Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, May 10, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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A Luc Force of the Japanese Jinny
Dlsosbaxfce4 on Land in, Bear
of City. .
Tbo Now- BoKUn Admiral Win Bo
-Unable to Beach, His Destination to
TaJko Command Viceroy Alexiafl
Make Buried Departure to ATOid
Beif Penned Vp.
ST. PETEBSBUBG, May 6, 10:05
p. fa. A dispatch reeeired tonight
says that "Port Arthur i cut off
from all communication by land,
the Japanese having debarked in
" its rear, occupied the railroad and
cot the telegraph wire. Vice Ad-
miral Skrydlog, who is en route to
Port Arthur to take command of
naval forces in the far East, will
be unable to reach his destination.
Claim Besult was Expected.
-ST. PETEESBUBO, May 7.-Japanese
troops swarming across the narrow
neck Of Liao Tung- peninsula; railroad
and,; telegraph communications cut;
Port Arthur isolated and left to its
own resources, are the conditions
which the Russians seem to accept with
great stoieism. These events have been
anticipated since the outbreak of the
war, and the authorities in a sense ap
pear to be relieved now that the blow
tia a fallen ' Thov a uttprf that t hi fart-
ress is impregnable, and amply pro
visioned to stand siege for a year, and
it can hold out until the time comes to
relieve it According to official infor
nation the landing of troops from
sixty transports began simultaneously
at Pitsweo and Cape Terminal on May
5.' It is also reported that troops are
landing at Kinrhow, but tbis is not
credited, as the Russians are known to
have fortifications there. Complete
details of the landing are laeking, ow
Jog to the interruption of eommunica-
tion. No resistance was made, tbe
few : Cossacks who observed the move
ment retiring-when the warships shell
ed the shore preparatory to debarka
lion, it is tKlievel that there are
more than 0,000 men now on land pre
paring for a. forward movement.
: Strength of Garrison.
St. Petersburg, May G.The strength
of tbe garrison at Port Arthur is not
reveal-! by the authorities. It is not
believed the number exceeds 10,000.
; Landing of the Japanese.
St. Petersburg, May 6, 9:30 p. m.
The minister of war has received the
following from General Pflug, chief of
the military staff: "According to in
formation' which I have received, seven
oi tbe enemy's transports, and after
ward about forty, ; appeared opposite
1'Hsewo on the morning of May 4.
" On the morning of May 5 the Jap
anese began to land at Pitsewo and on
the coast near Cape Terminal, about
fifteen miles southwest of Pitsewo, un-
uer cover ox artillery fire.
"At this moment about sixty trans
ports were observed . bearing down
upon the whole front and our posts re
tired from, the shore. According to
Chinese reports, by the evening of May
0, about 10,000 of the enemy's troops
Had landed and taken up quarters in
tbe i'binese villages.
"The enemy sent two columns of
about one reg'meut each, one in a wes
terly direction and the other to the
southward. ; , , ,
"On May 6 the passenger train from
J ort Artbur; was fired on a mile and
quarter outside of Polandien (about 41)
miles north of Port Arthur, bv a bun
dred Japanese infantrymen. The train
carried many passengers, 200 sick oc
cupying an ambalance carriage flying
tae Hod t roas flag. Two of the sick
were wounded. The train succeeded in
reaching Polandien."
Didn't Wish to Be Trapped. I
SU Petersburg, May 6. The landing
of the Japanese ae Pitsewo, northeast
or fort Arthur, la officially confirmed.
li i$ expected tbat tbe railroad con
noe ting Tori Arfhnr with Mukden and
Harbin will soon be cut. "
The departure of .Viceroy Alexieff
ana u rami 11 ke Boris from Port Ar
thur was hurried owing to the possibil-
y- ox interruption oz railroad com
.The Japanese ; landed in sufficient
force to dislodge the few hundred Rus
sians watching at Pitsewo from offer
ing any resistance.
i - r "
Port Arthur Under Siege.
