.1 vvKi'.r.r.T; osraoiT . etateshaiv klidat, : hay c, i isoi. r I '71 IT" II 1 1- X j ni: VI I I (From Wednesday's Daily.) Quiet Title- ' j Paulson vesterday commenced action in Jnags raises eourt w a. Hrirri ana ntbora tn A. ouiet title to 153.2 acres of land ia A.hio tf south, range 2 west. Ia. J. VjjBU snd Geo. G. Bingham appear a attorneys for Mr. Paulson. per Hearts Made Happy fo couple secured marriage per irm County Clerk Boland yester f A- s follow: Wesley Ostermann I ti4 EflBe Beardsley; Frederick Oster I -.gs. witness. O. F. MeCorkle and )kry Settlemier; M. A. MeCorkle, wit- another Violator Donates C Weidroer w arrested by Officer Vorpby on Saturday evening for riding a wheel without a headlight, and yes terday the violator called upon City Re corder Judah and donated the aura of flfi to the city treasury. juay Certificates Granted The State Board of Education in ses lioa yesterday afternoon, granted sev eral teachers' certificates as follows: Flora Apolina Leroy, Ella Lavenson, aad Edna Habighorst, of Portland, grad uates of the Portland University; Eollin W. Kirk, of Newberg, Paeifie Univer ty; L. Pearl Potter, Marsh field, Drain 'onnal, and A. J. Willis, of Sellwood, granted a one-year certificate upon Cali fornia papers. jade Another Payment County Treasurer Richardson, yester day paid $30,000. into the state treasury to" be credited upon Marion county's portion of the 1903 state taxes. This stakes a total amount of $50,000 so far paid to the state treasurer and leaves a balance of $25,092.50 due the state from Marion county.' -Of the amount paid yesterday $1532.50 was credited ta the state agricultural tax, the full amount dud from this county. Young Ones All There Bay, do you know that the old maids say tbey are not going to the conven tion ,and that it is now agreed that ev ery yon ng woman who is not to be con sidered in that class ie going to be present at the convention at the Con . - - . - (rregauonai raurrn x ruiay evening -Ab1 I have heard it said that every young man in Salem is intending to see that convention without fail, . so that tatb one may see who the old maids are, br their absence. If you are not to be classed as a bachelor maid, be on land to see how the-old maids act and ho tbey can be cured. ladies "At Home", . May begins the new arrangement isenf the ladies of Salem under which it m decided that the ladies of a eer . tan portion of the city should receive r be "at home" on. certain Wednes days of the month. Today the ladies living east of thevR. P. railroad on 12th Street will be ready to Teeeive their lady callers. Some will be at home to both ladies and gentlemen in the eve ning. Mrs. Governor T. T. Oeer and Mrs. C. P. Bishop will receive together at the residence of Governor Geer, and will hold an informal reception there Vin the evening. It is believed that all the ladies in the district will conform with the new arrangement, j Died Near Mehama : Word reached this city yesterday af ternoon to the effect that Addison Wright, a former resident of this city, who is quite popularly known, had died at his home near Mehama, at or about midnight of Monday ot this week, and that the remains would be brought to this city for burial today. Deceased was a scn-in-law of General and Mrs. W. II. Byars, hiswife being a sister of Mrs. S. W. Thompson. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his demise, besides a host of friends in Salem who will regret to hear the news of his death. Mr. Wright has been a resident of the Mebama neighborhood for several years . past, and has been a sufferer of tuberculosis for many years, also which was the di rect cause of his death. The funeral will take place at the undertaking par lors of W. T. Rigdon at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon. Deceased was a promi nent member in good standing ef the Woodmen of the World and Knights of Pythias lodges of this city, under the Red Seal 2:1 Reohtry N. 14113. Trial Speed. 