Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, May 10, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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fifty fourth year no. 3.
? C
At the Old White Corner -
We have hundreds of thc-nu
fl;t one jiow. Yoq cnn turn
them Into a down different
shapes aud not hurt them a Lit.
23c will bay the kind you
50c for In some store. f
Special Sale of
The most stylish suits in the city.
Popular because full of value, individ
uality and service.
The Prices are Lower J
' . . i
because we can afford to sell cheaper
than extravagant stores, '"
The most accommodating and ex
perienced salespeople to serve you and
a sale is never complete until you are
satisfied. ,
Heavy Losses Reported in Munitions
I of -War As Result of Battie
At Yalu.
Russians Retiring From Niu Chwang
CUinese Bandits Destroying Railroad
and Russians Building New One
Japanese io Cut Off Port Arthur's
Electric Supply. Russian Retreat Ordered.
ST. FETEISSBURG, May 10. (3:43
a.m.) The War Commws'ion adjourned
;it a late hour this morning, but did
not make pulilic any dispatches from
the far East. This is accepted as an
indication that no fresh collisions have
occurred. - The Cossacks in touch with
the Japanese are simply small detach
ments, observing the movement of the
enemy in order to keep General Kuro
patkih informed. Strict censorship
presented the St. Petersburg newspa
jers from receiving the dispatches to
day v
Playing Hide and Seek.
London, May 9. The Daily Tele
graph's Seoul correspondent says: "It
is believed a portion of the Russian
Vkdivostoek fleet has been successful
ly shut out and is now in the Sea of
Japan trying" to evade the Japanese."
blocking of Port Arthur. It is believ
ed several of tbem were captured.;
"It is reiterated that the Japanese
have occupied -Dalny.
"I learn from a trustworthy source
that the Russians in the battle of Yalu
river lest 40 guns, enormous quantities
of war material, horses, carts, arauni
tion and equipment."
' Menaced All Around.
London, May 9. The Tokio corres
pondent of the Daily Chronicle says
15,000 'Russians are retiring from Niu
Chwang to Liao Yang. The correspon
dent says the Chinese bandits have de
stroyed the road to Taski Chia and to
Hat Cheng. The Russians are making
a new road. The correspondent adds
that the bandits have attacked and cut
other parts of the railroad and points
out that the capture of Dalny will en
able the Japanese to cut on Tort Ar
thur's electrical supply.
Russia. Lost Heavily.
London, May 9.-The Daily Tele
graph's Tokio correspondent says 'Tbe
Japanese have requested the United
States government "to inquire into the
fate of forty men missing after the
To Keep the Peace.
Washington, May 9. In view of the
possibility of rioting and looting at
New Chwang during the period Relap
sing between the evacuation by the
Russians and its occupation by the
Japanese, the Navy Department has
cabled Admiral Cooper to send a cruis
er and gunboat to Chef oo. This is the
nearest neutral port to Port Arthur. It
is believed an intimation was conveyed
from Great Britain to this government
that the dispatch of a United States
ship to Niu Chwang might prevent the
appearance of undue activity on the
part of a single power.
Fatal Train Accident, i
London, May 10. A dispatch to the
Sews Agency from Liao Yang, dated
May j 10, says: An accident to the
train' from Port Arthur td Harbin oc
curred i May j 8, near Tieliug. 5 Thirty
The ad vantage of the buying power of cash when you spend it
at a credit store. That's why cash buyers trade at
They find they get about 25 per; cent, better value for their
money than at stores doing a credit business. .;
We have had a phenomenal increase in sales fcince adding
'It's .lno to our cash plan which enables os Mo rombl
lmsiaess at one-half the margin of profit asked by regular stores
Shoes, Clothtns, Hats, Shirts
Everything for the whole family, j
Salem's cheapest one price cash store.
passenges were killed and fifty injured
and the railway was much damaged.
: Second Vessel Injured.
St. Petersburg May 9. A letter
writen by the Associated Pj-ess corres
pondent at Port Arthur on the morning
the Perovpaylovsk went down says the
battleship Pobieda suffered a slight in
jury from the explosion of a Japanese
mine beneath her hull, i
Conditions at New Chwang.
Chefoo, May 10. Passengers' arriv
ing today from New Chwang say the
Russian force probably evacuated that
place during last night. Many had al
ready departed yesterday" and those re
maining made no secret of the inten
tion to leave. There was no activity
whatever at the forts, where there are
still guns in position. Three thousand
bandits are camped outside the -walls
of New Chwang ready to begin looting
at the moment the last of the Russians
leave the city. There are many foreign
camp followers with the bandits, who
are giving the Russians much trouble
along the railway between , New
Chwang and Mukden. Last week they
destroyed a culvert and, delayed traffic
four days. The Japanese fleet was in
force off Port Arthur; on Monday, but
did not make any hostile demonstration
Waiting for Reinforcements.