Washington, May 6. The State De
partment has received a cablegram
from United States Minister Griscom,
l Tokto, confirming the press reports
oi me landing or the Japanese on the
I.iao Tung peninsula, about 40 miles
above Port Arthur. The location given
in the Japanese dispatches is Kin Chan.
This is tbe narrowest point on the pen
insula, aad conseoneatlr, . the minister
ays, the railroad is practical v closed,
and the investment of Tort Arthur hss
begun. ,
- Only A Small Garrison.
Borne, May 6. According to a tele
gram received here from Chefoo, the
garrison at Port Arthur has been re
duced to 4000 men, aad all the import
ant documents, money and field guns
have been removed to Mukden.
Denies Port Arthur Is Bottled.
Paris, May 6. The St. Petersburg
correspondent of tbe Echo do Paris
sends the following: 1 "A general of
the staff believes the Japanese landed
at Pitsewo number sot less than 40,000,
and says the bulk of iKnroki's army
was thfr morning about - nine miles
from Feng Wang Cheng. The staff
officer said General Zaasalitch would be
kept in the baekgroong daring the re
mainder of the war., I am positively
able to deny the statement that Port
Arthur is bottled up. The passage is
till free." , The correspondent repeats
the report that tne Japanese have occu
pied Port Adams, and says that they
aire advancing on Port Arthur.
, Adcnowledged t SJ. Petersburg. 7
St. Petersburg May 6. The details
of the Japanese landing at Pitsewo
have just been received by the general
staff. From information , brought to
Port .Arthur by. the Chinese, 60 trans
ports are disembarking two divisions,
numbering altogether 30,000 men, of
which 10,000 were landed yesterday
evening. No news has been received
np to this hour of any other landing.
Strict orders have been given to Bear
Admiral Wittsoeft not to take out his
warships from Port Arthur.
. i Alexiefr Is Heard From.
, Mukden, May 6. Viceroy Alexieff
has arrived here..
Captured With Big Losses.
Souel, Corea, May 6. A dispateh
from Antung says that it is rumored
there -that the Japanese captured Feng
Wang Cheng, May -4, after fierce fight
ing and losses on both sides very
LONDON", May 6. The London
Mail V Simla correspondent says - 800
Thibetans, coming from the direction
of Sbigatze, attacked the British Mis
sion at Gyangtz on April 5. The Thi
betans Were repulsed with heavy losses
and fled. Tbe British loss was two Se
poys wounded.
Two and Possibly Three FnU Regiments
Will. Camp on the Grounds Three
Days, and Will Engage in Competi
tive Military Drills for Big Prizes.
(From . Saturday 's Daily.)
. GeorjKvK. Rogers, state organizer for
the Woodniej J"f tbe World, is in the
city on an important mission connected
with his order, and is tbe guest of C.
L. Parrish, of the State Land Office.
Through the efforts of Mr. Rogers
and others the Ht ate Board of Agricul
ture was induced to make an appropria
tion setting aside 6W to be used as
prizes for drill teams to compete during
the State Fair in September, and the
gentleman is here now to i perfect ar
rangements for that event J
. Mr. Rogers says there will be pres
ent at the time two complete regiments
of the Uniform Rank of the order, ten
companies to each regiment, with an
entire set of regimental officers, includ
ing surgeons and chaplains, organized,
drilled and disciplined in true military
style. There will be two f uri regiments
for-certain and possibly a third one,
which has not yet reached a decision.
In addition to the regimental officers
Brigadier General W. h.. Kapson of
San Francisco, commander of the De
partment of the West, which includes
five Coast states, will be, present ) with
his entire staff and assist in the picas
ures of the occasion. i
The 13th of September has been set
apart as Woodman Day, but instead of
remaining one day, as waa first intend
ed, it is now determined to hold an en
campment lasting three days, tbe
ments being provided with tents
complete camping facilities,; so that the
grounds will present the appearance of
a regular army headquarters. I he ex
peetation is that there will be anywhere
from two thousand to five thousand
Woodmen present, making a magnifi
cent showing for the order as well as
nuing a unique ana attractive xeauire
a I " . i . . " . , .
to the State Fair. ; f; - ..