2:06. BeantlTul dark bay horse. Stands iO.1 hands hlfth and wslftbs boat ItOO pounds. - Bed Seal 2:10. At S years record 2:10Va He is a stout, muscular bnilt horse. No description of his bull-dog racing Qualities is needed, as he has always race! on the grand circuit and is known to every lover of the turf. He has been a mil July 23, 1859, at Cleveland, Ohio, in 2:06; half in 1:00. fiat; quarter in .29 seconds, timed by a number of watches. His jrreatest feat was in Terra name. Indiana, August 22, 1899, when he took the 14th heat, which took.three days to uoisn, m z:ioft, agiuk - Starter. ' ' 8ire Bed Heart; dam Alice by wsik. d Heart was by Bed Wilkes, he by Geo. Wilkes, he by Ham- Dietoaian 10. - ; , Rd su.i mirtk of Joe Seal, wagon record 2:11, trial at 5 years, 2:08. Also of Bright Seal, 3-year- old trial, 2-13. Also of Black Seal, pacing trial at 3 -veara old. 2:05. Terms: $40 with the usual Tetnrn Privilege. . Care will be taken to avoiu accidents, but will not be responsible snould any occur. v - Address all communications to auspices of wtTeh the ' funeral service. will bc-eendueted. ' - , , Is- team mm ' (From Thursday's Daily.) - Is Now a, Cltlsen Xotke Maeder, a native of Switzer land, yesterday secured his final citi zenship papers ; from County - Clerk Roland, and is 'now entitled to all the rights and privileges of an American citizen. j .-' Maret Is Active- Two more glory tickets were issued by the Marion county clerk yesterday, the documents being granted to the following: F. T. Mundell and Margar- et Mitchell: Bessie jncneu, witness, and Katie Buhr; P. & Steve Seifer Fox, witness. Has Home of j His Own r Supreme Justice Moore has Dnrehased the residence of ex-State Printer W. H. Leeds, at the corner of Oak and Sum mer streets, and hia-f amily ia now en gaged in removing to the new home. Although it is not definitely known, it is understood that the " consideration was $3J0O. , Judge Moore is now yaeat ingthe old Ho-Jgkin property on Court street; which 'was recently sold by Phil aieisenan or rortiand, to Mrs. J. M. Kyle. ; j ' ' " , Cored His Mother of Bhenmatism. " Hj mother has-been a sufferer for many years i with rheumatism," says W. II. Howard, "ofnsband, Pal At times she was unabe to move at all, while at all times walking was painful. I presented iber with, a bottle of Cham berlain 's Pain Balm and after a few applications she decided it was the most wonderful pain reliever she had ever tried, in fact, she is never without it now and is at all times able to walk. An occasional application of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was for merly troubled with." For sale , by Dan. J. Fry, , Preparing for Conference C. L. Shepard, a student of the Ore gon - Agricultural College, whose home is near Zena, in Polk County, was in the city Tuesday and in the afternoon addressed a meeting of young men of Willamette University Y. M. C. A. Mr. Shepard is traveling among the Ore gon colleges representing the North west Y. M. C A. committee, in a move ment to interest college men in the Stu dent Conference, which is to be held at Gearhart in June. Willamette ex pects to send two men. Mr. Shepard left Tuesday night for Ashland. Whooping Cough, ' "In the spring of 1901 my children had whooping cough," says Mrs. D. W. Capps, of Capps, Ala. " I used Chamber lain 's Cough Remedy with the most satisfactory results. I think it is the best remedy I have ever seen for whoop ing cough. This remedy keeps the cough loose, lessens the severity and frequenev of the eoughing spells and counteracts any tndeacy toward pneu monia. For sale by Dan J. i ry. From South Dakota . D. Tredway ' arrived in Salem on Tuesday evening from Humboldt, South Dakota. He has rented a house and barn, and his sons will arrive in a short time with the. household effects and some horses, after whieh they will look around and see how they like Oregon before settling down. So far, he is much pleased with tnis part or tne state. Mr, Tredway was not iiae an .entire stranger upon arriving, t,or ne has been reading the Statesman tor about eight years, and lately he has been receiving thJPaeific Homestead; In this way he has been able to judge something oft the eonditons here. Mri Tredway wiu maae a-vaiuauie cuuru if he decides toi locate permanently, which is almost certain. n Even a Stoic Groans under the torment of neuralgia, when every nerve in face or limb throbs and jumps. Jt'hilosopny eannnv euuuro agony but Perry. Davis' Painkiller re lieves it. 1 Hat ne me - nu freely, keep them warm and do not expose yourself to cold and dampness. Medical science marches right along, but it has not found the equal 01 rain killer in the treatment o.f neuralgia. Street Cleaning Campaign t Street I Commissioner IL C. Tarpley is inaugurating a vigorous campaign for clean streets in aiem, ana wm en force the eity ordinance in regard to throwing grass and other rubbish into the streets. He complains that many people now persist in throwing tne grass mown irom xne streets, eausing them to be unsightly, and he is calling npon them to assist him in! beautifying the city for the ! H now has a force of men-at work eleaning theTstreets and removing all rubbish and weeds. mi move, and very timely one for the naturally beautiful Capital City, and all the property holders should stand in with him and help pusn on work. He also has two xewni u. gravel onto the streets ana inenuB w !! 