiens, iimple'iiome cures,. etc., in The Commou Seuac MeOical Auvisera uooic oi iooo pnrs. 1'or cloth-lound copy send;3t cents in one-cent ftamt, or forxraprf covered 1 1 stamp. ? Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. )C bands nigh, weight 120O pout1. .Me bss trott! pit. ! wm seeond to .omUrn 1 11, In show, tin at PUbe fair. 1902. and winner over LotcIx-s 2 :3f, VI n mount S:vil. Lord Kltctienar t :2fi, Meao 2 23, Wa'.briDo. BttHtd Heart, tipcUl Te'CKrem and others, ' will make thn anaaon -of lvoi, m lollo wa : , Cluh tatbla, . ait ttajrval.- Frlys end Saturdays at A-llvairtoN. Tesva: teMtyn f 15, '' payable inly I; Inanr o JO payable when Basra U known to fee ' with foal, 61pnM! of or taken oat 1 1 coun ty. Not rerponaible . fur accidenta. forte-' tended irlirr ato prjstcra or aifrcM m . ..... .......... '."'': - -,' ' :'.- - ' . 'm a