Mr. Rogers visited the local Wood
men camp last evening, accompanied
by Colonel Robt. G. Morrow, who is
Judee Advocate General of tbe Uniform
Bank and Head Manager W. C Ilawley
of this city, for the purpose of arousing
me necessary spirit or ; enthusiasm
among the brethren to prepare for the
big reception. The general committee
is to meet here.todimv for the purpose of
appointing sub-committees on decora
tions, on parades, receptions, encamp
ment grounds, etc.. aad sometime next
month Mr. Rogers will come here to re
main with the committees during the in
tervening period and assist ! in the!ri
parations for the biggest event that has
ever occupied in the bx mb mb mb m
ever oecnrred in the Pacific life of
Woodcraft. v y I
NEW YORK, May 6-Tne executive
committee of the National Civie Fed
eration today held its first meeting
since the death of its chairman, Marcus
A. Ha ana. Samuel Gomtters. nresiHrat
of the American Federation of Labor,
presided. Resolutions in commemora
tion of Mr. Ha ana were adopted unan
imously. Brief tributes to the. memory
of the Senator were spoken by Bihop
i-oiier, jbo. Mitchell. v-ornellus . Bliss.
and others.. Tonight, the committee on
nominations reported that a suceswr
to President Hanna had not been chos
en. The committee was instructed to.
continue its search for a president
LOS'' ANGELES. May 6 little prog ¬
ress was made by: tbe Methodist Gen
eral Conference today, tul the business
t uwng w siiapcu , anu . systemaiizeu
that the work will' proceed smoothlv
and rapidly. The various! important
committees held their first, meetings
and made .a fair start in the business
before them. -;-,;;!
Five Houses Demolished Near Star
Mountain and a. Child Is Blown
Away. :
Hundreds of Heads of Cattle Beported
- Killed and Crops Are Badly Injured
General ; Devastation Wrought in
Several Localities.
.ST. LOUI8, May 6. A special to the
Bcpublican from Dallas, Texas, , says:
A tornado in northwest Texas last
night killed three people at Moran. A
dozen persons were severely but not
f.. tally injured.. At Putnam, one man
was killed and a woman - injured. A
negro' cabin was swept into the Brazos
river and three negro laborers were
drowned, i A wreck train ' was blown
from the track near Creseent and two
negro laborers were drowned. Twenty
houses were wrecked at Moran and
half dozen at Putnam. Hundreds of
head of livestock ' are reported killed
and crops are badly injured. It is be
lieved that lives, were lost in isolated
places that will swell the total to the
number of twenty.
A Homo Destroyed.
Hamilton, Teas, May 6. A tornado
near Star Mountain, in Mills county,
deetroved five houses,', killing Geo. M
son and blowing away one of his ehil
dren. The child is not expeeteed tolive.
C. E. Behooker's bouse was blown
awav and one child killed and other
members of his family were injured.
! School House- Demolished.
Wichita Palls, Teas, May 6. A tor
nado at Itollidav Station tonight demol
ished a school house and many other
buildings.. One man was fatally injured
Sneaker Cannon Is Received at Homo
With Hearty Welcome, Which
Touches a Tender Spot.
Speaker Joseph M. Cannon received
an enthusiastic welcome home this
: evening. A majority oi me uusiness
nouses were . cioseu anu an immense
crowd lined the streets. Business
houses and dwellings were dressed
with flags and bunting. When Mr.
Cannon could make himself heard, bis
voice was shaking and tears stood in
his eyes..-: "I'd-rather have this," he
said, "than any other testimonial on
the face of the earth."
Denver,: May 0. Arguments in the
habeas corpus case of President Moyer
of tbe W estcrn -federation of Miners,
held by the military at Telluride, were
eonrtuded in the Supreme Court today.
Attorneys for both sides will file supple
mental briefs early next week and the
court will take the rase under advise
ment. In the usual course of proceed
ings a decision can be expected in about
ten days.
Was the First Man Hanged at the
Walla Walla Penitentiary Under the
New Law of Washington Story of
the Terrible' Crime.