1 miles of streets this sum mer. At present the gravel is ,being put onto Cottage streer. , Da id Yn Hawsltcrft Esst A, Great Horse , . c . nn M. ' J- Zahner arrived in Salem on Sunday! last from leasanvon, nia, bringing with him some fine borses, among them Waldstein, one of the " . . .nail, nr In greatest staiuona vu - i. the United States, according to ing Mr. Zahner formerly had his head qulrters in Humbolt county, C Mffd - . v.A,.rht his family to Salem with the intention of making .this eaty lished their residence at the State Fair Grounds. Mr. Zahner appears like .noraotir man.- and ne eer- i . Kr.. in Waldstein to do &aaT " . . . . . .n.KiA hiisiaes here, and lie tnat LA. . rt lVaefit of ail farm Will iniuuuu v , .i era and horsemen, and consequently to the country generally. The breedf and description of Walstein will be found inthe advertisement that ia run .t. c-.i.- RtatMiniaj and in : tne TiA iiiie of, the Twice-a-Week Statesman. .. ' : 1 " ,; II : rnetimber Contracts A few more contracts for encumbers can be secured by calling on the Gideon Stolx Company, MU1 and Summer Sts, A: -iTV Basra tbs -ef f . m ssbbs aj - KILLED THE BILL COUKCIZt PASSES EXPEAC Bill f BUT " DISCO VEES MISTAKE AND BECONSIDBBS VOTE. ; Alderman Gesner Saggests Appoint ment of a Steering Committee City Win Build Cement Walk and Curb Along East Side of Marion Square- Enumerators Appointed. As a result ef the surprise sprung up on the city council by Alderman Ges ner two weeks ago, when he introduced a bill for an ordinance to repeal the or dinance licensing and taxing niekle-in-tjie-slbt. machines the members ef that bjody were thrown into such a state of confusion during the meeting last ev ening that the father of the repeal bill Was prompted to suggest the appoint ment of a steering committee. During the early part of the session Chair man Bayne of the ordinance commit tee asked for further time in which to Report upon the bill, the request being granted without opposition. 'Iater AI-J derma n Catlin introduced a bill the text of which was the same as that of the ordinance now in forte, with the exception of the monthly license fee, which, on the small slot machines was raised from $2.50 to $3, and on large machines from $4 to So. The bill was read the first and seceond times and re ferred to the ordinance committee, af ter which, upon motion, the repeal bill Was taken from the hands of the com mittee, read the third time and placed upon its final passage. ' Hrere is where the aldermen got tangled up in the proceedings as the vote resulted in the PORTLAND RUSINESS JH)f RECTORY Some of the Reliable Men and Concerns of Oregon's Metropolis. CLEANING AND DYELNO. If yon nave clothes to clean and press, The Fashion Tailors are the best. Dyeing, steam cleaning and repair ing. Satisfaction guaranteed. 433 Washington St, between 11th and 12tb, Portland, Oregon. ELECTRIC AND OAS SUPPLIES. Portland Electrical Works. Established 1882. Oldest house in Oregon. Head quarters for Oas and Electric fixtures. Dynamos and motors installed and repaired... Telephones, bells, etc, houses wired. 351 Stark Street, Port land, Oregon. Private Telephone Lines are being .in stalled by all progressive farmers. . The cost is small in comparison with " the benfits derived. Get our estimates. - Western Electric Works, No. 61 Sixth Street, Portland Oregon. Portland General Electric Co. A full line of electrical supplies carried in stock. - M. J. Walsh Co, dealers in mantels, grates, tiling, gas and electric chan daliers, supplies; -replace furniture. 343 Washington street. Portland, Or egon; telephone 879 Main. MEDICAL. Dr. Wing Lee, Chinese physician. He makes a specialty of treating those who hare chronic diseases which oth er doctors fall to cure. Fis skill is indisputable. 