' Paris, May 10. The St. Petersburg
correspondent of the Echo De Paris
says: General Kuropatkin has ordered
a general retreat and no doubt intends
to avoid battle until - he has sufficient
forces. lie actually has at his disposal
not more than 150,000, not exclusive
of the garrison at Port Arthur, which
consists of 20,000 and the garrison at
New Chwang, 15,000. The general, who
knows the secrets of mobilization, tells
the last 1000 men making the required
500,000 men will leave Kasan July 21.
The Son of Millionaire Wentz, of
Philadelphia, Is Found Dead in he
Mountains -of Virginia, With Several
Ballet Holes in His Clothes The
Body Guarded, Awaiting Arrival of
BRISTOL, Va., May 9. The body of
E. L. Wentz was discovered in the
mountains near tKelly View, Wise
county, Virginia, Sunday afternoon by
a miner employed at Blackwood Va. It
lies tonight exactly as first seen and
around it stands a guard of twenty-five
men under command of the superinten
dent of the Osaka plant of the Virginia
Iron and Coal Company. The body has
not been disturbed in any way and
will not 1e until tomorrow, when D.
B. Wentz and J. L. Wentz, brothers
of the dead man will arrive on the
scene. As no examination of the body
has been made, little so far has been
learned as to the cause of death. All
seem to agree that he was shot, but
whether it is suieide or murder is the
question. Two front teeth are gone,
presumably shot out and holes thought
to be bullet holes are found through
the coat and vest just below the ribs
on the left side.
Republican Candidates to Address Two
Special Meetings During
the Week.
The chairman of the Republican
eounty central committee, Capt. Chas.
A.. Murphy, Hon. J. O. Graham and
Hon. ' II. II. Turner drove out to Lib
erty yesterday ; afternoon to complete
arrangements for a meeting at Liberty
school house which will take place next
Saturday night, Mr., Bruce t Cunning
ham, the committeeman for that dis
trict reported prospects good for a fine
Catherine. Several, it not all, or the
eounty candidates will go prepared to
make brief speeches.
There will also be a meeting tomor
row (Wednesday) - night at Riverside
school house on Snyder Bottom, ea rur
al free delivery route No. 3, and a good
attendance lis ' promised there. v It is
not known just who will be the speak
ers but there will be plenty of them, as
everv Republican candidate can inter
est his hearers. . ;
LONDON, May 9. The Daily; Mail
this morning says it understands that
the British advance on L'Hassa is now
inevitable . and preparations to thai
end ar progressing. j
Legal blaaks at Statesman Job OCce
Cars Tottering ' On Edge of Elevated
Structure and Hanging Out ;
; Over the Side. -,K
Fire Adds to the panic and Makes a
Scene .of Terror Force of Collision
Was Terrific The Arrest of Conduc
tors and Motorntan Has Been
; Ordered. V
NEW YORK!, May 9. A rear-end
collision between two trains on the
Third Avenue 'Elevated road between
56th and 57th, this afternoon killed
Motorman Cornell, of the rear train,
and seriously injured five passengers.
The firemen took the injured down on
ladders. The trains were on the south
bound track. The first ear of the rear
train smashed Its way . three-quarters
length through the rear car of the sec
ond train and exposed wires set fire to
the wreckage. The fire added to the
panic. With such force did the rear
train ram the one 'in front that the
cars were lifted from the tracks and
then settled down with a crash. Tot
tering on the edge of the elevated
structure, the two cars hung out over
the side at an angle of about 45 de
grees, but; the coupling held and they
were soon; propped np by the firemen.
So great was the feree of the collision
that the cars could not be drawn apart
and it was necessary to drop them in
pieces. The arrest of the conductors
of both trains and the motorman of the
first train was. ordered.
He Chased a Street Car Conductor W:
a Kevolver and' Caused, tne - passen
gers to: Leave in Fright, and Paid
Two Hundred Dollars for His Fan.
Dr. Thomas E. Strong, the dentist,
paid $200 in gold into the city treasury
this noon for bis escapad of a week
ago Sunday night, when he chased a
conductor on a McAllister street ear
with a revolver and caused aU the pas
sengers to leave in fright. -
Mrs. Strong was convicted by Police
Judge Mogan of disturbing the peace in
that she called tue arresting officers
names, according to their testimony.
Miss Annie Boline, who was with the
Strongs and attempted to act aspeaee
maker, was permitted to go free and
the charge of disturbing the peace was
dismissed. Dr. Strong was fined $50 on
a charge of disturbing the peace ftnd
150 for exhibiting a deadly weapon. ,
Attorney Archie Campbell made a
plea for leniency, saying that all three
defendants had been kept in jail for
some time on the night of their arrest;
that Strong hf d been under a physi
cian's care for a year and was unable
to work for six months' of that time,
consequently being in straightened
financial circumstances.