Zennon Champoux, the first man to be
executed at the state penitentiary un
der the'new law, was hanged this morn
ing at 5:11 o'clock. Champoux
his nerve to the last. His neck
broken by the fall; paralysis
stantaneous and death ensued
Story of the Crime. .
Zeunon Champoux killed Lottie
Brace, a variety theatre performer ' in
Riley's Arcade Theatre, Seattle, in the
early part of November, 1902. He had
met the woman in Alaska previously
aad became infatuated with her. He
spent most of .his money on her. Fin
ally she threw him aside. He went to
the theatre where she "was employed
with the intention of killinz her. He
stabbed her in the brain with a hunt
ing knife as she was leaving the thea
tre aad she died tbe next da v from
tne wound. ; -
His trial was dramatic ne feigned
insanity, f ought the jailers and acted
in every way line s mad man, bat a
. . ....
jury declared him sane. His ease ; was
appealed to every possible court, : but
the convicted man's attorney at -last
gave up hope of staying the execution.
Champoux stated ' before ' leaving for
the state prison that he wished-to die
and earned his attorney for .trying to
save his neck. jXJhampoux's wealthy
relatives in stern Canada, however.
made a hard fight to save him from the
scaffold.' . ? -
Seven Horses Drowned From the Yukon
' Mail Stage and Service De- i , . ,
. r moralized. ;--
VANCOUVEB, R O, May 6. Aspe-
rialJ'rom Dawson to .the Province says:
Owing to the sudden rise in Hun ton
river, seven horses connected with' the
White Pass mail stage'are drowned at
the Yukon crossing, and the driver and
four passengers barely eseaned. Tim
Yukon and other streams are now im
passable, and the entire mail service is
demoralized. -
TOPEKA, Kas, May 6. The strik
ing Santa Fe machinists will be .given
until Honday morning' to resonre their
places with the company. Third Vice
President Buekalewr of the Machinists'
Union, tonight offered to submit to the
Santa Fe management tbe new setrof
rules adopted by the executive commit
tee of the union in Washington- He
was informed that the Santa Fo Com
pany would have no dealings with the
union whatever.
OMAHA, May 6. A new world's -record
for HVe-men team, three games,
was made on the Omaha Bowling Asso
ciation alleys tonight. In the contest,
the winning team scored 3232 pins on
a regulation alley.
There Axe Still Others and It Is the
Opinion of the Authorities That the
Only Solntion of the Problem Is ; to
Commit All to the Asylum, Where
They May Be Watched.
(From Saturday's .Daily.)
Two more of the famous band of
"Holy Boilers" were yeserday after
noon brought to Salem from Corvallis
by Sheriff M. P. Burnett, of Benton
county, and taken to the asylum, hav
ing been committed to that institution
by the county court of Benton county,
as being dangerous to the "peace and
good morals of the community. Those
brought were- Bose Seeley, aged 28
years, a servant girl by occupation, "of
good habits and born in Alsea, and
Attio Bray, aged 22 years, also a ser
vant girl, of good habits, and born in
Lincoln county.
There are now six members of this
particular sect in the insane asylum,
all having been committed from Cor
vallis, and air Of good habits, with no
charge against them except , on aceount
of their outlandish method of worship.
They are Ftank Hurt and Mrs. Millie
Hurt, aged 115 yeari; Mis Sophia IIarl:
ley, aged, 20 years, a daughter of .a re
spectable and well-to-do family of Cor
vallis, and Mrs. Maud Creffield, aged
23 years, who was enticed from her
home and induced to marry the apostle
Creffield, originator of the sect.
There are yet several who espoused
the faith who are still at large or eon
fined in other cities, and it seems to
be tbe opinion of those who have come
in eontaet -with them that the Only
way of breaking up" the movement,
which threatened to undermine a cer
tain element in society, is to send them
to the asylum, where they may be
looked after ..and- prevented from
spreading their abominable doctrines
and exerting1 svfeypnotie, influence over
others. It is admitted by all that tbey
are not crazy, and any one conversing
with them fan tell tbat their minds are
as well balanced on general subjects as
those ef ordinary mortals. They .de
clare that it is. necessary for them
return to the old manner of living.
was practiced . ty Adam and tve in
the Garden of Eden, . and it is their
mission; to convert the World to the
new. doctrine. k f"- ; ..