280 Burnslde street, Portland, Oregon. Portland : Cancer ' Institute ' 181Vs First street, Dr. Voose, Cancer treated without knife; 15 years' ex perience. . Also catarrh, asthma, con sumption and all chronic and spinal diseases permanently cured. Consul tation free. Mall orders have Imme diate attention. - r EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. Portland Woman's Employment Com pany. For ladies only. We furnish the best of domestic help of all kinds; stenographers and office girls. Satis faction guaranteed: Miss Josephine Bice, Manager, 216 Alisky Building, Third and Morrison streets. ordinance being passed which was not V'seeordihg to program." Aldermen Bayne, Gesner, Hughes, Sims, Smith Churchill and Young voted for, and Aldermen Acheson, Catlin, Downing, Crossan, Hubbard and Walker, against the bill, Alderman Jacobs being absent. It at once became apparent that some one had boarded the wrong train, and Alderman Smith . quiekly arose to his feet and stated he, had made a mis take as he had intended to vote against the bill. Others acknowledged being in the same boat and asked permission to change their votes, but the bill hav ing been declared duly , passed by Mayor Waters the requests were ruled out of order. After a hasty consulta tion by the members opposed to the bill, a motion was made to . reconsider the vote bv which the bill was passed. Alderman Bayne rose "to a point of or der but was overruled by the mayor, and the bill was once more . brought before the council upon its passage and was killed. Aldermen r Bayne. Gesner,! and Hughes being the only members voting in its farvor. ? i ; - : ' The council has at .last decided to take steps to assist the park board in improving the public parka of the eity, at least to make a beginning, and the action taken is largely due to the un tiring efforts of the ladies of the Mar lon Square Improvement League. .The park board committee . recommended that a cement ; sidewalk and curb be built along the east side of Marion Square, the recommendation ? being made in the form of a report wbieo was adopted, and the- committee' on streets was instructed to prepare plans for the walk and report the same -to the eouncil at the next regular meeting bud also to advertise for bids for the construction of ' the walk and curb. The recorder was also instructed to draw warrants in favor of the treasurer of tW Tark board for one half of the SKr imprntVyourcrcrstoy. xocts. I of Will son Avenue and Marion Square,- which will place $250 into the hands ef the board to be used at its discretion, - - Chairman Hubbard of the park com mittee reported .that the committee had granted perraissioin to the Wood men of the World lodge to use Willson Avenue as a place for holding a carni val in June, the lodge having agreed to take good care of the grounds, and to provide for special police during the carnival.,. - , . . , t 1 "S .Impure Drinking Water is always a source of danger; dysentery and bowel troubles .follow its use, every person should have bandy a- bottle of Painkiller (Perry Davis '), which will quickly cure these distressing ailments. Be careful and see that the storekeeper does not pawn off some worthless sub stitute upon you as 'i sometimes done for the sake of a few cents extra profit. Large bottles 25 and 50 cents. t OVER THE RIVER POLK COTJNTT POLITICIANS TO MEET TODAY AT DALLAS FOB f . CONSULTATION. Republican Committee Under Chairman- snip oi -non, j. ji. uars nospects For a Close Fight in County Across the Elver Three Weeks Campaign, Hon. J. N. Hart, prosecuting attorney for this district, has been selected as chairman of the Polk County Central j Committee for the campaign, and a Statesman representative i' found -Mm ! still suffering from an aeute attack of pulmonary and throat trouble yesterday. CRY. AMTTRTES. Oregon Creamery, ' Portland, Oregon, manufacturers of butter and cheese. We are -in the market for sweet and sour cream. Write for. prices. Refer ence London.fr San - Francisco Bank, Limited.. FARMERS SUPPLIES. Pacific Mail Order Company, sells ev erything yon use, eat or wear, . at wholesale prices. Buys everything you raise, make or selL . Send for spring illustrated catalogue. 229 to 235 Salmon St, Portland, Oregon. WHOLESALE SHOES. Krausse and 'Prince, wholesale dealers . reliable footwear; recently removed to J . 