"A, small fine would be sufficient but
for the drawing of that pistol," Judge
Mogan replied. "It caused people to
leave the car for sefety's ) sake. I
think that was a terrible occurrence.
Bat for his family I would send him to
jail. It was. a most aggravated offense.
Dr. Strong was intoxicated, ugly and
vicious. I have no sympathy with any
body who inconveniences people in the
theaters, street ear or public streets
with acts of rowdyism. I will give him
scant eonrtesy and tittle mercy, wheth
er the guilty man is a professional man
or laborer.
Dr. 8trong persisted in having trou
ble. Conductor Brady was very inof
fensive. Dr. Strong struck him when he
waa not looking. The conductor is av
small man and when he struek him, na
ture's weapon was not enough for Dr.
8trohg, and he drew a revolver. He
even says be would have shot and pos
sibly killed some passengers if the con
ductor had, followed him." San Fran
cisco Balletia, April 25. 5;
- (This Dr. Strong is the same" man
who eame to Salem and kicked np a dis
turbance about the stallion "Diablo..'
lie was accused here of taking the lock
off the stable, door, and acknowledged
it. Hereafter when h gets mean Dr.
Strong should come t Salem where
stieh little eseapades are not noticed.)
Sir Henry M. Stanley Has Been Semi
conscious Since Sunday, and Is
Not Expected to Recover.
JXNDON,May 9.-Sir Henry M.
Stanley, the, 'African explorer, is re
ported to be dying of pneumonia. -
At midnight" tonight it is reported
that though his death is not anticipated
immediate! v, there is little chance for
his recovery. lie has been semi-con-scions
since Sunday.
Latere He Is Dead.
London, May fO. Sir Henry M.
Stanley, the? African explorer, is dead.
statement that Russia is preparing to
make an elaborate exhibition at St.
Louis is incorrect, here will be no of
ficial participation by Russia, but there
will be a Russian art section and some
private exhibits.-
-j rl m .,;
Bitter Resolutions Introduced in Meth
odist General Conference at Los An
geles But; the Cooler Sentiment Pre
dominated and the Resolutions Were
Referred to a Committee.
LOS ANGELES, May 9. The atti
tude of the Catholic church toward the
public school system furnished the sub
ject of a sensational debate in the
Methodist conference today. While
there was! a strong disposition on
the part of certain delegates to have
the conference adopt resolutions com
mitting it to extreme utterances, there
was an overwhelming sentiment against
any such action and the entire matter
was finally disposed of by referring it
to a committee, from which it is un
likely ever; to be reported.
Several other resolutions bearing up
on the subjects of divorce, termination
of the membership of neglectful mem
bes, Sunday cloning of Lewis and Clark
exposition, the endowment of th Amer
ican University St Washington, chang-
in the wording' of various paragraphs
in the disclipine and other matters of
importance"' were submitted and debat
ed by the ;several committees.
State Senator McGinn's forceful elo
quence will be heard reverlwprating
through Jhe, legislative halls of Ore
gon's capitol that is to say, not in. the
gathericg of the sobihs that is. expected
to take place in January of the coming
year. Multnomah's doughty , Senator
has taken the step which -so seldom
suggests itself to the politician with
serious results he has lesigned, " the
document conveying that decision hav
ing reached the bands of Governor
Chamberlain yesterday. ,
.Senator McGinn says the reasons im
pelling him to this step are purely per
sonal, emanating from the demands of
his bnsioess, and he makes the decision
now so that the place can W filled at
the June election, f The: news caused a
ripple if excitement and , speculation
around the State House and among
politicians who beard of it. "What
does it meant" ''What's the matter
with Henry f" were heard on all sides,
but no satisfactory answer was forth
coming and the curious ones' must re
main, content with their own con
jectures. i Some facts have been known to ob
serving friends of : Senator McGinn for
a long time. One is that his political
and legislative enthusiasm' showed de
cided abatement during the. last ses
sion. He didn't seem happy among his
associates from the metropolis. Thing
weren't moving the way he was accus
tomed to see them go and at to time
was there any evidence of his wonted
fire and virility. Since the close of last
session he "hasn't ; smiled approvingly
upon the manipulation of the machin
ery of Multnomah county; there! are
bands at the crank which -he does not
look upon with confidence, but he has
found no means to break loose heir
hold, so it is highly probable "that he
has derided to pull in his jkditical Sails
entirely until the winds blow f rom , a
more favorable direction and that he
will steer his bark into the placid
waters of the business sea, where his
law practice is fast '.increasing, and
where his forensic eloquence and abil
ity will bring him more substantial re
turns. --''
Leaves. No Doubt of the Guilt of the
. dates Brothers and Arnett, Who
Were Hjr- Boarders.