They can be "'easily recognized a
sight as members of the sect, by their
peculiar manner of dress, alt hough They
nave not yet adapted the origina
human habit of attiring themselves in
a fig leaf, at least not in public. Al
of the ladies who have so far been
brought to Salem wore brown dresses.
caught with a draw string around . tbe
neck, without collar. - They invariably
wear their hair nnbraided and un
kempt, flowing In tangled masses over
their shoulders, and they scorn to wear
such a thing as ' a Bat -or other head
gear. .
Meeting of the County Republican
Central Committee of 1894 and
the Motto of the Party.
(From Saturday's Daily.)
In looking up some old records yes
terday Mr. is. Frank Meredith, see re
tary of the Republican county central
committee, encountered tbe records of
tbe committee of ten years ago. .
The meeting was held on April 28, in
the then j council chamber, a room
across the hallway, from the present
Republican headquarters, and was call
ed to order by Chairman K. . M. Croi-
san at 2 o'clock p. lift and B. P. Mere
dith was selected to act as secretary,
and later- was elected secretary to
serve during the campaign.
The usual committees were named,
that on finance consisting of L. B.
Stinson, L. Hobson, H. C. Tarpley G.
B. Cornelius and. A. F. Blaekerby, and
ton, canvass of J. M. Poorman, C. B.
lloorec, I. I. Patterson, Hiram Smith
and John fvnigbt. The committees re
ported, their reports were adopted; but
wiin tne understanding that it was
the sense of the meeting that a seeond
assessment should not be made."
A further committee on finance eon
sisting of J. M. Poorman,' Savage and
U. U. Stinson was appointed to assist
the chairman.' This was followed by
motion, wbicu was adopted, tbst Cath.
o. n. urmnojr, lion. J no. AI into, Hon.
Till Ford, lion. T. T. Geer, Hon. Wm.
Armstrong, C. W. Wasson. Dr. W. A.
S Y. . . - "
t."usieav Jbo. II. MeNary, Prof. WV L
t;ummiDgs. Ed. T. Judd, W. L. Tooxe.
Geo. G. Bingham, II. J. Bigger. Prof j
.l. strain, wgar lirimm, ; Warren
Cranston. John A. (Jarson and Gen- W.
H. 0lell be invited to ma Vn rwMha
throughfNit the county for the RcpuWi-
can: cans. The minutes are on lttp
heads at the ton of which
alliteration, "Patriotism, Protection.
Prosperity." , i
This is still, ten .years after. th
motto of t he EcpubK:aa party . .
BUTTE, MonU i Ma v t-A Yirtw
special , to the Miner says the strange
malady, spotted fever, has broken out
there, a daughter of John Cleary be
ing in a. preearioua-eoudition from the
disease; " Great apprehension exist v.
t. -j - : . . .
Masquerading as a Palmist She Plies
Her Baleful Trade for Serer-
. . : al Weeks. . , ; . . . --
- - ,
Finally, Mayor -Dlmick Discovers Her
Real Business and, Applies the Law
of Heavy License in Absence of Pos
itive Criminal Evidence and She
: Goes. ' -' - ' ;'
OREGON CITY, May 6. That a pro
curess of girls for immoral purposes
has! been plying her nefarious business
in this city has just come to light, and
the woman who was, beyond f doubt,
guilty of acting as such an agent, today
disappeared. The woman has been mas
nnoriil i n or mm. . nalmist. and haa been
working in the city for several weeks.
She established her office on Main street ',
next door to the Boyal restaurant, and !
since her advent has done a good ae&i
of business in her pretended vocation.