86-88 Fifth street. Dealers' attention called particularly to Packards; re tail $3 to $5. Flintstone $30 shoes. , Send: for Illustrated catalogue. SHOE DEALERS. If you can appreciate a bargain in men's up-to-datej footwear we can do business with yotu. Not cheap shoes but good shoes cheap. Every pair made to wear. Spring lines including Oxfords now complete from $3 up. Agents for Nettleton's fine shoes $5 and $6. Vanduyn - ft Walton, 270 Washington Street. HOTELS. Hotel McCanley European plan; rooms 25 cents to $1. Convenient to all theaters, and places of amusements. Near Morrison Street Bridge. First class bar. 210 Morrison street. B. F. McCauley, proprietor. Vendome Family Hotel Elegantly fur nished rooms at 'lowest rates. In cludes steam heat, baths, etc First class trade solicited. Take car to 13th Et. corner 13th and Alder Sts, Portland, Oregon. ' - Hotel Scott, . new building, elegantly furnished and centrally located;, first class restaurant in connection; steam heat; electric lights; European plan; rooms 75 cents to $2 per day. Seventh and Ankeny streets, Postofflce block. Free bus. Portland, Oregon. Mr; Hart ia still confined to his house, but expects" to ie out in a few days. The candidates of the Polk County Republicans and the central committee will meet at Dallas on Wednesday. Mr. Hart is anxious to make a complete can vass of Polk County, whieh will occupy at least three weeks, and hopes to give the Republican ticket a good majority. He seems to think that, while not count ing on a large majority, there is no doubt of electing the entire ticket. Hon. U. Scott Loughary, ' present eounty clerk and' candidate for state senator, also expressed a strong sense of satisfaction with the prospects. - Mr. Loughary, however, appreciates .that there are a great" many Democrats yet ia Polk County, and that a strong effort is necessary to maintain the Republican majority. ? One thing all seera afraid of is the shortness of the registration. The same conditions seem to prevail in Polk County that prevails "ia Marion Coun ty, and "a great many voters have so far failed to register. What Shall We This question arises in the family every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try a delicious and bealthfol dessert. Pre pared ia two minutes. No boiling! no baking! add boiling water and set to eooL flavors : Lemon, Orange, Rasp berry and Strawberry. Get a packarr nnnm) FOOTBALLCOACH CHATJNCST BISHOP WILL COACH WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY NEXT FALL.' Was Signed Saturday by Manager Miller and Was Good News for, the . Athletes Bishop Has Phenomenal Becord on Oridiron and . .Will No Doubt Put Out Winning Team. , E. K. Miller, manager of the Willam ette University football team for this year, has engaged Chaunccy Bishop to coach the University team for the sea son, and expects to put out a team which wiU be able to defy anything which dares to show itself os the grid iron in Oregon next falL Mr. Bishop i has few superiors in the United States as a football player as is shown by his being accorded a position on the All American team. His football - exper ience has been one Continual triumph, wherever he went, and no team on which he has played has claimed a su perior, while most of them have, ac corded him the honor of being the champion. ; . - It is not necessary to say anything 0f BM ability, in Ids home eity, where he began playing! and where his many friends have eagerly .and - proudly watched his advance from a popular Salem boy to one of the most renowned mZ l T! whn he played half on the WUlamette University team,! whieh won the state football championship for the season. ?. 1901 be played with .the Salem -troncest football airrettion ever brought together in the state. In 1902 . FANCY STATIONERY. Wedding and visiting cards, also mon ogram stationery. W. O. Smith ft Co, Washington Building, Portland, Or, HOTELS. The imperial Hotel Oo, Phil Metschan, president; C W. Knowles, manager; Seventh and Washington streets, Port land, Oregon. European plan only; II, $1.50, $2. First class restaurant in building. i PHOTOGRAPHER. E. W. Mocre, photographer. We make a specialty of enlarylng In oil colors, crayon, or pasteL ' Our, photographic instruments are the litest and we have all the -requirements for first class work. Seventh and Washington Sts, Portland. Oregon. HAT. FACTORIES. v Northwestern Hat Factory Manufact urers ef all kinds of hats by union hatters. Hats made to order at man ufacturers prices. The only practi cal hatters In Portland. 