The Dectivss Had Complete Knowledge
of the Matter Through Intercepted
Letters Gates in Officers Hands
Several Times, But Managed to Get
Away. V... I '
National League,
PATTY-SHERWOOD At the home of
the bride's parents in Jefferson, Or
egon, Sunday, May 8, 1904. at 12 nu,
Miss IyH R- Sherwood to Mr. Reuben
- Patty, Rev. Jameson, officiating. . .
Both the young jeop!e are well and I
ravoraoiy jtnown in mis niy. im
bride has spent most of her life in Sa
lem, and , is one of the most popular
young society ladies in the city, and the
groom holds a responsible position, as
head baker at the asylum.
The happy couple went to Albany
Sunday evening, and yesterday went to
Newport where they will spend a week
enjoying their honeymoon, aid listen
ing to what the wild waves say, after
which they will return to Salem and
take up their residence on High street.
The wedding ceremony was perform
ed in the presence of the family rela
tives and-a few intimate friends from
Salem and Jefferson, and was a very
pleaesant I affair. The pretty home ia
Jefferson Jwas tastefully decorated in
roses and -dogwood. Miss Lillian Sher
wood acted the part of bridesmaid, and
Frank Bdehringer of Salem, acted as
best man j Both the bride and brides
maid were beautifully attired, I the
bride wearing a' dress of white cling
ing material, displaying the graeefal
contour of her ' figure. Following the
ceremony; sumptuous wedding break
fast was served to the merry party,
and those who were so fortunate as to
be present were not the only ones to
partake of the good things. Mr. Patty
is one of the most popular young men
at the asylum and in his new happiness
he did not forget his many friends who,
When they entered the dining room at
the asylum Sunday evening found the
remembrance in the from of delicious
ice ereanl and cake in unlimited quan-
ST. LOUIS, May 0. New York, 5;
St. Lou is, 1 .
Cincinnati, Mny 9. Brooklyn, 2;
Cincinnati, 3.
Boston, May 0. Chicago, 6; Bos
ton, 0.
Pittsburg, . May 9.- Philadelphia, 2;
Pittsburg, 3.
DUNSMIUR, Cab, May 9. Mrs.
Thomas Whiteman, proprietress of the
Riverside lodging hoe here, wife of
Thomas Whiteman, a railroad painter
at this place, a man of good standing
and member of many fraternities, was
arrested today' by Constable L. II.
Brown an. t turned over to tho chief
special agent . of the ' Southern Pacifie
railroad, C. C. Crowley, on a charge of
complicity it the Copley train robbery
and the murder of Messenger O'Niell.
It is. claimed that the evijenco against
Mrs. Whiteman is positive and conclu
sive. Detect iv Crowley and his assis
tants took Mrs. Whiteman to Redding
tonight. - ;' ; ; ' :; ', ' :'; .'
f Redding, CaL, May : 9. Mrs. Thomas
Whiteman of Dunsmiur, maJ a state
ment to District Attorney Dozier ia
Redding tolay regarding the connea
tions of Gates brothers with the hold
up of the Oregon Express at Copley.
Mrs. Whiteman 's 'story is that Gates
brothers, going under the name of
Bruce Van Drake and Ed. Lee, lodged
at her house at Dunsrniur.scveral weeks
preceding tho crime;; that they Went
south on the very train that was held
up when the stop Was made at Copley;
that they returned on, Saturday- suc
ceeding the hold-up; that they left the
following Monday and that she has
since received letters from Geo. Gates,
in which lie confessed tho crime. The
letters were turned over to th authorities-
Al Ithe letters were from George
Uates. The last lette was dropped by
him in. Portland, April 28, but was datr
ed May 1, and in it Gates claimed to be
in San Francisco intending to sail the
next day for Australia. The officers
established t lift .bandit's identity,
through a laundry mark. The mark
was on a piece of handkerchief found
in Nigger Hill cabin near Keswick, and
torn from a handkerchief that formed
(Continued on page C.)
'' CBottes of Hwiyr
Senator Henry XL McGinn, of Multno
mah County, Files His Reslgna- i
tion Wh the "Governor. 5
'No more the harp of Tara wakes,;
The only throb she gives ,
Is when some heart .indignant breaks
To show that still she lives."
No-more the stentorian tones of
Our handsome Spring and
Summer Suits are decidedly
well made and you can call
tuem "Clothes of Quality."
I Cldthes that are reliable in
make and splendid in. quality.
Guit Gaoco and
That . are .- exceptionally good
values. Traveling Bags, $1.50 to
$5.00. Suit Cases, .all leather,
$4.50 to $12.50.
25c each