The statement havine been made to
Mayor Dimick that the business of the
woman here waa to proenre gins, ne
ordered the chief of police to collect
$3 a day license from her, with the idea
of driving her out of town. This was
succeesful, and she left, but she could
have easily been arrested and held on
the charge of procuring. The authori
ties probably hesitated for lack of di
rect evidence in the matter, but to a
man' who was beat on exposing the
scheme, she admitted ' yesterday that
she sexpeeted to take several girls out
of town with her for immoral purposes.
lf'' " - 1
SALT LAKE, May 6 Senator Smoot
returned from Washington today. f In
an interview, Senator Smodt expressed
entire edhfidnce that he would be al
lowed to retain his seat in the Senate.
.1 '
Gates Brothers and Arnett, Who Rob
bed the Oregon Express and Killed
Messenger u'neia, at sua u mj
Desperate criminals wua Bereru
Robberies Charged to Them.
Southern Pacific . Bailroad Company to
dayioffered a reward of $S50 for the ar
rest; of George Gates, Edwin: Vernon
Gates 'and Jas. Arnett, wanted for the
robbery of the Oregon Express: at Cop-lo-,
on March .31, in which W. J. O'Xeil
the rWells Fargo messenger, was killed.
The! trio, though younjr in years, are
declared to have been connected with
some of the most daring robberies
known to Western authorities. includ
ed lin the crimes charged to, them, arc
the I robbery of ah electric ; ear near
Portland last year, in which two- men
were killed; the hold-up of a Colorado
Southern train; the hold-up of a stage
at iWeaverville, California, and the rob
ber at Seattle. The Gates brothers
are sons of G. G. Gates of J Alameda
county, afwell known mining man.
Made Young Again.
"One of Dr. King's New Life Pills
each night for two. weeks has put me
in. my 'teens' again,'' writes ,D. 'IL
Turherj of Dempseytown, Pa., They're
the best In the world for liver, stomach
and i bowels. Purely vegetable. Never
gripe. Only 25c, at Dan J. Fry 'a drug
store. -,!
The realty transfers filed for record
in the Marion county recorder's office
yesterday aggregated the consideration
of $5397, as follows: ' .
Gotflob Xoaek t aL to C and
A; Brietzke, east balf of the
south half of tbe northwest
quarter of section 7, t
6 s,
r 1 e: wd. ......
W ;P. Smith, et ux, to
T. X.
and J. B. Kennedy, 30 acres
in secytions 13 and 14, t 4 s,
r 2 w; wd. ..J
J. H. and M. B.' Dunlap to E.
A Dunlap, the west one-third
of lot 10 in block 81, Salem;
JulUn Dupont to B. P. Bowley,
lots 3 and 4, block 17,. St. I
Louis; wd. . ...
M ' i : " - . .j
Hf You Are
Zo tbe Irlortbwest poultry 3ournaI, Salcm, Orcoon: I
I Enclosed please find ten cent for a force monUis' trial tuJtscriptum to the Northivest Poultry
j Journal. If I do not slop it al Vial time you vfafcoiitlnuc U send it and I will pay 50 cads
; within six month for a year sulscription. If not paid until Uic aid of Uc year Hie price will
be 60 cents, .-!...-!;... . . J : ' 'J-
; !,.- ;iVbm......r .... . .1........, .... .....
; ' -v " I 1 "V:i-- : i ' , -. r ' .S ''
. : j....
H.;v -! - - .-t ; y ' -v ,' : . : ; -
. i ' ' ' r - " ' i t
w -. .
S v; e.e it
Ko finer line of fresh and driti fruits is
shown in Salem than may be seen at
any time at '
Phone 571
TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1904.
Statesman's 1904 SuDsoriptioii Contest
Enclotcd find f...M....or tubteripU'K tn tne...
Thereby vote for,
sweesesf i
Jf . ThiM Coupon is good for... ...... - ...vote, being one vote for each
cent paid in advance, by a NEW Subscriber for any of the publication
issued from the Statesman building. Coupons void after ten days.
U. F. Jory, et ux, to Ole Peter
sen, lots 3 and 4, t 8 s, r 4 w,
,except two and one-half acres
. qvtl- . ..... ... .....