4201, Wash ington St, : - FLORISTS. Prompt attention given to outside or ders on choice cut flowers and floral designs. We also carry a large as sortment of rose bushes. Thomas CL Bodley, 124 5th St, Portland. Or. ' SEAL ESTATE. Real estate wanted for Eastern buyers; If price is right I can sell your land. Do not want exclusive sale. Write full particulars. B. S. Cook, 251 Alder St, Portland, Oregon. . . , : RESTAURANTS. Watson's restaurant 109-11 Fourth street, .between Washington and . Stark, Portland. . Family restaurant. W. F. Watson, proprietor. f MMMaMMMBMMHaSMBBaBBSnt Morris Quick: Lunch and Coffee House. A temperance restaurant noted for -. cleanliness, i good cooking and quick service. No Chinese employed. Wash ington street below Imperial hotel, Portland, Oregon. he played a star game with the stal wart Multnomah team and last year held a position of end on Columbia Uni versity team and won a position on the All American team. His playing last year, ifas phenomenal. , Besides playing end be did all of the punting for his teani and several times a sen sational punt won the game. He also won the punting contest at Columbia, anreyecage of about 60 yards. He was coached by! Coach Morley, who held a position on the AH American team for two years, and was last year captain of the All Americans. Willamette will this year boast , of having the best coach on the coast and with the stirt which was made last year and the, year-previous they will be sble tat put out a splendid team. This is eertainily good news for old Willamette and the athletes certainly had good reason to rejoice. Chauneey being an old student of Willamette, and a resident of this eity, will natur ally put forth .his best efforts for the team, and feel more personal interest than would J av total stranger, as was Coach Diet last year. - , ' ' h Mr. Bishop has a wide acquaintance among the jyoung men of the state, and will bv his; popularity, so doubt be able to induce Jmany husky young men rto attend the! iUmversity next year and he mar be depended npon to make foot ball players of them. Made Young Again, "One of Dr. King's New Life Flls each night-for two weeks has put me ia my 4 teens ' . again, ' - writes D H. Turner, of Dempseytown, Pa. They're the best in the world for liver, stomach and bowels.' Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25c, at Dan J. Fry 's drug store.:;'',- j y -.' ' j . - Legal Tilanks, Statesman Job OHIce. New Today VSSpMMBn STOCK HOGS WANTED ADDRESS Box. 368 Salem, , stating number for sale and location . WANTED. SOME FABMER TO take our surplus buttermilk. Just the Tight kind of feed for hogs. Commer cial Cream Cot i I WANT TO BUY-L1VB HOGS AND ' Pg, also ducks, spring chickens, and heaa. I will; pay the highest cash - price for sua. Quoag Hing, 254 Lib erty street, failem, Oregon. SCREEN DOORS, POULTRY, LAWN and, Field Fencing, Barb Wire, Shin gles, P. B. . Ready Roofing and Building Paper, Extension Ladders, Gates and Cat Hardware. All at lowest prices. , Walter Morley, 60 Court street. Salem. -. - REPORT CARDS OUR SCHOOL BE port cards are printed to fit the scho-H register. The priees are: Twe.ve cards for 10 cents; twenty five for 20 cents; one hundred for 75 ents. Statesman Publishing Co, Sa lem, Oregon. v ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. OREGON SONGS THE JUNE NUi: ber of the Oregon Teachers Month ly contains ajc Oregon songs, words and mueie compute, as aousrws: -Sweet Oregon," "Peerless Ore gon.?' "Oregon, Mv Oregon "Ora- gon," The Eautifal Oregon nore" and "tteautuui wiuanv - ette." The book contains a number ; of other good aoaga. Price, 10c Ad- dress Oregon Teachers' Monthly, 8a ' lem, Oregon, i LEGAL. NOTICE. - -EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. : Notice is hereby given to whom it may concern, that by order of the eounty court of Marion eounty, Oregon, the undersigned has been duly appoint ed executor of the last will and testa ment of Louis Henry Simon, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby re quired to present them, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice to the undersigned at his residence in St. Paul Precinct, Marion eounty, Oregon. Dated April 8, 1904. LOUIS M. SIMON, i Executor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, . by an order of the county court of Marion county, Oregon, has been appointed as administrator of the estate of Minnie Kehrberger, deceased. All persons having claims against such estate are required to present them within six months from the date of this notice with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at his office in Room 11 of Ladd & Bush's Bank building, corner of State and Commercial streets, Salem, Oregon. ; j--- - Dated this 12th dav of April, 1904. CHAS. E. LENON, Administrator. . First insertion April 15. 1904. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE 4 Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has" been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the eounty of Marion, administrator of the estate of Henry Ollsehlager, de ceased, late of Marion eounty, state of Oregon. , All person having claims against the estate of said 1 Henry Ollsehlager . are tereby required to present the same j me at my place of business at 214 Commercial street in the City of Salem, Marion eounty, state of Oregon, duly verified as by law required within six months from the date of this notice. Dated thin April 29, 1904. , THEODORE M- BARR. Administrator of the estate of Henry Ollsehlager, deceased. P. H. D'Arcy, attorney for Adminis trator. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State' of Oregon for -Marion county, Department No. 2. R. ETarmiehaeL Plaintiff, D. F. Carmichael, Defendant. Summons. To , the above-named ;def endant, D. F. Carmichael: In the name of the State of Oregon, 'you, are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint, filed against you in- the above entitled court, and esuse, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: the 1st day of ' April) 1904, and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint, plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demanded in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defend ant. and for suea other or further re lief as to the court ; may seem just and equitable. -tr f You are hereby1 notified that on the 30th day of March, A. D 3904,. the Honorable R. P. Boise, Judge of the above entitled court made order at the City of Salem, Oregon, authorizing and directing this summons to be served npon you by publication thereof oaCe a week for six consecutive weeks in fhe Oregon Weekly . Statesman, a newspaper published weekly at Salem, Oregon, and that the first publication of this summons was made on the 1st dav of April. 1904. and the date of the last publication thereof1 will be and the samfvwil! expire on the 14th day ef May, 1904. C It. McNABY, y- Attorney for Plaintiff. -'"'' summons. - ; ; In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- : gon for Marion. County' Department No. 2. Anna E. Schmidt, and' Fred Shneider, by Anna E. Schmidt, bis ; guardian ad litem, Plaintiffs; v. J. E. Dettweiler ajid Ceuisa DeUweiler, To the . above i named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon you asd each of yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiffs la tne above en titled eonrt, sow on file with the clerk of said court, within- six (6) "weeks from the date-of the first publication ef this summons, and you are hereby notified that if yon fail to appear- in answer F. to sai l complaint, as hereby required the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief prayed for ia his complaint, to-wit, the foreclosure of a certain mortgage executed by the de fendant," J. H. Dettweiler, to the plain tiffs herein on October 1, 1S03, wherein the said J. E. DettweJer in order n secure the payment of a certain prom issory note for tho sum of $400, datel October 1, 1896, bearing interest at tho rate of 8 per cent per annum payablo to the order of plaintiff mortgaged to the plaintiffs the following described real property, to-wlt: Lots 7 and 8 in block 3 in the town of Turner, Marion, eounty, Oregon and for a decree direct ing the sale of said premises to pay the amount doe plaintiffs on said note and that said premises be sold by the sher iff -of Marion county, Oregon, and that the purchaser, thereof at such sale be immediatelv thereafter put in posses sion thereof and barring and foreclos ing the defendants from setting up any right, title or interest ia the Ttaid, prem ises, for their costs and disbursements and attorneys fees and for such other relief as to the court .seems equitable. This summons is 'published in the Weekly Oregon Statesman by -order of Honorable R. P, Boise, Judge of the above entitled court, made in Chambers at Salem, Oregon, the ?th dav of April' 1904, and the date of the . first publication hereof fs the 29th day of April, 1904. JOHN H. AND C I McNAKY, "Attorneys for Plaintiffs. SUMMONS. No. 8096. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion county, Depart ment No. 2. Arthur Farrow, plaintiff; vs. Winnie D. Waite, K. P. Waite, Sarah Tompkins, Josephus Tompkins, Mary A. D'Arcy, J. F. D'Arcy, Alice Osten, Charles Osten, Curg lluusakerr! Lilly Hunsaker, Frank T. Burmerter, Emma Burmester, Alexander Grim, Amanda Grim, Jacob B. Landis, Nan cy Landis, Carrie Arnold, F. E. Ar nold, Jacob Hunsaker, and George V. Watt Defendants. To Curg Hunsaker, Lilly Hunsaker, FrankT. Burmester, Emma Burmester, Alexander Grim, Amanda Grim, Jacob B. Landis, Nancy Landis, Jacob Hun saker. and George W. Watt, above- - named defendants; In the namo of the State of Oregon you and each of you, are hereby required to appear in the j said Circuit Court in the above entitled suit, and answer the amended and sup- ! plemental complaint filed therein j against von, and each of you, by the 1 said plaintiff, on or before Saturday, the 11th day ef June A. D. 1904, and you, end each of you, are hereby noti- ; fied that if "'you fail so to appear and answer the amended and supplemental J, complaint in said suit as aforesaid, and set forth therein the nature of your claim to the following described real ! property, to-wit: Beginning at a point 19.23 chains north 2.SJJ chains west, of the northwest corner of the southwest quarter, of section 7, township 5r)y south range on (1), west of the Wil lamette Meridian; and running thence;' south 87 degrees 30 minutes, east 4 1.4(5 chains to the center of the county road; f thence along the center of the county road, north 14 degrees 40 minutes, east; 10L25 chains; thence north 21 degrees; 20 minutes, east 13.44 chains; thence north 89 degrees west 43.50 chains; thence south 20J3 chains, to tne placet, of beginning,,- and containing .92.74. . aeres of bind more ; or less, for wast thereof the said plaintiff will apply to . the said eourt, for, and take a decreet against you, and each of ou, declaring that you have no estate or interest in ' said lands ani."premises, and that the plaintiff is the sole, and only owner thereof in fee simple, and entitled to the .exclusive possession ef the whole. and every part of said premises and ' that you, and eacn or you, oe lorever barred and enjoined from' asserting any claim, or title whatsoever, of in or to said lands snd premises, or an-part, thereof, adverse to plaintiff; and you are hereby further -jwtifled, that the said plaintiff will take a decree against you, and each of you, in said' suit, for the whole of the reuer prayea lor ana demanded in his amended and supple mental complaint on file in said court and cause, and for such other and fur ther relief in. the. premises, as to tho court may seem meet and equitable. This summons is served uon you, and each of you, by publication thereof far six successive and consecutive weeks, prior to the 11th day of June A. 1). 1904, in the Oregon Weekly Statesman, a, weekly newspaper of general circula tion in Marion eounty, State of Oregon, printed and published at the city of Salem, in said eounty. and state, by order of the Hon; R. P. Hoise, Judge of said eourt, whieh order besrs date, the 28th day of April A. D. 1904: and the said Hon. R. P. Boise, Judge of said Circuit Court, in said order for. 'the., service of this summons upon you, and . each of you, by" publication, has set said lllh day of June, A. D. 1904, a the time on, or before which, you shall appear and answer the amended and supplemental complaint in said Suit. The date of the first publication of-, this summons in said newspaper is April the 29th, A, D. 1904. t H.JYBICGER, " Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. ' ', ' No. 8109. ' In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for.-, the County of Marion. George Strese, Plaintiff, vs. Minnie Strese, Defendant. To Minnie Strese, the above named defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear Snd answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 3d -day of June A. D. 1904, and if you fail so to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff, will . take judgment and decree against you for ever dissolving the bonds of matrimony and marriage contract existing between plaintiff and defendant, and for the care and euatody of the minor children ef plaintiff and defendant, and for de fendant's costs and disbursements, and for such other or further relief as to the' eourt may. seem meet with equity and good eonseienee. This summons is published pursuant to the due order of the above entitled court, dated at Salem, Oregon, the 21st ' day of April, 1904, ' directing that said summons be published Tor six success ive and eonsecutive weeks in the Week ly Oregon Statesman, of Salem, Orejn. The first publication of this notice is made on the 22nd day of April, A. D. 1994. -'-., M.E.POGUE. ' -- Attorney for Plaintiff. notices of ApponrmmiT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersijjned was by order of the County Court-for Marion eounty, State of Ore gon, duly made and entered on the 3.1 day of May, 1904, duly appointed ad- (Continued ca pna C.) Sales.- . ". -