I. 1.. Smith, et ux, to A'. B. .
MeKillop, 187.45 acres in t 7
s, r 2 w; qcd. ..............
City View Cemetery Associa
tion to W. A. Dove, north
half of lot 3, block 24, in City
View Cemetery; deed .... ...
L. and II.' Ainsworth to G.
F. Nile, 30 acres in t 7 s,
r - and 3 w; qed. ..
P. H. and J. V..farTay-to.-'C.-'
P. MeCormiek, " 323 acres in
t 4 a, r 2 w; qcd.
, .$ 5,397
(Prom Saturday's Daily.)
TIm realty transfers filed far record
t the Marion county resorder's office
yesterday aggregated the consideration
of '$16,121, asfollows: -
H. and M. II. AlWrt to j. K.
Page, 115.51. acres in t G s, r 2
W p vV a -
Frank Savage, by adnuuistrator,
to J. X. Skane, et al, lot 1,
bleek 64. Kalem; a 1 .......
J. II. and A. M. -I. MeCormiek
to E. Me. VanVlaek, lot J,
block 11, North Salem; w d..
W. II. and X. J. Priest to P. IL
and A. Thompson, 3. acres : iu
Marion count v; w d :
' F. nd II. A. Brunner to Car-
rie Goode, land in North Salem
w d .-..i. .... .. 800
J. II. and M. C Settlemier to It.-
F. and A. McKec,. land in .Mar
ion county; w d .... ; 743
Prior of the Benedictine Priory
to L. and K. llessel, 10.72 acres
. in t 6 s, r 1 w; w d. . 640
J. and M. A. Ogle to Jenie M.
Austin, 4.84 acres in Marion
county; wd .... .... .... ..600
Frank K. Miller et al, to Isaac
Baumgardner, 5.92 acres in
Marion eonnty; w d .... . .... 592
F. and M. B. Morrison to J. T. '
and B. G. Matthews,- lots 8 and
9, block 10, Yew Park Annex :
to Salem ; w d ...... . 330
E. and M. L. Reldick" to H. L.
Kocster lots 3 and 4, block 25,
Gervais; w d ...... .... .. 200
E. E. and L. W. Stewart to Kobt.
: 8. Shaw, lots 7 and 8, block
2," in Elizabeth's L addition to '
Mill -.ty; w d . . . . . 200
G. P. and E. Terrell to Curtiss
Lumber Co lot 4, block 6, Mill -City;
w d ........ ........ - 75
Trustees of M. E. church to G.
P. TerreB, lot 4, block 6. Mill
fitrjqed , 30
J.-T. and J. M. Bowman to Wm.- . -
G. Stanton, lot 4, block 40, in
North Salem; w d .......... I
r. 116,121
Died at Walla Walla
Dayton, Wash, May 9. The body
of Edward IL Slocum, a Colombia coun
ty pioneer, whose death occurred last
night in a Walla Walla hospital, fol
lowing amputation of a limb for gan
grene, were brought here this morning
for interment. Mr. c Slocum came to
Dayton from the Willamette valley
Successors to Branson & Ragan.
To Room fl,
Over Red front
Drug Store, Corner of t'oiu-
mercial and Slate Streets.
If you want Keal Estate,
Icsurance or lxans, we tre
better prepared than erfr.
Larce list of
Citj and
Farm properties.
Good conveyances always
Room 11, over Red Front
Drug Btote.
Coruer of Comtuerc'al and State
Best fo tbe market. One-fourth and
one-half box for pickers. Full box bas
kets for measuring? Hold your order
for i
WHLIU1 hiunkbl SALEM,
about 18H0. Ite crossed the r,ainl
from Illinois in the '60s. II ht
son, C. W. Slocum, at St. Johns, snl
daughter, Mrs. May Corbeti, of Walja
Walla." (This dispatch appeared
the Tortlahd Telegram of last evening
Mr. Slocum went from Southern Orrgn
near Boseburg, to Eastern Waihinif
ton. He was a brother of Mrsl W. IL
Byars of this city.)
irv IPbjiltry
cr the fear of a possible epidemic . I